HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-07-18, Page 5THURSDAY, SD ,T, JrneY
1a, 1929,
Crosse and Blackwell white pickling Vinegar, „..,,,, ..,,",gallon 50c
Crosse and Blackwell special pickling Vinegar ,,,,,,,,,,,,;gallon 6Qo
ICno.wn to the ends of the earth.
Crosse and Biaokwell Distll'lecl Malt Vinegar bottle°40e
Crosse tied Blackwell Tarragon Malt Vinegar , , , , , .. . , ,bottle 40e
Holland Rusks, imported direct front Holland,pkg 25c
Crosse and Blackwell Lime,'Lemon and Orange Cup •, . , , , ,.bottle 65c
Reap refreshing hot weather drinks
+Aylneer Bonetess Chicken, 7 oz tins, very fine . each 43c
Easy White Toilet Flush, made in Canada .... tin 25c
Flowerdate Tea, teal cup value,.. ..:........ .... per half potted 43c-
(Rid�geway's 5 o'clock Tea, to half -pound package 50c
,Deal with delight, at the Red and White
W. M, Stewart Phone 77
Ross J. Sproat Phone 8
'S higher Than. Price''
We pay the highest prices for good create,
Our services to our patrons are the best that can ' be given.,.
Do not send your cream to other Creameries; we want
it here.
To operate a Creamery we need your co-operation.
In return for you co-operation we will give you
best in service and prices.
We are agent for the ,Mellotte Cream_ Separators. Come
in and see the new.Models.
of our
Seaforth Creamery -Ch. Seaforth, Ont,
C.A. BARBER, Prop.
This is the most popular sulky
plow on the market. It is eas-
ily handled—a boy can operate
it.. Users declare it does as
good work as a walking plow..
See us for full particulars.
We also hale WEED COP,
the famous non-poisonous weed
Gallop & McAlpine
Agents for Massey -Harris Implements and Repairs
Beatty Bros.. Farm Equipment Metallic Roofing
Frost Fence Gas & Oil OPEN EVENINGS
W. J. Walker & San
—and --
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, holder of,Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
Pianos Tuned
Cleaned and
Chas. A. Howe.
Residence—James St.
D H.1 Mclnnes
Of Wingham; will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons
Diseases of all kinds success-
fully treated,
Electricity used.
'VII. and Mrs, Alfred Westlake ,mo -
toyed to St. Thomas last week.
Mr. William Sparks and Mr, Mena
Steakle each purchased new Ford
coaohes for themselves.'>, r -
. We col a
tttlate these genntletnen on their good
Mr, Lett Talbot is somewhat un-
der the weather' these days owing to
a blow received by his tractor back-
firing while cranking it,
Mrs. Lloyd Ma'icins was the guest
of Mrs. Roy S'eo'tchmer otic day last
Mrs, Iiaru'ld.Penhale was the week
end guest of St, Thomas friends.
Mise Letts Peohale of St, Thomas
was the guest of friends !teat' Bay-
Mr, George Beatty purchased a
new Ford coupe.
Mr, ,Richard Rdbinson arrived (tome 1
Let us explain the ' coverages
and the amount of protection
afforded for small premium.
Prompt settlement of all claims
Real Estate, Conveyancing, Bonds
and Investments
Phone' 152
Seaforth, Ontario.
Monday bight from Carlyle, Sask,,
for the summer,
Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Hayter have
returned' to their honie in Flint, Mich.,
after spending their. vacation -at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Barry Hayter, Goshen line,'
Mr, and Mrs, .Leonard Talbot spent
Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Will Dowson.
Miss Annie Consitt of Hensall is
engaged for S.S. No. 5, Stanley, for
next year.
Mr. and Mrs. Dart Jarvis and fam-
ily of New Liskeard visited Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Webster last week.
