HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-05-16, Page 1But •the 'leaven still beguiling
All my sad soul. into smiling.
"Doubtless," Said J "what it titters'
is only stock anc store,
Caught from some unhappy master
) •
Followed fast andfollowed faster."
I Betook myself to linking
1 Bucy i.tntQ fany, thinking
What this ominous bird of yore-.
What this grim. ungainly, ghastly,
Gaunt, and ominous bird of yore
:meant in croaking 'Nt've.rniore."
—Edgar .Allan Poe.
at all hours
Prices' Reasonable
The ( l mpia
Confectionery and Restaurant
That's .what NU;
COTE means. For hardwood and
other floors, linoleums, congoleunas,.
furniture and all wood Work:
NU -.DOTE is guaranteed (wizen ap-
plied.as directed):- •
'1st, To be .easy to apply, •. as no
• rubbing is required.
2nd. Leaves no dust catching. oily
3rd. To outwear all other.polishes.
4th. To'.give a bright,' glosy finish
and keep it longer than other polishes,
and lastly.; and most revolutionary; IT
CLOTHS as does a wax dressing.
'In '8 -oz. cans at 55c;'16 -oz, at 95c,
12 -oz. at $1,75.
COU'PO'NS. —Present coupons for
' Nu -Cote and get reduction in
SEED POTATOES.--iWe still have
some early ones.
We have ample supply of 'good
quality sets l8c lb. 2 lbs 35c
TEA—with choice of several qups-and
'Saucers ,.. ...:75e Ib..
RIPE OLIVES.—Reg. 30c, for.. . .20c
DUTOH COCOA in bulk .25c 1b,
3 for 25c, and others at 4 for 25c.
packs a 10c
RICE -2 lbs., 3 lbs. or 4 lbs. for 25c
BACK, KITOHEN.-18x2d for sale
Phone Phor Phood
North Side United, Churcli; :Pastor
Rev, W. P. Lane, B.A..
Sunday, May 19th, --10 a.m., S: S.
and Bible Classes
Public Worship at' 11 a.m. and 7
p.m. Rev. A. E. Doan, KA.. B,D.,
of 'Ontario Street United Church,
Clinton, will conduct both services.
The Goderich collegiate institute
board has engaged Mr. D. I. Hill,' B.
S A., of Seaforth, to teach lower
schoolwork duties. to cammence...Seo
tember »ext., Mr„ iEill• i$ a son of Mr.
and Mrs. James aHill of Staffa, and
Mrs -Hill is a daughter' • of Mr. and
Mrs,; F. J. Kerslake, of` Seaionth.
Edintonton Jour -nal: ,"'The funeral
services of Mrs. Agnes Connor, wife
Of Ralph W. Connor, 10705 75 ave-
nue, who passed away Sunday, April
28 ,was held Wednesday afternoon at
2 o'clock, Rev. W. Ho!iingsworth' of-
ficiated'and interment took place in
the Mount Pleasant' cemetery. Beau-
tiful- floral tributes were- received
from her loving husband; the ,family,
Mrs: D. Whitney;, Mr. and Mrs,' Geo.
Taylor; Metropolitan church ladies
aid; -Mr. and Mrs,-john,Neilan's; Mrs,,
D. Reid; Mrs. Moran. -•
W. M. S.
The monthly meeting -.of theW,M,S.
was held on Thursday, May 9th, in
the basement of the church. 'Miss A.
Lawrence, vice president, conducted
the business part of the meeting. ` An
especially' interesting Paper; The An-
swered Prayer," was_ read by our
Chris•tfan Stewardship secretary,. Mrs.
J. McIntosh. Mrs. R. Crawford, cap-
tain of Circle No, .5. -took -charge of
the remainder of. the meeting. :The
scripture lesson was read by Mrs.'
Williams, followed by the •devotional,
reading by Mrs. C, Adams. A splen-
did 'report of the Presbyterial held at
Exeter, was given: ky the delegate,
Mrs. Close. We were then favored
by' a solo, "Somebody Knowsa," by.
Mrs. .Ivan Hill, . Papers on the '8th
chapter .pf-the study book were' read
by Miss M. Somerville and Mrs.' It
Thompson, followed by prayer „by'
Miss A. Lawrence. The meeting
closed with the Mispah benediction.
