HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-05-09, Page 5THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1929. THE SB' AFO1 T 1 1' EWS. in tilt Vil- tc' ss of I.1. ms ue if- t- n- h; of ld- r- h, n - h, r CHAIN RED&WHITE STORES OUR SPECIALS FOR ONE WEEK FROM DATE DISH PANS, Baked Enamel, white, green blue, Very Special 49c SERVUS FLOOR WAX, one pound tins , SUPER SUDS, A new soap flake, introducing at , , . , ... , .2 for 25c 2=in•1 POLISHES tan, white, black, tin 10c PRESERVED FIGS, 13 -oz, tin 20c. 16 -oz. glass 35c NU -COTE. --A finish, not a polish, for furniture, linoleums, floors, in- terior woodwork, etc. Investigate. Special Offer 8 -oz. tin 45c, 16 -oz. tin 75c Pineapples are cheap this year. We have plenty of them W . M, Stewart Rhone TT Rhone Ross J. Sproat A -always �,'. her rPrice" it � than Pr�t�'e e B1-1 We pay the highest prices for good cream. Our services to our patrons are the best that can be given. Do not send your cream to other Creameries; we want it here. To operate a Creamery we need your co-operation. In return for you co-operation we will give you of our best in service and prices. We are agent for the Mellotte Cream Separators. Come in and see the new Models. Seaforth Creamery mery Co. Seaforth, Ont. C. A. BARBER, Prop. W, J, Walker &- Son UNDERTAKING K —and— EMBALMING Motor or' Horse Equipment , .. W. J. WALKER,.holder of Go- vernment diploma and license, Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. McInnes D, c Chiropractor Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial' Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated. Electricity used. W, MISS HARRISON of Stratford will be at Pullman's Barber Shop every Tuesday to do MarceHing Phone 125 for Appointment Pianos Tuned Cleaned and Repaired Chas. A, Howey Residence -fames St For 'Both House and Stable.— There is a .good deal of.• similarity physically speaking, between • human beings and the' Lower animals., Both are subject to many ailments arising from inflammation and to all manner of cuts and bruises !Dr. Thomas' r•reliable entirely X.clectrmc ,,((��nl'ds an Y remedy 'for, such ailments and mis- haps in both :Annan 'beings and. the louver animals.. AUTO INSURANCE - PUBLIC LIABILITY PROPERTY DAMAGE FIRE, THEFT COLLISION Let us explain the. coverages and the amount of protection afforded for small premium, EVEN A MINOR ACCIDENT WILL COST YOU MORE THAN THE PREMIUM ON A POLICY. Prompt settlement of all claims A D. SUTHERLAND GENERAL INSURANCE- • AGENCY Real Estate, Conveyancing, Bonds ani Investments Phone 152 Seaforth, Ontario. ST. COLUMBAN, • Misses Mildred and Gentrude 'Mc- Grath of Guelph spent the week end at their home here, Mr. W. 'L. Holland has returned to Windsor after visiting friends,here. Mr, and Mrs. James E. McQuaid' spent Sunday in Stratford. Mr. Joseph Melady has returned from Detroit for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Christopher have returned to' London after visit- ing friends'heie, !Several of the people in the parish are` sporting new cars: Terry Flan- nery, an Overland Six, Louis O'Reilly •a Chrysler and Joseph Kale, a Ford' sedan. Mr, Joseph' Carlin is putting a ce- ment wall under ' his house, Mr. James Hart has the contract, so Mr. Carlin is assured of a good job. CROMARTY. .Mrs. S . Speare and Miss Olive Speare have returned from Toronto, Mrs. 'Speare will spend the summer here. IS'tratfo•d Presbytery meets in "Cro- marty Presbyterian Ohurch on 'Tues- day, May 14th, The ladies of the con- gregation will serve dinner. The price of hags reached a high- water mark of nearly 14c "' here this week. BORN. MAHER—In Brooklyn, N. Y., on May 5th, 1929, to Mr, and Mrs. John C. Maher (nee Mabel Bullard) a son. MaaFARLAuN'E,—In McKillop, on Monday, April 29th, 1929,' to Mr, and Mrs.•David MacFarlane, a son.