HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-07-11, Page 77
These rices for one
week o
Olrv s,'re,seecial
large jars 18e
shipment in ..,45c, 75c, $1.4Q
A real polish for roar car,,
Arsenate ofLime, :a .lzI'ant tonin
plus a bag k'il'ler, 5 tbs. $1;00
Black Leaf 40s, protects your garden and fowl -$1,25 & $3,25
Kills Aphis, Leaf Hoppers; Thrips, etc
Tea „Bags, Ridgeway's 5 o'clock , , , ,
2 bags Se
' Use ikwtpicnics inYout thet os
Javel Water, bleaches linen stains...,..
When you went to be rite
Call the Red and White
W. 114 Stewart
Ross J Sproat Phone
Phone 77
We pay the highest -prices for good cream,
Our services to our patrons are the best that can be given.
Do not send .your ,cream to other Creameries; we want
it here.
To operate a Creamery we need your co-operation,
In. `return for you co-operation ` we will give you of our
best in service and prices.
We are agent for the Mellotte Cream Separators. Come
in and see the yew Models.
.Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont.,
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
W. J. walker 86 Son
Motor or Horse Equipment
W, J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished. '
Night or' day phone 67.
JJust Tr 1
us � I
When you feel tired and
"slip around the
drowsy; p
corner and get a massage
, l`
You:may come in with
grouch a g but will go out
with a smile.
Phone 125.
Pianos Tuned
Chas, A. Howey
Residence -James St.
H. McInnes
Of Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
"Monday,. Wednesday and
Friday Afternobns
Diseasescif 'all kinds success-
fully. treated.
• Eleatri'city used,
Mr,' and Mrs, Frank Mack, from
Rochester, N.Y,, Sisters Stephen Jo-
seph and Mary M'agdelene from
Brooklyn, N.Y., and '1,lr. and Mrs, W.
Swink and family and Miss Catherine.
O'Connor, from Hibbert, and Messrs.
C. and J. Eckert from Seafdrth and
Mr. F. Welsh from Listowel were,
visitors in aur 'burg last 'Sunday,
Messrs, Thos. McKay and C, Case
have hemi allotted two of the Eng-
lish immigrants who received Cana-
dian' farm training and arrived here
last Saturday. They are promising
young 'then.
Nearly all children, are sttblect to
worms, and tnauy'are balm WTth them,
Spate them suffering by using Mother
Graves' Worm. Exterminator,,, an ex-
eellent remedy.
Let us explain tike' coverages
and the amount of protection
afforded for small premium.
ProMpt settlement of all claims
Mrs. J, Cnhitthoun, Mrs. Neubauer,, s
Clara Martha and Edward INettbatter,
of Niagara l'ells, • N. Y:, spent the
Fourth at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Willie= Kruse,
Miss, Molly :Helper, Toronto, who
was a_tnant'ber of the 'Collegiate staff,
thepartxear, asaeee
ked a P
in Ba •r e• Cott fate and will each
1t a
e t
Upper school French and German.
Miss Belle Watson, of Port Arthur,
is spending her holidays with her bro-
ther; Mr. Jamas Watson,. and sister,
Miss Marion 'Watson,
Miss Leona Box is visiting her aunt
in Toronto,
Mr, NaJ, "Green, from Sinicoe, Journal -Argus, and Mr. Hugh Savage,
Ont., who went out of here about
40 years agog is coming to rhe week- of 'the Coaa•ich'an (+B:C,) Leader and
end services of the Salvation Array,. Newspapet r) Assoect ciation, the n,Cwere Weekly
alsb Capt. Wright, at The News office on Saturday.
Mr, and Mrs. Charles. Brenner, of Mr, and; Mrs. Robt, McKay were.
Thannesvtlle, 'visited the Eormer's Sunday visitors with McKillop friends,'
enothed'rr'Mrs..Brunner, over the week- Mr. and Mrs. James Cleary, the
t}' Misses Margaret and ICathleen Cleary'
Mr, and Mrs; T, E, Shielis and and Mrs, B', Cleary leave returned
Misses Bernice and Jeanette Joynt, of from a trip to Saginaw and Detroit.
