HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-05-01, Page 5TIIXRSDAY, MAY 2tid, 1929
klar've'st Tomatoes. .. , Rog, size 2 tins 29o; 6 tins 85c; 12 tins $1.65
Tomato Juice peps up the system,
Barton Tomatoes
' emor' eye openeptins 73c; 12 flus $1.45
A poodning
Tomato: Catstip, ,Spiders, 13 •oz>'bottle, rely. 25c: • , , now 19c
3 bottles only to a customer- •
To'mato Soup, Campbell's or Sery-us. , , , . ; ..2 tins 25e; doz. tins $1.4;
Cooking Figs, for pies, etc lb, lOc; 5 lbs. 48c
'Duto4,t Setts, real firm and bright lb. 20c; 6 pounds $1.00'
Niagara i t
g a L me, a soil sweetener and fertilizer....... . , , , 100 lb. bag ¢f)c
Highly recommended by Horticuituralists and Gardeners
CHICK FOIO'DS—iGran, Oatriical 4 for 25c; Scratch Food 6 for 25c;
Chick Mash, 5 for 25c; Oyster Shell 13 for 25c;Grit, 12 for 25e,
For your health's sake, eat Tomatoes,
W. M, Stewart Phone 77
Ross J Sproat
Phone 8
Quality always Higher than Price"
We pay the highest prices for good cream,.
Our services to our patrons are; the best that can,,, be given.
Do not send your cream to other Creameries; we want
it here.
To operate a. Creamery we need your co-operation.
In return for you co-operation we will give you of our
best in service and prices.
We are agent for the Mellotte, Cream Separators. Come
in and see the new Models.
Creamery Co. . S@afOl'th, Olga.
C. A. BARBER, Piop.
W, J, Walker & Son
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license,
Flowers Furnished..
Night or -day phone 67.
IL H. McInnes
Of Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, WednesdaV and
Friday Afternoons
Diseases ofall kinds success-
fully treated.
Eleetricity used.
of Stratford
Will be at
Barber Shop,'
every Tuesday
to do Marcel'ling
.Phone 125
_for Appointment
Pianos Tuned
Cleaned and
Chas. A. -Howey
Residence—James St.
tWise and a eperieucod mothers know
when. their children are troubled with
w.ornts and lose no time in applying
Miller's Worm Powders, the most;ef-
tir t can be used, It
Fe ermifu a
ctvve vermifuge g.
lt- 'stern of
'te in clearingthe s
IS ab•aohl 3
worms and restoring those healthy
.conditions without which there can be
no comfort •for' the child, or hope of
robust growth. It is the most trust-
worthy of worm exterminators,
Let us explain the coverages
and the amount of protection
afforded for small premium.
Prompt settlement of all claims
Real Estate, Conveyancing, Bonds
and Investments
Phone 152
Seaforth, Ontario.
C. G. L -T.
The Marion Keith C.G.I.T, met as
usual on Wednesday. evening. The
meeting opened with the C.G.LT.
hymn, followed by the Lord's prayer.
The Secretary, Margaret .Gardno, read
the minutes and roll call, after which
Margaret Cud'more and Margaret
Crich took the Bible lesson ,and year
book. During the business period the
invitation of the Egnond'vilte gists to
the Junior Marion Keith group to a
joint meeting ,on 'May 24th was ac-
cepted by the girls. The rest of the
period was given over to the election
of officers, Miss Rtith Thompson act-
ing as chairman. The. newly elected
offiiders are: President, Margaret
Ro'l'ph; Secretary, ` Sarah Sheffer;
Treasurer, Dorene Hudson; Vice Pre-
sidents, Margaret Crich, Elinor Bur-
rows, Helen Lane, Grace Scott, As-
sistant Vice Presidents, Mary Reid,
Winnie Savauge, Evelyn Golding, Do-.
rothy Farquhar; Pianist, Mary Bar-
ber; Assistant, Annie Hattna;: Press.