The 'Hoene and School ..Association
will hold its regular monthly meeting
Monday, May 27th at 4 p.m. in the
Public school. Miss Lawrence has
prepared"a,paper ta.read, "The health
and diet of the school child." The con-
venors of the various committees will
give addresses, "The work done by
my committee." Miss Casentieti : will
sing. A cup of tea will be served.
This is the last indoor 'meeting this
season, so we hope for a good attend-
ance. Owing to the indisposition of
the President, the sewing circle, also
Literary circle, will ,meet at the, home
of Mrs. F. R. Beattie Monday evening'
next. Any of the members are, wel,,-,
1 SnappySpring S
for Men, Women and Children
For Ladies, we have Puffins. Strap and Ties, featuring the new
Sun -kissed shade of blonde. Also new shades for Brown at prices from
$2.95 to $5.00
M sees and 's Ohildren Shoes.with Buc les folly
older ladies at prices from $1.15 to $3.00. Buskles,
following the line of,
Oxfords for Men,—Good quality, featuring new lasts. $4,95 to $6.50
$ $ $2:95.
F. W.
The following from the North Van-
couver paper, refers to a niece of the
Misses Mulcahy and Mrs, Joseph Ma-
lady of Seaforth, Jean Mulcahy's
father, Mr, Edward Mulcahy, is well
known here.
"With the selecting Friday =even-
ing last of the 1929 North Shore May
Queen -elect and two maids of honor,
arrangeal'lenta are now practically
complete fpr, the, May Day festival
that will be held at Mahon Parlc on
May 24, Empire Day. Jean Mulcahy,
aged 12, daughter of Mr. and : Mrs.
Edward Mulcahy, Dempsey road,
Lynn Valley, pupil of St. Edmund's
School, was the choice for May
Queen -elect, and (Eleanor Goard, aged
14. and Betty Bradford,, aged 13, were
the successful candidates. for the of-
fices of maid; of honor. There were
eleven schools represented in the May
Queen contest and as there were only
three oAfic to' t"i
es des r bate among the
eleven candidates, the following eight
other ,candidates will form -a special
guard of honor for the May Qu
elect and her maids of honor Hattie
Young, Margaret McCord, Margaret
Lucking, Margaret " Munphy,Jessie
Band, Joyce Binns„ Lily -Clifton. and
Margaret. Toddun, They will ride . in
the saute carriage as was used some
years ago by King George and Queen
Many when they visited Vancouver as
the Duke an¢ ♦Duchess of York. Upon
arriyal of the' parade at Mahon Park,
the coronation ceremony will " take
place and this will be"' followed by
'Maypole dancing and sports for the
kiddies. The -royal party members will
make their "official tour ofthe three
North Shore municipalities after
which they will be the guests of the
Elks at the usual _May. Day banquet
in the ,Elks' hall. ' This will be follow-
ed by the May Day 'ball of the Drill
Hall at 8 o'clock in .the evening. The
new May. Queen and her maids of
honor, will lead; the' :grand march at.
the ball In the course 'of their tour
of the )North (Shore;'the' royal party,
will -deposit 'flowers on the Cenotaph
at, Victoria Park and at the. Memorial
Arch, 'West Vancouver."
Regular meeting of. the Council was
held ,in the Town on Monday. May
13th. ..Preseiit were Mayor Golding,
Reeve Beattie, .Councillors tBickell,
Box,'. Cardno and Crich. Minutes of
last two meetings read and confirmed.
The ,finance committee' passed the
following aceounts: W. G. Fee, $70;
Jno. A, Wilson, $775;; Thos, . Storey
$75; Bell Tel. Co., $3.25; C. Dungey.
l;;John 'Evans,' $2; C. H. Petch,
Bell .E T.
& C
Ainent &Cho. $428!8; Can. Nat. Ex.,
95c;- C. G. Middleton; $3,02; Wm.
