HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-07-25, Page 4PAQ) FO THE SEAFORTI'I NEWS, Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Fulton spout a Snowdon 13ro.,, Publishers, few days last week with their laugh- _ ; f tc,t, Mrs Joseph Carter, Ret, W. e. Chandler and family of l ordwich called on friends on Mon- day, Mrs. Chandler and baby are at present visiting at her home' its Ottawa. Miss \iary Dickson of Seaforth spentthe, week end with'i4teses Edna and Marjorie Reid. TRE SEAS » RTII NEWS, Poultry Delivered to the store on Wednesday q r £ eaon. n It will,pey yoti to get our price on Twine. W. C. 1ENNET T WALTOI WALTON, Harris Family Gathering, -The sec-. •ond annual reunion of the descend- ants of the late Jim and Elizabeth 'Harris who settled in Fullarto town-. ship about 1843, canting from Devon- shire, England, was held m Queen's Park, Stratford, and a -as a decided -success, although the heavy down - ,pour of rain at the noon hour threat- ened to ruin the afternoon. ;Guests ga- thered from Centralia, Auburn, Gode rich, Preston, Kitchener, Mitchell Munro, Lo tdat Walton, Brussels Farquhar, Clinton and Stratford and .a. most enjoyable afternoon was spent in,games and races of various kinds -with the sports in charge of Alvin 'Harris, eonvener, Howard Fanson Bert Lobb and Ned Curtis. The pie •eiickers did true justice to the heavily laden table of picnic foods which hour and noon r • t at the were . e � ec also later in the afternoon, Mrs. C. Drawn, of Russeldale was convener. of the refreshment committee and oth- ers on the committee were Mrs. Nel- son Heal. Mrs. J Harris and Mrs. Lena 11cGavin. Edward 'Curtis of Mitchell was unanimously elected pre- sldent for the reunion which will be held in Stratford next summer, while e James Harris of •Preston was named vice-president; Oliver Harris of Mit- chell and retiring president, Frank Harris of Aiunro was named honorary president. Mrs. Nelson Couch of Stratford was re-elected secretary - treasurer of the reunion, Alvin. Har- ris, Munro, was named as, convener of the sports for next year and Mrs. C. Drown as convener of the refreshment committee, The success of the gath- ering was due largely to the untiring efforts of the officers. ' The oldest , •member of this well known fancily -present was Mrs, Ann Curtis of Ruse seld'ale who is in her 90th year. The 'youngest child was Baby Florence Parsons. The results of the races and the winner; were as follows: Girls un- der 4 -Ilene Fanson. June 'Butson, 'Boys under 4 -Charlie Harris, Roy Walkom, Girls 5 -7 -Leona McGavin, Fedelma 'Parsons, Boys 5 to 7_ Franklin Butson, ,Arnold Harris. Girls 8 to 10 -Ila William, Mildred Sellers. Boys 8 to 10 -Harris Butson. Dalton 'Waikoon. Girls 11 to 14 -Bertha Brit- ton, Dorothy Parsons. Boys, 11 to 14 -Alden Williams. Young ladies' race - Vina \\'alkont, Bertha Britton. 'Young men's race, Clayton Harris, Frank Williams, Elopement race- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sellers, Fat man's race -Harold Sellers, Howard Fanson. Stout ladies' race -Marion Fannon, Mrs. Frank Harris. Married men's race -Harold Sellers, I. Walk - am, Married ladies' race -Mrs, Har- old Sellers, Mrs. James Lealess. Three 'legged race, under 12 years -Leona McGavin and Mildred Sellers. Boys' three legged race, over 12 years -Bert Lobb, Harold Sellers. Girls' slipper race -Audrey Couch, Mildred Sellers, Kicking the slipper contest -Mrs, elson Couch. Laughing contest- Mrs. Ed, Curtis. Master Jack McGavin is spending his holidays with his grandparents, John and Mrs. Harris. John Rea has returned to his home in Edmonton, after spending a few weeks with his mother, and also his "brother, James A. Rea. Joseph anti Mrs. Bennett are spend- ing a few days in Flint, Mich. John McDonald and wife and fam- ily are leaving Walton Wednesday for 'Windsor. We wish them success. Congratulations are being extended to Eileen Gowland, little daughter of R. C. and Mrs, Gowland (nee Cora Forbes) of Fergus, on passing her In- troductory piano exam with honors. Many wish her.continued success. Mrs. S. L. McLeod has returned to her hone in Seiiferth after spending a few days at the home of Mrs, Jos. Nicholson. Mr, George Nicholson has purchas- ed a car, Mr. Raudc.iph Lowry visited at Lorne Roe's on •Sunday, lir, Jae. McDonald of London .is .i5iting friends in the village, Mr. and Mrs. D. Sohier and Ken- neth are spending their holidays with riends in Simcoe. Mr, Staling of Ethel has rented Mr. Tilos. Clark's .blacksmith shop and gets possession August lst. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bennett are vtsitiitg friends in Detroit. A farewell party for the McDonald family was held in the hall en Tues- day night. A purse was presented by Mr. J.. M. Gavenlock, ex-M.P;P., of Seaforth, on behalf of the community, and he also spoke a few words, and a reply of thanks was made by Mr, John McDonald, jr. A pleasant evening of dancing was :pent. The McDonalds moved their household effects to their new home in \V'ilidsnr•.'on,Wednesday. Mr. and \irs. R. G. Parke and Miss Dorothy .pent one evening last week with friends at Walton, Miss Viola ('anter 'pent a day in S tt atford, Mrs, n Campbell is "pending a iew days with friends in Blytli. Neesere. Gee. ,. Jackson, Duncan Johnston, Peter B. Gardiner, Joseph Carter 111(1 Piroes Carter were in ordwich an 1+ril•ay. Mrs. C. Drager and son Jack are visiting with friends in London, Ivry, Jabn'Rea of Edmonton, Alta,,, wito has 'spent the pat two weeks vis- iting hie. mother, Mrs. John Rea, left no Saturday for his home in the 'West. Mr, Ernest McClinchey of Flint, ,fish„ sport a ,few days recently at the: home re.. Miss Viola Carter, Miss "'"lora Harris " 1s spending a week in Mitchell and Kitchener, BLYTH. A number of Blyth girls attended. last as t the Goderich' Summer seh o I week, Those' in, attendance were Misses Ernva Leslie, Dorothy P'ople stone, Alberta Richmond, Dorothy Bryant, Amdrey Bryant, Elizabeth Mills and Clete. Watson, This school is worthy of hearty co-operation and it is hoped more young people will take advantage of its privileges, Mr, James Ridlnuond received word of the death of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Elliott Richmond, St. Jacob's, ',Mrs, Tames ;Richmond and Mrs, Thos. Pate are attending the funeral Slight commotion was aroused the other, day when Ray Bryant shot a porcupine to a large maple tree at Jas. H. Richmond's gate, This is a rare animal in these parts. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nichol and fAnun•Mrs, Mary Golder and Mr. Roy '1'lutell, of f Bru sell were visit- ors urs during the week with Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Thuell, Dr, and Mrs. Wilford a nd family Tuesday. Dr. rc ut Toronto an arrived f 1 Wilford has just retttrned from China on furlough. Congratulations to Miss Alberta hn n is io d forhavingsuccessful) re- ceived ceived hsr teacher's pp certitica te.,A'lberta has a school near home and best wishes are given her froth all. Mr, and Mrs, Herb, McElroy, as: companied by Mrs, Jos. Gibson Sr, and Miss Ella Gibson visited rela- tives in Crediton and Dashwood. Mr. Ballantyne who has been seri- ously ill for sometime, is not yet im- proving. very fast, his tetany friends regret. Preparing for what promises to be a nig crop this year, Mr, Herb. Mc- Elroy started this 'week making apple harrels hi his cooper shop. A c,itnnuntity picnic will be held in Mr. Russell Richmond's, grove on \\rednesday afternoon, July 31st. Everybody welcome, Bring baskets. KIPPEN. ' Mrs: 'Bowler.' and 'son Gordon, of Toronto,visited Mrs, E. Sproat and Mrs. J. enderson this week, .hiss Helen D'insdaie, nurse -fn -train- ing at Stratford hospital, is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs, .Ro'bt. ,Dins - dale, Miss Mary McClymont, of Toronto, is the guest of Mr, and Mrs, Mc- Clyntont, Mr. and Mrs. G. (Love returned last week