HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-06-13, Page 8SBAFORTH N TJ JUNE 1: O29 HENSALL, .Mr. Wm. Hildebrandt, who recent- ly 01d his house to Mr. Geo. Hess, moved his family to London, where he has Retirel a gppod position.' 'Mr. and Mrs. 'Bios, McNeil, Mr. aid &rs. Wm. ;Higgins and daiigh- and Mrs.of Clinton, ter )retic), Jos- eph Hawkins, of Exeter, 'visited 'friends in town on Sunday. Mrs, Bertram North, who has spent the last two weeks visiting friends in town, returned to her home M Woodstock Sunday., Mr. Fred Steacy and Mr. 'Wan. Shnpson spent the week -end visiting relatives here, Mr. 'Win. North, of Pontiac, Mich., was in town Sunday visiting Mende. The students ,of the 1st end 2nd forms of the Continuation school are writing on their examinations this week, Miss Nellie Carmichael held an auction sale of her household' effects on 'Saturday afternoon. The •Sale was well attended and realized good prices ICounty Old Age Pension Board.— At the meeting oaf the County Council last week, at the request of the On- taria government, a committee was formed to administer the old age pension act for 'Huron County. The committee are as follows: Wm. Hen- derson, Reeve of Morris Tee; Geo. Huibibardt deputy Reeve of •Howick; Robt, Higgins, Reeve of- Hensel]; J. W. Craigfe, deputy Reeve of Gode- rich; and Roland Kennedy, •Reeve of Tuckersmith. As soon as instructions are received from the Goverment, the Board will meet and organize a it is the governments 'desire to start paying the pensions to all those en- titled by November 1, if not sooner. The expenses of the board will be paid by the provincial Government, 50 per cent. of the pension will be paid by the dominion Government, 30 p.c. by the provincial Government, and 20 p.c, by Huron County. Any one desiring a pensionwill get in touch with their nearest representa- tive and every claim will be thorough- ly investigated. At the same session of the county council it was decided to raise 1 mill extra this year to start making payments to the provincial government on the highways. The highways construction in Hunon Co. kr 1926 is paid for, but no provision has been made for work done in 1927, 1928, 1929. So it was thought ad- visable to increase the rate 1 mill and start to pay off this debt. It was hoped that this debt could be met out of the 4 Mill general rate nolo that the debentures are shout paid up. It may be possible to lower the general rate / mill next year. Hensel) will be charged $335 extra this year as a highway rate but this will not .affect our taxation as we will get a rebate from the county roads. The ,Liberal -Conservatives of South Huron will hold their annual meet- ing in the Town Hall,—Hensall, on Wednesday afternoon, June 26. Sev- eral prominent speakers will be in attendance. Officers will be elected for the coming year and other busi- ness will be transacted. tabs. S. Steacy visited for a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Jarrott, of Hillsgreen. Mr. John Bean, who has been work- ing for some time in the London bakery had the misfortune last week to get his hand caught in a machine, badly crushing it. Mr. Bean is at his Nome here, nursing a badly bruised hand. The Anniversary Services in the United Church—Anniversary services were held in the United Church on Sunday last, Rev, Mr. McL. 'Smith, a.former pastor of the church, preach- ing to large congregations both morn- ing and evening. At the morning service, Mr. Goodwin and Mrs. Ohampian sang a duet which was greatly appreciated by those present. and Mr. Sam. Rennie sang a solo. In the evening special music was given by the choir. Miss Greta Lammie gave a violin selection. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. McL. Smith were pleased to see them again and their visit was much en- joyed. Mr. Andrew Buchan, who recently purchased Mr. Thos. Drummond's home on Richmond et. is this week moving into the village. Mr. Frank Hedden, of Hamilton,, is spending a few days.at his home here. Our Council has put a quantity of calcium chloride on the roads as a ,dust preventative.. The W.M.S. of the United Church held thea regular monthly meeting on 'Thursday with a fair attendance, Mrs, A. Sinclair presided over the meeting. Mrs. S. :Siemer and several other members read interesting leaf- lets on temperance. This was follow- ed by a, solo by Mrs. Hedden. The topic was taken by Mrs. A. Mc- Donald. Miss Margaret 'Murray, R.N., form- erly of New York, but now of Lon- don, is the guest at the home of G. J. Sutherland. Hensall Canaries played an excit- ing baseball game with the Seaforth Juniors in Seaforth on Thursday, re- sulting in o score of 11-5 in .favor of Hensel Mr. and Mrs. Frank Callum, of St. Marys, visited friends in town on ,Sun- day. 