Coats, $1; Watson & Reid. $13.50;
Jas, .Gillespie, $1.307 Chas. Aberhart,
$4.20; Jas. V. Ryan, $70;W. H. Gold-
ing, $925;- Wilson Hawkins, $33;50:*'
Cardno4Blickell, that' the Court of
Revision to hear appeals against as-
sessment roll he held on June 3rd.
at 8 .p.m. •
y -law iNo. 317 was read ` and
adopted. Th'isr.bylaw exempts farm
lands. '
Sickell-(Box, that this council ad-
journ to meet at thecall of the
The meeting on Tuesday evening.
of the Young People's Society of
Northside United Church was under
the Christian Fellowship Department.
Mr. A. 'Wes'tco;tt presided. The hymns
of the evening were .entered into
heartily. Mrs. Alex. Mc'Gavin F read
'the 'minutes of the last meeting. .The
Misses Casienteri and Trout, nur:ses-
in-training, in the hospital, delighted
the audience with a vocal duet, ac-
companied on the piano by Miss'Hel-.
en Lane. Mrs. E. H. Close gave the
topic 2Miss Maybelle Rands -played
4 pleasing violin solo. Miss Evelyn
Harburn ' accompanied - her.: The
Misses'Ea Johnston and Anne ,coven-
lock sang a delightful vocal duet, ac-
companied by Miss Helen Lane. The
meeting closed with the Mizpah ben-
ediction, The missionary department
have a splendid programme planned
for our'next meeting. ..
Mr. Lance Norris left Tuesday for
alee?n, _pear Rosetown, Sask.,- for
e stimmer.
Mr, Carman Htt'ugh and Miss.Anna
ae Haugh left Tuesday for Jasper
rk Lodge where they will he this
The meeting of the Ontario Rail -
y & Municipal Board to hear the,
plication of,Tuckersmith Tele -
one 'system for an annual charge of
5.00 a year was held on Wednesday,
5 in ,.
Clinton, on Considerable s derabl
e e f -
ce was
heard and the Board re-
ved vel decision.
The regular meeting of the':W.M.S.
s held in 'the schoolroom of ;the
arch on May 8th wit), Mrs, Brem-
✓ in.the chair. Tlie: r',o11 call show -
a splendid attendance of members
d was ans.-tinted with a 'Command.'
e treasurer reported that the Eas-
thankoffering had reached the stem
$95.00. The Society has been el-
ated supplies .to the amount of.
eel pounds to be composed, of
t goods, 'underwear -and toys
d is to be ready to ship by June
n. Mrs, T. B. Baird was the Con-
or of the program, The devotion -
leaflet was read by Mrs. A. T.
tt and was entitled, "T,he-Needle's
e." Mrs, Haugh led in prayer. Mrs.
• and Mrs. T. B, Baird gave
ellent reports front the Presbyter-
recently held at Exeter and ,a
trty vote of .thanks was extended
thein, Mrs. . G,' McGregor and
s D. Tough reach the•topic takers
in the. shirty' );look "Drums In the.
knts's," and Mrs, Jas, 11;teQuee.,;
e the •ciosin•g prayer..' - •
Rev, W. 5. Scott,`M.A., S.T.D., of
Owen Sound, will •conduct the ser-
vices at Egmo#villa United Church
on Sunday neat, May IPth,
The regular meeting of the W,M,S,
was held on April tOtti, :arm Mc
Donald Presided at 'this meeting and
after the opening hymn led in prayer,
Miss Mg 'avish read the devotional,
1'eaflet entitled, "Is Tithing Practical'?"
after which hymn 506 was repeated in
unison, Miss Thorns and Mrs. Mc-
Gonigle took the Mission study. Miss
Charters read an intereat'ing leaflet en
titled, "Opportunities ;,-kr the Press
Secretary,'t,' Mrs, Jarttes Allen and
Mrs, McMillangave reports of the,
Exeter Presbyterial meeting, Mrs.
McDonald read a letter; • from Miss
Kilpatrick of India.lk-We closed our
meeting by a prayer by' Mrs. McKen-
zie, Sr.
'Mother's Day was fittingly observ-
ed at Egnaondville United Church on
Sunday with a baptfvirib.1 service and
mothers' choir.