( • TOWN TOPICS Mr, and Mrs, S. J. A. Boyd, of North Dakota, are spending a' few dayswith r, and Mrs. RobertAgar, Mrs• oyd •is Mr, Agar's sister;, e trip was made by motor by way. of Minneapolis Prof, Graham, head of the poultry department. O.A'C., Guelph, called on Mr, James M, Scott, at Sunny Crest farm, on Tuesday of this week, Messrs: Joe Eckert and ;Harry Ful- ler were home for' the week end and have returned to Georgetown to re- sume their duties for the King �Con- straction, Ca. Mr. and .Mrs. Henry Hoggartli and Miss Ethel McDougall visited with M,„ and Mrs. Brown, TucGkersmith on Sunday, Miss McDougall, nurse -in - training of Detroit, is Spending her vaea'tionwith her mother. Mr, W. A. MelLaren, of Montreal, editor of the "Blue Bell", the well- known tnagazine .'publ'fshed by the Bell Telephone Company for its .em- ployees, was in town last week and called at the News office. Mr. and Mrs. Heath, of Listowel, visited during ,the week -end with Mr. and :Mrs. Wesley Free. To -day, Thursday; May 9 is Ascen- sion Day. There is a new moon and an eclipse of She sun. Spring weather is coming slowly. Miss Jessie Bethune spent' the past week in. Toronto. Miss Elizabeth Smith, who has been in Toronto for the winter, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. E Kerslake. Miss Margaret Armstrong, of Wes- tern University, is"spending a few dayswith herparents, M p re its, r, and Mrs. A D,Armstrong. Mr.and •r Mrs. H. Francis Usbarne Township, have moved"into their' house on Goderich street, recently va- cated by Mr, Harold Dale, Mrs, Heigh Wright is spending the week in Detroit where Mr. Wright is confined to- the hospital with blood poisoning, Mrs. M. Kenchen, Saginaw, Mich., is the guest of Mayor W. H. and Mrs. Golding. • Cadet Inspection at the Collegiate this year will be on Monday, May 27. The Select Vestry of St, Thomas' Anglican Church met Tuesday even- ing at the hone of '14r, and Mrs. S. Leyburn, Tuckersmith. Mr. Jack Regier is having a mod- ern gas station and car storage ad- dition built on the vacant lot south of his garage, R. Ftost and Son, Sea - forth and'Mr..Rapien, Brodhagen, are doing the work,', the tatter having stanted layntg., the foundation this week. iMrs,'(1Dr.) Neal, of Peter'boro, spent a few'days with Mrs, R. H. Ferguson and other friends in town. Mr. and Mrs, Matthew Bates, of Goderich, and Mr. Will Logan and Miss Logan, of Varna, were visitors Tuesday with Mrs. W. L. Keys. Mr, and Mrs, Frank Hall and son Bernard and.Mrs. John, Robb and Miss Nina Robb were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, J. R. Govenlock. IN ACCIDENT. 'Whilereturning eturt in from Hamilton t g ttlton ou Tuesday afternoon about five o'clock. a c'at driven by Mrs.Wilt Wright, of Tuckensntith, came within a few inches of going over a steep embank- ment east of"Stratford, Mrs. William Oke and son .Roy of Seaforth, Mr, and Mrs, E. A. Hearn of Hamilton and" Mrs. Wright, the 'five 'occupants of the car, were travelling toward Stratford When a car driven by Mr. Edmeston of Kincardine, behind them, attempted to pass on the second turn at the Little ,Lakes, Trying to avoid an on- coming car which he had not noticed. Mr. Edmeston struck the Wright car, wrecking the front and side of their car and hurling it against the cable. Three posts were snapped off- but 'no person was injured as the car stopped ,within a few inches of the embank- ment. Mrs. Wright and her sister had gone to Hamilton Monday to bring 'their father and mother here for the summer. MEET AT CHATHAM. The third annual meeting of the London' Conference bnanoh of the W. M. iS. ,oaf the United Church' of Canada will be held in Chatham on May 14th and 15th. Reports of secretarys will include,Strangers, Mrs. R. A. Lundy, of Nile;'Missionary'Mon't'hly,'Mrs. W. H. Willis, Wingham, and literature, Mrs W. Naftel, •Goderich, ,On Wednesday morning the devo- tional period will be led by Mrs. W. P. Lane, of Seaforth, and Mrs. Archi- bald, of Woodstock, CONSTANCE. Mr. and lairs. Ernest Adams and Donalda visited friends at Staffa on Sunday. Mrs. Charles McGregor returned Monday from Seaforth hospital Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Love and Miss Ferne Love and Mr. R. Patter- son were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Britton, Miss Mildred Britton, of Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. !Britton, Mrs. Jack Ferguson entertained a number' of friends on Tuesday last. Mr, Wm, L. Jamieson, o,f Kitchen- er, spent the week -end at his home, Mr. Jamieson intends moving to Kit- chener withina few months, TaiIoring Ladies' and Gentlemen's. TAILORS Give us a call COGHILL TAILORING CO, 108 Downie St, STRATFORD DIED IN STRATFORD. The death occttrred in Stratford Thursday afternoon last of Benian M Williams,.ttres"ident of the 11. liams.