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The Seaforth News, 1929-07-18, Page 7
The Result of the Triangle " We have onto 'More bean tripped up R'y the triangle," said Mrs Loyd George, after the eleetion results were sleclttred, "The Conservative am Labour Parties have ea0h secured one member for every 109,000 votes oast for the Liberal Party. "Although the fell returns are not in; it looks for the moment as if we ' will hold the balancer That is a vete responsible position, and we fully rea- lise it, and you can depend upon it we Shall make no unfair use of it, "We shall certainly not use -it in a haggling' spirit, lntt, on the contrary, that0114 can bedone incltheer Ninterehat nts sat of the country, "The icing's. Government meet be carried on, and in the present state of the country it is essential that it should be steady. -"We shall certainly bear that in mind in any course we shall decide upon:", "The signieeent sentences' in this statement," points out the Manches ter Guardian, "were that the Liberal Party looks as if it will hold the bal- ance. Then theme is the cautious phrase that the Liberals will not use it in a haggling spirit, and, more significant; that the King's Govern- ment must be carried on all that. it should be steady. Then, moot signi- eicant of all, the words: 'We shall certainly bear that in mind in any course we shall decide upon.' "This is obliviously addressed partly to the Conservative Party, bet nmch mere to the Labour Party." Sunburn Meter is Newest lnventLsin Outstanding Scientific Achievement Announc- ed in New York New .York, June 14,—(A,P.)— Creation of -a sunburn meter, an out- standing '• scientific achievement, was announced last night to the New York Eleetrical. Society by Dr. H. C. Ran- schler, director of research for the Westinghouse Lamp Company, The meter uses a photo electric cell to make an automatic written record and measurement of the presence of ultra -violet rays, the invisible wave length of light that causes sunburn. These, same rays possess curative: powers, which have come intosuch damps, that recently medical authori- ties have broadcast warnings against overdoing. So exact are its measurements that Dr. Rentschler said: "If you caro to take the Limo to cal-. iorate your skin sensitively with the dosage meter, you can take the in- strument out en the beach and develop a beautiful sunburn now so n tommou a beautiful tan without the painful sunburn now so common to'sunbaths." The New Empire London Times Trade Supplement: Slowly but surely the.people are awakening to the real significence of the Empire. Nobody -of any Impor- tance regards what were once known as "the Colonies" as a drain upon the Mother Country. Nobody 'suggests that their inhabitants should be taxed for the benefit of Great. Britain; no- body wishes to retain their develop- ment, and only a few foolish persons would like to interfere with their' constitutional liberty of action. The burden of Empire remains, but there is a general desire to share its :inci- dence. We age still far from a satis- factory solution of •the problem of distributing the man power and money of the Empire to the best advantage, and' still unable to agree on the best means to give priority of. access to the Empire's markets, but' progress' is be- ing made. Voluntary performance is supplementing tariff discrimination, and during the last 12 months the women have begun t4 organize through the league of Empire House- wives, a. movement that will give it Mitch -needed practical application, De cidedly the work goes on, and those who would fain see more, rapid pro- gress should derive encouragement that comes in sorrow's guise, from the fact that much greater effort The joy is needed to overcome inertia in' the The sweet pains of self-sacrifice, mass :than to accelerate its velocity I would not' have theJm otherwise. . G. when \moving Are you afraid to ; eat a hearty HAT does meal- VV time mean to you? Is it the pleasure that it should be to restore the 5i energy your work has taken from you?- Or must you pick and choose h1 dread. of r: indigestion? Here is a remedythat has brought relief to men and women the world• over. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are taken every day in' many countries, speci- fically for digestive trou- bles and stomach dis.,• orders, and have brought happiness to thousands of one-time sufferers. For, besides.strengthening the digestive nerves, they in- vigorate and purify the entire system and lay the foundation for continued health. Buy Dr. Williams' Pink Pills now at your drug- gist's or, any dealer hi medicine, or by mail, 50 cents, postpaid, from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville,. Ont. s:na P' "a HOUSEHOLD NAME IN 54 COUNTRIES" Coin ng Events In the Modes Paris• -.-The old saying that "cening eveutaoast their shadows before" is 'particularly apt in relation to femin- ins fashions at the present moment, When the dressmakers are showing models designed for the late summer and early. autumn, ler a study of these .reveals many a• shadow which is el Poet Were sb the course of the next u next fewmon hs. And straugely enough, the most no- ticeable of the shadows is the pre. dominance of. two "sure -enough" sha- dow colors, brown arid • gray. These are stressed- in several of ,.Cie most important collections and are seen to a lesser extent in the exhibitoius of nearly, every one of the Parisian dressmakers, great and email. Tree shades of brown are used, the deep sealshade, is almost the tint which . used to be known as "tete-de- negre," and a warm cheotnut.tint, The latter is seen • principally in aftereken (reeks of crepeede chine, while the darker tone is used for street freaks and ensembles. Worth uses a great deal of this seal brown combined with beige or yellow{ and there is a striking sports costume in his latest collection which consists of a long, plain boat of seal brown kashe worn over a sleeve- less tennis, frock of white crepe de chine with one of the new long scarfs of which he is so fond, in wide diag- onal stripes of brown and -white and. yellow, twisted about the throat, canght under the narrow leather belt at the waits and falling to the edge of the skirt. POPULARITY OF BROWN. This same : designer uses tucked -in blouses of seal -brown jersey with pointed turnover collars and narrow cuffs of beige kasha with a plain checks in gray woolen materials are skirt, of • the latter. material, Dark used for the strictly tailored street blouses and cardigan, jackets worn frocks whie hare worn with a fox with skirts of a lighter color, by the scarf in coal weather, and for the long by, are a feature of the sports cos- coat woe'n with a frock of plain gray tenses of the present collection of this jeasey: fanou5old houto. PEARL GRAY AND SILVER. Another designer noted for leer tail- ored costumes is showing several en- sembles for the' early autumn which consist of a long, seal -brown coat reaching to within an inch or two of the edge of the plain, tailored skirt and a, tucked-inblouseand long scarf of printed tush -kasha in brown and yellow or brown and beige. This house is the first to substitute this soft woolen material in a, printed de- sign for the popular crepe de chine and it seems a very happy thought for autumn wear. A charming eos- tume which illustrates the use of this woolen material, consists' of a. long coat of string -color lightweight tweed with a full . collar and' deep pointed cuffs of astrakhan dyod in the dark- est shade of 'brown, and a frock of printed tush kasha s,-ith a beige back- ground and tiny design in dark brown, quite simply made with a narrow wal- loped band of plain dark brown at the edge of the skirt and around he neck end wrists. CHESTNUT SHADE.. A• -lovely afternoon frock which was recently seen at a house in the Ohmnps Elysees was' of crepe satin in the warm chestnut shade made ep on the dull side of the material, with incrusted bands of the shiny surface placed diagonally below the hips and ending .in the godets at the edge of. the skirt, with a soft scarf of pale yellow satin around the neck, tied at one side: in a bowknot with long ends. public 00 Gray is. popular in all shades, front;. ly practical as well as start. meek, modest temper; gentle, indeed, the light pearl -color to a deep battle- But to return to the subject of the and ready to yield as temper; g as good conte ship tint.. Plain gray jersey is used normal waistline. Many of.the de- science will allow—but standing by several of the important design- signers not only. advocate this for day- fitter and stable cyetticttan ding ors ler 'the skirt. and short jacket of time costumes, but they even place a opposition.