The death occur d;,in Kitchener
on Friday,; May 10 of Miss Marg-
aret E. Moran of'.. Seaforth, Miss
Moran was born in-'Seaforeh, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrsrl Daniel Moran,'
and spent pnactioa1IY_ Ifer whole life
here, She was sertoitIl ifhlas,t whi-
ter but had recovered sufficiently to
visit relatives in Kitohener recently,
Surviving are 2 sisters and 2 brothers,
Mrs. J. W. Jones, Seaforth; Miss Sr
Moran. Saginaw, Midi.; Frank Mor -
ant, of Saginaw, anti William, of Geor-
gia. .The.funeraltook place on Mon-
day morning from St, James' Church,
Seaforbh, Rev. Father Gpetz celebrat-
ed Requiem High Mass, Mrs. Leo
Fortune sang during 'the Mass. Pall-
bearers were Messrs:, ';Will Duncan,
j. Reynolds, J. Devereaux. John Cluff,
J. Dorsey and John Dab,.•
Week -end visitors from London:
'Ir: and Mrs,"MNAsfi, Mr. Harold El-
liott, • Miss • Irene "- Ohuter, Misses
Gladys and Emily Beatty. a ;
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cameron, of
Hensall, visited with friends Sunday.
hlr. Stelk still 'continues very ill,
but we hope for some '.'improvements
soon. Mr. Sam Stinson also is not
enjoying goad ,;health.;
iitr, and Mrs. Frank - Weekes at-
tended, the meeting of the Synod in
London. ,
The Dramatic Club of the Anglican
Church, Hensall, purposeputting
a play, ' A' Busy Honeymoon,"on
Tuesday. May. 21st.. Those who have
heard this play speak very favorably
of it and say ',Don't miss it."'
Mr. G. Coleman shipped live stock
to Toronto Saturday.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Melvin Rice, of To-
ronto, were Saturday visitors with
Mrs. E. Troyer.
Quite a number from this'avi,cinity
took in Ben Hur at Seaforth during'
the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stephenson; of
Marlette, Mich., visited with his bro-
ther. Mr. Chas: Stephenson on Sun-
day last. Mr. Stephenson was on his
way .home from Florida, where they
spent the winter. :He is also visiting.
his mother, wh-o is very its at pres-
ent , and his brother on Goshen line
before returning to ,Mareltte.
Mr. and Mrs, B. Levis and family
were Sunday visitors with Mr. Harry
Mr. George Coleman is in. Toron
to thisweek on business, -
Many friends of. Mr. Chas. Stelck,
of Varna, formerly of, Hillsgreen, will
be sorry to learn he is quite 111 at
Miss Jessie Tough is at present
visiting friends at Bayfield.
Mr• and Mrs, John 'Turner and
family motored to Exeter on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hess and
grandson Bobby, of Hensall, spent
Friday evening with Mr, 'and Mrs.
J. A. Carne.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hohner and
daughter spent Mondayevening with
Mr. and Mrs.' W.'Carnie,
Mrs, W. Carne and Mrs. A. E. Pe-
rioli visited at the home of Mr, and.
Mrs. 'George Campbell on Monday
Mrs. McKee, of Toronto, spent the
week -end .with her sister, Miss Marg-
aret Sparks, of the ,Bronson Line.
Mr. and Mrs.
J Carni e spent
Moeda ,
with the,
Y form r
e st i
seer Mrs.
J b Tough, g , at Bayfield.
Mr, and Mrs. Wmt•'Carnie, accom-
panied ,by all'..` S. Hohner, motored
to God 4 It .on Monday,
Mrs# + t;, Perio'ii, •of Ballymena, N.
Irelan'ci, is i aa present visiting her sis-
ter, Mrs,,, N'ill Carni.,
• t Ti'. :
Until further notice,' I will
Conduct' my blaClesntith busi-
nese in the building opposite
Mr. M. Wm '
Cudmore's sales.
stables, Crombie, St., Seaforth'
'Jack ..-
Isabel McConochie, widow of the
late Thomas Colquhoun, passed away
onMonday; May 13th, on the home-
stead in Hibbert Township.. Mrs,
Colquhoun was a native of Lanark
County and 66 years ago married her
late husband, who Passed away near-
ly three years ago, In religion,; she.
was a Presbyterian, Two sons and
.two daughters survive: Arithur, of
Hibbert; Duncan, on the homestead;
Mrs. Buck, of ,Mitchell and Mrs,
Kennedy, of, Manitoba, The funeral
took place on Wednesday and'inter-
ment was in Roy's cemetery, Mr, D.
