HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-05-16, Page 5"'THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1929. ,i THE SEAF.ORTH NEWS PA Vld CHAIN RED&WHITE STORES OUR SPECIALS FOR ONE WEEic B1; `DATE WAX, i'Enamel,^v white, green blue '. Ver r peciel 49c SERVHS FLOOR DISH PANS. Baked - ..,.,,,,., tins , r, ,, . , , , , , , „39c for 25c „;tin 10c 35c SUPER SUDS, ,A new, soap flake, introduetng'al 2 -in -1 POLISHEStan, white, black„ , . , PRESERVED FIGS; 13 -oz, in 20c. 16 -oz. glass ' NU-COTE,—A finish, not a pglish. for furniture, linoleums, floors, in- terior woodwork, etc. Investigate. Special Offer . t 8 -oz, tin 45o. 16 -oz, tin 75c Pineapples are cheap this•year. We have plenty of them W. M Stewart Rhone 77 Ross J. Sproat Phone 8 ammassmem eRE We pay the highest prices for good cream. Our services to our patrons are the best that can be given. Do not send your cream to other Creameries; we want it here.. To operate.a Creamery we need your co-operation. In return for you co-operation we will "give. you of our best in service and prices. We are agent fpr the Mellotte Cream Separators. Come in, and see the new Models, Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont, C. A. BARBER, Prop. W, J, .Walker & Son UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. i Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. D. H. McInnes Ohiropractor • Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated: _ •Eleotricity_ used. .1u, ist Try It When you feel tired and drowsy, slip .around the corner and get a massage m at 1' SIID S SHOP You may come in _ with a grouch but will go out with a smile. Phone 125. Pianos Tuned Cleaned and Repaired Chas. A. Howe y Residence—James St, Etocellent for Croupy ,,Children,. —. When a,child ,is suffering with croup, it is a good plan to use lDr. 'Thomas' Ecleotr•ic•.011, It reduces the infiatn- matlon and. loosens thephlegm giv-; ing-.$;ieedy relief to tilt little sufferer.. It is equally reliable for sore throat and chest, eara'ehe, rheumatic pains, cats, bruises a•nil sprains. Dr, Thom- as' Ecleciric Oil is regarded by many thousands as an indispensable• el the famiiy medicine chest. AUTO INSU RANC PUBLIC LIABILITY PROPERTY DAMAGE FIRE, THEFT ' COLLISION Let us explain the coverages and the amount of protection afforded for small premium. EVEN A MINOR ACCIDENT WILL COST YOU MORE THAN THE PREMIUM ON A POLICY. Prompt settlement of all claims A D.:SUTHERLAND GENERAL' INSURANCE AGENCY Real Estate, Conveyancing,, Bond. and Investtsients Phoi{e.1,52 Seafortii,:On'tario. THE , SALVATION ARMY The annual Self Denial Appeal of the Salvation Army starts May lst. We thank you for what you have given in past years and trust you will do your best again this year. A collector will call on you during the month,. CAPT. DAVID E. ALLEN,. LIEUT, OHAlRLES H, FLETT, Officers in charge. The Salvation Army, Sea'forth, Ont. ST. COLIJMBAN. Mr. and Lrs. •Henry Detriche, .of St. Clements, spent the. week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Krauskopf, of McKillop, Miss Mary O'Reilly; •of Detroit, :s visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, James O1Reilly, of Hibbert,• BORN. ROWLA'ND, Iu Seafoih Hospital, on Tuesday, May 14; 1929, to Mr, and Mrs, Ldw,and Rowland, Wal- ton, a son, • litcCLYI,DOd1T.—In Stanley Town- ship, on Thursday; May 2nd, 1929, to Mr, and Mrs, Fred McClyuont,. a son (Ivan DOBSE.—A,t Meaforcl, 'Ont., on Fri- day, May 10th, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs, J R. .Do'ble. (nee Margaret Newel), a son (Donald Allan). A well-filled and fully grown bean pod on a bean plant _,grown iii a florx%er pot int the tonic:bf the Misses oar, Centre.stteet, is an encouraging sign to the malty; who, -stave not .yet been able to plant gardens, Three seeds were planted •.In Match and the plants are 1% feet in height, TOWN TWIGS -Mr. and Airs, Bernard Hartman, of Medford, and Mr. Philip Hartman, Of Dashwood, visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. John Hartman on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Treffry and little son Kenneth, of Flint, Mich, and Air,1:dward Treffry and his sis ter Jennie of Skaffa, called on Mr and Mrs, Thomas 'Single last Sunday Mr, and. Mrs. Stanley McLean o Detroit were guests at the home o Mr, and Mrs. P. M. Chesney --thi week, litr, and Mrs, Gordon Hays and Mies:Lucy Eckart and Miss Helen McMann, of Detroit, spent Mother's Day with their parents here, Mr, Joe Eckart, while' returning to Midland fast Sunday, met with a car accident'nbar New Hamburg, when a Detroit Gar met him on the