HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-07-04, Page 4W'LTON DUFF'S UNITED CHURCH - will held their ANNUAL Garden Party: Friday. uI 5. V Supper served from 6 to 8 o'clock 'YE OLDE TYME VILLAGE QUARTETTE -assisted ; by - 'TOM HAMILTON (Scotch Comed- ian) will provide the program. Blyth Citizens Band in Attendance Admission 50c and 25c MRS H. KIIRI{IBY, Pres, of Ladies'. Aid Society. W; J. MAI'NBSI Pastor. WALTON. Presentation to Teacher, -At the -:lose of the school year on Friday the ^people of Section No, 7, Leadbury, gathered at the school house and aCias Louise Mills, who, has resigned las teaeh•er, was made the recipient of a beautiful silver' plated fruit dish and half a dozen cut glass sherbet glasses and two silver candle holders and' candles. Miss Mills was completely ,_taken by surprise , and trade a nice reply. The following, i -s the address, which was read: "Deaf. Miss Mills: (t is with regret we realize that our relationship as teacher and ratepayers is about to be severed. We felt we could not have you depart from our midst without expressing in wonle measure our ap- ;)reciation, of the goodwill, efficiency and diligence with which you have -performed your school duties. Permit us to say, that in your administration of our �cho..l for fhe' past three years you have 'proven very efficient • eat only in the mental oversight of your • pupils but equally 'so in their physical and moral develepnsent:-and we trust that it will be:a:, lasting benefit to .then: In; the s.ocial. circle and. in our -.homes ,ypw nlla,rming personality and. cheerful disposition have !been a good example, and'upward influence; As an expression of ,geed ' will and as a ottani of 'denthnstrating the 'previous stateret its, -wilt you "please accept this token with the hope that in. whatever field of labour you may enter, your • efforts may be crowned with success. Signed on behalf of S.S. No, 7, Jean Archibald. (Mrs.) Dora Somerville. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Ferguson and ,Russell 'called on friends in the vil- lage on Saturday. ' Mrs. G. McTaggart and Mrs. J. Watt collected Bible Society money ills in the village on Tuesday. g Quite a number attended a memor- ::al service in the Blyth hall on Sun- . 'day evening. 'Despite the wet weather there was a large attendance at the auction sale at J. McDonald's on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Bougan visited with -Arr. and Mrs. J. McDonald aver the week end. Mr. Thomas Rands and Miss May - belie Rands spent the holiday with. ' Mr. and Mrs. McTaggart. Mr. and Mrs. T. Clark and Mr. and Mrs. D. Sohier spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. G. Clark of Listowel, Mr. John Rea, of Edmonton. is holi- daying with his mother and brother, Mrs. John Rea and James -A. Rea, Mr. and Mrs,' Kennie Bennett and son Ronald and Misses Dorothy Dra- •: ger and Edith Ennis spent the holiday Bayfield and Goderich, Miss Laura Hoy spent the 1st of July with her friend. Miss Mary Ennis Mr. and Mrs. H. Last and Mr. and Mrs. McLean, of Sandwich, and Mr. and Mrs. G. Taylor and Jim, of Guel- ph, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, R. Hoy. • Mr. Fred 'Wells. of Toronto, and :Mr. Wyald, of Galt, visited friends in the village over the week -end. • Mr. Young, of the Bank of Com- merce staff, spent the week -end at his home in Auburn. Mr. Nefble, of Toronto, spent the holiday at the home of Mr. R. Living- ston. Mr. Joseph Bolton and Miss Jane Dickinson, of Rochester, N.Y., is visit- ing the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. -, .lather. ",,Mr. and Mrs. M. Turkington, of Kitchener, Balled