HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-06-06, Page 4D
Snurvdon Bros., Publishers,
W S. and Mtn Fitibes spent a fete
er sMrskl1 , , Gewla d ha sodcelled
On friends M Listowel, Atwood and
Mr. and Airs, J Penske, Miss Es-
'!elle Jltekson and Mr, D• Moore Were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and istrs,
Fred Ennis,
Mise +Annie Wilostt is visiting her
sister, Mrs, Fred Ennis,
Miss Viola Carter has returned to
Hamilton after visiting her parents,
Mr, and Mrs, Jos, Carter. •
Mr. and Mrs; W, S. Forbes spent a
few days quite recently in Fergus vis-
iting their daughter, Mrs, R. C. ,GaW-
laud, also called on friends in Lista-
wet Atwood and Ethel.
Mrs, J, McNichol visited a couple
of days in Seaforth last week,
Mr. and Mrs, Will Gillespie and
Earl of Seaforth spent Sunday even-
ing at A.1, Carter's,
Mr, and Mrs, R. G. Parke of Sea -
'forth, spent Sunday afternoon with.
friends at Walton,
Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Morrisonof
Toronto are spending a few days vis-
iting friends in the village.
Mr, and errs. 1', Hackwelt and Mrs.
Oxtoiby of Ethel visited friends in the
village 00 Sunday.
Mr. Thomas Clark is 'holding an
auction sale of his blacksmith stock
and buildings on Monday next, June
The ditching machine is busy
working along south of the village
and is now at Mr, Robert Reid's,
The many friends of Miss Louise
siignedills aas teare cho erofy to ltatheshe Leatlbt re-
Mrs. ''William Clark, . who under-
went an operation in Toronto hospi-
tal last
,Jones -Bateman,
Archdca �n
Goderich will take the services in
the Anglican Church during the com-
ing month,
The Anglican Ladies' Aid met this
Wednesday home
v tthe
1\ ed�ne.da, a
Bethel Ladies' Aid meets Tharsda`
afternoon at the home of Mrs, Dun-
can McNichdt.
Mrs, J. J, MlaGavin left Tuesday
afternoon for the West, where she
will loin her mother, Mrs. Berry. who
will accompany her home. Mr. Mc
Gavin went as far as Toronto.
Don't forget the dance in the
Workman's hall, Friday, June 7th.
Beuerrnan's orchestra.
Mr, and Mrs. Sohier and son Ken-
neth spent the week end with friends
in Sintcoe. .v visiting Helen .tet.= is friends
in Goderich.
Little Edith and Bernice Hackwell
are spending the summer with their
grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Arrangements have been made that
Rev. W. F. Chandler. of Fardwich, a
former pastor, will take the services
in Duff's United Church during Rev,
W. J, Maine's month of holidays fn
Mr. Bert Anderson left Monday to
take a position with the Massey -
Harris at Listowel.
Mr, Alex. Clarke has taken a posi-
tion at M utkton.
Miss Muriel Fra quharson has been
engaged in Mr. Melvin Clarke's store,
at Winthrop.
The many friends of Mrs. Jos. Den-
nis are sorry to know she is en the
sick list.
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas holland and
children. ,. \Windsor. and Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph R Riche. St. Coiuntban.
were visoms Mrs. James Smith. on
Owing to the fact that we are completely overhauling and ,
reconstructing our Seaforth plant, we shall be unable to do
any chopping until further notice.
We have a good supply o!. Flour,.Feed,
Manitoba Oats, Oat Chop and
Rolled Oats
in bags $30.00 per tau
ac c' $30,00 per ton
,a a< $36,00 pi•r ton
day and visited over the weekend at
the'liare of the formers Parents, IS/LrO
and Mrs, Jas; WattBlyth, also vlslt-
I ing a number of friends aroend fl"ar
lock, returning to Toronto on Men -
Rev. Jas. Abery and Mr Robert
Ferris returned 'halve Wednesday af-
ter spending the past week at the ,00n -
Terence to !Loudon,
Mrs. Ellen Kelly and Mr, and Mrs.
George MoNall visited veith Mr, and
firs, James Doherty, of Donnybrook,
on Friday,
Mr. and Mrs. James Doherty ant'
family, of Donnybrook: spent ISwnday
with Mr. and Afrs, Earl Kelly and
Mr, and Mrs. Michael Kelly,
and Air
• and Mr. a
'aldaae n
E. \\
!Wallaceace and children spent
Sunday With Mr, and Mrs. Frank
Mr, David Laidlaw who underwent
a very serious operation last week, is
holding his own.