from their honeymoon and after spending a few days here left for their new home_in Lansing, Mich. Mr. Thos. Workman is quite ill at present, his friends are sorry to know. Mrs. John Anderson who spent the past month "with her son, Mr. \\ril- liam Anderson, has gone for a visit with her son, Mr. Arthur Anderson, near Hensall, Mr, 'Wallace Rogers and Mr. and errs. J. A. Workman spent the week- end at Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs, Jas, Bowey were week end visitors at Port Stanley. Mrs. R. P. Bell and daughter Mary, of Seaforth, who were visiting in Teandon, spent the week -end with Mr. Thos. 'Workman, The Thompson picnic was held to Drysdale an Wednesday last with an attendance of sixty or more. It was an ideal day and a most enjoyable time was spent by all. Mr. Alex. McMurtrie, of Toronto, visited his brothers, Messrs. John and Hugh McMurtrie during the past week. Rub it in for Lance Back. -A brisk rubbing with Dr, Thomas Eclectric Oil will relieve lame back. The skin will immediately absorb the oil and it will penetrate the tissues and bring speedy relief. Try it and he convinc- ed. As the liniment sinks in, the pain. comes me nut and there are ample grounds for saying that It is an ex- cellent article, Massey.liarris QUEBEC SULKY PLOW This is the most popular sulky plow on the market, It is eas- ilyn l - leae d d a boy can operate it„ Users declare, it does as good wogs as a' walking plow,, See us for full partienlars. We also have 'WEED COP, thetfamous non-poisonous weed killer, Gallop & McAlpine Agents for Massey -Harris Implements and Repairs Beatty Bros. Farm Equipment Metallic Roofing Frost FenFe Gas & Oil OPEN EVENINGS STANLEY, An arson Er att --.A quiet wedding edding of cansideratfele interest in the com- munity toolsplace at the Parsonsage 10 Varna at 6 a.m, on Saturday morn- ing, July '220th, when Annie tRubena f Mr,and Mrs. I r clan hter .o Rtb ( Y) g E• ••'tof the Babylon Line, eta t, h was united in 'marriage to Mr. :George G. Anderson, son of Mr, 'and Mrs. David Anderson, Parr Line. The bride ^• becomingly dressed to can- ary georgette with lace and hat to match and carried a bouquet of mauye scabiolas. Rev. J. .'V, Penrose, of Varna United Church, peefotmod the ceremony. immediately afterwards the happy couple left for Seaforth where they took the train for points east. On their return they will make their house with the groom's parents, on the Parr :Line, Mr. and Mrs. An- derson have the best wishes of every- one in this district where they have a host of friends and acquaintances, the bride having been organist of Goshen Line Church, Rev. Jas and :Mrs. Foote, of Carle- ton Piace {'formerly of Exeter) were visitors with friends and relatives over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs, •Lorne Armstrong spent the week -end at the Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Webster Turner spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. Robert McClinchey's. Varna. Goshen and Blake United Church Sunday school picnic are'be- ing held to Jowett's Grove, Baydfield, on Thursday, July 25. Mr. jos, Wild visited friends in Zurich one night last week. Sorry to report' that\Laster Arnold Makins is under the weather lately. On Sunday last the Blue Water highway was the scene of an accident that might have proved serious when the ear driven by Mr. Reg. Williams, accompanied by Mr. Newton Sturg- eon and lady friends, Was turned over :in the ditch. The car was almost de- molished -while the occupants escaped with only minor injuries, Air. Gilbert Jeffrey has quite a curi- osity at his farm -a colt having only three legs, two hind legs and ane front leg. The colt is doing well and is quite smart. CRO.MARTY. Mrs. R. G. McKay and children, o'f eeralkertan, are holidaying at the home of Mrs, McKay's parents, Mr, and firs. Jas. Scott. Mr. Alex, McKellar visited last week with relatives in IStaffordville. Mrs. Jas. Scott and two children, from