on friends in the •-telege on Saturday. Mrs. Geo. Wells and Joan who have been visiting .friends in the village, re- turnedeto their home in Toronto on Sunday.' Mr. Wells mat•sred up for them, Mr, R. Bishop, of Matheson, is vis- iting his brother, James Bishop. Mr, Edwin Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Miller, of Regina, spent a few daye with his parents this week "before going to Kingston to resume his studies. Mi s MarjorieReidhas accepted ,the position of principal in the Sal- ford public school, The service of the Young People's Society in Duff's United Church was in charge of the young .ladle; of tCte Endeavor Sunday evening. Mies Hel- en Baeker of Brussels, gave an inspir- ing topic on the Christian Adventure, Miss Mabel Livingston of Kinhurn gave an interesting talk about her work among the Indians in the Co- - eluehttza Mission School, British Col- umbia. The girl:' choir, trained by Mrs, nigh lid, was exceptionally good, Thiel service closed,. the tneet- ;nus'of the Society far the stammer. Mrs. George Hood, of Port ' Elgin, pis ,pending a few days to and aromtd Walton. 'gelato "The. natty friends of :1Mrs .I ffe in u r ori that she is s g are sorry to learn severely with t&t teeTh :::.• Al- vin and Mrs. John Harris, Mr. Harris and son Claytou spetr week visiting friends itt 'Buc'k's aa and North Bay. The service held ie 'Duff's United t Church proved .a great success, The WVOLVERTON FLOUR MLLLS CO. LIMITED SERPORTH, ONT11RI@ NO)TieE Owing to the fact that we are completely overhauling and reconstructing our Seaforth plant, we - shalt be unable to do any chopping until further notice. We have a good supply of Flour, Feed, Manl'toba' Oats, Oat ehop;and Rolled Oats in bags $27.00 per ton " $29,00 per ton u, " $34,00 pe4' ton Bran' Shortie Middlings Q PHONE/ 51 THE $EAFQRT EI NE'VS,''S, Louis Mortis, Hireld Pethick, Elmer Fee nee', Dan QlRourke Francis Doyle, Lat--II Francis Ryan, Mary 1 O'Reilly, I'I `Iargatet Drake III-. 1 I- 1 Carrie J tauslaopf, Louis Morris, l-Iar- old Pethick. F ---Harry Feeney, Elmer 1 Feeney; Francis Krauskopf. Fr. -11 - Mary O'Reilly. II -Margaret Drake, Francis Ryan, III --!Loafs Morris C Carrie Krauskopf, Harold Pethick, F-1Elmer Feettey, Harty Feeney, Francis Krauskopf, Seem I --Christian Doctrine --•I Monica Roache, Mary Dorrestein, II -Miry Dillon; Gertrude Mulligan, Dorothy Brennan, Mary McIver, III -.,Qarrie O'Connor, C•--tDan' McCar- thy, Frame's Doyle, Leota Ryan, Eng, Lit,--S-Mary Dorrestein, Gertrude lllullllgan, Monioa Roache. II -Dm - thy Brennan, Maty Dillon, Carrie O'- Connor, IILI-Mary McIver, Leola Ryan; C -(Francis Doyle, F-1Den Mc- Carthy. Eng, Comp.• -IIS -+Gertrude Mulligaa, Mary Dorrestein, Mary Dil- lon, Monica Roache Mary McIver, Leota Ryan, Ida -Carrie O'Connor, Dorolthy B'renn'an. C---DenMcCarttiy, Francis Doyle, Sarah .Coyne. Eng. Grant -II -.Mary Dorrestein, Mary Dillon, II --(Mary McIver, Leota Ry- an, III'I•--(Dorothy Brennan. C=Gert- rude Mulligan, Francis Krauskopf. F -Monica Roache, Carrie O'Connor, Dan McCarthy, Alg,--4I•-Mary Dor- restein. II -Sarah Coyne, NI -Fran- cis Doyle, Mary Dillon. C ---Dan Mc- Carthy, Dorothy Brennan, Mary Mc- Iver, Leota. Ryan, F -Carrie O'Con- nor, Gertrude Mulligan, Monica Roadie. Bi-, Hist.---I-+Mary Dor- restein. II --Gertrude Melli,gan,Mary McIver. DIIL--ILeota Ryan, Dorothy Brennan, Carrie O'Connor, Mary Dil- lon. C -Monica Roache, Sarah Coyne, Dan McCarthy, Francis Doyle. Geo. -II -Gertrude Gertrude Mulligan, Leola Ryan, Dorothy Brennan, Mary Dil- lon, l-lon, Mary Dorrestein, Mary McIver. IH--&oniea-Roache, Dan McCarthy. C -Carrie O'Connor, 'Bot-I-'Qtrt= rude Mulligan. II -:Mary McIver, Mary Dillon, Dorothy Brennan: IE - Mary Dorrestein, Leota Ryan, C- Carrie O'Connor, Monica Roache, F --ID;an McCafthy, Lat.