'Mrs, Robt. Patterson, who has been visiting friends here for several weeks, has returned to her home in Calgary. Mr. and Mrs, Colin Hudson visited relatives in St. Marys on Sunday., Mr. John O'Neil spent the week- end with his family at Dorchester. "Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Hildebrandt, who recently sold their residence here to Mr. George Hess, are moving to London this week, Anniversary services were held in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sun- day last. Rev. C. E. Curtis, of Lon- don, delivered on-dion,delivered excellent sermons far' the occasion, Special music was rend- ered by the choir, Rev, F. M. Parker, of Huron Col- lege, occupied the pulpit at St. Paul's Anglican church on Sunday. Rev, Mr. Parker will be the new rector, • Mr, Wm. Jones has improved the appearance of his home by patting on a new Hoof, Mr, Andrew Buchanan has moved into the residence he recently purch- ased from Mr. 'Thos. Drummond, !Merl 'H'oiioway's Cern Remover is .applied to a corn it kills the roots and the callosity comes ,out without injury to the flesh, BAYFIE;,+D, Miss Jessie Metcalfe', of Detroit, came holne op Friday last for the summer Vacation, • Miss Agnes McIntyre of Strathroy, she has spent several summers here, arrived on Tuesday and is staying with Mrs. J. Pier n. and i Mrs. '�r. t r- "To onto and .Shaana t a Mrs, L. Hiles and son of London are occupying the former's cottage. Mrs. Minnie Ross, who has spent the past three weeks at her ciettege, Sum-IR-11'nn, left for Toronto on Sun- day last, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Will and family of London spent the week end at their cottage, Mr, and Mrs. A, J. Stevens and daughters of London spentthe week ettd at Merry Tyme Lodge. Mr. and 'Mrs, Aikenhead of London ;rho'. recently purchased Dr, Smith's cottage, arrived last week. Mr. 'and Mrs. McRae of Strathroy, spent the week end with their aunt, -Mrs. J. Fraser. Trinity Church intends celebrating the eightieth anniversary, of the ese. tablishment of Bayfield' parish. The church had its beginning in 1849. The special `services have been arranged as follows: Sunday, June 23rd, 11 a.m, Rev, R. C. Pitts, Essex; 7.30 p,m., Rev. E, C. Jennings, Watford; Sun- day,. June 30th, 11 am., Archlbishop Williams, London. 7.30 p.m,, . Rev. F. G. Rickard. Afternoon, June 23rd, service at Varna, Rev. R, C. Pitts. Sunday .afternoon, June 30th, Arch- bishop Williams will hold confirma- tion service at St. James' Church' Middleton, There will also be special service •dttring the week at Trinity Church, Bayfield, Mon„ June 24th, 8 p.m., Rev, W, A, Townsend, Bervie; Wed., June 26th, 'Rev. R. S. Jones, rural clean, ` Gerrie; Erie ' Arne nth, Archdeacon Jones -Bateman,' Gale-' rich During the week there will be a perish reception, On Tuesday ev- enutg, June 25th, a supper and eon - cert will take place when a good pro- gram will be given, and a play, "Left in Charge, put 00 by the young People of the Got rego tiof, This an- niversary promises to be an outstand- ing event and no d'ou'bt the services will be largely ,attended, All are wet - come, Mr, and Mrs, W, H. Talbot, who have left their farm at the Sauble line have moved to the cottage purchased from E, A. Sander a few years ago and until just recently has been pe- cupied by Mr, and Mrs, L, Makfns. 'Mr, and Mrs, F, G. Neelin of Sea- forth, spent Sunday with Mrs, J, H. McLeod, firs, A. G. Elliott ',of Lucknow spent Sunday with Mrs. J. Fraser, lfr, and Mrs. Simmonds and Mr, and Mrs. Downs of Forest •spent Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs, Widcomlbe, TUCRER'S'MITH The following is the school- report of S.JS, No. 6, Tuckersmitlr, for May, based, on the nronthrs work end ex- aminations. Sr, IV,-•-4Evelyn Nott 81, Isabel Ashton 74, Jr. I•V.