HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-06-13, Page 1Ia' And'what is so rare as a day in June? ma Then, if over, come perent days; Then Heaven tries the earth if it be m' tune, And ,ever a 'softly her warm ear lays: Now the heart is so roll that a drop, overfills it, • Seaforth New We are happy imaqbecause Qod wills it joy cornea, grief goes, we know. not how; ,Tis os easy now true As foe grass to be hlue, WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 51, No, 24. DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly HOT. LUNCHES at all hours OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable TheGlympia -Confectioner: and nd Restaurant Tea Special 75c TEA ,, ,,,,,,,; , , , , , , , , 3 lbs. $1.80 5:lbs. $2.95 PARD DA-TBS.—Plump and •meaty, of excellent flavor, with very small pits, per lb, , ... ..20c N'EUTRA'L SHOE CREAM—Cleans .'Polishes and preserves ALL COL- 'OIRiED LEATHER'S. ,..25c ".Bottle LEMON OIL. --3'2 ,ounce ` bottles (contains as ni:uch as eight 25x. 'bo'ttles. of O'Cedar Oil or Liquid Veneer) .for 75c, with a. polishing cloth FREE. STAY - BRIGHT ALUMINUM . Now is the time to •brighten up pipes and •meta'l's. LAYER FIGS.—Reg. 25c for 15c lb. JELLY POWDERS. — McLaren's iPure Gold or Sherriff's 4 for 25c "lHIRRIFF'S LUSiHUS Jelly Pow - 1111r der. ... .........„..3 for 25c BANQUET DI Q SARDINES ..3 for 25c LONDON SPECIAL SOAP, large bars 4for 25c 'A good soap•and more of it than any soap we know at 5.for 25c. LARD is' higher. Ours is still ,18clb. DUTCH .SETTS ..18c Ib. or 2 lbs. 35c BAKER'S SHREDDED COCOA - PEP HAND CLEANER -Ee.g, 15,e, CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church,—Pastor Rev. W. P. Lane,B.A. Suiada June 16th -+ Y J 1Q a.m; S.'S. and Bible Classes 11 a.m., Public Worship, Family Day Service. 7 p.m.,.Public Worship. Subject, "Friendsihip. SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. On Saturday evening,"June 8th, Dr. and Mrs. Harburn celebrated the 25th anniversary of their wedding when about forty -:five guests were present to coiagratu1ate them on twenty -]five years of married' life. The dining room ,yeas prettily decorated with pink and white streamers with a large' white bell draped with silver tinsel hanging from chandelier. The tables were decorated with red peonies and bridal'wreath, After partaking froan a well laden table, Mr. D. I. Hill acted as toastmaster, and started a program with a few witty and ap- propriate remarks. Short speeches were given by a large number, wish ing'the bride and groom, of twenty- iaie years, another twenty-five years. of married life, when they may cele- brate their. golden wedding. Many beautiful and costly gifts were pre's- ented to Mr.'and Mrs. Harburn, as well as telegrams and telephone mes- sages of congratulations. Guests were present from Brantford,'-Fullar- ton, Hibbert, McKillop and. Seaforth. Miss Pearl Lawrence, Miss Maybelle Rands, Miss ` Irene Patterson and Miss Evelyn ,Harburn waited at the tables and saw that all were well pro= vided for.' Dr. and Mrs. Harburn weremarriedin Mitchell twenty-five years ago' by Rev. Mr. Brown.. dor 10.c 'MET AT CLINTON. MARASCHINO of . The. Huron County Presbyterial ex- special CHERRIES io eecutive met'in Ontario street United p quality , .... Church, Clinton, on Thursday, 'June FF.(+ 6th, with all but five m ' . • D.-• H UTCH S ent, Mrs, Mollar.d, of a Exeter, pres- . � 1\ r, the president, presiding. . After the de- votional exercises, .some impressions from the branch conference at Oha- 166 tham were expressed. by several of the ladies. It was the opinion of some'that if any visited Friendship. House, London, it would show us` what real missionary work is. The. coning year's work was planned and a couple of vacancies filled, which were caused by sickness. Mrs. Mol - lard gave as a parting message "That Christ be .our aim, that Christ be our motive," TOWN COUNCIL, The -regular meeting of the town council. was held ,in the council cham- ber on Monday evening, June 10th, with all the members present. Min utes of last meeting were read and confirmed. The report of the finance committee was adopted as' read: W. G. Fee, salary, $60.00; Into. J A. Wilson, .afar 75� son Y no. J W'rl on s account 52'4; A, D. Sutherland, insurance, 