-- d stab Canon Eontirad -boon a. the sports costume with- a hand- narrow belt, enmity of the same 100 - knitted sweater of gray and white or torial as the frock, around the natural COMING 17 P, SIR! grayti and brighter colors. • One of waistline of the evening gown. T hot, th, these which was particularly liked belts are usually made on a foundation Pease porridge had a gray sweater in a splashy de -1 of soft.leather which .prevents their Pease porridge cold - No matter how you order it, arca of French blue and white, the wrinlditrg. You feel that you've been sold. Some Like it hot, Some lute it cold;, But everyone would like to have The prices as of old. Pptei tate EtijQ's, Day at Zara 1,1 SULTAN OF ZANZIBAR VISITS THE CONDON ZOO Top Centre=Sultan of Zanzibar seen 'with his youngest son upon recent visit to London Zoo cluing his sojourn in England. A Penguin has caught bis majesty's amused interest, ,r Bird In My Garden Bird in my garden Why mast You stay? ' Bird with the bright breast, Please go awayl It's not that I covet your wings for. the blue, Nor -grudge you the handful of crumbs that I threw— , • But whew your beak carries Straw, wisps and hay— Bird in ay—Bird'in my garden, Please go awayl „ pt. of I ea.It&r i Classified Advertisexnen�t5 rinzsit OUX0us Sum Ilertinte and Accidents j3 .UrY C1llazcst ,WIiy ttNIA ttll(vs It0025 :tlo l3r'ewC. Legborns. en •. In Ontario,: ewerding t0 the latest Anooaats izo, lvilito l.eghorns 700, ns* 5-rtecl oltl0ks 00 l'.spross paid en 200 00 t►gures published, rllere were 209 overt Irso oatalasuo, Switzol'. deaths among males azod 44 atncatg 'J'.anton tlntaiio, females, due to droivnhrg during the ZPElf WAxrxxiD. year. Tba age gl'oup Claiming the EN 1VANTl.Ii TO S1DI. lvx?.TIf200$ highest number among sire mon and 750 t uautr i'rocluots n rural see+ boya `was that from 20 to 24 years, t 005 of ou Arlo, World a largest faettlry having a total of 42. latent/es, The prppasiiion ? hanada to kris` ue11 1a t#» women and 'tiers who lost thole ]lees perrilaltont husrness, gredtt arran1Sod t10 in this way uulnbsred 10 in the age 1� ilii s 0110 0u0 . Desi t i'In,ntii Th group 14 to P4, rho highest single Ontario. boys t 4 1 A National Palin' swimming n igl t Well b i tan London Pres Press (Cons.) It i beocming mole and more apparent that 1118 hopeless to try and do. buss" e. i fifth e f life. nese in the way of reeiproeity Peet: number as regards age. So far as our b s are couoerned, lestruot.on n i i a . e given a early ago ,as Ontario loses nes boys byaccidental drowning In large num- b rs beginning n the year o i. It goes without saying, of course, that or trade treaties with the Unitoc girls: also should be taught to swim States. The only possible policy 1oz' at the earliest possible age, Canada Is that enunciated by kion. Deaths eatl.r Automobile Accidents R B Bonnett, whereby Calzada will Our dto day from tinglyaecidn h b, frame its own fiscal policy for the Ontario ileclay is sial octan high, benefit solely of Canadian 'industries. Automobiles are an important factor 1n fatal.accidents, "Be careful" is This clogs not mean necessarily high a' bit o1 eelf-help advice which will tariffs, but it does mean a tariff help 1101 only yourself but the real based frankly on the proteetive prin- ciple and which takes into consider. 01 you use a motorcar—be careful. ation the ,welfare 'of the people of the The driver and his passengers derive ,Dominion, just as much protection from Ills careful driving as do the People Ire mete on iiia way If you use a bicycle—be careful. There are very daugesoius risks to be considered in riding a bicycle; be while searching for stray pack horses. rah to the motor car and to the As Ear as is known, he was the tot yoursean, bat first oY all, bo fair to white man' to visit this lake, yourself.. . If you do not use a motor ear be careful. The deaths of children following motor accidents are not al- ways the fault of the driver; they are often due to carelessness on the part 'of the parents or the ebildren them- selves. Old people who are