HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-05-23, Page 1The beeeeare busy in their mtirnntrous?
The birds are putting up their woven
And all' the twigs 'and breeches of the
birch • e
NersAre shiwiing into tint- emerald flames:
1 And lel the 144,u -fink -he. soars and
1Vitil all the" heart of sutttnter In ]tis
wings, -.Archibald Lampman:
W!HQLE SERIES VOL, 51, No, 21.
at all hours
Prices Reasonable
The., Olympia
r andRestauran
Con#ectione y ,
MOneY» b
o.n NcieoTE
ample supply,: ,
TEA-w'th chdice of several cups and
.:', r, .: , :.... , . 75c •.lb.
RIPE OLIVES.-1zeg 36c, for ..200
E 3 ar25c.
DUTCH COCOA in bulk •.25c 11,:
PINEAPPLES. -,Price andquality.
maw most favorable.
About 30 different kinds.
FFEE--at 50c, 60,c and 70c, whole'
or ground. We have excellent
valluesand to :add : somewhat to
'the quality Of the grinding, have
installed an Electric Coffee Mill.
COAL OIL.-4We have. British Ame-
rican quality and the installation
.an up -Ito -date tank and pump
insures accurate measurement.
TANiKiS.-+Suitable for Coal Oil of
gasoline. 60 gallon capacity. $3.75
110 gallon: capacity; for $7.00.
Tanks and .baps are in good con-
Phone Phor Phoorl
E. L. E O X P43
Nothing as Good for Asthma, As-
thma remedies come and go but every
year the sales of the original Dr. J. D.
Kellogg's Asthma Remedy grow
greater and greater, No further evi-
dence could be 'asked of its . remark-
able '•merit. It relieves, Ile is always of
the same unvaiying quality which the
sufferer from a"srhma learns to know.
Do not suffer ;another attack, but get
this splendid remedy to -day.
North Side United Church. -Pastor
•Rev, W. P. Lane,. B;A.
(Sunday, May 26th. •
10 a•m,-S S and Bible 'Classes. •
11 a.m.-Public Wo'rs'hip, Father's
Day Service.
• 7 p.m. -Public Worship. Rev. J. M.
Duncan, D.D., of Toronto, will speak,
Major J. Jeffery of London, Cadet
Officer of District No. 1, will be here
Monday morning, May 27th, at 8.30
o'clock to inspect ,the CollegiateCa-
det Corps.
The. MetKiliop Branch of the United
Church; W. M!S. met in, the .basement
of, the church on Thursday, March'
16th, There was a good.; attendance,,
and 'three quilts .!wetre.finished. Col-
lection was taken, ' 'hiclr,' with the
pro'ceed's of the quilting, amounted t'o
$11,00-' 'The June meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs, Geo. C. Dale.
District Officer of Health, Dr. A. J
Fraser of Guelph, was the speaker at.
the meeting of the Lions Club on
IvOonday evening. Dr. Fraser's ad-
dress on "Public Health," was worth
while and very instructive. Chairman
was Lion G. D. Ferguson. the local
(Board of Health werethe guests of
the evening. A solo by Mr. Fred.
Willis was well received, Mr, Earl
VacEgmond officiated atthe piano.
The Seaforth Turf Club and. the
the Exeter Club have exchanged dates
for their horse'races and the races in
Seaforth will be 'held on Wednesday,
June 19th, under the auspices of the
Hamilton Driving and Athletic As-
sociation which 'controls the betting.
51,600,00 will be offered in prize mon-
ey for four races -'Free for All; 245,
2,20 and 2:`25 trot or pace. The track
is now in excellent shape and a num-
ber of out -side horses will, come
here to. complete their tnaining,
As .customary, ' weather permittipg,.
a -tournament on the new 'greens will.
be•held.;on the afternoon of •the.24th
..for the men. The opening day for the
ladies..wfll be held on Wednesday af-
ternoon, May. 20th, when it is pro,p-
osed to 'told a mixed rink event for
the 'lir o e f: i tr i
p � s o ns ue,t on in the art
of Howling and for rite benefit of the,
lady 'bowlers. 'Every lady •and •young
girl in Seaforth desiring to bowl will
be made welccinie' on our beautiful
.greens, which, under the able manage-
ment of Mr. Robeiit Boyd, are really
in excellent shape
For the 24th. every : gentleman,
whether he is a member ,or not, should
give :the .apont a tryout.. The canvas
secs for membership, will'commence
their work Thursday morning and it
is hoped that every citizen, with the
best interests of the town at heart,
will get behind the Club this year.
