HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-07-11, Page 11Medical
DR, II. HUGH ROSS, Physician
td Surgeon, Late of London Hos-
tel,Leaaden, England, Special
tention to diseases of the eye, esr
ase and throat, Office and restd•
tee behind Dominion Bank. Office .
hone No, 5: Residence {'hone 104.
DR, F , J. BURROWS, Seaforth,
ffice and residence, Goderich street,
tst of the United Church. Coroner •
ar the County of Huron. Telephone -•
'o, 40,
DR. C. MACKAY.--C, Mackay, v
near graduate of Trinity University"
ad gold medallist of
Trinity Medical..
olleget member of the College of
hysicians and Surgeons of Ontario:
DR. F, J. R, FOIRSTER—Eye, Ear -
lose and Throat. Graduate in Meda, •
ine, University of Toronto 1891.
.ate Assistant New York Ophthal
sic and Aural Institute, Moore'field'e,.
ye,, and 'Golden Square throat hos-
itals, London, England. At Cornet*
rcial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd •Monday in
aeh month, from 1d a.m. to 3 p.m.
DIR. W. C. SPROAT.—{Graduate of
'acuity of Medicine, University Or
(Western Ontario, London. Me'm'ber
f College of Physician's and Sue-
eons of Ontario, 'Office in A'herhart'i
)rug . Store, Main St.,.. Seaforth.,
'hone 90.
DR. J,. A. MUNN,: , Successdr.. to •
R R. Ross, graduate .of North-••
vesternUniversity, Chicago, I11. Li- -
entia'te (Royal College of Dental Sur --
;eons, Toronto. .Office over :Sill's.,
tardware, Main St., Seaforth. Phone -
DR. T. J, BFCH'ELY,' graduate:
Zoyal ,College of Dental Surgeons,..
Coronto. Office over W. R, Smith's
;rocery, Main St., Seaforth. Phones.
,ffice 18$W, residence 185J.
Consulting Engineer.
1.. W. ARCHIBALD, B;A.Sc. (Tor.),
).L.S., Registered Professional En-•
ineer and Land Surveyor, Associate:,
itemiser Engineering Institute of
;anada, Office, Seaforth, Ont.,-'
auctioneer for the County of Huron
rrangements -can be made for Sale
)ate at The Seaforth News. Charges
moderateand satisfaction guaranteed,
(Successoes to James 'Watson)
All kinds of Ineuran'ce risks effeot-
d at lowest ..rates in First -Clan
lethal Fire Insurance Cot
Officers—James Connolly. Goder-
h; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood;
/ice President; D. F. McGregor,
ieaforth' Sec: Treasurer.
Directors—'Wm. Rinn, No. 2, Sea.--
orth, John •Bennewies, Brodhagen;
aures Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc-
iiwen. Clinton; James Connolly, God--
od-rich; Alex. Broadfo.ot, No. 3 Sea-'
orth; J. M. Sholdice. No. 4, Walton;.
Cobert .Ferris, Hariock; George Me-
;artney; No. 3, ' Seaforth; Murray
iibson, Brucefield.'
Agents -Alex. Leitch, r,r. 1, Clin-
on; . E. Htnchley, Seaforth; J. A.
rlurrayY.-r.r. No. 3,,.Seaforth; J. V.
ten, Jlolnesville; R. G. Jarmouth,
lornholm. Janes Kerr and John
iovenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties':
esirous to effect insurance or trans-
ct otherbusiness will be promptly
ttended to by application, to any of
he above named officers addressed
o their respective postoffices.
A quantity of choice heavy wooded
ard maple and soft wood slabs for
ale, 12 to 14 inches long, delivered in
Seaforth at $3.0O per cord- for soft
wood and $4.'50 for hard Maple. Alm')
vhite ash and oak tongues on hand,
2to 14 feet long, at $1.50 each. Beech
tone boat plank sawed with a turn
t one end, 2" thick, 12" wide, 8 ft.
ong, at $1.50 per plank or three
flanks far $4.00, .at' the mill. Apply to
VTILLIA,M DO'IiG,' Jr., Kippen'R.R.
, Phone 138r2, Seaforth. • 30
Useful for. many, repairs. Get your
,oards-n'ow. We have' sheathing,; pane
nd maple flooring, plank, timbers,
nd sash and frames. E. L. BOX.