Detroit, are spending a few days Misses Helen and Dorothy Charles -
With Mrs, Sh's'' sister, Mrs. Jos. worth Toronto, are holiday visitors
Storey and ' brother,. Mr, Herbert with Mr, and Mrs, W. C. Govenlock,Combed.Mr, Gordon McGonigle is visiting
Mr's. Ralph Elliott is moving to with his' brother Ross in Kitchener
Stratford, and will reside in future on mi., ,sod Mrs. Thos. Young ,anal
Graham street iu the city. Miss Ruby, Walton, were Sunday vis -
Mr, Thomas 3,, Purcell has returned itors with Mr, and Mrs, W. J, Fin -
to Detroit after holidaying at his nigan.
home here, , ' Mrs, Wm. Sproat, Tuckersmith, has
Miss Irene Hildebrandt of Kirch- gone to Detroit for a short visit with
ever, is spending her holidays with friends,
her parents, Mr, and • Mrs, Louis Hil- Mr, and Mrs. Bechely and children,
debrandt, of St Tohmas, are the guests of Mr,
Miss Margaret Grieve has returned and Mrs. Ross Sproat, Goderich' 51.
from a week's visit to Toronto. Miss Ena Holmes; of Flint, Mich„
Mrs, Robs, Clana'han, olf Glencoe, is was home over the American holiday.
visiting Mrs, W. E, Kerslake, Mr. and Mrs., Frank Nendick and
Mrs, J. D, Hamilton of Hemaruka, 'Alta Frank Paterson, of Toronto, spent
Alta.,and her daughter, Dr, Edith Saturdayand Sunda with friends in
Hamilton, of Milwaukee, Wis, call- town, 3
ed at, the home of Mrs. J, D„Hfnchley Mr. Russel Hays arta diiss Ander-
and other friends: in town, sort, of Detroit, were in Goderich at
• Mr:' M. K. Pittman, af,Detroit, is the FIaysreunion anti called at Sea -
visiting at the home of Mr, W. W. forth and . Bayfield on their way back.
Crosier.Mr. and Mrs. John Carrigan, of
sliss Anna Downey, of .Oriilia,'and Cookstown, Mr. George Dunn and
Miss Margaret Fortune, of Detroit, daughter, Mrs. McLeod, of Russel,
are visiting -friends in Seaforth and Man„ spent a few days in town the
vrcinrty uests of Mrs. Anne Htidson, Main st.
Mr, and Mrs J. T. Dodds and ' Mrs. David Chesney, of Winnipeg,'
ghters Nooma and Audrey, of Swift
Current, Sask,;.,,Mr. William Dodds, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Harry
of Soxholm, North Dakota; Mr, John Charters and other friends.
Dodds and son David and Clifford; of Master Stanley Hill, who has been
seriously ill with tonsil trouble is con
New Rockford, N. Dakota, have been
the guests of Mr, Robert Dodds and valeaclilisi t Hlggh s home t on Victoria st.
Miss Mary Dodds all coning by mo-: Hazel Elcoat, Seaforth, were the 'prize
tor. Mr. John Dodds and sons left winders at the Ladies' Day contest at
for home on Saturday. The- remain- the Seaforth Golf Club on Friday.
der of the party took a trip to Niagara "rids Janet Oluff will be. in charge of
Pails on -Wednesday of this week, theMiss a on Thursday; ,July 18.
Mr. H. iuett, ea Toronto; is'spen s. Mr, and Mrs. Hug;i Sproat,;son Ro-
f his holidays
ng ht wfth Mr, and Mrs. amnia and daughter Margaret, of De -
E I. Box,' trott,'spent the lith of July -with friends
Sister Jdan' Maria, of 'Chicago, IllRn P1tor PIP
Desirable residential 'prop
sale in the Town of Seaforth, Cot
v ti ttlY sittated onVictoria St o -posite' St, Janes Church, one minute
from Main•St, All -modern conveni-
ences,,Bargain for gttiel: sale, Apply to
Government Savings Office, Seaforth
in town and. vicinity, -bringing Mrs.ited her father, Mr. Louis Hilddbrandt Russel Sproat back with them.on Sunday, and also her'incle Mr.'