Expenses are heavy, but the execu-
tive are deiteemined to -completee the
beatitif ing. work, now well 'on its
'ay. hey -need your unselfish and
beat support and: con'fiden'tly expect
that, our membership this year will
reach the high :water mark for Sea-
1 Snappy.S� rin ,Shos
I -
Men, Women for ' and Children
For Ladies, we have Pumps. Strap and Ties, featuring the'new
Sun -kissed shade of blonde. Also new shades for Brown at prices from
$2.95 to ;$5.00
Misses and Children's Shoes with Buckles, following the line of
older ladies at prices from $1.15 to $3.00.
Oxfords for Men, -Good gteality, featuring new last,• $4,95 to $6.50
LOOK OVER OUR RACK OF SPECIALS at $1,49-$1.87 and $2.95
Mr, and 'Mrs: 'Hugh "Dunlop,. Hide
lett, 'announce the 'engagement ' f
their daughtei,'Vera 'A., to Mr, Leslie
J,' Oliver, only' ton. of MF, and Mrs. J.
R. Oliver, IBrussels,•Ont, Thetnar-
riage to take place 'early in June,
Mr, and Mrs, R. A. Ashton, Dorrte,
announce the engagement of . their
danlghter. Margaret Eo to Mr,' Wil-
liam F. Strangway, of Sarnia,' the
marriage to �tdke place early •in.June..
!Friday 24th, ;being a public holiday,
the wickets at the Post Of lee will be
open from 12 noon to 1 p.m. only.
Mails will be despa'tche'd as usual but
there will be no rural mail delivery on
that dalte.-1C.' P. Sills,' P,M.
The Home and 'School A sooioti n
Will hold ins regular monthly meeting
on Monday, May 27th, aft 4 p.m. in.,,the
PC 0• t
public scho f Miss Lawrence has
prepared a paper, The Health' and
Diet of the,Sdhooll Child' The con-
venors of the -venous committees will
give, an address, "The Work Of My
Committee." Miss 'Ca'sentieri will
sing, 'A cup of tea :will be served.
This: is the.lest indoor meeting of the
season, so we hope for a good atlten-
.The May meeting of the Young
'Nomen's Inslbitute was held last Fri-
day afternoon, •at the, home of Miss
May!belile Rands ,As this was the an-
nual meeting
n-nualmeeting the different reports for
the past year were given. Election of
officers for 1929-30 was as 'follows:
President, Miss Eva Scarlett; 1st vice
,presidenit, Miss Mae' Wallace; 2nd
vice president, Miss Maybelle -Rands;
secretary'treas., Miss Alice ' Thomp-
son; assistant secretary-treas., Miss
Evelyn Harburn. , There were twenty-
three ladies paid, their, :membership'
fees forthe: coming, year.
The Institute intend honing a sale
of home made cooking in the near fu-
ture, Watch 'for further 'particulars.
A very:dainty `lunch was served and'
social hour spent. over the tea cups,
The June meeting will be held at the
home of Miss Eva Scarlett on June„
7th, ;
The Dominion Shorthorn Breeders
Association have selected Seaforth
Fall Fair to represent it in Huron
County this' year and are donating
the following.special prizes,
Sec. A.-$15:00 for first; $10.00 sec
and and $5.00third prize for two reg-
istered Shorthorn calves either sex,
horn on or after Sept. 1st, 1928, and
owned by the exhibitor (sheers not
(Sec. B.-$10.00 for best steer calf
born on or after Sept. 1st, 1928, own-
ed by•the ex'hibitor and sired by reg-
istered SOiorthrbrn bull.
