HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-05-09, Page 8XGHT 'ENSALL. '(conch IlieetinS.-The regular mon- thly meeting of the 'village council was held on 'MondayaY evening. with all ol l the members present, The =rites of the last meeting were read and adopt- ed. The Reeye reported that all of last year's taxes were paid up with the exception of some five dollars,. Councillor Ortwein gave a report of the work of the street committee for the manth. The date for holding the court of revision was changed from the 20th to the 27th ofy, Nelson Blatchford. was appoutted weed inspector for the year, On mo-, tion of Petty and Ortwein a sign will be put up on the west side of the town and also one at the London Road stating the speed limit for driv- ing through town -20 utiles an hour and -10 miles' at the intersections. Tne council intends to enforce this by- law. ,The` Clerk was instructed to prepare a bylaw prohibiting the firing of .fire -crackers on Main Street, and also stopping their sale in the village, The bylanv will be passed innnediately and Constable Hudson Was instructed to take action against any offenders under this bylaw, The Reeve and Treasurer were given authority to borrow money and pay to the Town- ship of Hay the amount due to them on the Black Creek (Drain, A' number of 'accounts were presented and order- ed paid, The Reeve asked the Coun- cil to snake an inspection of the streets some time before the end of May to lay out the work for the sum- mer. Councillor (Petty brought up the matter of the Keys drain and it is very likely it will also be constructed this summer. The council then ad- journed to meet again at the e'all of the 'Reeve, Mr, Andy Proctor spent the week- end at his home in London. Mr. and Mrs, A J. Sweitzer, of De- troit, spent the week -end visiting rel- atives,in town. Mr. J. 'Carmichael, of Detroit, visit- ed his sister, Miss 'Neliie Carmichael, here on Sunday, Mrs, S. 'Steacy and son Fred made a trip business to London on • Tues- day. Mr. John Tuffin spent the week -end. at his home in Melbourne. Mr. and Mrs, A. J. 'Sweitzer and Mrs, Robert Higgins visited friends in Woodstock on Saturday, Miss Polly Moore, of Woodstock, is spending a few days in town visiting her sister, Mrs. T. Simpson. Word was received here on Satur- day that Mr. Hugh Wright, of De- troit, was in hospital in that city suf- fering with an attack of blood poison- ing, It was feared he would lose one of his hands, His wife left here Sun- day to visit him. Next Sunday will be Mother's Day at the United Church. Special ser- mons will be preached b the pastor and a mother's choir will lead the singing. All roads will lead to Hensall on the 24th and 'a big time is assured. Large bills are out announcing the programme. Quite a number from here intend taking in the annual meeting of the Western Ontario Conservative Asso- ciation at London on Friday next. Both Premier Ferguson and the Hon. Mr. 'Bennett will be present, HAYFIELD. Death of Miss Margaret A. Camp - bel. -Miss Margaret A. Campbell, who died last week in London, where she had been taken for treatment, was the last of a family, of eight, her five brothers and two sisters having pre- deceased her a number of years ago. Their father. the late Malcolm Camp- bell, with his wife and family emigrat- ed from Scotland eighty-five years ago this spring, visiting for a few months with relatives near Ingersoll where the subject of this sketch was born. Rumors of the Huron Tract and its possibilities having reached Mr. Campbell, he made a prospecting trip from Ingersoll with the result that the same year he moved his fam- ily to the Bronson line, Stanley, set- tling on the farm now owned by Ro- bert Scotchmer. Here his family grew up and after his death his two younger daughters continued to re- side in the same neighborhood, keep- ing house for their brother, Peter, until his death