HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-07-18, Page 8MSALL,
Mr, and Mrs. Owen Geiger extend
a cordial invitation to all their neigh-
bora.aud friends to an "At Here" at
their residence on Friday, July u26th
from 3 to $ 1.m. and 7 to 9 p„ the
occasion being their golden wedding
iMrs, Thos. Wren moved her house-
hold effects to Lueknow on Monday
where she will reside, Her son Bert
has agood ostiion there with Silver -
woods, Limited.
Dr, Samuel Coulter, wife and family
of Toledo, Ohio, are visiting here with
the doctor's parents, Mr. and Mrs, J.
Mr, John Steacy of Detroit 'was a
week end visitor with his mother' here.
His sister Lillian Steacy and friend,
returned with him on Sunday even-
aelr, cad Mrs,• Bertram North of
Woodstock visited friends and rela-
tives in town over the week end.
Miss Irma Higgins of Kitchener
spent the week end at her home here,
'Mr. Nelson Bl'ateliford, weed in-
spector for the village is busy cutting
the weeds, and ordering a general
clean up through the village.
'Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Paterson were
week end visitors in Detroit.
Messrs, Boss & Brazier, paving con-
tractors on the London Road, expect
to finish paving to Kippen by Satur-
day night, I't will take several weeks
yet to put the shoulders on the road.
There is some doubt whether there
will e a fnrfher extension to Boss
�Breaker to 'e from Klp en to Hen-
rayier to �Pav _ _. P.P .3 , ,,.. _
salt, but the Reeve here has the proiil
ise of the Highway's Minister, Hon, G.
S. 'Henry, that the road will be com-
pleted to Exeter next year.
Mr. Wm. Stone of London is holi-
daying at his home here, -
Miss Helen Elder of London spent
the week end at ber home here.
Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Wilson and
daughter Marie of Toronto are visit-
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
M.rs, Lockwood and daughter Mar-
garet of Brussels visited friends here
last week.
Miss Minnie Gibbs of Toronto is
visiting friends in town and also
camping at Bayfield for a week.
Mr, and Mrs. D. A. Cantelon and
Mr. and Mrs. John Zuefle spent a
week camping at Pike's Bay.
Miss Katherine Sells of London
spent a few days Last week visiting at
the home of Mrs. Wm Laramie and
also took part of the musical program
at the W:C.T,U. convention.
Miss Marian McKay of Hagersville
is spending a few days visiting her
friend, Miss Florence McDonald.
Mr, Geo. Gramm is lying, seriously
ill at Lansing, Mich. Mr. and Mrs.
,Gramm left here to attend the wed-
ding of their son William and while
there Mr. Gramm was stricken.
The friends of Mrs. William Arm-
strong were shocked to hear of her
sudden death at her home on Wednes-
day last. Deceased bad been in hes
usual health and had prepared, dinner
as usual. She went out and called the
men to dinner and on returning to the
house was suddenly stricken, Mr.
Armstrong and their son George, on
coming in to dinner, found her lying
dead on a sora. Her maiden name
was Elizabeth Henderson and she
was in her 66th year. She was an es-
teemed member of St. Paul's Angli-
can Church, and leaves to mourn, her
husband and one son George, at home
and one daughter, Mrs. John Cole-
man of London. Funeral took place
from her home in Hay on Saturday
to Hensall Union cemetery.
Miss Margaret Bell of King street.
is lying seriously ill_ at her home.
Mr and Mrs. Lesile Sullins of De-
troit spent a few days visiting Mr. and
Mrs. George Hudson.
Mrs. Kennedy and son of Windsor
are visiting at the home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Geiger.
Dr. and Mrs. Fisher and family of
Gravenhurst, spent the week end vis-
iting friends in town.
The United Church SS. held a pic-
nic to Bayfield Wednesday afternoon.
The many friends of Mrs. William
Henry are sorry to hear that she is
confined to her room through illness.
'The Presbyterian S.S. held a picnic
at Grand Bend Wednesday last.
Rev, and Mrs. Naylor and family of
Dresden are visiting friends here for
a few days.
'Misses Mabel and Nellie Fee are
visiting 'friends in Aail__sa Craig.
Mr. Alex, McMurtrie of Toronto is
spending his holidays at his home.
Mrs. Southerby and son Wm., of
Detroit, spent the week end visiting
friends in town.
