HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-07-18, Page 1eat or bright, than the fancy's sense cloud, the light - The stirring of the e deep— he S and SUPPERS e ul R g aCly T LUNCHES NCH at all hours MADE SPECIALTIES ces Reasonable Olympia ery Restaurant Y portance lea rl - Y re- rides e ri i t s who ho slow poi- e a spec- ar, der Vine- .50c gal. 2 for 250 for,.15c for 15c dial 40c pecia135C BRAN for 25c OWING _for 25c 3 for 25c POW - der . we or our - There is Cleans ether of 25c , regu- 75c Ol tTtP8 ,.,.YSc ON picnic esday, Dash- ne of. 11 and yer, of Atkin - were PMr, n and ,r. Sa- d 'boy week - Meter 1 CHURCH ,CARD, North Side United Church,—pastor Rev. W.P ,Lane, ' ILA. Sunday, Y, 1 July � Y 2.+ 10 a.m., S.S. 'and Bible classes. se 11� � a.m Pu bli Subject, c wor- ship, Subt "Getting Tired of God." 7 p.m,—Public worship. Subject— Welking Circums'pectl," WINS GOLD MEDAL. Master Biily Moult, sone of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Moull, Owen Sound an recent residents of Seaforth, wont the gold medal et the entrance exams at Owen Sound, among 187 p upils. Billy 12Year5 old. Mrs. wee M Miss rS sEli'' Elizabeth . , Lawrence. a ice W.M.S. 'The W.M.S. of North Side Church was held on Thursday, July Ilth in the basement of the church: In the absence of the president, Mrs, A. Close conducted the 'iusiness part of the l Cap- tain'ofeCitcle Nos 1, took tchargef the rest of the 'meeting, After sing- ing a hymn the Apostles' Creed was repeated in unison, The Scripture lesson, Hebrew 4, was read by Mrs. Harburn, followed by prayer by Miss A. Lawrence, 'Miss S. Govenlock de- lighted all with a reading on giving without method, "Thanksgiving Ann," A violin solo 'by Miss Maybelle Rands wasmuch appreciated: Papers on the ninth chapter entitled "Healing ,Leaves," of the study book were read by Mrs. Porteous, Mrs: 'James Beat- tie and Mrs, 'W. Black, Miss A, Lawrence gave a very interesting talk on the Missionary Monthly, The meeting closed with the consecration hymn and .the Mizpah benediction. NEIL SHAW AUXILIARY, The regular monthly meeting of the Neil' Shaw Auxiliary met at the home. of .the president, Miss Mae Wallace on Tuesday evening. The opening hymn' was followed by prayer by Miss Gertie Webster, Miss Margaret Patrick read the minutes of.last' 'meet- ing. During -the' business part of the meeting plans for a .play and the mak- ing of a new quilt were discussed/ Miss Alice Thompson was appointed Program convenor in the place of. Miss 'Bertha Beatty. Scripture les- son was read by Miss Jeanette Finn gan a7 a the. collection ' on. Miss Bill was taken.'a Y Chesney took charge of the topic, taken from study book, "Forward or war dw' with China , and it proveddvery interesting. After the closing hymns and, prayer, the girls enjoyed a social hall hour and dainty lunch, AUTO SHOW FOR SEAFORTH. Next Monday, Tully 22nd, at Sea - howforth will have a chance to see just an automobile, mab7 • 1e is "Every 'buyer . made. automobile should have an opportunity to •see what he's paying out good moue for," says Mr. 'Carlin. and it is this firm belief in his duty to the people of Seafontlt that is :prompting Mr. Cardin to stage an exhibition that is said to, be unique in the annals, automotive history. of All are welconi0; and Mr, Carlin hopes you will be able to stay for the feature picture of a young couple's adventures i 1 Dynamic Detroit, the home of th}e .automobile This picture wasf t grew, expense and is ins of the best great kind we've seen, of its Mr. Carlin extends a cordial invita- tion to you a11, to avail yourselv'es of this wonderful opporrtunity. SHOES omen and Children dr en npa. Strap and Pies featuring the new so new shades sf for Brown Wn at prices from 5 to $5.00 res with Buckles, following the lhte of 5 to $3.00, nifty, featuring new lasts, .