peak .of the hill and before they could stop, they collided. The Detroit car was badly wrecked bait iso one was injur- ed and Joe was able to proceed: The Detroit couple took the bus and pro- ceeded home, leaving their car- in New Hacitburg for repairs. Mr, and Mrs, Charles Butler, of St, Catherutes were week end guests with Mrs,. Butler's parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Govenlock, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart and family, 'New Hamburg. were Sunday visitors. with '.Air, and'. Mrs. Robert MclKay, Mr, and Mrs, W. Finlayson, Mil- verton, spent ilverton,:spentthe week end with Mr. and 12x5; 'H, Weiland, Miss. Margaret Pentland was a Sunday visitor with Miss Sadie How att. Mrs. A,. Teamerson of Waterloo visited at the home .of her parents, Mr. and_Mrs. R. Strong, Mrs, W': P. Lane and Miss Annie Lawraugg'are in 'Chatham this week attending the conference branch meet- ing of the Women's Missionary Sea; ciety, Mr, Malcolm J. Armstrong receiv- ed word this week that he had been appointed to the staff of Port Arthur Technical and: Commercial School as head of the Science Department. The Seaforth Lions will present a minstrel show in Lucknow on Friday night. The ,Lions' share of the pro- ceeds, $100, 'will be devoted to the new bowling green. Miss Edith Hunt was bridesmaid at. the DeaMoreaRaynor wedding' in Oakville on Tuesday •afternoon, May 14th. Mr. and Mrs.' Wm. Fowler, Leam- ington, spent the week -end with Mr: and Mrs.. J. Millson, Mrs. Fowler re- maining for the week. Mrs. Wm. Miclvfichael accompanied Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Hewitt and Miss Annie Hewitt, Kincardine, to Wood- stock on. Sunday to visit Mrs. Mc - Michael's 'sister. Mrs, Duncan; and niece, Mrs. Harford; and also attend- ed the dedication service at Chalmers United Church. Mrs. McMichael has since received word of the death of Mr. Harford, who was very ill. Mr. and Mrs. A E. Sage, of Strat- ford, were week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Stewart. Mr. Keith Lamont, of Detroit. ac- companied by Mr. Peter Mowbray, were week -end guests at the home of the fornter's parents, Mr, and. Mrs, Alex, Lamont.. Mrs. R. E. Coates spent Saturday in Toronto,and later left for the West. Mr, Harold Coates 'accompanied her as far as Sioux Lookout, where he has asit! po i on in the air service, Miss Annie Brodie, of Grey. spent the week -end with her parents,. Mr, and Mrs, Charles Brodie. Mrs. Hugh Wright returned, Sat- urday from Detroit where Mr. Wright is now recovering after an al- most fatal attack of blood -poisoning, which started in his hand. Mrs. W. R. Smith, Mrs. Robt, Bell, Mrs. J. A. 'Wilson and Mrs. Earl. Bell visited Mrs. W. J. Moffatt in Ha- milton this week, Mrs. Moffatt has been confined to bed for_some time and alt present is quite poorly, Miss Alai Free left Tuesday for Timmins, where she will meet her mother, before 'returning to their home- in Dungannon. Mr. and Mrs. Wes; Free and .fam- ily are spending the week -end in Nia- gara Falls, Rev, T. H, Brown is attending the synod in London this week, Mrs. W. G. Willis, who has spent some weeks in hospital in Toronto, returned home Saturday , evening. Many friends are .pleased to know she is progressing fenea'bly. Mr. 1t,,.N. Bissonnette underwent an operation in the hospital Tuesday afternoon and is progressing favor- ably at present. Mr. Malcolm Armstrong; -B,A., re- cent graduate...;of Queen's university. was engaged by the Collegiate Board at a .special meeting Tuesday to sup- ply as science teacher during Mr. Bis- Sonnette's•,absennce. IdeIweiss-'Rebekah lodge entertain- ed -the Goderiehy.aud: Mitchell lodges in the lodge toom;;on Monday even- ing. A most enj'oya'ble evening was spent at cards 'afterwhich a dainty lunch was served, - Rev. Dr. ' Larkin, of= • Toronto, visited friends 1ft Seaforth•atd,'Gode- rich this week, .returning Thursday morning. ' Miss Dorothy Kerslake attd Mr. Dona'l'd' Kerslake, of Toronto,: "ware Tailoring Ladies' - and Gentlemenfs. TAILOGive us a callRS COG,HILL TAILORING CO 108 Downie St, STRATFORD • SALE OF' Borne Cooking AND CANDY Auspices Catholic Women's League, Thursday, May 23 in the Vacant Store in the Broderick Block, Seaforth SALE BEGINS AT 3:30 P. rn. Week -end 'guests with their parents, Mr, and Mrs, W. E. Kerslake, Mrs. W. E, Kerslake and sister,, Miss E. Smith, left this Thursday morning for an extended visit in Michigan, Mr. T. 5, hf.oare, of Buffalo, visited his nephew, Mr, Henry Hoggarth,• and Mrs, Hogarth, on Sunday, Mrs. H. J. Gtbson aitd Mrs. S. Boyd are spending a few weeks