HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-06-20, Page 5TIU.RSDA'i',',, JUNE 20, 1929, CHAIN 'RED &WHITE STORES Some Snappy Specials while the supply lasts Olives. pimento or piaiu, ,11 ort bottle, reg. 39c fon 2$e' Sweet Midget Gherkins, "Libby's, reg 45c, ,for , , , 25c, Sweet Mixed Pickles, Liblby's 7 'oz„ teg:'25'c, for 15c .: Delicious Mustard Pickles, 10 oz, bottles, reg, 35c, tor ,,,..,25c Galvanized Pail, 2 gallon, and 15 bars Comfort Soap, for 99e1 Fresh Broken Sodas, 3 pounds for -Betty's Pure Strawberry Jam, 16 oz, jar, for Raspberry and Apple orStra•'tviberry, in 4 lb, tins, for Green, White or Bine, Baked Enamel Dish Pans containing 10 bars P. &;.G. Naphtha Soap, 2 bars Guest Ivory, 1 plcg Naphtha Soule ,?'lakes, 1 pkg Oxyde l ^. . , . , .... , , All for $1.38 ' The above is wonderful value—do'not miss it. 25c 20c 45c' W. M, Stewart Ross J. Sproat Phone 77 Phone 8 always higher that Price" e REA We pay the highest prices for good cti'eaha. Our services to our patrons are the best that can be given. Do not send your cream to other Creameries; we want it here. To operatea Creamery we need your co-operation. In return for you co-operation we will give you of our best in service and prices. We are agent for the Mellotte Cream Separators. Come in and see the new Models. Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont, C. A. BARBER, Prop. W, J Walker 8►r Son UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license, Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. Just 'Try r It When you feel tired and drowsy, slip around the eoruer and get a massage at SID'S SHOP You may come in with Ag rouch but will go out with a smile.. Phone 125. CIRCUS DAY TO BRING HORDE OF WONDERS SOON Greatest Show on Earth Will Exhibit Countless Foreign Novelties --Herds of Elephants, Zebras and Camels. 1000 Anin'rals. 800 Arenic Perform- ers. - htwas glorious news' to young and old brought in the aneseaacement .of the early appearance of -the great. Ringling Bros, and Bartratu & Badley Circus. with its thousatid and one. wonders which will exhibit in Strat- ford Monday, June 24. The only; five -ring circus in the world, with a Big Top seating mdre than 16,000 person's, will this year off - fir more new and startling acts' than ever before in its history,' Not least in the attractiveness of the B'ig Show will be the presence of :oven herds of elephants, 43 great pa- chyderms, the majority of which are highly. trained perlo'rtners. There are likewi'se'.the 'largest herds of giraffes, vdbras. and camels in captivity.- The aptivity.`T,he menagerie . of the • Ringling Barnum circus is the largest travel - Bug zoo in the world, and in its gild- ed cages there appear every known variety of animal, brought from the earth's remote cortters by agents of the huge atnusement instibutlon, And at each,Grf rt a tce to he e ot is seen "Goliath," Pu the• monster sea ele- phant, weighing five tions and eating 400 pounds of fish' daily. During the Past year "Goliablt" has grown a fall Ron in weight. 'The circus marts of the world have been rlonbed to prodtice fon this greatest o'f a'll shows the most daring andspectacular of acts, chief among which this -year is the one and only original 7ach'inni, `he ;F•Iumtae Pro- jectile fired bodily through space "from the Mouth of a monster cannon, 'The BigS•how travels an own Goer trains -01,100 double length rail.. Toad cars, Corns are caused by tiie measure of Right boats, liutno one need be troubled with them hong when $o simple a remedy as Holloway's Corn Remover xs••ayarlab,ie:: Auto Insurance PUBLIC LEABILITY PROPERTY DAMAGE FIRE, THEFT COLLISION Let us explain the coverages and the amount of protection afforded for small premium. EVEN A MINOR ACCIDENT WILL.' COST YOU MORE THAN THE PREMIUM ON A POLICY, . Prompt settlement of all ciaitfl p S A D. SUTHERLAND U HbRLAND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY Real Estate, Conveyancing, Bonds and Investments Phone 152 Seaforth. Ontario. Mr, 'Reavely, the noted rupture ex- pert; Hotel, Seaforth, for one day only, Monday, J and will 1 d any RUPTURE EXPERT HERE. IJ o you suffer from rupture? If so, your big opportunity has now arrived. per , wille • the .Commercial June 24th, be pleased to give free examination to sufferer and todemonstrate hjs famous appliance. This appliance will,contract the open- ing in 10 to 15 days and has cured cases in from three to six months, This appliance is positively demon- sbrated to you right on your own per- son without any charge. You do not. spend a penny 'unless you are fully satisfied that it it the right appliance for you. A consultation with Mr, iReavely will cost you nothing.'+' Don't let this opportunity get away from you. Remember the date, • The Confederation, Rapid and Comfortable Service to Western Can'ada,Evecy' night at 9 o'clock, eastern standard time, "The Confederation," crack Canadian 'Na.. fional transcontinental train,' leaves Toronto, for Winnipeg, Regina, Sas- katoon, Edmonton, Jasper Park and Vancouver. 'The Confederation" is an all -steed train, carrying com'part Ment-o'bservation•.Ilbrary car,,with va- let service, standard and tourist sleep- ing cars anddining car. One of the principal attractions of the train is the radio equipped compartment obser- vation car. A courteous attendant is in charge and patrons of the line, are kept in constant .touch withf'musical program and all items of interest the while they are enjoying a ,deeigltbfttl rail journey. Your nearest Canadian National agent will gladly give you ftrll about tares etc. and d make reservations for you, JUDGING COMPETITIONS. 'The 3rd annual Huron Cotttity Live Stock and 3-b usehodd Science Judg- ing Competitions will be held at Clinton Friday, June 21st, comnnenc- ingat 9 ani, The judging,teatns-eep- resenting:'Huron Cantety in the Inter - .County competitions last year, Made an excellent showing., the Live S tock Judging team staudg Eberth at To- ronto and ninth. at Guelph, The startling of the Girls' neem ' at Toron- to was equally good, being' seventh, with 43 other teams competing. The success of our judging teams: i8 large- ly dependent upon well .pabrlonized 'conipetitlons and it is hoped that every one eligible will dake advantage of: this and be 1pi•etott Friday, June 2d, '. •TQWNN TOPICS Mr, and Mrs W. Dietrich of Kit- chen„er were Senday guests at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Jas. R. Dun - 1'0 Mrs.C Thiel and Mrs, N Sararas, Miss Irene llildebrandt, and 'Roy Snider, all of Kitchener, and Mr, and. Mrs. P, Deleltert jr. and family, of Zurich, were Sunday 'i1sitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. iLouns• Hilde- brandt. • Mr,: and ,Mrs, D. 'Geddes, of 'Wing - ham, visited Mr, and iMrs, E. 'Geddes over Saturday and Sunday, Mr, and' Mrs. S, McAlpine and Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Alex. ,MdGavin and 'Lois 'spent the week -end visiting friends in Wioadstoek, Miss E, Chapman, of Toronto, is visetlug at the'' home of her brother, Mr, W. E. Chapman, Mrs. B. M, Francis, of 'Exeter,, is spending a few days with Mr, and' Mrs. H, Francis, Goderich street, while Mr. Ftiancis is attending the conventilon of agents of the Canada Life Insurance ,Co, in Muskoka, Mr, and Mrs.' W. A. Chapman and daughter, of Trenton, Qnt„ spent a few days •last week with the former's parents. Mr, and Mrs, W. E. Chap- man, and also lwith his sister, Mrs, A. J. 