HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-06-06, Page 61 ',fry this f lavof vy blend when next you order tea ORANGE i'81EKOE MEND 1Fare$ a beam the g Aelgt ' 697 .tom Y hh HE AJ Hid; �J+ 4 EDISO N MARaF1A2,L • me,. '•'t, " � ILLU STRATI D ey ` s R.W.$ATTERFIet. A BEGIN IIERE TODAY Ned Cornet, son of wealthy Godfrey Cornet, celebrates with his friend, Rodney Coburn, the return of the lat- ter ,from Canada.. Ned leaves the Totem Club in a happy frame of mind and drives homeward in the drizaling rain. Ned's car goes into a perilous skid, knocking down Bess Gilbert, a shopgirl, on her way home. A police- man tells Cornet to report to Judge Rossman in the morning and advises Ned to settle for damage done to a passing, jitney. Ned is allowed to continue on: his way when the girl is found to be un- injured. He asks her to ride to her home in his car. Ned returns home to tell his father of the accident. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY Godfrey had fought upward from utter poverty to the presidency and ownership of one of the greatest fur hausea of his country, partly through the exercise of the principle of abso- lue business integrity, mostly through the sheer dynamic force of the man. His competitors knew him as a fair but remorseless fighter, but his fame parried far beyond the confines of his resident city, Bearded trappers, run- ning their lines through; the desolate. wastes of the North, were used to see- ing him come venturing up their gray rivers in the spring, fur -clad and wind-tanned—finding his relaxation and keeping lit by personally attend- ing to the buying of some of his furs. Thus it was hard for a 'soft man to feel easy in his presence. Ned Cornet was somewhat down- castand sullen as he entered the cheerfully lighted hallway of his father's house. In the soft light it was immediately evident. that he was his father's son, yet there were certain marked differ- ences between them. Warrior blood had some way failed to come down to Ned. For all his stalwart body, he gave no patticr•:Iar image of strength. He took his place at the stately table so gravely; and quietly that his par- ent's intet?est was at once wakened. His father smiled quietly at him across the board. "Well, Ned," he asked at last "What is it today?" "Nothing very much. A very close call, though, to real tragedy. I might as well tell you about it, as likely enough it'll be in the papers tomorrow. I went into a bad skid at Fourth and Madison, hit a jitney, and before we got quite stopped managed to knock a girl over on the pavement. Didn't hurt her a particle. But there's a hun- dred dollars' damage to the jit—and a pretty severe scare for your young son." As he talked his .eyes met those of his father, almost as if he were afraid to look away. The older man, anode little comment. He went on with his dessert, and sou the talk veered to other matters. • The older man finished his coffee, slowly lighted a long, sleek cigar, and for a moment rested with elbows on the table. "Well, Ned, I suppose I might as well get this off my chest," he began at last. "Now is as auspicious a time as bny, You say you got a good scare es wauscsa No jumpy feeling NOW when 1 drive through traffic • Nothing relieves tension so effectively as Wrigley's. The act of chewing, as motorists have discov. ered, has a gentle soothing effect. The healthful cleansing action of ;Wrigley's refreshes the mouth .arid steadies the nerves. ISSUE N�. 21--'29 today.1'rnhoping that it put you in a Mood so that at least you can give me a good hearing," The man spoke 'rather humbly. The air was electric when' he paused'. Ned leaned forward. "You've been a very attentive son." Godfrey Cornet paused again. "The trouble, I'm afraid, is that I haven't been a very attentive father. I've at- tended to my.busineas-and little else and now I'm paying the piper. "Please bear with me. It was only a little accident; as you say. The trouble of it is that it points the way that things are going, It could very easily have been a terrible accident -- a dead girl under your speeding wheels, a charge of manslaughter in- stead of the good joke of being arrest- ed for speeding, a term in the peri- tentiary instead of a fine. Ned, if you haul killed the girl it would have been fully right and just for you to spend a, kood many of the best years of ..your life behind prison walls. I ask ndyself whether or not I would bring my in- fluence to bear, in that case, to keep you from going there. I'm ashamed to say that -I would. "You may wonder about that. I would know, in ray heart, that you should go there. I can't accuse you without also accusing myself. Th'ere- fore' I would 'try t0 keep you 'but 'of prison. In doing that, I would see in myself further proof of my old weakness—a weak desire th spare you when