-ea-Mary Dil- lon, Mary Meyer, I'I-;Dorothy Bren- nan. DDI -Dan McCarthy, Francis Doyle, C-Motttica Roache, Carire 'O'- Connor, Gertrude Mulligan, Mary Dorrestein, Dan O'Rourke, Sarah Coyne. F-Leota Ryan, Fr -I -Mary Dillon, Mary McIver, Dorothy Bren- nan, Monica Roache, Dan McCarthy, - Carrie O''Counor, Francis Doyle. ID- Mary Dorrestein: Gertrude Mulligan, Leota Ryan. HI -Dan O'Rourke. OHISELHURST. 'Wedding bells are ,ringing in our village. 'Mr., end Mrs. Fred.: Spriggs and fa- mily of Toronto visited with Mr, and Mrs. D, Brintnell over Sunday. Dr. K. Bell of Detroit visited with Mr. and Mrs, T•h,owas Venner .recent- ly. . . Mr. ecent-lyMr, and Mrs. J• Dalrymple of Bois- sevain, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Dalrymple recently. Strawberry Festival. -A very pleas- ant time was spent at a strawberry festival in the United Church, this place, on Thursday evening, 27th ult. After `the strawberries, cream, and other delicacies were disposed of the following excellent programme- was rendered, viz., singing by the Elim ville male quartette, reading by bars. 'Monroe and Mr, George Foltick, of Hensall, and solos by ,Mr. Thomas Sherrie accompanied by Mrs. Sher- ritt, also of Hensall. In order to sate isfy an appreciative audience it was necessary for each to respond with an encore. In the absence of the minis- ter, Mr. Sinclair, who was prevented from being present, bhii ugh illness in the manse, blr. Harry Horton very ably conducted the programme, add- ing :much to the mirth of the occasion,. with his humorous and aptly applied comments between the numbers. young ladies took charge of the. even- ing'. Miss Helen Pipe, of Toronto, spent Sunday. with Mrs, Pearl Shaw and family, Mr. William MoFadzean has erect- ed a new garage. Don't forget' the Walton garden party. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Forsyth, and Mrs, Walter Bateman, Toronto, spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs, Richard Hoy, Mrs. Lena MdGavin and children, of Kitchener, spent the week -end un- der the parental roof, DUBLIN. • Miss Ethel Harvey, of iWarlisville, called on friends in the village on Monday, .lirss, M. Nagle spent Sunday the guest of St. Colum'ban friends: Mr. and Mrs. Roy tDorsey, of Lon- don,' spent Sunday' the ,guest' of Mr. and Mrs, Alex Darling -on Sunday. kiss' Ruth Hills,' of Exeter, is holi- daying at the home of here parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Hills. . • • Miss Margaret -McConnell has gone to Chatham to : enter the .Ursuline Convent. . Mr. and bars, Wm. Redmond and little daughter returned to their home in Milwaukee on Sunday after a weeks' visit with his parent;, Mrc, and James Redmond. Mrs. a s J The Ladies' Guild of St. Mary's Church are having their monthly meeting this Thursday afternoon at Donnelly, Fergus Stapleton, Charles. Krauskopf, Joseph Dorsey, Frances Brennan, Form III Sr.. James Curtin, Dalton Burns, Marcella Dillon, Fergus Cutn- ntings,- Sr. First to Second. -Honours - Teresa Kra us kalif, Joseph Evans, John Jordan, Camilla Donnelly, Pass, John Flanagan, Michael Feen- ey, John Maloney, Andrew Matoney, Senior First -Careen Looby, Tho- mas Dorsey, Mary Evans, James Krauskopf, Louis Looby, Lucille Mc- Grath, Rose Feeney, Marie Arnold, Joseph Benn, Harry Cummings, An- gela Donnelly, Kathleen Brennan,, Ka t'hleeit S tap beton. Jr. First. -Mary Jordan, ' Loretto Feeney, Margaret Tyers, Louise -Flan- agan, Aileen Jordan, Joseph Ki.p'ping, Gerald Burns. - Primary=Earl Nagle, William Mal- oney, Francis Dillon,. Mary Dorsey, Edward Rowland, Jame's Jordan. Mrs. Victor Smith returned to her home in ,Toronto, after spending two weeki jvith her mother,, Mrs. Dalton. Misses Beth 'Hickneil' and Marie 'Benninger spent Tuesday inStratford. 