56,50; Gan. Nat. Rys. csg, pro,, $�_x'7.39 Geo, A. Stills & Sons, acct., $1'6.88; Bell Tel. . C o ,4, 5 T $'2 E. O'Reilly, chemicals, cal s in v., $247.50; $35.7$; do., acct, $44.50, Thos. Dickson. account, 9.7,0; S. Cuddy, scale inslpection, 4.50; Municipal World, acct„ $9.91; COAL QUALITY -SERVICE E. L. PHONE BOX X 43 'For Rheumatic Pains. --The pains and aches of sciatica., and d. rheumatism should be treated 'with Dr. Thomas' Ecleotric Oil. The soothing and heal- ing properties of this.famous remedy have been.: demonstrated for f•' it, Y years. Use it also for inflammatory pains, cuts, scratches, bruises and sprains, either in human beings or, 1 Snappy Spring Shoes for Men, Women and Children For Ladies, we have Pumps. Strap - and Ties, featuring the new Sun -kissed' shade of blonde. Also new shades for Brown at prices from $2.95 t� $5.00 Misses` and Children's Shoes with' Buckles, following older ladies at prices from 1.15 the line of $ to $3.00, Oxfords for Men.—Good quality, featuring new lasts. $4.95 to $6,50 LOOK OVER OUR RACK OF SPECIALS at $1.49-$1.87 and $2.95 .W 1Gr �i BOOTS AND SNOBS . SEAFORTH SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1929. the heart to be en,or skies; Vo be • Phone 84 $1 A YEAR, home of F, Bruce Medd, crushed stone; $412.- STAFFA: her daughter, ]lira, Alfred 80; Workmen's Comp. Bd,, assess- ment. $71,80; Jas. V. Ryan, wages, $70;50; Thos. Melady, wages, $15.00 Regan acct., '$258.00, Bickell-Smith. —That the town donate $100 to the howling Club for the pitrobase of lot and that town build fence in front of sane, ,Parke-Crich,—That the request: of Mr. A. W. Dunlop to place anoth- er gas pump on North Main street be granted, the same to, be under the supervision of street conantitttee, Mr, Dunlop assuming all responsibility regarding same. Cardno-Parke,— That Wm, Hartry be paid salary as assessor, amounting to $165.00, also stamp accouta•t, $1.'12, Bylaw • No. 3d8 was given its several readings and finally passed, 'This was a 'bylaw go- verning issuing of permits for build- ing gasoline stations, etc. ENTERTAI'NM'ENT A successful evening's entertain- ment was given by the St, Thomas' C'hui•ch Chancel Guild en Friday ev- ening, in the well -ailed parish hall. The program consistedof a piano solo by Miss Josephine Edge,: two readings, "Three Weeks' Courtship," and "Donald and Dougald," by Mrs, W. B. McLean' a duet by Mis'ses,An- na Hanna and fosephine Edge, and a duet by Misses Annie and Cora .Strong. Then followed a delightful little play, Th e Kleptomaniac," by the young ladies of the church. It was well stage Mrs. John urton bye EM ss inGuerraa Brown; Mrs, Ormsby, Miss Evelyn Peterson; Mrs, Dover, by Miss Grace Pethick; Miss, Freda Dickson, by Miss Libby Freeman; Miss Evans, by Miss Frances Peterson, the maid, by Miss Madeline Hotham, and Mrs. Preston Ashley, 'by Mies 'Clara Pinkney. - THE RACES. Seaforth Turf Association have completed all the improvements and have everything in readiness for their Horse Races an Wednesday, June 19. Al'tho entries do not close until noon, Tuesday, those already in assure a big entry in all three races, and spec- tators are guaranteed a good after- noon's sport. The races are being held under the anslpices' of the Hamilton Drilling and Athletic 'Association, which permits betting. WINS SCHOLARSHIP, Miss Edna Slparling, of Kincardine, a daughter of a former well known resident of Seaforth, was awarded the Sir Wilfred [Laurier' Memorial sch'ol- arship for `Feench• conversation, (ad- vanced) and the Saunder's prize for. French Essay, at Western university, Miss Sperling gradeated on May 3lst, receiving +her' degree of bachelor of arts in honor English and 'Frenc'h with first class honors. CON'FLRMATION. On Tuesday evening, June 11th, at St. James' Church, Bishop Ryan, of Pembroke, administered the sacra- ment Of.confirmation to a class of 36 candidates. DIED IN THE WEST. The death occurred at - Kennedy, Sask., on May 29, of Mr. John Dale e former resident of Seaforth, Mr. Daley Moved : from Seaforth to the West in 19'113. : For nearly two years he had been. in poor health. - He is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Hattie Trott, and two sons, Arthur and Edward'in the West, and one daughter„ Mts. Whyard, at Dungan- non; also