$4S5 to $6.50 999E SPECIALS at .$1.49-$1,57 and $2.95 W1GG SEA;FORTH ssalegiaugeeemeggalle e.forffi S +A 'ORTH ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 18 , 1929, ENTRANCE RESULTS. Bayfield Centre --]Honors Iree Woods. Pass—+Evelyn Cox, iAlbert Dunn,Verna Picot. 'Passed under Regulation an Ia, Beigrave Centre oliorrs — sarks: Ry,Howard, Margaret Irwin, Mary oberks n, ChatesSCoftMarieVie- cent. Pass—genie Aro 1 trek )e M Coulter Thomas Garniss � Mae .Gooier, Anna Grasby, GladysMargaret n7arj'ory Hamilton, Dorothy ggins, Glen Kechnie, Corhij McLean, n,gD Dor- is Scott, 'Irene Walsh. dean, Varna Centre-- Honors -. Gladys Coleman, Pass - , Anna 'Aikenhead, Alvin Elliott, Muriel, Elliott, ,Ross Grainger David Hodge, Lloyd John- ston; Audrey Murdock, Kath'lyn Mustard, Edgar Rothwell, Margaret Taylor. CaldwellCentreCliffrdHmors Doreen Sims: Pass -Edith Brook s,1' Betty' Coates, Fred E111eririgton, Dorothy Ford, ''Wesley Gre'b, Pauline Hod- gins, Viola Hodgson, Ray Hutchin- son, Orval Lay,son,•Eva Pearce, Her- old Rowe, we 'Helen len Salter; Reba S•i'm Sim- mons, 'Doris Simpson, Eileen Snell, Jaok. Staulbury, Willie Stanlake, Hel- en Walpere Edmund Ward, Royland. Westcort Hensall "Centre Honours,—Alvin Bell, Jimmie McRwe0, Donald Walk- er. Pass --/Frances A t ier son E4 e n- orBellEdith William Drum - mend, ,Lorne Filler, Bernice Harris, Mary Huiser, Alex, Mcbfnrtrie Gar- net Mouss'eau, Helen Munn, Nelson Pepper, s Sandy Helen, Pfaff, Seaaras,HdSherrtt, Pass- ed nncler the provisions .of Regulation 11 (5) of the High. Schon] Entrance Reg.—bfay Ketnnings, Zurich Centre--IHoilours, — Ruby, F1a�,boardManes_ClincheY, Ellen TurkheiniPascGord 7 Block, Harvey Clausius, Ag- bent Deichert, Leonard:Denomme, Byron Ducharene Rose Foster, Mar- gery Gascho, Albert Heideman, Ruth tIeudrioks, Gordon Howa'Id, Marie Laporte, Bruce McC1iitchey, Leon - and Smith, Viola Sreenaiy Melinda Steckle, Oliver Stecicle. The Exeter District Scholarship: was won by May Sims of Exeter public school, Winchelsea Centre— Honours — Vinetta Routly, Pass ---Wesley Ball- antyne, Lorne Elford, E]'sie Hey wood, Greta Fletcher, Olive Johns, Russell Mills, Maizie O Reilly, The Hay Township Scholarships awarded to pupils from Hay Town- ship rural schools obtaining the high- est total number of marks was won as follows: onios:, (1) Ruby Church of Zur- ich, (2) Ellen' Terkheim 'f Z 'rich, (3) Earl Flex,boarsi of Zurich. BORD`t IRITES TO PICNIC, 'Mr. 4, a. 'Wilford, of Windsor, chairman of the Essex County Mark- eting Board, was in Seaforth on Sat- urday on his tour of the Western counties of Ontario on behalf of 'the series of picnics sponsored by his or- ganization, for Canadians 5row.living in •Detroit, who now number 260,000: The reunion on will be held in parks at Leamington and Kingsville as fol- lows: July20th, old boys' of Essex, Kent and Oxford; July 27th, Lamb- kin, Middlesex and Bruce; August 2, is arHuoniiCotn County oy bang Wilford act Blyth and later a resident ham. He recalls having�Isad one of the first autos in the district twenty - Five -years ago, and also his adventures er. A taaining . to bringing nWinghamites.to a political meeting in Seaforth. Mr, S. B. Stothers, secret- ary of the Board, adi s1• a so of former H - tt ronite and was Agricultural