HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-06-06, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1929.
RLQ ��
Our prices ,for one week from. date:
Tiger. Catsup, rep. charts ., per bottle 22c
McCortiiack's Vegatized Wafers, 10 oz, pkg. 23c
Velveeta Cheese, Xi pound pkg ...............:.....:..... 23c
Graham Wafers. 15 oz, pkg , .. ,, , , , 23c
Sure Whip, for making cream whip .. 23c
Post Toasties, 3 pkgs, 29c
Fresh Vegetables, Fruits, Flower and Vegetable Plants, etc.
W. Mi Stewart Phone 77
Ross J. SPhone S
We pay the highest prices for good cream.
Our services to our patrons are the best that can be given.
Do not send your cream to other- Creameries; we want
it here,
To operate a Creamery we need your co-operation.
In return- for you co-operation we will give you of our
best in service and prices,
We are agent for the Mellotte Cream Separators. Corrie
in and see the new Models.
Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth, Onto
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
W, J, Walker & Son
Motor pr Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go
vernment diploma and license,
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
D, H. Mclnnes'
Of Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons
Diseases of all kinds success-
fully treated.
Electricity used,
Just Try It
When you feel tired and
drowsy, slip around the
corner and get a massage
You may come in with
a grouch • but will go out
with a smile.
Phone 125.
Pianos Tuned
Cleaned and
Chas. A. Howey
Residence—James St.
I have purchased the Coal Busi-
ness of Mrs. W, L. Keys in Sea -
forth, and will hereafter use her
'store house. A full line of all
grades of Coal and Coke carried.
Also National Fertilizer - of In-
gersoll, on hand, ' '
Andrew Archibald
Phone 44w Seaforth
It Testifies for Itself. -Dr. Thomas'
Ecicctric ;Oil needs no testimonial sof
its powers than itself, 'Whoever tries
lit for coughs or colde, 'for cuts or
contusions, for sprains' or burns, for
pains le the limbs or body, well know
eltat the medicine proves itself and
needs roo ghat-antee, This shows
why this Oil is in general use.
Let us explain tke coverages
and the amount of protection
afforded for small premium,
Prompt settlement of all claims
Real Estate, Conveyancing, Bond.
and Investments
Phone 152
Seaforth, Ontario,
Special Optical. Notice.
Have your eyes examined by our
well known and painsta'king. special-
ist, 'Mr. Hughson, formerly . optical
expert for Kents, Toronto, and Henry
Morgan ee Co., 'Montreal. 19 years
corning to Seaforth. You are assured
of the best optical work to be obtain-
ed and at very moderate cost. Our
frames and mountings are the best
make of the best makers and : our
prices are from $4.00 up. Tuesday,
Wednesday, June 11, 12, Close Wed-
nesday at 12 noon, Beanie's Fair, Sea -
forth. 23
K'ISTNEIR,—In loving memory of
our clear Robert.
Robert clear, we think of you,
And think of how you died,
To think you couldn't say good-bye;
Before you closed your eyes.
—Sadly missed ,by Mother, Father,
Sisters and Brothers.
In laving memory of my dear
:bother who passed away one year
ago today, June 6th 1928, in the per-
son of Mrs. Benj. Riley.
Mother dear, I think of you
And think of stow you' died:
To think you could not say goodbye,
Before,you closed .your eyes,
No one knows a Mother's worth
Until they are taken front this earth,
But the heavenly gates were opened
And a loving voice said come,
--Remembered by her daughter,
Mrs. Robt. Grimoldby.
Not a murmur, noir a sigh
Passed.;ltei' lips as death drew nigh:
As she:. Lived, so she died,
Cheerful," ready, satisfied,.
No regrets of any kind, o `
Except by loved ones left ,behind,
—In loving rententbratice by her
husband, Air, Benj. Riley,,
Wednesday Jane 5th.
Fowl, 6 lbs. . , ,..per Ib, 22c
Fowl, 5 !lis per ib, 21c
Fowl, 4 lbs, ,, per lb. 19:.