+Trow Knitting Company,'Lt ited, after' two weeks' illness. The la Mr, Williams' wife was formerly Mt Elizabeth Boyd, being a daughter Mrs, S. Boyd, and a Sigler to Mrs. J. Gibson, Sea'fotth. Of Mr. Airillia The"BeaeonlHetald sayst The late :Mr,. Williams was a tr example of that rare figure, a se made man, Beginning at the very bo tom of the ladder in the textile i dus'try, he worked his way up until became one of the leading tights this business'itn Canada, His optnio in bite Matter of woollens was const ered one of authority throughout t Dominion, a life -Rime spent in pract cal, first -!hand study of the industry i every one of its many phases glvtn hint a vast experience, which was pe haps equalled .by no one in Canada. Born in 1864 in the town ,of Niaibet South Wale's, he received his educe tion in public schools and a privet school. • He then began the earee which was to lead him to such prom- inence in ,the texltile world at the wool- len mills of David Humphries and son, Narbe'th. Here he was employed until the age of seventeen, when he decided to try his fortune in his country's Do- minion across the Atlantic. His first position in Canada he ob- tained in the woollen mills at Belle- ville. After working there for some •time, and g'ainin'g some of the experi- etnce which later stood him in such good stead, he moved to Streetsville, entering the employment of the Bar- bour Brothers, in that town, He stay - int Str i ed eetsv ile tor three years, when he was given an offer by the VenlEgntohd Brothers in Seaforth to become superin'tenden't of their mill. When the young mill worker accepted the offer the VanlEgmonds soon dis- covered that their confidence in hint, had not been misplaced, • After remaining in Seaforth. for four years, the late \4r. Williams :came to Stratford, .and obtained his first .employment here with the late E. G. Dufitod and softs, who owned 'the old woollen mill on Huron street, near the Court House. He was general manager of this mill for 15 years. 'In 1911, he orgainzed the company now known as the . Williams -,Trow ICnit- ting Company, Mr. Williams was. pre- sident Of this company up until the time of his, death. Always actively interested in the civic life of his community, he had; 'borne his share of the duties incident to citizenship. He. was elected to the Board of .Education in 1904 and while serving in this capacity was chairman of the +Supply Committee.. He also served on the city council, being an aldermen during 1.910. He was a mem- ber of Avon Lodge, No. 14, and a member of the Congregational church. A staunch Conservative, he was al- ways keenly interested in itis coun- try's affairs. He was generous almost to a fault, and enjoyed immense popularity am- ong his 'employees. His loss will be deeply felt in every business and so- cial circle in the city. so well was he known and respected. Of late years Mr.WilliamsW thad taken a keen in tetest in aviation and enjoyed' many a ride with pilots who came to Strat- ford. He leaves to mourn their loss his wife, who was formerly Elizabeth Boyd, of Seaforth; one daughter, Pearl, Mrs. C. J. Fletcher, Montreal, and three brothers, William, Edwin and James, all of Narbeth, Wales. - HARLOCK. Death of Mrs. Abery.-The funeral of the late Mrs, (Rev.) Jas. D. Abery, who died at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs, Jas. H. \Vatt, Toronto. took place on Saturday, May 4th, front the S. P. 