PRINCESS presents two of the
• screen's leading comediennes
The girl with the rolling eyes
Colleen Moore
Synthetic Sin
A Main Street miss who wanted to
,e a Broadway star in the worst way
-and almost succeeded,
Playing .opposite
The star of "The Fair Co-ed" and
'Tillie the Toiler," in a story of a
'arty Of conducted American College
!iris adrift in Monte Carlo.
Supplement to The Seaforth News, Thursday, July`"11, 1929
'Mr. and Mrs. E. Stevens of Sea-
forth spent Sunday in our village,
Miss Gertrude Roberton of Toron-
is spending her holidays with her
mother, iltrs, M. Ross.
Mr, F. Johnston spent the holiday
at his borne here.
Mis's M. Grainger of Torionto spent
the week end with her sister, Mrs,
G'eo'rge Cowan..
Mr, mad Mrs, Robert Cookeriine of
Blyth have got settled in, their new
hornne here. We welcome Mr, and
Mrs. Cockerline to our village,
;Mrs, Hunkiing and family of Clin-
ton are spending the week with Mrs,
A,, MdCoel, Geo. Mc -
The many friends of Mrs.
Call will be pleased to hear she is
much improved after a bad attack of,
The W!I. will meet in Community
Hall July. lath. Hostesses will be'
Mrs, G. Moon, Mrs. D, Center, Mrs.
,Fttan'k Little, Mrs. F. Shobrooke,
Miss Mains, Miss Austin and Mrs. R.,
Mr, and Mrs. J. Nott celebrated
their twenty -,fifth wedding anniver-
sary on Sat., June Z9th. There were
about twenty-five' relatives present.
ItEr. and Mrs. Not were presented
with several piece's of silverware and
a very pleasant time was spent to-
gether. We hope this worthy couple
will long be spared to ,celebrate many
more tunes.
A number frolm here attended the
Walton garden party on Friday last,
all reporting a good time.
R, T. Phillips, of Goderich, District
president, presiding. Meeting opened
by singing the institute Ode, Mrs.
Davidson, of Dungannon, gave
Scripture reading, after which Miss
Proctor, of Belgrave, led in prayer.
The secretary's report was read and
approved. The eleven branches rep-
resented gave their reports and all are
doing good work, We have 5513
members, an increase of 18 over last
year. There were 116 papers and ad-
dresses given and 126 meetings held
with an attendance of 4,040. Money
raised during the year, $4484.9S, with
an expenditure of 2,905.49. The Dis-
trict treasurer's report was then given,
which the auditors in giving their re-
committees l th en correct.The
Ttheir sreports.'
The election of officers took plane
with the following result; Presidenvt,
Mrs, Robt, Davidson, Dungann'o'n; 1st
vice president, Mrs. Dan. Geddes,
Wiu'gham; 2nd vice pres'i'dent, Mrs.
Salkeld, Goderich; Secty. Treasurer,
Mrs, J, J, Elliott, 'Wittgham; Federa-
tion. Representative, Mrs• R. T. Phil-
lips, Goderich; auditors, Mrs. W. 3,
Henderson, Mrs. W. Fraser, Wing -
ham, We then adjourned for dinner.
A social hour was spent together at
which Mr. Adams, Reeve of Mullett,
welcomed the ladies to Londes'boro.
He has always taken an interest in
the Women's Institute. '!''heir motto
was "Home and Country," and their
activities along that line were always .
successful. Mrs. Wigh:timan, of Blyth,
in a few well chosen words, related
some of the doings of the Women's
Mrs. Wheeler, of Belgrave, return- Institute which 'make better home -
ed to her home on Friday night last makers and also better housekeepers..
The afternoon session opened at 1.30
with community !singing.. 'Miss Moun-
tain, of Londesiboro, favored us with
an instrumental solo; also Mrs. Chow -
en. of Clinton, with a solo and Mrs,
Henderson, of Winghn'm gave a read-
ing, "The Legend of the Organ Build-
er," The speaker of'the day was Mrs,
Wardlaw, of Ethel, our Federation
represen'tahive. Her address was in-
teresting and instructive. She con-
gratulated the District on the efficin'cy
of its officers .and everything was con-
dected in a business -like manner. The
co-operation 'between District 'branch
and Federation is the sec're't of suc-
cess. She made special mention of
the work of tine Women's Institute in
sending a lady doctor to T'olbersnory.
