HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-06-27, Page 8FAG EIO}I HENS.LL, Mt uand Mrs. Alex, Henry oust fain - of f Cass "City, 'Mich, aro visitin; rel= a,ttves in town far'a few days this w cek• The many n n' friends of Mrs. William ,, •in ITettry, were cotagratttlat t & her of t Saturday last on reaching lies', 85'th' !ti thd.ty. Mrs Henry is -still. hail and dheay rt ' • otf 1lr. and Mrs. John G Scott Cromarty. visited friends hi town on Saturday, Mrs. Fisher and Mrs, Mc'Murtrie Spent last Saturday hi London, - Mr. and Mrs. William 'Elder, who have spent •bhis.jast eight months in California arrived home on Saturday. .Mrs, William Laramie and Miss Greta Lra'mntie aro visiting friends in, Brantford, Dr, and Mrs, Smith and son of St, Marys spent the week end at the 'home .of Mr. and 'Mrs. G, C. Petty, Irtr, Leonard Dart of the Bankof Montreal staff has returned from his. holidays and is again on duty at the Bank. Death of Mrs. 'Hunt. -Mrs. Eliza- beth Hunt, widow' of Robert Hunt, died at her home: here in her 88th year on,Tuesday, She .was the young- est daughter 'of the late Robert Bell, who was one of the earliest pioneers of the district, es't'alblishing one of the first grist mills in Clinton. Twen- t.y five years ago Mrs, Hunt moved to Henlsall from Clintonn' and had resided here since with her sister, Miss Mar- garetMrs. H ' z her. survives who st garet Bell, thad suffered' severely with rheumatism for some years past and had been confined to her room for some time. She had many friends in the community. She was a member of Carmel iPresbyterien Church. The funeral took place Thursday after- noon to the Hensall Union cemetery. ,The students of the public school were writing exams Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs: Fred Manns and son Kenneth spent the week end at Grand Bernd. Mrs. Walter Habkirk left last week for an extended visit to the \Vest. Quite a numlber from here tnok .in the circus at Stratford. Mrs. Jas. Sparks has returned hone from Brantford where she has spent the winter and spring with her daugh- ter. Mr. Aronld Bell of Toronto spent the week end at his home here, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Paterson were in Stratford on Sunday, Mr. Fred Brock, who had under- gone an operation in the London hos- pital, is recovering nicely. Mr. and. Mrs. John Dalrymple are here from the West visiting friends. Mr, Charles Jinks, Who has been confined to -his home for several .weeks is able to be out again. The many friends of Mrs. John Newell are pleased to see her here again after being in the West for twenty -(five years. She is here visitin her mother, Mrs. Peter Robertson and her 'brother, John Robertson and oth- er friends in this district. Quite a number attended decoration services at Exeter on Sunday. . ,Miss Jean Maxwell of Whitby is spending her vacation visiting Mrs. 0D•r.) Peck and Mrs, S. McArthur. The public library will be closed. for two weeks_as the librarian, Miss Me - Naughton, is away on her holidays. :Mr. Wilson MdLean of Chicago Spent a :few days last week visiting his mother, Mrs. D. McLean, . Death of Mrs. Ingram. -The death took place of Mrs. H B. Ingram of London at Victoria hospital after a lengthy illness. The late Mrs. Ingram was for years a resident of Hensel]. She leaves three daughters, Mrs. Wm. Haire of London; Mrs. R. J. Martyn of Detroit, and Miss Anna at home. Interment took place at Pond Mills cemetery, London. IA music recital by the pupils of Miss Greta Laramie, Hensall, was held in the town hall on Friday even- ing and was very much enjoyed. The pupils are to be congratulated upon the splendid manner in which they tools their parts and much credit is due to Miss Laramie, their teacher, for the splendid showing they made. The hall 'eas well filled and the stage drocoretioas were beautiful. Following was the program: Chorus, Welcome, W. Davidson; piano trio, Nita Ducelle, R. Coles, M. Follick, D. McQueen; violin trio, Military March, McIntyre, B. Glenn, C. Fairibairn, D. Kyle. The Blue Bird (A) Laura Tremer (B) Beatrice Duman; recitation, The Little Fingers, David Blackwell; .pi- ano duet, 'Grandmothers Volka, Kath- ryn Drysdale and Dora Smith; violin solo, Sunshine Polka, McIntyre, Billy Glenn; piano duet, Gondo'lion, Nevin, Edera Monroe. Marian Sinclair; Pris- cillla's Week, 'K, Drysdale, M. Sang- ster, R. Coles, 0, Brock, L. 