Fowl, tinder 4 lbs.:,,,,,. per ib. 17c
Bro'iters,' 2 lbs. "•per. lb • 26c
Broilers, :1 4 to 2 lbs . , per lb, 22c
Broilers, under 1/ 1hs, ,,,•per ib, 18c
Old roosters per lb, 19s
Butter, per ib. • 3Se
Eggs, per doz. 19c -23c -26c
Potatoes, per bag ,.. 75c
1=Ings, per cwt. $12,00 i- ^50
TOWN 'TOPICS, way from Goderich, where they had
spent the week -end, Mr. Yule, •who
was organist 10 Seaforth Presbyterian
Church17 years.ago, is 1nstruct
r of
•The Women's Institute,inlead hay -
Mg aof home-made ii o
sale h u nada cook t n
June rt
Ju n 15 I'tt her notice next week,
R.ev. W D. McDonald is attending
the Toronto Conference 'meeting` at
Toronto this week,
Mr, Bert Reynolds, of '.Detroit,
spent the holiday with his parents in
.Air. and Mrs, E. R. Crawford and
Mr. and Mrs, M, McKellar spent
Sunday With friends in Cromarty,
Mr, and Mrs." Peter Strub, Mr.. and
Mrs, Walter Strub and daughter
Phyllis, of 'Kitchener. Mr, and Mrs,.
Kuno Hartman nand Cecilia and Vic-
tor, • and, Mr, Philip Hartman, of
Dashwood; .visited Mr, and Mrs, John,
Hartman, 011 Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs, John Hartman and
son John attended the funeral of Mt',
Levis Kipper In Zurich en Saturday.
Mr, and Mrs, E. R. Crawford and
t nor.,.
eon! Conrad' spent
o dwith
friends in Ingersoll, Monday
Mr, and Mrs, D, J. Askin, of Riv-
ersdele, iBruce 'County, spent last
Sunday at the Egtnondville manse,
Mrs, Askin is a sister of Rev. W. D.
Mr, and. Mrs. A. Kreig and Mrs.
1-Iarrls, of Preston, ''were week end
guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sproat,
Mrs. George Weir returned on Sat-
ttrd'ay.after spending a few days with.
Mr: and •Airs, Hector Hays at Strat
Rev. I, B. and Mrs. Keine and Mrs.
AT, McKellar spent a day last week
visiting with Air, Kaine's relatives in
Mrs, `Henderson and Mrs. DeLacey,
who have spent the winter in Toronto,
returned to town oe Tuesday,
Mr, Leslie Watson, of Toronto, has
been spending his holidays with his
father, Air. gas, 'Watson.
Mt, Harold Dale has purohaeed the
house of the late Mrs, Muffle, on
Goderich 'Street,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Davis, of Tillson
burg spent the week -end' with their
sisters, • Mrs. J. Stewart and Miss
Edith Davidson. •
Hiss Maude Hartry is ' able to re-
turn home from the hospital and is
doing splendidly.
bliss Dorothy Broadfoot, Bruce -
field, was a week -end' visitor with Mr,
and Mrs. Robert McKay.
Air. Ross McGonigle, ICi.tchener,
spent the week -end, with his parents,
Air. and Mrs. Robt, McGonigle.
Misses Abbie Seip and Jean Smith
were in Gorrie on Tuesday attending
the Straugrise stn
Aha wedding,
Mrs IF, Tomlinson is a guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Hills
Mrs. R C. Yokes and two daugh
tees Dorothy and Barbara and a
friend, all of Detroit, were in ;town
the holiday
John n Sproat and Airs. G. C. Dale,
turning homee 'Sunday dao:•
Mr. and Mrs, Ge
Allen, of the
Allen real estate, Fords'on,
were here Saturday and Sunday, the
guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. R. F. Jones.
Miss lEna Holmes and her cousin,
Cecil Wylie, of :Faint. Mich„ spent
the American holiday with their
aunts, Mrs.:Vdylie and Miss ,Henry.