California, called on some of their friends one day last week. Mr, and Mrs. Andrew McLachlan and Grace 'visited with Mr. and :Mrs. Ritchie and family at Point Edward one day this 'week. Mr, Gershon Speare is visiting his mother, Mrs. Sant Speare. Miss Currie a,nd her sister, Mrs. Tufford, of Toronto, are holidaying at her home here. Mrs. Barr of Stratford called on Mr, and Mrs. John Scott. HULLETT. A'b7;tt fifty of the Youitgpeople o'f tate neighborhood gathered at elle home of Mt ,end Mrs, Ab, Vodden on I Friday evening- The first part of the evening was spent its playing progres- sive :euchre and a box of chocolates were presented to the Lady and Gen- tietnatt winning the ' highest number of points. £nnttediately after the pine a dainty lunch was served after which Mr, Leslie Ball read the following ad'- dress to elle Bride aired Groont f4Dear M. and, Mrs,. Voddent We ste'h o oe young People of this t t b rho t{ the yo tg p op g 'leave gathered here in your new home to extend to you our ' heartiest con- gratela'tions and good wishes at the beginning of your wedded life. Our social intetcourses with„•you lla've al- ways been very happy and pleasant, therefore it is with the 'greatest of Pleasure that we desire. to give yott this tangible evidence of the high es- teem in which we regard. you, 'May this Fernery and rug as yott see it in your home be a symbol of that light, of love, joy, and prosperity which we hope will east .its radiance` a'llalong, emir:pat'h:way of married life-.Sigi id in behalf of the ' Community." Miss Jean' -Ball and Miss Ida 'Josling d pre- i fernery. soured, -the ,beautiful rug and t Y The young couple gave a suitable re- ply thanlciag them all for their kind- ness ' d-ness and gave them a ,hearty invite Hon to vjsit them again, The hest of wishes are extended to Mr. and Mrs, Vodden .for a long, happy and pros- perous wedded ted e. ec life.. DUBLIN. Miss Helen Krauskopf, nurse.' 'in Lon- don, lis' Hospital, it t tram 1 O#. S . g Joseph's don, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Krattskopf. The many friends of Mrs, Joseph Hickey, who has been very sertously, t d twoweeks, are ease it for .past e I of AaP to hear that she is gradually improv- ing, Miss Grace Williams, who has been visiting at the home of Mrs.s. Patrickrick home Ryan, has returned .to her I of e 11t Detroit. Master Maurice Ryan;' eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Ryan, is able to be around again after having his' leg broken. Mr, John McLear, who has been visiting with his daughter, Mos. Pat Ryan Jr, returned to his home in,De- troit on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Bowie and daughter,. of St. Augustine, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Janes Redmond on Sunday. Miss jean McConnell is visiting friends in Detroit,. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strubb and brother, Mr. Fernbroolc, all of Kitch- ener, were guests of Mrs. Torn Burns on Sunday. Miss Adessa Holmes, nurse of Buf- falo, is visiting her many friends in the village. Miss Margaret Byrnes has returned, from Detroit. Mr. Jim McCintee is calling on his. old friends in the village. It is twen- ty-five years since Jiin left here and he says he sees many changes in that time. He was section boss here for some time. Miss Beatrice Strttbb and sister Margaret of Kitchener are visiting their grandmother, Mrs, Thos. Burns' Miss Alice Litt of Stratford is vis- iting her aunt, Mrs, Alex. Darling. " Miss Ethel Williams of Toronto visited her aunt, Mrs. John Carpenter. VARNA. Mrs, W. MeAsh, of London, spent a few days with her son this week. Mrs. Reid and daughter 'Mary spent a few days with her sister, 'Mrs. 