Mr. and Mrs. Les. Fear and family
were visiting the former's .brother,
Mr, Ray Fear, near Clinton, over the
week -end.
Mr, and Mrs, Les. Fear and family
were visiting the farmer's brother,
Mr. Ray Fear, near Clinton, over the
week -end.
Miss Jean 'Rath, of Toronto, spent
the holiday with' her father and sister.
Mr, and Mrs. J. Snell andbaby. of
Windsor, visited with relatives here
over the week -end. •
Mr. and Mrs. John Beacon and
family, of Toronto, spent a few days
last week at the home of Mr. Fred
and Miss Jennie Austin. 11
Mr, and Mrs. Tom, Miss Stella
Johnston. Mrs. L. Gray and Miss
Dorothy Gray, of Stratford visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas, H.
Richmond. On their return they
were accompanied by Miss Albe a
Richmond. who spent the week en
at her home here,
,hiss Harriet Taylor, of Goderich.
•pent the holiday with her father, Mr.
Citae. Taylor. of Blyth.
\Ve are pleased to state that Mr.
David Laidlaw is recovering satisfac-
torily from his operation, in London.
We trust that he will soon be around
Clarence Johnston and Iona
visited over the week -end with \firs
Ethel .leathers, of Brussels.
Mr. and Mrs. John McNichol spent
Sunday at the hone of lir. Wm.
Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Nicholson and
fancily visited friends in Seaforth on
he 24th.
Miss Loretto Healey. .of Teeswater.
s"est the week -end with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Healey.
Mr. and Mrs.- Chas. Nicholson
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Snelling, of Mitchell.
Mr i>hn and Miss Ruth Yeo spent
a day with Mitchell friends.
Miss Mildred Hi:barne. of Blyth,
visited her sister. Mrs Robt. Wel
'are. 'last week.
Mr. ani Mrs. J ?i n Britton and dau-
ghter. of. Dublin, and Mr, and Mrs. C.
Rogers. of Hamilton. were guessat
' the home:'f Mr John Yea on Sun-
air. and Mrs. J. \ti s Ban, lir. and
Mrs. George Potter. -Mrs. E. \Wal ,n
and M l.Wats . visited with rel-
ea izes in Clinton on Sunday.
Mir. and Mrs. Cliff Yen Wallace
burg. arey ..in With their parents.
Mr and Mci. George Potter and Mr.
and Mrs.. John Yea.
Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Yeo and Mr.
cliff Yea visited with Mrs. Yea's bro-
ther, Mr. J. \V. Yea, in Goderich. on
Rev. and Mrs Shore, Mrs. George
•Powell Mr. and Mrs. F ,Metcalfe.
Miss Elia `Metcalfe and Miss Merri-
man attended the Deanery meeting
in Wingham on Tuesday,
Mrs. (Rev.) •George \ties spoke in
the United Church. Brussels, Sunday
Morning in the interests of the W:M.
• S., presenting the different phases of
the work
The fnaeral of Donald G. McMillan
Il -yea l i -ou of Mr. and Mrs. \\ '
loamlivlf elan, of Lindon, formerly
. Myth. was held it 1.30 p. tn, on
• Tuesday. June 4. The service was
held in S.'..\ndrew'e United Church.
• A 'large mother of friends of the fam-
ily attended to express their deep
sympathy in the sad loss of this
young 1 re; Very comforting and con
soling words were spoken by Re-:.
Gel. Weir. r. taking his test from Zech-
ariah 8i5. The remains were 'ala t2
reit in Blyth Union cemetery. The
young bay was t" with the flu during
- the winter and contpliee an set in
since then that ,w y- aped h,s life.
}Ie passed away Sunday at their
h,imc at 437 Princes; .kvertue. Lon-
don. just a year ago.. the lfel[ •lain
family moved to London em their
farm at the east side of the vii age.
While here Dootild was a favorite
among, the children and was a: a
bright, n el i..en' nature.' Mr. Andlt
Mrs. Mcil:an and ).iarion returned
to London .,n Wednesday,
A each e "arty and dance will he
held n [Vieth Memorial Hall on
Thur day, June 6 ander the auspices
Of St Mieltwel Church
Mr, Ge,irge Mcl';e11 Sr... lir, and
Mrs. Genrge.McNalt Jr and Mr, ands
Mrs. R inert Craig and daughter.
Betty, of Detroit, .visited with Mr.
xtui M . N'S tn Il arum • a•id \'Ir. and
Mrs. Win. Craig.
Mr. Robert i\VaMce is spending
softie days hi Detroit..