Mrs. McFadden; Chalk street, is
seriously i11 at her home.
Miss Anona Dale spent Sunday
with Miss Grace McLean. Chiselhurst.
'Mrs, Mary tMeMillen is quite 111 at
the !tome of her son on Victoria st.
Her many friend's hope for a speedy
A supper is .being given on June 18
by the Ladies' Aid of Northside Unit-
ed Church.
'Mr. and Mrs. John Nolan. and 'fam-
ily, and Miss Julia Kenny spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc-
Caffery, of Stratford. t.
Mr. C. Eckert, who spent several
days with his daughters in. Detroit,
has returned home.
Miss Hicks and Miss Helper spent
the week -end. visiting at the home of
Mr. James Wright, Kippen.
Rev. C. C. Kaine, of Atwood, will
conduct the services in Egmondville
United Church next Sunday,' while
Rev, W. D., 'McDonald is taking an-
niversary. services in ,Atwood United
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brigham and
,lir. ' W. 11. Trethewey, of Owen
Sound, attended the graduatingexer-
cises of Hamilton General Hospital,
Saturday, June lst. Miss 'Daisy
Hamilton, daughter of 'Mrs. Brigham,
was, one of the sixty graduates.
The semi-annual meeting of Huron
Deanery tvas held at St, Paul's Angli-
can Church, Winghatn on Tuesday.
Those. from St. Thomas' Church who
attended were: Rev. and Mrs, T. H.
Brown. Mrs, R. G. Parke, Airs. Wm.
Deem, Mr. and Mrs. William Arch-
ibald, -lir, and Mrs. S. Leybttrn, Miss
Archibald, Miss J. Edge, Mrs. Peth-
President Lion Dr. Mackay and
Lions Chas. A. Barber, John Beattie,;
J. W. Beattie, W. J. Duncan and J, E.
Keating a'ttended the convention of
the 'Lions Clubs of Ontario and Que
bec, held Mit London this week, Presi-
dent •Jlen A. Ruffin, of Ohicago, of
the Liens International. in an inspir-
ing address, at the banquet on Monday
evening, outlined the results obtained
from the Lions' work in aiding the
needy and downtrodden. "Flowers
of Lionism" was his topic, depicting.
friendship, love, knowledge and faith.
Mr, and Mrs, Jos. Yule and two
children. of Guelph, called on the
Misses Brine on Tuesday, on their
Gen l e file
nf" s
TAIL _ .
Give us a call
108 Downie St, STRATFORD
music ht Guelph' ender the 'system
musical edtteatton for every chi
there a gift frotu Edward Johnsto
the famous tenor,
Miss ,Rena Eleanor Johnston,dau-
ghter of htti', and Mrs, Wellington
Johnston, of Varna, is one of 'the 14
nurses who will graduate "Brom ;Strat-
ford General Hospital on June 26th.
On Sunday' morning in the school
roost Of Oa Presbyterian church
Rev, I..B, Laine officiated at the
christening of nine babies: Donald
James Munn, Doris Elizabeth ,Fer-
guson, William George Spencer, Dun-
can Aitders'on . Bell, AZttriel Doris
Kellar, Edward Horton Box, Richard
Samuel Box, Marion Ruth Greens,
Madeline Joyce Hugill.,
Mr, and Airs: Arthur Reid and son
Bruce, of Toronto, were guests over
th week-ende with t
i lir, and Mrs. H.
Miss Janet Govenlock, of Weston
Collegiate, visited her parents, Mr.
and Mrs.: J, R Govenlock, over the
week -end.
Mr. and Mrs: John McAsh, of
Varna, were Sunday visitors with Mrs.
Annie Reid:
Mrs, John Robb and Miss Nina
Robb were guests with Mrs. Carnoch-
an, V1'61'liatn $t.. on Sunday.