Secretary, Margaret Oarchto, ht was
decided to have a hike to the • bush
next Thursday after four, The meet
ing closed with the C, G. I. T. bene-
Me . Earn' Dicicson has returned
home from Detroit.
The many friends of Mrs, J. M.
Henderson are glad to know she Is
able to be out again after her recent
Mrs, Gorclon Websterof. Toronto,
was: visiting at the tome of her
parents, Mr. and ;Mrs.• G, 'B. •Dor-
\lessrs, John Donnell and. Lloyd
B iat to ofSt, Marys, s
y., ,uid Miss Mary
Switzer, of 'Grand Bend, spent Sun --
day at Mrs. William' Storey's.
Miss Jean McKenzie, of Kippen,
visited at the hone of Mr, and Mrs.
Bruce Medici,' On Sunday.
rMr, G D. Ferguson has pari;ha
the residence of the late Dr, Scott
Goderieh street, which was vacant
a number' of years, but, lately occ
ied by Mr. S. Dolmage, Possess
will be given about June 1st.
Miss Julia Kenny, of London,
visiting her sister, Mrs. C. Eckert,
.Mr, Verne Brooks, of Detroit, sp
the week -end with his father, Ifr.
Brooks, and his cousin, Mrs.
'Little Miss Peggy Bechely, of
Thomas, is visiting her aunt. 'Mrs.
J. Sproat.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dale, Mange
and Lorna, were visitors of Mr. Jan
Sims in Blyth on Sunday.
Mrs Peter Flri(wthorne is ill at h
home in Hullet't.
Me. Walter Hoegy has accepted
position with the American rrelepho
& Telegraph 'Co„ Kalamazoo, Mic
Mr, and Mrs. Howard Wright
Chiselhurst, were Sunday visitors
Mrs. Dalton's.
Mr. and Mrs.. John Davis, of Flo
ida, Mrs. F. Wright and Mrs. Cros
of Detroit, were Friday visitors wi
Mrs, Dalton,
Mrs, M. McKellar, Mrs. J C. Gre
Mrs. 5. M. Govenlock and Mrs, Me
ton Reid attended the annual tneeti
of the Ontario Provincial W.' M.
held, in Hamilton- on April 23rd, 24t
and 25th. Mrs. Greig was appoin
'convener of the nominating comm
tee for the convention.
Mr. J. V, Ryan lost his Boston b
dog ou Wednesday from distempe
un is a eat l
J t lover of g � dogs, but
had hard luck, as thisisg
the Seco
dog in a felt months
Mr,and Mrs,Harry Stewart an
family of New Hamburg spent Sunda
at th'e home of Mr, and Mrs. R M
Kay. •
Mr, and Mrs. Alex. McKenzie
Oritlia spent the week end at the horn
of the former's mother, 'Ml's. McKe
(Something that is scarce: tttrke
Mrs. George Weir returned to tow
from Bayfield, on Wednesday.
.Mr. Rob. ;Willis, of Toronto Univer
sity, is .spending a week in. town. tH
has a position for •the summer in th
research department of the Dunlo
Tire Co.. Toronto.
Wednesday half -'holidays commenc
ed this week. Some forgot and earn
to shop,
Mrs. Habkirk of New Hanibur
was a Sunday -visitor with Mr. an
Mrs. P. Decoursey.
Mr. James Chesney of Toronto Un
iversity returned hoarse for the vaca
tion this week,
Mr. Ross ivlcGonigte of Kitchene
at the home of his parent
Mr. and Mrs. R. McGonigle on. Suta-
Mr. H. J. Waldron of Crediton, has
rented Mrs. F. G. Livingstone's resi
dense on John street, Mr. Waldron
is moving here on Saturday,
Mrs. Noble C.luff has returned from
Buffalo where she has been with her
son Jacic, who has had an operation
for appendicitis and is gettingg
fa rl well now.