'Tremeer, R. Bell, M. Little. Piano, Fleurs de Mai (a) Wellesley D. Semet, (b) Will o' the Wisp, Jungmann, Helen Glenn, violin, Perpetuuni Mobile, Warner, Ella Pepper; violin valse, Florence Ivfofonald; vocal trio, Love Sends a Little Gift of Roses, I. Hoggarth, M. Workman, F. 'MdD'onald; piano quar- tette, School Colors, Benson, G. Pass- more, G. Brock, I. Hoggarth M. Workman; viloin solo Eva Stack- house; piano, Galeto de.Coeur, .S. Smith, Edera Munroe; Tosymphony burelsque, Scherzo Rondo, violins, Eva Staekhouse, Ella Pepper; Night- ingales, Myrtle Thompson, H. Glenn; Quails, 'L,Smale B, Vollatt:d; Cuckoo's, E. Clark, M. �',arn.ie; Trumpets, P. Willard, B. Drummond, A. Stephens; Triangle, J. Bean; drum, Eleanor Bell, piano, Miss Laramie. Mr, Lloyd 'Passmore, who has re- cently completed an automobile me- chanic's course at Toronto, has re tpirned to his home here. Miss ,Ruby 'VldLaren spent ,Monday with her sister, Mrs. Wes, Venner el near Chiselhurst. • 'Me, and Mrs, James Smith of Buf- falo are spending their vacation visit ing Mr. and Mrs. William'Consttt. Mrs. 'W. R. Henry of Bra:ccfield vis- ited friends in the village this week. (Mrs. )3, North,' Miss Irma Higgins and Raymond and Billie Higgins spent Monday in Exeter. M•ANLEV. Mr. Louis Brall, Master tail and Miss Mary Brall and Wes Lucy Eck - art and Mr. Earle Hymer, of Detroit, and Mrs. H. Deslboura 'and Miss Nellie, of ,vlilwtaukee and Mr, and Mrs, C, iEckart were visitors in our butt, 'last Sintday,, Miss I'lary liralt has i•ernained here to spend her, holi- day.; oui-dad + with friends,' Quite a number from here are at- tending the Chautauqua •befng'held in StSeaforththis week and report an e.x- a boil en- °11�t,program wh@ch Query y C4 411 joys to theheart's content. 'Mr. Thos.. Purcell, who isoperating the cement mixer for the King Con- struction Co. at 1Elginfield, seent Soo - day at his home here, BI5UCEFIELD, Mrs, -A, :McDonald, of Dundas, its the guest of her sister; Mrs, C. IIaugh this week: Mr, and Mrs. John Kaiser and son Earl 'spent the week -end with fniends in the village. Mr, and Mrs, C, McKenzie and family, of London, visited, at the home of the former's parents, .;vir. and. Mrs. R McKenzie recently, Miss, Jessie Tough is visiting friends in the village this week. Mrs, Stevens returned home .Mast week after visiting friends in Galt, Brantford and. St, Catherfees, 'The highway is now paved through Brucefie'ld and the dust is over, for which we are thankful. )fr. and Mrs. Wm. Hill spent Sun- day at Sptingbank. Miss Kathleen Ross has returned home after spending a week with her aunt, Mrs, John Graham.. Mr. A, Woolley was in Goderich on business one day last week. Miss Clete Pepper has returned home from visiting her brother at Niagara Falls, Mrs. Chesney spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. James Thompson. CHISELITURST, Mr. eerc,} Harris, accompanied 'by Miss ;beating, Mr„ • Ilarris, Mrs, Oce and Mrs. Cook, from Yorkton, Saar., motored to Toronto last Sunday and spent k d in. thecity, po the day c Y Mies Pearl Harris spent Wednes- day eii S - day in Landon, visitingwith friends, She was accompanied by her ,aunt, Mrs. Cook, of Yorlctpn, Sask. Mr. v t whon work- inglir. Ste et.sott, + has bee orl ing Mr. Conch's farm, had a sale .on Monday and is moving back to his facto near Hyde Park. 'lfiss Greta Sararas of Toronto is visiting for a few days with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, Simon Sararas, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Horton spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Baxter in Seaforth. NOTICE IS HEREBY>GWEN to all interest- ed persons that By-Law'Numlber 9 fore4929 of the Township • of Hullett whereby it is proposed to stop -up all those certain street or road allow- ances laid down in the registered plan of the village plot of Hartford located on Lots Numbers Sixteen and Seven- teen in the Ninth Concession of the Township of Hullett except those portions. thereof heretofore closed up will be taken into consideration at a meeting the Council, of the Town- ship of H� iett hich' oill be held at the Township Hall,,Londesborou h, at the hour