Mr.. and Mrs Leslie iflilitorn and`
fancily, lf:s. E. Wallace and Mr, attd
Mrs. Robert Watlace spent Sunday
wlt,h Mr.. and Mrs, 3: Williamson, of
Mr. George Coleman is 'attending
the Conference at London this week,
Misses, Agnes and Annie_ 'Cochrane
of Clinton were Bailing on friends in
this vicinity the ,past week,
Mrs. John Turner and daughter,
,Louisa, ofClutton, were Sunday vis-
itors at Mr. Jas, Love's.
Mr. David Anderson attended the
Conference at London the ,past week,
Miss Martha Carlile is spending. 'a
month or so at the home of Mr, Wal-
ter Moffatt, near 'Clinton:
Miss Mildred 3nhnston of Kippen,
spent the week end with her friend,
Miss tilartha'Carhie,
Mrs, Duffy, Sr,, inet with a painful.
accident ilast week when. she fell dur-
ing a weak spell, which leaves her in
a critical condition and her many
•friends wish her a speedy recovery.
Mrs• J• O'Loughlin made a business
trip to our burg last week.
Miss Mary Ellen 'Dempsey from
GuetAh was
a week and visitor inour
Messrs, Tony Seaman, Lorne 1GIes-
serschntidt, L. Weitersen of Detroit,
motored home last Thursday for the
Decoration Day holiday.
Miss Julia Kenny df London,
visitor in our, burg last week.
Mr, F. Eckert and Mies NV, Manley
have returned home frons Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. MclKay spent
Sunday at the home of Ji M. Eckert,
near Seaforth,
The Oil of Power,—It is not clainf-
ed for Dr. 'Thomas' Eclectrie Oil that
it will remedy every ill batt its uses
are so various that it may 'be.looked
upon as a general pain killer. It has
achieved' that greatness for itself and
its excellettee is known to all who
have tested its virtues and learned by
,Miss M. Ryan has returned after a
pleasant visit with friends in Detroit.
Mr. ,Robert Byrne and Mrs. ,Basil
Byrne returned; to Detroit on Sunday
after spending a few days at the.
horse of Mr. and Mrs. William Byrne.
Mr. and Mrs. John Maloney, of
Buffalo, while returning to their home
after spending a few days with his
mother, Mrs. T. Maloney, met with
an accident in which they collided
with another car and badly damaged
their auto. But luckily no one was
hurt and their car was insured...
Mr, Joseph, Dill has returned to De-
troit after visiting his parents. Mr.
and . Mrs, Peter Dill.
Master Teddie Ryan. of Stratford,
spent a few days with his grand-
mother, Mrs. T. Maloney.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Krauskopf vis-
ited at the home of his father. Mr. A.
Krauskopf, on Sunday.
Mr. Martin Klinkhammer returned
to his home in 'Detroit on Sunday of
ter visiting his parents, lir. and Mrs.
-Michael Klinkhantmer.
COLEMAN.—On May 28. 1929• to
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Coleman, a
OLIVER-DUNLOP—?.t the home.
of the bride's parent,. Hullett, on
Saturday, June 1st Miss `vera
-lana, daugnter of Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Dunlop. to Mr. Leslie John
Oliver. only son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Oliver. Brussels.
.Miller's \W'rm :Powders are a plea -
ant medicine for worm -infested
, idren, and they will take it without
!jet ion /When dices ins are to-
::ei it will no,: injure the most dell
c child. as there is nothing of an
eijnrious nature in its composition.
They will epeedily rid a child of
worms rn and restore the health of the
litele sufferers -whose vitality has he -
come impaired by the attacks of these
internal pests.
Parker-Norris,-•-Va very pretty June
wedding was solemnized at the Unit-
ed Church manse, Saturday, June 1st,
1929, when Eva Iscnena daughter of
Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Norris of Hib_
bent, became the bride of Mr. William
George 'Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Enoch Parker, df T ickerstnith, Rev.