Mrs.''E(gie, 2nd line, Tuckersmith,
spent a few days in Mitchell visiting
her friend, Mrs. Fiaritia,
Mr. lATm. Finlayson has resigned as
principal of Milverton public school
and has been asked'to take this dist-
rict as full time representative of Lon-
don Life. ;
Mrs. John Pinkney is spending a
couple of weeks at Auhttrtt Goderich
and Lucknow,
Miss Mabel Pinkney has returned
after spending several months at Buf-
rs, @Dr.) Hodgins, of Toronto, ar-
rived Wednesday to visit her mother,
Mrs. Henderson.
Mrs. Archie Scott, of Ottawa, who
attended the reunion of S.S. No. 2. is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gov-
enlock this week.
Mr, and Mrs. W. 13: Dickson, 'of
Dickinson, N. Dakota, were the
guests this week of the Misses Brine.
Their daughter, Miss Agnes Dickson,
was here-for.the reunion also,
Miss Mae Broadfoot is &pending
same time at ,Bruce Beach,
Dr. H, H. Ross and daughter Marg-
aret, accompanied by Dr. Ross' sister,
Mrs. Berry of Brucefield leave Satur-
day'ott a trip to the Coast. They will
be joined by their sisters Mrs. (Dr.)
Hamilton at the Soo and Mrs. Mc
Ewan at Winnipeg.
Miss Margaret Case, Detroit, spent
the week -end at.the home of her par-
ents, Mr, 'and Mrs. Arnold Case.
Mrs, F. 0, .Livingstone, Detroit,
spent the week -end visiting friends,
Mrs'. Geo, Weir is spending a few
days at Bayfield,
The choir of Northside United
Church held a picnic at Bayfield on
Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Samuel Dickson and- grand-
daughter Miss Elizabeth Jones, Fort
Saskatchewan, are visiting the form-
er s .daughter, Mrs. A. ID, Sutherland:
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Hall and
fancily of Toledo, Ohio, spent the
week -end with Mr. Htall's aunts, Mrs.
JIC, R. Govenlock aad Mrs. W. L.
Meidinger, at'Zurich.• • •
Mr. Roy Snider, of Kitchener, was
a week -end visitor at the home of
Mr, and Mrs, L. Hildebrandt.
Miss Isabel Cameron, of. Detroit, is
holidaying with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, George Cameron.
R Hislop and Mist Stafford, of
Wroxeter, spent Sunday, at the lion's
of Mrs. Jas. G. Martin.
Mr. Mark Paterson, of Toronto,
' spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E.
L. Box.
"Mr. andel Mrs. Duncan. and.family, of.
Sarnia, :were guests, this week of
Mrs.. R. Peek.
Mr. and Mrs. )'. J. Vincent, df Both-
well, visited' Mrs. Thos. McElroy, on
.Mrs. W. L. Keys leaves Monday for
several weeks visit with Rev, J. M.
and Mrs. Keys,. at Oakdale, Pen.. -
Mr. Frame Cook, •of Toronto; is
spending' his holiday at •his home,
•Mr. John Atkinson and daughter
Eileen of Clinton visited Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Hoggarth during the
week -end.
Ancona those who attended the big
reunion at Shine's school itt Grey tp.
on Tuesday from town were Mr. Robt.
Scarlett, Mr. Muldrew (of Hamilton),
lir. Jas. M. Robertson, Miss M. Rob-
ertson, Dr. 'John Grieve, Mr. John
Walker, Mr. Adam .McKay, Mrs.
Mills and Mrs, Box,
Mr. and Mrs, Tack and family, of
Saginaw, Mich,, visited at tete home
of Mayor W. H, Golding. Mrs. Gold-
ing and children' returned with them.
Mrs,, Elmer Welch, Hanover, and
Mrs. 'McIhttyre, Brussels, are visiting
Mr, and Mrs. E, Welch, John st,
Mrs. Somers and Mr. Fergus Som-
ers, Detroit, visited friends in town
over the week -end, Miss Audrey Som-
ers who spent -the week here, returned
with theist.
Mrs. Matthew. Gordon and daugh-
ter Jean, of Calgary, and ;Mr; and
Mrs. Howard Barker, of Stratford,
were visitors on Sunday with Mrs.:
Hugh Wright. Mrs. Gordon left Mon-
d.ay for the West,
Col. R. S. and Mr's' Hays leave Sat-
urday for Toronto and sail from Mon-
treat the following Wednesday -for
England where -theywill spend a
month or tato,
Mr. and Mrs. James Hays, Mr, and
Mrs. Herbert Fowler, Mrs, John Mill-;.
sort, Mrs.' With Ireland, Mrs. F, Ire-
Iland and Mr. 'Wm. Hays Jr, spent
several days this week at the Fowler
farm at Pont Rowan.