Repres- entative of Huron for some years, NEWAIR MAI SERVICE. On July lull a regular air mail ser- vice was inaugurated. between' Mont- real and Detroit, via Toronto, Hamil- to u Lo nd7 is of and Windsor; the service daily except Sunday. Mail convey- ed over this route will be confined to matter prepaid at the air Mail rate of 5c for the first ounce and 10c for each succeeding ounce. Such matter. may be accepted for; registration and spe alai delivery. if the. required fees are prepaid in addition to' postage at' air mail rate. For Seaforth'and district, the last. available despatoh for east, bound plane, due eo leave London 6.50 a.m., would be via Strafford and Goderich train 14'o. 36,. in other words the afternoon mail train; while for the westbound plane due to leave London 2.30 p.m„ mail from Seaforth should be despatched via Stratford and Gode- rich train No: 28, in other words the early morning nail train. There is a tremendous saving in time of delivery for mail matter despatched via' air mai,i as compared with mail despatch- ed b train Y an service, i and especially this� s is shown in mail delivery ver Y tb far r er` n points t s or' far . I±`ia star n as much as fifty-six hours being] the difference in some instances. The schedule tIe ' is posted P ed in the lobby bb 0of st }}Y the P offi ce and an ' will be cheerfully information desired Y sgivennt by the mat- Post- master or the assistants. Air mail stamps are on sale at uhe stamp Wick- et so that the people of the district cal, ,now avail themselves of the new -rapid transit as provided by the Cana- dian postal authorities,—C• P. Sills, Postmaster, NORMAL R'ESuJLTS, The following teachers )have been granted interim first-class profession - all certificates Alice M. 'Archibald„ Hugh F, Benninger `Dublin), Jean Cn I tff William iia' m> J a M, Mild- t'ed J. "Jahustou, Laura M, MacMil- lan,' Veronica McConnell (Dublin), lBanbara 5, Simpson, Lawrence . E. Weibster. interne] second•,class poo- fesatonal. certiftcatee; Edward) Rankin, iAileeti ''P,' IRyan, 'Cora F,J St$'ring, MARRIED SIXTY -FI On Sat VE YEARS, v Mrs, smithtett h -fifth hoot close rs of for, and. nsis- and hill - poke and igh- for ev- Jef- Mr, es- Wn1, kfrs. it t an - R. 0. as of td x- ur to a r dl f urday, 1uly,13, Mr. and Henry McGaym of Tucker Township celebrated .,the sixty anniversary of their wedding, T5 members lain g A nb ets of the � friends were es ,a Neighbor e and present, 11 F t, Nei lib g o the family ' made elaborate tate the event, and a most plansa enjoyable evening pleasant was spent, co ting of speeches, songs, readings instrtuneatal music. Mr, T. G. S inglaw acted as chairman and s of the high esteem in which Mr. Mrs, MoGavin are held in heir oe bvrhood, where they have lived more than thirty-seven years. S tical others, including Mr, W, V. ferson, Mr, Win, R. Archibald, William Wallace, Mr, P. bL Ch ney, Mr. Robt, HoggaMiss Hazel_rth, Mrs. E. Archibald, MGavin, Miss Jefferson, H'ow Arthur Dr. -Louis Prendergast tanclavMiss Mary O1H ley, took part in the program. Mr, Beatty, tt formerly n er1 teacher ' Y ache r of S.S.s 5 N foread the presentation address llows: • "Dear Mr. and Mrs. MoGavin, On this, the sixtyefiifth anniversary your marriage, shave ssewe mbledour fhere �to el tend to OL t our Y best wishes for yo f tttr t r e peace e a nd happiness, show and w our a p redia ' p do i of 1 you Fri ends and neighbors. During you y long residence e; 3 !d 7 e i C e a' m t at l 75 g Y ve . hay v found you to he true,. us, �ai kind- neighbors, always ready to ai those in need., As a mark of our ap preciation, we. ask you to'accept the clock". The wish of those assembl ed. is that you may be spared to wind it many times Signedon behalf o our 1 friends. nd s P. ;4! Chesney H. Tyn- dall Win. R. Archibald." P. J MoGavin made the presenta- tion of gold" from members of the •family. Several smaller gifts were presented by the grandchildren and others. 