over twenty years ago, when they moved to the village where they both ended their days, Miss Campbell was very strong and active for her years, and until within a year of her death was able to do her own housework. At that time she unfor- tunately lost her eyesight and other troubles setting in, finally resulted in her death on Wednesday morning of last week. The funeral was from the home of her niece, Mrs. R.,Scotchmer, and from St. Andrew's United Church, the Rev. Mr. Dougan of Clinton, as- sisted by Rev. R M. Gale of Bayfield. The pallbearers were six nephews, Colin Campbell, Archie Armstrong, James Armstrong, of Gorrie, Andrew Armstrong, Seaforth and Milton and Ernest Pollock, of Stanley. Friends were present from Petrolia, Gorrie, Mitchell, Seaforth, Ingersoll and London, Miss Ethel Jowett, of New Dun- dee, spent the •week -end at her home, 'Miss Gladys Gale left on Saturday to visit friends in Chatham, Mrs. L. B. Smith and son, who have been visiting Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Parker returned to London on Sun- day. Mr. R. Penhale left on Saturday for Quebec. He motored as far as To- ronto. Mrs. E, T. White, of London, spent the week -end at her cottage. Mr. George Blair, who has been visiting at his home, and Mrs. Crane and family, who visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs: R. Weston motored back to Detroit on Sunday, Bev., F. H.• Pattll and Mrs. Paull motored to Galt'. on' Friday, Mrs, Paull remained for awhile owing to t:he illness' of her father. TUCKERSMITH. Mr, Will' Eyrepaid'a short visit to the hone of his mother, Mrs, Silas yre,this week. Miss Alice Wright, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Alex, Wright, has been con- fined to ,the house fora number of clays. 1:41z', Ross Chapman and i4iss Grace Coleman visited at the home of . Mr. and Mrs, W. Keys 'Stutday afternoon, Mrs, McIntn t called on Mrs. Robert Charters ,Monday last. 'lir, and Mrs. Cecil Oke and dough- ter Carrie, of 'London, spent the week end at the home of her parents. Mr, olid Mrs. T. Coleman. •Mr, Wren Eyre has gone to Sarnia, where he has seemed employment; Mir. and Mrs; Jos. Grieve,: of Da- trait, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Reinke. Mr, and i2rs. A. Foote, of Varna, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Jno, Elgie. The farmers are busy, again at their seeding,, lMany will finish this week. Mr, , and Mrs, Cecil Murray visited in Exeter last .Tuesday, School Report for S,S, No, 9, Tuck- ersmith for April: Sr, IAV.-+Honoturs 262,5; pass 210. Alex, Irvine 274.5; Margaret 'Irvine 256, Helen Upshall 253.5, FIeleti Broadfoot 218, Margaret Hay 215, Dorothy Elgie 193, Marjory Hay 165, Margaret 'Broadfoot 164. Jr. IV. --]Honors 225, pass 180, Mac Chesney 197, Roy Hodgert (absent). Sr, I2t2,-]Honors 206,25, pass 165, Irene Mackay 196, Russell Hodgert 186, Billy ,Dalrymple 141, Lorne Hay 127. Jr IIIfL-:Anna Love 220, jack Con- sitt 188.5, Jean .Irvine 184. Sr •1!L -•'Honors 112,5, pass 90. Ro- bert McLachlan 139, Helen Doig 109, Glen 'Houston 98, Jr, I'I,--]Robert Gemmell 127, Kate Dalrymple 121, Stelwart (Love 111. Class I. - Jack. Mackay, Willie, Hodgert. Primer• --+Helen Houston. No, on roll 26. Ave. attendance 15:6. Fifteen pupils had perfect attendance in April. Margaret E. Grieve, Teacher, The following is the school report of S.S. No. 6, Tuckersmith, for April, based on examinations and monthly work. - Sr, IV. -'Evelyn Nott 79, Isabel Ashton 70. Jr.V -'Fletcher Whitmore ore 76, Raymond Townsend 62, Warren VVhitrnore 58, Sr. IIIL-.Pearl ;Hugill 80, . Sarah Whitmore 79, Harold Hugill (ab.) Jr. II'I(a)-Verna Hugill 67, Hazel Ashton 61, Leola Nott 59, Myrtle Ashton 59. Jr, PI'II(b)-Florence Whitmore 79, Arnold Hugill 70, Velma Ashton 65. Sr. I. - Iona •'H•ugiil 73, 'Wesley Hugill 66. Sr, Pr. -Mary Hugill 63, Kenneth Terryberry 60, Jr. Pr. -Carman Whitmore. !Number on