Mr. Sam. Somers, of Detroit, was in
town on Saturday, calling on. friends,
Miss Margaret Jackson left Wed-
nesday to spend a"ntonth its London
and Chatham with .friends,
Mr. and Mas, A. Teanterson and
two children visited lir. and Mrs,
Robert Strong over the week -end,
Mr. and Mrs, Stephens, of Kitchen-
er, visited her sister, MISS Belle Jack-
Mrs, John Love is visiting with her
daughters, Misses Ida and Eva Love,
in Toronto,
Mrs. :Moore, who has' been visiting
with her sister-in-law, Mrs Wm:
Smith, on the 2nd of Tuckersniith,: is
quite 111. She is in, her 89th, year.
Mr, H. H. Johnstone is erecting a
filling station south of Egmondville.
,lir. and ,firs. John McLennan and
-12r. 'and Mrs. Peter McTaggart visit-
ed Mr. and Mrs. Martin McTaggart
at Chiselhurst on Monday.
Mr. Harold Funston, of Tara, spent
the week -end with- Mr. Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Frank ''Wright and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wright
son Tr
3 ask'
of DetroitP
spent the
week -end withthe former's mother'
Mrs. Elizabeth Wright, at the home
of her daughter, Mrs, Maud Dalton.
Mr, Wm, Wright, of Detroit, visit-
ed with his brother, Mr. Howard
Wright, ht
and Mrs. Leslie sl a Brit
sow and
daughters Joan and
are s erein
two o week
s holiday
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Webster,
Mr. ,and Mrs. _Win, G. McPherson,
Neil and Phyllis, Mr. David 'McPher-.
soot and ,lir. Ted Johnstone, of Monk -
ton, were Sunday guests` at the home
of Mrs. Hugh Wright.
-MIs, Joshua Pollard is in New
Hamburg, and attended the funenal of
her uncle,,the late Jacob Thiel,
bIrs. A. Lamont is not -as well as
her friends would wish. '
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert :Kanter, of
Kitchener, and family, visited J. 11,
and Miss Robertson on Sunday last.
lir. 'Atm. Elco,at underwent an op-
eration in Zi1rallacetown hospital this
week titre hope for his speedy re-
Air.. and Mrs, R. S. ,Hays visited Mr.
Elcoat in the hospital in Wallacetown
last week.
Mr. John McLellan attended the
conference of the United Church, in
London, last week.
Mr. 'Wm. McDonald, of near Kip -
pen, has purchased 71r. J. Dennison's
house, James st. He does not purpose
occupying it till next wear.
-On Friday evening about seventy
young people gathered at the Eg-
mondville manse to bid farewell to
Messrs. Hill and Bob McDonald; and
during the evening a fountain pen and
pencil set was presented to the for-:
mer and a belt -buckle to the latter;
accompanied by hearty good wishes.
Mrs. Thos. Dayman has returned
house front !London, bringing the
Misses McGregor with her for a few
clays' visit.
Mr. Robert Dayman has treated
himself to a new car,
Miss Udell. is visiting with her sis-
ter, ,firs. Ed. Sproat,
-- The 'farmers are busy getting their
beans sown these days. They say the
ground is very hard, • There was a
very hard frost on the eight of the 2nd
Mr. John Murdoch's beans are up
and looking well,
Mr. Joseph Hood is planning to
seed 40 acres of beans, Good luck,
Mrs. Henry Dayanan had her sister
visiting her recently,
The K.ippen +beeff ring started on
the 4th of June with Mr. William
Sheppard, as. 'hatcher, which says
Airs, ;Stubbs, of Toronto; has been
visiting Miss Whiteman, of Kippen,
The Misses Agnes and Annie Coch-
rane, of Clinton, visited at Mr.
'Miss holes Dinsdale was home
from Stratford .over the week -end.