of one oa6lock p.m, on the, 25th day of Jyly, 1 . This notice s ven pursuant to i h M nc' al Act in the provisions o he u i £� P that behalf, Dated at Londes!borottgh the 12th day of June, 1929, JOHN FINGLAND, Township Clerk. Want and' For Sale ads, 3 times 50c SRAii'ORTH NEWS. anted. Strictly Fresh Eggs During hot weather, eggs should be gathered twice daily, and kept in a dool,place WE ARE PAYING 30e IN. TRADE FOR EXTRAS Only clean, fresh =eggs are wian@ed W. IT PAYS TO DEAL WITH' J. FINNIGAN V AUCTION SALE. Of Farm Stock, Implements and Furniture, Etc, -.Thos, Brown, Auc- tioneer, has been instructed to sell at Walton Saw Milt o. n Friday, June 285h, at 1 :o'clock sharp, the ,fallowing; Live Stock -1 Hereford cow, 3 years, with calf at foot; 1 Holstein cow, 4 years, fresh; 1 ,c;ow, 5 years old, fresh, 1 Holstein cow due in Aug.; 1 Jersey cow fresh 3 months; 1 young saw , 9 pigs 6 weeks old, 20 Leghorn hens 4 year. old, Implements-•-6.ft. Interna- tional binder, 5-11. mower, horse rake, Baby Grand car, manure spreader, 2 - furrow plow, 2 walking plows, turnip sower, high wagon, 2 truck wagons,. 2 medium light wagons, top buggy, cutter, 3 sets of sleighs, large galvan- ized water trough, hay rake, hay fork,' and ropes, wheel scraper, grindstone, 2 hay racks, several pairs pine sack sills, 2 sets ;harrows, 1 •cowl"box, 1 ,gra yet box, turnip slicer, 2: sets double harness, set single ha ess, 'barrel of molasses, 2 sets slip Yopes, • l set of 1400 lb, scales, lots •f 1 and.2 inch. Iniaber;r chains, iffletrees, neck- yokes, et Hou ' ahold Effects. -1 bedroom ite 2 on beds wwith new springs, 1 iron 'cot With springs, 1 chiffonier 1 w shstand, 3 toilet sets, sdavenport, ea er chair 2 rockers, 3 parlor table , 2 rugs 9x1112, 2 conga- leum rugs, couch bed, stretcher, gram (phone with records,.1 typewriter, 1 desk, . Peninsular rang,e, Souvenir range, 3 -(burner coal oil stove with ov x 04, kz' tea 4 T D CAR REAR. . AXLE ;2ssr ;i:i$,i;1Y Expense no object in Achieving Perfection r-rHE rear axle of the Ford car is of the three.quarter floating type with spiral bevel gear. The pinion hub is exceptionally heavy, and, as the pinion is carried on double taper roller bearings, perfect alignment of the gear is always assured. The rear axle has a total of four roller bearings which add considerably to the cost of manufacture but are a protection for the owner against wear. Special care is taken to insure silence in the pinioc. and ring gears. These are made up in sets and carefully matched, each set being run in to eliminate all possi- bility of noise in operation. The differential side gears are forged integral on the rear axle shafts and the teeth then cut, . This permits of lighter and more simple construction. The shafts, are unusually strong, and, as the centre line of the wheel comes over the bearings, there is no overhang of the axle shaft, and it has no weight to support. The use of malleable castings is eliminated in this new axle housing which is made entirely of steel. Bell - forgings welded to steel tubing make up the shaft housing which is bolted to an all steel differential housing. The care and skill devoted to the manufacture and assembly of rear axle parts is typical of the high standards of Ford engineering. Drive it Yourself - there is no Better Test . Ford Car Features Choice of cotoure 55 to 63 miles' an hour. 40 -horse power engine Full balloon tires Futlji enclosed six -braise system d 'oudaille hydraulic shook absorbers AO to 30 miles per gallon of gasoline Shatterproof glass windshield Theft proof ignition look Reliability and tow upkeep Arrange for your demonstration ride with the nearest Ford dealer J. F. Daly SEAFORTH ti Ontario en loge; drum, stove pipes, kitchen .cupboarcl,• kitchen cabinet, 6 'kitchen 'clsairs, kitchen table, china cabinet, 6 oak dining phalrs, 1 stepladder, flower stand, clothes horse, refrigerator, 2 lawn mowers, cream separator, Daisy eturn ice cream freezer, garden swing, 2 cistern ,pumps, Maxwell washer with electric motor, 2 clothes wringers, wash tubs and 'boilers, kit- chen t chenutensils, nuarlier of books and (pctures, croknole board, lamps, pails, ;dishes, gems and other articles. Pos- itively no reserve as proprietor 1s giv- ing tip business. Terns-Sums'of $10 and under, cash; over that amount, 9 months' • credit given on, . furnishing approved joint 'notes, Five per cent. straight off ; for cash on 1 credit amounts,. Land •owners for security. Thos, Brown, Auct; John McDonald, Prop, AUCTION SALE Of Desirable House. and Lot in the. Town of Seaforth.