'Walker, Wnnighatn. Mr. Frank Knight, of Buffalo, and Messrs. Leslie and Cecil Knight, of Kitchener, .and Mr, Alvin. Knight and Miss Wallace, of Kitchener, and a number 'of friends, motored home on Sunday, Miss Florence Knight upderwen't an aperation in ,Seaforth hospital 'for` appendicitis on Sunday night and is doing, Well, Misses Jeanette Finnigan and Mar- jorie McDonald. were Sunday visitors with Miss Eleanor Snider, Brucefield, Mr, Leslie MclCay, Guelph; is vis- iting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert McKay. Mr. George Jackson, Montreal, is a guest at his 'home here, Mt':, and Mrs, Frank I<estle af Ing- ersoll and their son and 'daughter and Mr. George Mistier of Hamilton, spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs Clarence Kestle, George street. :Mrs. 5, J. Shite, Crombie street, attended the silver wedding anniver- sary of Mr. and Mrs, John Downey at St. Calm -than Friday last. Mr. an. Jeffery left Tuesday for a trip to the West and will visit Buffalo enroute, ' Mrs, Was McCI'oy and Mrs. Geo. Hills, Egmondiville, and a party of friends motored to London and spent the day with' -Mr. and Mrs, Handley. Mrs. French and adopted daughter and a friend, of 17aslhwood, spent Sunday with Miss Anona Dale, Hur- on road west. Miss Lucy Eckert, of Detroit, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr, and ;Mrs. Con. EClcai+t. - 'M'r. Alf. Brindley, of Detroit, call- ed on friends in town last Sunday. Ctrs -David Wilson and son, of De- troit, are spending a couple of weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .J. A. /Wilson.. Mr, and Mrs. Wnt, H. Stephenson and Mr. and Mrs, Geo.' Stephenson, of Marlette, Mich., attended the big Ste- phenson reunion picnic which was cel- ebrated at Mr.. W. R. Stephenson's on 'Wednesday, In. the exam results for Toronto University is Miss M. E. Jackson, 1st .year household'economics. • Mr. and Mrs. Sant Hanna, Mrs. W. J, Reed (af Avoca, Mich.), and Mrs. W.L. Keys motored to Goderich on Friday tubers they visited relatives. Mr, R N. Bissonnette has accepted a position on the staff of Stratford collegiate institute. Mr. and Mrs. ,Bis- 'on nette do riot intend moving m - Stratford at present, - Mrs. R, S. Evans and Eleanor are Spending a, couple o'f weeks in ,Brant- ford with Mr, and Mrs. Dance. Dr, and Mrs. Bissonnette and sort, of Ilartford,,Conn., spent the week- end geith the fonmer's 'brother, itr. R. N. Bissonnette' and bars. Bissonnette. Miss nary Crosibie returned bo To- ronto Tuesday after spending the week with ,Miss Margaret McMillan, 'Week -end guests at the home of 'Mrs. Hugh Wright were N. and Mrs. Wm, Pfritnmer, of West Los Angeles, Calif,; Mrs, Wm. Reid, Mrs. Jas. Nairn. Mrs. Walter Cole, Fuller- ton; Mr. and Mrs, Campbell Dow, and son Earl, of •Cromarty, Mr. and Mrs. A. 5. Sweitzer and Gubtle daugh- ter Lois, of Detroit; Miss Higgins. of Kitchener, Mrs, John Norris and Mrs, Henry, Darman and. Norma, .Bruce - field. STANLEY. • Miss Ruby Erratt is visiting at the home of Mr. Robert Webster. Mr. Peter Dietrich of Hay is 'hav- ing his barn rebuilt. Mr. Sant Deitz of Zurich is doing the work, This spring his barn ,was burned when strtvckk.by lightning one night. The strains of Auld Scotland are in the air. The new Pipe Band, of Varna' and Seaforth talent, have -been prac- tising ati it's bonnie music 'they hae. EGMONDVDLLE. The Young People's .Anniversary services will be held in Egmondville United Church on Sunday, next, June 23 at 11 a.m. and 7.30 .p.m, The ser- vices will be conducted by the, pastor, Rev. W. D. McDonald, who will satin leave for his new field. An excellent musical program is being prepared under the efficient leadership of hiss Tailoring Ladies' and Gentlemen's TAILORS Gfve us a call aC0GHILL TAILORING CO. 308 Downie St, STRATFOR3Y TH}:'a. SEAFGRTH NEWS, Annual OF SOUTH HURON Will be held in the Town' Hall Hensall Wed., June 26th AT 2 P.M, ' Officers will be elected for the coming year and other business transacted. As this meeting is very important, let every polling division be well represented: A NUMBER OF PROMINENT SPEAKERS will be present and address the meeting, Ladies are especially invited as an address will 'be given by a prominent lady speaker. God Save The King