HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-05-01, Page 8PAGE GHT HENSALL, Mr. William Bender is this week moving into the house on Sroek street recently occupied by Mr, Walter. Beggs. r l Mr. Iili and stirs. Th`oattas A'LcNe 1, and Mrs. William Higgins and daugh- ter, Perron, of Clinton, visited with friends in town on Sunday. Mr, 'Richard Welch of Exeter called on friends in HensaII on Saturday ev- ening, Mr, Earl Drummond has started a hot dog stand in front of his butcher shop and on Saturday evening was doing a rushing business, Mr, Wm. 'McLaren is erecting a new garage on his property on South Richmond street. Mr, and Mrs Fleming of Luean, called on friends in town on Saturday evening. Miss Mary Cann of 'Exeter visited over the week end with relatives and friends un IHensa'11, Mr. James Vance has started the erection of a new house on his pro - petty on Richmond street west.: (Sunday last was Children's Day at the United Church. The pastor, Rev: Arthur Samlair, preached special ser- mons to the young people at both ser- vices. The children of Sunday School made up the choir and rendered spe- cial music for the occasion, On Sun- day, May 12th, will be Mothers Day in the Church. Special sermons will be preached and a mothers' choir will give 'the music. (Boss and Brazier, who have the contract ,for paving the London Road fram'Kippen to Clinton, are busy this week unloading their -Machinery and intend to start the work as soon as possible. The machinery 'belonging to the Highway Department which has been at the gravel pit for this last year is 'being loaded at ,the station and shipped away, Mr. Fred Stacey, who has secured a good position in Detroit, is visiting his mother here for a few days. Mrs, Ed, Schaffer, who has spent the last two weeks visiting her daugh- ter at Port Rowan. returned home on Saturday evening. The many friends 'o'f Mr. George Hudson were glad to see him out on the street again after his recent se- vere illness. Mrs, Leo Simpson has left for De- troit where she will join her family. ,Mr. Ezra Kipfer is moving this week into Mr. ; George . C. ;Petty's, house ;on Queen. street West. Mr.. William , Tucker, has taken a position :with Mr, Alex. Buchanan for •the summer. Mr. Alpine McEwau has taken 'a' position on the farsn'of 'Mise Kate Mc• Ewan A lot of seeding has been done in this district, some farmers .being through. A big acreage of beans wilt also be sown. iA number of the old frame build- ings at the back of King stret are be- ing torn down and cleaned up. This district of the village has been a fire trap for years, and their removal makes a far better appearance. Mr. George Hess made a business trip to Windsor this week, 'Mr. Albert Whitesides of Goderich was in town Monday. Mr. Milne 'Rennie of Seaforth was in town Tuesday. The Young People of the Presby- terian Church held their meeting on Monday evening last. The meeting was opened by singing hymn 649. Af- terward all repeated the Lord's pray- er in unison. The Scripture lesson was read by Beryl Pfaff, followed by the roll call, which was answered by any favorite •character in the Bible. The minutes were then read, and the balance of the evening was spent in contests and matches. Mr. John Eccleson, who left .here recently for Mitchell, has purchased a house in that town, and will make his home there. Mr, and Mrs. Will McLean of Ha- milton are visiting friends in town and vicinity this week. Miss Annie Consitt. Mrs, A. Scru- ton, Mrs. Monroe, Mrs. Brock and Rev. Mr. Sinclair, attended the Pres- bytery at Exeter on Tuesday. The Young People's League of the United Church are putting on their play entitled Sonny Jane in the town hall here on Thursday evening. They put this play on in Varna to a crowd- ed house 'Friday evening last. A large number of men are arriv- ing, in town daily to work at paving the London Road. Mr. James Priest, the contractor for the south west drain, intends to start the work next week. The onion men have about complet- ed for the season the Dutch sets that have been stored here all winter and are busy planting for a new crop. Mr. Allan Soldan has returned from his holidays and is hack at the hank as usual, Mr, Will Simpson, of Detroit, visit- ed over the week -end with relatives in town. His mother, Mrs, Lou Simp- son„returned to Detroit with him on Sunday. PAYaFIELD. Mr; and Mrs. H; MoLaren and daughters, _Marion and Christine, of Port Elgin; spent the weekend with Miss J. J Mi ti lin . Stir lin 'Messrs, R, and T. 