Mrs. Allan and daughter Lois of
Toronto, are spending a few days vis-
iting relatives here,
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dick of Toronto
are visiting relatives in town.
!Reeve Higgins was in Goderich on
Tuesday attending the meeting of the
Huron County Pension Board,
Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Robinson and
family have returned to London ow-
ing to the illness of Mrs. Robinson,
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Orr and family
of Stratford are in their cottage on
the Terrace,
Guests registered at the Ritz hotel.
during the past week were: J. E.
, Brownlee, (Rockford, I11.; Jas. G. Me-
Gre'gor, Mr, and Mrs. Sommeriee,
Mr. and Mrs, L. IL Stradley, Marjor-
ie,Strad'ey, Mr. and Mrs.' W. Housley,
Margaret and Dorothy Housley, Mr,
and Mrs. B. P. Phillips and daughter,
Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parsons,
Windsor; W, P. Brownlee, Ingersoll;
Archie .McPhail, 'Alex, McPhail, De-
troit; Garnet Batlin, Monkton; M. D.
Gavin London; Jas, Jamison and
wife, Detroit; Mr, and Mrs. L Saun-
d.ers, Goderich,
Mrs. Harold King and little Harold
Attwood of Sarnia arc visiting Mr,
and Mrs. Chas. Parker.
Mr, and Mrs. Percy Parker and
family of Nakoma, N, Dak„ are gueste.
with the former's brother, Mr. Chris.
Mrs Galbraith and family of Harnil
tot, are spending the week at Mr. and
Mrs. Rolbt• Heard's cottage; .
Mr. and Mrs, ,L. B, Smith and son
returned to their home in London on
Sunday after visiting Mr, and Mrs,
Chas, Parker,
.Miss GladyslGale took charge of the
meeting of the Y.P. department 'of St.
Andrew's United Church on Thursday
and Miss Cecil MdLeod gave a very
interesting and instructive paper on
Missions itltChin;t, It Was decided that
the next meetitrg,take the form of a
Picnic to be held SO Jowett's Grove on
Wed., July 24hwhen
supper will b
served at 6o o'clock and will be follow-
o110w-ed' by an evening of fain
Mrs, A. B. McBride and Miss Nota
McBr•icie of Waterloo and ',Mrs, A. J.
Smith of Toronto are ocoupying the
W. Middleton eottage.
The local Orange lodge attended the
celebration in Wingham on Friday,
Mrs. F. Gemeinhard received word
lastweek that her daughter Evelyn,
who uudeewent a slight operation le
Saginaw, is snaking satisfactory pro-
gress toward recovery.
Mr, and Mrs, J. L. Dixon and Miss
Carrie Dixon, who have been visiting
at the rectory, returned to Galt, on
Mrs. F. Crane and sons of Detroit
are visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Richard Weston,
Rev and Mrs. J, Gould and family
of St. Thomas are occupying a cot-
tage in Jowett's Grove,
Mrs, J,. Gingerich and two boys of
Batt Axe, Mich,, are visiting her par-
ents Mr, and Mrs. S.:Cleave.
Miss Ruby Fisher of Kitchener is
the guest of her aunt, Mrs, F. Ed-
Mrs. G. W, Geddes and family of
London are occupying the McMillan
cottage, •
Miss Mina. Proctor, who spent a va-
cation with her aunt, Mrs. G, King,.
returned to Toronto on Monday.
Miss Houghton of London has pur-.
chased and is now occupying the cot-
tage formerly owned by Mrs, Cullis
of London,
Miss Ann Dewar is visiting friends
in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs, A, J. Stevens, Elinor
and Louise Stevens, returned to .Lon-
don on Friday after spending a few
weeks at their cottage.,
Mr. Wm. L. Cameron returned to
TX B) i pRT kif NE $
Detroit on Sttnd'ay leaving visited with
his fattier and sister for ten days,
blr, and Mrs. T, McRae of $tr•athroy
spent the week end with the latter's
aunt, r 'G t
, lr, ,Fe
sra r,
Mr,and z d
a Is,h
Logan and
daughter of Trout Lake,Mich„ were
guests hast week with the former's sis-
ter, Mrs, 5, Cleave.
Mr. and Mrs, 3. A. Trethewey and
children returned to then' home in -De -
trait on Thursday last, having visited
the former's sister, Mrs, A. J. Carver,
' Mrs. A. Sparks and two children of
London are visiting her ,father, John
D. Woods, -
Mr. and Mrs. O'Meara and family
of London are staying at Merrytime
Mdgeiss Malone, who was the guest of
Miss E, Dewar, returned to Toronto
on Sunnday.