nervous should not cross streets and high- ways busy with traffic by themselves. The motor car is s blessing of mod- ern progress -reasonable care will do much to prevent it becoming a curse. How t Preserve Children DONOT NEG1ECT LITTLE ONES YOUR At no time of life is delay or ne- Silver gray silk alpaca is used for elect more serious than at childhood. a charming afternoon ensemble which The ills. of little ones come' quikly consists of a long straight coat and 'a and unless the .mother is prompt plain princess frock with full godets administering treatment a precious in the skirt and a longfichu of pale little life may be snuffed out almost pink georgette tied low in the front before the mother realizes the babe two Or more Children Of the P g 6 of the bodice. There are evening is ill. The Prudent mother always ll.tiU pit age If they are .Bright-' frocks in many'of the collections in 'keeps something in the medicine eyed,rumage, If t youngsters s - pearl -gray lace, chiffon, georgette and chest as a safeguard against.the sed crepe satin and ` a most lovely model den illness of her little ones, Thou- much the them into bed early -and p 2. was recently seen in to o,shades of sands, of mothers have found, throughtl i leave toA,. 12 hours of - quiet restful gray tulle,made 'with a skirt which experience, that there s no had two long pleated panels of the two medicine to equal Baby's Own Tab- sleep. Windows wide open. them colors. which touched the floor: et the lets. and that' is why they always keep 2: In the morning, back: .,.. • a box of, the Tablets on hand—wli9 lightly and set at a table in, the Lucien Lelan ghas always had a they always feet safe with the Tari brightest, cheeriest corner of the marked fondness for gray and he is lets. breakfast room. usingthis color for. costumes for all Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but 4, To.each.child faodathe a jtlloeing: occasions in his demi-season collection. thorough laxative which by regulat- One small cup o g re ports costumes in gray jer-ing the bowels and stomach banish One steaming dish of delicious, nut Theis a frocks in gray checked constipation and indigestion; break uP brown "whole-wheat" -cereal. thestreet the' long jumper blouse; worn outside colds and simple fevers and promote Several slices of crisp whole-wheat the skirt, which has been in vogue for healthy, natural sleep. Concerning toast. goodness knows how many seasons. then, Mrs, Isaac Sonia, St. Eugene, One glass of milk. g 5. Remove the children to a grassy The latter, however, is stillmornwith Ont., writes.T I have been using lot. Add a kite, a dog or 5o and mix the dressier type of street costume Baby's Own Tablets ever since baby lot. of" -crepe satin or noire or crepe mar- was a month old and have round thatthoroughly. is much invo ue for the they reach the spot and do more good 0. Cover all over .with a blue sky wain, whichg and leave in the sun to brown. older women_ e luncheon ane! after than any other medicine I have ever (Published by the Toronto Home and noon functions: These little tailored tried. I always keep the Tablets in Council and the Child suits, consisting of . a smartly cut the house and would advise all other fare School Council Wel- jacket and skirt in plain black crepe mother's to do so." The Tablets are4 satin or 1noire or in a speckled black sold by medicine dealers or by mail, Other Countries, Other and -white or gray -and -white printed at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil-' niarocain, worn with a smart white l'am's :Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Customs blouse of crepe satin or crepe de chine, '� Toronto Star (Ind.): (The London which more sften than 1 of fits tightly Usefaalnes3 around the hips m,cl is ted in a knot Daily News describes in an article at -see side of the !runt, are extreme_ There is no better foundation for how four Canadian Cabinet. Ministers private usefulness than .a were compelled for the, sake of ap- pearances to adopt the custom of car- rying walking -sticks in London. To be seen with a walking -stick has a very different significance in Toronto from what it appears to have in Lon- don. . There, it would seem from the. article iu the Daily News, the carry- ing of