HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-05-23, Page 8eeeeer-trerewerearecia-reix"--
Acic? 1410
M. J. W, Skiiiner ol Exeter, for-
merly of Hensall, bee purcheeed
grocery hueinese at Thoredale and is
taking posseeeion limnecliately.
Mr, Lemon of the New Commercial
Hotel, has re -opened the ie cream
parlor in the basement and will be
open Tuesday and Saturday eveainge.
The petition at Mickle & Sons' of.-
fice, asking the Domiaion Govern -
Meet for an increase in the duty on
bean's, is being signed by most of the
farmers m this district. The petition
will be sent to Ottawa this Week,
The Dramatic Clttb of St. Peels'
&YR:A, intend preeentiag their play
"A. Busy Honeyrnoon," in the town
hall, Varna, Teesday evening of this
Mr, John McDonnell, who has been
confined to his room for the last three
months with a severe illness, is stow"
ly recovening.
Miss Nellie Beyle, of Landoneseent
few days in town last week visiting
her mother and brother.
Mrs. T. C. Joynt and two sores ese
epending a few weeks in New York
visiting Mrs, Joynt'e brother and
wife, Mr. and Mrs. Fred 1Bonthron.
Mr, John O'Neil spentehe week end
visiting his family at Dorchester,
Mrs. Vera McLeod has reterned to
her home in Windsor aiter a very
pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. j. W,
Mr.and Mns.. Kennedy and little
son, of Whisker, are spending •a few
drays visiting Mrs. Kennedy's father
and mother, Mr, and Mrs. Owen
The Court of Revision on the as -
roll of the village will lea
ees•-•-•-• held in the town nert, lercentlay even
ing, May 27tht We understand that
I '
4 a number of appeals are entered for
revision. •
Mr. Lee Hedden of Hamilton was
• in town over the week end.
Mr. John Steacy of Detroit spent
Sunday here with his mother. His
brother Fred, who has been visiting
here for a couple of weeiks, returned
to Detroit with hien. Fred has se-
cured a good situation there in a hank.
The firemen have the town nicely
decorated with flags and bunting and
have erected an electric sign in froet
of the town hen. On the 24th there
• will be big attractions all day and a
big concert put on by the Brunewick
Trio of London in the town hall in the
evening. After the concert a dance
will be held. A big day and a big
crowd is anticipated.
The executors of the Alex. Murdoch
Estate are making repairs on some of
the buildings on King street.
Cook Bros, are selling a large num-
ber ,of cars, some of the purchasers
last week being: W. H, Lemon, R. G.
Troyer, W. G. Wagner, Albert Sher-
ry, W. P. Love, C. H. Joy, T. Haber-
er, Thos. Ryan, Hugh Norris. and E
• Tiernan.
!Little Betty Tucker, who was ser-
iously ill last week, is recovering.
The play entitled "Sunny Jane," put
on by members of the Young People's
League oi the United Church, was
again presented to a good audience in
the town hall on Friday evening,
The contractors for paving the Lon-
don Road have .started paving. A big
force of men is being employed.
We understand that Mr. William
Hildebrand has sold his residence on
South Richmond street to Mr. Geo.
Mr, W. F. Bell of Toronto and Dr.
and Mrs. Cawithrope of Tavistock,
visited here last week, with Mrs. Ber-
tha Bell and mother, Mrs. Dick.
Mr. Andy Proctor spent the week
end with his family at London.
Mr. S. Peppier is moving into the
house on Oxford street recently vac-
eited Mr. A1.bert Traquair. Mrs.
Hudson, who owns the house lately
occupied by Mr. Peppier, will m'ove
into .it herself.
Donald and Herb Hoggarth of Lon-
don spent Sunday at their home here.
As we go to press we 'learn of the
very serious illness of Mrs. Duncan
'McMartin, who has been in poor
health, which has developed into
Mr. Sandy Smillie, of Toronto, vis-
ited friends in town a few days this
'Miss NellieOarmichael has sold her
residence on Mill Street to Miss Mary
McKay and Mrs. Gordon, of Kippen.