'Myer's funeral home. Burial • was made to 'Mount Pleasant ceme- tory. Services were conducted by ;Rer. Mr. Jackson, of Toronto, a life- long friend of Mr. Abery. Many love-. ly Roral tributes were ggiven. showing the esteem in which iblrs," Abery was held. Among them was a beautiful wreath from Burns and Knox Church, !Besides her husband, she leaves to mourn her loss, one son, George of Vancouver, and three daughters, Mrs. Dr. Wilson, Toronto; Mrs, Jas. Watt, ,Toronto, and Mrs. (tDr.) Gray, of 'Walkerylile. The people of Burn's United Church were very sorry last week to hear of the death of Mrs. ,(Rev.) Abery, We wish to extend our deepest sympathy to Rev. Mr. Abery and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Stevens of 'Clin- ton, 'visited at the home of Mr. anti Mrs. Robert Ferris on Monday. Mr, and Mrs, !Dave Reid and Wat- son visited Mr, and Mrs. Bert Allen on Sunday. Mr. Wm. Jamieson, Etnma and• Clifford, also Mr, and Mrs, Isaac Rapson and Marie visited Mr. and Mrs• David Watson of McKillop on Sunday. ,Mr, James Watt of 'Blyth, also Geo: and Mr: and Mrs. Leo Watt and chil- dren of Turlock motored to Toronto on Saturday to attend the funeral of Mrs, (Rev.) Abery, which was held on Sunday. While is Toronto they visited at the hones of Mr. and Mrs. 'James Watt Jr. and Mr, and Mrs. James Scott. They returned Sunday bringing Mrs. James Scott, who is visiting at the hone of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. ,Sinton McVittie, for the week. Rev. Holmes of Clinton conducted service in Burns Church on Sunday instead of Rev, Mr. Forrester and this Sunday, May 12th, Rev. MrFor- rester will have charge of the service, Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Jenkins of Clin- ton, visited at the home of the fortn- er's aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs. Ro- ibem t Ferris. on Sunday, , Watch for the wedding bells which are expected to ring to the east this week, Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Allen of ,Northern Ontario, visited at:the home of Mr, arid Mrs. Bert Allen on Satur- day, The May meeting of Burns' Ladies' Aid was 'held at the home of Mrs. Jennie Knox on Thursday y y with a good attendance. After the business part of the meeting, the remainder of the afternoon was spent in social chat and quilting, The ladies are content- plating ontentplating having a strawberry garden party, which you will hear - about later, A. dainty Moult was ' served. The June meeting will be at the home of Mrs, Thomas Appleby. Misses Isabel Reid, Marjorie Col- Son, expected to go to Guelph on: .Tuesday by motor and return. .the .end of the week. They were appointed to go as delegates for the Blyth Junior .Farmer's "Institute. , Messrs, John and Guy Leiper. also A. W, Beacom visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. I. Rapson on, Friday evening; Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm, Bell, aecompan-, led by Mrs. Samuel Ruddell and sister were in Clinton Saturday night and visited Mr. Samuel Riddell, who, we are sorry to say, is at present in Clin- ton hospital, having part of a finger amputated one day at the end of the week and having an operation for oth- er troubles on Monday morning, We wish hitt: a speedy recovery. LONDES'BORO. Mr. and Mrs. James Pipe, of Gode- rich, spent Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs, Mountain, of the village. Airs, Johnston and Miss (Helen spent Saturday with London friends, They were accompanied home by Mr, Johnston, Mrs. Nott and daughter were in Winghasn Satttrday, Mr. T. Sampson returned to his. home in Palmerston last Monday af- ter a week's visit with friends 'here, Mr. and Mrs, E. Adams and Miss Brigham spent Saturday in London. Mrs. Mains and Miss Lizzie return- ed to 'their home here on Thursday last 'after spending the winter mottths in Chicago Mr. and 'Mrs. Harvey were callers in Wingham on Saturday. The Ladies' Aid met at the hoine of Mrs, John Harvey and quilted a quilt, afterwards a lten cent tea was served, the proceeds amounting to a nice little bit, The missionary meeting will 'meet at the home of Mrs. B, Allen on Fri- day. We hope to see a nice lot of ladies.out. Mr, Tom Millar, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, A. McCool, motored to Drayton on Sunday last to see Mr. Millar's brother -in -lath, Mr, C. White, who is seriously ill. Rev. Mr, .Abray was called to To- ronto on Wednesday last owing to the serious illness of Mrs, Abray. Mrs, Abray later passed aw*ayy at the home of her daughter, Mrs. games. Watt. T,he• deepest of sympathy is extended to the bereaved ones. Mr. and Mrs, H. Riley and boys spent 'Sunday the guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. Freeman, NORTH McKILLOP. