HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-05-01, Page 6And the hilltop arde
Yield this fragrant tea:
'Fresh from the g rellensl
Nikita), SIHCLAI0. RAeO A,9
SoVYR16a7rNt9 9Y,A
N1•3HRv(Ol(e, iHVtH "1'4-
The BasgUes of Paradise Va'ley blow
up adam built by Dick Ackitu, Mg boss.
of the Double A ranch, The bomb Is
Oda Webstere lcp aveno'.ol lin learns tha
Buck's part 'ip the blowing of the dam
end takes a Lynching party to Bodine's
ranch. Buck is in love with itieroedes
Arraseada, beautiful Basque, and entices
her to his home' through her little blind
brother, ,Basilic.
CHAPTER Y?i:)III.-(Cont'd,)
"lou ain't thinkin' of leavin' here
fore mornin' are you?" Buck de-
"Si, Senor, I go at once."
never too tired
to sleep now
Resta d nerves mak ail the difference
Your doctor will tell you how
chewing relieves nervous tension,
how the healthful cleansing action
of Wrigley's refreshes the mouth
and tones you up.
Wrigley's does mach -._osis little.
"No you're not, querida." Bodine
used the term of endearment with
assured familiarity. "I risked my neck
gettin' the kid out•of danger for you,
and you, ain't goin' to pay me back by
refusin' my hospitality."
"But I want to go," Mercedes re-
peated anxiously as Buck tried to in-
duce her to take a seat.
• "Let's get down to cases," Buck an-
swered her,. "There's no use beatin'
roundthe bush. I been sweet ori you
ever since I first clamped eyes on you.
You knew it,too, and you gave me
the low-down every 'time. But that's
all right. I like a woman with some
scrap in her. You've got nerve enough
to match my own. That's why -I'ni
strong for you. I ,;wore I'd get you
some day, and I'm going to make good.
I didn't bring your kid brother: here
for nothin',"
"Stop -stop, please," Mercedes beg-
Her nearness to hire drove Buck
mad with desire. She was even more
lovely than he had supposed.
"Why, querida," he said fervently,
"there ain't a thing I've got, .I
wouldn't give for you. I got water
en this place t.gain. It's worth some-
thin' row. But . ain't a rancher. I'd
throw up this thing in a minute for
you. There ain't no real money in
ranching, nohow. I'll take you where
there's some life and excitement. This
God -forsaken desert ain't no place for
a girl like you."
"You mean that you want me to
go with you-?" Mercedes could not
believe her ears.
"Yes, I'Il even marry you, if you'll
emus with me," Buck replied.
The girl before him shook her head
hopelessly. The man must be "tad.
"Well, what do you say?" he de-
"I say no!" Mercedes cried, She
put a chair betweenthem as Buck ad-
vaeeed toward her. The look in his
The first nonskid tread ever put on a
lire was on a Firestone. From that day
to Ibis Firestone has been first in safely.
No tire can come close to the rugged
longweering Gum -Dipped Tires. Their
famous nonskid tread has more gripping
edges thanyany tread on the road, Give
your car the wonderful protection of new
Firestone Gum -Dipped Tires today. They'
bold all world records for ender.
anee, safety,' eeonO®y. Tune in
Tbat'e why they deliver most FJR'ESTo,�°fE
miles per dollar. Monk
8 P.
Neither pretty pictures nor colorful adjectives will
dye a dress or coat. It takes real dyes to do the work;
dyes made from true anilines.
Next time yea have dyeing to do, try Diamond Dyes.
See how easy it is to use them. Then compere the
results. Your dealer will refund your money if you
don't agree they are better dyes.
You get none of that re -dyed look from Diamond Dyes;
no streaking or spotting, just fresh, crisp, bright nese
color, And watch the way they keep their brilliance
through wear and washing, They are better dyes:
because they contain plenty of real anilines -from
three to five times more than other dyes. But you pay,
no more for them than for ordinary dyes
The white package oi` Maitland dyes ss the original
"all-purpose" dye for any and every kind of material.