The members of the Girls' Breach
of the W.A. of Trinity Church spent
an enjoyable afternoon at the home of
Miss Edna Sanderson on Thursday
last. The afternoon was spent in
games and a delicious tea was served
on the lawn, Before leaving,the
girls presented Miss Sanderson with g
gift of silver.
A splendid presentation of the com-
edy, '1,11 Explain Everything,” was
given in the town hall on Wednesday
of last week by the Dramatic'Clulb of
Trinity Chinch, Galt. Mrs. F. H,
Paull gave several piano solos and
Miss Lucy Woods, a vocal solo. The
play was given tinder the auspices of
the Jr. Guild of Trinity Church for
which a nice sum was netted,
Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Kranskopf, of
Detroit, are spending a month at their
homes in the village.
'Mrs, Ed; Jordan, of Jordan, is vis-
iting her parents.
Dr. Quinlan, of Stratford, called on
Dublin friends last week.
Our SHOES are good Values at the prices we ask,
Gold' Medal and Gilt Edge' TWINE at ,lowest prices
Per cwt, $5.50
tt V
N 11
Mr, and Mrs, Fred, Forrester have
returned after :a well-earned two weeks
Mr, and Mrs, Hennesy of Toronto
are visiting':their old friends here.
Miss Mary Hastings returned to
Detroit on Saturday after a pleasant
visit at. the Dominion,
Miss Annie Judge has returned to.
Detroit after a two weeks' visit with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Judge.
Miss Millie Williams of Stratford
wasa visitorat. the home of her aunt,
Mrs. John Carpenter --for a few days.
Mrs, George Holland called on Sea -
forth friends on Monday.
Mrs, Wm, Flanagan of Logan was
the guest of her mother, Mrs. Tom
Burns on Thursday,
Mr, and Mrs. Wm.- Krauslcopf re-
turned to their 'home' in Detroit'! last
Mr. and Mrs, Gerber of Cheatham
spent Sunday at the home of. Mr. and
Mrs. John McGrath.
Mrs. Pat. McGrath and Gertrude of
St, Columlban motored to Detroit on
Miss Marie Benninger. ' returned
home from Milcbmay on Tuesday'last,
Mr. Mat. 'Williams and daughter,
Geraldine, returned to Detroit last
Mr. Tom Gormley left for Bothwell
on Monday last.
Miss Teresa Carpenter is visiting
friends in Detroit,
Mr, James Maloney is busily en-
gaged unloading a car of coal for. Mr,
Albert Kramer.
Protection i th Clear �'
THE shatterproof glass wind-
shield on all Ford cars is one of
many important safeiy features that
contribute to the pleasure and coxa- _
ort of all Ford Model "A" owners.
The peace of mind and feeling of
security made possible by this factor
of safety is further enhanced by the
clear vision roof pillars, six -brake
system, 3/4 irreversible steering, one
piece gas tank and all -steel body.
The Ford car shatterproof glass
windshield does not splinter under
the impetus of a direct blow. In.
case of a collision there is no flying
glass to endanger driver or
the vision is clear and unobstructed with
the Ford shatterproof glass windshield. At
the same time the driver realizes that this
windshield is a protection and a factor in
creating driving confidence and owner
Drive it
ourself-there is no
Better Test
Ford Car
Choice of colours
00 to 05 nitres an hoar..
40 -horse power engine
Full bailaon tires
Pully enclosed six brake system
4 ifouda@e hudrautie shock
SO to 30 miles per gallon
of gasoline
Shatterproof glass windshield
Theft proof ignition look
Reliability and ion) upkeep
°+Arrange for your demonstration ride with the
nearest Ford dealer
J. F.
Mr, and Mrs, Fred Sadler and son
of London visited friends around Dttb.
lin on Sunday,
Miss Annie Watters of Detroit, is
vsftingat the home of her uncle, Mr,
'Messrs, Jos. and , Dan,
Williams motored to Detroit on Satur
Misses Annie McGrath, Marie Ben-
ninger and ,Beth Bicknell have return-
ed from St. Joseph's hospital, London,
after having their tonsils removed,
Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs.
Jos.Hickey on the arrival of a young
Er, Peter T{raus'lcop'f had a banking
bee on Friday.