1Rulles: (1) Before ,calvels can com-
pete -in Sec A. they must be record-
ed, or apggaication for regis'tra'tion
must have been made, and names and
re'gis'tration numbers of winners must
be, sent to the Secretary elf the 'Do-
fninion Shorthorn Breeder? Ass'n be-
fore prize money will be paid: •
(2) All e:dh'ibitars, except those dis-
qualified under Rule 3, are eligible to
conipelte for these specials, but no
exhibitor• will be awarded more than
one prize in Sec. Ar• •
!(3) The exhibitor what wins, first or
second'ptize. in•Sect A is barred frons
competing ill that section in any other
show' or fain in 1929, and the eichibitor
who win's in, Sec. B. is barred from
competing in that -section in any other
show in 1929,
On Thursday evening of last week
about forty -!five neighbors and friends
of Mr. and Mrs.' Henry. Francis of Us -
b'o'rne, met at' their home as a surprise
to spend a social evening with them
.before they left for their newhome
at 'Seafor'th. A fine program was gi-
ven,,consisiting of readings, speeches,
and music,. followed bya sociable
hour. During the course of the pro-
gram Mr: and Mrs. Francis were pre-
sented with an address and an electric,
toaster and heater, the. address being
read by Mr. Benson Williams and the
presentations being made by Messrs.
P. Passmore and -Orville -Cahn. Re-
freshments were served by the ladies.
Following was the address:
To Mr. 'and Mrs. Francis, -
As you are about to leave tis we
would like to take this opportunity of
expressing otir regret et your depart-
ure from our midst. Yon have been
residents in
comm ni
t for a
a y o
great many Years and
your kindand
Christian character will
he c'heri'shed
and rememb'ered by us the remainder
of our lives, In' the community. you
have always been ready, to lend a
helping hand and your kind words and
deeds will remain with us as a pleas-
ant inemolry, And you,: Mr. Francis,
as an elder in the Thames 'Road Unit-
ed Church and in the other offices
which youhave held, were ever ready
to give your time and support to all of
the various activities. Both in the
church and in your daily life you have
advanced the cause of God.'Our best
wishes go with you 'and Mrs, :Fran-
cis to your Het' home` and we trust
you may enjoy 'health and happiness
far many years. But we assure yoti
thee isaroyal welcome awaiting you.
to• tome and see uta at any time, We
wish you 'to 'accept this gift as a token
at- otir esteem acid .good -Will to you
and trust that itwill remind yoti of
happy assaeiations with us in years
gone by, -'Exeter Tinies-lAdvocate,
To the Big Picnic eof• the Huro,i
Old Boys' Association of Toronto et
the Exhibition Gron.nds on Saturday,
bus 8th, at 3 p.m, Try and catch the
Mysterious Mr, Huron; he will visit
the grounds early in the da , will
stay for the afternoon, and will have
dinner with us. A good prize is of-
fered to the 'first lady who properly.
identifies him, The winner must ap-
proach him and say, "You are the
rMysterious Mr. Huron." When thus
'approached, he will adreit that he is
the person wanted.
!Baseball matches. -Two teams of
ladies and two teams of ,gentlemen,
representing North Huroh and South
Huron, will play two exciting games
during the afternoon; Be sure and
keep your throat in good condition,
because there will be sonic • cheering.
!Novelty games will consist of a
mail driving contest, open to every
lady on the ,grounds. 1Bro'oin football.
between the married and single ladies,,
tele on each side Th
twelve e T. J. Lip-
ton Tea Race, open only to ladies,
feature.Every yladyisrequested to
bringwell-filled ke'
bas t of
Hurn eats, same kind as motheus-
ed to bake at home, Dinner will be
served in Section 1, Transportation
'Building, at 6 p.m. Coffee and milk
provided on the grounds,::`
There will be all kinds of foot races,,
to which the Chairman Harry Stowe,
is giving special attenttiq)r: .Member-
ship tickets in the Huron: Old 'Boys'
Association may be o'bt'ained from the
Treasurer, Mr, W. A. Buchanan, who
will be on the grounds during the
whole afternoon. They only cost a
dollar, A. E. Forbes is President and
E. Flo'ody, Secretary.
Rey. W. C. Donning. of Port Car-
ling, will conduct the services in Eg-
mondville. United Church on Sunday,
May 2.6th.
The regular meeting of the Eg-
naondvi'lle: Y,P.S,C.E; was held on
Monday' evening and was in charge
of Miss Gertie Webster, The meet-
ing was opened by hymns 285 and 291
andwas followed by prayer by Mr.