Mr, Lorne Eedy, of the St Marys
Read- Estate, Conveyancing, Bonds
and Investments
Phone 152 -
Seaforth, Ontario.. .
' Mr, and Mrs, Win, Krauskopf have
returned to Detroit after spending a
few days with their parents.
'Miss Rice, of Fullarton,called on
-friends in the vilta,ge on Monday.
iMr. and Mrs. Basil Byrne and Mr,
Wm, Byrne returned to• Detroit after
spending the week -end with their
,parents, 'Mr. and 'Mrs, Wm. Byrne,
north of the village.
Mr. alid'. Mrs.' Gar,, Smith were
guests of Kitchener 'friends on Sun -
Miss Margaret McDaid of Kitchen-
er, is' spending ,her vacation at the
flame of her grandmother, Mrs. Thos.
Mr. Peter Dill returned to Detroit
on Sunday. -
Mrs. rFan'k Smith has gone to To-
ronto.Hospital for treatment. We,
hope to see' her soon home with her
many friends, who wish ' her good.
Miss Mary Hastings is visiting aa
the Dominions Hotel.
Mr. and Mas, Gordon Jeffries, of
Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter'
Gordon, of Collingwood, were guests
Of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Darling on
Sunday. •
The many friends' of Mrs, Patrick
Carlin wi11 be pleased to hear she is
improving: •
Mr. Alex: Gordon' returned to her.
home in Stratford after visiting her
sister, Mrs. Alex. Darling for a .utpnth,
,Mr, Thomas 'Hudson, of Marlebte,
Mich„ and Mr. Joseph Hudsotc; of
Pontiac, Alicia, Mr. AndrewWiley, of
Whitewood;.`Sasl Mrs, Ann_'I3udson
and daughter, Mrs,,,jtas,.Logan, of
Hensall were visitors at the home's of
Mr, Jas, Jarrett and. Mr. 'Wilson tCar-
lile'on Saturday,
Mts:Jas,. Forrest and daughter An -
vie'" fMoose Jaw,
visited with
sister,' Mrs. Harry Fuss, over the
week end, •
Mrs, Eller and children 'of Sudbury
are Visiting at the:•hgme of her par-
ents,'Mr, John Coehrrane.
Quite a number from around this
vicinity attended the Cochrane re-
uniott et '.B•aytfield on Saturday last,
Miss Mttriel Carlile of , Clinton als:
spending 'a;anuottth's:holidays at the
home of her'parent`s, Mr,'Witsott Car-
Hogs, per cwt.
d e.
Give us a call
108 Downie St. STRATFORD
.$12,2541e.75 1111011111111111111111111111111111111111
Died at Oakville -The following de-
spatch from Oakville, Ont„ dated
June 27th, refers to a former resident
of Bayfield: 'Miss Katharine Gibson
died suddenly at the home of her ne-
phew, Mr.Hamilton Stuart, Oakville,
on ,June 26. Miss Gibson had been in
her usual health and was on. the golf
links the day befare. She suffered a
stroke during the tight, rad her. un-
expected heath is a great shock to
many -friends. She was the daughter
of the late Rev. Hamilton Gibson,
minister. of the established church,
Scotland. Her mother's name was
Rankin, the family being connected
with the. Rankin Shipbuilders Co, of
Glasgow; As a wedding -gift to her
father and mother, the Rankin ship-
building .firm presented them with a
passage to Canada, on one of their
steamships -among the first to crass
the ocean, .Her father's firstp arish.
was in Galt, where Miss Gibson was
born. His next parish was Bayfield,
Huron county,. from where they re-
tired to Lachine, Quebec. Miss Gibson
was educated itt Miss Lay's school,
Montreal: After the death of her pat-
ents, she made her home with her
sister, Mrs, Stuart, wife of the late
Dr, W, T, Stuart, Toronto, who for
many years lived at H'olyrood. Since
the death`of Iter sister, she has made
her home with herr nephew, Hamilton
Stuart, The Macre! took place to tete
Oakville cemetery,"
bliss. Edith Hunt and friend motor-
ed from 7Qionto and spent the week-
end with friends heres Mrs, Edwin
"lint returned with theta to visit
friends n Guelph
AMisses Margaret and Dorothy Mc-
Clure are spending a few days at the
home of Mr, and Mrs., Wm. Storey.