'Miss Anne McGrath, who teaches near Chatham, returned home on Tuesday. Miss Teresa judge, of Detroit, has returned to her home for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs, Matt. 'Williams ` and n r' Dan. Critno are visit- ingd M s. n .a ing at the home of Mrs, Pat Ryan Sr. Miss Anna Molyneaux spent the week -end 'at the home of her parents,. two o'clock at .the home of Mrs. Joint Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Molyneaux. - Moore, 'Logan, All the ladies and Miss Lizzie Ryan, of Seaforth, is friends are invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs, Dan. Carpenter re- turned to Milwaukee after a pleasant visit wh his sister Mrs. James Red - mend.• Qui te ,a number from- town at- tended the picnic at Staffs on Mon- day. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Patrick Carlin is on • the sick list again. We hope to hear of her speedy recovery. Mrs. James Carpenter and son, of Stratford, called on her many friends in the village on Monday. -Mr. and .lMrs, ,Eliarry Nelmes and daughter, of Kitchener, spent Sunday the guest of Dublin friends. Mr. Gerald Holland, of Windsor,'is visiting at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. G. K. 'Holland, Mr. Alex. Litt, of Windsor, called an Mr. Alex. Darling on. Monday. \•Ir. and Mrs. Fred. Forrester and daughter are holidaying with friends in Michigan. Mr. and ;Mrs. John Feeney and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Horn. of Stratford, spent Sunday the -guest of 'Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Curtin. Mr. and Mrs. John Brennan and Mrs. Wnt. Hastings, were guests of Mrs. T. Burns on Sunday. Mr. Peter Dill of Detroit spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. P. Dill. St. Patrick's School Report -Results of promotion examinations of ' St. Patrick's School, Dublin. Forfn IV Jr. to Form IV. Sr.- Ca- therine Kenny, France's Donnelly, Ri- ta Stapleton, Bertha Dillon, Matilda Dorrestyn, Charles Benn, Arthur Looby, Cecilia Feeney, Margaret O'- Connell, Dorothy 'Donnelly, : Helen Dillon, Form -III, Sr. to Form IV. Jr. -Ur- sula Flanagan, Mary Molyneaux, Rose Arnold, Agnes O'Connor. John Krauskopf; Lloyd 'McCarthy, Norman O'Conn:,r, Joseph Mulligan, Gerald 1) •nnelly, Kathleen Burns. Agnes Ma - Edwin Stapleton. Form ITT. Jr. to Form PDI. Sr.- Rosella Dillon, Margaret Dorrestyn, Margaret McIver, Jean McIver, Mu- riel Looby, Agnes Rowland, Genevieve Feeney, Jack Bentz, Form II. to Form ILI. Jr. -'Honours Margaret Drake, Francis Krauskopf. -Kathleen Cummings, James Delan- DPL-Teresa Connelly, Francis Ryan. . ey, Pass -Albert DonneitY, JosePh C. -Harr ,Feene ,,Carrie Krauskopf,. visiting with her mother, Mrs. Pat. Ryan Sr. • Messrs. Ralph and Peter Dill, of Detroit,are visitingat the home of their arents, Mr.. and Mrs. Peter Dill. Dublin Continuation Schdol.-Form II. - tChristian Doctrine -Class I - Fraticis Ryan, Mary O'Reilly, Teresa Connelly: H. -Louis Morris, Carrie Krauskopf. Credit -Francis Kraus- kopf, Dan O'Rourke, Sarah Coyne, Elmer Feeney, Harry Feeney. Eng. Lit,-II-1Harry Feeney, Mary 0' - Reilly; DI, -Francis Krauskopf, Fran- cis Ryan, Louis Morris, Carrie Kraus- leopE. DDI=Margaret Drake, Teresa Connelly, Harold Pethick, Eimer Feeney. Failed -Sarah Coyne, Wm. Smith, Eng. Comp. 