two' brothers, Mr. Peter Daley, IYsborne, and Mr, Edward Daley in England. After doming to this country from England, the great- er part df his' life was spent in Sea - forth, living on Jarria it. BRUCEFIELD. The newly. organized Women's Association met alt the home of Mrs. Alex, Broadfioot in the afternoon of June 6th. The first hour was spent in needlework and social intercourse, after which the .meeting was opened by the singing of a hymn and Scrip- ture reading and prayer conducted by Mrs,m W Rett b urYconvener io f the devotional committee, Mrs: Broadfolo't,the president, presided. The roll call was responded to by favorite recipes, Miss Helen Tough was eleot ed Tr easter r i e and other • busi- ness transacted, The .topic _ for theday being temperance, Mrs. Hugh Aikenhead read a very sad story about the terrible suffering the liquor traffic fe causing to innocent women and children throughout our fair,Do- minion, A dainty lunch was,scved by the hostess. The next 'fleeting will be held, at the h onef ro Mrs, W. 5. Broadfoot on Wednesday, July 3rd. at 2 p.tn, Mr. Herman Gilmore, of Witigh'am, visited' Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor, on Sunday,. Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Pepper, of Niagara Falls, were home over Sun - Mr, J. T. Graham reshingled his barn roof this week. Miss Marian Oarlile, df Niagara Falls, returned home Saturday after visiting Mrs. A. Caldwell, Mr, and Mrs. Caldwell and son Bill and daughter Anna visited in Goder- ieh Sunday. BIRTHS AI MSIT' G. 'RIO,N In H' ullett, on June 4th, 1929, to Mr, and Mrs, Howard •iArtnstrong, a•dau.ghier, WIAIIiSH--On ,Friday, June 7, 1929, to Mr, and Mrs, .Jho: Walsh, Moil - lop a daughter. : ' b1HItKlUSlOIN.--iAlt 'Seaforth Hospital,• to Mr. ''and Mri. Geo, D. Ferguson, a clattgh'ter (s tinhorn), Mrs, Jas. Norris has returned to Brown, her home after spending a time with Hogg-Holland:—A quiet wedding he, daughter, Mrs. N. Mitchell, Ceti was solemnized at the Manse, Goder- tralia. 1 ich, ,on Friday evening, June 7. by The W.M.S. are holding an evening- Rev, Mr. Parr, when Jean Luella, service in the church Sunday at 7:30 only daughter of Mr, Theodore Hol - p,01. Members of the society will land, of McKillop, was united in mar- take part in the servicer riage to Robert Norman Hogg, of Mr, and Mrs. Ray Francis and Son, Goderieh, second son of Mf: and of Kirkton, spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs, Joseph Hogg, McKillop, Prion and Mrs, M. Gray. to her marriage, Mrs, Hogg was the Mrs. J. White and son; of Cotham,guest of honor at a kitchen shower, called on the lady's cousins, Mr, R, given by her friends in the Winthrop Balkwill and family, on Monday. hall,where she received many useful • Mrs. Max Gray spent last week in and acceptable gifts, Mr, and Mrs, Toronto, Mn and Mrs, Harvey Gray Hogg will reside in Gador'ich. Thew' returning with her to spend the week- many friends wish them a happy and end prosperous future, tMrs N. Mitchell and son, of Cen- Mother Passes—The ,following from tnalia and Mrs. W. Fawcett, of Mit- the Goderich papers refers tothe chell, visited with the ladies' mother, death of Mrs..Hugh McIlwalin, mother Mrs. Jos. Norris, recently, of Mrs, Theron Bottles, to whom sin - Mr. and Mrs. J. Whyte, Stratford, here sympathy is extended: ",After a spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Jno. short illness there passed away in Livingstone. 'Goderich, on May 280, Mrs. Hugh The boys won the ball game 5-1 McI'Iwain, in her sixty-first year. De - from Mt. Pleasant on Tuesday. These ceased Was b,orif in'Goderich township games are proving exciting the aswhere she resided until last fall, when team has only lost one game, she moved to town. She is survived CONSTANCE, l'aughters: her Mrs. The Tree herond of Mr, Wm. Clarke called on Mr. and .Seaforth; Mrs. Henry McCl'inchey, of Mrs, John Nott of Egnion.dvlle on Zurich; Robert, of Goderigh township, Sunday last. and George and Sani at home; also Mr. and Mrs, E. T. Framer spent 'by her mother, Mrs, Riobert Jobns'ton Sunday afternoon t at the e t ] oiu e of Air, , and five br others and Svcsestets, all and Mrs: E hriam Clarke. ke. living in Goderich except Mrs.Jo- Mr. 