=Fletcher VThitneore 90, Warren Whitmore 82, Raymond Townsend' 72. Sr, III.— Sarah Whitmore 85, Pearl Hugill 80, Jr. iIII(e)-'Myrtle Ashton 80, Hazel Ashton 75, Verna Hugill 72, Leola Nott 70, Jr. Ill(b)—;F1'orence Whit- more 90, Velma Ashton 76, Arnold Hugill 75, Sr. I.—'Iona Hugill 75, Wesley Hugill 73, Sr. Pr.—Mary Hu- gill 76, Kenneth Terryberry 70, No. on roll—,19, Average attendance=47. Edna M. Jamieson, Teacher. Want and For Sale ads, 1 time 25c Buy no. in ndville 10 Bars P,sk'G......... ..,,,,,.,.,,, ,,.,..,,..:,.,. 39c 10 Bars Gold 49c 10 Bars Surprise 1Q. Bars Comfort 10 Bars Castile $ Bars Infants Delight 5 Bars Palm Olive .............. , 39c 5 Bars Lux Soap 39c .... 59e 59e 29c 29c IT PAYS TO DEAL WITH W. J FINNIGAN ,..I Y F A KIPPEN. Geo, G o, Latreal of Detroit, is apending`a couple of weeks visiting at the home of Mr; R, g, D'ayman• Miss Jennie Chesney, who has been confined to her room for the past twta months, is able to take a short drive now, ' Mr. W. J, Caldwell is wearing , a broad smile—it is a girl' Mr, Hugh MdGregor has treated himseli:.to a new Erskine car. to large number from this vicinity attended anniversary services at Hen - sail on Sunday last. Mr, Robert Dodds, of Winnipeg, is spending a month's vacation. among his friends in this locality. Hydro was turned on in the village on Saturday evening last and all are wefl satisfied. Mr, John C. Doig, Detroit College of Law., has successfully ,gassed Dean's examination,having obtained 109 p.c. INiorman lexander h'as_purchased a' motorcycle. , Soft corns eradicate, ,bat'Ho1i a ' Corn Remover will draw them out painlessly. NOTICE. lBalby chicks lower in price, Barred Rocks 15c each, S.C, W, Leghorns, 14c each. After June :12th all chicks 2c less. E. J. TRE.WARTHA, Holmesville P.O., Ont. Phone 611r22, Clinton central. 12tf Y. e. THE FORD CAR SIX RAKE SYSTEM Grips with Silent Tower rinHE greatest safety feature on any auto- mobile—the braking system has been developed on the Ford car to a degree that insures absolute driving confidence. Being fully enclosed, the internal expanding brakes on all four wheels are free from any danger of impaired performance from mud, sand, road dirt, grease or other foreign matter entering the mechanism or between the bands and drum. The four wheel system is operated by a foot pedal, while the emergency or parking system of two brakes, one on each rear wheel, is distinct and separate, operated by a hand lever. This added security is made possible through the unique design of the Ford steel spoke wheels to which drums are fitted to accommodate two sets of internal,brakes on the rear wheels. The smooth, even braking of the Ford car yields more advantages than maximum safety at all times, -since it makes tires last longer and adds immeasurably to riding ease and driving comfort. Drive it Yourself— there is no Better Test Ford Car Features Choice of colours as to 65 mike an )tour 604uraa power engine Full baboon tree Polly enclosed.etsbrake system 6 lioudaiae hydraulic shoal, absorbers t0to 30 miles par gallon of gasoline Shatterproof giant wtndehield Theft proof ignition took Beliabnit0 and !Ow upkeep Arrange for your demonstration ride with the nearest Ford dealer J. F. Daly SEAFORTH Ontario >) NOTICE }S llb'P,I:kiY GlIVEN'.te all interest- ed persons that By -Lew Number 0 for• :11029 of the Township of Hallett whereby_.it is, propesed to sfop-up ail those • eertaiu street or Mad allow - Knees" laid ilown'in the registered plan of the village piot,of Hartford located' en Lots Ntunbers Sixteen and Seven- teen in the Ninth' Concession of the Township of. Hullett except . those portion's thereof heretofore closed up st'il'l be taken into consideration 'at e meeting of. the Council of the Town- ship of !Hullett, which will be held at the Township Hall, Londeslbarotigh, at the hour of one o'clock -p.m, on the 25th day of July, 1929. This notice is given pursuant to the.provisions of the Muncipal Act in that behalf. Dated at Londesborough the 12th day of June1929. • :JOHN FINGLAND, Township Clerk, AUCTION SALE Of Desirable House and Lot in the Town of Seaforth: The Executor of [he estate of George ,Baile, date of the Village of