'McCurdynd Miss A. McCurdy arrived last week Pram Stratford to spend the summer season at their cottage on the lake bank. There passed away on Saturday morning, April 27th, John A. Erwin at the .home of his brother, Alfred Er- eorge rn ,n d his For s and. nton, as he ,Ro- r the living was book home etery, ser- pall- R.o- pson, Pson, iving orge Obert . Er- nwin, . Er- wits,Deceased was the son of G and Annie Erwin and was bo Bayfield, August 26th, 1'g64, a"h arly life twee spent at his hone, soma years he sailed the lake pent about ten years in Edina About two weeks before Christm nd Alfred visited their brother ert, at Toledo, who is ill, Fo ast two months he has been with .Alfred; before that time he iving at Goderich. The funeral lace Monday, 29th, from the f A. Erwin to the Bayfield cern et. R. M. Gale conducted• the ice assisted by Mr, Wilkie, The earers were Chedter Nicholson', ert McClin'chey, Robert Thom ewis Thompson, Harry Thom William Douglas. The sury tetnbers of the family are Ge rwin, Prince, Albert, Sask.; R rwin, Toledo, Ohio; Thomas H in, Akron, Ohio; Samuel W. E tance'1ona, Mich„ and Alfred E in, Hayfield. It, was with deep -regret that nany friends of Mrs, Frank Ke rmerly Margaret Wild, heard he had passed away on Tuesda st week. Mrs. Keegan had riously ill for six weeks and it It for some time that she could cover. The deceased was born rought up on the farm south of Phage where she lived all her ne of a family of seven, bei aughter of the late Mr. and Mr 1Vild, one of the pioneer fatttilie is district, During her lifetime ok a great interest in the Agr ral Society and was an ardent culturist. She was an industr oman, a good wife and kind ne r and will be greatly missed b rge circle of friends. On Oct e twenty-seventh, 1909 she bec e bride of Frank Keegan, who ves her. The funeral took •place hursday morning at 9 o'clock rpeeeded to 5•t. Peter's Church, D le where Mass was said at 1rbearers: 'Villiam Talbot, ue, \Vm. Dowson, Aldred 'Er Rt Heard,' F. Hagen. Intern s 'made in' • St. Peter's cemet th• her sisters, Mrs:.. Geo, Weir a Orth -a f nd Mrs. Campbell of Z P were attendingMr • Mrs., Keegan; mer recently returned from uth where she .spent the winter. :Irs, Kampman, Gertrude orge Kampman, of Kitchener ded their aunt's funeral, Mrs. L. Smith and son of Lon visiting her parents, Mr, and M arses Parker, William Parker, rnia, spent the week end with ents. Rev, F. H. and Mrs. Paull retur ne an ,Friday having spent a s at London. Ir. George Blair of Detroit sp week end at his home. lfrs. W. J. Elliott, Blue Wa ghway, is visiting her sister at L Mr. W. R. Rae spent the week e his home at Wroxeter. Ors. M. Ferguson, who spent ter in London returned home day.rCrane and son Ted of Detr visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. West Ir. and Mrs. Welber C. Erwin a s. E. Sander of Kitchener attend funeral of the late John Erwin nday. r. and Mrs. W. Robinson and y and Mr, and Mrs. C. Will, A and Bob Will of London spe week end at their cottage. Liss Gladys- Davison and Mr. lett, of London, spent the we with Mrs. J. Davison. r. and Mrs. J. Stewart and wart Sr., motored .from Hamill Friday, spending the week e Mr, and Mrs. J.Pollock. r. and Mr • D. Murray and fat who spent the winter in Detro rned home last week, r. and Mrs. Henry McClinch Mrs. Snider, who have spent t four years in Detroit, return he village last week, iss Maude Stirling left for To last Friday to pursue her pr on as nurse. ia'l