Miss McKay was a former resident of
flensall and will be welcome back to
Mr. William Fraser has the found-
ation in for his new dwelling on south
Richmond Street. and now has several
carpenters et work.
The real estate and household ef-
fects of Mr. George Hill were offered
far sale on Tuesday afternoon last.
The real estate was not sold as the
price offered was not considered high
The many friends of Mrs, Roy Pal-
mer will be pleased to hear that she
is recovering nicely after her recent
. operation.
"Mrs. D. L Thompson and babe, of
Toronto, are visiting at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. Harry Lewis, of Exeter, was
in town visiting .friends on Tuesday.
Miss Helen Elder, of London. spent
the week -end at the home a her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Elder,
Mr. Martin Murray met with a
severe shaking up last Monday while
on his way to Dublin when the horse
became frightened, and thinking he
might become unmanageable, he
jumped from the buggy with above
Mr. Martin Deitz has treated him-
self to a new ccsttpe.
Mr. Thos. IvIurray treated himself
to a new Durant sedan.
'Mr. Joe, Eckert met with a peculiar
accident when a cow on the road fac-
• ed the car,
but by quick action he
brought the car to a standstill to
avoid the crash. The cow got her leg
broken and had to be done away with.
The community here got a severe
Adele last Monday evening when they
learned of the sudden death of Mrs,
Pat McGraw of Dublin, as she had
spent her youthful days amongst us
and always was a friend to everybody,
She leaves to mourn her logs one bro-
ther, John Arnold of Dublin and one
sister, Mrs. Martin Connolly of La -
gar:, Wile have the sympathy of the
whole community in their sad hour of
ItIr, and Mrs: S, 'flueSton Apert the
week end at Goderich end vieinity.
Mrs, Chapman and John Chapman
of Louden, spent few days laetweek
Miss Dolly ROSS left on Sunday fur
Philedelphie having ;Vent a week at
her home.
Mrs .J. Worsell and sons of Cabrie,
Sask., arriyed on Monday to visit her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. j, Fowlie.
Mrs. L. B, Smith and son of Lone
don are visiting her parents, Mr. mid
Mrs, Chas, Fleeter,
Rev. H. G E. Crosby was in the
village last week. Mrs. Crosby, Patti
and Patty Crosby, who leave heel] vis-
iting her mother, Mrs. G W. Woods,
returned 'home to Otterville with Mr.
Crosby an Thersday,
Disastrous Fire. — Fire completely
.d'estroyeil the home of Christopher
Parker, situated on the Brucefield
road at the edge of the village Sunday
'afternoon between three and • four
o'clock, Mr. and Mrs Parker had
gone for a walk to the woods. Five
children aged from sixteen months eo
twelve years, were in -the 'house and
they gave the ,alarm when -they dis-
covered the rooif Was on fire, having
caught from •spailes 'from the chirn-
-trey. The 'house 'bding an 1 -Id frame
building, it burped very rapidly. There
was a strong north Wind -at fhe time
and aleheugh help was soon -summon-
ed and people passing stopped to help,
it was found ineposeible to save the
.building but willing 'hands removed
all the contents which were moved to
a house inthe village owned by Ninian
Heard. Mr, and Mrs. Parker are
very •ehankful to all who helped to re -
Time the contents. 'There was a
small insueance.
Mrs, F. V. 'Martin and son of De-
troit epent the week end at their cot-
tage, Boulder Lodge.
Mr, and Mrs. Maarten and family
of London spent the week end at
their cottage.
Mr. W. Buchan and son of Dunn-
ville, spent a few hours with feres. 'N..
W. Woods on Sunday, Mrs. 3. Bu-
chan h'aving returned, who spent SCV-
teal weeks at Toronto and Dunnville.
Mies Ruth Higgins, who has been
visiting for a few days at London, re-
turned home an Monday.
Rev. F. H. Paull and Mrs. ?mill re-
turned ho -me on Friday from London.
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Weston. Mrs,
W. McDonald and Bobby Vail of
Detroit and Mr. aud Mrs. Percy Wes-
ton of Kiteheneir spent the week end
with Mr. and Mrs. H. Weston.