'Mr, Robert Webster, Mr, Earle
Webster and Mr. Watson Webster
were at Lucknow on to at-
Sunday . -
tend the funeral of the late Mr. Jar-
vis, aged 84,whowaskill h
gw ad wenthe
ear in which he was t•eturniug; from
the Wingham 12th of July celebra-
tion, went into the ditch after a tire
blew out, Mr. Jarvis was an old
neigghbor of Mr, Webster,
Vtr•. Emery McClinehey of Mc-
Gillivray visited his relatives on the
Geshen litre over the week end. ;
•Mr. David J. Stephenson Is sport-
ing a new car, '
Mrs. Webb of Michigati and Mrs,
R, McClinchey of McGillivray visited
their cousin, Miss _Frances • Sharp,
over the week end.
Mr. Allen Ester
of Alberta, an
ova sons John and Alex., v ited
uncle,, Mr, Roy Lamont and his bro-
there-,-claw, John and ,peter Martson,
Mies Annie McTaggart of Walton
has been engaged to teach in (Babylon ,
Mine. seh'ool.
Mr, sed Mrs. J, F, `Cheisott, et De-
troit, are visiting Mrs, Theisan's
Mother, Mrs. M, Oanhert,
Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Moore and
daughter Margaret, of Detroit, spent
the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Jno,
Grlmoldby,of to n,
Mrs, Brown,
of Detroit,, is visiting
her cousin, Mrs. Jno, Griniioldby, of
town, at Present.
Mrs. 5, H. Best will have charge of
the tea at the golf links this week,
Miss Guerra Brown and Mrs. Jr. H.
Best spent a few days in Toronto this
7Mrs, Jo'hnstoit and l,fiss' Clara. "li,aw-
ley, who were visiting friends in this
vicinity, have returned to their home
in Port Huron, Mich,
Mrs. H, Desboura has returned to
her honie across the border.
lMr, and Mrs, II'arold Frost and
daughter Ruth and Mr, • Jahn Webb
of Flint, Mich„ spent the week end
wish Mr. and Mrs. R. Frost,
Miss Dorothy Frost deft on - Sun-
day 'by motor and will spend a week
with her brother, Harold and sister,
Mrs. Howard Burgess of Owossa,
AMr,`'attd Mrs. Clayton Martin of
Englehart, New Ontario, are guests
of Mrs, J. G. Martin,. •
Mil'veeton Sun: "The Milverton
pwbffc school did well in the recent
entrance examinations, the whole of
the twenty-one recominended pupils
having succeeded in passing, five se-
honors two being among
the first three heading the centra,
Twenty-two pupils wrote the examin-
ation,", Mr, W. J. Finlayson was prin-
cipal of Milverton school add deserves
every credit for the satisfactory res -
nets of the school.
Mr, and Mrs. C. Moore of Wain -
fleet, and Mr, and M's. Gordon Tur-
ner of Hammond, Indianna, spent
the weak end, with Mr, and Mrs. R.
Mr. -Leslie McTCay, Guelph, was a
week -end guest at his home here,
Mr. ,and Mrs. ladies Stewart were
Stratford visitors on (Sunday..
Mrs.IGovenlock, Vancouver, is 'vis-
iting her sister, Miss Eunice Leather -
land, and other friends here.-•
Mr. and Mrs S. 'Gray, Stratford,
wereweek-end guests with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. .W.'McMillan,
Miss Betty Stevens; Kitchener, is
visiting with her aunt, Miss iB, Jack-
Miss ,Ethel McDougall, Detroit; Mr.
Robt. Hoggarth, Stratford; Mr. and
Mrs, Will Ryckman, 'Exeter; bur. and
Mrs. Jahn Simmons, Chiselhttrst, were
week -end visitors with Mr, and Mrs,
Henry Hoggarth, John street.
Mr. T. Smith and Miss Madill of
Windsor spent a few days last week
at his home.
Mrs. W. Free was the guest of Mr.
and Mrs, Sidney Free in Brantford
last week,
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Dent and fam-
ily, of Stratford, visited Miss 'Robert -
sou and Mr, Robertson on Sunday.
The Misses Ferguson are spending
a -few weeks at their cottage at Port
Albert, -
Mrs, -McClelland and children of
Toronto are visiting at the home of
her parents, Col, and Mrs. Hays, for
several weeks. •
Mr, Will Pethiok and:. Miss Arm-
strong, of Exeter, visited Miss M.
Rab•ison,' Tuesday.
Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Glidske
and two children, (Detroit, spent the
week -end with 'Mr. and Mrs. John
Sproat. Mrs. Glinske and children are
remaining for a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Alton and chil-
dren, of Dungannon, also Mrs. Henry
Campbell and Mrs. Horton, of Gode-
rich, spent Sunday with Mr. and'- Mrs.
Ales, Stir19ng, McKillop Tp.
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Allen, North
Bay, and Dr. and Mrs. E. T. Dundee,
Detroit, were guests this week of Dr.
and Mrs, W. C. Sproat.
Mr, and Mrs. N. J. Green, of Sim-
coe, spent the week -end with Mr, and
Mrs. John McLennan,
The first, new potatoes to be report=
ed this season -were brought to The
News office this week by Mr. J. M.
Robertson, They are a very fine
sample of Irish .Cobblers.
Mr. Bruce Scott, Kitchener, was a
week -end visitor at the home of Mr.
MOLean, Tue'kersmith.
Miss A--••
Crosby, Toronto, spent.
the week -end with Mr, and Mrs,
Adam Dodds,
Mr. Peter Daley, . Usborne, is "spend-
ing a few days with his daughter, Mrs.
Wilbert Webster.
Miss Florence Laidlaw leaves next
week for England where she will re-
main for a year to teach,
Miss Broadfoat is spending the
week at .Bruce Beach with Mrs. Mor-
ton and Mrs, McArter,
The many friends of Miss J. Robb,
W. William st., are pleased to see her
able to be up again after being confin-
ed to bed last week with injuries to
her head aad'arrns which site received
Front a fall on the stairs.
Mt. and Mrs. Bert Archibald, Oak-
ville, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James Archibald,
M'r, and Mrs. Geo. Peat and Mr.
and Mrs. McCall, of Bright, were
week-etid guests of lir. and Mrs. J.
Mr. and Mr's, Nelson Garden and
family,, of Acton, and Mrs, Ed. ,Peque-
gnat, of Toronto, were week -end vis-
itors with Mrs, Garden and relatives,
Mr, Jack Arnold has taken a posi-
tion on the Doutittion Bank staff.
and "-
Give us a call
108 Downie St, STRATFORD
Stratford vs, Winthrop:
fi.Ev f July
This is the play-off'and will be a
real game,
After the match there will be an
Everybody Come,
The regular monthly meeting of
the Hileber•t Council was held oa
Monday, July 15th, all the members
being present, and the minutes of the
previous meeting read and adopted.
The following resolutions were pass-
ed; 1. That .By-iLa'w No. 331, 1929,
for the Stewart Drain Repair be read
a third time and finally passed and
signed by the Reeve and Clerk and
sealed -by the corporate seal, 2. That
By;Law No, 3'313, 1929. for raising
the sum of $851.66 on the lands and
toads in the Township of Hibbert as-
sessed for the McMillan Drain being
the proportion to be contributed to
make up the deficiency in funds for.
the completion of the said drain be
read a first time and provisionally
adopted. 13. That the Caunctl auth-
orize the Reeve and Treasurer to
borrow $6,000 at the Canadian Bank
C mce
ar for current
4, Pending a notice , from William
Hastings, that the Municipal Council
of the Township of I'Iibbert do here-
by authorize and instruct John ,Roger
0.IL.S., to make an examination of
the Geary Drain and 'file his report
with the Clerk, Orders were issued'
for approximately $5,000 for Superin-
tendent's accounts and general ex-
pense. The meeting adjourned to
meet again on Monday, August 19th
at 10 a.m.
Mrs, Kathleen Feeney, Clerk,
Mr. and Mrs, Armstrong and Mrs,
Taman spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs.r, and'Mrs.tledge, A
J, Woodurman, of Cha-
tham, are visiting at the home of the
former, Mr. S. Woodman, of the vil-
Mr. Harold Finch, of Stratford, is
visiting at Mr. Willis. Mountain's for a
few days.
Mr, and Mrs, W. Lyon, Blyth, visit-
ed on Sunday with the foriner's moth-
er here, Mrs, J. Lyon..