Mr, Alex. McbMurtrie. of Toronto,
visited his brother, Mr. Hugh Mc-
Murtrie, and also 'friends at Hensall,
Mr. Fred Parsons, of London,
ited his 'parents,lir.'and Mrs. Robert
The W. M. IS, stet Wednesday at
the 'home of Mrs. McDonald,
The Trail Rangers and C.G.I.T.
had an exciting ball game, resulting
10-13 for the boys,
Rev. Mr, :Conner is attending Con-
ference in London last week and this,
'9'r. Tom. Cluff, of Sea Forth, and
Mr. Wnt. McDonald, of Egmondville,
spent Saturday last visiting their
friend, Mr, Gordon Wright,
Miss IIazei• Haugh attended Con
vocation Exercises' at Western Uni-
versity, s'
pit 1
y, Lof con, on Friday, Allay 3l,
the guest of her cousin, Miss Evelyn
I -Toward, B.A.
Mr, and Mrs. Carr of Lettdon were
visitors at the manse over the week
Rev, W, A. Bremner and Mr. Jas;
McQueen attended the Confernce in
Rev. Mr. Whitfield of St, Helens
will preach each at 'Voting
People's tnni-
ver ary here on June
16. The 'fol-
lowing Monday night, Rey, 1). Mao
1'tvlslt of Exeter will deliver his lec-
ture, "Luggage of Life,,' in Bruce -
field Church,
Mr, Ronald McKenzie aud family
of Detroit were visitors in Brueefield
over the week end,
Mr.' and; Airs. Bert Kaiser of De-
troit visited, at the home of lir. and
Airs. Harry Zapfe on Sunday,
'Communion service tt•ili be held
next Sunday, June 9th at themorn-
ing service, Preparatory service on
Friday at 8 p.nt. Rev, J. Anthouy, of
Thames Road, will conduct the even-
ing' service, -
Mr, and Mrs. 'Carr, of London,
spent the week -end at the Manse,
guests of Ret -, 'Mr. and Mrs. Bremner.
Rev. W. A, Bremner and Mr. Jas.
McQueen, Qrteei who has been e attending
the conference
n in London last week,
arrived home this week
.lir. and Mrs. '.R, McKenzie, of De-
troit, visited friends in the village and
vicinity last week,
Mrs, Hugh Be.ry spent last week
at the !tone of her mother, Mrs.
Smith, of Bluevwle, who is very ill.
Mr, Samuel Reid, who has resided
in our village for a nutuuber of years,
has gone to live with his daughter,
Mrs: V''m. Broadfoot, of Seaforth,
Mr, Andrew Hamilton pf :Detroit
called on a few of his friends on Sun-
day last.
Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Francis and fa-
mily of Bright, visited their relatives
here on Sunday,
Mr, Dan, 'McKellar of Detroit spent
a day last week with his parents.
blaster Peter Murray has been in
bed the past week at the home of his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, P. Mc-
Cann, having severely curt his foot on
a piece of glass while at school.
Peter's many friends are glad to
know that the foot is rapidly healing.
The following is the April and May
report of S,S. No. 7, Hibbert Twp.
Sr. IV.—Il3eruiee Harris 76.3 p;c.,
Beatrice Drover 73.3 (Jr.), Doris
Sararas 64.2, Sr. ILL—,Ross Hoggarth
75.4. Jr. 111.—Wm. 'Cham'bers 62.27,
Stephensad 6
1 4 'vier vo d
V 0
Nash ..
57 . Sr. IL—Earl Drover 78.3
Benson ,Stoneman 76,John Chappel
58, Lorne Chambers 49, Jr II Erla
Treffry 82, Rae Chambers 64. First
Class, Percy Wright, 85, Jean Ven
ser 83, IWilmer McDonald 80, Printer,
Norma Chatnb r
e sfg od
o 5C
� Highest
mark in geography, Wm chambers
83 per cent., history, Beatrice Drover
94; literature, Earl Drover 85; spell-
ing, Benson Stoneman 94; composi-
tion, Ross Hoggarth 82; arithmetic,
Bernice Harris 82; reading, Benson
Stoneman 80; writing, Bernice Har
ris 80; grammar, Bernice Harris 71.