Mr. end Mrs. Alex. Sparks and fa-
mily f Landon arevisiting Mr. John
Woods, who returned with thern
from London..
Mrs. Berry .Bird and Buster Bert of
London spent a few days last week
with Mrs, F. aker.
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Atkinson and
family of Exeter spent Sunday at
their cottage.
Mrs. A. Newton4Brady returned
home on Saturday having spent a
week with her mother, Mrs. D. Mc-
Donald at Sarnia.
Me Martin Thornton, of lienfryee
was visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Thornton on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Edw. Regele were
Sunday visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. Hoegy.
Mr, and Mrs. William Koehler were
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Regele on Sunday, also Mr. Jos.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Regele were vis-
iting Mr. and Mrs. J. Thornton Sun-
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thornton vis-
ited the latter's parents Sunday after-
Mrs. Martin 'Ileornton, of Henfryn,
underwent an operation but is doing
as well as can be expected.
!We are pleased to know Mrs. John
Crozier is improving after being on
the sick list.
Gardening is the order of the 'day.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leeming
were down to Munro attending the
anniversary services.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hoegy and
family were visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. D. Regele on Sunday
Mr. Jack Walker of Wardsville,
spent Sunday with Mr. Wm, Cartef,
Mr. James Medd is not enjoying
very good health lately. We hope he
may soon improve.
Some took in the dance at Walton
and report a nice time.
Mrs. William Carter has returned
from Lucknow. where she was visit-
ing her cousin, Mrs. Reid.
The townehip's new stone crusher
has arrived and will soon be at work
in Mr. Leiper's gravel pit.
Miller's Worm 'Powders are sweet
and palatable to children, who show
no hesitancy in taking- them. They
will certainly bring all worm troubles
to an end. They•are a strengthening
and stimulating medicine, correcting
the disorders of digestion that the
worms cause and imparting a healthy
tone to the system most beneficial to
de -vel opment.
THE $13AFORT11g)4/$.
Enrolment 1952. Approved. Form 1,
The Purebred Clydesdale Stallion
Route.—Monday, ill leave his
own stable end go north through
Constance to Verne Dale's ;for noon.
Then north to the flullett boundary '
end east to Geo. Watt's for night,
Tuesday—South to Leadbury, then
east to Thos Beattie's 'for noon, then
.east and south throUgh Winthrop to
his own stable where he will remain
until Friday morning. Priday-West
two •miles then south to 'Melvin Crich'a
for noon. Home for night where he
will remain until the "fellowing Mon -
Limier the management of T. J.
'Enrolment WO. 2116. Passed, Form I.
'The Purebred 'Clydesdale -SMIlion
1Pedigree—Sire, Cedric King (imp)
(16340) (18186). Dam, Maggie Rdb
,(T335045). Sire of Sire, Cedric 'Baron
(15945) (14622). Dam of Sire, Mee
Melle (36896), .Sire of -Dam, Drum-
burle Chief (imp) (5318) 012943). dam
of dam, Jean Rob (32748).
iRoute—Monday, leaves his own
stable. Monday morning from Lot 29,
Con. 12, McKillop, travels mile east
and 236 south to Winthrop, then 134
miles east to John iPryce's for Mon-
day noon. Then goes mite east, 1.14
neilee north, then 214 east to Thomas
Murray's-'for Monday night. Tiles -day
-.Leaves Thames 'Murray's, travels
214 east, then dee miles north to Jim
lfachait's for Tues. noon. Then 14
north to 'Xicintrieff, and 4154 west to
Sol. IBerwicks for night. Wednesday
—Leaves Sol. IBerwielns, goes 3e4
west, 2 miles south to Dave Watson's
011 Morris-Hullett boundary, for noon,
From 'Watson's, goes 254 miles West
and 2 miles south and east to his own -
stable for night. He will remain there
tIllThursday noon. Then goes
rile west, 1e4 miles south and 334
'west and VA' south to Ben. Riley's'or
night. Friday—Leaves 'Riley's and
travels 3e4 east to Chas. Dalmagees
for Friday noon. Leaves Dolmage's
and travels 211 east, 254 miles north
and mile west to his own stable where
he will remain tin Monday morning.