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Thornton were visiting friends in Clinton on Sunday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs, Leonard Leeming were Sunday visitors at the home of Dr. and Mrs; Proudfoot. The ,farmers couldn't do much last week- eek aswas it such a wet week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thornton were visiting Ur. and Mrs. nH, Brodhagen, of Dublin; last Friday. • Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Regele were visitingat the hone of Mr, and Mrs. D. •Regele ,on Sunday last. Mr. John Patterson spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Dan, Regele, McKILLOP, Lest You Forget.—That there ex- isted about fifty years ago a village named Roxboro of the banks of the Maitland (River in McKillop, That the first school in that section was one built of logs and standing where the present Maitland !Bank Cemetery now is. That its successor was one of brick built upon Lot 30, Con. 3. That the third and present one stands on Lot 30, Con. 4, That there is to be a grand Reunion of teachers, scholars, and residents, of the section past and 'present, on July 4th on the grounds of the Seaforth' Golf Club. That every one of these will desire. to be there, That it will be necessary to send them an invitation or they may never hear of the event. That you may have the names and addresses af'many of these. That the Secretary would like those names and addresses now while you are reminded of it, lest some one may be disappointed by our neglect. That for your ootvenience you may leave your lists at Mr. Thos. Dickson's seed store or mail them direct to the Sec - R, retaryIR,i., Mr. A. A. Cuthill, Seaforth. Mother's Day will be observed in Duff's .Church of Sunday next, The pupils of !No, 4 spent a busy Arbor Day around tile school and the afternoon in bhe bust: at Mr. Mat- thew 'Beattie's. •Mr. and Mrs. James 'Kerr and baby Maxwell and Mr. and :Mrs, David Kerr, all of "Milverton, were Sunday visitors with 'Mr, and Mrs, W. J. Shannon on the fourth. William Eizerntan, of Mitchell, has the contract for of a new $13,000 Lutheran Church at Monk - ton. VARNA. • We are sorry to report Mr, Stelck is under the doctor's care and we hope to see him about soot. !Week end visitors Mr. and " Mrs. Geo. Foster, of Windsor; Mrs. Mc- Naughton London; Miss Irene Chu ter, London; Mr. and Mrs. McNaugh- ton, Kitchener, Mr. M. Elliott shipped live stock to Toronto Saturday, Mr. and Mrs, J. T. Reid of London. spent Sunday with friends here, Mrs. J. Rothwell is spending a few days in Windsor, Dust Causes Asthma, ',Evett'a little speck too small to see will lead to agonies ,which no words can describe: The wails of .the breathingtubes con- tract and it seems as if e very life trust pass F••ctni this condition Dr, J. D, Kellogg's Asthma Remedy brings the user to perfect rest. It re- lieves the passages and normal breathing is firmly established again, Hundrets of testimonials received an- nually prove its effectiveness, Waiker's Furniture Store PRIN€ is here and we are read - y with the finest line of House Frnirnish, ings ever offered. Complete stock — good selection for every room in your, home. FLOOR COVERINGS in alt the New Designs. CHESTERFIELDS & LIVING ROOM FURNITURE a Specialty DININGROOM & BEDROOM SUITES made by the best Factories in Canada. Every Department is ready for your inspection. You wilt find Prices very moderate. We also handld a splendid line of. Slightly Used Furniture, at very low cost. 1 slightly used Sherlock & Manning Player Piano with large quantity of rolls. 