Robt, Higgins, Col, H. B. Connbe Secretary President. • Meeting The Annual Meeting of the, Liberal -Conservatives Eleanor Snider. Assisting the • choir will 'be Mr. S'am Rennie, of iHen'sall, and 14liss Margaret Pentland, of Dun- gannon, both of whom are well known and highly appreciated in this community, KIPPEN, The Hillsgreen Y.P.S. are holding their anniversary on Sunday evening, June 23rd, at 7:30 p.m. Rev. W. P. Lane, BA„ of Seaforth, wit! be the special speaker. Mr. Jas. Jlohnston is improving his house 'by shingling' it a heather brown, Mr. H. Jones is at present engaged in re -roofing his `barn. Miss Helen Dinsdale, nurse -in - training in Stratford hospital, is spending her vacation with her par- ents, Mr. and ,Mrs, Rr'Dinsdaie. 'We are, pleased to know Mt, Sam Thompson is slowly improving after a long illness. Miss Etta Bell of London spent the week end with her .parents, Mr, and ars, A, -Bell. Miss Grace Cooper of London vis- ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs, .W. W. Copper on Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Jas. MoDicnald, also Mr and Mrs, J. McMurtrie spent a day in London recently. • CROMARTY. Mrs, Russel 'Scott is visiting her sister in Niagara. Mr. and Mrs. Matt, Routley and Mr. and Mrs: Jas, Routley, of Wood- ham, visited with "Mr, and Mrs, An- drew- MoLachlan 'one day last week,. They: also 'called on Mrs. Caldwell in the village.. A number of the ladies of the Pres- 'byterian "Church went to the W.M.S. meeting in Atwood on Tuesday. 'Mr. and airs, Webber and children, of 'Woodh'am, spent ,Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hoggarth. Rev. lir. Elder exchanged pulpits with 'Rev. Mr. McGregor, of Tavis- tock, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Scott spent the week -end with friends in Niagara. Mr. and Mrs. John Stacey were in Wallace'bnrg this week, Mrs . John- ston, who has been visiting 'then, re- wned to her home there, ialr. John Scott and Mr. -and 'Mrs. Gus Savage visited with Mr. and Mts. Duncan McMillan on Sunday. The many friends of ..lir. Sandy „tc- Kel1ar will be glad to know he is nn- praving nicely and expects to return home 'front Seaforth this week. ,Mr, Walter Grieve, of Stratford, and lir. Goodson Scott are busy pot- ting tip lightning rods. Some of the 'buildin'gs they have rodded are on the properties of Cliff Dow, David Miller, Jeff. Pridham, Trueman ,Ttifts, arid. 'Mr, Skinner. DUBLIN 'Mr, Peter 'Krauskoprhad a bee on 'Tuesday and Wednesday at raising and moving 'his barn. 'Mr, John Bren- nan had the contract. Mr. Mac Feeney lost a valuable horse last }'eek, Congratulations - to Mr. and Carol Stapleton. of Galt, formerly of Dublin, on the arrival of a baby' last we,lir. and Mrs, John Evans and 'fam- ily, of Seaforth, visited at the home of her moldier, Mrs, Pat. • Ryan, of IHiibbert, ,lir. Joseph Feeney, of London, re- turned home 'from the Seminary on Friday last for his summer holidays, .Miss Veronica 'McConnell 'has re- turned home froth North Bay where she- was attending Normal. Miss Helen Krausfcppf, of St, Jo- seph's hospital, London, is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James I<rauskopf. Miss Catherine Donnelly, nurse-in- tt'aining of St, Joseph's hospital,.Kit- chener, returned there after spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,.Frank Donnelly. Mr, Louis Matthews, of Detroit, was the guest of Mr, and Mrs, 'Mich- ael Nagle Y Miss Mary 'Calligan, of Saginaw, spent the week -end with ,Mr. and Mrs. James Redmond. Mr. and,'Mrs. it's. 