HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-07-04, Page 1•
Tire fights may furnish forth their
Icwing leinc,
The forget spoils in rich abundance fie,
Themellow fruitage of the cluetered;
Mingle with flowers of . every varied
Swart artisans their rival skill may try
And, while the rectorician wine
, The'iegalo'neyil's graceful shadows charm
Ilut yet, do not withhold the grateful
• For those, and for their werks, WhO
it N net here. TIou. Joseph ffewe
WHOLE SERIES, VOL. &1, No, 27.
Phone 84
at all hours
Prices Reasonable
The. Olympia
Confectionery and Restaurant
May the a short crop. ;Get your
supplies early.
.Regu•lar 20e, ,for ... , , ,, ..15c
IDEfR..,The baking powder we
have put up expressly for Cur -
selves is our:!best seller. There is
a reason. .
.BARD DATES. -The -finest 'that
.DAIRY BUTTER, 'per -lib: .,, .35c
,cans' for , 25c
polis -hes and Preserves leather of
any color........ ... , , , 25c
'SHED-.. . $50,00
dii 100 gallon tank for reel oil 'or
gasoline ....... . ......., .... ' $6.00
,'60 gallon tank for coal oil or ga-
!Bedstead and two sets of springs
in good condition at Less than
thtalf ,price,
Phone Phor'Phood •
E. L. BOX . 43
North Side United Church.Pastor,
Rev, W. P. Lane, B,A,
;Sunday, July 7th, 10 a.m., S, S. and
Bible Classes. •
11 a.m.--Public Worship. Subject!
EzekieLs Vision of the Dry Bones,
7 p m :Public Worship.' 'Subject:
Some Things'` We Ought to. Forget.
Following are the names of the pu-
pils who were successful at the recent
promotion examinations. The names
tyre in alphabetical order,
cliorm IV, Jr. to Form IV, Sr,--.Ar-
their Devereaux, Albert Hildebrand,
Toni Sill's.
Form I+IST. Sr. to Form IV. Jr ---Joan
Devereaux, Roy Dixon, Clare Eckert,
Cyril Flannery, Mary Fpstune, Stella
IHildetbrand . Angela Johnson, Jack
Johnson, Margaret Lane, Madeleine
Williams. ,
Porta III!I. Jr. to Form IIl. Sr.-iEd-
ward Carron, Psabel ,Flannigan, Orvel
Hildebrand, Edmund Matthews, John
Mero, Clarence Nolan, Frank 'S'ills,
jean Stewart.
Second to Jr. LLL-iDavid Bolton,
Margaret Carron, john Dixon, Jean
Dixon, Rita Duncan, •- James Eckert
Helen Finkbeiner, Gus Johnson,
Charles Lane, Friel Stewart, Jahn
Sr. I. to ' Second,•-'Aldie Eckert,
M♦reatryNigh. Evans, Louis Lane, .Sylvester
Johnson, Frances :Matthews, Marg-
Promotion examinations, midsum-
mer, 1929:•
Form II.: I
Sr. III.' to Jr, ' V.-eHonours'
through the year, so passed without
trying the final exanvinatlan. Ja,ck Ho-
th'am, Ross MdNab, Stewart Plant,
Roydon Hawkins, .Dorothy Drover,
Helen Rolph, Fred Barlow.
1-lenours- Helen MadLean. Pass-
Labelle Hawkins, Conrad: Crawford,
Jack Curry, Douglas H. Stewart, Mil-
dred Cudmore, Douglas M. Stewart,
Mary F1ett, Frank Grieve. Recom-
mended -Leona Box, Jean Pearson,
Form III.
Passed witheett writing on the ea-
aniineti'on: Dorothy, Golding,. Mary
Jcohnstone, • Jack. Cheoro,s, Gordon
McKellar, Garnet Free, Ted South-
gate ,Marj,ory Wigg.