Mr, and Mrs GordanWo , rd bster, of
t spent theweek-end A e end. 'at the
Mr. and MrS:'G, B. Dorrance.
S. 5, No. 12, -The following is the
report of S. S, No. 12, :cdU1n'p for
the Jane promotion examinations,
Tema work was also considered. Sr,
IV.-'Gretta HufleY 75, Agnes Dodds
70. Jr IV,-iAgnes Case 73,' Elizabeth
Mcr la„te 70
Bert l
den75 ',riffleHulley
74. Jr. IIL-Mar-
garet FIabkirk 75, George 'Habkirk
70, Sr. 1I, -Arthur MrChtre 45, Pri
riser Sr. -Gordon Hulley (good); Pri-
mer Jr,•-Litlia n McClure (good),
During the year a spelling contest was
held, The winners in each class are as.
follows: IV. -Agnes 'Dodds. HI -Ag-
nes Case, AL -Margaret FIablciek;
Primer -Gordon Hulley. No, on roil,
16. Average attendance, 15;1.
Annie E. Strong, Teacher,
Miss Mary Purcell, of Detroit,, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. T. Flannery,
Miss, Mary Feeney, of New York
City, is spending her vacation with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Feeney.
Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence. Power, of
•Windsor, visited Mr, and Mrs, Jantes
McQuaid, recently,
Mr, Thos, Purcell Jr. 'of Detroit
called on friends stere over the week-
Mise Irene O'Sullivan, of Toronto,
is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
James O'Sullivan,
Report of S. S. No. 3, Hibbert and
MdKillop for. -the final examination in
June. Navies are in order of merit.
Pupil obtaining highest average for
year in Form ];1: is Frank Moylan.
Lower school grannar-tBrid'get De-
laney 2, Mary O'Connor 2, Frank
Moylan 2, Rose Melady 2, Elizabeth
Carlin 2, Mary Delaney 3, Vincent
Eckert 3, Lucy Eckert 3, John -Shea
p, John Holland p, John McQuaid p,
James Atkinson p, Charles Miles p.
Al -g, (form 2) Frank Moylan 1, Mary
OtConnor 1. Alg. (form. 1) -James
-Atkinson p„ John Shea p, Charles
Miles p. Geometry -Prank Moylan 2,
Mary, O'Connor
2, Bridget Delaney 2,
John McQuaid 2, Vincent Eckert
Elizabeth Carlin 3, Mary Delaney p,
John Holland p, Lucy Eckert p, Rose
Melady p, John ,Shea p. F-Jantes At-
kittson 4'1, and Charles Miles 30, Latin
(form 2) -Prank Moylan 1 Mary
Connor 2. Latin (farm 1) Brtdge
Delaney 1, Elizabeth;Carlin 1, Charles
"Miles 2, John Shea 2, Jaynes Atkinson
2, John Holland 3, Vincent Eckert p,
John McQuaid p, Mary Delaney p,
Lucy Eckert p. F-'tRose Melady 40.
French (form 2)-,"Mary"O'Connor 1,
Frank Moylan 2, French (form 1) -
Elizabeth Carlin 1, Bridget Delaney_
1, Rose "Melady 2, John McQuaid 2,
John Holland 2, .Lucy Eckert 2, Vin-
cent Eckert 3, Mary Delaney 3, Jotut
Shea p, Ja-mes Atkinson p, Charles
Miles p, Art -Mary Delaney 2, John
Shea,2, Lucy Eckert 2, -Bridget Delan-
ey 3, Frank .Moylan 3, Vincent Eck-
ert p, Mary O'Connor p, Elizabeth
Carlin p, John Harland p, Charles
Miles p, Rose Melady p, James At-
kinson p, John McQuaid p, Geo
graphy-Tratak Moylan 1, Bridget
Delaney 2. Mary O'Connor 2, John
Holland 2, Mary Delaney 2, Lucy
Eckert 3, Vincent Eckert 3, Elizabeth
Carlin 3, John McQuaid 3, Rose Mel-
ady 3, John Shea 3; James Atkinson
p. F --Charles Miles.
