HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-05-01, Page 3"He Just Grins „"
When He's Teased"
The door Qpened quickly .and Dob•
by stumbled in, pulling his somewhat
reluctant cousin, Jack,
'"Mother! Oh, Mother!" called Bob-
Mother,- who was Mrs, Bridges,'
came hurriedly into the room,
"What is it, Sou?" elle aided -then
stopped in amazement aB she BMW
Jack with hie face bloody and his left
eye fast ;welling shat, "What have
you boys been doing? Jack, liave you
beau fighting?"
"Yessiim," he muttered, just as his
father, Airs. Bridges' brother; entered:
"What's the trouble, Jaek,']ny lad?"
"Ho and Bill Fibley had a terribly
fight!" explained. Bebby,'who had kept
silent as long as, possible.
"What in the world were you fight -
Ma; about?" inquired Mrs. Bridges.
"I -Ie just picks on me all ' of; the
time, aucl I won't, . let anyone rag one
all; the tinge,' sullenly answered the
youthful combatant.
"Well, Son, you certainly aren't a
beauty right now, but a fellow has to
stand up for himself and' his own
riehtn," commended his father.
"lin not sure of the advisability of.
Preaching such :a philosophy to these
boys, Fred," reproved his sister.
"Shupks, Sis don't kip 1 ye tg de
a certain ''amount of 1s io Bing?
"No, I do , not think it necessary,"
said his sister seriously as she went
about the work of giving first aid to
her little nephew.
'The two boys had just come home
iron the afternoon school session, and
as she worked 'she .en ouraged them
to tell her more fully about the thou-.
"Moth& you know Bilt and the
other second grade boys all like to
tease the first graders especially
Jack and Densil."
"Why Jack and Densly?"
"I don't know -unless It is because
they both get so mad."
It's just for meanness and 'cause
they 'have a spite against atm," corn-
plained Jack.
"They'don't tease Chubby any more,
but they r.:e did at first," Bobby went
en to ex hi,
"Aw, he'sa - si.:sy—don't takebis
own part nor not in'," ^-ranted Jack:
in dis;;ust.
"What does he do, Son?"
"Well, lie just etancls and grins
when fly , try to tease him or some-
times he _r ighs and says, ''Go on and
chase yoursel':"-
"He's "ot brave ono gh to stand up
for himself," broke in Jack.
"Oh, yes, lie's brave, Jack! Don't
you remember when they were teas-
ing little Dorothy ar 1 Tom slapped
her? Chubby doublr•i up his fist and
'went -right tatter tiro: r-1 made them
quit. ..e told me thr t his another said',
if he got mad at a littIe teasing he
tva.cn't a good sport nor a gentlenan,"
confided Bob. "Is that why you' don't
want me to fight when I get teased?"
"Yes, "'obb'y, I think Chub!•y must
have a very sensible mother, and I
agree with her that a real sport and
a true gentleman does not fight .ex-
cept on very rare occasions and when
by doing so he helps others as much
or more than himself."
Jack twisted arou„1 where he could
see his aunt better he joined in
"Don't' We have to take our own
part, Aurt Frances? Won't the other
fellows run over us if we don't fight
' them?”
"Oh, t' ay might, sometimes, but not
very often. This isn't the first time
you have fought Bill, is it?"
Jack shook his head negativelyy.,
"Well, - ',es he sten teasing you?"
"No, he doesn't, and I'm .going to
fight himevery time until he does
stop it." An angry expression -was
again on the little fellow's face.
"Listen, Jack, do they tease Chubby
any more?„
No! Not hardly ever."
"He didn't fight them to make them
quit, .Bobby said he just grin( -d at
them and refused .to get angry or to
pay attention to, the teasing. That is
what will stop them more quicky than
anything r -u can do. They just keep
on teasing you because it makes you
angry and because you will fight about
• "I declare, Sis," exclaimed her
brother, who had be -n watching and
listening all. this time, "I believe you
are right about this!' I am partly to
blame for Jack's attit-de, for I did not
want him to be a •fty but-neitherdo;
l: want him to be too ready ,to fight.
Or course selfish fights over. trivial
things won't do a boy any good. Jack,
you and I will talk this over later.
I must think back to the time when I
was a little boy, first. 'We'll all go
for a ride, now,"
British 'Industrial Troubles
Sheffield Telegraph (Cono.)1 Part
of the trouble with British industry
has been the old, stagnant plea that
it is down on its luck and that in time
its luck might he expected to change
for the better. The Balfour Com-
enittee's Lest service may prove to
be its authoritative declaration that
33ritish industrialists have got into a
groove and that they must melte an
imaginative attempt to get out of it.