Honours Jack Rankin, Ross Alle-n
Stewart Geddes, Billie Box, Van Bell,
Pass--lGeonge Pinder, Glen Pinkney,
Martha Storey, Bianohe Wiltse, Jim
Cluff, Gordon Welsh, •-Helen Crich,
Viola Montgoinery; Luella M'ontgom-
On Monday afternoon about five o'-
clock thesummer kitchen of Mr. John
F. Purcell's residence, Market street
west, took fire by a coal oil stove ex-
ploding, and in a few seconds the kit-
chen was a mass of flames. The fire
brigade quickly had two lines of hose;
in action and the house was saved bytheir 'splendid efforts,
ORc 4NIZIING 'LEGION HERE.A, well -attended :meeting of returned
men was held on Tuesday. '. evening,
when it was decided to organize an -
branch of the Canadian, Legion in
.Seaforth. Mr. Wray, president of the
London Branch, addressed ,the meet-
ing. A cliariter will be applied for
and another meeting will be held in a
coup•of weeks to elect officers.
The McKillop Branch of the United
Church W u'VI..'S. held their monthly
meeting at the home of Mrs. G. C.
Dale on Thursday, June 20th. About
forty ladies werepresentand a good-
ly amount` of sewing was done. Mrs.
ill MdDermid presided and also read
the Bible lesson, There was a duet
by iffrs. Lane and Mes, Nielson. '• A
splendid report of the Chatham Con-
ference was given by Miss Lawrence,
Mrs. Lane also gave a sbort talk- on
Mrs. Forbes' .address. Bath'' were
much ;enjoyed. There was a pleasing
nolo by Mrs. N. Carter, and 'Mr.Lane •closed with prayer. The col-
lection amounted to $11,00. Lunch
was served and a pleasant social hour
was spent.
On Sunday evening last, ` Rev. W.
D. •MGDonaldpreached his farewell
sermon in EgnrondviIle United
Church, closing a successful pastorate
of nearly seven years. The efening
service at 'Northside United Church
and also at Brucefield United Church
were withdrawn and a very -large con-
gregation was present, Assisting in
the service were Rev. W. P. Lane, of.
Northside Church, Rev. W. A. Brem-
ner, of Brucefieed United 'Church, and
Rev. D. Carswell, of Toronto. Rev.
W. D. McDonald, in bidding farewell
to the congregation and P'reslbytery,.
spoke of the love and good fellorwehip
which has marked -the years of his
pastorate and spoke with confidence'
of the future of the congregation. Mr.
McDonald then preached' again the
first sermon he had given as pastor at
Egmondville, the text being St. John
2:5, ' Whatsoevr He saith unto' you,
do it.", F
Word of the death by drowning
of Dr.' Frank Bugginof Rosebud,
Texas, twill be receivecf with deep re-
gret by many former schoolmates and
friends in Seaforth. ,Mrs. James Beat-
tie; Church see is is a sister of Dr. Bu -
gin, and received but few particulars
of the fatality in a letter on Tuesday
Late Bast Thursday afternoon, Julie 28
Dr, Buggin and friends had gone to
a lake :et Marlin to fish. The doctor.
was standing among weeds' when he
became entangled. Attetnpking to free
himself he fell into a deep ,hole, where
he was held by the weeds and drown-
ed before anyone could reach him.
The funeral was held on Friday. It is,
about -25 years since Mr; Engin went
to Texas where he !bought a: dentes,
practice and has been very successful.
He was''a son of the late Rev. and,
Mrs, •Buggin, attended school here
and taught for a numlber of years at
Tara and Havelock, later' graduated
from Philadelphia Dental College. He
was ih ,his 60th year and leaves his
wife and one daughter Lotiise and an Nab
adopted daughter Lois; also two sis-
, Mrs. le, Portland, Ore.;
Mrs, James Beattie, Seaforth, and 2
brothers, Wm,, Seattle, Wash., and
red, of Edmonton, Sank.
for Men, VVomen and Children
For Ladies,' we have Pemps. Strap and Ties, featuring the new
Sun -kissed shade of blonde, Also new shades for Brown at priceeefrom
MiSSeS and children's Shoes with Btickles, following the line of
older ladies at prices from $L15 to $3.00.