Carl Pinkney. Hymn 34 was •=then
sung and the Scripture lesson was
read by Miss Bertha Beatty. The to-
pic, "Citizenship," was very ably: ta-
ken"by Mr, Carl Pinkney, . 'A very
pleasing solo was then rendered by
Ethel Jackson. A. very interesting
reading was then given by Miss Jean'
Smith. 'After a few minutes of e inter-
mission the minutes of rhe'last meet-
ing were e read by the secretary. Miss
Gertie Webster then.favoured the au-
dience with a •sold. The' Meeting was
closed with hymn 358 and the Mizpah
Mrs. Anne Reid and daughter Mary
of Seaforth were week end visitors.
with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Talbot of
Stanley township. e.
Mrs. W. L Keys, of Seaforth. was
is week end guest with Mr. and Mrs,
Artie Keys af Stanley township,
Mr, and Mrs. Ben Keys of Stan-
ley Township were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Elwood,.of Gode-
rich. -
•Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Talbot, Blue
Water Highway, celebrated their'for-
tieth wedding anniversary on Wednes-
day, May 22nd, They received 'hear-
ty felicitations for many more years
of wedded life and prosperity, from, a
hast of friends. In.the evening a sur-
prise gathering ofrthe family at•their
home, presented them with a beauti-
ful reading lamp: Of their three sons
and four daughters,
s onlyone wasnot
present, Mrs. Vod'den, who is living
in Saskatchewan. Mr. and Mrs. Tal-
bot are preparing to leave their fine
farm: on the Highway to their San
Leonard, and to retire in Bayfield,
Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Knechtel and -Mr,
and Mrs. Nonmait Kneohtel; of Strat-
ford, visited at the htome of Mr. and
Mrs, Robt, Ferris on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fairservice and:
family, df Londesboro, visited at the
home of the former's sister, Mrs. Dan-
iel Stevens, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Daviel Reid, Miss Isa-
bel and Mr. Leslie Reid visited at the
home Of Mr, and. Mrs. Frank Martin,,
Sunshine; on Tuesday of last week.
Quite a number of the young people
attended the dance in Walton Friday
Miss Helen MoEwing visited her
friend, Miss, V,erda Watson, of Lou-
des'boro, over the veeek-end.
'M r
M . Ernest Fro•
we of Iroquois
o uois
Falls. and Mr. Lawrence Frowe of.
Smooth Rock Falls, Northern On-
tario, accompanied by two lady
friends, visited their cousin, Miss Mar-
jorie Colson'on Saturday.
Mr, and Mrs. Alex. McEwing, Mas -
Until further notice. I will
conduct my blacksmith busi
ness in the building opposite
Mr. Wm, Cudmere's sales
stables, Crombie, St„ Seaforth
Jack Evans
ter Jack and Tim, also Miss, Marjorie
14foEwiteg, visited at the home of Mr.
Elmer Hackwell, Walton, 00 Sundray.
lilies Amy parsons visited her friend
Miss Grace McEwen, overthe week-
Mother's Sunday service was held
in Burns church last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Wallace and
Mr. and Mrs, Reece Jenkins, of Clin-
ton, visited at the home of their aunt,
Mrs, Robert Ferris, on Sunday,
Mr, Samuel Ruddel returned home
last Friday' front the hospital in Clin-
ton where he had .been for a couple of
The Church Board of Management
.met after the service an Sunday and
arranged for a special service on Sun-
day, June 9th, to defray expenses for
the shingling of the church, which' is
naw completed, A men's choir is
planned for this service,
Messrs, Ben Snell and Charles
Dexter, are sporting new cars.
Mr: and Mrs. Justin Siiclair
Bri d n Mrs. e . �'t s. Herrfngtom and father,
Mr. Chas. Bradshaw of Chicago, were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Stephenson,
'Mr. Aslan Farnham of Detroit call-
ed on friends around here last week
while visiting his mother in Clinton,
Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Henderson of Eg-
Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Britton.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Grimoldby
and Mr. Benj. Riley spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Riley of
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Hoggart mo-
tored.to :Stratford on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Riley spent
Sunday with Mr. Joe. Mann,
Mrs, B. Shell has • returned home af-
ter spending a week with her sister
in Paris.
Mr.•and Mrs, F.'O'tBrien spent the
week end in Ridgetown.
