HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-05-09, Page 4PA FQTJR
Snowdon Bros Publishers: .
A.O.U.W. all
FrL, May .17
Blyth Orchestra
Mrs, iRoutledge and Leslie spent a
few days in Toronto last week.
'While at work last Wednesday, Mr.
Earl:Watson was struck across the
eyes, nearly blinding him. The right
' eye was the one more severely injured
and is causing him much pain. His
many friends hope it will not prove
Mr, Ed, Godlcin and Miss Eliza
(Godkin visited their sister, Mts. Litt,
•at Goderich on ,Sunday,
Mr. Cecil Lydiatt spent a few days
in Toronto,
Friday, July 5th, is the date set for
the annual garden party of \ Duff's'
United ^Church, Walton, This as one
of the biggest garden parties in West
Miss Louise Mills accompanied her
sister, Miss Elizabeth .Mills, to Strat-
ford on Monday evening, 'where the
latter was trying music examinations.
Mr. and Mrs, George Butson of
Staffer and Mrs, Emma Ross of Tuck-
erstnith spent 'Sunday at J. N. Camp-
Mrs, Box and son Walter and niece
Shirley,of 'Stratford, spent Sunday
With Mr. and Mrs. Ennis,
Miss (Flora Harris has returned
Home from .Preston,
Mr. ,Burke of Tort' Stanley is reliev-
ing here in the Bank, while Mr. Young
of Auburn is on his holidays,
There will be a dance in the Work-
man's Hall Friday, May 17th,
Mr, and Mrs, 'William MoGavin,
Mr. Hugh Rinn and Mr. Charles Mc -
Gavin spent Sunday with friends in
We are very sorry to hear that the
Rion boys lost a veryfine young mare
'last week. They have since.purchas-
ed another 'fine horse from J, H. Gal-
Messrs, Carl Holmes and George
Love intend starting to work in Clin-
ton this week.
The county crusher has been set ;n
the pit just east of Leadbury corner.
Mr- Harry Rinn with his team, has
been engaged to work in the pit for
the summer..
Mr, Charles McGavin, who had ex-
pected Mr. Blake. of Manitoba to
help him for the summer, has en-
gaged Mr. Albert Constable.
Mrs, )Robert Shortreed and Miss
-Mae visited with her cousin, Mr. Thos.
Skelton. Blue Lake, while Mr. Short -
reed attended' the Presbyterian Synod
`held in Paris Presbyterian Church.
'Mrs. Shortreed and Miss Mae and
'Hiss Elsie Skelton spent Tuesday in
'Brantford and were entertained at the
home of the latter's aunt and uncle,
Dr. H. M. and Mrs. McIntyre.
Mr. and Mrs. George McCloy and
Miss Loretto Shine of Toronto visited
friends in 'Walton on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wiltse, of
Clinton. visited friends in this vicinity
on Sunday.
Mrs. Thomas McMichael visited
-kith Mr:. W. Cunningham for a few
days last week.
\ext Sunday Mothers' Day service
will be observed in Duff's Church.
Duff's Church was well represented
•at Exeter on Tuesday last, ten ladies
and three gentlemen being present
from here.
Our barber is getting settled in his
new shop. Pete likes to keep up with
the times.
The weather has been too wet to
get touch work done on the farm, But
looks as though it might he dry for a
while as the temperature is cool.
D. Steiss is employed with C. Case
to put in the crop as Mr. Case is laid
up with a broken collar bone at pres-
The councils of the three townships
held a special meeting on Saturday
•evening in the A.O.TJ.W. hall with re-
gard to the street lights. We hope
to have them constructed before the
summer months are ,over,
Miss Violet Rankin visited with
Miss Gertie Miller nn Wednesday af-
ternoon of last week,
Mr. H. Kirkby is engaged putting
lin the crop on the McDonald farm.
The people who finished house
•cleaning in the warm weather, can re-
clean when the winter weather has
Mr, and Mrs, Gen, Jackson were in
'Stratford one day last week.