'Henry" MoGavin was born June 6, 1843, in the County of Fermanagh, Ireland, and sailed on'' the ,"Lucy Thompson" for the Port of New York, arriving in May, 1861, The trip took 36 days. On Fe'bruary 8, 18Gra- ham, 'daugh terllia n he 1Cof IVir antieti- tia MrsGMo7Gavin wasra.ham of bornin Goderich, September Septenvber 27 1846, and at two years of age moved with her parents to the Bvbylin Line, Stanley where she was married, Mr, and Mrs: Mc'Gaviii spent the first twe 't - . n ei ht Y n yearsof, their married life in Stanley, moving ing to Tteckersiuith thirty-seven years ago, where e fa- mily consisted onow of sons and hthree daughters, all of trhonl±a.re living, They are: Mrs. Ralph .El'liott, Strat= ford; Mrs. Letitia Tasker, Alfred and Dr. Edwin 11„ of Windsor; Fred- erick J•, of Detroit; Arthur 'E., of Reading, Penn,, and John and; Mary E., at home. There are four grand- children .and one great grand child. During n g Chet r iea n Y3 years of t- ried life,: Mr, and Mrs. Mc'Gevin have made many friends. They have prov- ed themselves fine citizens and kind, obliging neighbors. Notwithstanding their advanced years, they are both enjoying good health and it is the sin- cere wish of everyone present that they will continue in their active en- deavors with us for many more years. PRESENTATION. 'The following is a clipping from Huntsville Forester; "When the term opens in September the teach staff of the Huu tsvfl+l es school l minus some familiar fates. Ce spi ous amonthe absent ons Miss Malbel Turnbull whoehasn will ed after several years of continuo service on the staff, Miss Turnb will be greatly 'missed from ,Huntsvi Not only has Y she been efficient It a capable in her work at school but s has taken so prominent a part 'in so ial.and church activities that her d pasture will be a general Loss to t town and community. She has'. been leader among the young ladies of t town and in her capacity of Preside] of the Phoenix Club, Presid'ent of S Andrew's Excelsior Bible Class an leader of St. Andrew's Choir she wo a well-deserved place among the mos capable and popular young woii,en. Before leaving Huntsville, Miss Turn butt was honored on several occasions Among the gifts she received were a follows,—A white gold wrist watch and purse of gold fronn St. Andrew's 'Church; a silk parasol from the Ex- celsior Bible Class and a diamond set bar -pin from the Huntsville staff: Miss Turnbull is spending the sum- mer with her 'mother, Mrs. G. T. Turnbull, ' 1, m Seaforth. the fall ing be cu- •� be gn- us u1.1 Ile. ic1 t he c- e - he, a he it t, d, WITH HORSESHOE ' TOSSERS. ER S. A . t .gea de a]u f ' o ,ter taken hi R ashas been J 'Griibb's challenge trophy, The game e is c ei Pla Y 60 ' Is Pon teast. wa and r I Y the winners s li old it as long as "possible,' In the weekly Wednesday nighttournament last week, Mr, L. Hoegy and Mr. N. Nichols won 1st- pe d R. Pinkney and J. Young od prize, a box of cigars donated t ed b yVr,DSok. NOME -COOKING ill the vacant store next to G, !Haigh's grocery store, at., July .20 .. ,-SALE TO START AT 3 P.M, Under auspices of L,O,B„A, '.Proceeds to go toward 'furnishing a room in the New Hospital, The SeEfo�ORTH urf RACE bold its second race meet on day, August 14th, when $90 given in purses for the .2,17, SionWednee- will ate—_ 0 will be -. 