Mr. Fraser Oliver, of McMaster
university, Toronto, is home for the
Mr. land Mrs. F.Ham'bly visited in
Walton on Sunday.
Miss Frayne spent the week end
with Exeter friends.
Mrs. L. Colquhoun and children
spent Sunday with the lady's parents
ae Munro.
M'r, Clifford Dow has treated his
family to a new car.
Miss Vera Treffry, London, is vis-
iting her aunt, Miss .Jennie Treffry.
Mr. Harold O'Brien of Medical
School, London, is spending a few
holidays at his home here,
Mrs. Fraser. ,Seaforth, is visiting her
sister, Mrs, MOLay,
The first .ball game of ' the season
was played on Monday night when
the local boys defeated the Mitchell
team. "Well done,:boysl"
Plans are being made to hold a
Sunday evening service under the
auspices of the W.M.S. in the near fu-
Mrs, Neil Gillespie af Seaforth is
spending the• week with her sister,'
Mrs. Jas. Scott.
Mrs. D. D. -McKellar is visiting her
sister -en -law, Mrs. McGill, in Mit-
• Mr. Duncan McMillan has rented
Mr..George Wilson's 'farm for a year.
A. number of the Croan'arty Y.P.iS.
motored to St. Marys on Monday
night end spent a social evening with
the Young .People of 'Knox Presby-'
terian Church of that town,-`
Miss Hazel Hay of Stratford called
on some of her friends on. Sunday,..
The May meeting of the Marion
Ritchie Auxiliary was held on Satur-
day in the basement of the church.
Miss Mary Lamond had charge of the
meeting which opened by' singing'
Psalm 47, :followed by Scripture read-
ing by Mary McDougall. The roll was
called and the minutes read and ad-
opted. Miss Christina McKay read
an interesting,paper on "Intercessary
Player," and hymn 599 was then sung.
"A Talk on Mission Bands" was read
by Mrs: D. McK,ellar. The meeting
closed with hymn 523 and the Lord's
prayer in unison,
• Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Laing are
wearing 'broad smiles on the arrival of
a boy.
The Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. held
their last meeting at the hohne of Mrs.
Russel Bolton, with Mrs. Cuthill pre-
siding} The meeting opened by sing-
ing the doxology and repeating the
Lord's prayer in unison. The Scrip-
ture lesson was read .by Mrs. Simp-
son, followed by voluntary prayer by
Mrs, R Campbell, after which the
roll was called and was well respond-
ed to, The Treasurer's report of L
A. and W:M.tS, and the 'minutes of -the
last meeting were given, The topic
from the study ,beak, "Drums in the
Darkness,' was given by Mrs. .Bul-
Pard, followed by hymn 282, ,and mes-
senger prayer by 'Mrs. T, Pryce, after
which several 1
business items were
discussed} The meeting closed by
singing hymn 595 and the Benediction.
A few hours were spent' in piecing
quilts befdre the meeting.
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Finnigan acid
family spent Sunday with friends in
Mr, and d Mrs, Nelson s Govenlock
anti Mr, and Mts. Mel: Clarke spent
Sunday in T ondoit,
Mr, and Mrs. cFrank Johnston and
baby Roma spent Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs, J, Bolger, of Walton,
Ma. and Mrs, William Hudson, of
Stratford, and Mrs. Hudson and Miss
hone 84
When your eyes ache, sting or 'feel tired,
it is Na'ture's Warning -they are strained.
1f you are wise you will heed that Warming
and 'will' have a complete examination of your
eyes made and thus probably prevent serious
eyesight trouble later on.
Fred. S. Savauge
Jeweler and Optometrist
M. Ross Savauge, R.O. Eyesight Specialist
Vera Hudson, of Seaforth, spent Sun-
day with M,. and Mrs. S. Shannon.
We are glad to hear that Isobel,
Betties, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Theron :Bettie!, who was operated 'o u
for appendici'tis, in the Seaforth hos-
pital,is getting along nicely.
Mr- Hiram :Shannon, of London,
spent a few days at his home here
Winthrop has entered a team in the
W.F.A. and will play in Brussels,. on
Wednesday, May 29. ; Stratford will
play here June :10th on the regular
ball ,grounds on Thos. Shannon's farm
east of the village. Come along with.
the crowd and see a good game.