a stick imparts to you an air of class and caste which< impresses a policeman. Here the carrying of a stick suggests that you are, unhappily, unable to get about In a: car of your own. If you wails it is taken to mean that you have neither car, carfare nor a friend- to pick you up. As for walk- ing, it is thing one does indoors or necessarily and compulsorily wben dohing or playing golf. Children still learn to do it, but not until long after they `have become seasoned and sun- burned motor passengers. Emerald Lake, Yoho Park Beautiful Emerald Lake, In. Yoko. National Park, British -Columbia, was first visited by Tom Wilson in 1812 (Taken from "Babyhood") D "A man is sometimes sorry be got tine Iasi word 11 it was 'yes'." Joy and Sorrow Manitoba's Natural Resources I Manitoba Free P0550 (Labe: (The natural resources of Manitoba have been handed' over to the province bY1 the Dominion Government.) he people of Manitoba ought not to per- mit themselves to be deluded into thinking that, as the result of this set- tlement, the province is now in funds and the period of financial stringency is past. There is another side to this picture, as there usually is. The prey- ince rowince will now have to take over the administration of the lands, fisheries and , certain public works 'which have hitherto been looped after by the Do- minion; and taking the figures for thepast ten years, the Dominion bas paid out annually, for these services,. $432,000 more than it has received. As the money provisions of he; settle - meat will not at the best, give the, the stomach nerves have, been over- tomo almost ins an y will rase --'- - " • same knitted material being used' for the facing, collar and tuo:ned-back. buffs of the short gray jacket. Plaid designs in gray and black or shaded gray tweed are used for motor, street 0r sports costumes. A' very practical costume for traveling or general morning wear which was seen eta to replace those lost on the Amer recently consisted of a long loose top- 'can side, will take' time. Mr. Mac- coat ac coat.with.big pockets and comfortable kenzie King's policy appears to be sleeves and a reefer jacket with nickel one of waiting and seeing, as with buttons and smartly' tailored skirt, all Parliament on the' eve of'prorogh in a gray -and -black plaid English tion there has been 210 announcement woolen material, and a tailored' blouse of any contemplated action, The situ of gray shantung. Smaller plaids had ation Is one calling for action, and un- nee"- ` less something is done Canada's trade' -, must suffer by. the tariff changes shortly to be put in effect on the American side, Lights on the sea -line go, Vibrating 1» and fro, Errant, mysterious, low, Seen bright, seen dwindled; $tut, that one steadfast spark That cloves the drooping dark, , For what all fortunate barque • Is it -enkindled? With far fling bean it stands, Onrough and perilous lands, Warning with upraised hands Tho grey shipmasters; Why did no beacon free Abort two hours after eating nattily harmless. It,has remained t 50 stand - To Plato out on. life's broad sea,. and with. Physicians To warn and presage me people suffer from soar cans that l since its invention, (, Of Love's disasters? It means that ick ethod. • Results They call it indigestion. It is . the qt no t tl It is the ap. Scenes Grant, in the Loudon Spectator., 0 additional method. You" neve province more than $150,00 I A short story entitled "Three Gen that there � stimulated. • �ien Food Sours Protection- ' Victoria Colonist (Cons.): The situ- ation created by the new tariffs and the increased tariffs is a serious one for this country, for an adjustment of trade, in the finding of new mark- Tliero is exoess acid, proved m } n ]chow. revenue, it will bo seen la Tho way to correct it is With an another, when you n ed . llips' Patton had a garden, a farm. will be no immediate magical better,' reset b by p e S naiad a con- rovinee 5 finances tt O alkali, which neutralizes many times' BeBo sure to get the genuine Phillips' orations. grandfather meat of the p ai qd lege( of Magnesia pArt -1• . result of the settlement, though the As volume• nae dtai g fall - •I possession of the domain ought, at 1 The right way is Phillips' Mills of dens for 50 years In oorrootlug exbe s no distant date to give this prafince Magnesavatar. It is Pleas 'He's suffering from dizzineee." 