'and Mrs. Will McMillan and sept Smylie of Saskatchewan. ll daughter Marion of London spent were able to attend the funeral except over the week end 'with their relative's, Mrs, Smylie. Mrs, McIlwain was of Mr,, Lawrence Taylor returned to a kindly disposition and was well Detroit on Monday after sepnding a liked by all who knew her. She was few days with his relatives and friends always willing to help in time of last week, He is manager of one of need. In religion she was a Presby- the A. & P. stores in Detroit, tertian. The funeral service, which The services on Sunday were a de- was heldat her late home on Regent cided success, The R'ev,..Mr, Johns- street, was in charge of Rev, R. C. ton preached a very practical and MdDermfd, minister of Knox Church, forceful sermon.' His text and talk the interment taking place in Maitland throughout were -directed to the men cemetery, The pallbearers were of the congregation, The men's choir Thomas, James, John and .Fred Johns - excelled themselves, The members of ton, brothers of the deceased, The the congregation wisho thank Mr. many beautiful floral tributes and the George Clarke, who rendered his ser- large 'limbertof friends present bosh vices so efficiently at the_organ, evidence to the high esteem in which Don't forget the strawberry festival Mrs. b4cllwain was held. to be held on the church lawn on Wednesday evening, . June 19th. A CROMARTY. good programme is being provided. Miss Verna Russel is suffering from Everybody come and enjoy them- an attack of the mumns selves. Mr. 'Will Dale, Miss Thelma 'Dale, Mr. Arthur Bromley and Miss Mary Coulter, all of Toronto, -visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, James Dale ov-' er the week end. Mr. Howard Arm'strbng has a smile that will not wear off these days upon the arrival of his fourth little daughter last week. Miss Florence Taylor, is visiting her sister, Mrs, Wm, McMillan, in London for a few days. Mr. Win. Hugill intends moving to the farm on the fifth concession on the boundary. D WINTHROP. - onttorget the football game in Winthrop this Friday night between Brussels and Winthrop, Score was 1-0 for Winthrop in Brussels, Don't fail to see the return game, June 14th. The best game of the season was played in Winthrop Monday night between 'Stratford and Winthrop, the score being 2-1 in favor of Winthrop. The game last week in Stratford was for Stretford and they came up here sure of winning again, but could not do it. Winthrop had the best of the game all the way through, The, 'boys played a good, clean game and with a few good work -,outs .should be able to win their group, A ' large crowd. witnessed the game. Th play in Monkton' Wednesday eve, June, 19. Stick a pin in the date and go along with the boys and cheer them Mr, Nelson Govenlock was called on She jury at Gioderich this week, ,Mr. and Mrs. Norman Snaith and little son Keith are spending a few holidays with Me. and Mrs. Samuel Smith. Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Pryce'and fam- ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Armstrong, of Hallett. MCKILLOP. Gravei trucks have started working between Seaforth and -. Winthrop 0n the County. P road. Mr. Lous Devereaux has purchas- ed a new Ford car. Mr. Frank Nolan and his mother, Airs.oh n J Nlan o spent ta P dayin Lon- don. Joseph Carlin is remodelling his house. Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Hunt, ,Frank Hunt and Miss Ivy Simmons spent Sunday with friends in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs, John McNichol and. Atlbrey, Of near Blyth, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm: McClure. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dorrance. and Miss Ivy Simmons are leaving Phis -week ort a motor trip to New On- 'tareo, Mrs. McElroy is, visiting et the. Benefit Dance G:W.V.A. HALL SEAFORTH AFTER THE RACES Wednesday, June 19th --Music by— STEEPER'S - SERENADERS Proceeds ' m aid of the Seaforth Girls' Softball Club. Admission $1. couple, Extra ladY 50c Seaforth Girls' Softball Club C. Holmes, Pres. M, Cudmore, Tree's, A. D. Sutherland,'Secretary, Mr, ,and Mrs, Nelson Hunkin and babe of Thames Road attended anni- versary services at Ray's Church on Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Dow. [Rev. Mr. Keine of Seaforth, s -scup- led the pulpit