The Guild of St. George's Church
net at Miss Maggie Kelly's on Wed-
nesday of last week.
A meeting of the Community Hall
Board was held Tuesday evening.
Born. - in Ciintcii hospital, on
Monday, May 6th, 1929, to Mr, and
Mrs. James Morritt. Blyth, a son. Mr.
Morritt's face is wreathed in many a
smile over the arrival of their fifth
Mrs, Wallace Potter has bought the
lot just south of Mr. Tack Leith's
and is making pians to build a fine
modern dwelling on it. Mrs. Potter
has been living lately with her daugh-
ter, Mrs, Maitland Bell, in Hamilton.
Her many friends will be pleased to
know she intends making her pertna-
mcnt home here.
Mr.: aiid firs. John R. Bell were
vi si tons in London over the week -cud,
The funeral of 2lrs, Aaron Bennett,
who died in California a week ago
Sunday last, will be held on Tlny'sday.
• The remains were expected to arrive
at the C,'N.•R. station at Blyth on
Wednesday. Contrary to first word
- received last week, Mr. Bennett re-
- 11110 led in California. until the + latter
part 6f the week. It is believed Mr.
' Bennett and Jackie will again make
their home in Blyth. The funeral will
;be held from' the'hotncof her brother,
Owing to the fact that we
are completely overb u
lin and
unable to do
reconstructing our Seaforth plant,we shall be
any chopping duringthe month of May.
We have a good supply of Flour, Reed
Manitoba Oats, Oat ehop and
Rolled Oats
Bran in bags $30.00 per ton
Shorts " " $30.00 per ton
Middlings " " $36.00 per ton
!ani Mills gave the Auditors' report,
stating the books to be satisfactory.
The President then atapoittted Mrsi A,
Barr and Mrs. B. Herrington sera
sneers, far the corning election Ar-
raageittettts were ntacle for .the sum,
mer speaker, Miss • E, MRDtasrttld
of Sandringham. who coarses to us
well'laeeomnetaded as a speaker, will
have far her subject, '`Things' Motley
Cannot Buy," Lunch committees Mrs,
Richmond, Mrs, J, Garniss, Mrs, Wm,
Mills, Mrs. 'Colclough, Mrs..Young to
e a.
entertain the speaker, Wednesday.
Kay 22nd, Mrs, R. T. Phillips, Dis-
trict President of Goderich, gave a
said if
had their life to liveoveragain,they
would live differently, They oud
have knowledge and experience and
nature of adventure. • Time will show
that.the most valuable thing in life is
character. We should have love and
dignity and try to be bigger than the
things we do. If you can't be a tree,
be a bit of ,grass -be the best ,of what-
ever you are. We can all have beau-
tiful charadter, We should pract!oe
economy in all things, She also spoke
on Health and touched ort the work
of the Institute. A -hearty vote of
appreciation was tendered Mrs. Phil-
lips for her address. Meeting was
brought to a close by singing the Na-
tional Anthem,
Officers: President- Mrs, ' R, Rich-
mond; 1st Vice President. Mrs. Wim.
Craig; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. 73.
Herrington; Secretary -Treasurer, Mrs.
'J, Colclough; Branch Directors, Mrs.
R. Newcombe, Mrs. A Fawcett, Mrs,
A. Barr, Mrs,, R. C. McGowan; Dis-
trict Director, mfrs, B. Herrington;
Representatives to district annual
meeting, Mrs, H. Young, Mrs, R.
Richmond, Mrs. B. Herrington, Mrs.
R. Wightman Mrs: R. C. Mc'Gowao;
Press Secretary, Mrs. 5. Colclough;
Auditors. Mrs. R. Wightman, Mrs, S.
White; Pianist; Mrs, F. Hollymair,
Assis'tant, Mrs. H. McElroy; Pro-
gram Committee, Mrs. R. Riehtnond,
Mrs, Wm, Craig, Mrs, 5 'Herrin'g-
ton, Mrs. J, Colclough. Mrs, R, New-
combe, Mrs. A. Fad'cett, Mrs A. Barr,
Mrs. R C, McGowan. Music Com-
tnittee=Miss P. Gidley, Miss L. Her-
rington, Mrs. H. McElroy, Mrs, F.