roll 20. Average attend- ance 17. Edna M. Jamieson. Teacher, KIPPEN. Mrs. John H. Cochrane spent a few days visiting her sister, Mrs. Bright - more, of London. Mr. Fred Waters of Hamilton vis- ited in this vicinity Sunday, Miss Etta Bell of London, accom- panied by her friend, Miss 'Graham, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bell Sunday. Miss Margaret Elgie .of London visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Elgie over the week end. :4tr, Clarence McLean and Mr.. G. Jarrott of London don M i ed cal College g spenttheweek tend e d at their respective homes, Mr. Harvey McClyntont has secur- ed a position in London, The Y,24. will meet Friday night at 8 p,us. We hope all the young and those who feel young will come out and join us and bring your friends. Mr. and Mrs, William Butt and Mr, Roy Butt of 'Seaforth, spent Sun- day with Mr, Ed. Butt. Mr. Cliff Watson is driving a truck for the Stillman people of Stratford, o gathering cream. The paving of the London Road, Highway No. 4, has commenced and the Hydro men are also busy wiring the same line. One does not need to go to the city now to enjoy the many comforts, as it is being brought right to the farmer s homes. Mr, W. L Mellis was in Wroxeter recently visiting his many friends. Mr, Samuel Cudmore of Seaforth tvas calling on his old Kippen friends during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, McClymont were calling on Exeter friends during the week. Mrs, Louisa Horten, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. T. Workman, and other friends, left for her new home in Oshawa Sunday last. Mrs. Horten has 2 sons holding good posi- ions there and a daughter attending igh school. We wish Mrs, Borten uccess in her new home, but hope o see her back to see us all again in he near future, Mrs. Patterson of Calgary spent the ast week with Mrs. W. M. Anderson, Mrs. Patterson came home with the ady of her father, Mr. William Web- er, who died while out visiting his eughter in Calgary. The Young People of_ St. Andrew's nited Church will hold their anni- ersary on Sunday, May 19th, Services t 11 a,m. and 7,30. conducted by Rev, , E. M. Thomson, M.A., D.D., of ondon •On Monday night "Ye Olde yme Village Quartette," who .pres- nted the highest type of programme st year, are returning to present an- ther concert. The quartette have ng for the last seven years at the anadian National Exhibition, Toron- o. Mr, Toni Hamilton, elocutionist, ill assist the quartette. Program at 15, Mother's Day will be observed ext (Sunday. The Young People's Society met on unday night, The meeting was Al ha'rge of 'Norman Alexander, The W,M,S, met at the home of rs. Norman Jones on Wednesday. Mav 1st, The president, Mrs, Mon- ith, presided, After the minutes and 11 call and'besiness trahsacted, del- ates to the Presbyterial at Exeter ere heard. Mrs. W. W. Cooper, re. J. B. McLean were the appoint- delcgates. The study book, Drums the Darkness, was taken by Mrs. ointer, Mrs, J. MacDonald led in ayer, Mrs, Norman Jones, Mrs, erb. Jones and Mrs, Forsythe gave lendid papers. The meeting was a ort interesting and helpful one. Ivfr, Isaac Garrott has purchased a w Plymouth sedan, I S.DAY, MAY 4.; 1929, THE ONTARIO RAILWAY AND lh(UNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MA P, TTF, ER A 210 th 1 , f e A PPlfca- tion of the Municipality of Tucker - smith for appprao�val of an annual charge of $15,00 to 'Subscribers' The Tuckersmith' Municipal Tele- phone System, the said charge to include all battery renewals. Appointment forHe pp Hearing g The Ontario Railway and Munidi pal Board hereby appoints Wednes- day, the Fifteenth. Day of May, A,D. 1929. at the hour of a quarter past one o'clock in the afternoon (Railway Time), -in the Town Hall in the Town of Clinton, for kering the above ap- plication, All persons having an in- terest in this matter and" desiring so be heard