Oxfords for Men. -Good quality, featuring new lasts. $4.95 to $6,50
LOOK OVER OUR RACK OF.SPEC/ALS at $1A9-$1,87 and $2,95
F. NV., W1GG
Form IV.
Promoted, on honour work through-.
nut the year: Mary Holmes, Dora
Welch, Mac Southgate, Charlie Pet-.
erson, Mary Dolmage, Merle Keating,
Hughie Oke.
Hontours-Ruth Cluff, Alice, Hud-
son, Edna Plant, Barry Spencer. Pass
-Jeannie Elliott, Howard Carroll,
Fern Dunle p,< Roy Oke, Jean Dale,
Nelllie' Reevet, Carl Knight and Jack
Drover, equal, .Mary Howes, Janet
Raker and Rollie Stewart, equal.
Form V.
Promoted bn honour work through-
out the year: Dorothy Fraiser, Dor-
othy Peterson, Donald- MacTavish,
Billie Wellesley, Jean Dtingey, Har-
old Free, Helen Cheoros, Alastair
Honouree -IR btby : Barlow, Mae
Hodgson, Oban MacTavish. Passs-
David Grieve, David Stewart, Viola
Dolniarge and Helen Chamberlain,
equal; Allan Dolmage, Zetta Dunlop,
May Siegrist, Jack Wright, Gene-
vieve Hawkins.
Form VL
.Promoted to Jr. I. -!Honours: Clete
Dickson, Betty McLeod,Anna Den-
nis,'Brtice Wright, Clara D,olmage,
Carolyn Holmes, Helen Swan, Pass-
Clayton Dennis, Alma Elliott, Grace
Gillespie, Mb;rgaret Barlow, Legnore
Edler, Manion' Lbbotson, Richard Box,
Doris Hopi, Tommy. Wilbee, Helen
Fraiser, Ruth Fraiser, Margaret Flet -
ober, Alfred Siegrist, Earl' M'ontgom-
E. R. ORAtWIFOIRD, Principal,
Ten members of the Hays family
are together this week to attend the
reunion at S.E. No, 2, MoKillop. Since
the death .of ehe father and mother,
the, late James and Mrs. Hays, there
has not been a break in the. family,
wthose ages now extend from 54 to 77
years, which ie.believed to be a record
for this district. The ,whole family
attended S.S.' No. 2, McKillop, Those
from ousti,de 'pointe" are: Mr, Robert
C. Hays, Goderioh; Mr. William Hays
of Lip'ton Sask.; Mrs. G. F. S. Gar-
den, Toronto• Mrs. • William Ireland,
Climax, Sask.'; Mrs. Fannie Ireland,
Detroit Lakes, Minn.; Mrs. W. J.
Fowler, Leamington, aitd ire Seaforth
are Messrs. Adam and James Hays,
Mrs. Thos, McElroy, and Mrs. Jobe.
there -will be a High Mass of Thanks-
giving in St, 'Jaisnes' 'Church for the
restoration to, health of His 'Majesty
King George V. This is authorized
by His Ex.cellency the Apostolic Del-
egate to Canada and Ne,vvfoundland,
Monseigneur Cesetilevv, at Ottawa,
Special Represeneetiv.e. of His 11011..
ness Pope Pius X./., and is being cer-
ried out in every Catholic Church
throughoat our fair Dominion.
iStrateerd Dietrice !Rebekah Associ-
ation held e very pleasing afternoon
the Oldfellowes Hall at Mitchell, on
Wednesday June 26th. About twenty-
five. mewl/vie were present. Owing to
the inclement Weether, it was neces-
sary to hold the gathering in the hall,
where indoor sports were eeld. Pest
Greeted were present from New Ham -
,burg, Stratford, ,Mitehell and Seeforth,
A very dainty luticheon wag served
and all ,preeent report a gob -Celine,
A sad fatality occurred at the
school house corner, a mule and a
quarter east of Brece6eld, on Mon-
day morning, July let, about 10 o'-
clock, when Mrs. Sarah. Jane Mc -
Falls, of Exeter, aye's almost instantly
killed, and other passengers were ser-
iously hurt. Because of London road
paving, the second line is used as a
detour, . on which the Exeter car, e
touring, 'containing Mr, and Mrs. Gar-
net Flynn, Mr. and Mrs Frank Tay -
ler and, Mrs. MdFalls . (mother of
Mrs, Flynn) was going north on its',
way to Kincardine. The other car in
the collision,, a sedan, was from"Se-
bringville, driven, by Mr. Ullrich, and
was travelling, west on the Mill Road.