Mr `and Mrs.C Thiel, Thomas -
'Thiel, Roy Snider, Miss Irene Hilde-
brand, all of ;ICitcltcner, and Mr. Andy
Thiel, F. Schroeder, Frank Bier of
Preston, were Sunday visitors at the
home of Mr, and Mrs, Louis Hilde-
brand. .
A fine new garage is being erected
on the farm of Mrs. Joseph Fowler,
Huron, Road West,
Mrs. James Sproat is visiting her
sister, Mrs. '.Reid, in 2ucknow.
Mr. Ernest Dinnin has purchased a
new Essex .coupe.
Mrs, 7ohn'Hay-, Mill Road, is not
as well as her friends would wish.
Miss McLaren, of -Clinton, who has
been visiting with the Misses Forrest,
returned hone on Wednesday and will
go to Milton on Saturday to visit her
Mr. and 'Mrs. John Oldfield Sr. in-
tend moving into Egniondvilie. Mr.
O1d'field, we are sorry to report, is
not very well at present.
Mr, Malcolm' Armstrong, of
Queen's University, Kingston, is
spending the vacation with his pat-
ents,. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Arinstr'ong.
.Many friends of Mr. Jack Chesney,
•of, the CN,R. station, Stratford, were
sorry to know he had suffered a
slight stroke last week.
Mr. Jack Scott has taken the posi-
tion of caretaker of the Presbyterian
Mrs. Maude Sherbert, of Alliston
hospital, 'visited friends here over the
'week -end. •
Miss Mary Smith, of .ton hos-
pital, spent the week -e '. the Rome
of her' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy
Smith, in McKillop,
Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Keys and dau-
ghter Mildred, of Oakdale, Penn.,
spent several days with his mother,
Mrs. W. L. Keys, returning Thursday.
Twentyafive ladies from North Side
United Church attended the Presby-
terial meeting in Exeter Tuesday.
vishile Messrs. Wm. Black, Jos. Scott',
W. J. McIntosh, John Laing and Rev.
W P. Lane attended the Presbytery
Mr. and Mrs. Kimsey and two dau-
ghters and' Mr.' Emmerson Hodgins,
of Guelph. spent the week -end with
Mrs. William McMichael and M'rs, R.
_E. Coates.
r -
it -
c -
n -
Mrs, George Brownlee was a week-
end visitor', ip Lon�dat*.
Mrs. TtsGotnas McElroy is spending a
few' weeks in Acton,
Mr, Jaete Arnold has taken' a posi-
tion in the Furniture factory.
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hall and son
Bernard of Londesboro, spent Sun-
day with Mr, and Mrs, J. R Goveu-
Mini' Esther Trout, of the hospital,.
was at her home in Stratford un
Mr. and mfrs, Jack. Ritchie, of Galt,
and Mrs, L. P. Whaley and little dau-
ghter Judi'th, of St. Marys, were Sun-
day guests at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Charles' Brodie.
Mrs. John Robb and Miss Nina
Robb left Tuesday and are visiting
Mrs, Robb's brother, Mr. John Broad -
foot. in Grey, until they take a cot-
tage at Bayffield for the summer,
Rev. I. B. Kaine and Mr. 5. D,
Gemmel! attended the Presbytery
meeting in Parise Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday.
Presentation,—The members of the
1-Pibbert Council with a goodly repre-
sentation of ex -Councillors and other
officials 'as well as the business men
of 'Dublin assembled at the home of
the Clerk, 'Mrs. Khthleen Feeney, on
Wednesdlay eventing to honor Mr,
James 'Jordan who'has held the office
of ,Township Clerk for a period of
thirty years. 'Mr. A A. 'Colquhoun,
MIIPIP., read ba appreciative address
and Mrs, 'Feeney made the presenta-
tion of a purse 'o'f gold, 'Mr. Jordan
responded very (feelingly and review-
ed ,in an interestingmanner the out-
standing events of his term of office,
Mr, Robert -Hoggarth County Treas-
user, of Stratford, Mr, ' ordvt , 'first
Reeve, anti also Mi iWm P. Morris,
his last Reeve,,were both present and
delivered very complimentary ad-
dres'ses, Mr. Hoggarth read a !beau-
tifully penned letter, 'shirty years old,
containing the resignation of Mr. Jor-
dan's predecessor, Mr. Timothy Car-
roll.. Mr, Cotquhoun, as Chairman,
requested 'speeches from Mr. :Robert
Norris, Mr. -.James Malcolm and
Reeve (Joseph 'Nagle, .after which Mr.