Huron Presbyterial Statement.
Mission Circles
Ashfield ...... ....$ 250.00 • .
Auburn -:Knox , 350.00,
Bayfield -St. Andrew's ' 240.04 .. •
Belgrave=llfnox , , , , .. 153.28 • ....
Slake .... 150.00
Bluevale 286.00
Blyth -.Queen St „ ,•, 300.00
Blythe-ISt. Andrew's , • , 460.00
Brick Church • • . . 74.00
Brinsley, 128.99
Brucefield „ „ 513.35 •... F18.45 22.90
Brussels •, 500.00
Burns and Knox, Landes-
boyo" 1:43.76
Centralia .,:302.00
Ohiselhurst 58.30
• Clinton -'Ontario St: 600.00
Clinton -Wesley -Willis 700.14 ....
• Consult ce 416,00 , , • ,
Crediton .. • .. ..... 145.50 .,., , '54.00
Crews 63.90 ....
120.00 .
Dungannon., 130,00 83,78
Egmoitdville` , • , . , , 360.00: '.11995
Elimville 200.00 .... 450.00
Ethel , , .. .... 146.02
Exeter -James St, 527.90 ... 302.43
Exeter -Main St 400.30" , , 429.65
Fordwich 220.00 ,
Goderich-North Se. . ,. 860.00 • . , •- 255.011
Goderich-tVictoria 'St, ,. 170.30 ....
Gorrie „•, ., „ 290.00. ...,, 65.00
Goshen ........ 148,88 .
Grand Bend .. ........ 146.00, ,... 18.50
: 47.00
.•.. 47.00
,••, 100.00
• ,,,, 162.10
• , , 250,00
7.50 160.78
., 400.00'
,,,. 74.00
,.,, 178.95
..,, 585.00
27.-22 ;5.00 502.17
3'1:00 ••, 381.00
14.61 ,,,• 160.63
45.60 ,,,, 845.93
62.16 ,•, 592.11
122.00 3.00' '1240.01
•••• 148.88
3.20 93,55
40.00 523.00
21,45 109.45
1,00 112,00
40,00 156.70
10.00 110,85
100,00 251.00
20.00 83.00
31.00 25.0 906.00
15.25 . 165.25•
49.50 . , .. 420:50
10.00 226.83
330.00 '100.00 20,00 1201.00
56.76 ,,,. 420.76
Greenway .. 90,35 :
Hensall 423.00 60,00
Hillsgreen . ., :.00
Holmesville 7
7 .62• lOjF;10
Kippen-St. •Andrew's 377.76 ., 16,93
Leeburn.. .. .. ..... 132,15' .... 11.20
Landesboro' er
Meth, (former
.• 111.00 ,,,.
McKillop, Duff's 70,61
Moncrieff ...... 125,00 21.70
Nile 135.13
Pont Albert -St.
'Andrew's 100.89
Roe's Church 75.00 ....
Roy's Church 151.00 •
Salem.. .. 63.00"
Seaforth . 850,00 •..•
a x
Smith' Hill n
o .
St. !Helen's .. , 150.00
Thames Road 225.20 •
Union -,Ethel Circuit ., 110.00: ,.•.
Union-•'Qoderich Tp 62..95 ....
Varna 190.00
Walton --Duff's .. 371.00
'Westfield .. .... .,, 216,83 ...
Whalen 188,81
'Whitechurch .. ••157,00
Wingham . , 751, 00 • • ,
Winthrop Cavan , '156.54
Wroxeter , 364.00
Zion (Elimville Circruit) 192.00 , , , •
.15495.02 $131,65 $1772!•442 $1219,40 $61.50 $1867.9.99'
Total Sent to Branch ,Treasurer , ,,,$18614.52.
Mrs;' !Peter '•Gardiner, 'Treasarer
Special donations included in above:
Win ha
e, m Auxiliary Caroline Wellwood, cot in .Chengtu hospital'
West China „x$3000
Winghant,:Victory Mission Circle -For �1the support of .'Wingham
Victory Cot, Chengtu,-China 30.00
A girl in Kitamaat Home, British Columbia 50,00
A girl fn the Oriental Home+in Vancouver 50;06
Greenway Auxiliary --Miss Mae Wilson in memory sof her mother,10,01,