Miss Bertha Brogden, of London, is
spending her holidays at her home in
the village,
Mr, and Mrs. D. Mountain and Miss
-Gfriendladyss, spent Sunday with Goderich
• Mrs. Wolven and Master Douglas,
of Toronto are visiting with friends
Miss Rose Crawford, of Landon,
was in •our village over the week -end.
Mr. Jas. Emmerton, of Ripley, is
visiting his sister, Mrs. D. D. Rob-
ertqtt thi,s.week.
Miss Gertrude Roberton returned to
Toronto on Sunday after a two week
holiday at her honie here.
Mr. and Airs. Smith and Miss Elva
spent Sunday with Mrs. Tom. Nott.
Mrs, Johnston and Miss_Helett spent
a few days with London friends,
Mr. Jas. Rudd'ell is spending this
week with Toronto friends,.
Mrs, J Melville, Toronto, is visiting
at the home of Mr. J. D. Melville,
Mrs. Nott and Miss Isabelle return-
ed honie from Seaforth, on Friday
night after a pleasant visit at the home
of Mr, E. Stevens, of that town.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Yungblut, Miss
Helen, Miss 13. N'ott aed Mrs.
Mountain were Goderich visitors on
Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs, John Radford and
famie of Clinton, visited friends here
The Misses Elinor and Jean Mantes
returned to Chicago last week after
spending their holidays at their honie.
Mr. and ivlrs. Dave Floody, Blyth,
spent Sunday at the hone of Mr, Geo.
Brogden, of the village.
Mrs. Fingland entertained a nicm-
ber of her friends Friday evening to
a five o'clock tea,
Misses s es Gladys Mountain, Alberta
and Alberta ta Snell are attend-
ing sunnier school in Goderich this
AMr, Alex. Wells unloaded a car of
Western oats on Monday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnston and
fancily spent Sunday at balmy Bayfield
Dr, -McClelland, wife and family
and Mrs; McClelland's father, Mr. J.
W. Yeo of Winnipeg, whoha've been
visiting the Patter's sister,. Mrs. John
Yeo, left Tuesday for Toronto, Nia-
gara and other points,
Miss Nellie Fear spent a few days
last week with her uncle and aunt.
Mr, alit! Mrs. Les. Fear.
Mr, B. W. Yeo of Toronto visited
with his sister. Mrs. John Yeo, last
Miss Alberta Richmond is attend-
ing summer school at Goderich this
Mr. end Mrs, A. Wilford of Wind-
sor visited the former's mother, Mrs,
A, 13, Carr, during the week.
Messrs, J. W. Yeo, aF .Goderich, J.
W. Yeo. of Winnipeg, B. W. Yeo of
Toronto, and Mrs. John Yeo' of Mor-
ris attended the reunion at their old
hone school in Grey last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Moore and
Miss,: Margaret, of Detroit, visited
with their cousins Mr, and Mts. Robt,
Newcombe t and Miss S. Newcombe,
on Saturday.
Mrs, Arnstein and children, of To-
ronto, are spending some weeks with
her he too
tet Mrs, Arthur Tierney,
(Miss Margaret Laking, of Freelton,
who has been spending a: couple of
weeks at the homes of her Mick, Mr,
Leslie Hilborn and aunt, Mrs, Ro'b'e
Wallace,- returned to her home oil
Monday 'accompanied by iter cousin,
ivtiss Ruth althorn,
Miss Rrnva,. Leslie is attending
summer school in Goderich,
lir, James Nesecom•be, whd has
been visiting his 'brother, Mr, Robt,
Newcombe and other relatives, return-
Saed tutorrdhisay. h.eme in Newark, N. ,3. on
'Messrs. Cliff Wallace. Robt. (-(am-
nions mid Fred Millar left by motor
for thele (tomes in Newark, N.J„ on
Saturday after spending a week at the
homes Robt. Wallace, Mrvhte S.
, . ,' and tt
Wallstir, d ('rattle Bell.
Mrs, Wtn, Million, of Detroit, Mrs,
Ed, Million, of Goderich, and Mr,
Sidney Love and sett .Reginald, of
Iron Mountain, visited their cousins,
Mr, and Mos, Irvine S, Wallace last
Mr, John Nesbit spent. Sunday with
his brother; Win, Nesbit, Brucefield.