F. Buck, formerly of Seaforth, is a'
Mr, G. G. Wren and his daughter
Agnes, ,naiotared to Toropto last Fri-
day, -to visit his dattgliter, Bernice,
who is leaving•,oitf"i trip to Europe
next Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs, Fraser, of Hensall,
are visiting the latter's sister, Mrs.
John Simmons
The O
ise u
ii lh rs
Women's Mission-
ary airy Society met. at the . chiselhursi
Church Tuesday afternoon. Rev and
Mrs, White, .of Elimville, attended
and Mrs, White ga'yet, a"wonderful
talk on missionaf •^.`work, Mrs. Ed.
Johns gage a solo which:was very
much appreciated., Mr"s, Charles
Johns and Mrs. Lloyd Horton gave
reading, and Mrs.,, -T.,
g,Harris her
daughter Pearl, 've a duet. Mrs.
William Pybus 'and Miss' Mary Tre-
meer gave a dialogue, after • which
lunch was served.
Mr. Donald hlclKellar spent the
week end at the home ofhis daugh-
ter, Mrs. Weitzman, 'of Niagara Falls,
N.Y. Mr. Russell Scott and Miss
Marion Scott accompanied him to the
' 'Mrs. Cooper and family have ar-
rived from the -Old 'Country. They
willmake fine citizens in their new
home in this eouptry. .,
lIr. Quance is having a gas pump
erected in front of his stbre. A Clin-
ton firm is doing the work. •
Mr, Richard Hoggarth is recover-
ing after being ill.
Wedding bells are startingto ri
Mr. Ralph Speare was ome on
Sunday from Harriston,
Mr. John Stacey of Hensall visited
at the home of Mr. -and Mrs. S. A.
(Stratford Presbytery yte y met. in Cro-
marty Church on 'Tuesday, with ` a
large attendance. This is the first
time the Presbytery has met here.
The ladies of the W.M.S. went to
St Marys on . Wednedsay of this
week. where they were guests of the
St, Marys W.M.S.
Mr. and' Mrs. Ernest Graham of St.
Pauls, called on Mr. and Mrs. John
Scott this week,
Mr. Ken Drake has purchased a
new Chevrolet truck. He now has two
trucks for. gravelling the roads.
Mr, and Mrs, Herman Speare of
Toronto are spending.a week with his
father, Mr. Joseph Speare. •
A quiet wedding took place on
Wed. eve, May 15 when Miss Elspeth
A. Dodds, daughter of Mr. John
Dodds, of 'McKillop,` was united in
marriage to Mr. Kelland T. McVittie,
son of Mr, and Mrs. S. McVittie, of
Hallett. Rev. W. F. Smith officiated.
Mr. and Mrs, Stewart ?McIntosh and
Mr. Kenneth Pelton, of Detroit, spent
a day. with Seaforth friends.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Eberhart spent
Sunday with hrr. anti Mrs. Will Shan-
Master David Shannon, of McKil-
lop, spent the week -end with his
,grandmother, Mrs. Shannon, in town.
Mr. Adrian Hoigg, of Kitchener,
called on friends here -this week.
Miss Eileen Beirnes, of Atwood,
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
George iDidkson. over the week -end.
Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Somers and
Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Somers, of Grey,
were Sunday visitors` with Mr. and
Mrs..J. H. Storey.
Mrs, Peter Dodds has not been as
welt as her many friends would like
to see her.
Mr. F. Eckart made a business trip
to Stratford last week.
Mr, John A. Eckart is busy run-
ning his incubators and tending to
the chicks and so far he has had the
best of luck with fertile eggs. and is
raising 95 per cent. of the chicks.
Mr. and Mrs, Martin Purcell were
visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
O ott
Klin last ast S
undo .
s,oe Eck
J art a '
anted by
Miss Lucy Eckart'
Y,and Miss Helen
McMann, from Detroit, called on
friends in our burg'•last Sunday.