At the crossroads the . Sebringyille
car struck the right hand side of the
Exeter car and to latter jumped the.
ditch, coming to rest in, the school
yard (without upsetting),, . Mrs. Mc -
Falls died a few minutes after being
taken from the car, and her ,body was
removed to Exeter. Scaforth and
Hensen doctors were called to the
scene of the accident, Mrs, Frank
.Death came to Mrs. Heiny Francis
with very. little warning at her- home
June 27. Mr, end Mrs. 'Feencis 1310Y -
ed to Seaforth from Usharne twp in
May. Until a short thee 'tbefore her
dea'th Mre Francis had bieen in good
health. Formerly. Emily Cotel,::, she
was born 76 years ago ricer Exeter,
England; With the family she came
firm 5 miles east of Ritter in` Use
borne,. where she lieed until this
spring, She was neerried to Mr. Fran-
- years ago wbo now survives, as
well as one-brothereler. George Cot- , ne
tie, 'Whitechurch. One daughter., Mrs. sp
Herold Lawrence, McKillop and 3 Al
On their re turn they will reside
the groones farm near Lonclesb
The community join in wishing
and Mrs. leaden a happy and pr
DePrTetasenwteedtidoend if: Teacher. -- M
Marjorie Bickel], who has resig
her position at S.S. No. 6, Hull
CHarlock) was recently made the
cipient of a cabinet of silver from
pepils, The address was read
Gladys Leiper, while Olive Ko
made the presentation. Miss Bick
was completely surprised but thank
her pupils and expressed her aePre
ation, Miss Bickel], who has be
with us for three years, has accepted
position in Toronto and is leaving
teach there after the holidays.
Mr, E. S. Kriechtee-of Calgary
rived on Monday to join Mrs. Knee
tel and lvfaxine, who have be
spending the past seven weeks wi
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Femis. They intend to remain for t
month of July, after which they w
motor back to their home in Calgar
Mr. James Watt and son Owen
Toronto spent the holiday with frien
here, returning Tuesday as Mr. Wa
is engaged to teach. summer scho
for the holidays.
Ferrie, Mr. and Mrs. Knechtel an
little Maxine, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Be
and family, spent the Its of July i
Quite a number attended the garde
The straWberry festival under th
auspices of Burns' Church ladies' ai
was held last Friday night at Lond
esboro Community Hall and was we
attended and the play, "Lena Rivers,
which was given by Auburn talen
was much enjoyed.
Miss Lydia Reid is at present tak
ing a physical culture ceturse at Tor
visited at Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rap
son's and other friends over the wee
Miss Lydia Reid is engeyed a
teacher for Harlock school tor the
coining year' While Miss Olive Moon
is engaged at No. 7.
Mies Marjorie lIcEeving spent the
week end with her friend, Miss 0. La -
Bean of near Clinton.
Miss Anna Hamilton, who has been
teaching near Ottawa, also Miss efae
Hamilton of repent°, and Mr. Keith
Hamilton of Walkerton spent the 1st
under the parental roof.
Mr, and Mrs. Thoneas Knox and
family, also Mr. and Mrs. T. Colson
and family attended the Connell and
Dale reunion on Monday at ell.. end
Mrs. Wm. Connell's summer cottage
IteaMrr.liaVdInrfriii.leiralitk''' Mc -Grego; and'
family visited Mr. anti Mrs. Jack Rad-
ford and fallen of Clinton on Sunday
and rs. Bean and family of
ar Carlow, also Miss Mary. Addison
ent Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Airs. Leitch (lormerly Miss Flor-
ine with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Trewin, returned to her home in
Toronto on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ross of Toron-
to, and family are at present visiting
with Mrs. Ross' parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Trewin.