in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday. ,Rev. Mr, Elder took Mr. Kaine's pulpit in Seaforth. Mr, Elder also, took a service at Mit- chell on Sunday afternoon. While working in his orchard •one day last week Mr. Alex, McKellar had the misfortune to fall down the ladder on which he was standing, Sustaining .a nasty sprain in his leg. Mr. McKellar is in Seaforth hospital, Mrs. John Barr and son of Strat- ford, visited friend's -in Cromarty. Quite a number attended the anni- versary services. in Roy's Church on Tuesday, On Wednesday evening a large re- ception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Houghton in honor of their daughter, Mrs. Frank Stagg and Mr. Stagg. 'Mrs. Johnston of Wallaceburg is visiting her brother, Mr. John Steacy. MT. and Mrs, Donald McKellar were in Grand Bend and Bayfield on Monday. Stagg -Houghton. - The wedding fo'ok place at noon on - Saturday, June 8th, at the manse, of Christina, .daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hough- ton of Cromarty, to Mr. Francis William Stagg, of Hibbert, formerly of Bristol, England. Rev. J. Elder, of Cromarty Presbyterian Church, performed the ceremony. The bride, wha was charming in white georg- ette, was attended by Miss Dora Dal- rymple of Tuckersmith, who ware green georgette, and both carried bouquets of pink carnations. The groom was supported by Mr, Alvin Norden, Staffa, Miss Pearl Hough- ton, sister of the bride, attired in pink georgette, acted as ring -bearer. After- wards the wedding party returned to the home of the.bride's parents, iter a sumptuous repast was served. Mr. and Mrs. Stagg_ drove to Mitchell, leaving on the afternoon train bo• spend their honeymoon oneymaon in Toronto and Niagara a Fal g Is, the bride travel- ling in an ensemble of blue georgette with navy 'blue coat, and hat and shoes to match. On: their return on Wednesday, a large reception was held at the' home of the bride's par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Stagg will make their home near Cromarty. Their many friend's s 'ai n in J wishing them g every success and happiness in life. STANLEY. Airs, W, J. Reid and daughter Etta, of Avoca. Mich., were guests over the week -end 'with Mr, and Mrs, Ben. Keyes. Mr. Robert Williams, of Zurich, visited Mr. Arthur MOCI'inchey, on ;Sunday, Mrs, Ralph Stephenson, who has been ill for the past month at the home of her son, Thomas, is improv- ing, Mrs. Stephenson, was ninety years of age in May, Mr. and Mrs. Medcalf and Miss Mary,' of London, Mrs. Annie Mc- Naughton, of London, Mr, an'd Mrs. R. Wood, of St, Helens, called at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Thies. Camp- bell, where Mrs. Campbell's brother, Mr, J, Johnston, is very ill and we are sorry to state little hope is held for hie recovery, - E, ;Epps And sons are busy draw- ing logs to'Richardson's mill at Mr, Welbster's, Mrs, Mcrae Sr, and Mr, and Mrs,. Clarence McKee and. son, of Toron- Ise,,visited last 'week, the foruier's sis- Your watch, too should be "well-dressed" - "well-dressed" You insist upon $tyle. of course, in your. clothing, your automobile, your home—in. fact, in almost everything ting that serves you. in this business of living. Yet one point may have escaped you, as it has so many others. And that is—your- watch. Today there must be style' in your watch. —true art in its design, distinctiveness in. its shape and finish. An old-fashioned, bul- ky, over -ornamented watch may ruin an otherwise excellent attire. In our complete stock you will find the "best -dressed" watches that money can buy—fitted in the celebrated Wadsworth Cases, the 'acknowledged style leaders in the dress of fine watches. Fred S. Sctvaugre JEWELER OPTOMETRIST THE GIFT SHOP Phones 194 Res. 10 ter, Miss 'Margaret Sparks,of the Bronson Line. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hess, of Hen- salt and their two grandchildren, spent Sabbath evening with Mr. and Mrs, J. A. •Oarnie. A baby 'b' arrived at the home of Mi. and Mrs. Colin Campbell last week, Talbot-Dowson.