Victoria E, Bolton, Teacher.
Council Meeting. — Council met at
the Township Hall, Staffa, on Mon-
day, May 27. members all being pre-
sent. The minutes of the previous
iiieetiug were read and confirmed.
The members then formed into a
Court ,of Revision for hearing ap-
peals against the Assessment Roll,
and made and subscribed to the ne-
cessary oath. The appeal of Joseph
E. Feeney was allowed, the assess
stent on Lot' 22, Con. 4, reduced $100,
Appeal of iP. IF. Bens,. re Canadian
Batik of Commerce. allowed, Assess -
mem on the property reduced $1,000.
John 'Hackney's appeal allowed: As-
sessment -6n N,TiR..W 5 Lot 26, low-
ered $200. Appeal off Leslie Moore
allowed: Lot'12 Con. 2. assessment
reduced $,300, 'Appeal of Frank Alnore
allowed. Assessment on 'Lot 2, Con.
3. reduced $100. Appeal of, Richard
Balkwill allowed. \V% Lot 8, Con. 9,
reduced $300. Appeal of Norman
Malcolm allowed- Assessment on Lot
8, Con 1, reduced $400. Appeal of
Wm. Keihin allowed. Lot 4, Con, 1.
Assessment reduced $600. Appeal of
Albert Roney allowed. Assessment on
Seet Lot 6, Con. 2, reduced 3400. Ap-
peals of John Levan and Max Grey
to be released' from Dog Tax, allowed.
The following changes were made in
ownership: William Dillon to Mar-
tin Murray, Lots 1 and 2, Ann Sr.,
Dublin; Lawrence 'Bragg to David
Miller, SE pt, Lot 15, Con. 8, Edwin
Harris to 'Harold Harris Lot 1, Con.
4. Court oif Revision then adjourned
until 17th day of june at 1 p.m. Gen-
eral 'business
en-eral'business A;Bylanw No. 331, 1929,
re 'Stewart Drain• lanprovetnent, was
read a first time and provisionally
adopted. By -Law No. 332, 1929, for
paying back surplus fonds on the
Kennedy Drain was filially passed.
Resolutions were passed: 1st. That
the sunt of $1,256,60 (less By -Laws
and Clerk's `Fees), on the Tyndall
Drain be paid over to the Treasurer
of Tuckersntith. 2tid. That John
Stacy .he appointed Weed Ltspector
for 1929 at 40 per hr 3rd. That the
Reeve 'be•appointed ti look into the
requirements of the Township's por-
tion of the Frank McConnell award.
4th, That a number of orders be is-
sued. 5th. That 'George Lennie be
appointed Pound Keeper, substituting
Johnson Balfour• who resigned. 6th.
That Bert 'Next be appointed Inspec-
tor on the Peart Drain, substituting
MikeCoyne, whose resignation was
accepted. The meeting then adjourn-
ed to meet again at Staffs on .Monday,
June 17, at 1 .p.m,
—Mrs. Kathleen Feeney, Cleric.
Airs. C. L. Guest and daughter of.
Sault Ste. Marie are visiting her mo-
ther, Mrs. W. Johnston.
p Polar baker. W. Johnston,
has installed a large bake oven Mr,.
Johnston is a first class baker and:
now, that he has increased facilities
there should" be less patronizing out-
side bakers. Support the home baker:.
Mt. and Mrs, !Nicholson of London
are holidaying at Dr. Tillman's cot -
Messrs. Lawrence and Fred Fowlie.
and Miss Middleton of London spent
Sunday with VIr, and Mrs, J. Fowlie.
Miss Ethel Fowlie and Mrs.' G. Koch=
ler of 7,ttrlch, _accompanied them to
We can supply you with S.C. White Leghorn Chicks for delivery
in June at $10 per 100, Our Leghorns are the famous (Barron strain—
big hens, heavy layer's of Targe eggs: We guarantee you 100 p.c.
safe delivery,
This year we are offering our chick feeds to the public. r
P 1l e have
given these feedsa thorough recommend. trial and -can recommend them to you.