Dr. Fisher has been very successful
in her work in the north and shall
never be Forgotten. The speaker also
advocated the teaching of music in
the schools, also the supervision of
the noon hour to encourage honesty
among school pupils. ' Miss Webb, of
St. Helens then favored us with a
solo. Mrs. Woods, president of the
Auburn branch, extended an invitation
for the District annual to be held
there next year. This concluded one
of the most successful District an-
nuals we have had. Meeting closed
with singing God Save the King.
Mr. and Mrs. George Fox, of De-
troit, -visited with relatives in the vil-
lage on ,Saturday.
'Mr. and Mrs. 'Chas. Stutz and dau-
ghter, of Cleveland, are visiting Mrs.
Stutz' parents, Mr. .and Mrs. 'Joseph
Mr. Fran'{: Stalker, of Blderton, vis-
ited 'frieivds in the village on Sunday.
Mr. George Riley had the misfort-
une to tall off a load of 'hay on Satur-
day and hurt his back.
Mr: and Mrs. 'Tom Riley of 'Clinton,
spent .Sunday in the village with
Master Mac Stephenson, of Brus-.
sels, is spending his holidays with his
gna.ndparents, Mr. and Mrs. 'George
Mrs. Seoord Mc'Brien entertained a
number of neig'h'bors to an aluminum
demonstration Monday evening.
'Mr. and Mrs. MdTaggart and 'fam-
ily, Toronto, and Mrs. McNabb, of
Drayton, visited Mr. and Mrs. James
Dolle and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Britton returned
Thursday 'from Toronto after spend-
ing the ;week with Mrs. Britton's sis-
ters and other relative's.
Miss Jean 'Lawson, of Clinton, is
spending her 'holidays with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Lawson.
Misses Helen and Edith ,Britton .re-
turned 'Sa'turd'ay from 'Toronto where
they were guests Of their sister,. Miss
Mildred Britton and other friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Muir and
daughters, of Niagara Falls, N. Y.,
spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs.
B, B. Stephenson this week.
-Mr. Bill Dale, Miss Thelma Dale
and Miss Pauline Dunn, of Toronto.,
spent the -holiday last week with Mr,
arid Mrs. Janes Dale. •
'Miss Rena -Carter, of Toronto, spent
the -holiday at her house.
Miss Mary Moore and Mr. Jack
Moore, of Toronto, and Mr. Milton
Moore, of Stratofrd, were hdliday
visitors with Mrs. Moore.
A nttiniber attended the Dale re
union at Wm, cannel's place a mile
north of Holmesville'last week. About
75 were present from Stratford, To-
ronto, Owen 'Sound, Seaforth, Varna
Clinton and Constance, Mr.- Connell
opening his new picnic and tourist
,grounds. He has a trout pond a also,
in which 3,000 fish were put lately,
The guests enjoyed boating on the
pond but fishing was not "allowed A
very pleasant day was spent.
Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Walters and
familly left last week for Toronto. air,
Walter has been on the farm he
bought 'from Mr. James Medd for the
past eight years.
Mr. Nicholson 'moved the 'barn he
purchased from 'Mr, Pollard to his
own place last week.
Mr, and Mrs, Wm McMillan the
daughter Marion of London, spent d
holiday week -end with Miss Annie
Taylor and Mr. Harvey Taylor. The
former returned to London with them.
Mr. 'Jim Armstrong, of Toronto,
w'as a holiday visitor at his home.
Mr. Fred Armstrong returned last
week from Manitoulin island with a
fine load of cattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Klinet and fam-
ily, of Harbour Beach, Mich., spent a
few days last week at the home of
Mr. T. E. Livingston.
(Mrs. Jas, Ma'thieson, of Michigan,
is visiting her brother, Mr. T. E. Liv-
after a very pleasant visit with her
sister, Mr's. McCrea of the village.
'Mr. and Mist Sterling of Melita,
Manitoba, are visiting at the home of
Mr. Chios. Manning.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Armstrong, 'babe,
and Mrs. Taman spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. Chas. Vodden.
Mr. Harold Jolhn'stou and friend
Spent the week end with the former's
parents here.