Mr. Pat, Williams is erecting a fine
new drive shed at his farm in Hibbert,
The C.W.IL, are holding a dance in
St, Patrick's hall Friday n'igh't, Mit-
chell orchestra,
Or. and .Mrs. A. V. Traynor and
Miss Dolly Cronin spent Thursday
last in London.
Miss Veronica Dill is visiting with
friends in Detroit.'
Mr. and Mrs. D, Crawford spent
Sunday with Dublin friends,:
,Mrs, Jos. Cronin has` returned home
from Detroit.
Mr. Lyall Jordan and family vis'ited
his father ;last week end,
Miss Roth L.lavis, of Clinton, is vis-
iting her friend, Miss Marie Rapson,
this week,
Miss Amy Parsons visited her
friend, Miss Isabel Reid, on Sunday.
Mr, Harold. Beacom, Mrs. A. W.
Beacons and Miss Edythe Beacom Vis-
ited friend's of, near Brussels Sunday.
Mr, A. W. Beacom left for Ottawa
on Saturday where he is sp'ending a
few days.
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Lyon visited
at Beacon's Sunday evening.
Mr, and Mrs. -Burl Brewer, Cleve-
land called on their friends, Mr, and
Mrs, Angus Reid and Mr. and Mrs,
David Reid last week.
Miss Marjorie Colson is visiting
Miss 'Ella Armstrong this week.
Congratulations are extended to
Miss Lydia Reid, Miss Mary Tierney
and Miss Marjorie Bickel!, also the
pupils of these teachers as all that
wrote on their entrance passed, some
with honors.
'Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bewley and boys;
of near Walton, visited Mr, and Mrs.
Robt. Ferris on Sunday.
Master Jack MIEwing returned
Saturday after spending a week with
Walter Bewley.
Mrs, Elliott returned home. 'last
W'ednesday after spending a week,
with her daughter, Mrs. Bert Allen.'
Miss Marjorie Biokell visited at
Allen's last week,
Mrs. Fisher, of Toronto, is visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Allen.
Mr. David Reid has purchased a fine
new coach,
Church will be at 1.30 next Sunday,
Rev. Mr, Johnson will conduct the
service. Sunday 'school will be direct-
ly after church.
Miss Annie Stevens who has been
holidaying for the past two weeks at
her home h'ere, returned to Clinton on
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Allen entertained
friends from Seaforth, and Perth last
Tuesday. •
Mrs. Jos.' Nicholson and family
wish to thank friends and neighbors
for their sympathy shown during the
illness and death of husbalid and fa-
ther; also for the loan, of cars.
Mr. Alexander Lamont and family
wish to thank the neighbors and
friends• for their kindness and ' sym-
pathy daring their recent bereave-
ment, and also those who kindly
loaned their cars,
This Board is composed of the fol-
lowing members of . Huron County
Council, and they are now ready to
forward applications to the Govern-
ment, viz.: Messrs,
W, J. Henderson, Reeve, Morris,
'Wingham P.O.
Robt. Higgins, Reeve, Hensall, Hen-
.call P.O.
Roland Kennedy, Reeve, Tuc'lcersmith,
'Seaforth P,O,.
J. W. Craigie, Deputy Reeve, .G'ode
rich, Goderich PO.
Geo. Hubbard, Deputy Reeve, How -
ick, Clifford P.O.
Blanc forms for .applications may be
obtained from any of these or from
the :Municipal Clerks throughout the
County -or from the undersigned.
. Applicants are urged to be very
careful to have. these fulled correctly in
every particular, preferably ,by the
Municipal Clerks, and to furnish the
best available proof of age,
Fill the applications in duplicate.
and forward by post or otherwise to
me at 'Goderich as soon as possible.
,Read carefully the regulations or
enquire as to who are qualified before
making application
County Clerk.
Goderich, July 16th, 1929.
A 'baby pillow at Bayfield on Mon-
day. Finder please notify ,News office
'W.omam.would like position for gen-
eral housework or nursing„ Phone
241r25, Seaforth. 29
4 -burner Perfection coal oil stove,
with oven. Also a Washing . machine
and. wringer, in good repair. Aipply to
C. ECKE,RT, Seaforth, 31
The cosiest cottage in' Seaforth I
having every modern convenience and
standing with garage in 2 lots of
ground; large lawn, beautiful flower
garden, vegetable garden with young
fruit trees coming into 'full bearing.