Jordan invited .the assembly to his
home where Mrs. Jordan, assisted by
Miss !Mary Beale and Miss Mary
Judge, treated the guests to a sumptu-
ous repast. After doing justice to the
splendid supper games, and music
were indulged in until a late 'hour.
Violin solos were given by Messrs.
James 'Jord'an, Robert 'Hoggarth and
Thomas Molyneaux, and vocal solos
by Miss Mary Seale, 'accompanied on
the piano `by Mrs. Kathleen Feeney.
The guests 'then thanked the host and
hostess for their spontaneous hospital-
ity and after singing `'Tie's a- Jolly
r Good Fellow," and '""God Save the
s King," dispersed to their e
Give us a call
108 Downie St; STRATPORD
Following as the address:
(Dear Mr., 'Jordan,—IOn this occa-
sion, we, the members of the Connell.
on behahf of the ex -Councillors and
other officials •with whom- you have
been associated, as well as the busi-
ness 'men of Dublin, wish to extend
to you our congratulations on your
unique record 'of thirty years of con-
tin nous office as Township Clerk,. and
also'to present to you some tangible
recognition of your long and faithful
service. A considerable number of
your fellow -'workers have passed to
their eternal reward. but we are glad
to have with its this evening several
members with 'whom you have been
associated in municipal matters. You
have ever been an obliging anti effi-
cient official and you have at all times
performed your municipal duties as
if it were not merely a necessary task,
but a genuine pleasure. As a slight
token of our esteem we ask you to
accept the .accompanying purse, and
we all unite in wishing you many
more years of good health and hap-
piness. Signed on behalf of the ex-
Counciitors, Officials and Business
Men of Dublin. Joseph (Nagle, Reeve;
A. A. Co.iquhoun, MJP.P.; Mrs.
Kathleen Feeney, Clerk.
Will Build New School, --The meet-
ing of SS. No, 1, Hullett, ratepayers
was held Tuesday evening to discuss
the -question of building a new school.
When a vote was taken, the notion to
build a new school was carried by a
majority of ten. A motion to. change
the site was defeated. A committee
composed of Trustees Bernard Nott,
John Bell, John Carter and Messrs.
Thomas Livingston and Fred Fow-
ler, was .appointed to take charge of
building the new school. The present
building has been in use for sixty
Mrs. Henry Taylor, of Seaforth,
who has been spending several weeks
with her son. Harvey, has been quite
ill the past week but is now improv-
Mr. and Mrs. H. Carter of Gode-
ricli, visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Ferguson ou Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs, George Dale visited
Mrs. D. Bowes. at Blyth .on Sunday.
Miss Florence Dickinson of Toron-
to spent the week with Miss Joseph-
ine Livingston.
Mrs. R. Anderson and grand-
daughter, Jean, spent tate week end
With Mrs. T. Ferguson of Seaforth
Mr. Howard Marshall spent Sun-
day with Girvin Anderson.
Mrs. T. Noble and son, Mr, Roy
Noble and daughter, Mrs, Rath, from
Westfield, visited her brother, Mr.
Jack Ferguson. last week.