Mr. Harry Eyre,.. . of • Sarnia, spent
the week -end with .his mother, Mrs.
S. Eyre,
Miss Billy :Chesney spent last week-
end visiting Torotttooi,friends,
and fi
tiJrs. J n
o" McLachlan
family seen* Shaday with Mr. and
Mrs. 53 iElgie, '
'Mrs, J, Jackson 'and Kenneth spent
the week -end visiting friends in Park-
hill, •
Miss Edna Clark, •;af' Stratford, is
visiting her sister; Mrs. Chas. McKay:
Mr, and 'Mrs. Cecil''Ptillman visited
on Sunday with iMisi Florence' Fowl-
er. Huron Road.
Miss Margaret Pentntan, is visiting
at the hone of Mrs, James 'Howitt.
. Mr. Will. Patrick, of iShakeSpeare,
spent the week-end;with his.parenta
Mt, and /vita; 7I'ont'Patricic, •
.. i
Phone .84•
What more 73eauti al
of a c ift?
Fon THOSE who seely, a remembrance
sure to give keenest delight, our sug-
gestion is celebrated
iIie Tableware of Distinctive;
Here arc appropriate gifts galore -ex-
quisite Correct Service Pieces, gorgeous
spoons, knives and forks; small complete
sets and larger ones—silverware indis-
And3n giving COMMUNITY
are dealing in terms of lifetime service
and satisfactioq.
Fred S: Savaaa,Q
"' T
Phones 194.
Res. 10
Mr.. Johns and Mr. Ashton had the
misfortune' to - have some sheep wor-
ried by dogs, but they were fortunate.
in :finding the dogs, and they were
Ladies' Aid met at the home of Da-.
yid McLean last Tuesday and had .a
very good attendance.
Mr. and Mrs, M. A. Rice . visited
with her sister, Mrs. Thos. Coleman.
for a.few days on their way from Los
Angeles enroute to their summer,
home at Forest Nool8, Parry Sound
Mr. Stephen Troyer spent the week
end at the home. of Thoa., Coleman.
Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Coleman and
Mr, and Mrs. Rice of Forest Nook,
spent Fionday at. the home of Mr,
Sidney Gemmell.
Mr. Richardson Sr. is in ill health at
present. His many friends hope for a
quick recovery,
Mr. Wilbur Keys had the misfort-
une to lose a valuablebrood mare and
colt one day last week. -
Mrs. James Burdge. of Hamilton, is
visiting among friends in the com-
munity for a couple of weeks.
Miss Ruby Allen, of Medicine Hat
is visiting at the home of her aunt and
untie, Mr. and Mrs. James Allen.
Mrs. Geo. Cameron, Muriel and lit-
tle son 'Glen visited at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. A. Nicholson Friday
last. - -
Mr. Wan. Irvin, of the 4th conces-
sion of 'Tuckersmith, had the mis-
fortune to fall and break one of his
Singers, in: an effort to save himself.
Mr. T. Archibald and his daughter
Jean were ,Sunday visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. G. 'McCartney.
Mr, and Mrs. J. McNaughton and
family visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Allan Sunday last.
The May meeting of the Women's
Missionary, Society in connection with
Burns and Londesboro United church.
was held at the home of Mrs, Bert
Allan on Friday afternoon with a
good attendance, and a pleasant after-
noon was enjoyed by all.
There was a good attendance at
Burns' Church oat Sunday to hear Mr.
Forrester. On account of having a
minister from a distance, "Mother's
Day" service was postponed.
Yfr. Ben Riley has purchased the
farm lately owned. by Mr. Thos, Big-
gerstaff from Mr. and Mrs. Sander-
son. When the weather is 'fit, 'Mr.
Riley is hard .at work getting in the
seeding. We wish him good luck.
Mr. Peter McDonald had the mis-
fortune to have a runaway in Blyth
one day last week. The horses got
scared and then
a line broke. They
had quite an interesting gnim
time butno
very serions harm was done.
Dame Rumor is still interested in
the wedding hells whichare expected.
to ring this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Knox enter-
tained friends on .I Sunday.