'J. McAsh, M. Ellliott shipped live stocic to Toronto Saturday. Mrs. Green, of Bayfield, spent a few days with her cousin, Mrs. L. Beattie. Miss -Collyer, of London, is the guest of Mr. and •Mrs, J. Mossop. Mr. and Mrs. Schell and family are guests of Air. and Mrs, Alf. Austin. Mr. Thos. Slavin and Mr, F'red Slavin and Miss Ida Slavin, of Chiselhurst, and the Misses Slavin of Hensall called on Mrs. John Beatty on Sunday. The song of the reaper is heard this week, We are pleased to report that Mr. John Johns is recovering •front his recent illness. Mr, Win, Beatty of Mount '.Brydges- is enjoying a holiday with f=riends in Goderich and Varna. A most successful garden party was held on. Dr. Moffatt's lawn in connec- tion with the United Church. Regard- less of the coolness of the evening there was a bumper crowd. Pro- ceeds were $300. FAMILY REUNION. The above photo of the ten members cif the family of the late James and Mrs. Hays of McKillop was telt �Y J Y a est on Mr. Adam Hays la'wn in Seaforth. when they gathered for the, recent reunion of S S. No. 2, McKillop. Left to right; -+Back Row -Mrs. Thomas McElroy, 'Seaforth; Mr, Williem'pHays, Lipton, Seek; Mrs, John Mil'lson, Seiaforth; Mrs, G. F. S. Gardens 'Toronto; Mr, Adam Hays, Seaforth; Mrs. W. K. Ireland, Climax; Sask. Front Row: -bio, James 'flays, Seaforth; Mrs.1W. 0, Fowler, Leamington, 01114 Ivir, Robert C. Hays, Goderich; Mrs. J, 7,reland, Detroit Lakes, Minn, Y HIBBERT.' The following is the. report of Hib- bert Separate School. No. 4. Section A. -Pupils are arranged according to marks obtained on promotion exam- inations, Section B --Pupils are ar- ranged according to year's work, honmeworic, neatness, attendance, dis- cipline, etc, Successful .Entrance class ltcIver, Harry H., O'Reilly, Vera H., O'Connor, Rose H., Doyle, Nellie. :Section A ---Jr. IV. to Sr, IV. -Mor- ris Joseplh H., Morris. Ellwyn H. F' ' Sr, hI+I to Jr. IV. --Williams Cather- ine H., O'Connor John, McIver Jos- ephr Feeney Marie, Feeney Fergus, O'Reilly Joseph, Jordan Mary. Jr. IIS. to' Sr. TI'I.-Morris Mary H.. Atkin- son Margaret and O'Connor Joseph (equal), McIver Marion, O'Reilly Margaret., II. 'to ._ jr. II2.-+Jordan Anna,. Williams Hanna, Fitzpatrick Mary; Feeney Mona. Pt, II.'to I2,-. McIver Lotus, Atkinson, Teresa. Pri- mer to -Pt II.=Mc'Iver Tout 543, Cr - Connor 'Gerald '-Connor'Gerald 529, Williams' Tommy 525,- Coyne Matt 504, McIver. L•nde and 500, Jordan Clare 496, Atkinson Gene- vieve 496. Jr. First class -Fitzpat- rick Margaret 335, Feeney Carl 297. Section B. -Jr. IRT. .'Morris Ellwyn 95 p.c., Morris Joseph 93..Sr, Tile-- Feeney, 'II.-Feeney, Fea•gus 96, Jordan Mary 90, Williams Catherine 89, Feeney, Marie 73, McIver Joseph 66, O'Connor, John 60, O'Reilly Joseph 51. Jr. IiIL-Mc- Iver Marioh 91, O'Connor Joseph 84, O'Reilly Margaret 72, Atkinson Marg- aret 71, Morris Mary 70. II .JJ'ordan Anna $2, Feeney Mona 74, \\Fillfatns Hanna 71, Fitzpatrick Mary 60. Pt. 11, -.Atkinson Teires'a 93, McIver Louis 79. Peimer,-tjorden Clare 95, A fkin- son Genevieve 93, Feeney' Carl 90, Fitzpatrick Margaret 88, Coyne Matt 86, McIver Edward 84, O'Connor, ToGerald 82, McIver Toni 81, Williams mmy 80. Lucy M. B. Burke, Teacher. --�� LONDESBORO. Mr. and Mrs. John Fingland were Clinton visitors on Saturday last.. Mrs. D. D. Roberton is .4p, -ending this week in Toronto with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Rogerson are visiting this week with Mr, and Mrs, Dave Watson ofWinthrop. Mr, and. Mrs, Duncan Boyd and Mrs. Adams of Chicago called on Air, and firs, Brogden one day recently.. Mrs. Jas. Campbell spent Thursday last week the guest of her sister, Mrs, Elliott, of Blyth. Mr. and, Mrs, H. Lyon are visiting tlheir daughter,_Mes. Holmes, of Dres- den. Mrs. Fothergill and daughters spent. Thursday the guests of Mrs. Rud"dell Mr. and Mrs, Jas. McCool, Mrs. McCool Sr, and Mrs, T. Moon mot- ored to Stratford -on Sunday. Miss Sadie McCool oft Ottawa is spending her holidays with her mother here. Mrs, Nott and Miss Belle are Sea- fnrth visitors this week Miss Louise Crawford is spending a few days with her grandmother, Mrs. Doerr, near Auburn. Mr. Archie Webster is helping his brother, lir,' J. Webster on the 13th, with his