Egmottdville, in the Coun- ty of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceas- ed, has instructed Thomas Brown, ,Auctioneer, to offer for sale by Pub- lic Auction on Saturday the 29th day of June, 1929, at the hour of two o'clock p.m,, on the premises, the following parcel of land: Being composed of lot number two hundred and fifteen ton the East side of Ord Street in Jarvis Survey in the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron. t1 There is a good double frame- hotise with stone foundation on the property, also a good shed, - stable and garden. Terms of Sale,—Ten per cent. of the purchase money in cash on the date of sale and the balance within three weeks. For further particulars and condikious of 'sale, apply to BEST & BEST, Seaforth, Ont. Solicitors for Executor, Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. Doted June 51h, 1929. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NcOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Statutes in that behalf, that all persons having claims against the estate of Rosanna -McGraw, late of the Township of McKillop.: in the County of Huron, :Widow, who died on orahem the 20th day of May, 1929, are cegttired to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned Soli- citors; on or befgre the 24th day of June,, 1929, after which date the Ad- ministrator :will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to and being - responsible only for the : claims of which he shall then have had notice. Dated June 5th.1.929. BEST & IBESiT, Seaforth, Ontario; Solicitors for ,Administrator NOTICE TO CREDITORS, In the Estate of Jane Stewart, 'De- ceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims aigainst the es- tate of Jane Stewart, late of the Vil- lage of lHensall in the County of Huron, widow, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-third day of May, A.D. 1927, are required to deliver to Duncan :Stewart, o'f the Township of Hay, the executor of the said estate or : W. Brydone, his solicitor, on or before the fifteenth day of June, A.D, 1929, 'a full statement' of their claims together with particulars thereof and the nature of the securities if held by them all duly verified by affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said .last mentioned -date the said executor will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto having re- gard only to the claims of which he shall have received due notice and in accordance therewith. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 27th day of May, A.D. 1929.. W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for. the said estate. FOR RENT OR SALE. Eight -room• brick house on East William street, four bed rooms, cel- lar, hard and soft water, electric light, furnace, all in good shape for rent or sale. Apply to ADAM HAYS, Seaforth, 2311 FOR SALE. Threshing outfit,- one 25!50 Sawyer Massey gas tractor and a large size McDonald separator, with all -mod- ern iniprove'ments and in a good state of repair. Apply to :CON ECKART, Seaforth, Ont, 26 - FOR SALE Half a 'dozen dining room chairs, in good condition; also an electric iron. Apply to Mrs. W. C. GOVEN UO OK, 'Egntondville. 24 $2 K'I'NDLING $2 A .coal box of salvage boards thrown in from building. Ideal for breaking into kindling and light fire wood. Delivered for $2.00. E. L. BOX PORTRAIT STUDIO The Burgess Portrait Studio, Mit- chell, will please you in photos of the Wedding Party, Family Photos or photos of the children. 24 BEE SUPPLIES FOR SALE Supers,extraeting combs, jumbo hive bodies and c,onvbs, etc„ :storing cans, foundation and frames, separat- ors, other supplies. W. D. HOAG, box 337, Seaforth. 25 MILL{ COWS FOR. SALE' 'Two good milk cows. T, W'. Me- MILLAN, ter, 2, •Seaforth. 24 H'ULLETT FARM FOR SALE Con, 2, Lot 8, Hullett, 5 miles west of Seaforth, 5 miles east of Clinton, .14 mile from schlool, .3 miles from church and general store. .0n the pre- mises is a brick house. 'nearly new, frame' kitchen attached, with, water, cellar elevator aid furnace. New steel Implement 'building 24X60. New hen house 16x45. Large bank barn with cement stabling 'and water works never failing well. Six ,acres good hardwood bush, 35 acres spring crop, 20 acres hay, rest in grass,,,good or- chard, good fences and well drained, Rural mail and telephone, ORVILLE DALE, ter, 4, Clinton 24tf ,PROFESSIONAL CARDS, Medical, DR, H. HUGH ROSS, Physician and Surgeon. Late of Londen Hos- pital,. 