It will dye or tint silk, wool, cotton, linen, rayon or
any mixture of materials. The blue package fs a special
dye, Thr silk or wool only. With it you can dye your
valuable articles of .silk or wool with results equal to
the finest professional work. Remember this when
you buy; The bite package dyes silk or wool only. The
white patkage will dye every kind of goods, including
silk and wool, Your dealer has both packages,
.fat' to use Perfect results
eyes was proof eireugh of this ben.
tial). Ile wanted to take her in his
aims and feel her iaiarrn flesh against
his whether she world have it or not.
'"You ,have, trapped met" she ex-
claimed, "I do not bo'ieye my brother
is here at all."
"He's here all right," BocliYe assur-
ed her. "Hey, Shetty," he called.
"Yep," canna the muffled ar:cswer
from the next roast",
"Wake that kid upl"
The girl heard Basilio's startled ery
as Shorty awakened him,
"You beast!" Mercedes :slu'ieked.
"Let me have him! Let me have
"Nat till you say yes to rne, Senor-
ita." .
"You coward! Nd wonder you 'meet
to run away. Senor Acklin will send
you to prison for blowingup his Ilam.e
"Yoh?" Buck questioned exasper-
atingly. "Esteban will go with me,
too, won't rte?" In a changed tone
he went on, "You failatved us ill theto
hills this afternoon; I knew that long
ago. Whatelse you've focuid out, I,
don't know, and i dan't care."
He disproved this last statement by
immediately asking:
"Have you seen Acklin?"
Mercedes caught a hint of uneasi-
ness in his voice.
"I have," she answered.'
"Humph! . I suppose you told him
all you know?" The big fellow's tones
were threatening. •
Mercedes saw her advantage..
"I tell him nothing!" she cried.
"But I will if you do not give nie.
Basilio and let me' take hinrhome."
Buck reached out his long arms
and caught her round the waist. Mer-
cedes fought to get free, but he was
too strong for her.
"Now you change your mind in •a
pointing at her, Her fingerstwittlled5
at door,h
raised; Shorty's
her gun
histol leaping into action; the frantic
ehild struggling to throw off the iron
hand on his arm,' Bit mere poignant
than anything else was the glitter in
Shorty's eyes, Blaze knew he was the
man's target, not the girl. His gun
was in his hand. A tightening of the
lips and his aetonratio spat forth is
deadly massage,
He saw Merc,;des' gun flash, The
report of it smothered his own. Only
a split second of time, that words fail
to express, had intervened between
the two shots, So eros. had they been
that neither the pis: nor Bodine in the
next room :ealizecl two guns had
Buck rushed to ,where the girl stood
staring open-mouthed at the mans on.
the bed. or a &eeahtd, it seemed,
For a second Shorty hung poised
in the air, and then, with a thud, he
crashed to the door, dead.
hurry, or I'll "take you." He raised
his voice. "Give th:.5 kid's arm a twist
or two." Then he continued to the
girl: "I'll show you who's boss here."
Shorty more than obeyed Buck's
order. Basilio let out a succession of
shrieks, as the brute twisted his arm
until the tender bones were almost
"Stop!" Mercedes cried so loudly
that her voice carried to Kildare, who
was still some distance down the road,
"Stop!" she called out again.
"Maybe you'll listen to reason now,"
Buck grumbled.
He caught her by the wrist as he
spoke and drew her closer to him.
Mercedes beat his face with her free
hand. But his jaw was impervious
to her light blows. With feline fero-
city she bared her nails then, and
ripped his cheeks until they were
smeared with blood. Bodine did not
release her, howover.
"You fightin' wildcat," he mumbled
through gritted teeth. "I'll kiss you
if it kills tee."
Try as hard as she might, Mercedes
could not hold him off. His cruel,
sensuous mouth drew :'" se to her own.
To add to her horror, Basilio shrieked
again and again, She redoubled her
efforts to get free. Bodine pinioned
her arms against her hips. She felt
something sharp ripping her sleeve.