Terms—To insure a loal,p2, pay-
able Feb. 1st, 1930.
fRinn Bros., Props., Hugh Rinn, Mgr.
These Prices are Cash
'Red Path Sugar . ,, ,, ..55.75
Red .Path Yellow Sugar, ,.,5.50
Purity .Flour ,, • ,, —4.10
'Rolled Oats, 90 Jim. ,, . 4,00
-*tad .Barb Wire • 3 75
'Cut Shingle Nails •
Wire Nails ..... • • • •,• • • ,-05
Long Handled Shovels 1,35
1 qt, tin Zendleum
2 tins Campbell's Soup ...,.,21
2 tins Cascade Salmon, large -35
10 .bars P. &-G. Soap ,
10 bars Gold Soap • • • ,,,, A9
It Pays to Buy From I
Dr: Win. E. 'Browning died -sud-
denly. in Caledonia, 'Minn. He was
born in }Exeter 58 years ago but had
spent many years in Minnesota where
he had a completely -eqnipped hospital.
His wife was .formerly Miss Jennie
Mn. and Mrs, S. 3. Hoggarth, Exe-
ter, announce the engagement of their
younger daughter Vivian, to Russell
E. ,Ballewill, son of Mr. W. A. Belk -
will. of Exeter,
Peter Frayne, aged 76 years, died
on May 6th, following a lengthy ill-
ness. He was 45 years in business in
Exeter. His wife was Miss Elizabeth
Johnson and in October, 1928, they
celebrated their golden jubilee: His
wife and four daughters and one son
survive: Miss Lena, at home; _Mrs. S.
W. Jory, of Stephen; IRussell. of
Brantford; Mrs. A. J. Penhale, of Ste-
phen; and Mrs. :R. C. Sm•ith, of Lon-
don. Pour sisters also survive. -
Damages totalling $1,000 were
awarded George W. Crozier ($700),
Ena Crozier ($250), and Eileen Croz-
ier ($50), all of Usborne. in Supreme
Court, :London, in a suit brought by
them as the result of a motor creel]
in Usborne on October 24th, They
were asking for a total of $3,400. The
defendants were H. T. Rowe, -of Ex-
eter, Philip Murch, of ,Elimville, and
Orval Dickson, of Exeter. According
to the statement of claim the plaintiffs
with their household furnitttre were In
a motor truck owned and driven by
Philip Murch, which collided• with a
truck driven by Orval Dickson and
owned by H. T. Rowe.
Miss Annie Yeliand underwent an
operation in St. Joseph's Hospital,
A shortage of 'houses to rent is re-
ported in Wingham.
J. H. Stephenson has sold his busi-
ness to George Williams, of Toronto.
Mr. Stephenson intends remaining in
Mr. and Mrs. A E Lloyd have re-
turned home after speeding the winter
in ,British Guiana. Mr, :Lloyd is con-
siderably improved in health.
We can supply you with S.C. White Leghorn Chicks for delivery
in June at $10 per 100. Our Leghorns are the famous Marron strain—
big bees. heavy layers of large eggs, We guarantee you 100 P.C.
safe delivery.
This year we are offering our chick feeds to the public. We have
given these feeds a thorough trial and ican recommend them to you.
You can feed them with every confidence that you are going to raise
all your chicks. We have proved that what the wee chick is raised on
has a great influence on the adult bird in health and production. You
can get a supply of our feed at Andrew Moore's Poultry Farm, just
.aut of Egmondeille, an the road to Brucefield.
The Walter Rose Poultry Farm
.1. -Case Modell Tractor
Newest Type Made
• HORSEPOWER, --If rated 1 accordance with the reCorinnenda-:
thins of the A. S. of A. ,E.,namely. 75 per _cent. of max. drawbar horse-
•' power; 85 per „cent, of max, :belt.hcirsepower,,:the zatinvof -this tractor
would be well over 20,35. • •• "
:High Sneed 4 miles per hourIntermediate 554 m.pl.; low 234 exl.P.he
.• ,
For further information on this new type of lighter and stronger ,
:tractor, apply to
Robt W. Agar, Dealer
PHONE 236r5
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Koehler and
family, of Kitchener, visited with Zur-
ich friends.