Messrs. James Medd, John Fergu-
son and Thomas Walters, made a
business trip to Stratford on Monday,
The Ladies of Constance W. Mt, S.
attended the regular meeting of the
Londeshoro W.M.S. on Wednesday
afternoon of this week. A well ren-
dered solo by Miss Elva Wheatley
'was enjoyed by all,
The Ladies' Aid met for quilting on
Thursday in the basement of the
church:A short meeting was held
also with the President, _Mrs, .E.
Adams, inh
t e chair. the t e o -
ening hymn 27, prayer was offered
by Mrs. 3 Rogerson and 'Mfrs. W.
Britton, The minutes were read and
adopted. ed. Mrs.
W. Britton was ap-
-po,nted secretary for ttie remainder
of the year it
y r a the absence of Miss Ma-
bel Livingston. A resolution was
passed that we buy dishes Inc the
Church. Mrs, R. Rogerson and Mrs -
J. Riley were appointed a committee.
to get prices. Mrs. Rogerson enure -
rated the work done .at the parsonage.
A. letter of sympathy was sent to Mrs,`
C. McGregor during her illness, The
roll call vasanswered by a verse of
Scripture One verse of hylttit 254
was sung. ,Mrs, W. Britton gave a
talk, "lite Satisfied Life," Meeting
closed with last verse of hymn 254.
Mrs. P. Lindsay offered the closing
prayer. Lunch was served by, Mrs,
Wheatley, Mrs, Lindsay and Mrs,
Miss Edith Stanbury, of Stratford,
is at her home here oo account of an
outbreak of the mumps.
Mr, William Andrew visited at the
home of Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Shipley
on Thursday last.
!At the nteetittg held in the United
Church. on April 24th it was decided
to organize a Women's Association.
Miss Helen Tough was chosen Secre-
tary for the day. After the opening
prayer the following officers for the
year were elected: Pres., Mrs, Alex,
Broadfoot; 1st Vice President, Mrs.
Arthur McQueen; 2nd 'Tice, Mrs. W.
S. Bi•oadfoot; Recording Sec., Mrs. T.
B. Baird Corresponding Sec., Mrs,
A. Caldwell; Fieasicial Sec., Mrs,
(Rev,) W. A, Bremner; Treasurer,
Mrs. A. T. Scott,
Nurse i'facTavfsh, of Clinton, who
has been nursing Miss McCully for
the past six weeks, returned to her
home last week. Nurse Riley, of
Constance, is at present acting as
nurse for Miss McCully. Her many
friends hope soon' to hear of her
complete recovery,
Mr. John Hohner, of Toronto, and
hits mother, Nurse Iiohiter, of Clinton,
week last Pen w k their home '
o e t n the vil-cage.
P sort a shoemaker fro
Seaforth has started business in t
shop formerly occupied by the la
Mr. Neil Smith,
London Road community Club he
their regular' meeting at the home.
Mrs, T. M. Johnston. After the usu
opening, the roll was called and r
sponged to by a suggestion for cl
improvement. A novel, feature w
the demonstration of a perfectly la
table and was looked after, by apeci
guests, "Mrs. Good Manners, " Me
Percy Cole; "Mrs, Bad Manners
Mrs, M, Hanley; "Mrs, Ignorance
Mrs. G. Falconer. The remainder
the afternoon was spent in sewin
The articles made are -to be forwa'r
ed to Mrs. Fred Slontan. The Sta
ley ladies assisted the hostess to ser
tea, Next meeting will be held
the hone of Mrs, G. Hanley, May 1
The Stanley ladies will be guests.
The following is the report of S.
No. 3, Tuckersmith for the month
April. The per cent. is stated aft
each name except in the Junior Prin
ers. where the names are arranged i
order of merit.
Sr, Pr—Elizabeth Broadifoot 8
Janet Watson 83, Bob McCartney 8
Billy Calw•ill 78, Gordon Wright 6
Mildred Robins 62, Evelyn Wilson 6
Jr. IV. -,Jean Watson 73, Willi
?apple 46, Nelson Forrest 24.