Hollyman, with power to add. 'Emerg
ency Committee -Mrs. Young, Mrs,
Barr, Mrs. Fawcett. Mrs. Herrington.
His'torioal Research -Mrs. R. Wight -
man, Mrs. Latimer and Mrs. J. Car-
Mrs. C. Harvey, of Exeter visited
her son Councillor J. W. Mills.
Visitors at Wm. Thuell's during
the week: were Mr. and Mrs. Breck-
enridge, from near B'luevale; Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Fields and babe, of
Brussels; -Mr, James Breckenridge. of
Rev. C. C. and Mrs. ICaine,' of At-
twood, visited the latter's brtothef,
Councillor J. W. Mills. -
Studebaker leads
the world in sale of
eight -cylinder automobiles!
$1960 to $3395.
At Wallcerville. Gov't taxes extra.
i,e,':T:T,;-.Xytt:Tj.'.rf li::. Sir.r:t..n., • ::1.0.i:q•
NEW COMMANDER EiaHT BROUGHAb1, $2120 -wood wheels, 2 spare rims
and trunk standard Brougham equipment. COMMANDER E tG HT Coves,
$1960. Pricer at Walkerville. Bumpers, spare tires andgov't taxes extra.
(H E first Studebaker Eight, The President,
was introduced at the auto shows last year.
A few months later The President set eleven world
and twenty-three international records, including the
unapproached feat of traveling 30,000 miles in 26,3 26
consecutive minutes!
Today Studebaker holds every official stock car
record for speed and endurance ... and sells more eight -
cylinder cars than any other maker.
Drive a Studebaker Eight. It will win you, just as
it has won multitudes of others.
J. REGIER, Seaforth
Mr. Stra-ughan, at Auburn,
Mr, James Forsyth. of Newark, N.
J., spent a few days with his sisters,
Mrs. Henderson and Miss Forsyth.
hirs, S. J. Leslie was called to To-
ronto owing to the death of her broth-
er-in-law, Mr. Gifford.
Mr. Dave Floody is erecting a new
verandah at Queen Street Church
Mr. Jim Davis has purchased a new
car for his rural.route driving.
Mfr, Jos. Taman is doing the level-
ling on the new tennis club court on
Queen Street.
Mrs. Geo. Johnston left Monday
for Niagara Falls. Their household
goods were shipped last week to their
new home in the Falls where Mr.
Johnston has been working since last
Women's Institute. - The annual
meeting of the Women's Institute was
held in Memorial Hall on Friday,
May 3rd. Meeting opened by singing
the Institute "Ode," after which the
Lord's prayer was repeated in unison
The retiring President, Mrs. R.
Wightman gave a short address. Her
words were well chosen, showing how
great her interest had been in the
work of the Institute. The Secretary,
Mrs. J. Colclough, then gave the re-
port of the year's work. Mrs, Will -
With 3 Exclusive
I. Safe and: quick Agi-
tator Water Action
2. Insulated to keep water hot. Will retain the heat ttvice as,
long as the ordinary Copper Tub Washers,
3. Steel protected, Wicket -plated Copper Tub, having the life and
strcaydt of two ordinary copper tub washers,
SEE THE MARVEL -the copper tub gyrator washer for
$98.00 guaranteed. 'Why pay more for a Copper Tub Washer
• �h
BIyth Young People's. -The regular
meeting of the Young People's So-
ciety was held in the basement of St.
Andrew's United Church with a good
attendance. Gladys Fawcett occupied
the chair and read the.ScrepturaT les-
son. Prayer was offered by Mrs.