Mrs. E. !Heideman spent a few days
in Guelph, where herhusband is.tak-
lag treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. H. McKinley; of To-
ronto; who are on their honeymoon.
visited at the home of the bride's bro-
ther, Mr. Thomas Meyers •
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Faust and son
Harold, of Mitchell, were Sunday vjs-
itors at the home of Mr. and,ldra.. W.
H. 'Hoffman.
Lester J. Robertson, of Niagara
Fads, N.Y., died suddenly on May 4th.
He was born in Colborne township 49
years ago.' His wife survives; also
one brother, Charles A. Robertson,
M. T. P., and two. sisters, Mrs. ,Ed.
Fisher and Miss Mary Robertson. of
Colborne. The funeral.toak place from
the home of his brother, -and inter-
ment was in Colborne cemetery.
Miss Alice Nairn, of the Victoria
School staff, Goderich, has resigned.
:Wt. F. R. Larkin and Master Dick,
of Windsor, visited with her mother,
Mrs, James Hamilton: -
Mn: Cameron W. •MacDonald, who
graduated from Queen's university
this year, spent a few days with his
father, Mr, George ,MacDonalld, Gode-
rich, before leaving to take a position
with a mining company near Van-
couver, B.C. • '
C. IP. R. Conductor IWark has pur-
chased Mr. Maxwell's house in Code -
rich and intends to retire. • •
The Greyhound will not. make is
annual excursion to Goderich this ,
Mr. and Mrs. George Williams have
returned home after spending some
tiine in lEurbeee, •
• Mrs. Wm. Sharman, a former resid-
ent of Goderich, died in Hamilton.
The remains were brought to Gode-
rich for interment in Maitland ceme-
'CoL John Vareoe died op May 3rd
in his 83rd year. He had resided in
Colborne Township for fifty4five'years
and • specialized in thoroughbred
cattle. He wais a veteran of the Fen -
Ian Raid and one of the founders of
Miming Star Lodge A.F.-i& AM.
His wife, who survives, ws Miss
Many Mosely, also three children, J.
Cheeks ,Varcoe, of Toronto; J. R.
Varcoe, at home; and ,Mrs. Trethe-
why, Goderich,
Clinton, .
The paeing of the' Clinton!- Main
streets is being bahsidered.'
:Mrs. William Farraii. who'eliedme
May 46,. was born- near:ChrnWall in
1642, and was married.to,the late Mr.
'Ferran in 1667. She resided in Olin-'
ton all her married life. One daugh-
ter survives, Mrs. H. T. Rance, • of
Mrs, Harold Eilty and children, off
Toronto, were visiting- in Clinton. • •
Mrs. McMath is -visiting her daugh-
ter, Miss Marjorie. whols teaching at
Mr, Clifford Tyndall, chartered ac-
countaet, son of Mr. Loreii Tyndall,
Clinton, has been :appointed to the In-
come Taxetion office in Toronto.
Miss Josie Carter fell last week and
broke her left arm.
1Dr. Wm, John Shipley died in Cal-
gary on April 28th, aged 48 years,
He was the son of the late William
Shipley. of Clinton.
Wet Weather
Seeding is late. Make your harvest
early by using fertilizer. We have it,
Armour's and Canadian. Also Niagara
Lime. Get lime for your garden al R, J.
Sproat's, Grocer.
William M. Sproat
Telephone 136 r 2
Tenders will bi.=, received by the ea-
deifeigaed for the erection of a eew
seheolhouse in Schocl ,Section No,
dtqllett on Lot 1, COO. 21. With June 1,
1949, at 7 o'cleeleeeene 'rhe lowest er
any tender not necessarily aeceeted.
Plans and sPecilleations can be seen et
the home of the seeretary. Contractor
will be required to give a Marked thee
quo for five Per cent, of the contract
Signed) J. L. BELL, Secretary, '
Seaforth, RR 2; Lot 3, Core 2, Ilullett
• COUNTY equilerL,
The Council .of the Corporation of
the County of Harem will meet in the
Council Chamber, Goderich, at 2 d' -
clock in the afternoon o -f Tueedae,•the
4th day of June, 1e29. All accounts
against the County must be in the
hands of the Clerk not later than Mon -
preceding the meeting pf
•• •
0E0. W, HOLMAN, -
'County Clerk.