'Ed• Litt, of Stratford, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Wm.Racho, Miss H. Krauskopf is holidaying with her parents in town}. Miss M. Betntiitger and 'Miss Ter- esa fudge ate home for. holidays. ',The High School pupils are ;busy writing exams.. Misses D. Crottht and -A. Shea. tended'alt excursion with the 'Norat- elites :to Niagara Falls 'friday last. Bothareex-pupils. Miss 'bit. Roach called 00 Mitchell 'friend's Saturday. A uttndber .from here attended' the Verity Homo in Seaforth, Mrs. j. Redmond called on friends in Stratford S'aturd'ay_ afternoon, Gi Prevent �`:� �� Cci ents It is the imperative duty of every motorist to keep his brakes in first-class mechanical condition. At thirty-five miles an hour, four-wheel brakes should be able to stop a car in. 72 feet But at a 50 mile speed,150 feet are required. Some day your life or the lives of others will depend 'upon your braking equipment. Keep the highways safe for yourself and others by always having good, 6 i r akes. Highway Safety Committee Hon. Geo. S. Henry, Chairman SlILL'SIGREEN. visited friends ie. the village Sunday, The Young Peoples Anniversary Mrs. Robt. Grin-mid/by spent Sun - will be held on Sunday evening, June 23rd, wlhen the Rev. Mr. Lane. of Sealforth, will preach. Mr. George Greenslade, of Bay- field, visited Mrs. E. Troyer, on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stephenson are visiting friend's in Walkerton this week with their son George. The Stephenson reunion was held on 'Wednesday of this week at the home of :lir, Wm. R. Stephenson. - Quite a number took in the Web- ster reunion on Saturday last at Lucknow. All reported a good time. i.tr. 'Wm. 'Taylor, who. was work- ing hi London. has returned home. CHISELHURST. Mr, Thomas Harris and his son Percy motored over to Medina, in New York state, to visit their broth- er there. Percy returned home last Saturday, and his father staying a week later, accompanied by his bro- ther, Charles and his two daughters. They returned to the United State& Monday. - __,- A strawberry festival will be held in Chiselhurst United church Thurs.. Jttne 27th. S. S. No. 10. Tuckers.mith, and S. S. No, 7, Hib-bert, will held their an- nual picnic at S. S. No..10, Tucker - smith, on Saturday afternoon, ,Tune 29th, Having a good programme of music and recitations and an hour of sports and will chose with a bail game. Everybody come and bring a basket. Program starts at 1,15 p.nt. HARLOCK. • Mr. A, W.. Beacom and Mr. Ernie Sanderson attended a Masonic service at Atwood Presbyterian Church Sun- day evening. • Miss Evelyn Gib'bings. visited her friend, Miss Marie Rapson, over the week -end. ;Mr, Ernie Weeks, of Toronto, is at present visiting his friends, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Sheppard and other friends at present. Mr, and Mrs. John T. Knox and Illeen, of Caledonia, visited: Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rapson and other friends over the week -end. Miss Marjorie Bickell, of S. S. No. 6, has resigned her position as sehool teacher. Mr, and Mrs. Wise, of Goderich. Township, visited Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Holland on Sunday. Don't forget the big Garden Party to be held at Londesboro Community Hall, Friday, June 28, under the aus- pices of Btrrns Church Ladies' Aid, Ham and strawberries are to be serv- ed. The play by Aulbnrn talent, en- titled "Lena Rivers," will keep you laughing while local talent will entertain you between acts.' Keep the date in mind. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Campbell of near Walton visited Mr. and Mrs, A. W. McEwing on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dale and fam- ily of Sealforith alsoMr and Mrs. G, Dale visited Mr and Mrs. T. Knox on Sunday, ' Mr. Wm,, Jantlesett and Ennnia. moved to Kitchener Monday. Mr, A, W. Beacom aid y5 Kath- leen, I<a h leen, also Miss Florence Watton, vis- ited lir, and .Mrs, Isaac Rapson on Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Appleby' and children of Ncl<illop visited at the home of itrsr`Jennie 'Knox Sunday. t i Mrs. Searle of Clttttof , wh, s at present visiting at the home of Mt:, Albert Ranson, is very stele, but we hope for it speedy recovery, CONSTANCE, Mrs. Adam Nicholson spent Tues- day with friends .in Goderich, Mr, George Riley, of Guelph, spank Sunday with his parents here. Mr. Sidney Dolmage, of Seaforth, day with relatives in Seaforth. Mr. John Moore visited with friends in Goderich on Tuesday. Mr, John MtEwian, of Toronto, is spending his holidays with his aunt, Mrs, Wm. Carnochan. 