'Weir. The minutes of the previous
meeting were readand adopted and a
communication -front Hensall Young
People's Society di'saussed and laid
over till next meeting. The meeting
was in charge of the Missionary com-
mittee and the topic. "Success was
introduced by Rev. Mr. Weir. This
was followed, by a definition of "'Suc-
cess." The firs''t paper, by Mr. Ersk-
ine, on "Success in the Business
World" was very practical and gave
reasons for younger men usurping
positions. A trio by Miss Cole, Rev.
Mr. Weir and Mr. Cole was enjoyed
by all. Miss Dorothy Bryant gave the
second topic on "Success from a Re-
ligious Standpoint" and outlined the
ideal life of Christ; the position he
occupied and his relationship with
men. Rev. Weir gave an address on
"Education and Success," outlining
experiences of the young men and wo-
men of to -day and how education
leads to higher standards. The meet-
ing closed with a hymn and the Miz-
pah benediction in unison:`
Miss Elsie (Stonehouse spent the
week end with her friends, the Misses
The C,IG.I.T. Group (net this week
at the manse, the main feature of the
evening being an address on First Aid
by Dr. J. C. Ross, which was mirth
enjoyed by all present.
The McLean Mission Band will
meet next Saturday afternoon at . 3
o'clock -in ,the basement of St. And-
rew's Church.This being their spe-
cial Thankoffering, the mothers and
any friends are invited to be present,
Mr. Thomas Millar, Mr. and 'Mrs.
Armond McCool, 'Mr. J'as. H. and
Miss Jessie, :Richmond, motored to
Drayton on Sunday to see the for-
mer's brother-in-law, who is very
Mrs. Geo, Johnston will leave this
week for Niagara Falls where she is
to make her future home.
The Sunday School of IS't. Andrews
United Church opened at 9,45: Sunday
morning which will continue for the
summer months. We hope everyone
will take advantage of this.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 'Storey and
children, McKillop, visited Mr. and
Mrs. John McNichol, on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnston
and Iona and John and Mrs. •Grasby
spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, •Rus-
sel Bradshaw.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Nicholson and
family spent Sunday with Mr. James
Wilflantson, of Brussels, x
Mr. Christopher :Nesbit, of Lin-
wood, visited` over the: week -end with
his brother, John Nesbit
• Mr. : and •Mrs. Jdhtt Spetts and chit-•.
dren spent. Sunday with, Mr, and -Mrs.
Christopfier Rogerson.. -
Mr, and Mrs Glias. ;Nicholson 'and
Gordon were 'gues'ts of Mr,. Thomas
Shoehottoin Sunday. afternoon.
Messrs. John and. Christopher' Nes-
bit visited their brother Alfred Nesbit,
of Auburn, on Sunday,
Died, --•{A1 North B'attleford; Sask.,
on. May, 4th. 1929, 'Kate, belovedwife
of Rev, Peter Fisher, eldest daug'h'ter
of the late ',Thomas and- Ann' Calder,
Grey Township. and sister' of Mrs,
Wm. •E, Forrest, Glenallan, and Dr.
Margaret C. Calder, Wingham,
Many mothers have reason to bless
Mother 'Graves' (Worm Exterminator,
because it has relieved ,the little ones
of suffering and made ,them healthy,
eporlforthe Toi of Seaforth
For the Year 1928
Seaforth, 'Ont., •btar'ce 1st. 1929.
To the Mayor, _Reeve,
and Council of the Town of Seaforth, Ont,
. This is to certify ,that We have audited the
books, -accounts, and vouchers of your Municipal
Officers for the'year
and that the
attached acte
schedules showing •Re ei is and Expenditures.
and Assets and Liabilities, present a true and cor-
rect statement of the results of the year's opera-
tions, and the ,'financial position of the various de-
partments and .utilities as at December 31st, 1928,
All of which is respectfully submitted.