Goderich, May 20tie 1929,
[Second Hand building materki in
good 'condition suitable for ben
houses, garages, etc., also tinthers,
jcsiet, flooring. etc. for barn, Right
prece, Tell your requirements to
'Es L. BOX, . 23
30,000 plants -for sale. A.sters, to-
niatoes, cabbage, • cauhflower. AL-
BERT BAKER, Railway Street, Sea -
forth, 23
lA good relliable Man or boy, for
farm Work. Apply at The News
Office. ' 22 •
Good seed beans der sale. Apply to
JOHN McNAUGHTON, lot 23, eon,
3„L.R.S. Tuckersmith, 22 •
A 1923 ,model Coupe in good run-
ning order. Equipped with new punc-
ture iproof tubes and tires, also new
battery, license and coil shock ab-
sorbers. ApPly ±1 'Seaferth News Of-
fice. , •22
-The -Estate of the late G A. Reevea
offers, cheep, for quick vale, a small
hank house, lot and hare on Railway
steeete,Seaforthe Apply to FredeReeves
or to George Reeves, Seaforth. 23
All outstanding accounts must be
settled* by cash or note by -May 24th.
Frqm now on .our terms are strictly
cash, or note at 7 per cent. WM. M.
SPROAIT, Tile Manufaoturer, Phoene
136 r 2.... - - 21
Lumber for 4 gravel bokes and 3
hayracks and waggon tongues on
hand. Phone R. J. lvIcMILLAN,
Baby checks.lower in price.' Barred
Racks 15c each. S.C. W. Leghorns,
14c each. After June 12th all chicks
2c less.
E. J. TREWARTHA, Holmesville
P.O., Ont. Phone 611r22, Clinton
central. 12tf
At Harpurhey, a good fraene house
with seven rooms apt good cement
c'ellar. Electric lights. Barn with ce-
ment foundation. Good garden , and
orchard, and plum, cherry and pear
trees and all kinds of small fruit. Ap-
ply to \VIVI. SMITH, r.r. 1, Seaforth,
Ont. _ 22.
'7 chunks about 50 lbs. and 9 .good
suckers about 7 weeks T. W. Mc-
4.ILLAN, r.r. 2, Seaforth 22
Tiom Barron single-- comb White
teghorns, large birds from heavy
laying strain, mated with tockerels
from H. L. Roberts, winner of 1928
Ontario Contest 'Hatching eggs 75c
per setting of fifteen or $4.00 per hun-
dred. Chicks for June delivery, $13.00
per hundred. AINTDREW A. MOORE,
"Sunnyvale- Poultry Farm." Phone
137 r 3, Seaford]. 7tf
One second-hand tractor for sale.
Apply to ROBERT AGAR Seaforth.
Phone 236 r 5, 21
Over 200 samples, carried at 5c to
$1,50 per single roll (semi -trimmed)
also burlap. Work done at reasonable
price. LEO ,GCLE/ASON, Paperhang-
er and Decorator, Phone 5, Dublin,
Ont. 22
Want and For Sale ads, 3 times 50e
What can't a
Woman do!
WARNER BROS. present •
The Brilliant Screen Revival of the
Great American Drama
Alex. B. Francis & William Collier Jr.
More, Time. and Wed, '
:Buddy Rogers, Mary Brian and
Cheater Conklin
'1`11UR$DAY, MAX A loa
:DR H. 1-I1IGH ROSS, Pilesiable
and Surgeon. Late of Leaden Etas, .
pital, ,Lonclon, England, Special
attention to diseases of the eye, ear
nose and throat, Office and reside
ence ,behind Dominion Bank, Office
Phone No, '5; Residence Phone 104.
DR. 3. BURROWS, Seafortbe
Office and residence, Goderich street,
east of the United Church. Coroner
for the County of Heron, Telephone
No. 40.