0 trot orac P e The e a Long Blanch Jockey Club and each race will have a 'big entry, the horses coming to Seaforth from Go:+ derieh where they -. civic boll - day, Aug, 5, Phone 84 011l may the wars that madden in 'thy. 'lhereespend their rage, icor ,•limb tit' and encircling steeps. Aatd till The tnationslSon of ba surges reposee'In peace, -Earl of Carlisle, 1841, 2.22 and races • x7 t held b e as. usual under e the auspices Ice s o the P f. e L` o DIED 1IN LUC of the KNOW, te Isaac Mc - noonwill t b e held this Thursday after- noon brother,PMr. from McKay, residence of st. Mr, McKay was a former resid- entJarvis of Seaforth, having lived the greater part of his ' lfe hee very well 'kno'wn. His death and on Tuesday, July 16th at the home of. his daughter, Mrs, W. W. Hill, in. Luokna w. Since e th e 24th of May his illness had been serious. Ten years ago heetSeaford] althandwent to livet with hising to adau garter, Mr. McKay was born at Ton- gue, Scotland, 76 years ago, a son of the late Hugh McKay. While he was very You sg , the M rK a s moved to country, settling on the ]0th con- cession, : Tuckersmith and later moed el to Grey, near Cran'brook. He was married to Miss Catherine Henderson of Grey fifty years ago. His wife predeceased him by 17 years One daughter, Mrs. W. W. Hill Lucknow, survives, his son Hugh hav- ing died in Port Huron, a few years ago, A brother, Mr, Hugh McKay,: Seaforth, 1 and sister, 1st er . a4r TenO Colorado, also remain. For 26ayeears Mr. McKay aY was n7 the employ of the furniture factory here: A funeral was held m'LticknOw Wednesday evening at 8,!30 o'clock, The funeral services in Seaforth will be conducted by Rev, Mr. McDonald, of Lucknow. The pall- bearers will be J. 11. Reid, Won, Free- man,'Jarnes Dick, Wm, Morrison, M. McLeod and Marshall Smith, Inter- ment will be made in Maitland Bank cemetery, Mr. H. BYOSTAFFA wn front Toronto is spending his holidays at Mr. Robert Barbour's• 'Mr. 3, Wallace of Seaforth spent Sunday visiting Staffa friends, Miss Isabtel McLellan is spending her holidays- atti- erhome e n ea' r Staffa. McKILLOP, Mrs, Somers, of Stratford, is visi mg`tvltai `Mr, acid'Mrs, Alfred Bron Mr;. Earl Dickson is spending h vacation at the home of Mr. and Mr W. Miss Til•liesSt of spent Sunday a the hone of Mr. and' Mrs• Alex Wright, of the Mill Road, Mrs. Adrian do an Listoevei, are spending dacfewleda o with Mrs, Jos. Hogg. Y .Mrs. Jos. Murray has been recover - mg nicely from the effects of serious burns she received recently. MANLEY, ' Mr• and Mrs.' Peter Eckart and their• daughter Sister Stephen Mary, and Rev. J. M. Eckart, have returned from Chatham where they called;. on friends, Miss Clara Rawley we Y and Mrs o' - h J n Ston, Port Huron, gave.our burg a short visit v sit last Saturday. da . Y• and • 1lr, and Mrs, W. Mrs. spent ty andSunday with friends in Seaforth. Sunday.. Mrs. James O'Loughlin' was in our burg last week on business. Mr. and Mrs, P. McLaughlin and Mr, and Mrs. W. Manley attended the lawn n socia. l! east T nasi in Fr.Stratford. t atf r.d. held Kelly's parish, Stratford, vn. is s. f. si CROMARTY. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Roy, of St. Mary visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Scott on Sunday, Dr, and Mrs. McGavin, of Wind- sor, called on Mrs. McGavin's sister, Mrs. Alex. McLaren, ' ane day last week, Mrs. (Rev.) Moore, of Chicago, is visiting at the Manse, Mrs, Lamond and daughter Mary intendeleaving on Saturday for a trip, through the West to the coast, Mrs. Samuel Speare, of the village, is under the doctor's care, Miss Verna Russel is visiting her mother, Mrs. Hodgert, at Chiselhurst, Rev, ;lir, and Mrs. Denude and fam- ily, Toronto, are spending their holi- days with Mr, Thos, Oliver. VARNA. 'A great number attended the cele- brations at London and Wingham on the ' Ona Twelfth, , M th Mr. Clifford ffor d F PPs is home from Cit'ba after spending endm g tl 1e past year s a sugar pfattatioi7 there. Mrs. Epps arrived home a couple of months ago, Mr, Jack Johnston, who has been ver17I Y is improving, p7 owing, We are sorry to state Mr. Sam. Stinson continues s very Poorly. Miss Anne .Walker, Bruce+field, has bought- and moved to $rucefield the cottage on the north side of the road at Bannockburn bridge, 'belonging to Mr, Andrew Foote. TUCKERgMI,rH Mr. Henry Med-evil] and Mr, A, E. MoGavin are spending a week with friends In Windsor and 'betroit, Dr, Louis Prendergast' and sister, Mrs. O Hanley; and daughter Mary O''Hanley, of Chicago, spent a few Clays here andattended'. the anniver- sary of the. marriage of Mr, and Mrs. Henry MoGavin, Miss Annie Cortin of Stratford spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs, Mary Curtin, $6.00 up Ladies' or Gents' . r�t7 SI A YEAR. RADUATION The GIFTS Very pleasing times are these to the graduate. Very happy'' times to those who are :so proud of the successful one.. And a very fitting and ap- propriate tebfnd encourage with celebrate and lasting gift 'from this store of Beautiful Gifts for the Graduate; 55,00 up di Las0�es' or Gents' Fred.. S. Savauge Optometrist Phone 1.94 THE GIFT SHOP Jeweler Seaforth, Ont• Res, 10 n0� mP '. nc� i.lj�/ t, t JAMES A. CA RLIN Presents AN ENTIRELY R l,Y NES TYPE Off+' AUTOMOBILE SHOW AT SEAFORTH SKATING RINE Through u g'h a special . arrangement with the FIudsou Motor Car Com- pany, Detroit, Michigan, I will exhibit at the Skating interesting automobile show that has ever been ondis Rink the ' this community. Mr. Pierre Nacey, motor ear expert of the. Hudson n thir Car Company, will be in attendance. Come nd bring vends, the evening of your friends, Monday, Jul.y,. 22nd ADMISSION FREE Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Manson of Eg- mondville were .Sunday visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. D. Papple. Miss Bessie Grearson of Toronto is spending two months of her vacation with Miss ivIary PaPPle. Mr. and Mrs, Wilson Allan motored to London Saturday Iast. Mr, and Mrs. Elliott Walters and son Murray spent the 12th in Wing - ham. Mr. and Mrs. William Riley motor- ed to Wingham on Friday last. Mr. and • Mr s. Welber Keyes cele- brated Y : the 17th fn Wingham. We are glad to know that Mrs. Robert Charters who had some ribs broken recently, is able to be up again, 'Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Chapman and daughter Mayme and Mr, and Mrs. Wellington Wilson 0 f Detroit, tro' t , spent ern ttho1�th inWingham. Mr. and Mrs: W Wilson are spend- ing their vacation with his mother, Mrs. W. D. Wieson. Miss Henderson of Buffalo is va- cationinig at the home of .Mr. . and Mrs• E. Walters, Mrs. A. O'Leary, Ignatius, Fred and Miss Celestinie O'Leary are vis- iting. at Port Lanebton. ELIMVILLE, Miss Vera Heywood is home from her school for the holidays. Mrs. Wilcox has, been on the sick, list but is recovering. Mr. and Mrs, Herman Foster have taken up their residence in Mr. Pul- leyiblank's house in Winchelsea. Mr. Jonathan Cooper is quite