Zoology -Mary O'Connor 1, Brid-
get Delaney 1, John Holland 2, Frank
Moylan 2, Lucy Eckert 3, Vincent.
Eckert •3,':john Shea 3, Elizabeth Car-
lin 3, Mary Delaney 3, Rosa Melady
p James-Atins n.P, Charles Miles
Pass, John McQuaid, p. Literature -
Frank Moylan 1, Mary O'Connor 1,
Bridget Delaney 2, John Holland 2,
Rose Melady. 3, Vincent Eckert 3,
Charles Miles 3, John' Sea 3, Elizabeth
Carlin 3, John McQuaid 3, Mary Del-
aney p, Lucy Eckert p, James Atkiti.-
son p, Comp. -Frank Moylan 1, Mary
O'Connor 1, Bridget Delaney 2, John
Rolland 2, John Shea 2, Vincent Eck-
ert 2, John McQuaid 3, Elizabeth Car-
lin 3, Charles Miles 3,'Lucy Eckert 3,
Mary Delaney 3, Rose Melady 3,, Jas.
Atkinson 3, Christian Doctrine -
Frank Moylan 1, Mary O'Connor 2,
Mary Delaney 2, Bridget Delaney 2,
Rose Melady 2. John Holland 2, Eliz-
abeth Carlin 3, -Janes Atkinson 3, Jno,
McQuaid 3, Lucy Eokert 3. John Shea
3, Vincent Eckert p, Charles Miles p.
Jr. IV to Sr. IV.--Honors-Agnes
Delaney. Pass Loretta Holland,
Edward Hart, Hanna Cronin. Recom-
mended - Florence O'Sullivan, Jr.
Room. -Sr. Ido. to Jr.. IV.-Honors-
V --Honors-Mary O'Sullivan, Mary Murphy,
.Mary McGrath, P --Fergus Melady,
Rec.-Edward O''Sullivan, Jr, I'II. to
Sr, I -H. -(Honors -= grow McQuaid,
Tom Melady, Lillian Aitles, P -•Ella
O'Sullivan, Margaret Murphy. Re-
peating the grade, .Albert Hart, Jack
Cronin, Benedict Holland, Second
clan's to Jr: I'III.-Joseph O'Reilly, Isa-
bel Roach , Edward Roach, Mary
Hart, Louis O'Reilly'. Jr, I. to Sr, I. --
, -Wilfred McQuaid. Jack Roach, Pat
Cleary, Con Holland,- Francis 'O'-
Reilly, Ralph Mtu•pity, Primary to Jr.
L -'Pat Sullivan, Pat McGrath, Eliza-
beth Roach, Joe Hart,
MOd1FATT.Hin Clinton hospital, on
July 4th, to Mr, and Mrs. Walter
Moffatt, a daughter.
BRAI.L.-!In Detroit, on July 8th, to
Mr. and. Mrs, Louis Brall, a daugh-
YOUNG. -tin Hutlett, on Wednesday
Sad, Mao, v Sa c , to 1 iMr. ail d Mt s, J, N.S.
Youtlg, a son.
McCOWAN-In Hullett on Saturday,
July 6th, 1929, to Mr, and Mrs. John.
McCowan (tree "Cathleen 'Living-
ston) a daughter (Mary Lenore),
HiER'ON,-Ort Thursday, July 4th,
June:. Douglas, dearly beloved ittfattt
dattghtea of Mr, and Mrs, T. Eart
Heron, 506 Rushton (Road, Toronto,
aged 19 clays. 'Funeral was held on
Saturday at 2 -•o'clock, Internte'ttt In
Prospect tCenietery,
PAO. lFi<V
has the right
Challeng;1 r r Vtriety
at our Color Mow
OE see at our Color Showthe beauty and variety
of color which Essex offers at noextra
With its open challenge, that excepts no car-
-with its 24% greater power -greater beauty, adult-
size capacity, riding ease and economy-
,ssex establishes also an out-
standing leadership in proven
Essex offers standard fine car
equipment, formerly identified AND Up
only with costly cars -available Alt prices f. o. b. Windsor,
only!, at extra cost on cars of taxes extra.