Miss Lavine Knox of Toronto spent
the week end at the home of her par -
Allen attended the Conservative meet-
ing held in Hensel] last Thursday af-
The service at Burns Church will
be held at 1.30 on July 7th.
Mr. and Mrs. James Scott of Tor-
onto visited in this vipinity over the
week end.
re -
sons, A. 0. Francis, -claire inspector,
Beight cheese and dairy factory,
Bright, and B. M. Francts, Exeter.
The Suneral was held on Sunday af-
ternoon. A short service was con-
ducted hy Rev. W. P. Laneat her late
by Mr. E. C. Chamberlain. A service
was conducted by her former pastor,
Rev. Mr. Anthony in Thames road
church at 2.30 p.m. A duet was sung
by Messrs. Wm. Moody and Christie
Montieth. The pall-thearers were John*
Caen, Peter Whitlock, Percy Pass-
more, Percy Stone, Jiames Anderson,
Orville Cann. ..einong those from a
distance were Mr. and Mrs. fehn
Prancis, London; Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Francis and son John, 14fr. and Mrs,
Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Temple, of
Croswell, Mich., and the members of
the family.
The following are the results of the
promotion examinations for S.S. No.
3, Hullett. The classes are arranged
as they will be alter holidays. First
class honors eI) 75-100; second class
failure (f) below 60. Sr. IV.--esabel
Jainieeon (I), Doreen Clarke (P)
Hazel McMichael (p), Jr. IV,--Ilattie
Armstrong (1) Edith Britton (II)
Doris Lawson (II) Bernand Riley
(e), Sr. IDL -Hazel Jamieson (II)
Ethel Dexter (II); Kelso Adams (9);
Freddy Riley (p). Charlie Sundercock
(p), Ella Dexter (p), Jr. III. --Edna
Armstrong (II), John Thompson (II)
Sr, III. -Jean Wakefield (1) Alex. Mc-
Michael (f). jean Anderson (I) Elva
Sundercock (I), Alvin Riley (H),
Olive Grimoldby (p), Grace McMich-
ael (p)e Reggie Lawson (p), Kathleen
Yue.gblut (p), Mary Thompson (p).
First -Marion Lawson, Viola Dext-
er, Stella Armstrong, ,Kenneth
Thompson. Primer - David Ander-
son, Ellwood Clarke, Charlie Mc-
Michael. Ida I. Medd, Teacher.
School Report-jr. IV.-Helee Mc-
Gregor 88, Maegaret Beattie 82, Jack
MoDeeing 78,. Ma -Harry Rap-
son 57. III. -Ida Lelper 77, Willie
Taylor '75. Jr, IL -Watson Reid $1,
Jimmy .McEwing 70. Firet.-Roy
Holland 0, Wilma Shepherd 8,1, Gor-
don McGregor (absent), Primer -
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
high noon on Saturday, June 29th, at
the manse, Mothervvell, when Lydia
Irene, youngest daughter oe Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Ferris; became the bride
af Albert W. Vodden. Rev. Neil
Leckie officiated, The Ilvide was !bee
comingly gowned in bite Freneh
georgette over crepe de ehene. The
cotiple were attended by Mr: and Mrs.
Mr. ancl Mrs, Vocideft left by motor
on a trip to Niagara. and other points.
A very pretty wedding was solen
Stratford, on Monday morning, Jai
1st, when Mary Ellen, eldest daug
ter of Mrs. Frank j, McQuaid, w
united in marriage to Mr. Lewren
Power, only son of Mr. and Mrs, Pa
rick 'Power, of Amherstburg, Ont. T
.bride, who entered the church on t
arm af her brother, Mr. James M
Quaid, was gewned in midnight bl
georgette with hat to match and ca
ried a corsage of pink butterfly rose
The /bridesmaid, 'Miss Nora FoWe
sister of the groom, wore a gown
yellow georgette with hat to mate
and carried yellow roses. The groo
was assisted by Mr. Frank McQuai
Jr. During the 'signing of the regi
ter, "Ave Maria" was rendered-by.th
choir. After the ceremony the youn.
couple returned to the bride's horn
where wedding breakfast was serve
o the immediate relatives. The gift
eceived, which were many and costly
estify to the esteein in which
oung couple are held by their man
hey will make_ their future home is
Windsor where they will be at hom
o their friends after August finst.