Pr Sec etaryl of Ontario, .C., ttcaile is brother, E. H. Johns, manag k of Commerce, on Monday, r. and Mrs. Gilbert Knight nto, spent the week end at th is parents, -lir. and Mrs. Gein rdt. re.A. Carty of Detroit came o nesday last to visit with her mo 1•frs, M. Green. Mrs. J. Ric has been with her mother fo time, returned to Detroit o day. and Mrs. F, Ritchie and Mis el Ritchie motored ffrom Elm on Saturday and spent a fe with Mr. and Mrs. G, King. •d the Presbyte yr, in�Cl Ross at ay. as Jean Harrison of Goderich i ng friends in this vicinity. ssrs. W. Rae and Harold Scotch spent the week end at Wroxeter Barr o esbo oT. aspent rr dStn•day Miss wi h thei , Mrs. 0.•King, s Alma McKay of Toront v,thF. eek end H. Paull a and t r Mrs. home. Paul ed to London on Monday to a few days, s Ethel Jowett of New Dundee the week end at her home. and Mrs, A. Boyd of Longford are visiting the latter's mother G. W. Woods,' Badminton Club held a euchre ane on Friday last in the town A very enjoyable evening was C, when lunch s were was senved.l after dancing took place. The Bay - Entertainers supplied the music, rites for cards were won by F. Gemeinhardt and Mr. W. The Chub has afforded much re for the members during the sq a b P 0 R b b L i E E t i to la se fe re b v 0 th to to ti w bo la th th T Pr. Pa Et R 'wa Bo Se ich for So Mrs. the egan, that y of been was not and the life, ng a s. C. sof she icul- hor- ious igh- y a ober ame sur - on and rya 9.30 Ed. win, ent ery. of u r-, the the Ge ten is Ch Sa par ho day It the Hi don at win Fri M are Mr the Mo M mil nes the ]Lal end. M Ste oil. with AT ily, retu \L and past tot 1L onto €essi F. vine on h Ban .lf Toro latte einha M Wed ther, who some Satur Mr Muri vale days Mr tende Mond Mi visiti Me mer .l'Ir Lond sister Mis spent Re Motor spend Mis spent M11s., :4f rs, The and d hall. spent, eleven which field The p Mr.n, Stirling pleastt winter and at - don rs. of his ELIMVILLE. Miss Elva Howe of London visited at her home here over the week end, Her mother, Mrs. Wes. Howe, has been iil but is improving. Mr. Frank Brock has purchased a new Essex car. Mr, and Mrs. George Young of London visited at Mr. Chas. Johns recently. Mr,' and Mrs. Bannerman of St. Marys spent .a short time with their daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Johns, last week. Miss Verna Brock has returned 'home after spending several months in London. 'Misses Aletha Ogden and Bessie Bell, of London; were week -end visit- ors in the vicinity. Baby Annie Elford is recovering from her recent illness from pneu- monia. For Catarrh;—It is one of the chief recommendations of Dr. Thomas' Ec- lectrkc Oil that if can be used inter- nally with as much success as it can outwardly. Sufferers from catarrh will find that the 'Oil when used ac- e'ording to directions will git'e prompt relief. Many sufferers from this ail - meat have found relief in the Oil and ,have sent testimonials. fled few ens ter on- nd the on cit on. nd ed On fa- g- nt T. ek- 14Ir, on nd n- it, ey he ed o- o - d er of e n. h, 11 tv s . r 0 T SAFORTH NEW$. CASH and CARRY '1 Cwt REDPATH SUGAR ,,,,.,, ,,,,,,,,,,,$5,69 1 Pkge, CHALLENGE CORN STARCH 9c 1 Pkge, SILVER GLOSS STARCH 11c 1 Pkge, OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 1 GEM FOREST CITY BAKING POWDER 29c 10 BARS P. & G, SOAP',,,,..,,.,. .. . ,•,,39c. 2 Pkge, KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES' • 21c 24 Pounds PASTRY FLOUR $1.00 THIS ORDER FOR' $1.89 It Pays to Buy From W. FINNIGAN Mr, James Catling of $t. Thomas, spent the week end wibh his 'grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sturgeon, ;MAITLAND RIVER POWER. Editorially, The Goderich Star has the following to say about developing power on the Maitland River: As a power supply . the Maitland looks pretty costly, if the engineering department of the Hydro is anywhere near right. $65 a horsepower is a good deal worse than the town is pay- ing for Niagara power, and, under the principle of power