1 slightly used Mason & Rlsch upright Piano. Both in splendid condition, . J. WALKER CHISELHUR'ST. ,Bortz—To Mr, and • Mrs; Gordon Wren, a daughter, on April 17th, Mr. Ted Taylor of Toronto was home over the week end to visit his father, Mr, tRichard Taylor, Mr. William Slavin has put up a nice garage for his car. , Mr. and Mrs, G. T. Wren and )Ag- ues, visited his sister in St. Marys on Sunday. Mr. William Cooper, who has been in the hospital at Seaforth for some time for an appendicitis operation, has recovered sufficiently to return home. Mr. Richard Taylor and Thomas Richardson have 'bought the Hodgert fifty acres in front of them. • The ladies of Chiselhurst are having a special meeting in the church on Tnesday, May 14th, A special speaker will be present, Miss Liza McKaig of Hensall was visiting on Sunday with her sister, Mrs, Noah Horton and also at Lloyd Horton's on the boundary. Next Sunday a ladies' choir will be at the service in honor of Mothers' Day. BRUCEFIELD Mrs, Rothwell of Toronto, who has been visiting friends in the village for the past few weeks, returned to her home last week. The Misses 'Ina and Marion Gray of Egmondville, spent Sunday at the home of their uncle and aunt. Mr, and Mrs, James Moodie, Mothers' Day will be observed next Sunday. 'There.. will be a Mothers' Choir and a seruao,n preached to the children and parents. The congregation of the United h C arch listened with much pleasure. to the services, conducted last Sunday morning and evening by the Rev. W. D. McDonald of .Egmondville. Rev. W. A. Bremner preached in Port Stanley. The Marion Oliver Circle will hold their monthly meeting Friday even- ing at 8 .p.nt,( when an address will be given by Miss Leader, graduate of the Bible School, Toronto, An invitation is extended to the women of .the con- gregation. Whether the corn be of old or new grotwth, it must yield to Holloway's Corn Remover. Want and For Sale ads, 3 times SOc WINTHROP. Mr. attd Mrs. Joseph 'Little spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Geddes of Belgrave. Mr. Jim McClure, Miss Ethel Mc- Clure, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Clark spent Sunday with friends in Varna. Miss Minnie Wheatley spent the week end with Iter parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wheatley. Miss Isabel •Eaton spent Sunday With 'Miss Margaret Johnston.. Mr. and Mrs, James Hudson of Seaforth spent Sunday evening, with Mr, and Mrs, Sol Shannon. Mr. Ferg. iSmalidon, of Walton, called on friends in the village on Sunday, Miss Almira Shannon spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. !Hiram Shannon, of London, last week. Miss Margaret Eaton spent Sun- day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton, 'Mrs, Habkirk spent a few days with Mrs, R. Campbell and Mrs. S. Shannon. HILLS GREEN Mr. and Airs. Roy Consttt spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Thomas Consitt s. Mr. and Mrs. J. Daytnan.-of Tuck- ersmith, were Saturday visitors with Mrs. E. Troyer. Misses Agnes and !Annie Cochrane, of Clinton, spent Sunday at Mr. James Love's, Miss Muriel Carlile, of Clinton,, spent the week -end •a't the hone of her parents. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Farquhar and family, of Brucefleld, were Sunday visitors at the home' of Mr. W. Car- lile. Ifrs. Chas. Stephenson is spending_ a few days with Mrs, R. Stephenson Sr., Goshen Line, Mr. Stephenson's mother, who is very ill at present. The W.M.S. are having a quilting' bee in the basement of the church on Wednesday of this week. STANLEY. Mr. and Mrs. George Foster, of Windsor, visited their many friends in and around Varna the past week. Mrs. Robert McClinchey and son Frank, of Goshen line, visited relatives at Auburn on Sunday. • A Good Portion of beef served to you for the evening meal roasted about medium, with the btacd gravy oozing through, gives ane a foundation. It just makes one's mouth water to think of it. How was that last piece of meat wesent you? Wasn't it fine. GEO. CAMERON Your Butcher. Phone 58 Seaforth. YOUR AUTO NEEDS Goodyear;JTires;randi; Tubes. Battery Sales and Service. Charging and Repairing all makes:of "Batteries. to good line'ot new and used'uartSofdifferent makes of cars, 1f your car is in need of repairs, give us a call. Studebaker Sales and Service euiees PHONE .167W