Mr. and Mrs. Rolbt. Yungblut, Miss
Helen and Miss Gladys Mountain
were Goderich visitors on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Vodden, Mr.
and Mrs. Willis Mountain were Eth-
el visitors on Sunday.
'Mr. and Mrs. Dewar of Ottawa are
visiting friends in the village.
!Mrs. Nott, Sr., is visiting her
daughter at Summerhill
'Mrs. Mains and Miss Lizzie motor-
ed to L'ond'on on Sunday.
Miss Susie S'a:n;psom of Palmerston
is visiting friends in the village.
Miss Marjory Lyon of Toronto is
visiting at her home here.
Miss Esther Lyon is spending a
holiday with Clinton. friends.
'On 'Saturday last a couple of classes
of United Church Sunday school pic-
nicked at B.avfield.
Mr. and 'Mrs. John Nott and hiss
Isabelle spent Sunday with Seaforth
Mr. Tont Moon of Buffalo is visit-
ing his uncles here, Messrs. George
and Henry Moon.
Mr. Leonard Caldwell of Port Col-
borne is home for a visit.
Mr. Carman Moon of Buffalo is
visiting his parents here, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Moon.
'Miss Olive Moan hasbeen engag-
ed as teacher by the trustees of S.S.
No. 7 for the corning year.
The Ladies' Aid of Knox Church
vett at the home of Miss S. Barr on
Tuesday last with a flair attendance.
Tasker-Gibbings. A wedding of
great interest in this district- took
Uplace at 'the 'Parsonage of Ontario st.
nited Ohurch,'Cilnton, at 12 o'clock,
noon, on Monday, Julys, when Eve-
lyn 'Eiiz'albetlt IGibtbings, daughter of
Mr. and .'Mqs, 'John :G. 'Gibbings o'f
Hallett .became the bride of John Les-
lie 'Tasker, son of the late ilic'hard
Tasker, of 'Stanley, and Mrs. 'Luke
Lawson, of. Clinton. (Rev. A. E Doan
performed the ceremony. The 'brides-
maid was ,Miss 'Marie Rapsore o'f 'Har -
look and the groomsman was Mr.
Warren Gibbings, ,brother of the
bride. The bride was very becoming-
ly dressed in -sand ,colored crepe de
chene, 'blue tricotine coat, trimmed
with fur. Her'flowers•were ferns and
rose'bu'ds. The bridesmaid' wore a
'beautiful gown, of golden -nod crepe,
and carried a lbouquet of carnations
and delphiniums. Atter the wedding
dinner the happy couple left on a mo-•
for trip ,to Niagara F'all's. 'The best
wishes of a host of 'friends accompany
the bride and groom, OvIr. and 'Mrs.
Tasker are expected to spend a day -or
two at their homes here before leav-
ing an 'Friday for their new home in
Detroit. The bride was the 'recipient
of many gifts at a shower held in her
'honor by a number, of her girl friends
last week.
The -District an•neasi meeting of the
West Huron Women's .Institute was
held in Londesboro 'community hall
on Tuesday, June 2$ith. There were
419 voting delegates and a total at-
tendance of over 200. The morning
session opened at 10 a.m, with- Mrs.
Miss Flora Souter, of. Detroit, has
been visiting her brother, Mr. J. Sou-
ter, Mill Road, for a week.
Miss Loretta Lane, of Morpeth, is
home for her vacation,
Mr.. and Mrs. Rae Carnbchan of De-
troit, are visiting at the hone of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Cameron.
Mr, and Mrs, Henry Pedkelder, of
Lansing, Michigan, are visiting at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Win. Charters,
Mr. and Mrs, 'Charles, r. Mont-
gomery and Mr. and Mrs.'Vicorey,
Detroit, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm, Montgomery Egmondville, for
the toast week,
Miss Laura McMillan left Monday
for II-a'milbon to take a summer course
for two weeks.
'Mee John Robb and daughter Nina
and {Mrs. Walter Watts, of Chatham,
were guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Allan, Monday 'last.
Miss Louise Allen,' of Hamilton, is
hcane for her vaction.
Mr. Jas. Riley pufchased a Ford
sedan recently,.
'1lr. and Mrs. Cecil Oke and dau-
ghter .Carrie, of London, spent the
holiday at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. T. Coleman.
Mr. Peter Cameron has purchased
a new 'coupe.