are directed to attend at the time and place as aforesaid. Dated at Toronto this Seven'teen'th Day of April, A.D. ,1929. (Seal), (Sgd.) H. C. SMALL, Secretary, HURON NEWS. Clinton. The proceeds of 'Clinton +Horne and School Club annual collection sof pap- er, etc., amounted to $164.90. hirs, Harry ,Bartliff was in Grey Township last 'week owing to the death of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Fred Cardiff, The following officers were elected for the Women's Institute for next year: President, Mrs. O. Paisley; vice presidents, Mrs. As C. V. Cook e Mrs. s . H Jenkins, 'Mrs. 'Cowan; secretary. Mrs. C. H Venter; press secretary, Mrs A. Cudmore; treas,, Mrs, L. Heard, Mr, and Mrs. W. E. ,Rodaway re- turned last week after spending the winter at Walkerville and in Florida. Mr. George Thompson, of Wycliffe College, 'Toronto, visited his parents, Mr, and Mrs, ]Ii. J. Thompson, Gode- rich Township , before leaving for Nova Scotia where he has conducted a mission the past two summers. Miss' Grace Churchill, recently gra- duated from Clinton hospital, has gone to Port Huron. Zurich, Wm. J, Garrott was appointed road superintendent of Hay last •week. Ap- plications were received from Julius Block'E. Gabel, L. Schumacher and W. J.Jarrott. Gabriel Si'o.ltzman has gone to live with his daughter, Mrs. 'Dennis, in Kitchener. The contract for teaming 400 yards of gravel for the village streets was let to the local teamsters at 85c per yard. Egbert .Heldman went to Guelph last week for treatment. He has not been in the best of hea'lth of late. Fifty-five children were confirmed at St. Peter's •Roman Catholic Church at'Drysd,ale ,on Tuesday morning last. The children were well trained under the direction of Rev. Father March- and parish priest Officiating was His Lordship ]Bishop McDonald of Tor- onto, who 'was appointed by Bishop Fallon of London, owing to the ill health of the latter, Mr, H. G. 'Hess has wired the fol- lowing .homes recently: A. Mousseau, Mrs, A. Rose, John Weido, C. Col - sky, A. 'Rittenhouse. A former resident of Goderich Township died at Woodrow, Sask., 'on April 141th, in the person of John Marquis, aged ninety-one years. He is .survived by six children: Wesley Marquis, Base Line; Mrs. J. 0. Pick- ard, of Winnipeg; Mrs. A. Jarvis, nd Miss Janet of Indiana, and Mrs. W. Calder and George Marquis, • in the West. h s p b b d U v a A L T e la 0 su w 8. n 5 c M i to ro eg ed in C Iri sp nl ne Exeter. A steer being delivered at the sta- tion by Leslie 'Richards, of Usborne for Byron Hicks, of Centralia, fell and broke its neck while 'being unloaded from the truck. The animal was un- ruly and caught its head in the rack, failing over and breaking its neck. First prize of $200 and Canadian In- fantryman's cup has been awarded Essex Scottish Regiment, in the Ef- ficiency n Y of Per so nell.'Competitiou of Military District No. '1. Perth Regi- ment won second prize $150, and Hur- on Regiment won third prize of $100. Of the prize winners, Huron is the only rural regiment. The three months old son of Mr, and. Mrs, ,Albert Kernick, Kenneth Eugene, died last week from pleuro- pneumonia, 'Charles W. Ford, who recently dis- pposed of his grocery business to Prank (Coates, has moved to;London. He will travel for a Woodstock con- fectionery firm. (William Kernick, of Exeter, has purchased the farm on the Thames Road from 'Archie Tower, formerly owned by Andrew Gibson. Mr, 3. C. Reid 'of Dash,wood, who has been on thesick list for some time is improving. Mr, R. N. Creech, who has been confined to his home for some time through illness, is able to lee out again. Mrs, W. H. Dearing is confined to bed as the result of a fall. Mr, Albert Penwarden, who has spent the past year with his daughter, Mrs. Arthur Mack, has returned to his home on the St Marys road, The play entitled Captain Racket, put on by the young -people of Trivitt Memorial