in Strat- ford, RECEIVES HONOUR. Mr. and Mrs, James Kerr have re- ceived word that their sou, Wilfred Brenton !Kerr, MA., Ph:D., of Buf- falo, has had the signal honor con- ferred upon him of having been nsade a Fellow of the Royal 'Historical So- ciety of London, England, This is in recognition of his recent book, en- titled "The Reign of Terror," an ac- count of this period preceding the French Revolution, which has been ably portrayed by the writer and which has received exceptionally fav- orable reviews both in the Leading English and American periodicals. The New York Times book review says of it: "An evidence of the grow- ing recognition of Canadian scholar- ship in England is the high praise given by the Times literary supple- ment to Wilfred B. Kerr's book, "The Reign of Terror." SPRAY SUPERVISION IN HURON COUNTY By operating the Spray Service again this year, the Ontario Govern- ment is going a long why towards he'l'ping growers to produce clean fruit, It is ,generally conceded that no orchard operation is more import- ant in the production of good fruit ,than is spraying, No matter how well an orchard may be cultivated, fertiliz- ed and pruned, the fruit is not attrac- tive to consumers unless it is free from the ravages'of insect and fungus pests. Such freedom can only be se- cured by thoroetgh and careful spray- tnA. N. L. Butler, Spray Supervisor for Huron County, reports satisfac- tory progress in -spraying operations, There are forty-two growers called on by the service and spray bulletins are sent to sixty-five others... This ser- vice was greatly appreciated last year. and the number of requests for as- sistance are on the increase. The promise of fruit this year is good. Mosf orchards show trees well loaded with fruit buds. The weather to date has been backward and cold. There has been some frost damage to young leaves but the buds have not suffered, The first or .pre pink spray is prac- tically completed in all orchards, and some will soon be ready for" the pink spray. The spray supervisor calls on eachman as often as possible during the season. He checks up on results which growers are getting, He is the growers' guide, .giving advice on spray material's to use, the timeliness and thoroughness of the sprays. • Thorough. well tinned spraying with the right kinds and amounts of spray materials are the keystones to clean high quality fruit. CONSTANCE. Mrs. Gordon Johnston, of Merlin was a week end guest- with Rev. and Mrs, Johnston, There was a large attendance at church on Sunday' for Mother's Day. There was a mothers' choir and ap- pro'pt'iate solos were sung by Miss Elva Wheatley and Mrs. Leo Steph- enson. ,Rev. J. W. Johnston preached an inspiring sermon in which he showed that "tile artists have tried to put on canvas the story of mother- love, in the pictures of the Madon- nas." First, he described the "Ma- donna on Street," in Which we are struck by Tenderness. "At great ex- pense of nervous energy," said Mr. Johnston, "she has trade it possible for tt5 to grow up its a good home. surrounded by comforts and under the constant watchfulness of her kind eyes," The next picture was "Mater Purissima," .beautifully picturing mother -love. There is that in the picture which reminds us of what wonderful comforters mothers are- even God could find no richer figure of speech: "As one wham a mother cotnforteth so will I comfort you." There was the "Madonna of the Shop" depicting the haunting fear of evil, the capacity for suffering itt'true mother- hood. The speaker urged upon chil- dren, particularly boys, not to add an extra 'burden by carelessness, and showed that mothers have a great deal to do with the making of great men. MANGEL SEED 3 varieties at 45c lb. TURNIP SEED • 3 varieties at, ..... , , .. ,60c Ib. P.etG.SOAP 6 bars for 2 -le QUICK QUAKER OATS with China, at 38c COFFEE - '.Bean or grotttid, at , ,.....60c ib. Highest ,price for eggs, cash or trade Kruse Bros. 16M01'iDVILLE PHONE 163 (ffli i'' ffi lwi �s \t1,o LI RA NT 1,' Red Sep! Continental Motor Bendix Four-TP'heel Brakes Morse Silent Timing Chain Ful! Force Feed Lubrkatioa Passenger Cars Fours and Sixes from $675 to $2095 Leaside; Ont. Standard Factory Equipment Taxes Extra 8 529 TUt.DURANT "40" SPECIAl. FOUR P0011 SEDAN THE4D U R A N T0,,,, H DUtz1N l" 4o'''boassts of nothing more than the quality features that accounted for itsP henomenal sales records of 1928. While containing additional refinements, it adheres, absolutely, to the fundamental principles of value that commend all Durant products to careful buyers, Complete, detailed information and an opportunity to drive and judge the Durant for yourself await you at your dealer's, awt:r sr DURANT MOTORS of CANADA LIMITF.A TORONTO CANADA. 