at cost, we pre- sume if anything should happen to dam which would be constructed, if it were 'constructed at all, very largely for power for Goderich, the whole cost of such an undertaking would be chargeable to this town. We publish- ed in a recent issue in our report of the town council proceedings, the re- port of the Hydro Electric engineers on Maitland power, from which it would seer that relief from high power charges Will not be by way of Maitland River power. After reading through some half dozen of our exchanges recently tell- ing of the havoc wrought by floods,. dans that gave way, etc,.' a clause from the report of the Hydro Engni' eers in 1912 on Maitland River power,' has a rather ominous suggestion.; After telling that the cost of .power en rat g e ed at the Black Hole o would be high as long a sthe interest and s4nk- , ing fund would continue as an an- nual liability and stating that, at the end of thirty years, when the in- terest and sinking fund charges would cease, the cost of generated power would be low, there comes the suggestion of an ominous possibility in this clause, "providing, of course, that no extraordinary conditions arise during this period which might 'cause serious injury to, or the destruction of, permanent works,” The town of Goderich has had; on a small scale, a det-nonetration of what replacement or rebuilding of a transmission' line means, in the way of its adjusting bill with the H. E. P. C. -for last year's .business. An adjusting bill that would cover "serious injury to or the destruction of permanent works" in ,connection with Maitland River de- velopment would be a real hill, and if Maitland power would be only suffi- cient for Goderich, power at cost would make Goderich liable for the whole cost of such a catastrophe. We are already part way through a Thirty- year contract with the, Hydro Electric Commission, If there are any advan- tages to be gained "at the end of -thirty years, when 'interest and sink - mg 'fund charges will cease,t' we are nearer that stage under the existing arrangement than to start a new one with the Maitland as the power source. HTBBER'T. A special meeting sof the Hibbert Council was held in Staffa on Mon- day, April 22, for the purpose of re - ceiling tenders for operating the. stone crusher, hauling 4.000 yards gravel for the Township and for con- structing the Feeney ,culvert - and flooring and completing the Hannon Bridge. The tender of Percy Parsons for operating the crusher 'at 31.c per cu. yd. was accepted; also the tender of Kenneth Drake bar hauling gravel on Blocks 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10 and 12, the' remaining blocks eing reservedfor the farmers if to desired.` The 'fender' of L. J.: Looby for $12.45 per-cn: yd for constructing • the Feeney culvert aid $14.35 for completing the Han - 'non Bridge was also. accepted.. Mr: J. $ Hawe s Distric tEn Engineer, aer Mu lei ] n ' Pa Roads, will be present at the next meeting al Sitaffa. Monday, May 13th and wishes to meet the members of 'the Council as well as the patrol- men. The Assessment Roll for 1929 can be seen at any biene at Clerk's' Office. Mrs. Kathleen Feeney, Clerk. Time• has Tested it. --'Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil has been on the market upwards of fifty Years and in that time it has proved a blessing to thousands. It is in high favor throughout' Canada and its excellence has carried its fame beyond the sea's. If it were double the price it would be a cheap liniment. Want and For Sale ads, 3 times 50c Set yourAYarm for flicgrpm Evening rates on station -to -station tele- phone calls now begin at 7.00 p.m. with about 25% off the day rate. Night rates on station -to -station calls now apply from 8.30 p.m. to 4.30 a.m, with about 50% off the day rate. (The minimum reduced evening rate is 35 cents and the minimum night rate 25 cents.) You can reverse charges now 'As an added convenience you can now reverse charges on station -to -station calls where the rate is 25 cents or more. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA t_ CARD QF TiHANTS,' • • Mr. Tho tl as` Archibald :and family Wish to thank their, many neighbors and friends f0 l s the e kindly.s 1 1 help and sympathy shown towards theist dtir- ing,their reeent sad bereavement, THE ONTARIO RAILWAY AND 1VIUNIOI'PAL BOARD (P. F, A42111). IN THE MATTER of the Applica- tion of the Municipality of Tucker - smith for approval of - an annual 11 0 a � o 15 00 rge f to u scr'b $ S b i erso t The Tuekersmith Municipal Tele- phone System, the said charge to 'include all battery renewals, Appointment for Hearin' g The Ontario Railway and Munici- pal Board - hereby appoints Wednes- day, the Fifteenth Day of May, A.D. 1929, at the hour of a quarter past one. o'clock in the after WOO n (Railway Time), in the Town, Hall in the Town of Clinton, for heeril g the above ap- plication, . All persons having an in- terest in this matterand desiring to be •heard are directed to attend at the time and place as aforesaid, Dated at Toronto this Seventeenth Day of April, A.D, 1929, (Seal), '(Sgd.) H. C. SMALL, Secretary. A'UCTIO'N SALE '0f Carload of Western Horses from 1,400 lbs. to 1,700 lbs., All quiet and well broken. Also two .:good, drivers., Sale at Cudmoress Barn, Seaforth, on Wednesday, May 8th, at 2 p.ni. Terms -Five months' cre dit on approved joint notes. 5' per cent. straight off for cash. W • W. WILSON, Proprietor. 1VIORTGAGE SALE 1O,f Dwelling House Seaforth.— S.eaforth.— Under and by virtue of the powers 'of •sale.contained In an Indenture"of Mort e w c ba g h will'bep r 0 duc'ed' at the timeof'sale there' will,be•offered' for sale by public auction, by Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, at Dick's Hotel,. Seaforth,. on Friday. the; 171th of May, 1929, at two o'clock in the afternoon, the following latids and premises:— Lots numbers 40 and 415 'both in Cole- man's Survey, of part' of said Town of 'Seaforth. There is erected on the premises .5 good comfortable frame dwelling house. Terms 'of Sale. --20 per cent. of the purchase money to be paid, in cash, and the balance within ` thirty days thereafter. Purchaser to sngn an agreement for completion of sale. Further particulars and terms of sale will be made known at the time of sale, and may be had in •the meantime from the undersigned. Dated at Seaforth,tlfrs 1st May. 1929. Thomas Brow,n, Auctioneer. R. $. HAYS, - Vendor's Solicitor. HATCHING EGGS. From bred -to -lay Barred Plymouth Rocks. Every bird under trapnest and only high producers • used for breeding. Sired by pedigreed • cock- erels. We guarantee 85 p.c. fertility. Our last test proved 95 p.c. fertile. Eggs- are all selected and candled $5.00 per hundred. OLIVER STE- GtR+IIS•T, Centre st,, Seaforth. Phone 304, 11tf GRASS SEED FOR SALE. Timothy and Aisike -mixture, about 27 per cent alsike, 10c a pound; Pure Timothy, $4 a bus.; Yellow blossom sweet Clover, $5 a bus.; White blos- som sweet clover, $4.50 a bus.; All government graded seed. RUSSELL DOUGHE'RTY, Walton. Lot 13, Con. 17, Grey. bwp. Telephone 37-19, Brussels. 18 APARTMENT TO RENT. Comfortable tour -roomed apart- ment, near corner of highway. Low rent to desirable party. Apply at The News. 18 HOUSE FOR SALE. Six -roomed house and '% acre good andgardgoodcellar. NearSeaforthCol- legiate Alld. modern e Institute. Moderately priced 'for quick sale, Apply, at The News Office, ONTARIO BREEDbNG STATION Under supervision Poultry Dept,, O.A.C,, Guelph. Every bird on our farm has been 'culled, banded and blood tested by government inspectors. for bacillary white diarrhoea. We are completely booked for April chicks and orders, are being rapidly filled for May, Make sure of getting your chicks when you want them by ordering early. New brooders stoves and chick feeds at bargain prices. Sunny Crest Farm, J. M. SCOTT, Seaforth, Phone 251r32, iltf FARMS FOR SALE. wohe situatedfio a mile fa sof Seafortfor sale,h on the highway, good Clay loam, well drained wird fenced, seeded, nice ap- ple orchard, high sloping land. Barn newly -shingled, 34x50; good 10 -roofs frame house, new roof, an ideal poul- try farm, ' Also fifty acres of pasture on 2nd concession of 'Hibbert, two miles ftom Dublin. All with good woven fence and drained, never failing spring creek, Both these farms will be sold at a sacrifice. Apply to P. DILL, Dublin, Ont. 18 R'O"'D,EY'i MAY 2nd, 1929 NO'PJQE. 1 have opened al:Shoe- Repair Shap in Brttoe'field, First-class workman= shipi end-materialon.