'I -Mary O'- Reilly. IS. -Carrie Krauskopf, Fran- cis Ryan, Louis Morris, Harold Peth- ick, Wm. Smith. C --Harry Feeney; Margaret Drake, Elmer Feeney, Ter- esa Connelly, Francis Krauskopf, Dan O1Rourke. Alg,-I-1Vlargare't Drake, Francis Ryan, II-1Harold Pethick, Mary O'Reilly, Wm. Ryan, Wm. Smith, Louis. Morris. C - Elmer Feeney, Harry Feeney, Carrie Kraus- kopf; Francis Krauskopf, F. -Teresa Connelly. Geom,-l-Margaret Drake ItI-3Francis Ryan, Mary O'Reilly. f;DI.-Louis Morris. C -Harold Peth- ick, Francis Krauskopf, Teresa Con- nelly, Harry Feeney F -Dan O'- Rourke, Wm, Smith, Carrie Kraus_-, kepi, Elmer Feeney. Arith-li=Francis Ryan, Margaret Drake, Ill-lHarold Pethick, Wm. Smith, Mary O'Reilly. C -Wm. Ryan, Carrie Krauskopf, Louis Morris, Ter- esa Connelly. F -Den. O'Rourke, El- tner Feeney. Sarah Coyne, Harry Feeney, Francis Doyle. Zoology -I - Wm. Snaith, I'I,-Francis Ryan, Louis Morris, I:II.-Teresa Connelly, Carrie Krauskopf, Fnancis Krauskopf, Mary O'Reilly, Margaret Drake. C: Sarah Coyne, Elmer Feeney, Harold Peth- ick, Harry Feeney, Dan O'Rourke. Physliog'y-tI-1Wtn, Smith, Francis Ryan. II -•Margaret Drake, Mary O'- Reilly. HI -Harry Feeney, Harold Pethick, Louis Morris. C-lDan O'- Rourke, Francis Krauskopf, Elmer Feeney, Carrie Krauskopf, F -Teresa Connelly. Art - 1I -;Mary O'Reilly, Massey...Harris QUEBECSULKY KY PLOW This is the most popular sulky plow on the market. It is eas- ily handled -a boy can operate it Users declare it does as good work as a walking plow. See us for full particulars. We also have WEED COP, the famous non-poisonous weed killer, lI MC Gallop Pne - i Im letrients airs and Re Agents for Massey -Harris p p BeattyBros, Farm Equipment Metallic Roofing' Frot 'Fence • Gas & Oil OPEN EVENINGS `rte, TIIUR9DA', Ji PM • CROMARTY. • Mr, and Mrs." Ed. Howe and little Betty. of Detroit, and Mr. Will Howe, of Toronto, spent the week -end at their -father's ,home. Miss Elsie Ritchie, of 'Point Ed- ward, visited' friends ',here and at- tended the picnic on ':1Motiday Mr. and 'Mrs, O'i�Teill •oi 'Parkhill, visited at Mr- Ed. Allen's on S'ttnday. Mrs. Barr andson and Mr. Lloyd Miller, of 'Stratford, . :were h'ol'iday visitors. The anniversary services on Sure - clay were attended by large congrega- tions and were very suctess'f'ul'. iRev. Mr. 1Ritchie, of Pt. Edward, preached. The picnic on Monday was also a great success, a very large crowd at- tending. The table •proceed's were $61.00, which combined .ev'ith the. booth, will amount to about $90.00. The winners of the sports events were as follows: Girls' Races -40' years and under - Jean, Colq,uhoun, Modred Quance. 15 years and under -Mae Quante. Free for'all---Mae Quance, 'Mildred Quance, Margaret Savage, Boys' Race -'l0 years and 'under - Frank S underFrank' Scott. le years and under -Wil- fred Scott. Free for all -Frank Scott. Biscuit iRa,c•e-'Win. Harburn, Ross Houghton, Wilfred Scott. 'Flag 'Race-Wiifred' Scott (captain), Ross Houghton (captain), Horse ,Shoe Pitching-Seaforth de- feated Cromarty. !Finals 5245. :Crom- arty team. Crotn-arty'team. ,Frank Alien, Frank Har- burn Seaforth team, 'Henry Hoggarth. F. Reeves. Messrs. R, Pinkney and L. Iioegy, of Seaforth,, also competed. On Saturday, Julie 9th, a quiet but pretty wedding took place at Thames' Road Manse, Rev. Mx, .,Anthonyoffic- iating when Joint .'Hoggarth, eldest R. 'G Ho arth of son of ,Mr,gg , Hib- bert, was united in marriage with Miss -Gladys Duncan, youngest ciaugh ter if Mr. John 'Duncan, of Usiborne. Tho bride's dress was of white ;geor- gette, Mr. and Mrs; 'Hoggar•th will reside on the grootn's ''farm on the 10th concession of Hibbert, and the, many friends of both young people join in best` wishes for a long and happy wedded life. Mr., and Mrs. RichardiHo,ggart and Mr. and Mrs, 'Webber, of Woodham, spent Dronday at Bayfield. Mr. Duncan. Colgtthottn visited,. at 11'. 