'Mr. John Moore, of the Standard Batik, Toronto, is spending his holi- days with his mother, Mrs, Wnt, Moore. The neighbors ofo Mr. W. Jamie- son ,gathered at his home on Saturday evening and had a sociable time be- fore he left for his new home in Kit- chener. During the evening Mr. Jamieson and family were presented by 'Messrs, A. Dexter and C. Hog- garth with two willow chairs. Mr, R. B. Rogerson acted as chairman. The address was read by Mr. M. Armstrong, signed on behalf of the neighlbors by Mr.. -G. D.exter and Mr. H. Dunlop, Mr, R. Clarke and Mr. B, B. Ste- phenson are erecting anew drive sheds' lloward Marshall spent Spun day in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Britton and Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Britton spent the week end with the latter's sisters and bro- ther at Forest. Mr. Chas, Riley has bought Mr. Jas. Mann's house int the village, Mr. and Mrs, James Dale visited her sister, Mrs. McNabb, at Drayton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Ferguson of Goderich spent Sunday with Mr.. and Mrs. Jahn Ferguson. Mrs, Roy Law -son and Marion and Lorne motored to Stratford on Fri- day, , The wrecking kof the 60 -year-old" school of S.'S, No, 1, Hullett, is being enmpleted this week and the building of the new one will soon be started. School was closed last week and the pupils will receive promotions with- out exams, with the exception of the one entrance pupil, Mary Not BRUCEFIELD. Mrs, Jas. Thomson. first vice -Presi- dent of the W.M.S., presided at the monthly meeting held on. June 12th. Mrs. W. Rattenbury ledin the open- ing prayer. Roll call. was answered with a verse on "Hope." Mrs, Wm. Dow then took' charge of- the program and Mrs. Neil McGregor gave the de- votional prayer. Mrs. Chas. Clifton read a helpful leaflet; "Is Tithing Practical ?" The topic ilio! the month was on "Temperance" and interest- ing nteresting papers were read by Mrs, Dow, Mrs. H. Zatphe, Mrs, Hugh Aiken - head, Mrs. John Watson and Mrs. 5. Hazelwood. After singing a hymn, the meeting was closed with the Miz- pah benediction, Mr. John Jahnsta'n is still very ill. Mrs, Woods of St. Helens spent the week end with lipr ulster[ 1NIrs. nos. Campbell,r•-o x 'tet �' ,51111 i�lts. Lorne Taylor were in, Par hill visiting friends, Mr. and Mrs. Ross, of Clinton, were visiting at the home lof Mr. and _kits. John Graham. Mr, and Mrs. T. B. Baird and Miss Mary Gilmour were in Stratford on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell motored to London. Miss Anna Caldwell, ' who was- returning to Niagara Fails, ac- companied then that far. Miss Margaret Ross af Exeter vis- ited at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Alex, Ross, last week` Miss Ina Scott of London is spend- ing her holidays at the home of her mother, Mrs: A. T. Scott. Mr, and Mrs. Moodie and Mr. and Mrs. Jas McQueen visited: at the home of their former pastor, Rev W. D. and Mrs; McIntosh, of Enibro last creek. A Good Portion of beet served to you for the evening meal roasted about medium, with the bleed gravy oozing through, gives ane a foundation. It just makes one's, tnsnth water to think of it. Row was that fast piece of meat we sent ycu? Wasn't it fine. GEO. CAMERON Your Butcher, Phone 58 Seaforth. Y U inti U TTNEEDS � t'�I�E S Goodyear Tires and Tubes Battery Sales and Service Charging Repairing.. 'all makes and a es of Batteries' A good line of new and used parts of different mal;.es of cats If your car is in need of repairs, give us a call Studebaker Sales and Service Recxiers Garage PHONE 137W