}1 shoos, H. X , a 'PETERSON. RS ON, 18 NQTi1cE. .The Britoefield Chopping Mill will ran on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat- urday only after -May13'th,-until An- ther notice, CORNISH & DAL- RYMPLE, Proprietors. 19. HOUSE FOR SALE. The residence of the late Mrs. Ag- nes Hardie. on Godenich street, No. better location in elle town. Immo- dlate possession, A D, SUTHER- LAND, General Insurance Agency, Real Estate, Ltves'tinents, Conveyanc- ing, Ete.,'P.hone 152, Seaforth, Ont, COW FOR SALE. A half Jersey cow, due to freshen firstweek;jn• May. Apply to JOHN EARLE, Egmondville. Phone 143 r 32. - 19 ' LICENSE PLATE FOUND. (Ontario Auto License Plate 386-327, Apply at The News Office. CLOVER SEED Yellow Sweet Clover Seed' for sale. G•oernntent tested. • Apply to RAY •CRAWIFIO'RD Let 18, Con. 14, Mo- Killop,-,Walton R.R.R.R, 1. 13tf FOR SALE. The frame buildings (house, stable and other 'buildings). •:on lot 13, Mus- tard Survey, Brnce'fseld, in the estate .,of the late Neil Smith, Suitable for hen houses or 'garage's. Apply to AiLEY, SIMIIT;H, Varna. 18 FOR SALE. Gasoline engine.. Price $20, Apply ,at The News, Q9.. y BETTER WALLPAPER ' FO'R, LESS MONEY: Over 200 samples, carried at 5c to 41.50 per --single roll (semi -trimmed) also burlap. Work done at reasonable price. LFJO •'GILEASiOIN, Paperhang 'er and Decorator, .-Phone 5, Dublin, .Ont. 22 •, -'W-ANTE . i Man handy -at bush 'wbrk: � titThirty dollars 'month. Raised pay and steady rob for right man. Must give full de- li tails good references. g d E:: - K. HAY'N S - H Arn Payn e. Ont. 18 WATER'-GUARANfTEED. 'Persons needing a good supply of water from a drilled well, should see "the undersigned, All contracts en No Water,No Pay basis. Gasoline. power-, .used for'.. drilling machine. Rates 'reasonable. Phone 296. W. D. HOPPER, Seaforth. • ' 23 FOR SALE. Nineteen sheep and their lambs. Phone 250r2, GEO,RIGiE ' CARTER, Londesb'oro. . 1:4tf FENCE POSTS Cedar fence -posts for sale. Corner posts, brace posts, line posts and braces. NEILSONN NiICH'OLSON, RIR. 2. Blyth, Lot 14, con. 8, Morris, Phone 31.41, Blyth, HOUSE AND STABLE TO RENT. On Louisa Street,eight-roomed frame house with electric light and electric -range, and town water; also a good stable with ' cement floors, and with lights and town water. Will rent with or" without 10 acres of land. Ap- ply to J, E. REYN'OlLDlS. 13tf BABY CHICKS. Tom Barron single comb' White Leghorn hens mated to cockerels from trapnested 'hens of 275 and 300 eggs. S.C. White Leghorn chicks 12c each; after June 1st 1 cent per chick less. Barred P. Rock hens, mated to cockerels from Eaglenest Hatchery Co., Sandusky, Ohio. Chicks 14c each, after June 1st lc per chick less. Hat- ching eggs $3.00 per hundred. HAR- RY 0IIEHIN'E, R.R. 1, Bornholm, Ont. Phone 52-23, Dublin, 18 BABY CHICKS AND CUSTOM HATCHING Baby Chicks from best bred -to -lay stock that have free range. Barred Rocks, $16.00 per hundred; S.C.W., Leghor,is, $15.00 per hundred; after May. 15th all chicks $1.00 per 'hun- dred less. Custom hatching $4.00 per hundred in one hundred lots or more. E. J. ''TRFJWeAR11IM, Holmesville Ont, Phone -611r22, Clinton central. 1211 THURS, — FRL SAT. Zane Grey Story of New York Society and the Arizona Desert. THE WATER HOLE —featuring— JACK HOLT NANCY CARROLL, with Desert Scenes in Natural Colors Princess PROFES'SIQNAL CARDS. • e. is Md al DR. IT.. HUGH ROSS, Physician and ISuigeon. Late of London Hos- pital, • London, England, 'Special attentions to diseases of the eye, ear, rose and throat. 