hay. Some of our sports took in the cir- cus at .Linr10•1 on Tuesday. Mrs, 2[ouutain' is spending a few days with her daughter, biros, Pipe, of Gr,derieh, who has been very i11, but weare pleased to know is glome from the hospital and much improved. Miss Esther Lyon returned to her home on Monday after a visit With Clinton friends, • Mrs. T. Herman and fancily of Clin- ton is visiting her. brothers here, the Messrs, Robert and ;Will Caldwell. WEEDS. The 'Weed Control Act which carne into effect in 1927 is something which was probably never thought of by the pioneers of Agriculture in Ontario. At that time weeds were not serious and dirt not tilenace -nur ,greatest industry -Agriculture. All farriers fear weeds., Most ,farmers attempt to con- trol thein; a few seem to either dis- regard them 0r accept them a5 a ne- cessary evil, Maximum yields are impossible in weed polluted fields. Aetlinca is Torture. No . one who hasn't gasped• for breath in the power' of asthma knows what such suffering is Thnusands do know, however, from experience how immeasurable is the relief provided by that marvellous preparation. Dr, 5. D, Kellogg's 'As- thna Remedy. For years 'it has been relieving the most sevet•e'eves. If yott are a sufferer do not delay 'tti day in iecuring this remedy from your drug- gist. ruggist. THURSDAY, J: 25a 3.929. IIESSIIEa� the C/th//en er has the right to tare/ 7-4* Challenging variety at air ColorShczv' Come see the beauty`and variety ;which Essex offers at no extra cost. In every other ' way open . toroof Essex has proved its right to dare.. Tt p challengesthe performance, the style, the luxuri- ous comfort of any car at any price. No. other gives you back so much for every dollar yousput:in.. A Big, adult -size "Six." Fine tolook q INItle Choke of Color at. Roomy and comfortable. ASUPER- AT NO' 1?•;NTUA. COST SIX motor -challenging up to, 70' miles an hour. Hydraulic shock absorbers, 4 -wheel brakes, radiator shutters and air cleaner are standard. AND TItP. Add up yourself the $100 in "extras"'. • All prices f..o..b.Windsor, that EssexProvides at no extra cost. taxes extra. Your present car will probably="cover the, entire +first 'paement-.'The K. M. C. Purchase Plan offers the lowest ter. ms • available on the. balance.. J antes � ariin a Seaforth n• STAFFA. Mr. Howard Leary, London, is hpt- idaying under 'Nhe parental roof. ' Mr. and Mrs, F. O'Brien and Mr. Harold O'Brien spent Sunday in Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. O'Brien, Flint, spent the week 'end with Mr. and Mrs, F. O^Brien. Mrs. C. Treffry and Miss Myra, of London, are visiting with Miss Jennie Treffry ',Preparations are being made to have the township hall moved from its present site to the corner 'tear Airs. Chnbbs. Misses Marie and Madge Sillery spent the week end ' with Stratford friends. The many friends of Mrs. R.• 'Mc- Donald are pleased tie learn she has so far recovered to be removed from London to the home of her parents, Mr. and' Mrs. S. Samaras, Cromarty. - Mr. and Mrs. A. Luxton are -mov- in.. to their house recently purchased from the Mrs. Hotham estate. MissB..Eglington, Regina, is visut- •ing.her sister, Mrs, B. Snell. Miss Margaret 'Ann Norris Of 'Strat- ford, daughter of Hugh and .firs, Nor- ris, Staffa, and Thomas Ross Dunlop, of Carleton Place,. were married on Wed. July 17,• in the parsonage of Cen- tral United Church, Stratford, •with Rev. C, W. 