E. L. BOX,
M. A. REID, Auditors.
lauce, Bank, Dec. 3'1, 1927.,,•:,.•...$ 807.81
Taxes arrears, 1928 roll 1432,79
Taxes, arrears 3218.55
Taxes, premium 94 1'3
Taxes, poll and deg 298,00
School Grants, County 276152
Fees, rents and fine's 105?.64
Licenses 210,04
Debentures sold ., 32500.00
Interest on Sinking ,Fund 2130.91
Dominion (Bank, loans 30800.00
Sinking Fund to pay debentures 20500.00
Sinking Fund debenture sold.. ,, 3087,50
Wolverton Flour:Mill, installment paid 1990.50
Bell Engine & Thresher Co,, . , , . ., 2500.00
Pavement assessments in full 476.97
Tuckersutith Twp„ grant
fort cairn 50.00
McKillop Twp„ grant for, cairn ,.. ,. 50.00
Pu'blic Utility Comm., W.IW Dept. for
(Hydrants 4240.00
Public Utility !Comm„ -Electric, .interest 1250.00
Public Uti[ity 'Comm„ Sinking !Fund-. , . 4'45.75
Collegiate 'Institute !Loans 7900.00
Elections $ 181.00
Salaries and •Allowances 1984.30
Printing 603.82
Property 2416.86
Dominion 1Bank, loans 63000.00
Roads 3648.66
Law,Costs . 125.00
Charity 429.93
Public School, County 'Grant 21.17.50
Public School, Levy .. 6995.18
Public !School,. interest 169.00
Separate School, levy .., , 1082.07
Separate,Schood, cou'ty grant 644.02
Collegiate Institute,. levy .6546.04
Collegiate 4dstitnte, loans ......... 7900.00
Debentures, principal paid 23720.80
Debentures, interest paid 9242.86
Debentures, principal, 's'chool•.........,165.80
Debenture interest 133,08
Fire .Brigade 547.95
P. U:'.Comm., hydrants . 4240.00
Dominion 'Bank, interest 1006.68
Board of,Health 1283.00
Pavement Account 7140,28
Public Library - ' 953.37
County rates 3483.00
County Highways 1741.50.
Band !Grant 300.00
Agricultural Society..... .... r. , '100:00'
Huron Flour Mills, deb, and int. , , 1992.50
Bell E. & T. 'Co., deb. and int, • 2500.00
Public Utility Comm., street lights 1520.00
Tax rebates • 407.35
Miscellaneous- .. ... , - 536.05
Balance, cash on hand :I523,59
Sinking Fund in' Bank $ 65.40
Sinking Fund in Debentures . 12300.00
Bell E. & T. Co., mortgage......, ...... 50000.00
Wolverton Flour Mills Co.... ... , ..... 1.6124.48
Hydro Electric System 50000.00
Waterworks 95000.00
Town Property 25000.00
Public School Debentures 2253.92
Uncollected taxes 8622.41
Balance, cash in 'Bank 1523.59
Bell Engine & Thresher Co., additional
collateral, notes $ 31843.00
General Debentures $ 3613.05
Waterworks Debentures 97000.00
Pavement Debentures 54000,00
Hydro Electric Debentures 25000.00
Public School Debentures. 2252.92
Bell E. & T. Co,, guarantee bonds 50000.00
Huron Flour Mills Co., guarantee 'bonds 16124.48
Accounts. estimated ........., ...• 200.00
Balance forward $ 1819.07
Provincial grant, uniforms 66.91
Provincial grant, Cadet Corps 50.00
Entrance Examinations 71.00
Departmental Examinations .. '188.20
Strathcona •Trust Fund 26,58
Ontario !Government iGrant 1197.00
Huron County Grant 9879,05
Town of'Seafonth 6515.04
Loans ;from Town of Seaforth 13900,00
Interest on Savings Account 1'7.60
• Sundry 2.60
$33733.05 _
Teachers' Salaries $ •14722.50
Caretaker '„ 660,00
Secretary Treasurer 100.00
Repairs .. ., ,.,. ..... 163.75
Lighting Contract 673.04
Fuel... .
Supplies' .... 156.36
Telephone . .............. 36.25
Light' 40.16
Water 55.64
Conducting examinations 393.05
Duplicating. machine
tf ,, o
RepaidTown of Seafonth Loans 397 ,0
Interest on loans .................. 3:46
Balance at Credit . 179.9.81
Perth Countyoit Grant',f r 1928,'applied for.