Mr, and Mrs. R. ,Boyes and litre son
Robert, Mr. and Mrs. A. Boyes and
family and Mrs. Boyes Sr. of'Eg-
mondville all motored to Aspdin, after
a weeps vacation with friends in the
Miss 'Mary MdNaughton; of Sault
Ste Marie, has returned to spend her
vacation. with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. MdNaughton.
Mrs. Jas. Hay and Mrs. J. Riddal
are visiting the former's 'daughter,
Mrs. Lorne Pepper, of Niagara Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Moore spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan For-
Mr. and ivtrs. Chas. Topp, Miss
Alice Topp, Mr. George Kalle, of
13ufiialo, spent the week -mid with Mr.
and Mrs. John Elgie, Mrs. Topp and
Alice remaining for a week.
Mr. W. G. 'Strong, of Ottawa, is
ion wit'ii •hi s par -
Miss 'Mary McKaig, of Exeter; vis-
ited at Noah H'orton's on 'Sunday,
Mrs. W. Wilkinson spent Sunday
in Lucas with her son Dick, who had
the misfortune of having 'blood poison
in his hand.
Miss Bernice Harris is spending a
week's holidays with her cousin, Mis's
Beatrice Dayman.
Miss Maud Millar has returned
home froirn teaching school at 'Wash -
ago, Ont., and will keep house for her
brother during the holidays,
Shower;--arlast Wednesday evening
the bride -elect, 'Miss Florence Ven-
eer, was tendered a shower by her
many frionds. Little Alvin Cole and
Shirley Fairbairn acted as bride and
groom, After receiving the gifts,
Florence politely thanked everyone
and invited all to see her in the future.
The evening was spent in music, af-
ter Which refreshments were served:
Kyle-Venner,—'The United Church
manse, Hensall, was the scene of a
quiet but ,pretty wedding on Saturday.
June 6th, when Florence Mary, only
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, William
Veneer of Chiselhurst, was united in
marriage to William, eldest son of
Mrs. Kyle and the late Thomas Kyle
of Kippen. Rev. A. Sinclair officiat-
ed. The 'bride was charmingly
gowned in en ashes of roses crepe and
lace ensemble with hat to match and
beige shoes. The bridesmaid, Miss
Myrtle Schram of Parkhill, cousin of
the bride, was ,prettily dressed in
pink crepe with white hat. The
groom was attended by his brother,
Emmerson. After the ceremony, the
arty motored to Parkhill and had
spending the vacat
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Strong, Kip -
pen Road.
Mr. Robert ivloore, of Fort Wil-
liam, is -s.pend'ing his holidays with his
parents, Mr, and Mrs. I. Moore.
Mr, and Mrs. McLachlan, of Park-
hill, wis'ited on Sunday at the •home of
Mrs. 5, Jackson,
S.S. No. 9. -The following is, the re-
sults of the promotion examinations
Meld June 26 and 27. The asterisk de-
notes the number of subjects in
Which the pupil hes failed. Promoted
from Jr. IV. to Sr. 'I.V.— (Total 750,
•honors 562, pass 450). Roy Hodgert
540, Mac Chesney 413*.
From Sr: I'II, to Jr.- IV. -.(Total
650, honors 427, pass 390.)—Irene
Mackay 5218, Anna Love 504, Jean
Irvine 4136, Jack Consitt 423. Not pro-
moted, Lorne May 340*, Russel'{ Hod -
,gent 325'*, Billy 'Dalrym,plie 249***.
From Sr. i'1, to Jir. IIDL—QTo'tal500,
honors 37t,. pass' 000)--lRdbert Mc-
Mrs. P. Murphy, and daughter, of
Toronto, are visiting the lady's sis,
ter, Mrs. L. Butson.
Doiet forget the ball game on Fri-
day night when Motherwell plays
here. This IS the l'as't hone game on
the schedule.
Miss 13. Snell spent a couple of days
last week with cher sister in Paris,
)0r, and Mrs, Cecil O'Brien and
ha'be, of Ridgetown, spent the week:-
eek-end under the parental roof.
Miss Luella 'Bell, of Sault Ste.
Marie, is holidaying with Mrs, Mr G.
iMr, and Mrs. Baker, Detroit, spent
the week -end at the parsonage.
;loan from here 'attended the open-
ing of the new service station in Mit-
chell Monday night.