-.,--The Executor of the estate of George ,Baine, (late of the Village of Egnopdville, in the Coun- ty of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceas- ed, has instructed Thomas Brown, ,Auctioneer, to offer for sale by Pub- lic Auction on Saturday the 29th day of June, 1929, at the hour of two o'clock p.m., on the premises, the following parcel of land: Being composed of lot number two hundred and fifteen on ,the East side of .Ord Street in Jarvi Survey in the Town of Seafottth, in the County of Huronh. 'Tere isa ood double frame house with st a undation on the properly, also and garden, od shed, stable Terms of Sa ,-Ten per .Cent, of the purchase money in cash -on the date' of sale and the balance within three weeks. For further particulars and conditions of sale, apply to BEST & BEST, Seaforth, Ont, Solicitors for Executor, Thomas Brown, Auctioneer: - Dated June Sth, 1929, MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable - .Farm in Hibbert ons UNDER ANTDwBY VhipIRTUE of the powers ,of sale contained in a certain Indenture of Mortgage, which wila lbe produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by pu'bli'c auc- tion, by 'Thomas (Brown, Auctioneer, at The Queen's Hotel, in the Town of Seaforth, on Tuesday, the 9th July 1929 at the hour of two o'tolocic, in the afternoon,' the East half of rot num- ber Eighteen 115), :in the First (ds't) Concession of the Tolwnglfip 'of Hib- bert, in the County of. ''iron. There ar erected the lands a comllor!talble dwelli house and a good barn ad o uildings, A. good growing cr p o the land, The fern ' advantageously situat- ed on the Mario Provincial High- way, albaut one mile west ,of the thriving village of Dublin and con- venient to schools, churches and mar- kets; and five miles east of Seaforth: Terms Of ISa1e-Twenty (20) per cent in cash on the day of sale and the balance in thirty day's thereafter, The purchaser wii'1 sign an agreement to complete the purchase. Further conditions of sale and terms will be made known on the day of sale' and may be had in the meantime from the undersigned. Dated at Seaforth. Ontario, this 25th- June, 1929. Thomas Brown. Auctioneer. IR. S. HAYS, Vendor's Solicitor. CARD OF THANKS. I wish to thank my many friends and neighbors . for the kindness and sympathy sh wn tlhrough the lei4 illness of my rife d in my bereaNe- ment, and for h tarry floral tributes. ISLIE WOORIDEN. .BIN} Twine Carload of t er Twin'e will be here by wheat rvest. Come and get your binder twine. R. J. McMLLIL1AIN, phone 1223: 271 IF YOU HAVE The Burg ss P :rtrait Studio, Mit- chell, make .o photographs you will' be :please d# both with the work and the prices you pay, STRAWBERRY L.O.B.A. berry festiva lawn on Fri 7,30 p.m: `FESTIVAL odge ' " holding a straw - on , r, Fred Welsh's ay night, June 28th, at ssion 25c.- Good pro- gram, Proc ds to go to help fur- nish a room in the new hospital. FOR RENT OR SALE. Eight -room brick' house on East William str et, four bedrooms, cel- lar hard a soft water, electric light. furna'c all ' good shape, for rent or sale.' p to ADAM HAYS, Seaforth., 23tf FOR SALE. Threshing outfit, one 25=50 Sawyer Massey gas tractor and a large size McDonald separ tor, with all mod- ern improvement and in a good' state of repair. Apply o ' N : ECKAR.T, 6-, Seaforth 26. Ont, HULLETT FARM FOR SALE Con. 2, Lot 8, Hallett, 5 miles west orf Seaforth,, 5 miles east of Clinton, 74 mile 'from schlool, 3 miles - from church and general store. On the pre - raises is a brick house nearly new, frame kitchen attached, with water, cellar eleva'tor and furnace, New steel implement building 24x60 N:ew hen hoose 16x48, ' arge ba barn with cement ' .stabli an ter works newer failing w 1. x acres ' goo hardwood /bush acres spring crop, 20 acres hay, rest in grass, good or- chard, good fences and well drained. Rutfal mail anti telephone. ORVILLE DALE, r.r.' 4;' Clinton' 24tf CLOVER SEED ' Yellow Sweet Clover Seed for sale, Government tested,. % Apply