Jr, DIS. --(Bobby Dalrymple 73, A' Yrr
thur Wright 66, W. D. Wilson 6
Earl Pappie 57, Mary McCully 31
Howard -Walter 46, James MlcCull
40 Beatrice trice Armstr
On 37.
I4.—FFlora McDougall SS, Anni
Papple 83, Mayme Watson 76, Anni
B. McDougall 72, Gertrude Walter 70
Alice Wright 69, Mac Wilson 56
Delbert Taylor 48, Donald MacDon
aid 38.
Sr. Pr. --Grace Dalrymple 94, Elsi
Robins 91. Myrtle Papple 90, Iva
Taylor 90, Ruth Walter 85, Murie
Wright 80, Morley Wright 75, Ervi
Sillery 73, Milton Taylor 59, Bobb
Watson 50. •
Jr. Pr, —'Hazel Wilson, Audrey
Walter, Jack Caltvill.
L. Boyce, Teacher.
e -
t -
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hay spent the
week end in Niagara Falls visiting
their daughter, Mrs. Lorne Pepper.
Miss Ethel Jackson visited with
friends in Seaforth on Sunday.
Mr. and MIrs, Harvey Moore spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ivad For-
s$th, -
\Ir. John McMillan of Detroit is
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh McMi'1lan,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones of Ex-
eter, Mr. and Mrs. Traquair of Hen -
Jsail, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
ohn Elgie.
Jackson Bros..are sporting a new
Ford phaeton car.
The continued wet weather is keep-
ing the fanners from seeding.
The many friends of Mrs. Hugh
Norris will be sorry to hear of her
serious illness. We all wish her a
speedy recovery.
Andrew Kirk. of Tuckersmith, has
received 'w.ord that his son, Oliver H.
of Detroit, was among the successful
applicants at the examinations for -the
Bar, held at Lansing, Mich., on April
22. 23 and 24. Oliver graduated from
the Detroit College of Law a year
ago, but through sickness was unable
to attend the examinations held at
Lansing last September. We along
with his many friends extend to him
our heartiest congratulations.
, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coleman are
visitors at the home of their daugh-
ter, Mrs. Cecil Cake, 'London.
Quite a number from around took
in the play given in Varna on Friday
Jane," y put on by the
United' Church, Hensall,
Miss Muriel Carlile has taken a
Position in Linton at 1,fr. F. A.
The many friends of Mrs, George
Anderson Sr, will be sorry to hear
site in quite poorly at present.
Mr. Keith Love, who has been
spending a few days at his hone here,
has returned to Toronto.
A number of the ladies of .Hills -
green W.M.S. Auxiliary attended the
Presbyterial in Exeter on Tuesday.
Miss Eileen Turner, of London
Normal, spent the week -encs at her
Mrs. VVilliant
as been sun-
fined to
her beddm ai•.
g the past week
through illness, Her many friends
wish her a speedy recovery.
Owing to the severe rains during
the past week the farmers are delay-
ed with their rseeding.
i�urniture Store
SPRING is here and we are ready
with the finest line of House Rurnish•
ings ever offered.
eomplete stock —good selection for
every room in your home.
FLOOR COVERINGS in all the New Designs,
DININGROOM & BEDROOM SUITES made by the best Factories
in Canada.
Every Department is ready for your inspection. You will find
Prices very moderate. We also handle a splendid line of Slightly
Used Furniture, at very low cost,
1 slightly used Sherlock & Manning Player Piano with large quantity
of rolls. 1 slightly used Mason & Risch upright Piano. Both in
splendid condition, .
While in the village last week, Mr.
George. Mitchell narrowly escaped
what might have been a serious, if
not fatal accident. In some way his
team which was hitched to the wagon,
took fright and dragged Mr. Mitchell
out of the wagon, but fortunately he
escaped with a few scratches and
bruises. One horse had its foot badly
Mr. and Mrs. McAreh, of London,
spent Sunday with Mrs. C. Weekes:''
Several of aur citizens are suffering
from colds these days.