'office and resid- ence behind }DominionBank. Office Phone,No. 5: Residence 'Phone 104. DR. F . 5. BURROWS, Seaforth, Office and resideuee, Goderich street, east of the United Church, Coroner for the County of Huron, Telephone No. 40, DR, C. MAC1fA — �' G Mackay, honot graduate of Trinity University anCodllege; 'gold medm&alisslber 'p'ist of 1 Ttristityhe'College Medicalof Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. DIR, F. J. R, FOIRSTER-•-Eye, Ear Nose, and Throat. Graduate in Medi- cine, 'University of Toronto 1897. Late Assistant New- York Ophthal- mic and Aural Institute, M'oore'field's Eye, and 'Golden Square throat hos- pitals, London; England. At Comm- ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday in each month, from 111 'a.m.:' to 3 p.m. :lhR. W. C. SPROAT,-'Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, University of Western Ontlario, London, Member of College of Physician's and Sur- geons of Ontario, Office in Aberhart's Drug Store, Main St., Seaforth. Phone 90. Dental. DIR. 5, A, MIJNN, Successor to Dr.' R. -R. (Ross; graduate .of North-. western University, Chicago, Ill. Li- centiate'Royal College of Dental Sur- geons, Toronto. Office over 'Sill's hardware, Main ,St„ Seaforth, :Phone 151. DR. F, J. BECIIEL•Y, graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, Office over W. R: Smith's grocery, Main St., ..Seaforth. Phones. office 185W, residence 1855, 0,L.S., Registered Professional En- gineer •and :Lend -Surveyoro•Associete .ca,nada. Office., Auctioneer for the 'County ieiel-Itinn Arra'ngeindnes cab he' lade Mt 'Sale Date at The •Seaforth News. 'Charges moderate.and satisfaction guaranteed, WATSON AND REID'S REAL ESTATE ,„ ' 'AND INSURANCE AGENCY (SuccessOrs' to James 'Watson) MAIN ST., SEAPORTH. ONT, All kinds of Insurance risks effect. ed lowest. rates in First -Class Companies. • Mutual Fire Insurance Col FARM AND ISOLA/TED TOWN Officers—James Connolly. Goder- ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood, Vice President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. iDirectors—lWan. Rinn, No. 2, Sea - forth, John Eennewies, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beechwood; M, Ewen. Clinton; James Connolly, God- trich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea - Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc- Cartney, No. 3, Sewforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield. Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Bornholm. ,James Kerr and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirbus to effect insurance or trans- act other business will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective postoffices. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS Do you want it? By buying this eighty acr,es of rich and productive loam with good natural and artificial drainage also •picturesque location— one of the best in the vicinity, you will be profiting this amount. Said farm is about two miles from Clinton on Base Ene. Buildings consist of good hotise, large barn, driving shed, also windmill and reservoir. Consid- erable bush. Residence in States rea- son for sacrifice. Fin. terms: AV. Bry- done, 'Clinton. Owner, 022 , South Main Street, Romeo, Michigan. 20 )3ARRED ROCKS. 0.A,C. Barred Plymouth Rocks and Pure Tom Barron White Leghorns Our Rocks. are from blood tested stock mated with males from , pedi- greed flock. Leghorns are large birds of heavy laying strain mated with cockerels from H. L. Roberts, winner of 192g On'tario Contest. 8Sc per set- ting of fifteen or $5.00 per hundred. Poultry Farm," Phone 1,37r3, Sea - forth. 7tf Want and For Sale ada, lrtitne 25c SEAFORTii MARKETS. Wedhesday. May I. Chickens, dressed, per lb.... .... 28c Hens, live, per lb 18c ens, dressed, per lb 24C Roosters, live, per lb ' 12c Roosters, dressed, per lb 19c Ducks, live, per lb ' 17c Eggs, per dot, Ilic-22c-250 41