to RAY CRAWiFORD, Lot 1$, Con, 14, Mc- Killop, Walton 13r/12., 1, 13tf HU123AAY, JUI'IE 2%, 1929, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Medical, DR, 31..HU rH ROSS, Physician and Surgeon. Late stf London Hos pital, I,gii1 oni, ' England, Special attention to diseases of the eye, ear nose. and 'throat, Office and' resit- euce behindDominion m iuio n Bai tlr. Office PhoneNo, '5: Residence P Phone e 104 DR. F . J. BURROWS, Seaforth. Office and residence, Goderich street, east' of the United Church. Coroner- t for the,County of'.Hitron, Telephone. '- No. 40. DR. C. MACKAY,-C, Mackay,. honor graduate of Trinity University,- and gold ,medallist pf Trinity Medical College; member of the College or Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario DR; F 9. R, FORSTER-Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi. - cine, University of Toronto 1897: Late Assistant New York Ophthal- mic . and Aural Institute, Moorefield's. Eye, and 'Golden Square throat hos- pitals, London. England. At Comm- ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday in. each month, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. :DR. W. C. SPROAT.-;Graduate of. Faculty of Medicine,; University of - Western Ohfario, London. Member of College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Ontario. Office in Aberhares DruStore, Phone '90: Main St„ Seaforth. Dental. DIR. J, A, M'UNN, Successor to Dr. R, R, Ross, graduate of North-, western. University, Chicago, 111. Li- centiate 'Royal College of Dental Sur-, geons, Toronto. Office over 'Sil'l's hardware, Main St., Seaforth. Phone - 151, DR, . P. J. BFCHFLY, graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W. R. Smiths grocery, Main St., Seaforth. ' Phones. office 183W, residence 185J,, Consulting Engineer. S. W, ARCHIBALD, B.A.S'c. (Tor.), 0.L.S., Registered Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering Institute of Canada. Office, Seaforth, Ont. Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed- Auctioneer for the County of Huron Arrangements •can be made for Stale Date at The Seaforth News, Charges - moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. WATSON AND REID'8_. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James 'Watson) MAIN ST., SEA'FORTH, ONT, All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Clans Companies. THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance Coo FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY, 0 N L Y, INSU'RED'. Officers -James Connolly. Goder- ich; Alex. Janes Evans, Beechwood, Vice President; D. F. McGregor,' Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors -Wm. Rinn, - No. 2, Sea - forth, John .IBennewies, Brodhagen; James Evans, .Beechwood; M. Me - Ewen. James Connolly, God- erich; "Alex.'Clinton;Broadfoot, No. 3 Sea - forth; J M. Sholdice. No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray. -- Gibson, Brucefield. Agents -Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin- ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray. r.r. No: 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Holmesville; ' R. G. Jarmouth, Bornholm, James Kerr and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors, Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans- act other business will be promptly attended to by application -to any of the above named . officers addressed to their respective postoffices. SEAFORTH MARKETS. Wednesday, June 26.' .Fowl, -6 lbs, per 1'b. 22c per lb. 21c per lb. 19z • per Ib. 17c per 1b 26c Fowl, 5 lbs Fowl' 4 lbs. Fowl under 4 lbs Broilers, 2 lbs. Broilers, 1% to 2 i'bs. per Ib. 22c Broilers, tinder L% llbs, per lb. 16c Old roosters, per 1b 11c 14c Butter, per 16..,,. gg , per doz. ....... ...200c -26c Potatoes, per bag 15c Hogs, per cwt $111,95-$1225 THIS WEEK -END KEN MAYNARD In the story of the building of the first transcontinental telegraphs line The Glorious Trail See him (ride( Sec shim fight/ 'See hien race to rescue :as 1,000 Sioux Indians attack the trail •bllazers of the (West; ISee the thrilling story of 'the first cross country telegraph •relived in tiering drama. 'One of ,Ken's biggest hits, THURS. FRI, SAT, 00MINION DAY (Mon. Tues. Wed. JOHN GILBERT GRETA GARBO -i n- A WOMAN OF AFFAIRS Princess