It was Buck's revol\ er. Automatic-
ally her fingers closed upon it. With
a wrench, she pulled it out of the
holster. Bodine felt the gun -barrel
boring into his stomach. His face
grew white,
"Get back!" Mercedes gasped. "En
seguidal Al +,tom'ntol or you die
Buck backed away. He knew she
meant what she said. His rifle stood
in the corner. He retreated toward it.
The way to the door between the two
rooms was elm.' now, Mercedes ran
to is and flung it open.
Shorty r .c on the bed beside Ba-
silic, the child's arms still held in his
big hands. A smoky wall lan.p re-
vealed him in all of his ugliness. But
if he saw the gi.l, he did not show it,
His grip on the child dict not relax
either, Mercedes cried out for him
to let go of her brother; she raised,
her gun to compel him, But fear such
as she could never inspire' in him held
Shorty in its grasp. He had caught
sight of Blaze peering throrgh the
open window,
Mercedes saw only the man and
child in front of her. Sho.,cy's rigidity
turned with incredible swiftness to
most violent . (tior. He dropped his
arm and brought it up with a gun in
his hand so qu' 'sly that it surpassed
But Kildare had been more rapid
than he. Shorty's gun came up, and
up, and up, as Mercedes watched,
spellbound. It seemed that it was
ISSUE No. 1 6—'29
'A'iiirN a cold or- exposure
brings aches and pains that
penetrate to your very bones, there
is always .quick relief in Aspirin.,
It will make short work of that
headache or any little pain. Just
as . effective ie the more serious
suffering from neuralgia, neuritis,
rheumatism or lumbago. No ache
or pain is ever too deep-seated for
.Aspirin tablets to relieve, and they
don't affectthe heart. east _ All druggists,
with proven directions rctr
p ons for various
uses which many people have found
invaluable in the reliefof pains and
aches of many kinds.
I .RI.
depirto ie a Trademark Registered ie Goads
the anan, It wee part of the debt ho
hied coon to square. Acklin wonld'ilo
here in a -few minutes. It was almost
down, flow could, he twist this thing
ep that it would halt the Big Boss?.
Blaze caught sight of,a man .ap-
proaching cit horsebaelf, lie had been
there only a second or $wo, Endue
drew back into the shadows ItArlcing
about the house.
Bodine was looking up at Mercedes
from where he knelt beside the. body,
"You killed him all right," Blaze
heard hint say. "ice's plumb dead,
What you goin' to do now? Who's
goin' to the pen? This state's no
place for you, Say I guese you'll be
glad to beat it with rne, . You wait:
I'll get a couple of fresh, horses and
we'll hit for Oregon on the jump."
"Throw up your 'f ands!"
Bodine l looked 1
around. e 1 o nd. F n the door=
tyay stood the Big Boss,
Bodine stared speechlessly at Ack-
lin, Shorty's sudden death and Mer-.
oede's maddening influence had de-
stroyed Buck's boastful pose. He had
been prepared earlier in the evening
for the "advent of Morrow or some
lesser light in the Double A constella-
tion. But at no time had dreamed
that Aciclin himself would come single-
handed to beard him in his own den.
The Big Boss walked across the
kitchen to the doorway of the room
in whieh Shorty; lay, As Buck recov-
ered from the daze he was in, he fin-
ally managed to articulate:
"I ain't armed)"
"Take yourhands clown then,"
Acklin snapped. "Back into the cen-
ter of that 'tont'!
Bodine retreated as be was ordered,
facing the other man as be . stepped
backward. Tho big cattlemar kept
paeo with him. A naoventent near the
window to which Mercedes had step-
ped with Basilio stopped him in his
tracks. His gun was in position as
he wheeled, but he dropped it in con-
sternation as he recognized the girl
and child.
Hatred flamed in Acklin's eyes.
Finding her here with Rodine was a
staggering blow to his vanity. He
had overheard Buck'. wnrde urging
flight to Oregon. They were going
(To to coetinatd,)
Use Minarcl's Liniment for the Flu.