sick with a trained nurse in attendance. Mr. Freeman Horne is Nome from T r 00 nt q where e I e was spending n B a,. fdaYs visiting. Mr. Chas, Johns . and ev. Mr,White were in Chatham last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ford and fam- ily were visitors in L o n don rec e ntl Y•TheW1.S. re ,lar tneetinghas beenPostPoned until 1 nthelJuly 1 Y 25, wte e entertain Bandonthe Parsonage Miss 5 Lena Pym was appointed dele- gate to the Goderich Summer school and is attending the same this week. Mrs, Chas, Johns has returned fronn. St. Marys where site has spent two weeks visiting her sister, Mrs, S. Whaly, . Mr, and Mrs, .Lon O'Reilly and fam- ily visited near Shelburne over the week -enc. Rev, Mr. White is attending Sum- mer school In Goderich this w eek ,MrOhas.Milisrof'the 2n'conc e-sim leI is confined to his bed pieumonia. Rev' Mr, White visited his mother in Chatham last week, EIPPEN, Mr, John Anderson and friend edi Yime o chi an f &' are guests at the hones of Mr, Arthur Anderson and Mrs. Work- man here, ONE NIGHT ONLY Mr. and Mrs. T. Dayman of Flori- da, were calving on their sister, MoClymonY' .t on Sunda tend to locate in Detroit. They intend. Mrs. Clark of. ” Hensall fell and'. broke her ankle and will be confined, to her home for many weeks at the home of her daughter, Mrs. I{ilpat-• rick. Mrs. Br:az ' London, arenas, son and daughter, of Miss Whiteman guests at the home of ht teman in the village. Mr .s. o D J a ma Y n of Detroit ' his brother, Mr. Robert t visited Dayman,. east of the village. Mr, and Mrs, J. A. Workman and Miss Mildred Workman visited in. Stratford over the week end. Mr. and Mrs, Grant Love have re- turned ed fr om their honeymoon 00 Ym n and. spending are a week bride's, father, R. t the home of the Tho young J. Cooper, Y g people of the community are planning a presentation and social evening in honor of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Kyle, the bride and groom of last week, Mr, _Alex. Sproat who has been spending two weeks with his brother, W. C. Sproat, has returned to Toronto.. Mr. Robert McDougall, of Saskat- chewan, is visiting his many friends, around here. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, of Tugaski; are here at present visiting their many friends, Mrs. Wilson formerly being Miss _Annie 'Cooper. CONSTANCE. Misis Elsie Bardge, of Stratford, r friend,Miss Mabel Living- ston, this week. Miss Beulah la h Scott has returned Tor ed Toronto where sheis a n r to ing at Western. I u nd was a Hospital s Stat. P and delegatewas s a to the Conven- tion of Nurses at Montreal the npast week• Miss Scott is to. be congretulat_ ed on her splendid sic ' success, thaving w , a 1 on the general proficiengY medal in the 2nd year. This district had a visit from the gypsies for a few days,. Miss Ferne Love, of Walton, is spending' the week with 3t2r. and Mrs, Ed. Britton. Mts. Robt, ,Lawson motored to Foothill last week with Mr. and Mrs. Seeley, of Clinton, Mr, and Mrs Foray Carter, of God- erich visited Mr, and Mrs, jack P'er geson on Sunday, - Miss hazel Leslie and Mr, Harold Wallace of Newark, N.J,, spent Wed- nesday at Bayfield. Miss .B1+anche Wihcatley left Wed- etsdlay for Bolton, north of Toronto, Where' she will spend' two weeks as an instructor at a CeG,t;T, girls' camp, under auspices of the Torotit° Star. Miss Marjorie Colsoit is spending•• a few days with her friend, Miss Ella Armstrong Mrs. T•Iugia Campbsii is visiting her• daughter, Mrs, Co,eCarter, Mr• Geo Clarke spent last week vis- itis rely ' ge relatives in Strathroy,