Master Jack MdEw'ing is at pres-
ent visiting his friend, Master Walter
Bewley, near Walton,
'Mr. Robert Ferris had the mis-
fortune last week to have three horses
killed by lightning.
Rev. Mr, Johnston preached in
Burns' United Church on Sunday af-
ternoon last,
Miss. Jean Wegg of London has
been living at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Leo. Watt for some time and
has returned to the home of her fa-
ther. Jean was successful in passing
her entrance exa'mina'tion with honors.
Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Parsons and
Misses Aniy and Ena visited for din-
ner at the hone of Ms. and Mrs, Leo
dinner at the McLeod Reunion, which Watt on Sunday.
Miss Marie Rapson attended the
was held at the M home of to s. andrwedding of Miss Evelyn Gibbings. of
Mrs. Goinpresent.reeabout seventy near Clinton. and Mr. Leslie Tasker,
noon being miscellaneous In the after- of Detroit on Monday.
noon a 0fe bride
and was gi-Mr. James Campbell, of London,
wan in honor of the groom, `visited at the hone Of Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle left ar a ma- David Reid on Saturday evening.
tor trip to Detroit and. Niagara Fal.s.' ,
The bride travelled in a figured chif-
fon dress and navy tricatine coat. On
their return they will reside on the
groolm's farms at Kippen. The .groom's
gift to the bride was a white gold
wrist watch, to the bridesmaid, a rope
of pearls, and to the groomsman, gold
cuff links. Prior to the wedding a
shower was given at the bride's home
and the presents, which were numer-
ous and ,beautiful showed the high
esteem in- which she is held.
Lachlan 324 Glen Houston 205***
Class IIL-IBolbbie Gemmell, Kate
Dalrymple. Stewart Love.
Class I.—Jack Mackay, 'Millie Hod -
Primer—(Helen Houston, In order
to pass, the, pupils had to make 40p.c.
on each sti'biect and 60 p.,c. of the
total. No. on roll, 25; average attend-
ance for June, 24.
Margarat E. Grieve, Teacher.
Why suffer from ,corns when they
cap be •painiesslyrooted out' by using
Flollaway s Core (R'e'mover,
School Report.—tRooni 1. --Jr. TV.--
V.—Promoted on year's work, .Enna
Wurm. 'Robe Passmore, 'Helen Glenn,
Mary ,TIenvphill,,'Mabel Fee, A'ldon
Appleton. Written exams, Harvey
Hudson '60. On trial—Edythe Wolffe
55, Jack Farquhar 55, Stewart Bell 52,
Roy Broctk 51. Sr. III'I. 1Pro'noted on
year's work. Norman Sinclair, Herb
Redden, Mildred Follick, Dorothy
Drummond, 'Irene Smale, Minnie
Sangster. Written exams, ,Harold
Higgins 65, C. H. Blowes, Teacher.
Room II.—((Honors 75, 'Pass 60.)—
Sr. III to Jr. XIV.—(Ruth Coles 86,
Ross Mdulroy '76, Kathryn Drysdale
73, Annie Huiser 71, Olive Brock 70,
Margaret Kennings bis. Jr. 11X'1 toaSr.
MI.—Dorothy McQueen 78, Orville
Hellen 74. (Billy Glenn 74, Myrna
Hudson 7-2, Gladys Sauridercock 68,
Mary Little 67, Harold 'Bonthroe 67,
Kenneth Manns 63, Edgar 'Wrumi 63.
Sr, PI to Jr. IHLI—+Ronald Peck 31,
Teas Foster 79, Loretta Bell 75, Grace
Wurm 74, Bob Drysdale 69, Dorothy
Deters 66, Ivan Kipfer 66, Nellie Fee
64 M. A. Ellis, Teacher.
Primary Room,—Jr, IS. to Sr. I'I.
Mona Glenn 88, Margaret Sheoherd
58, David Sangster 58, Herbert
mond 87. Edna ,Saurdercock
Kiefer 85, Edith Worn 85, Kenneth
Passmore 79, Keitlh' Buchanan 78,
Lloyd Brock 67, •Tac'k !Simmons 61,
Max Hudson 60, Herman Wolff 40.