Mr, Wallace, who is alt present stay-
ing, at the hone of his brother near
Seaforth, and his two nieces, the
Misses Wallace, of Seaforth, visited
on Sunday at the hone of 'Mr, and
Mrs.' Charles Parsons,
Mr, and Mrs. John Shannon, of Mc-
Killop, visited at. the home of Mr, and
Mrs, Bert Allen on Sunday evening,
The Misset Isabel Reid and Mar-
jorie Colson returned home Saturday
after spending .part of last week in
Guelph as delegates for the Junior
Farmers of Blyth and report having.
an interesting time,
Mrs, T€nechtel and their little .girl
arrived on Saturday from the West on
a visit to' the former's parents, Mr,
and Mrs, ,Robert Perris and other.
friends, • '
4VTr and Mrs, Simon McVittie have
)leen busily'eugeged•repairing and fix -
ng Up...the former s. boyhood' .'home,
and are this week moving there from
their home where they have lived ever
since they were married. Although.
moving they will still live- in this,
neighborhood, only a little .nearer
"Miss Jean Wragg, who was laid up .
with a bad cold part of lastweek is. -
better again and back to sichool.
Miss Grace. McEwen, of Clinton';:
spent the week -end with her friends,,
Misses Amy and Ena Parsons.
,Mrs, Simon McVittie, Mrs.ohra:
Fairservice, Mrs. Jas. Stcott and Mrs -
Nelson Lear visited Wingham friends,
on Sunday.
Mr. Samuel Ruddell, who has, been.
in the Clinton hospital expects to get
home this week:
Mr. A. W. McEwing spent ,Saturr-
day in Stratford,
Mr, ,Bert Allen'visited at the home -
of A. W. and Mrs. ?Beacom on Sun-
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. George Watt visited
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Charles.
(Parsons on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs: Duncan Johnston and)
Miss Annie Johnston, of Walton, vis--
ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Si --
mon McVittie on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. I. ,Rapson and Marie -
and Miss Florence Watson spent-
Monday in Stratford.
"Mr. Jatnesordan received ted a tele-
gram on 'Tuesday, May 14th, bearing
the sad intelligence that his brother,
Mr. John Jordan, had passed away
suddenly that morning at hishome
at Rosebush, Mich. The late
Jordan was in his eighty-third^`year
and had never been ill a day in his-
life. although of late years his health.
had been gradually failing. Born in
Ireland, he came to Canada as a.
child of two years, his father, the late
William Jordan, settling in Hibbert
Township, where he grew to man-
hood, becoming a carpenter. He was
married to Miss Johanna Dillon (sis-
ter of the late 'William Dillon of Lo-
gan) and forty years ago went to
Michigan to live, His last visit to his
friends here was five years ago, Mrs.
Jordan predeceased her husband •.a
number of years ago and he is surviv-
ed by two sons, Joseph and John, both
in Michigan. Mrs, James Jordan and
Mrs. ,William Jordan left on Wednes-
day morning to attend the funeral.
The 'late John Jordan was a man of
sterling qualities which made him re-
spected and esteemed by all who
knew him, and deepest sympathy is
extended to the bereaved ones,
Miss Jean McConnell is visiting
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. David
McConnell, Dublin.
The h dance'
hail in St.
ish hall, Dublin, May 10, was largely
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph ,Jordan spent
Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs.
William ' Jordan. 'Hibbert.
Miss Margaret McConnell is visit
ing her father, Mr, Francis McCon-
nell, Dublin.
Mr. Joseph Donnelly has treated
himself to a new Whippet sedan,
Mrs. Jerry Ryan, of Stratford, spent
the week -end with het mother, Mrs:
T. Maloney.
'Mr. and Mrs, Michael Flanagan
spent .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 1/att.....
Mr, and (Mrs, Peter McIver spent -
Sunday 'with'his mother.
Miss (Ruth Dillon, of Clinton, spent
Sunday Y
with her
parents.' Mr. and:
Mrs, Joseph Dillon
The many friends of Miss Annie -
.Brennan an are pleased to hear that the
18 recovering from a recent attack of
dr, and Mrs, Leo i1array spent
Sttnday with his parents,.
Miss' Evelyn Dillon motored homer
Sundy afternoon to visif'her parents,.