Cash on hand
Municipal:Grant .... ,,,..,.,,
Government Grant
Nott -resident, fees
Kindergarten fees
Institute Supplies ,,
$ 9855,84
3 ,S3
Salaries , . . ,
Permanent Intpr'oventents ,,,.•...,,,,,
Text Bo Supplies
i lies
Books and t5t.
Fuel, „ .,,,,
Light and'Water
Secy. 'Treas. .. ..... .,
Balance in Bank
$ 9855.84.
Balance, 1927, brought forward., ...$ 775,94
Sale of cards, fees and fines 80.98
Ontario Government Grant
Huron County Grant,
Town of Seaforth, grant
Librarian , ,
Light, Water and Caretaking
$ 2147,57
Papers and Magazines 55,90
Books 344.41
Printing. 67.75
, ,. .... .
Debenture 25,08
Repairs ,. 21.16
Insurance - 64.00
Taxes 23.92
Miscellaneous ..,40.70'
Balance at Credit ... 863.75
$ 2147.57
To the Chairman and Meiesbers.,
of Public Utility Commission, 'Seaforte, Ont.
This is to certify ,that we have examined the
Books and Vouchers, for the past year's business,
and in our opinion the attached statements shote
correctly the Receipts and Expenditures, and
Assets and Liabilities, as made for your Com-
mission. • .
All of which is respectfully su'bmitted.
• M. A. REID,
' E. L. BOX, Auditors.
Seaforth, Ont,; March 15th, 1920, -, •
Waterworks Department.
Cost of land $ 200.00
Buildings 8871.67
Wells 4800,00
Pumping Plant 17527.44
Distributing Reservoirs and Tanks 111700.00
Mains - 5'3022.15"
Meters and hydrants 4467.82
Services 8606.93 •
Accounts •Receivable 370.03
Bank Balance, Dec, 31, 1928 1187.41
Liabilities. ,
Debentures -outstanding $97000.00
Depreciation Reserve 13753.45
Balance, cash ,on hand, forward $ 440.09
Scale 'fees 344.25
Water rates ..;3678.04
Miscellaneous _ 26.00
Electric Current
Fuel, oil, and gas
$ 4488..38
$ '50.1,05
Pumping Plant, repairs & maintenance. ' 149.20
Mains and (Hydrants, repairs & maint... 15.45
Miscellaneous, .general .expenses 129.39
Balance, cash in bank ' 1187.41
$ 44'88.38
Domestic Light
Commercial Light
Commercial Power
Municipal Power
Street Lighting
Electrical, -
$ 8395.34
,, Expenditures
Power purchased ...$14523.96
Distributing System O & M 1602.75
Line Trans, Mtce. 22.96
Meter Mtce. 73.22
Street Lighting 0. and Mtce 5147.55
Administration & 'Gen 'Exp. 1246.04
Undistributed expenses 188.37
Truck. Opr. & Mtce. . 185.93
Interest in Debentures . , 3,338.00
Debenture Prin. & Sink. Fund 445.75
Depreciation ...... 1500.00
Net Pro -fit 1630.88
Lands and Buildings $ 1251.57
Sub -station 'Equipment 5999.16
Distribution 'System, :Overhead 215542.30'
Line Transformers
Street Lighting 'Equip.
Misc. Equip. & Construct, Exp, 20.33
Sinking Fund on Local Debentures ,. , 10563.10
Equity in Hydro System 53141.26
Inventories 3250:31
Accounts Receivable 3388.56
',securities and Investments 13000,00
1" -Bank and cash 2371..46
Debenture Balance $250.00.00 ..
Accounts Payable 693.34
Reserve for Equity ittHydro Systeut,,, 23141,26
Reserve for Depreciation 14475.39
Local Slakiiig Fund Reserve 10563.10
Additional Olpera'tittg Surplus , 30679.11