The members of the W. A. met at
the home of Mrs. ;Frank Weekes on
Tuesday,ance. There was a good attend-
Mr. G. H. Beatty installed a Hydro
water system on the farm of his
uncles. Beatty Bros., to replace the'
service of a windmill erected thirty
years ago, which was wrecked by a
recent storm.
Mr, Harold Elliott, of the Patter-
son Motor Car Co„ of London, spent
Sunday with his parents.
The play, "Sunny Jane," put on by
Hensall artists was very well acted.
The attendance e dant
e was
good and we
wish them every success in their fu-
ture efforts.
Miss Irene Chuter and Miss Emily
Beatty, of London, spent Sunday in
our village.
The Ladies' Aid are holding their
meeting at the home of Mrs. A. W.
Norris on Thursday afternoon.
We are sorry to report that Mr.
George Tuffin is under the doctor's
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Reed and
Mr, John McDonald combined busi-
ness with pleasure in London one day
last week,
The many friends of Mrs. Roy Mc-
Donald are pleased tot know that she
is so far recovered as to be able to
leave the hospital in London and go
to her parents' home for a time.
The W.MS, special services on Sun-
day last were well attended. Rev, D.
McTavish of Exeter delivered an ex-
cellent sermon and Mrs. Snell rend-
ered a solo in her usual pleasing man-
-Mr. anid Mrs, F. O'Brien, Miss J.
aid Mr. E. Treffry spent Sunday in
Mrs. M. Gray visited with her cou-
sins in Stratford the latter part of the
Mr. Jno. Snell of Sarnia is visiting
his son, Rev. B. Snell at the parson-
The YAPS. held a social evening in
the clubs, rooms on Friday evening
last, The Red side provided an ex-
cellent social program.
Next Sunday morning Rev. Neil
Leckie of Motherwell will preach in
the United Church.
Dr, and Mrs. Whitley, of Gorrie,
were visitors in our burg on Sunday.
Miss Olive Lyon is spending a
while at'her home in the village.
Mr, and Mrs. Entnteeson Hesk and
babe called -at the home of Mr. H.
Lyon on Sunday.
Mr. Alex, Wells unloaded a car of
western oats on Tuesday,.
Rev. Mr. Abery returned to the
manse on Friday last after spending
few days with his daughter, Mrs.
) Gray,of Walkerville.
The funeral of thet
is e \r
Jenkins al Goderich Mrs. Giles
passed tlik-ough
here on Sunday to the Union ceme-
tery. Much sympathy is extended to
the relatives here.
Mr, John Brown was a Clinton vis-
itor an Monday. '
Mr. and Mrs. William Brown are
spending a few days at Brantford
this week,
Mr. and Mrs. S. Appleby have Mov-
ed in with Mr• Robert Fairservice for
the summer months.
3lrs, Robert McCrea called on Bel -
grave friends on Tuesday. •
31rs, Jas. Scott attended the W.M.S.
convention in Hamilton last week.
,lir. Duncan McKellar Sr. is under
the doctor's care.
Mr. D. McNaughton of Hensell is
helping his son, Lorne, with the seed-
Mr. George Latnond of Kitchener
spent Sunday under the parental roof.
Mr. Robert Hoggarth of Stratford,
visited at the home of Mr. Alex. Mc-
Laren on Sunday last.
. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Bruce of De-
troit visited their parents recently.
Rev. Mr. Elder is attending' the Sy-
nod meeting in Paris this week.
A Good Portion
of beet served to you for the evening
*meal roasted about medium, with the
btacd gravy oozing through, gives
'cue a foundation. It just makes one's
mouth water to think of it. How
j'ywas that. last piece of meat we sent
Yen? 4 "'; t it fine,
Your Butcher.
Phone 58 Seaforth.
Battery Sales and Service.
Charging and Repairing all makes°of Batteries.
'A good line -of new and usedparts of different,makes of cars.
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