Mrs. Dan. Williams and family o
hitago are visiting friends here.
Mr. Joseph Coyne of Detroit is vis
ing his pareets, Mr. and Mrs. Mich-
el Coyne,
Messrs. Thos. McQuaid and Charles
alone of • Windsor are home for
Misses Mildre.d and Gertrude Mc-
rath of Guelph ere home for the
Mr. Dail Williams Jr. af Chicago 18
ViSllink his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Pat
Mr, Joseph Mbylan of St. Michael's
College Staff, Toronto, is home for
the summer vacation,
Mew's. Themes, Besil mid eamea
Lane spent the,eholiday with their
Sister Patna tie St. Joseph's 00h.
vent, Peteeboro, visited friends here
as as
r -
Have You Ever Blairned Your Eyes
for Your Headache? •
Most headaches come on in the after.
noon, after close work. Any one of
sevbral eye muscles can cause an intense
headache. Attack your headache at its
Fellsworth solid
gold spectacles Med
with 1Pellsworth
fort and efficiency. Have Your Eyes Examined
Fred S. Savauge
AL Ross Savauge, R.O., Eyesight Specialist
r, Gerald Hollane, of Windsor,
visi ed friends here this past week.
Miss Emily Downey of Detroit
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M
chael Downey.
A iss Sadie Queenan and Mise LUG
Burke spent the holiday with Strat
ford friends,
Miss Owen was a Stratford visite
over the week end.
Mrs, M. Downey was in Lando
visiting her daughter, Mrs. T. P
Christopher, last week.
Haying has started in our burg. .
Mr, Joseph Cassidy has returned t
Detroit, also Miss Emily Downey
Ed. is spending his holidays with Mr
and Mrs. ef. Downey.
the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. Me
is The reunion of the McDonald faro-
4- ily is being held at Spring'bank today..
Mr. J. Troerer of Toronto ,yisited at
y the home of Thomas Coleman last..
weMekr'. and' Mrs, Cecil Oke and Carrie-
r visited over the week end with friends .
on the 2nd concession and spent the-
n first ol July at the lake at Bayeeke
Mr. Will Snith and daughter Mar --
ion spent last Sunday with his sister,.
Mrs. Russell Coleman,
o Mr. and Mrs. Phillips and daughter
. of Torante spent the last week visit--
. ing at the .home ,of Mr. and Mrs. Lew-
is Tebbutt.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pepper, Mr.
and Mrs. Emelton and family of Nia-
gara spent the vveek end at the home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Dalrymple of the'
West visited•this week with their cou-
sins, Mr. John Elgie and Mrs. Jelin
Mr. and Mrs. William Eyre of Sax-
sniilaasarzeyrspe.endinig their honeymoon at:
the home of the former's mother, Mrs..
Mr. and Afrs. Gordon Hayter • of.'
Flint, Miele, are visiting at the homes.
Miss Gladys Shillinglaw, of Torone-,
to, is spending her holidays with hem
parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Shilling --
Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Murray visited*.
friends in Stratford on Saturday.
Quite a number from this veciniter-
`spent the holiday at Bayfield and.
Grand Bend.
'On Friday evening, Rev. and Mrs.
Penrose and daughter Eva, of Varna,
visited Mrs, James 'McCracken at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Wallace.
Mr. Earle Webster left on Tues-
day morning to take a short course at
Mr. and efes. Stanley Dutot and
Afasters Leslie and Louis and Mise
Doris Dutot visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Alex, 'Wallace on Sun-
Alia Cora Strong and Miss Elva
Jefferson are in Toronto taking a_
course in vooal music.