Here to these muted shores the worn
ships drift
Gently as petals f<tttt,rlrg from a
And on the crumbs:: g sho-, the.
curled waves lie
Like lace etr"ppne ' sr. " ' cold
breast of the sta.
Calm as a rnral night tette silent port
Invokes no lusty cheer for safe re-
For In the tlme•w•.a sbed barboure of
the heart
Old dreams come pack are ships
the wide seas spurn.
-Isaac Benjamin in Good Housekeep-
The Model
"Four -
Rogers G ' B ie�N i�'S5l
tx� y
SERE S good news for
la those who are plan -
ping to purchase a radio
soon. This popular:, Rogers
model is now equipped with
a newly -developed Dynamic
Speaker, instead of the Mag-
netic Spea1e used formerly.
And the price remains ex-
nctly the same -only $250.00
The Dynamic Speaker is gener-
ally recognized'- as -one of the
greatest recent improvements in
radio. Its advantages are now
yours in this beautiful Rogers
Highboy model, in addition to
the many other advantages of
Rogers-Batteryless ownership.
Due to the reMarkabie develop -
meat of chain broadcasting:
radio has become a year 'round
source of entertainment and
education.. Andras any owner
will tell you - Rogers is the
ideal year' round radio.
You are missing a lot without
a .Rogers. l'i there is no dealer
an, your community write to the
310 Spadina Ave., Toronto 2
Time, the old scribe, has' just begun
To pen the manuscript of Spring.
These daffodils, in April's snit,
Are the Initial lettering.
Here, at the garden's ed_?., they stand,
Illumination of pale gold,
While 'graygreen vellum of this land
Stands waiting petientiy, unrolled!
-Violet AIleyn Storey.
ma arcs 'tram.= SELdila.NS0,41..XIVSES
Est, Transportation Paid.
Write for.Illustrated
'2903. = Bicycles and Accessor-
ies FREE
Peerless Bicycle
91-8-5 Dumas5t. W., Toronto.1
Mlnard'o Liniment for Coughs, Colds.
How farm/ Id you go to
be sore r' Oast?
) nowiaeg that a better all nieeans smoother perform.
arrce, longer life, greater. economy and bigger trade -
hs -value for yourcar, you'd probably go a long way to
be sure of a better oil.
That's what Imperial 011 Limited did -went an the
way to tropical South America for the crude out of
which to refine Marvelube.
There's lots of crude oil available right at Canada's
front door. If Canada's largest and most modern
refineries had been able to evolve as good an oil as
Marvelube from locally available crude they would
have been glad to do so. I°ernsvian crude made a
purer, carbon -free, fuller -bodied oil -sin oil that
meant better lubrication -so Peruvian crude was
decided upon..
The decision set a new standard in motor oils. Air-
craft operators, the most particular buyers of oil, are
enthusiastic about Marvelube because it has given
thein a Ionger perio f operation between engine
overhauls, and a greatei= airgin of safety.
/You can enjoy the sante benefits hi your ear, and
there is a grade of Marvelube that is refined to meet
the exact requirements of your car. Consult the
Marvelube chart at good service stations and dealers,
Ids �e ' �� it naa ek from Pen
111111#111,111E114111411., DJ L ®„I `A Lfl
lik-votlevrtairtz Mid ICAR.Ra9A1iA
Novel Sleeve*'
Noveldesigns for sleeves AO topaz'',
put ' on Many ofthe sutart imported!
garments, bout fr'oeks and Peparat4
coats, Sueh treatment usually .bars
tido teudeuey to widen the slBave, ing
an ornamental way, from: elbow te'
wrist, and to concentrate any elaborar
Sion of color or trimming on that part'
of tire; garment, This is often AG
compiisited air a coat by slashing the'
outside line of the sleeve from elbow
to wrist and introducing flat inlays of
differing fabric and Dolor, starting'
front nothing at the elbow and grad
uaily increasing to width until' they
assume the desired flare ft the wrist.