'De'mitle officiating. They were attended by Mr, and 'Mrs. Wil- liam Parker. After a short wedding ti'p Mr. and Mrs. Dunlop will live in Carleton Place. The bride is a gradu- ate of the' Stratford [General hospital. Mr. Dutot of Comber and Mr, and. Mrs.' Adam Wallace of Windsor call- ed at Mr. George Vivian's one day last week. Miss May - Wallace of Seaforth spent a few days visiting George Viv- Ian's this last week. . Staffa United Church and Zion church intend holding their Sunday school picnic in Stratford on Friday 25th Juiyr Mr,' and Mrs, Richard Sidlery an- nounce ce the marriage of their daugh- ter Williatnena, to Mr, William R. Lupton, son of Air. and Mrs. Charles Lupton of Embro, which took place on Saturday, July 6th, at 12 o'clock ire Grace Church, Staffa. Rev. 21. Parker rector of St Paul's •church, Hensall,' eflficieted. When Thermometers in the City Are Dancing in the 90's. There's a care -fres, colorful vaca- tion waiting for yoti et the Highlands of Ontario, --where cool pine and hal- sam-scented breezes drift across spar- kling'azttre-bblue lakes where you can enjoy to 'the full all out-of-cloor recreetiorts-including tennis, swim- ming, motor-boatieg,- actua-planing; canoeing, fishing, golf, hiking --• and you will like the informal' social life in this Lakeland Region -balmy, lazy moonlight nights tinder the glow of Northern stars -soft music, delightful' people --everything to crowd your va- cation with 'real hapiaess, For specially prepared hooklets cl'eal- ' ig with Muskoka, Lalce of Bays, Al- gonquin Park; French and :Pickerel Rivers: and Kawattha Lakes, apply to any, Canadian 'Netionel Agent, ENTRANCE:, !Dashwood Centre -Honours- Ila Hodgins, Anna Taylor. Pass-.L'or- een Becker, Anna Dietrich, Benedict Dietrich, Raymond Eagleson, Della Gratton, Trellis Gratton,-Ethylda Held, Beulah Hodgins, Harry Miller, Blanche Morenz, Mary Phtterson, Ruth Tiernan, Retta Pfaff. Crediton Centre Norma Fink- beiner, Maurice Hirtzel, Gordon Ratz Evelyn 'Sippell: Pass -Marguerite Amy, Timothy Coughlin, Velma Guettinger, Theresa. Hogan, Marg- aret Jones, Isla Lamport, Lloyd Lan•1- port, Alfna.. Lawson, Benedict Mor- rissey, Gordon O'Rourke, Helen Re- gan. 'Goderich Centre -;Honor's - Helen Bissett; Albert Bown, Philip Carter, Lula Croft, Raymond Dean, Phyllis de Peudry,. Madeline Ger'omette, Ray- mond Lawrence, Beth McPhee, Grace Mason, Alma O'B'rient •Marjorie Prowse, Alma Sall'ows, Mildred Sal- lows, Margaret Sandy, Keith Saun- ders, Keinteth Scott Benson Sraugh an, Isabelle Tyndafl,: Jack Videan, Jean Whitely, Collin Young, Eunice Young. Pass -'Ada Anderson, Percy And- erson, James Ashton, Verna Banbour, Mary Bisset,; Elaine Burrows, Vera Clark,. Phyllis Cooper, Donald Croft, Verna Edward, Margaret Ferguson, Jack Gilbert, Herbert Greene, Marge are Griffith, MonaHarrison, Robert Homey, Phyllis Holton, Clifford .Hoy, Leslie Hoy, Betty Jenner; Cornelius Johnstone, Kenneth Jteck, Doris Kit - ton. ;Marion "Lamprey, John Love, Margery Lumby, Leonard liacdon- ald, Willie Mackay, Burke McLeod, Marjorie Macfie, essie Mathieson, Jean Morgan, 'Herbert Palmer, Myrtle Pfrintnier, Hadley Prouse, Marion Rehire, Fred Ross, Wilda Routledge, Helen Straughan, Eleanor Tyndall, Frank Walters, Olive West - hr toke, est-hrioke, Kathleen Whatety, Ira White, Ella Wilson, Frank Yeo, Keith Young. Passed under regulation "1I (5) -Ralph Henderson, Franlc Horton, Mac "Ryan. The Robert Parks memorial' medal, donated by Victor Lauriston, was won by Grace Mason Of Victoria school. The Sil- ver medal. for the second highest tending from Goderich schools; was won by Albert Bown of Central. school. St, Helens Centre•-,H'ohors-Clif- ford lfenary, Verna -Smith. Pass - James Gardner, Sydney Gardner, Alexander Neale, Marey Nicholson, William Purdon, Etta Taylor, Will- iam Taylor, Neely Todd, Richard Weatherhead, Low Tourist Fares Help You See Canada Of course you'd like to visit the Coast and on the way see' all the places you've dreamed of-busygrow- ing titles like Winnipeg, Brandon,;Re- gilia, Saskatoon, 'Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver,' and Victoria -the spread- ing prairies; Jasper National Paolo in all its nlountaie splendor, the sombre Skeena River, the fanious Sheltered Scenic Seas, perhaps even' Alaska, the alhtring,Latid of the Midnight Sian,' Low Tourist Fares help you -see the utmost at least possible expense„Aslc your nearest Canadian National Ag- ent, he will give you rates and help you 111 making your trip absolutely wonbh while,