Goes to Timmins School.-Afr. and
Mrs. T. J. Webster returned this*
week front a trip to Porcupine, timer
son, Mr. Earle Weester, returning
with them. Mr, Webster has resign-
ed his position in Porcupine, to take
assietant principalship in one of'
the large Timmins schools. On the
occasion of the closing of school for-.
the holidays, the tommunity :ea- •
thered and made hint the recipient of -
a valuable travelling case and the fel-
lowing aeldress was read, as a mark -
ie tg esteem in wheal) he was
vith feelings of profound regret that
we rea ize your work in our midst has -
come to an end. In the sham time
you have been with us you have made
many true friends, whose best wiefres
follow you in your new work weer --
ever it rney be. Please accept this.,
gift, net for its intrinsic value, hut as •
a slight taken of the esteem in which
you are held in our commenity."
The following is the school repoet
of SIS. No. 6, Ttickersmith, for Me
June pcomotions: }101101.1r8 75 pe=
cent., pass 60 per cent.
Vnitmore 87, 'Warren Whitmore 75-,e.
Raymond Tovensend (promoted con- -
Whitmore 89, 'Pear] Hugilf 83.
.lerom Jr, IPI. to Sr, lelle-iVerna..-
Hegel 75, Myrtle Ashton Al, Leone
Non 71, Hazel Ashton 65. .
Whittnore 81, Arneld 75, Vele
A number of the farmers here have
commented haying,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Crich motored
to Wheatley and spent the week end
visitin.g their daughter. there.
Mrs. Matheson of Haebor Beach,
Mich., visited relatives here last week.
Mr. Harold Crich of London spent
the week end at his home here.
Mrs. 'W. Ceich is visiting relatives
at Harrow.
Late Thomas Richardson. -An old
resident of the Township of Asheeld
Passed eway at the home of his son,
Mr. T. J. Richardson, Mill Road, in
the person of Mr. Thomas Richardson
in his 87th -year, about noon on Mon-
day, July 1st. Mr. Richardson who
had been in failing health for dout a
year and a hale came to live here last
Pall. He was born in Petersville,
En,gland, corning to Canada whet 23
yeans old, and settling near Port Al-
bert, where he had resided until last
year. On Decernber 6th, 1870, he was
united in marriage to Elizebeth
vere born six sons and three daugh-
ters: Thomas J. Richardson, of Tuck -
&smith; William, ,of Listowel; John,
of Duluth, Minn.; Mrs, Phillip Potter,
of Clinton; Mrs. Harry Kneeshaw, of
Toronto; Reuben Richardson <if Tim-
mins, Ont.; and Ben. Richardson, of
Saskatchewan, Allen predeceased his
father 21 years ago, and Mrs. Wesley
Echlin of- Nile, four years ago. One
brother of Mr. Richardson lives in
England. Fifteen yeare ago his first
wife passed away and three years lat-
er, on Feb. 22nd, he was married to
Ernily Worman, of Taunton, Somer-
set, England, who surveves. A man of
sterling qualities, upright and honor-
avhle, the late Mr. Richardson was
ery highly respected, and his ;passing
is, mourned by a wide circle ef friends.
The funeral took place on Wedn.esday
afternoon from Mr. T. J, Richardson's
residence, Mill Road, to Dungannon
cemetery. The family were all home ,
for the funeral with the exception of: r
Mr, Ben. IRichardson Saskatohe'wan
and John of Duluth, the latter having
been here to visit his father last week.
Mrs. James Allan of the village,
Mrs. David MoCloy and elaughter,
Simpson and daughter Janeth return-
ed after having spent a very pleasant
time visiting relatives and fnien.ds in
Toronto and Brantford.
Mrs. Grace Ross, o'f Seeforth,
visiting her nephew, Mr. Robe Mc-
Gregor and Miss Verna this week.
Quite a number from here attended
the shower at Chiselhurst Wedeesday
evening given in henor of Miss Fiore
Mr, arie Mrs. Lennis Seeman and
babe were visitore with the latteris
brother, Mr, Robt. McGregor, over
the holiday.
Miss Etta Bell, of London, is spend-
ing a couple of weeks' holidays at the
home of her parents. '
'Mr, Colin lvroGregoie of Port Hur-
on, and Mr, Jetn Currie, of Marys-
ville, were the vveck-ene visitors at