A single piece of sufficient width may
bo used, if preferred, one ou Babb
side of the opening, and caught at in-
tervals with ling'buttons or with bale
buttons', awl loops, A similar effect
for frock is carriod single o
double piaitings encircling' the wrist
and following a lire to the elbow, the•
width gradually diminishing on Its•
A. mneyore•or-less'taptheitol'ed sleeve finish,
is the deep "bour•glass" cuff, with its,
characteristic. flare at either enc), sap-•
arated by a narrow band in bracelet.
effect. .: Such a cuff offers a striping•
method of introducing contrasting' •
color; . either by its use .for .the entire,
cuff -or for lining only, which, because'
of the pronounced tiare, is sufficiently',
apparent tie be effective. "'By merely
opening from elbow to wristan ordin-
arily tight sleeve and oateiling •the•
edges together overan ineertee strip•
of contrasting color, either by tie en'da+
with bows or :straps and buttons, the.
desired novelty of widened sleeve line.
as well as smart trimming detail is,
Some of the modish one-piece,
frocks,, especially in blank or navy„
show an almost startling inset of
color from elites, to wrist, eadh side•
of the sleeve -opening being embroid-
ered in several shadesof the contrast-
ing color, and an embroidered band'
finishing the wrist,• Jade, independ,
enae-blue, flamingo -mid other of. the.
brilliant colorings' of the moment are
interestingly featured on otherwise,
dark dresses. The embroidery is. or
the sketchy type done in wool .r
heavy silk, the design wandering it-•
regularly from the edge of she sleeve
on to the inset fullness, This em-
broidery is not essential, however, as
the union of the colored section can
be effected by fagoting, hemstitching:
or ordinary seaming, 'The color in-
troduced is usually repeated .in a
mach more simple way at the neck
of the garment, oron the ends of a.
scarf, 'and should be remembered'
when accessories are selected.
As these novel sleeves are so easily
adapted to remodeling, as well as to.
the combining of fabrics and colors,..
,they are worthy of attention by the,
home dressmaker. Tre idea is es-
pecially practical where rarnrents for
the growing girl may req :ire in the•
process of making over lengthened
and widened sleeves, The entreat-
ing wristband and the sleeve -inset
provide both these changes, not only
with comparatively little work but
with added 'modishness.
Matching Aprons
Women who do their own house-
work whether of the kitchenette type
or cn a larger scale are enthusiastic
over a new dress•and•apron ensemble -
which insures a delightfully trim and
even smart appearance while engaged
in one's.;home duties. The innovation
consists of a matching apron which
is rubberized and therefore easily
cleaned with soap and water. This
apron snaps into place on the dress•
to which it belongs the attaching be-
ing done in such a skillful way as to,
be invisible. The snappers are con-
cealed under pocket lapels, pleats,
trimming tabs or collars so that there
is no outward sign of how this is ac•
e-- .'{shed. Each set of snaps is re-•
inforced with a fabric backing so that
even hastily pulling off does no dam-
These housework ensembles come
in most attractive colorings, both
plain and printed, and the trimming
details are c•pecially becoming as well
as practical, the shoulder tabs holding
the detachable apron being '- import-
ant feature of the model, taking the
weight of the apron away from the•
neck and placing it on the shoulders.
Solid colors are used as: bindings for
printed dresses and a printed apron
and trimmings accompany a frock' of
a plain color. These- dresses ars es-,
pecially popular in cobrings that har-
monize t 'th modern '-itclren rnish-,
iugs, and manufacturers 'keep •tell'
abreast of the times in sere.ting ti' -e,
shades most in demand to carry out
the desired color scheme of one's,
housekeepleg depart.. >nt.
Love never will give honey for the:
tongue, °
Nor perfume forthe hair.
Love is a weed, bitter and wild and
strong -
Not Sweetness there,
Nor peace, nor "mercy. But when It
is dead
A Iittle wind will Mee
To spill the silver feathers of that
Like sleep upon the eyes:
-Marie De L. Welch in Poetry„
Old Lady (at the party) -"I hear
that your friend kissed that girt over „
there in public, Tlid you over!" Nor
volts Young no!"'