'Does too many good turns for everybody." 1-4.t4 ` ifferh'Pe©h �@ ne llyEats" r: You Must Do Your Bit in the rear against the fly, carrier of germs end breeder of disease. 111 proven that AEgOXO21 to cue o5 the r.5ost cos oSenl inti moot efficient means of comb 0100 0540 , fly evil. It 0a convenient, ri'ecause 'ofthe push -pin h i¢ tusknia ;fires never get away when once caught. Each spiral gives three Weelcc' perfect service.` 5EWAI5E OF 11,00401055 Soldar drug. grocery end hardware steres 'La Cie C. 0. Genesi & Fi o, limine 9! ACVI pec sort scents a Distributor £or Ontario NEWTON A.- HILL . 56 wont St. M.. Torent0 Fishermen A man who had taken pity on a lad and given him work as junior elerk kept him at the office rather later than -usual one Saturday. The lad became sulky, and • perform- ed leis duties in a very dilatory man- Mier. At last his employer turned On Isiah. "You langrateful 'rascal, where would you be now but for rile?" °At a cricket match," wiis'the an- million into the world of so many taste, No gas or bloating. swot. ii illion of people,: andA.whether, if the. Stop being "'shinny" and uiratiro,e, answer. be in the affirmative, it was. a rive. -Pill mit bony form. Get a Clear "Yes," i ride -to -be "Istandard the rmenent enjoyment of, skin and new strength. Peel years giggled the b pe J John the first time he pro' .which was tolerably secure. Judged younger and look It. Get a full size accepted " , treatment of :Ironized Yeast ata y posed." "Oh, no, you didn't darling, by ;either of these tests, the nineteenth "No You didlr't. drug store .te-day. If not delighted said her dear friend. Y century failed: with quick resalts, got your money Yom wern't there.' back. 1f inconvenient to buy from - Our advice to ` 14ir. Trotzity 15 10 druggist, send $1.25 direct to Canadian r „ make his way to Mexico and feel at Ironized 'Met Co., Ltd., port 'Elie, '"Y !pew tickets for the theat.e' Ont, Peak 425.1VIT. at once," home again _ _ 5rrtorrow ; ' ISSUE, 0, 7-.0 'z9, I Use Mtnard s for the rub down. The Root of Unemployment Lancelot Lawton in the Fortnight- ly Review (London) : It was the nineteenth century that filled the earth with' people and left its successor to solve the problem of what was to be done with them. Karl Marx's em- bittered description of this epooh was not at all overdrawn. In reply it is often said that the rapid multiplica- tion a response se to tion of o ulatioar w p pp the enorbous growth of wealth due to industrialization, and that as a con - 'sequence the standard of living of the masses was raised. But the facts, im- pressive though they seem, are inade- quote proof of common welfare. Other tests need to be applied, as, for ex- ample, .whether the standard of living was raised sufficiently to justify the Take Mtnard's along to relieve irritation of mosquito 'bites.' Also good for.. cuts and bruises. Every day 10,000 women buy a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's'Vg re- table Compound. They know that there is no better remedy for their troublesome ailments 'with their accompanying nervousness, back- ache, headache, "blue" spells, and rundown condition. "Skinny"? e sg Cain Weight (nick Way New IRONIZED YEAST adds pounds in few weeks. Results Guaranteed -or pay nothing Men and women write us every day they are positively amazed at speed with which Ironized Yeast added 5 to 15 pounds. Gave them • new strength; a youthful skin; banished age -lines. They ask—now does Ironized Yeast work so fast? Ironized Yeast is two great tonics in one. Weight -building YEAST treat el with :two kinds of strengthening, blood -enriching IRON used for years by highest medical authorities. The Yeast ie also treated with Violet Rays :o increase its effectiveness. s t Yeast is trellised i i Onlywhen most effective, 'Iron Is needed to bring out the weight -building, strengthening values of Yeast. Pleasant tablets. No "yeasty" •uaouy'i ,v,,, a�eeye dressing "Do, dear, they are for t water. is -just a taetel0es 0050 in directions ' -all bottle oo . rt Keep Mina rd's In the Medicine chest. night'" ant etnclont and dlrectlalts any drugstore, (greatly enlarged revenues. 00