Sr, I. to Jr. IL—!Jack Coles 28,
Douglas Sangster 88, Stanley Tucker
91, 'Rau Faster 67. Sr, I. —,Mary
Clark 89, Wilma 'Green 88, 'Elva 'Mc-
Queen 116, Alice Pfaff 54, Barbara
Shepherd 82, Russell Hsd'den 76,
Laird Hudson 71, Shirley Twitchell 65
Sr. Primer -George Sangster 83, -Ho-
ward S'male 73. Jr. Pruner—,Audrey
Twitchell 81, Gerald Passmore 79,
Cecil. Kiofer 77, Elaine 'Peck 76,
Norn»a Gook 73, Preston Le'mon'68,
Billy Higgins 6.6, Harold Wurm 62y .
, • Jessie Bnchatran, Teacher.
Great interest was evinced in the
drainage court case 'w'hi'ch up before
the erai'nage referee, 'George T. Hen-
derson, Ottawa, at the Court House,
Stratford, Thursday last. John Eisler,
Lagan Township, was applying to
have it declared that the township
engineer was not properly 'appointed,
and secondly, that the engineer in
making, his. report acted, illegally in
taking in the Eisler award with the
general drainage scheme.
W rt and For Sale ads 3 tunes 50c
The following is the result of the
Promotion examinations held at S.
S. No. 7, ,Hibbert. P. IV. to 'Sr, IV.—
V.Mark required 552. --Beatrice Drover
746 (hon.). Sr, ,IIII. to ,Jr. I'V: (Re-
quired 480).—'Ross Hoggar'th 6'17
(hon.) Jr. I'I'I to ISr, II,1—(!Regnired
480).—June Stephenson 523, Merwood
Nash 428, William 'Chambers (abs).
Sr. 11 to Jr. I,t1.__eeRequired 384).—
Earl Drover 548 (Iron.) Benson Stone-
man 529 (hon.), john Chappel 356,
Lorne Chambers 215 (f). Second class
-Fria Treffry, Raye Chambers,
Douglas Rogers. ,First .cl'as's. -{Jean
Veneer, Percy 'Wright, Witmer '.Mc-
Donald. Pruner —Norma Chambers.
Highest mark obtained in each su'b-
jcct Arithtiuetic— Total 100, Earl
Drover 100. Mental. Arith,netic, total.,'
50. .Beatrice Drover, .Ross Hoggar •
Merwood Nash, 'Benson Stoner
and Earl Drover 50. Grammar, tonal
100. Beatrice Drover 69. Literature,
total 100, Beatrice Drover 83. Literat-
ure, total 80, 'Benson Stoneman 72.
Geography, total 100, (Earl Drover 80.
Composition, total 100, Earl Drover
85. History. total 80, ,Beatrice Drov-
er 57. Writing, total 40, 'Earl 'Drover
34. Reading. total 40, Benson Stone-
man 38. ,Spelling, total 80; Benson
Stoneman 80. Hygiene. total 80, ,Bea-
trice Drover 72. Number on roll 18.
Attendance 1'5:5.
Victoria Bolton, Teacher.
Miss 'Florence ;Knox, of Toronto,.
spent a few days with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knox.
Miss 'Irene Carter, of Toronto, :is
spending her holidays with her par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Win. Carter.
Mr. and Mrs..Ed. Agnew, of Owen
Sound, spent Sunday with the Carter
Master Geo, and 'Miss 'Doris 'Strutt,
of Dundee, are holidaying at Wm.
Fairservice's. ,
Miss Betty Lawrence spent a few
days witb her 'friend, Mrs. Ern. Dale,
of the 2nd concession.
Mr. Thos. Knox and ,family, and
Mr, Wm, Carter and family attended
the Connell -Dale reunion on July lst.
Mr. Edlwin 'Cartwright has .purchas-
cd,a barber shop in Blyth and has tak-
en possession.
Mr. 'Geo. Carter is nursing a brok-
en rib at present.
Mr, 'Pat Quigley hats treated his
barn to a new steel roof, Mr. 'Harry
Riley doing
the work.
Nights of Agony cone in the train
of asthma. The victim cannot lie
down, and sleep is driven ,from his
brain. What grateful relief is the he -
mediate effect of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's
Asthma 'Remedy. 'It 'banishes the
frightful condition's, •clears the pas-
sages, and enables the afflicted one to
again sleep as soundly and restfully as
a child. Insist on .the 'genuine at your
nearby druggist.