DR. C. MACKAY.--eG. Mackay,
honor gredeate of Trinity Universite-
and gold medallist of Trinity Medical
College; member of the College of
Physicians and Surgeons of Ontaria.
DR F. j. R. FORSTER--Eye, Ear
Nose and Throat. Graduate in
cine, University of Toronto 189K
Late Assistant New York Ophthal-
mie and Aural Institute, Moorefield's
Eye, ancleiGolden Square throat hos-
pitais, London. England. At Comm-
ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday it
-each month, from a.m. to 3 pan.
DIR. W. C. SPROAT.—Oraduale of
Faculty 'of Medicine, University of
Western Ontario, ,London. Member
of College of Physicians and Suo.
geons of Ontario. 1Office in Aberhareb
Drug Store, _Main St, Seaford".
Phone 90
DR. j. A. MUNN, :Successor to
Dr. R. R Ross, graduate of North-
westernUniversity, Chicago, Ill. LI-
centiate'Royal College of Dental Sur-
geons, Toronto. Office over .Siirs
hardware, Main St., Seaforth. Phone -
DR, F. J., BECHELY, graduate
Royal. Colkge of Dental Surgeone,
Torzeio. Office over W. R. Sniffle%
grecery, Main St., Seaforth. Phones.
office 195W, residence 1853..
'Conshlting Engineer.
S. W: ARCHIBALD, B.A,Sc, (Ttir.t,
0.L.S., Registered Professional En-
gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate
Member. Engineering e Institute of
Canada. Office, Sea:fertile Ont.
GEORGE th.,LacyrT,' Licensed
Auctioneer for the County of Huron
Ariangements can be made for Sale
Date at The Seaforth, News. Charges
„moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
Mutual firelusurauce Ct.
Officers—James. Connolly. Godes-
ich; Alex, James Evans; Beechweed,
Vice President; D. F. McGregor„
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
Directors—Wan. Rinn, No. 2, Sea -
forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagev;
James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc-
Ewen. Clinton; James Connolly, God-
erieh; Alex.- Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea -
forth; J. M. Sholdice. No, 4, Walton
Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney, Na. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, Brucefield.
Agents—Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin-
ton; Hinchley, Seaforth; J. /L
Murray. r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V.
Yeo, Holmesville; R.' 0 Jarmoeith,
Bornholm. James` Kerr and Jobs
Govenlock,'Seaforth, auditors. Parties
desirous to effect insurance or trans:
act other business will be promptly
attended to by application to any of
the above named officers -addressed
to their respective postofices.
Yellow Sweet Clover Seed for sale.
Government tested. Apply to RAY
CRAWFORD, Lot 18, Con. 14, Mo-
Killop, Walton R.R. 1. 131f
Persons needing a good supply ati
water .frorn a drilled well, should see
the undersigned. All contracts Ma
No Water, No Pay basis. Gasoline
power 'used for drilling machine.
Rates reasonable. Phone 296. W. D.
1•10.PPER, Seaforth. 22
- Cedar fence posts for sale. Corner
posts, brace poses, line posts and
braces. )IELSON maroLsoli.
R.R,. 2. Blyth, Lot 14,•con. 8, Morrie,
Phone 31-11, Blyth,
On Louisa Street, eight -roomed
frame house with electric light and
electric -range, and town water; also a
good stable with cement floors, and
with lights and town water. Will rent
with or without 10 acres of land. Ap-
ply to J. E. REY,NOLDS.
Want and For Sale ads, 1 time 2Se
Wednesday, May 22,
Chickens, live, per lb - 223e
Chielcees, dreeeed, per Ib 28c
Hens, live, per lb.. . '
. .... ..."18c
Hens, dressed, per lb24c
Roosters, live, per Ib.
Roosters/ dressed, per
Ducks, live, per lb ....lac
Ducks, dressed, per lb 25ce
Geese, dressed, per lb •18c
Turkeys, dressed 35e
Butter, per Ib,
Eggs, pee doz, ..... ...18c -22;-25e
Potatoes, per bag .. . .75e
I -logs, per .cwt. .. $12,25-$12.75