—A quiet but pret- ty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dawson,Goshen Eine, on Saturday morning, June 8th, when their daughter, Veva Marie, was united in marriage to Mr. Leon- ard E. Talbot, son of Mr. and Mrs. .W. H. Talbot, Stanley, Rev. J. Pen- rose of Varna officiating. The wed- iing march was played by Miss Ruby Erratt. The bride looked very charm- ing in a white crepe romaine dress with a veil, coronet style, caught with orange .blossoms and carried a bou- quet of carnations, lily -of -the -valley and maiden=hair fern. Miss Fern Taylor, cousin of the bride, attired in tea -rose georgette, carrying a bouquet -of carnations, lily -of -the -valley and maiden -hair fern, acted as bridesmaid, while the groom was attended by Mr, ,Anson Coleman. Immediately after the ceremony, a dainty wedding breakfast was served bo their imme- diate relatives, Misses Mable Colver and Margaret McKinley assisting. The groom's gift to the bride was a cabinet of silver, to the bridesmaid silver al Y salt anda er P pP stands, to the pianist a silver bar pin and to the groomsman a silver •belt -chain. 'The happy couple left by motor for Ham- ilton, Kitchener and Niagara Falls, the bride travelling in a cocoa 'brown and beige enterable suit with hat, shoes andur p se to match, On their return they will reside on the groom's fine foam on Blue Water ,Highway. The many •friends of Mr, and Mrs Talbot wish them a happy and pros- perous wedded e.dd ed life. TUCKERSMITH Mrs, Maggie McCracken, who has been visiting for the past two weeks with her niece, Mrs. Alex, Wallace, went on Sunday to visit her nephew, Afr. Stanley 'Dutot, and her niece, Mrs. Thomas Caldwell, of Brucefield. Mr. anti Mrs. sSholdice old ce and Mr. Watson Sholdice and Mi.'s Anne Sholdice visited at the home of Mr, Alex. Wallace, on Sunday. 'Mrs. Jonas Green, who.has not been enjoying the best of health for some time past, was taken to the Clinton hospital .last week far an X-ray, 'The many friends. of Miss Isabel Moir will the pleased to know that she is slowly recovering from her re- cent illness, Mrs. McCullie was visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. D, Stewart on Sunday, Mrs. Wm, Green was visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robt, McDon- ald, Thames -Road, on Monday, Mr, W. M. Doig, of Port Heron, was visiting his family over :the .week- end Mrs, Robert Charters of the Mill Road celebrated her 83rd 'birthday on the 6th of June. Mr, and Mrs, Talbot of Bayfield visited at the home of his sister, Mrs: William Cameron, R. Mnday lust. Mr, James Henry had the misfor- tune to break 'his arm, as he was lift- ing an egg crate off a truck and miss- ed his footing, falling into a celiac., way,. Miss Mary McKenzie visited at the home of Airs. R. P. Bell, of 'to'wn on Friday last. Messrs, Leo, Fortune and Will De- vereaux Jr. have purchased new s .' cars. Mr. Clifford Broadfoot, of. Flint, has been home fior a week visiting his mother, Airs, A. Br Mill Road. oadfoat, of the Mrs. Edgar Allen entertained the Ladies' Aid of their line Tuesday last„. Mr, and Mrs. S. McBurney and! Messrs. Ed. and John M•c$urney. were Sunday visitors at the home of= Mr. and .Mrs, A. Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs, Pete Grieve, of Buf- falo, visited at the home of his aunt,., Mrs, Robert Charters, Thursday last:. Mr. and Airs. David Steeph and fa- roily of Monkton, visited on Friday. - with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Pullman. Mr. David McLean is sporting a.' fine new Durant ;sedan, Mrs. Lorne Pepper of Niagara' Falls, is spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hay. Messrs. Harold' and Stanley Jack- son and Ethel spent Sunday visiting friends in Arkoma, Mr. Isaac Moore has' treated him- self to a new sedan. Mr. Abe. Chesney of Hamilton' spent a few days with his brother, Mr. Harry Chesney, SEA FORTII HORSE RACES under the auspices of Hamil- ton Driving and Athletic As- sociation. We ,, ., June 19th. 2.15 Trot or Pace... -.Purse , Purse 8400.00 . 2.20 Trot or Pace Purse $400.00 2.25 Trot or Pace Purse $400,06 ,All Mile Heats_ Classes have been arranged to being together the 'largest number of horses racing thio', year, The Track was never in better condition and the public are assured the 'best of clean racing. First Race -2 o'clock Sharp Parlring for Cars—'Drive right in Gates open •at noon. SEAFORTH TURF ASSOCI•ATION G. R. McCartney,: Pres,; Rh rel' lE3C Sproat, Vice Pres,; A. D. Stitherland„.. See.-Treasr,