'London, gagland, Special attention to diseases of the eye, ear nose and throat, 'Office and reside sate behind Donini ori Bank, Office P,hone No, 5; Residence Phone 104. DR. F , J. BURROWS,"Seaforth. O. ffloe and residence, Goderich street, east of the United. Church. Coroner for the County of Huron. Telephone 'No, 40; DR, C. M'ACKAY._. C, Mackay, honor graduate of Trinity University and gold medallist of Trinity Medical College; member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. DDR. E, 3. R. FO'RSTER—Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi- cine, University of Toronto 1897._ Late Assistant New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hos- pitals, London. England. At Comm- ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd ,Monday fn each month, from 11 a.m. to 3 p,m. DR, W. C. SPROAT.—Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, University of Western Ontario, ,Lonelon, Member of College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Ontario, Office in Aberhart's Drug ' Store, Main St., Seaforth. Phone 90. Dentals • DR. j. A. MUN'N, , Successor to Dr. R, R. Ross, graduate of North- western University, Chicago, I11. IS- centiate Royal College of Dental Sur- geons, Toronto. Office aver Sill's hardware, Main St,, Seafortll. Phone 151. DR. F. J. BFC•HELY, graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto: Office over W. R. Smith's grocery, Main St., Seaforth. Phones. office 18'SW, residence 1853: Consulting Engineer. S. W. ARCHIBALD B,A:Sc. (Tor.), 0.L.S,, Registered Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering Institute of Canada. Office, Seaforth, Ont. - Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron Arrangements can be made for Sale Date at. The Seaforth News. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. WATSON AND REID"8 REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEA'FORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect ed at lowest rates in First -Clan Companies. THE McKKII1LOP Mutual. Fire Insurance Coo FARM AND ISOLATED. TOWN PROPERTY, 0 N L Y, INSURED Officers—James Connolly, Goder- ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood, Vice President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer ' Directors—Wm. Rinn, No. 2, Sea - forth, John• Bennewies, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc- Ewen. James Connolly God- erice; Alex. Clinton;Broadfoot, No. 3 Sea - forth; J M. Sholdice. No. 4; Walton; Robert Ferris, Hariock; George Mc- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson,'Brucefield r Agents -Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin- ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray. r.r. No: 3, Seaforth; j , - Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth, "- Bornholm. James Kerr' and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans- act other, business will be promptly attended to by, application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective postoffices. CLOVER SEED Yellow Sweet Clover Seed for sale. Government tested. Apply to RAY CRAWFORD, Lot 18, Con. 14, Mc- Killop, Walton R.R. 1. 13tf '- -SEAFORTH- MARKETS. Wednesday, June 12th. Fowl, 6 lbs. per lb. 22c Pow!, 5 lbs -,per lb. 21c Fowl, 4 lbs, per alr 194 Fowl, lrnder 4 lbs... , ., . , per lb. 17c Broilers, 2 lbs. - per lb 26c Broilers, '1r/z to 2 ebs. per lb. 22c Broilers, under, 1/ lies, .. , per Ib,' 16c Old roosters, per Ib Ilc_114!c Butter, per Ib. 38c Eggs, per doz. 20c -26c Potatoes, per bag 75e. Hogs, per cwt. $1225 to $12.75 Here THURS.. FRI.,' SAT. THE WONDER DOG RinisTinarTin The Million Dollar Collar Every dog has his day and Rinty gets a fail one in this spirited melo- drama of crooks and mistaken ident- ity. Tommy Dugan — Evelyn Pierce Philo McCullough Also Alppearing Mon, Tues. and Wed. Paranvount's 1929 } Produ:ctdou of their Big 1920 Father Love success FORGOTTEN FACES from the story, Heliotrope Harry," by Richard Washiburfi Child, featur- ing Olive Brooi; Mary Brian and Baclanova. See' this one, Princess