Church, ender the direction of Mrs, N. J, Gore, 'drew a large atidi- enees, Miss Celia Christie, who recently underwent an operation far appendi- citis in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, is recovering nicely. Brussels, A new park and swimming beach far the youngsters is under construe- tion along the river bank,'west of the 1 EGIONDVILLE These Prices are Cash Red Path Sugar .,..,,$5,75 Red Path Yellow Sugar. , ; .5 50 Purity Flour 410 Rolled Oats, 90 lbs, 400 4x5 Barb Wire ,,.,,,.,,;,3.75 Cut Shingle Nails W. V • Wire Nails ,,,,,,,,,,,,,05 Long Handled Shovels 135 1 qt, tin Zenoleum 75 2 tins Campbell's Soup 21 2 tins 'Cascade Salmon, large 35 10 bars P, & G. Soap ,. .,39 10 bars Gold Soap , , , 49 It Pays to Buy From FI I Ji. Case Modell Tractor Newest Type yp Made HORSEPOWER -If rated in accordance with the recommenda- tions of the A. S. of A. E., namely, 75 per cent. of max. drawbar horse- power; 85 per cent. of max. belt horsepower, the rating of this tractor would be well over 20-35. High Speed 4 miles per hour; Intermediate 354 m.p.h.; low 2% 111.141. WILL PULL 4-14 INCH TRACTOR PLOWS For further information on this new type of lighter and stronger tractor, apply to Robt. W. Ager, Dealer PHONE 236r5 SEAFORTH,ONT. MORTGAGE SALE Of Dwelling z House ie eafo't .-- g S th Unc er and 11 d byvirtue of k� powers t to the coo P >n sale contained in an Indenture of Mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale[ th'bre will be offered for sale by public aeetton, by Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, at Dick's Hotel, Seaforth, on Friday. the 17th of May, 1929, at swo o'clock in the afternoon, the following lands and premises:- Lots numbers 40 and 41, both in Cole. of man'SseafSrtrvorth.ey, of part of said Town There is erected on the premises a good comfortable frame dwelling house, Terms of Sale, -20 per cent, of the Purchase money to be paid in cash, and the balance within thirty days thereafter, Purchaser to sign an agreement for completion of sale, Further 'particulars and terms of sale will be made known at the time of sale, and may be had in the meantime from the undersigned. Dated at Seaforth, this '1st May, 1929, Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. R. S. HAYS, V,endor's Solicitor. BABY CHrCKS AND HATCHING EGGS Tom Barron single comb White Leghorns, 'large birds from heavy laying strain, stated with cockerels from H. !I.. Roberts, winner of 11928 Ontario Contest, Hatching eggs 75c per sed,ting of fifteen or $4.00 per hun- dred. Chicks for 'June delivery, $13.00 per hundred, .AINIDREIW A. MIOIOIRE, "Sunnyvale Poultry Farm," Phone 137 r 3, Seaforth, 7t -f BABY CHICKS AND CUSTOM HATCHING Baby Chicks from best bred -to -lay stock that have free range, Barred Rocks, $16.00 per hundred; S,C,W. Leghorns, $15.00 .per hundred; after May 1S'th all chicks $1,00 per hun- dred less. Custom hatching g per er hundred in one, hundre'd lots or more. E, 3, 11THWAIRTHIA, Holmesville P.O., Ont. Phone 611r22, Clinton central. 12tf TRACTOR FOR SALE. One second-hand tractor for, sale. Apply to ROB'E'RT AGAR, Seaforth, Phone 236 r 5, 21 RANGE FOR SALE. Kitchen 'Range with warming closet and reservoir for 'sale Mrs, R. H. FERGUSON, Seaforth,. 20. NOTICE , 'The. Brucefield Chopping Mill will run on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat- urday only alter May 13th, until An- ther notice, CORNISH . & DAL- RYMMPLE, proprietors, 19. HOUSE FOR SALE. The residence of, the late Mrs: Ag- nes Murdie, on Goderich street, No better location in the town. Imme- diate possession, A. D. SUTHER- LAND, General Insurance Agency,. Real Estate, Investments, Conveyanc- ing, Etc., Phone 152, Seafarth, Ont, bowling green, Garfield Bender e der:,. of Listowel has been appointed temporary organist. and choir leader ;of 'Brussels United Church. Rev. F. G. 