You can feed them with every confidence that you are going to raise
all your chicks. We have proved thatwhat the wee chick is raised on
has a great influence on the adult bird in health 'and 'production. 'Yoe
can get a supply of our feed at Andrew Moore's Poultry Farm, just
out of Egmondville, on the road to Brucefield,
eWalter Roso P�ultry �arm
1.40 4m2e2./e
cAte-46, c.)144,64
. 4 ci ZI,LCv-4c' G,n%5 .(.pfiGb•GfiGL' e ,,. . y.
> GG2•/rR2Cl.,L GzZ a.KZ.� .f,/
June 6 -7 -8th
SONS, Hardware
Mrs. Mallett, firs. Tardiff, Gladys
Davison, Mr. T. Mallett of London
and Mr. and Mrs, W. J, Kerr of
Walkerton spent Sunday with Mrs,
J; Davison.
Dr. and. Mrs. Alexander and George
Alexander of London spent
the week
end at their cottage,
Mr. and Mrs, R. T. Orr and family
of Stratford spent the week end at
their cottage.
Miss Helen Gerrie of Durham
spent the week end with Miss Sarah
Mrs. Holley, Mr. and Airs. Supp -
nick, Holley and Louise Suppnick of
Detroit. spent a few days last week
at their cottage,' returning home on
Saturday. Mrs. Holley is remaining
for the summer season,
Rev. R. M. Gale, who attended the
conference at London last week, re-
turned home on Monday.
Mrs. L. M. Day and Miss Jean Day -
of Detroit, spent Thursday at their
Mr. and Mrs. Stogdili of Toronto
arrived on Saturday to spend a month
in ll'nt. AMetcalfe's cottage,
Mr, and Mrs. Morley Hart, Charles
and Helen Hart of Toronto spent the
week end with Mr. and Mrs. George
Mrs. Reid and family of Honey -
wood, are visiting the lady's parents,
Rev. R. Al. and Mrs. Gale.
Mr. and Mrs, Thornton Mustard of
Toronto, and family, spent the week
end at their cottage.
.friss Jean !foods of Gait spent the
week end at her home.
Mr. W. G, Rae spent the week end
and holiday at his home at -Wroxeter.
Air. and Mrs. Jas. Brock, Florence
Charles and Junior Brock, Port Do-
ver, and Mr. Arthur Wright of De-
troit, spent Sunday, with Mr, and Mrs.
W. J. McLeod.
Dr, and Mrs. Livingstone, Dr. and
Mrs Shields, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cle-
ment, and family, of Kitchener, spent
the week end and holiday at their
To This Famous Vacation and.
You snake a good choice when you
select the
I a va th
v a Lakes Eorur
holiday this year. The Kawartha
chain is comparatively near Toronto
and easy to reach without wasting
valuable vaoation time, Reasonably
priced hotels abound throughout this
balsam -laden lakeland, Plenty of
excellent fishing and aquatic sports
and pleasures. Ask any Canadian.
National Railways Agent for descrip-
tive Ibookiet and complete informa-
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Will display a complete line
of ladies' and gent'.,
including Patent Structure
Advice on all Scalp Ailments:
and the use of Inecto Rapid. •
Phone Hotel for Appointment
The W. T. Pember Stures
A Good Portion
of beef served to you for the evening
meal roasted about medium, with the
b12cd gravy oozing through, gives
ane a foundation. It just makes one's
mcuth water to think of it, How
was, that last piece of meat we sent
you? Wasn't it fine.
Your Butcher.
Phone 58 Seaforth.
Goodyear Tires and Tabes
Battery Sales and Service
Charging and Repairing all makes of Batteries
A eo line of new andUsed
g cl Darts of different males of cars
If your car is in need of repairs, give us a call
Studebaker Sales and Service
, 1 er's Garage