the prison might make a man of ;cu." Ned recoiled at the words, but his father threw him a quick smile. "Your mother and I have a lot to answer for. Both of us were busy, I with my business, she with her Their eyes met over the table. household cares and social duties, and it was easier to give you what you wanted than to refuse you things for your own good. It was easier to let you go soft than to provide hardship for you. It was pleasanter to give in than to hold out—and we loved you too much to. put you through what we should have put you through, "This 'thing' we've talked over be- fore. I've never been firm. I've let you grow to man's years -29, I be- lieve—and still be a child in exper- ience. The work you do around any business could be done by a 1.7 -year- old boy. Ned, I want to make a man of you." He-. paused again, . and their eyes met over the table. All too plainly the elder Cornet saw that his appeal had failed to go home. His son was smiling grimly, his eyes, sardonic, un- mistakable contempt in the curl of his lips.- Ned's bitter smile had seemingly passed to his own lips. "I suppose there's: no use of going en,t; he; said. "By all Means -go on, since yeu are so warmed up to your subject," Ned answered coldly, "I wouldn't like to deprive you of the pleasure. You had something on your mind: what is it?" "It's simply this," his father went on, "Today I met Leo Schaffner at lunch, audit; our talk he gave me what I consider a real business in- spiration. Ile tells me, in, his various jobbing houses, he has several thou- sand silk and velvet gowns and coats and wraps left on his hands in the financial depression that immediately followed the war. He was cussing his luck because he didn't know what to do with them. 0'f course they were part of the surplus that helped glut the markets when hard times made people stop''buying—stock that was manufactured during the booming days of the war. 11e told pp that this finery was made of theMetbaauttful silks and velvets, but all of It was a good three seasons ant of styles He Boll ono teacupful of well•wastistl offered me Owlet of twa thousand for rlee fir alae' Pint and a lath of Jnillc' S'tai ashamed to tell yon hew much." until gttite'thick tllesl Aild vno 004"Almost nothing!" his son prompt- of Gott detest sugar, ltal> }r lilzuut> el ed)rim. currants, .tvs plumed., of butter, the "Yes, Algrost notl#ing Arid I took grated rind: of a lames„or, if preferred, hl>lii up.” ..a little candled peel, When Cold, add anted far the -first rima, :"Good Lord, why? You can't gointtnbusiness sell- ing out-of-date women's clothes)" • "Can't, eh? Son, while'he was' talk- ing' t0 rile, it occurred to' me `all' at once that the�least of those gowns„the poorest one in. the lot, was worth at least a marten skin! Thinlc•of it!,A enarten skin, front Northern Canada and Alaska„ returned .the tr'appel around $60 in 1920. Now let me get down to'brass tacks. ' • "It's halo I don't' intend to sell any those hairyold whitetrappers of hos o pp any women's sills gowns. But this Naas )vhat_I was going to liaye you do: first you were to hire a good auxiliary schooner—a strong,: sturdy, seaworthy two -masted .craft such eel is used in northern trading'. You'd fit that craft out wiht a few weeks' supplies and fill the hold with a couple of thousand' of tlrose'gowns. 'You'd need two:: or three mon Id run the launch—I believe the usual crew is a pilot,` a first and sec- enol engineer, and a cook ----and you'd have to have a seamstress to do fitting and make minor alterations. Then you'd start ftp for Bering Sea: "You may not know it, but along the coast of Alaska and throughout the islands of Bering Sea there are hnnclrecls-'of little, scattered tribes of Indians, all of thein trappers of the' finest high-priced flu's. Nor do their women chess in fur's and skins alto- gether, either, as popular legend, would have you believe. Through their het, long summer days they weal' dresses like American women, and the gayer and prettier the dresses, the better they like 'ern. To my knowledge, no one has ever fed 'em sill:—simply be- cause silk was too high, but, being women, red or white, they'd simply go crazy over .it. The other factor in the combination is that the Intrepid, due to the un- settled fur market, failed to do any: extensive buying on her last annual trading.trip•through the islands, and as a result practically all the Indians have their full catch on hand, The Intrepid is the' only trader through. the'particular chain of islands I have in mind—the Skopin group, north and east of the Aleutian chain—and she's not counting on going up again till spring, Then she'll reap a rich har- vest—unless you get there' first. • "The Skopin Islands are 'charted— any that are inhabited at all—easy to find,' easy to get to with a sea- worthy