Essex price. The H. M. C. Purchase Pion of!
Pers the lowest terms available
, A
Seaforth, Ontario
A Wide Choice of 0.1.r
Mrs. Lawson end daughter Helen
of Saskatchewan are visiting their
aunt and uncle, 'Mrs. W. Stevens and
Mr, D. Tough.
Mr. Eddie Johnston and fancily of
Toronto, 'after spending a week with
Mr, and Mrs. Wilson Armstrong,
motored to Detroit for the week end
accompanied by Mr, and Mrs. Arm
strong andIsaibel.
Miss Flora Souter, who spent the
week with her brother on the Mill
Road, returned to Detroit on Sunday
with her brother, Mr. John. ,'Souter,
The Misses Hilda and Dorothy
Robins spent Sunday under the par-
ental roof.
Mrs. Gavin Morton and son, Mr.
Stewart Morton of Anteater; Mrs. A.
J. McDonald, Mrs. G. 'Manson and
son Jack, of Dundas, and Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Restermeyer of Cavalier,
N.D„ visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. C. Haugh last week. '
Thoinpson-Krouse.-At the home
of the bride's parents, on Monday,
June 17th, by the Rev. Mr, Campbell,
of Delhi, Evelyn Mary, only daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Krouse, of Sin.
coe, to Mr. Sydney H. Thompson,
eldest son of Mr and Mrs. Samuel
Thompson, Brucefield. Upon their
return from a honeymoon .trip to
Winnipeg, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson
will reside at Simcoe, Ont. The
groom's many friends here join in
best wishes.
Mrs. Clenaghat, of Simcoe, is visit-
ing 'friends. in the village and vicinity
at preset.
Miss Edna Thompson is,spending.
her ho4,idays•at the home of her,par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs, S. Thompson,
Miss Ella McDonald is spending.
her holidays at the home of. her moth-
er, Mrs, James McDonald.
Mr, Sydney Thompson and his
bride, of Simcoe, visited' at the home'
of the fornier's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
S. Thompson last week.
Rev. W. A. Bremner conducted an-
niversary services at Smith's Hill
at Benmiller Circuit last Sunday and
Rev. lir. Cummings, Benmil'ler,
preached in the United Church here.
Special Thanksgiving prayers were
offered for Che recovery to health of
our beloved King and at the close of
the service the national anthem was
Mrs, Rose and daughter of Liberty,
Sask., are visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. D. Tough and other friends'
in the village and community.
.lir, and Mrs, Elsley, of Mount For-
est, spent the week -end atthe home of
•the latter's mother, Mrs. Stevens.
The monthly meeting of the Ladies'
Association of the United Church,
Brucefield, met at teh home of Mrs..
W. J. Broadfoot, on. Wednesday, July.
3, with.an attendance of -22. After an
hour spent in sewing,. the President
took change of the meeting, Mrs..
Stevens in the absence of Mrs..Ratten-
bury, took charge of the devtotionel,
while Mrs, A. McQueen read a paper
on Health Hints pertaining to the ben-
efits of fresh air and sunshine. Several
new members were enrolled. At the
close of the meeting Mrs, A. McQueen
invited the ladies to hold their, next
meeting at her, home. The hostess
serveda most delicious Iunch.
Mr. acid Mrs, C. Shade from Sask-
atchewan called on. Mr, and Mrs. G.
Graham last week.
Mrs. Lyle Hill and' children from
Moose Jaw, arrived last week to spend
a couple or ntouttlis with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. F. Skelton,
Mr. and Mr's. Woods and faMily
spent Sunday at the .home of Mr. T.
Campbell: '
A Good Portion
of beet served to you for the evenissg
mealroasted about medium;' with the
bland gravy oozing through, gives
one a foundation. It just makes one's
mouth water to think of it. How
was that last piece of meat we sent
ycuf Wasn't it fine.
'-Your Butcher. •
Phone 58 Seaforth.
Goodyear Tires atari Tubes
Battery Sales aiid Service
Charging and Repairing all nialces of Batteries
A good line of new and used parts of different makes of cans
If your car is in need of repairs, give us a call
Studebaker Sales, and Service