Arthur Sinclair performed the cere-
mony, The bride was charming in
Rower crepe georgette,
with satin
slippers attd
hat to match, and a
d -
ing a ,bouquet of carnations and mai-
den hair fern, The ibridestniaid was
Miss Margaret Norris, R.N., of Strat-
ford, sister of the bride, who, wore a
blackwhite ensemble, with hat
and wto e
and shoes to match, Mr, 'Harry Nor-
rfs,,,cousitn of the bride, was grooms-
man, The groan's gift to the bride.
was a beautiful pendant, to the brides-
maid a silver salt and pepper set, and
to the groomsman a pipe. iFoliowing
the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Parker.
motored to. Steadford on a short hon-
eymoon trip. Wednesday evening,
reception was held at•the home lot the
bride's parents, when a host of friends
gathered to eitend best wishes for a
long and happy married life to this
popular young couple, ' was'
Mr. George Chambers busy
last week movittk his house 'ta a new
position near the road. He is putting
a cellar under it and remodelling it,
Mr. G. W'inegarden of Exeter did the
Mr. `Richard Kinsman brought
48 cattle and six horses 'froth the West
Mast Saturday to pasture on . their
grass farms.
There will 'be no church next Sun-
day swing to anniversary services at
Hensall United Church.
Wedding Bells.—A quiet wedding
was solemnized at the Manse, Lon
desboro. on Saturday, June 1st at
10,30 a,m. by the Rev. James Abery,
when hiss Alice Alberta Nott, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Nott. Lon-
des'boro. became the bride of Mr,
Ernest L. Stevens, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Stevens, of Harlock, The
`!ride was becomingly dressed in
peach georgette over dace and wearing
the gift of the groom, a string of
pearls. The bridesmaid, Miss-Isabell
Nott, sister .to the bride, was gowned
in rust crepe -de -chane. The grooms-
man was the groom's brother, Mr.
Thos. Stevens. The young couple left
immediately an a motor trip the bride
elling in a dress of brown flat
crepe with hat and shoes to match
and navy tailored coat. They visited
Hesneler, Caledonia, Hamilton Nia-
gara and other points. They are mak-
ing their home in Seaforth. The best
si wishes go with them to their new
home .and may they both be spared
to have long life and prosperity.
Mrs. Maggie Smith and Mr. and
Mr_. \Watson, of Detroit, visited at
the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Ferris last .week.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Parsons and
'Misses Amy .and Ena Parsons visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Adams, a: the Huron Road. on Sun-
Miss Annie Stevens. of Clinton, was
,lie last week sick with quinsy, but
we are glad to hear she is getting
The new stone crusher is busy in
li Leiper's pit and a number of
teams are busy drawing the crushed
stone ? to the road.
Mr. Jas. \Vatt and Master Owen
Watt, of Toronto, motored Up on
The Massey-iarrs Mower
Enrolment 1958. Approved, Form L
The Purebred Stallion
.Route, -Monday, Will leave his
own stable and go 'north through
Constance to Verne Dale's for noon,
Then north to the Hullett boundary
and east to •Geo. Watt's for night.
Tuesday—South to Leadbury, then
east to Thos. Beattie's for noon, then
east and south through Winthrop to
his own stable where he will remain
until Friday morning. Friday—West
two, miles then south to Melvin Crictt s
for noon. Home for night where he
will remain until the following Mon-
Under the management of T. J.
TUUBiSO4Yr JXJiL' Oz 1929.
Special pecial Show of. Motor" Carr Color Designs
The s and distinction of your chosen color design-- at
n extra cis
at no extra cost. Come to our Special Color' Show and see the
greatvarietyofcolor combinations fromwhichyoumay choose.
anufacturing achievement makes this wide 'Arm UP '
An sel
a t m absolutely exclusive to the Super-
election at it extra cost, re with which An prion a Batts sor
s And caps the great array of values
Exec. the Challenger has swept the six -cylinder field.
jN,gB@X the
Your present car will robably cover the entire first payment. The
H. M. C. Purchase Plan offers the lowest.terms available on the balance.
James A. Carlin
Seaforth. int.
Mr. Charles Cann, of Exeter is vis-
iting his daughter, Mrs, Roy 'Mc'Don-
ald this week,
Every farmer owes it to himself to investigate fully the new
features of this Mower which will mean so much to him in cutting
ctGallop & McAlpine
Agents for Massey -Harris Implements and Repairs
Beatty Bros, Farm Equipment Metallic Roofing
Frost Fence Gas & Oil OPEN EVENINGS
Enrolment Na. 2116, Passed. Forts I.
The Purebred Clydesdale Stallion
Pedigree—Sire, -Cedric King (imp)
(16340) (18186), Dam, Maggie Rob
(36506). Sire of Sire, Cedric Baron
(15945) (14622). Dam of Sire, Blue
Belle (36393). Sire of Dam, Drum
burle Chief (imp) (5315) (12943). dam`
of dant. Jean Rob (32748).