'Lindsay. McKellar's on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. James Wright, of Kippen, spent Sunday with 'Mr. and Mrs. James Scott, Mr. and Mrs, 'Hugh McLachlan, of Bnucefield, spent Sunday in Cromarty. 'Mr, and 'mins. 'Ken. Drake and fam- ily spent Sunday the guests at the audeb a. er announce a larger finer .T.A► IC� ON. IE�ND, tZP 4*0 PIFTEBDI. (.US) INCH WBSEla lS!I at a lower /rice Studebak er'si nous Dictator Six, the finest car ever _ built and soli at its price, now bewails a still finer, larger, smartercar—offered at a still lower price! A motor car lower, fleeter—and fleeter Weli:ing smarter in lino and in color --even smoother in its sappk flow of power—than its clasmpi.on .pred- ecessor which sped.5,000 miles in 4,751 minutes! Take stock of The New Dictator's fine -car con- struction —its on-struction-its thoroughgoing Studebaker quality. Then see it—drive it -$inlay 1 11$ -heel+ wheelbase; Rubber engine aie+lt and' bronze - backed and babbitt - d crankshaft bear- ingsprovide maximamhfe audsmoothness, Oil filter, gasoline filter wed crankcase ventillatittg system insure maximum engine efficiency. Fad pump insures coast ent,adequateflow of gasoline, regardless of speed or grade. • Thermostatically coilr[roledcooling mints retards flow of water until motor has reached precisely Correct temperature io highest oper g may. Doable-ifrop' f'on't of '• new• compound flange design fur- costEer -but- sturdier, safer and permitting graceful lowness. of • body fines.: ker Models-=4If195 to $3395 at Wallrarvilk -geV't tusamini 52 .S'tRdCIHI 'l at Walip'oil i FOCiR-DOOR SEDAN/ Full•Qision, :fall -ventilated bodies of Studebaker manufacture — the accepted finecarcoachcraft. One :piece steel core safety steering whedl. Ad ustable.steering wheel and front seat. Ampltfed•action 4 -wheel brakes which stop The Dictator Six in half the distance accepted as standard. Timken taper roller bearings•in rear axle, front and rear wheels, and steering gear. Tii Wish proof deromiumn plating of all • exterior brightwork. ,Coin ental lock to ignitiori and steering. Fuel am, ittsures,constant gasoii„ne, flow. Si may 'be driven '40 mills 'Thel Dictator x q -Later pulrkaosirfadthevandca'nedtetliinvger, dpse : reltahne workmanship careful ui§pectic" J. REG1ER, Seaforth i(U;i Uti11116t'!'!r'ha:is, . ,!.S. �Idl,ia fill'''.li, dl +'„Ila^lliiliillt@lal'iila!ll ,l.Ili11 11,1111't 'Ili III II I I Illiiiililif 11.11111111111111#1111.011011111I11111 Ililllll"IiIIIIIIIIIIhd;�Vllwl pg q•;11i,1..rle .I home off Mr, and Mrs. Jack Scott.t Mr. Dan. McKellar, . of 'Detroit, spent 'the week -end` at the home. of - his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald' McKellar. bir. Speare, of Toronto, is spending a few days at the 'home of his aunt, Mrs. Sam rSpeare. • Rev, •R. J. and Mrs. McKay and family, of. Walkerton, spent Monday here. 'Mr. McKay is a former minis- ter of Cromarty church. VAR'NA. Week end and holiday visitors: Mr. 'and Mrs. G. Foster,. of Windsor; Mr. C. Wiley, Billy Johnston, Flint, Mich.; Mr, and Mrs. W. Palmer and 'family of Hamilton; Misses Gladys ;and Emily Beatty, Irene Chuter„ oe ;London; -- v Clinton; Mrs. Emily Evans, of Sea- Mr.:Satn Stinson. is shill confuted ,td forth; Mr;. and Mrs. Melvin Clark of l e h se Winthrop •sad Mn. C. H. Reid of li eme!ffel'd.. beautiful appearance and healthful physique after three years of arduous Labour, as only those who experieixce' those long and tedious tasks which - require the utmost patience• and for- titude, really know. Miss Johnston was the recipient of many beautiful bouquets and •handsoane gifts of vari- ous kinds. which showed the high es- teem and love cherished by her friends. Among the invited guests who attended the graduation exercises. were: Mrs. Eleanor Clark, Mr. John Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. J. 