Within 5 minutes' walk of churches,
stores and schools. A bargain at $3,500,
Owner would accept $3000 for qt iok
sale„ Write J3oit 500, ;Seaforth . or
phone 308. ;,, 311
15 acres of choice timothy hay for
sale, Lot 5, con, 1 Ttrckersmrth, Ap-
ply to P, Dill, Dublin. 29
THURSD?id."X, JUL"X 18, S.29,
tet 'n
:@Ily s 's
and Surgeon Late of London ,)Toss
pital,'London, England. Special
attention ..to diseases of the eye, ear
nose and throat, 'Office' and resid-
ence behind Dominion Batik, Office;
Phone No. '5; Residence Phone 104.
DR. F J. BURROWS,, Seaforth.
Office and residence, Goderich street,.
east of the United Church. Coroner•
for the County of Huron, Telephone,
No, 40.
DR. C. MACKAY,—C, Mackar,
honor graduate"of Trinity University•.
and gold medallist of•Trinity Medical
College; member of the College o4
Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.
DIR. F. 9', R, FOIRSTER—Eye, Ear•.
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi-
cine, University of Toronto 1897.
Late Assistant New York Ophthal-.
nuc and Aural Institute, Moorefield'a,
Eye, and 'Golden Square throat hos-
pitals, London, England, At 'Coram.-•
erclal Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday is
each. month, from '1'1 a,m. 'to 3 p.m.
Next visit In
• September.
Da, W. C. SPROAT.—]Graduate oi'
Faculty of Medicine, University of'
Western Ontario, London. . Member
of 'College of :Physicians and Sur-:
geods of Odtario.-0ffice in Aberhart's,
Drug Store, Main ,St., Seaforth,
Phone 90.
DR,- J. A', MUNN, Successor to
Dr. R. R. Ross,graduate of North-
western University, Chicago, Ill, Li-.
centiate'Royal College of Dental Sur-
geons, Toronto, Office . aver 'Sill's;
hardware, Main St., Seaforth, Phont
DR. F. J, BFCHELY, graduate
Royal College of Denial Surgeons.
Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's
grocery, Main St„ Seaforth. Phones.
office 18SW, residence 1853.
Consulting Engineer.
S. W. ARCHIB'ALD, B,A,Sc. (Tor,),
O.L.S., Registered Professional En-
gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate
Member 'Engineering Institute of
Canada. Office, Seaforth, Ont.
Auctioneer for the County of Huron
Arrangements can be made for Sale
Date at The Seaforth News. 'charges
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
Mutual Fir. a lusurance Co,
Officers—James Connolly." Goder-
ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; D. F. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
Directors—!Wm. Rinn, No. "2, Sea-
forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagen;
James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc-.
Ewen. Clinton;- James Connolly, God-
eridh; Alex. Broadfo.ot, No. 3, Sea -
forth; J. M. Sholdice, No, 4, Walton;
Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No, 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, Brucefield. ^ '
Agents—Alex. Leitch r.r, 1, Clin-
ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A.
Murray. r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V.
Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth,
Bornholm. James Kerr and John
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors, Parties
desirous to effect insurance or trans-
act other business will be promptly
attended to by application to any of
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postoffices. •
A quantity of,choice heavy wooded
hand maple and soft wood slabs for
sale, 12 to 14 inches long, delivered'ia'
Seaforth at $3.00 per cord for soft
wood and $4!50 for hard maple. Also
white' ash- and oak tongues on hand,
12 to 14 feet long, at $1.50 each. Beech
stone boat plank sawed with a turn
at one end, 2" thick, 12" wide, 8 ft.
long, at $1.50 per, plank, or three
planks for $400, at the mill. Apply to
WILUItM DOIiG, Jr., Kippen ,Rat.
3, Phone 138r2, Seaforth. • 30
Useful for many repairs. Get your
boards now.' We have sheathing, pine
,and maple flooring, plank, timbers,
a'nd sash and 'frames. E. L. BOX.
Eight -room bsick house on East
William street, four ,bed rooms, cel-
lar, hard and soft water, electric
light, furnace all in good shape, for
e tor orrhale. Apply to. ADAM HAYS,
Latest Roaring R'omancehf the Wet'
featuring JACK HOLT
written by
' ' Coming Soon.
For Ext'ernded Run
Universal's $2,000,000 Production