Mr, and Mrs. Christopher Roger-
son, Doris and ;Miriam motored to
Toronto en Saturday to visit her
mother, Mrs, J. Jermyn.
Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Nicholson and
family, also Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Nich-
olson and Gordon attended the fun-
eral of the foriner's brother, Ivir, Jos-
eph Nicholson, Mcleillop on Monday'
Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Johnston
apeut Sunday afternoon with Mr, and
Mrs, Jno, Grashy;
Mr, and Mrs: Jas. Phelan and chil-
dren spent Sunday at London,
The Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's
United Church held a garden party on
the church lawn Tuesday, evening,
Plans are under way for a big
community picnic under auspices of
the Sunday schools and the Women's
Institute. The date has not yet.• been
decided out but wild be toward the end
of the month.
Miss Roberta Rowe, Flint, Mich„
visited her friend, Miss Eleanor Jack -
sots last week.
Mr, R. B. Sanderson, Mount Cle-
ments, Mich,, is visiting his sister,
Mrs, L. A. Sanders.
Mr. and Mrs, rs
and ,M'
Mr's, Elmer Pollard received a and
shaking up when the car in which
they were driving went into the ditch
while returning from Wingham on
the 112th,
Miss Alice Gillespieis confined to
bed with several deep cuts on. the
head and a broken shoulder bone re-
ceived when she fell on the road from
a parked .,car which started to roll
down hill on N, Queen st. The driv-
er, Mr, Robt. Wallace, who %vas on
the running board at the time, stop -
The ed partyhe , itr before
Mr. and Mrs, Robt Wad!-
lace, Mrs, Wallace Sr, and Miss Gil-
lespie, had just returned from Wing-
• Mrs. 5, Colclough spent a few days
in Goderich the past week and at-
tended the McBrien reunion at Bay-
Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Heywood and
sons and Mrs. Alfred Butts and dau-
ghter Helen, all of Saskatoon, Sask.,
and Mrs, Rabt, Brock, of Los An-
geles, Calif., were visitors last week
with Mr, and Mrs. far, H. McElroy.
Me and Mrs, Bert McElroy and
daughter Audrey and baby Letland,
of Royal Oak, Mich.,. are spending
their holidays with Mr, McElroy's
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, W. H.
Miss Alberta Richmond is attending
Goderich summer school as a delegate
from St. Andrew's Sunday school,
Miss Nellie Fear spent a few days
last'week at the home of her uncle,
Mr, Les. "Fear and with other friends.
The McLean Mission Band met on
Sat, afternoon. Miss Gertrude Elliott
had charge of the program. Solos
were delightfully given by Misses
Kathleen Logan and Alena Munroe.
Miss Alberta Richmond told an inter-
esting story of the experience of a
Christian worker in China. Bible les-
son was read by Miss Winona Hesk.
Miss Weir of India told the children
many interesting facts and stories con-
cerning her voyege to India which she
intends to stake in September and of
her work while in the mission field.
Program for the August meeting will
be in charge of Miss Hazel Richards.
Miss Annie Richmond returned to
Mr. Alex. McGowan's last Thursday,
having spent a few days at her home.
Mrs. David McIntosh.—A lifelong
and highly respected .resident of
Brucefield vicinity passed away on
Saturday, July 13th, in the person of
Mrs. David 'McIntosh. She was boric
on the .London Road 85 years ago, the
daughter of the late John Rattenbury,
and spent most of her life here: About
fifty years ago she married Dr. David
McIntosh, who died in August, '1924.
Mrs, McIntosh, had been ill for Four
months, Two sons and two daugh-
John and William, Misses � tam, \i sses Maud
and Emma, all of Brucefield survive,
also one brother, Mr. W. H Ratten-
bury, Brucefield, andone sister, Mrs.
Neb•in, Hamilton, survive. Mrs. Mc-
Intosh was a member of Brucefield
Church from childhood. Her kindly.
Christian life was an example and an
inspiration to all, She was an active
worker in all church enterprises and.
in the W.MJS.-of which she was a life
member. The funeral, held on Mon-
day, was largely attended, her pas-
tor, Rev. W. A. Bremner, conducting
the service. Interment was in Baird's
cemetery. 'Pallbearers were Messrs.