launch, Every one of those Indians you'll find there will. buy a dress .for his squaw or his daughter to show off in, during the summer, and pay for it with a fine piece of fur, "This is August. I'm already ar- ranging fora licence. You'd have to, get going in 'a week. Hit as far north as you want—Che farther you go the better you will do—and then work south. Making a big chain that cuts off the currents and the tides, the Skopkin• group is surrounded by 'an unbroken ice sheet in midwinter, so you have to count on rounding the Aleutian Peninsula into Pacific waters some time in November. If you wait much longer you're apt not to get out before spring. "That's the whole story. The cargo of furs y,ou should bring out should be worth close to a hundred thousand. Expenses won't be fifteen thousand in all. It' would mean work; dealing with a' bunch of crafty redskins isn't play for boys! Maybe there'd be .cold and rough weather, for Bering Sea de- serves no • man's. trust. But it would be the finest sport in the world, an opportunity to take Alaskan bear and tundra caribou: plenty of adventure and excitement and tremendous progts to boot. It would be a man's . job, Ned,—but you'd get a kick out of it you never got out of a ooze party in your life. And we split the profits 75-29—the lion's share to you.” ' (To be continued.) Tasty Recipes_ Diann Podding His son leaned back, 1teenly cerci-` two well -beater; eggs, and bake in a bake in a -moderate 'e'en for'hale an hours. . Lloyd George's Record J. L. Garvin in the London Observer (Ind.); To overdo the disparagement of Mr. Lloyd George 'does not look well,. 'It will not gain a single' vote and, .may, lose votes. After all, though his genius is full of the faults of his dualities, he come out as a His- toric man of action 1n the sternest) crisis the world ever saw; and he hasi carried Sn his time very great leglsla-. tion. He will be remembered always! not only for inspiration and organiza-' tion in the War, but as the founder of Social Insurance in this country. He lost himself lamentably after the Armistice; he has found his form again because he :las recovered his concentration. Wo say this, although we do not accept either his time- table or his financial estimates; and are bound to insist that his program exaggerates as to roads, utterly under- estimates as to railways, and ignores the Empire, -, Faults When the most insignificant person tells us we are wrong, we ought to listen. Let us believe it possible we may be wrong when any supposes we are, and •• enter renewed examin- 1 ation of the matter with a grateful spirit, Use Minard's for the rub` down. Chocolate.tbastards (witlrout`.Eggs) 'PO a pint of :mill ;','on t4( poll) AVIA, two teeepoogfuly Qf, cornfloub- with. quarter. of. a pint'pf,sxttii,[, . Tour, titin 'into the. boiling milk and, boli for five minutes, •. Take two. "teaspoonfuls of Ca.dbury's , eoeoa, add a tablespoonful of sugar, pour half It cup of boiling water on: the cocoa, sui't'ing all the ttnre and, when well cli'ssolw'ad, 'ebur .into the it o i t• Boil o for: kr, twoi nice, thee) ,pour into custard Waseca and' serve cold, A ' little' whipped cream on the top is a great improve- ntont. • Fried Smelts,: Wash the smelts, '• malce a "alight opening ett the gilts with.a very sharp knife or scissors,draw them- between tko thumb. and finger fiord tail to head, press the intestines out at the gill opening, keeping the 'dish whole. Wash and 'dry and :lust with salt and black peper. --float up an egg, add a tablespoon of water . and beat again, Dip the fish in the egg and, cover they- eughly with seasoned. breach crumbs, Fry qutekly in deep, hot fat. Drain on brown paper; dish on n napkin and serve with Tartar sauce. To Bake a Ham./ As a' halt for baking 'should be well soaked, it should remain .in water for at least twelve hour's. Wipe It dry, trim away any bad places, and cover it with a common crust, tasting care, •that this is of sufficient thickness all over to keep the gravy in. Place it in a'moderately-heated oven and bake for nearly four hours. Take off the crust and skin 'and cover with rasp lugs, the seine as for broiled ham, and garnish the knuckle with :a paper frill, This method of cooking a ham is far superior to boiling,as it cuts •fuller 'of gravy and has finer flavour, besides kee it 'eager p g .a much t u l mtg t time. ' Cools a medium-sized ham four hours. Girdle Scones. Put a half -cup of -flour into a basin with a ,pinch of salt and a pinch of sugar, also hall a teaspoonful of bak- ing. aleing, soda and .a half teaspoonful of cream of tartar, , with • the lumps pressed- out. Crumble into these in- gredients a teaspoonful • of lard and make the whole into a soft dough with a Tittle buttermilk, If sweet milk is used allow one teaspoonful of cream of tartar in place of half a teaspoon- ful. Turk out the, dough, knead a lit- tle, and roll into a round, thinner than for oven scones. Out neatly into large scones or small ones as desired • and bake an a heated girdle, turning 0000. Steam in a fresh towel when ready. JStANP,?RCONet,1A41' YFOR ® ea- rn � J " ti.1 ! erio 4tvI Sweet Sixteen r ••.