Route—Monday, leaves his own
stable Monday morning from Lot 29,
Con. 12, McKillop, travels mile east
and 254 south to Winthrop, then 15
miles east to John Pryce's for 'Mon-
day noon. Then goes mile east, 1'
miles north, then 2/ east to Thomas
Murray's for Monday night. Tuesday
—Leaves Thomas _Murray's, travels
254 east, then 3/ miles north to Jim
Nathan's for Tues. noon, Then 154
north to Mancrieff, and 4% west to.
Sot. Berwick's for night. Wednesday
—Leaves Sol, Berwick's, goes 3:tif
west. 2 miles south to Dave Watson's
ou Morris-:Hullett boundary, for noon.
From Watson's, goes 2% miles West.
and 2 miles south and east to his own
stable for night. He will remain there
till Thursday noon. Then goes IA
utile west, 1% miles south and 3S4,
west and 134 south to Ben. Riley's for
night. Friday—Leaves Riley's and
travels 334 east to Chas. Dolmage's
for Friday noon. Leaves Dolmage''s
and travels 2% eat, 234 stiles nortlt
and pule west t1 ills own stable where
he wilt remain x ,l li snday morning.
Terms—To insure a foal. $12, Pay-
able Feb. 1st, 1930.
Rinn Bros., Props., Hugh Rhin, Mgr.
Mr. Lorne. Messcrschntidt spent the
week end under the parental roof and
returned to Detroit on Sunday after-
noon, where he has a good job.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Deorr and chil-
dren from Gadshisl, called on the lat
ter's parents, Mr. an,d Airs. _Charlie
Regele. on Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs. ' Charlie Eggert and
family spent Sunday afternoon with
Mr, and Mrs, Fred. Koehler, k it
After the heat wave last week,
turned quite coo; anii there was 's
white frost Sunday night, but, it did
tittle damage as far as we can see
Quite a number from here attended
the sale in Mitchell of Mrs. Henry
Rapien, a former resident of this vi-
cinity on the '12t'h concession of Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. Geo._Koegy of Grey
spent a few hours on ,Sunday with Mr.
,and Mrs. Charlie Regele:
Mr. Les. Weitersen of Detroit,
spent the week end under the parental
at his own sable Lot 17, Stanley Tp.
Has a mark of y 113ei Terms --
'S to inure living foal John Baker,
Sr., .owner, Zurich. On..
KIPPEN GRATTAN has a half-
brother with a record of 2;01 and half-
sister with record of 2.10%. Terms-
$15 to insure a mare in foal. I will
meet parties at your convenience at
Brucefield. John Baker, Sr. Zurich,
It is too bad we Iose all our best.
young men from the farm. What
will become of the !farms when te
old people. cannot wonts themany
more. There are some lying idle
now. The farm of the • late John
Ziegler is rented Inc pasture,• All the
mortgage gets is that the tenant pays
the taxes:
Miss Beth Govenlock and friend,
of Detroit, visited Miss Bessie Hilten
on: Saturday evening.
Mr. Earl Dickson is not as well as
his many friends would like to see
_Miss Verna Adams, of Port Col-
borne, spent the, week -end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miller Adams.
M,. Wm. McClure has let the job
of cementing his stable to tthe Koenig
Bros., oif.Mildmay,
Mrs.. Edward Dorrastce is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Sim -
Miss Balla .Watson, Of iHuliett, is
spending a few days with her mother,
Mrs. Watson, who is not enjoying
the best of health..
Spend your Holidays on Georgian
There are ,many more than 30,000
Islands in Georgian Bay. They
seers to be all over the map and no
two are alike. in
You can spend a great '.holiday
this district. There are hotels and
boarding houseson the larger islands,
their rates are reasonable, plenty_gf,
real outdoor fun, tennis, swimming,,
sailing and canoeing. Bass fishing is
the real sport up here, though, and
maskinonge are frequently taken.
Anglers come back year after year,
Get the descriptive booklet, "30,000
Islands` of the Georgian Bay." Any
agent of the Canadian National Rail-
ways will gladlysupplyit.
Complete in itself, Mother Graves'
Worm 'Exterminator does not require
the assistance of any lather medicine
to make it :elffective. It does not fail.
to do its work.
'Want and For Sale ads, 1 time 25c
®.: the wheel
tth eyes'
on the road
Never- T get . a sing forget le moment's careless-
ness while driving may. easily involve you
in a bad smash. A little inattention may,.
mean serious, even fatal, injury to yourself
If you are a passenger, for your own safety's
sake, leave the driver free to watch tb.e road
and traffic undistracted.
Let us all work together to prevent accidents.
Highway Safety C®mittee
Hon. Geo. S. Henry, Chairman