74. U RANT RUGBY TRUCKS IN yZ TON TO I% TON CAPACITIES Scott Hawthorne, Seaforth, Ont. "The Departure from Egypt," was the fourth painting, in Which Mary is shown sacrificing selffor the care of her child, typical of all true mothers. Raphael's "Sistine Madonna," depicts the religious aspect of motherhood, "the curtains of heaven drawn aside and the heavens themselves revealed, faces of children, countless faces, and in the centre Mary holding in her arms infant Jesus, The effect is to produce a feeling of reverence and adoration, 'Mary is linked with the divine. It suggests a partnership with God in a great task and a conscious dependence upon him. That is the strength and -glory of Christian motherhood," AMT, Joh'ttstoit said, concluding' with a poem by Edgar ,Guest. Mfr. 'Stephen Troyer,' of Iiensall, Mr...and Mrs, Thomas Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Rice, of, Forest' N'o'ok. visited•at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Clark Sunday last.. Air. -and Mit: Rice, who have spent the winter in Los Angeles, Cal„ are enroute to their home in Parry Sound district, 'They have been motoring all the way and visiting friends. • Mrs. George Giles, of Windsor, who is visiting her mother, Mrs. McAr- thur at Goderi'ch, paid a visit, thi- week with her uncle and aun, Mr. and Mrs, Adam Nicholson. Miss Violet Scott is spending a hol- iday at her Home owing to ill health. She returned Friday front Newmarket where she has been a nurse -in -train- ing. The many friends of Mr. Orville Dale are very sorry to know he is in a critical condition with pleurisy. Mr, Dale has' not been in the best of health lately and a cold developed in- to pleurisy. Mr. Will Dale of Toronto visited at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. .Tames Dale, Mr. and Mrs, James Carter visited Mr. and Mrs. George Dale on Sun- day. ,[rs, Thomas Pollard left 'Monday for Listowel- where her brother, Mfr,. Will Cole,'' is' seriously ill. Mr, Cole suffered a stroke some time ago. The Trail Rangers held their initia- tion meeting Monday night in the basement of the church. Rev., Mr. Johnston and the Mlentor -were in charge. This was the first meeting of the group since its organization a couple of months ago, With a mem- bership of eight, already the group EUSJNI SS CHANGE I have purchased the Coal Busi- ness of Mrs. W. L. Keys in Sea - forth, and will hereafter use her store house. A full. line of all. grades of Coal and Coke carried. Alsoon ati1Fertilizer N a of In- gersoll, on hand, Andrew Archibald Phone 44wt Seaforth promises to be a great success under _.�. the capable Mentorship of Mr. Will- attending Britton, Miss Margaret Love returned on Saturdayto Walton. h ' a to been. having- Gran � Benri attending Mrs. Charles MacGregor, during her convalescence. -lir. and Mrs. Ed. Davidson and .Hiss Essie Davidson of McKillop, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Britton. Twin Colts.—Mr, Dave .Bills- ti is the proud owner of twin colts which were born on his farm two weeks ago. Mr. Millson is a busy man be- tween caring for the twins and show- ing.them to spectators, because as he says, `Nearly everybody between here and Halifax has been to 'see them." In color and markings the pair are exactly alike. The only difference in the pair is that one .is smaller than. the other. Mr. Millson has;• found that one blanket will not cover thein both,' as the big colt always goes to sleep first. and then the little fellow jumps up and carries away the blan- ket. Mr, Bob Moare of Stratford spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Moore. SPECIAL BIG ATTRACTION 211th of May THE Jules Klein Sea Hawks of DETROIT YACHT CLUB STATLER HOTEL and a RECORDING BAND Featured over Radio Station WWJ, A Fore -runner of the Super - Attractions to Follow .DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT A Good Portion of beef served to you for the evening meal roasted about medium, with the used gravy oozing through, gives ane a foundation. It just makes one's month water to think of it. How was that last piece of meat we sent you? Wasn't it fine. GEO. CAMERON Your Butcher. Phone 58 Seaforth. YOUR IUJTO NEEDS Goodyear Tires and Tubes Battery Sales and Service Charging and Repairing all makes of Batteries A good line of new and used parts of different makes of cars If your car is in need of repairs, give us a call Studebaker ,Sales and Service Renier's . s r act e PHONE 1S7W