'W John- ston and family, Mr. And Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. George Clark and son, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Harn- well,. Miss Mabel i,ldClinohey and Mr.. Melvin :Wdbster. all -of Varna,. also Mr, and Mrs. T. M. Johnston of ori Several' from here took in the sup- per and concert under the auspices of Triiiity Church, Bayfield,. which was 'held last Tuesday a'rig'ht. Both the STAFF& tWtdld'ing g, bells will ring at the enct supper and entertainment were war of the: week. thy of note. There was a good num- ber of St. Johns congregation attend- ed service in Bayfield Sunday morn ittg and in Middleton on aftern'oon,. where confirmation was held by the Archbishop of Huron, who gave a grand talk at •both of these serrices to large congregations and in the even- ing, Rev. F. G. Richard took elle ser- vice at Bayfield. Mr. M. Elliott shipped live stock to Toronto Saturday, Graduation ,Exercises. -,A most in- teresting and pleasing event took place in the city hall, S'tratford,'on Wednesday afternoon, June 26th, when a Class of fourteen nurses grad- uated from the general hospital,' among whorl was Miss Rena-J•ohns- ton. daughter of Mr .and Mrs. J. W. Jahnsto(s of Varna; She :'hall was suitably decorated and was crowded to its fullest capacity, while on the platform were arrayed in white uni- forms the several graduates, each holding a beautiful barge bouquet of roses, and behind them the speakers and many of the other nurses from the hospital. A splendid program was prepared,consisting of, addresses; solos, presentation of diplomas .and other special medals and gifts. A striking feature was four little tots t 'Lha graduates with most presentut.g g'aquato handsome bouquets: and 'baskets •of tlowens. Also the solemn oath each graduate had to take. Among the speakers were .the chairman, Ms. Wright, a member of hospital beard; Sir Alfred Marine off Newfoundland; l W, Hay, M.P., of Listowel;' F: G. Sanderson, MT., _ of St. Marys; Dt'. It, S. Murray, president` of the ,medical staff; also Hion. Dr, Monteith, G. G. MdPhersou, menthe' of the board upon whose spacious' and _ decorate, lawn the exercises would have taken place had it not rained, The speakers' ofthe a.ftsrnonn all paid high tribute to the nobility of the musing proles - Shit, which is perhaps the Ablest calling for a woman, with her tttany. excellent qualifications. We heartily congratulate Miss Johnston on her splendid achievement and alto her ,IILiss: Frayne spent the week end at her h tsar fn Exeter,- Mt'i. arts Mrs. \>V Step'henson and family of Varna spent Sunday with. bit';. and Mrs: A. Sntale. Little Miss Marilyn Gray- has re- turned to her home after spending three months with her uncle, Mr. Ito.. beet Livingston in F$amiiton. The tutu alt' services were largely attended on Sunday at alt services and also the picnic on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. N. Dingle, Toronto, spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs.7t. A. Sadler, Miss' F. Cooper, Seaforth, stud Miss I. Cooper, Toronto, are -visiting with their sister, Mrs, F. Hambly.. Mr. Howard' Leary, of: London, spent the holiday week' end at his home. t1Mr, Jno. Shell' and, granddaughter of Port Haran are visiting at the par - Mr. Mr. C. Pierce and . daughter and Mrs. MdCloy spent the week end at Fordwich, Mrs. M. Drake, Stratford, visited with relatives recently. Mr, and Mrs, G. G. Wilson and Miss Norma are spending the week at Orono. M.and Mrs. Wm. Drake and chil- dren, week' end s h drew Stratford, P e eat with the Lady's parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. Barbour. Miss Reta Casey 'of Mitchell' spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. 