Hugh McGregor, James McQueen,
James Moodie, John Swan, B. R. Hig-
gins (Clinton), Thomas Wheeler.
Atnong those front a distance . were
Mr. and Mrs. joint Kaiser, Mr, and
Mrs. Data ICaiser and Miss Pearl Kai-
ser of Detroit; Mrs, E. F. .Simpson,
Mrs, E. Nebin, Hamilton; Mrs. B. R.
Higgins and daughter Ruth, Clinton;'
Mr. and Mrs, Will Merritt, Blyth;
Mrs, B, Morritt, of Blyth; Mr, and
Mrs, 'Wet, McClellan, Egmondville;
Mr. Will Jowett, Bayfie'Ir, and many
Brucefield girls won. the day - in
Wingham on';the'12th; also Varna
Lodge and Seaforth Pipe Band wonprices.
Th c
e annual Sunda
School Y
S col and
gregational picnic will be- held at
Bayifield on Friday, July 26.
Rev. W. A. Bremner, who is pres-
ident of the Summer School which is
held titC;
odericlt thisweek, ist
tt cud -
S the in> e sessions this wee(: and also
the services on 'Stutctay. The pulpit
will be occupied here by Mr, Bayalls,
representative of the Ont. Prohibition
Union, at the morning service. Rev.
Mr, Conner of Kippee willpreach' in
tite evening,
Miss Edna Brenner is attending
the summer school this week,
Mrs, Bremner is., speeding this
week with her daughter, Mrs. West,
of St, Thomas.
Miss Verna Petrie of Sault Ste.
Marie, is at present visiting her sis-
ter, Mrs, Robert Allen,
Mrs, Walters of Goderich was the
guest o•f Mr. and Mrs, James Moodie
hist week,
Mr, ,.3' B. Kaiser of Detroit spent
Sunday in the village.
Mrs. Ross Scott and sort and Mrs,
Wm. Rattenbury returned home this
week after spending two weeks with
frietrds in Burlington, Toronto and
Fenelon Falls,
Mrs, Geo, Hill is visiting iter sis-
ter, Mrs, A, Caldwell.
Mr. and Mrs. A, Caldwell visited
friends in Goderich ott Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs, Will Baird of Tor•.
onto spent the week end with' tlo
fornter's mother, Mrs. George (laird
Sr., wife has not been as well as
Mr, and ;vire, Lorne 'Taylor spent
Sunday at the honie of Mr. and Mrs.
Rabt. Polloolr of Grand Bend,
Mr, Walter 'Baird spent Sunday In.
Evening Rates
egin at p.m.
Many users of long distande overlook.
the fact that reduced Evening Rates
now begin at 7 p.m.
These reduced rates (about 25 per cent
less than day rates) apply, of course, on
Station -to -Station to Station .calls.
After 8,30 p.m. the reduced rate is still
lover—about 50 per cent off the day
(The minimum reduced evening rate is
BSc and the minimum reduced night
rate 25 cents).
And an additional convenience—charges
on. Station -to -Station calls may now be
reversed, where the rate is 25 cents or
Remember — evening rates begin now
at 7 p.m. by your local time.
rests or smoking cJtvnirneys,-'
Over one-half of -all Canada's industries depend on wood
as a raw material. When the forests are,destroyed mills
must close down, railway earnings must suffer, trade must
stagnate and prosperity must vanish.
Issued by authority of
Honourable Charles Stewart,
Minister of the Interior,
A Good Portion
of beet served to you for the evening
meal roasted about medium, with the
btacd gravy oozing through, gives
one a foundation. It just makes' one's
mouth water to think of it. How
was teat last piece of meat we sent
you? Wasn't it fine.
Your Butcher.
Phone 58 Seaforth,
'Goodyear :ear Tir
y es and Tubes
Battery Sales and Service
Charging and Repairing all makesof Batteries
A line of new and used parts of different goodi el t ntalces of ears
If your car' is in need of repairs, give us a call
Studebaker Sales ol es 'and Service
Realer aler s