'Fowler is away on a six Weeks' visit to his home in England. The marriage took place in New York on April 23rd of Elinor S. M. Hamilton, daughter of the late John and Mrs. 'Hamilton of ,Wroxeter, and Harry P. Mulligan, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. ,Bernard Mulligan, of North Bay, Rev. Father Hammer .officiating, The use of Miller's Worm Powders insures healthy children so far as the ailments a'ttributa'ble to .worms are concerned. A high mortality among children is traceable to worms. These sap the strength of infants so that they are unable to maintain the baffle fo'r life and succumb to weakness. This preparation gives promise of health and keeps it. Transportation Service Long Distance --- Shirt Distance For Engagement, Phone S. R. McMATH Hohnesville Phone 601 r 34, Clinton Cen. OLIVER POCOCK, Operator 610 r 42, Clinton Cen. An Unwritten 1 ai la,w You have heard the old say- ing, "You get just as much out of a thing as you put into it." No doubt, you have found it true in many ways. Have you ever thought of it in connection with your fertilizer application? We are handling Armour's BIG CROP Fertilizer this year and . are in a better position than ever to tell you how to apply it for maximum results. We are convinced that BIG CROP is the highestuality ferti- lizer made. We know that a liberal applica- tion in 1929 will not only encourage a bigger crop but also a better one, which is most important. Let's get together now and decide your fertilizer needs. Stop in the next time you are in town.' Wm. M. SPROAT Tile Manufacturer Agent Telephone 1136 r 2 'Armour's BIG CROP. --ii drills CLOVER SEED Yellow Sweet Clover Seed fcir sale. Government inert t este d. Apply to RAY ORAWb10'RD, Lot 18, Con. 14, Mc- Killop, Walton R.R. 1- 13tf FOR SALE. Gasoline angina. Price $20. Apply at The News, 19, BETTER WALLPAPER FOR LESS MONEY. Over 200 samples, carried at Sc to $1.50 per single roll (semi -trimmed) also burlap. Work done at reasonable price. LEO 'GILFJ.ASON, Paperhang- er and Decorator, Phone 5, Dublin, Ont, 22 WATER GUARANTEED. Persons needing a good supply of water from a drilled well, should see the undersigned. All contracts en No Water, No Pay basis, Gasoline power used for drilling machine. Rates reasonable. Phone 296: W. D. HOPPEiR, Seaforth. 23 HOUSE AND STABLE TO RENT. On Louisa Street, eight -roomed frame house with electric light and electric -range, and town water; also a good stable with cement, floors, and with lights and town water. Will rent with or without 10 acres of land. Ap- ply to J. E. REYNOLDS, 13tf Now Showing The' Mind of Man Has Never Con- ceived It Before -The Eye of Man Has Never Seen Its Equal B F1U' Pageantry' or Stageceaft has never dared attempt the spectacularly thrill- ing, ,glamorously beautiful scenes de- picted in this remarkable sslaster- piece. The mind of man has never conceived words to describe even faintly the grandeur, magnificence and awe ,inspiring moments that pass before the eye in this astounding ,pro- digious gem. Themotion picture .for all time - for all 'people -for all ages, HERE ALL THIS WEEK 8,155 m, Saturday (First Show. 7.15) Don't Wait Come Tonight- and COME EARLY Princess. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. a IVa die l e , 13R, H. HUGH BOSS, Physician and 'Surgeon, Late, of Landon Hos- pital, London, England, Special attenti'o'n to diseases of the eye, ear. pose and throat, ; Office and resid- ence behind Dominion 'Bank, Office Phone .No, 5: Residence Phone 104. DR, F , J. BURROW'S, Seaforth: Office and residence, Goderich street east of tate United Church. Coroner for the County of Hsiron. Telephone No. 40, DB. C. MACKAY.-C,l Mackay, '� honor graduate of Trinity University and 'g'o'ld medallist of Trinity Medical College; member of the 'College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; DR, J, R. FQiRSTER-Eye, Ear Nose and Throat, 'Graduate in Medi - eine, University of Toronto 189&. Late Assistant New York Op.lethal- mic and Aural Institute, Moorelfields' Eye, and 'Golden Square throat'hos 'pitals, 'London. England. 