• •' 1 �°�l�lil<, �, fl7ll ?ply then there's nova; a mightdtave- ' ° • ding hey for the joy of sweet sixteen; Mrs. • Petliriok•Lawrenes, in -iter presiden'tiai'• acidres's to the twenty -1 second annual' .conference • ' 11• the' Women's Freedom League at 'the ton Hall; 'Westnlinster, said There are )Deficit -leaders who aro,' deeply, Imbued, sub-ccnselously with the tradition of women's inferiority. Moved by .pity for' women's. helpless+: ;less, they are, pleading for special, legislation regulating women's condi-' tions atulhou s'of labour, They draft', praposed''legislation• inwhich they, class children, young person's 'and, women together',, regardless ..of the; fact that by so cloing they inevitably lower the industrial status and the: wage standard of women. "In the social and moral' sphere;• ninth remains to be clone to 'establish' the equal moral standard.' In particu- lar, the practice of branding, women, With a bail name and depriving them of the proteatlon afforded by the law. of the land toevery other section of the community must be abandoned,' and the law changed which` placed the honour and .reputation 'and liberty of a woman at the 'hazard of the uncor- roborated evidence of a, single pelico: officer. ' "Our hope is in the young," she: con- cluded, '.'in those, who have nevem known the crushing obsession of.the idea of inferiority, or the limiting re- striction,upon their mental moraPand personal freedom. They are coming` into their inheritance. They aro mak ing' a better world.' We commend to them our motto:. !Dere to he Free."' The human brain is a wonderful organ. It starts wonting the minute' we get. up in the: morning and does not stop until•waget to the office.. Extraordinary afflictions are 'n'ot always the punishment .'Of estriorclin-. ar'y sins, but'sonietimes the'trlal' of extraordinary ,graces. Sanctified :. of-. flicitions are .sniritual promotions,— Matthew Henry.. WHEN IN TORONTO - EAT AND 'SLEEP AT STH®LES HOTEL ' 40e Lunen' or Supper a Specially YONGE ST., Opposite 'Eaton's., Hotel Rates: $1 Per Day and tUp :Though oar'eless years be ypptlrful Regret oft pens the book of age— Wh man 1s col e f en a d h longs of heat:. g , When hot,: to cool he would r'etr'eat,; ,, 'dngltiet here, he would be there, -When biers, his fancy files elsewhere;'' Whenever tied, he would be free, if single thsnthe'd Ferried Deg- < For life: is allarigo and ellanka. is 1111, CArr ent eludes- tie'. auvytflg`-'`etrife;'.' So,liere's for the joy of sweat sixteen !Tis then there's never a-`sgiglit-hove been.' (W:n1'C., in the ."Glasgow Herald")I mIrard's Linhnent relieves pain. How knowest Won whether . the thing thorn reportest is true? Is it only because a creditable person spoke it? But how did that person know' it to bo true? Might he not"take it upon trust as well as thou? And might he not take a poreen to be credible :that is not?—Richard Baxter. Joy and happiness are considered a great sin among the righteous. They will have that' in heaven, they say, but personally I have always hated to, Wait that long; what if there isn't any?—Clarence Darrow. i.,DOD WANTED 'Ohl Canadian books, itocnlnents, etc. Highest prices offered. 1A1lvis5 what ',you have. ti 1 # • f J. M UTHERT D 839 'DUPONT Si:, TORONTO, ONT. it 153TAUCSPEClAL''Pltco PQST CFF'•ICE'B0X510" BEAt10E JUNCTIoN,QUE: When . cr ldo oil is so plentifully available here tial North America, wit ' e oes Imperial ®i1 Limited go 9;000 miles to Peru for the ctutd8 ' fsornlsv,Iiicla, Marvclnbe is made? It is . because Peruvian crude has lubrication properties wluch snake .' it particularly desirable as a bails) for a superior' motor "oil.' That `ie why Marvelube is giving aircraft 'oilerators longer periods between "engine overhauls and se greater snargix! of safety. • Marvelnlle meets the needs of the • moders. high-speed motor, in the aur or ' en the road, because its . carbort-ft-oe anti heat -resisting su- periorities are created by. Nature herself.: ' Met 111aryelube, give you the benefits n£tibetter lubrication. There is a grade of :Mdlarvelube refused to meet exactly ing specification of your carr, truth dr tractor. Seo the Mar- i velul o, d�hakt at Fmperr1al Oil deal - ;l. errs and service stations.' ifolD Wa f Y' 11kciao „Settep. Y4. ,il l e s,a 4 e i''(Q 4ittio ° is i G EE US. El It, E 9 11 tiles SE, I J' ■' rM 'Vol!. Fad A®. b std .M.. r :.„..� .