5. A. Sad'ler.. - Misses Clara and Ada Elliott, of Detroit, spent the week end at their hoarse: Miss J. Treffry and Mr, E. Treffry' spent Sunday in London. Miss, Eva Verner of Stratford is visiting her grandparents, me, and Mrs. Archie Miller, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Tunes and the Misses Marguerite and Jean Innes 1t t Mrs, RosK of Zorra,attended thee hints-Sillery wedding or ISa'tttrday, Mr, and Mrs. A. H, Foote, .of Fer.'• gds visited .Mfr, and bits, Richard 811- lery'a few days last week, Miss Marie Sillery, of 'Batchkwana1. is visiting; under the parental:roof, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling ` Barbour spent Sunday at Rob't ,Bar+bourls,. Staffs KIPPEN. ii r. and Mrs, John Patterson. off To onto, spent the week end and hol- id'ay with ,their many friends in and( around . the village: Mr. R. T. Elgie had the niisfoi'tune: to lose a valuable young horse from' 'blood poisoning recently.. Mr. Robert Dodds left for his home in Saskatchewan on Saturday last after spending it very pleasant visit with his many friends, Miss Margaret E1gie •elf I.ondbts is spending her vacation withher par - en cs. A great urian spent- Dotmnioirday- at a y sP y at different point's along :the take:. Mrs. John Werol left for her, home in, Lake.. Sask.,.: this week af- .ter ' visiting cherparents: for• ashort tr ime;. . . . Mr: and Mrs. Alex. Sproat of Tor- onto are calling on their many friends. ,Mr. and Mrs:. Putihterson of Toronto- are orontoare visiting Mr,: and Mrs: W. Work- man :and other relatives and friends. .Miss Etta Bell of London visited! her•:parents, Mr, and Mrs.. A. Bell, ov- er the holiday„ iM.iss Etta arrott: of Toronto •i J 'fife s: spending the, holidays with. Mr. and, Mrs. I. Jarrett;, • Mt. Fred Parsons of London was; hone for the holiday. Miss Doris Graham of London is vistting her friend Miss Jean Ivison .Miss 0. Finnigan of S.S. 11, Hay,, has returned to her home at the Nile fo•r the holidays. ' Miss Margaret Elgie g g e o f London spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eigie, V,Te are sorry to learn that little Miss Audrey Murdoch • daughter of Mr. and Mrs, J. R Murdoch felt off a swing at Baylfield and had her leg broken. The doctor set 'it acrd her parents took her to Clinton stud had an X-ray. She is doing as well as can be expected, A large ntfim'ber front till's. vicinity spent the first of July indifferent '� places, _ T ,The following, is the i. pore of the promotion examinations of S,S. No. 2, Tttck rel i , e mitt , The report shows s the W arrangement of classes for' the Fall term and'n'ames .are in order of merit, Sr, T'V,-Jane Smith p, Eula Mac, Gregor p, Beatrice Nyman p.,Sr. III, -Norma Hevener p, honors, Bruce MacGregor and Gladys Mckenzie equal p, Ruth Watson p. Jr. ITI,— Mona Smith ,p, Doreen Cooper 01- Sr, I2.-Tdteda Watson p, Olive Smith p, Bernard Sandford p, Edtta D.aynuua p, Ronald MacGregor p, Jr. II.-, Arthur Field r, Dorothy Deitz p, Ed- isou McLean p, Mildred Deitz p. 1.- 1500. Cooper p, Blanche Watson!, p, Ray Cooper p, IKahitteen' McGregor, pPKenneth IMeKenzie, Grace , Schutt and Donald Daymem• equal, ' Olive Smitfill Smithad perfett•bpellittS dur- ing May alta one error- <luring June. M. T, Scarlett; Teacher,