'At Coanm ercial Hotel, 'Seaforth, 3rd Monday is each month, from 11 a,m. to 3 pm. DIR. W, C, SPROAT.-!Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, University. of Western 'Ontario, London. Member of College of Physician's and Sur- geons'of Ontario, Office in A'berharts Drug Store, .Main St•, Seafortk, Phone 90.. ' Dental, DIR; J. A. MUNN, Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross, graduate of North- western University, Chicago, Ill. Li- centiate iRoyai College of Dental Sur- geons, Toronto, Office over SiW hardware, Main St,, Seaforth, Phone 15'1, DR, F. J. BEC•H,EL T, graduate Royal College e of Dental ur Sge on Toronto. ; Office. e over W. R.it' Srn la a grocery, Main St., Sea4orth. Phones. office 185W, residence 1853. Consulting Engineer. S. W. ARCHIBALD, B,A Sc. (Tor.),. O.L.S„ Registered Professional En- gineer te Membernd Land Engineerirveng yInstfttutec�of Canada.' Office, Seaforth, Ont. Auctioneer, 'GEORGE ELLIOTT, .Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron Arrangements can be made for Sale Date at The Seaforth News, Charges moderate and satisfaction' guaranteed. WATSON AND REID% REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. Ali kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Clem .Companiee. THE McK114,0P Mutual alFire lns ur a ce Ilea FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY, ONLY, INSURED Officers -James Connolly, Godes- ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood, Vice President D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors -Wan. Rinn, No, 2, Sea - forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagea; James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc- Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God- erich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3 Sea - forth; J. M. Sholdice. No. 4, Walton;- Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Ile- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield, Agents -Alex, Leitch, r.r. 1, CIin- ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A, Murray. r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmoutb, Bornholm, James Kerr and Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors, Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans- act. other business will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed fo their respective postoffices. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS Do you want it? By buying this eighty acres of rich and productive loam with good natural and artificial drainage, also picturesque location - one of the best in the vicinity, ' yon will ,be profiting this amount. Said farm is about two miles fromClintonon Base line, Buildings consist of good house, large barn, driving shed, also windmill and reservoir. Consid- erable bush. Residence in States rea- son for sacrifice. For terms: W. Bry- done, 'Clinton, Owner, 322 South Main Street, Romeo, Michigan, F8 FENCE POSTS Cedar fence' posts for sale. Corner posts, brace posts, line posts anal. braces, NIEILSOIN N'LOHOLSON. R;R. 2, Blyth, Lot 14, con. 8, Morris, Phone .3141, Blyth, HOUSEFORSALE. Six_rooiited house and 34 acre ,good garden land, All modern conveniences. and good cellar, Near Seaforth Col- legiate Institute, Moderately priced for quick sale, Apply at The Newts Office. Want and For Sale ads, 1 time 25c SEAFORTH MARKETS. 'Wednesday, May 8t11 - Chickens, live, per 113 22888 Chickens, dressed, per 1b Hefts, live, per lb, Hens, dressed, per Ib. Roosters, live,' per ib, Roosters, dressed per lb Ducks, live, per lb 4e2., 19e Ducks, dressed 'lye ' per b e Geese, dressed'le per ib, 18e Turkeys, dressed 35C Eggs, per doz, 18c -22e-250 Potatoes, per bag ., 75e hogs,: per cwt, $12.25-$12,75 Butter, per 1b,