�... ,µv,y, Man 'Unharmed By 2,500 Degrees ' lte'rnatliqd 049'rent 6111,,r11 Direction 300,000 Times Iht Passage Through Coil Result Would Turn Keys in Pocket Red Hot New ' York—A furnace' whioli will rent steel to a temperature- of 2509 degrees, but In which a work/nun may stash without feoliug asY beat, 10 being demonstrated atthe twelfth Annual Cliainlcal Ind!tlatries 1060o$1- Bon which has just been opened here. A model of the furnace la a part of the exhitbit;of the.: cnoral isletl'10 Cont- P;fny; which/is onle•a1 the 810'oxlribi- tors who: are showing the newest de- velopments in.chemistry -and Its al- i1ed ends during the,fls,gt.yedv,'1 ',flee Genal E octrie xl i i - 1 e i b G 'ads() iiiolncles a new:"thyrotrou. tube .that is sensi- tive enough to measure the deflection et a steel rail under the pressure of 'one's little fleiel'.` Tho furnace is the result of a new application of high -frequency elec- tribtty,' An alternating' ' current which changes its direction 300,000 times' a second is ran through ' a special coil rWltien it •metal,Is plaaeed, inside' the edit, the. sudden ;•evarsals of the electric field so agitate' •the nietal0 elections, that their bombard nreirt.. against each other produces great )teat, Wash Day May Disappear The device .has ne effect upon any substance that is not a conductor of electricity. Thus a person iuside the furnace would feel. 110 heat, although a bunch of keys in his pocket would become • red hot almost immediately. The furnace is designed for special use in the manufacture of radio tubes. • Tho new "thyrotron," according to I1, L. Manning, General Electric re- search physicist in charge of the ex- hibit, xhibit, is Still llntlergoing experiments. It is capable of controlling very high currents, although i i sensitive to t o one -millionth of a watt. The demon- stration in which it measured the de- flection of the steel rail was made bY' connecting the tube in suoh a" way that it registered tho change in cur- ' rent iiowing ..through two pieces of _.carbon. which were compressed by the minat bending of, the rail. •On :one table of the General Elec- tric exhibit a toy train was running (trgund a track. lir, Manning picked up a near -by telephone. "Stop!" he shouted into th emouthpiece. The train Stopper). - "Now back up," Mr. Manning or- dered. Obediently the .train moved baokwhrd. "Wait," he said, then "Go - aheadl" The engine stopped for an inetan4 and then shot forward. again. Wash Day May Disappear The device was an application of the "selectiveimpulse control, which in fundamental is similar to the dial telepll{1ne. The train wee controlled by the number of impuleee transmit- ted by the telephone. • Any three words wouldmake the train back up. Exhibits which. are primarily the result of chemical. research included cloth of synthetic manufacture Which is expected to some day eliminate washing from the hoasewife's Mon- day mbrning schedule. It is so cheap that it can be thrown away and a new garment procured with less trou- ble than to wash it. Contrete lnado from peanut shells, celluloid that for" all practical . pur- poses ;will not, burn, (louses built of corn, :synthetic butter made from yeast, liquid coal and new gases for flying field beacons are among the ex- hibits:. They are not theoretical laboratory displays ,but appear in work -day clothes, designed for actual industrial service. India and the'Dominions Bombay Daily blthi1 The recent his-. tory of the Empire creak ly reveals, the desereasing supremacy of the British Parliament and the increasing sover- eignty. of the Dominions. Political wisdom and statesmanship world point to tite evolution of btdia, too, on the sante lines of "freedom broad- ening from precedent to precedent. The difference in tire' attitude, how- ever, at Britain to' the Dominions on the one )lane) and India on the other is to large to be satisfactorily ex- plained. The Dominions taken sem- rately or together 'aro no mate) t0 the might of Britain, and yet she pays greater ]reed to the three's of the Dominions "than those Gf 11151'0. A cynic would say that :she dreads the loss of the'pomininns more t"an that of India. Tia difference 5011 - not be, due to racial feeling. tor. hall the population of Canada is Toren ch and the ruling race in South Afrlea is Dateh, A Berlimung - Remember,ni all things that, if you do not begin, yen will never' conte to an end. Tho "first weed -pulled up is'1 the garden, the first seed in the ground, the first shilling put in t'no savings bank, are all-imliorta_:,t things; they make 'a beginning, and hold out a hope, a promise, a pledge,, an asurance that you are in earnest: in what you have, undertaken. Hew many a poor, idle, hesitating _out- cast is 'now crawling • on his. way through the ,world who might have held up his head and prospCred if,in- stead of putting.: off his resolt•`ica of industry and amenclrepl' }.,e t v,d 4rsly made a beginning, 1