?T,,,, #1141 i• you, have made a
tailuite in raising mat, wrist will i fs11
t?" iltibband: "Nell, now I'll ivritiI
a book on the subject"
Witness at , Seritifend: Ile celled
me a name 1 woo never hes?Il before
and I have hear4.409. good, pees.
Oo flew leiC%r.
•rq ei* 1,
WtINTER, with its in.
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blood, You treed Dr.
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They will invigorate
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women be many lands
have relied ''upon these
famous Pink. Pills as a
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At your druggist's or
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for free booklet --"Build-
ing up the Blood,"
PER 501
10 04 OOUNTR ICS " •
Nova Scotia's Posj€iort
Nova 'Scotia is .pre-eminent in Can-
ada in the production anti exportation
of coal and gypsum and in the manu-
facture of steel and iron.
An]ot:g.the several modes of'trane-
miseion'' of human 'F ^ase, modern
aaiiitarians have asst ped high place
to personal contact. q,li-:e are a large
number of serioc-^ a ,important diS.
eases, k wn ac contact infectious,
which are transuiitea and propagated
largely,, not exclusively, " .r per -
mat contact. Such diseases include
pneunten:a, influenza, diphtheria, scar-
let fever, measles, whooping cough,
einalipox, chlekenpox, mumps, and the
common told, These are, Of course,
all germ diseases. Their: method of
Spread le through personal cottact be-
tween a person who. Ba:7ors the la-
lection and another,.wlio is susceptible
to the same infection, In typhoid
fever and some ot`.er d; ieaaes the Per-
son who harbors the infection need
not necessarily b'] sick; lie may her
bor the infection as a carrier -and, in
some dlseasee the carr:: is an inlper,
tent source of transmission.
These persorltll contacts may be dia,
root or indirect, the more directthe
more dangerous, Sucli contacts liter-
ally represe it an. exchange of bodily
secretions or excretions between the
persona involved. These contacts are
far more common than most people
realize; arid matey oily nIQIIeen .tom-
pie`x Social orgbnizatlon, especially
large cities, close'pe'soeal contacts in
a variety' of syays are a! oletely un-
avoidable, Solite depend upon cus-
toms and usages difficult to breakup,
as, for exar ire, inoonsiderate use of
the handkerchief with. soiling of the
'hands, .indiseriniineti kissing, and
handshaking, The Chinese custom of
bowing and then abaking.one's own
hand is far more 'esirable from a
sanitary standpoint. There are a num-
ber of these. contacts, however, which
can nat be defended on any grounds.
They simply represent unhygienic
manners,' One of the .e habits is par-
ticularly reprehensible, and it is the
habit of passingsome article to .an-
other person atter it has been wet
with saliva.
In view of the prevalence of influ-
enza, which is one •! the important
contact diseases, it is a good time to
bring to public' attention this habit,
which is vat- comraloa, easily a-eoid-
able, and . thoroughly condemnable
from any standpoint. This is the
habit of sticking one's fingers in his
Mouth before perforating some action
that anvr'aes another person. It is
usually associated with the passing of
some article to anot. 'r person after
it has been '*et whh saliva. Could
there be any closer or 'rare direct
personal c ntact between individuals?
The prevalence of this practice is,
widespread. Prone Iimited observa-
Ii ABSOttit
M1 �'• a ARRANT&
When your
C ildrefi Cry
for It
Castoria is a comfort when Baby is
fretful. No sooner talfen than the lit-
tle one is at ease. If restless, a few
drops soon bring contentment. No
harm done, for Castoria is a baby.
remedy, meant for babies. Perfectly
safe to give the youngest infant; you
have the doctor's word for that! It is
a vegetable product and you could use
it every day. But It's in an emer•
genoy that Castoria means most.
Some night when, constipation must
be relieved --or collo pains—or other
suffering, Never be without it; some
mothers keep an er:tra bottle, 'unopen-
ed, to mal -i sure there '1'11 always be
Castoria in the house. It is effect've
for older children, too; read the book
that comes with it,
7IMetanding 18..John
J 14. Playing 20 up. 'g'
There's something t n
the game ... the prim
lege of asking someone
to the Cabaret Dinner to.
night. `a! Steady, John
get feel of your cue!
Away she goes ... a
good six! John wins ...
lucky John! 'Y! Plenty
of recreation when you
Sail Cunard! !
Book through The Robert Reford
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Elgin 347-), or a,'y steamship
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i8i'd from Montreal
(and Quebec„
mom'• 5.303
Cabin, ToutietThird Cabin and Third Claes
High School Boards and Boards of Education
Are authorized by law to establish
With the approval of the Minister of Education
DAY AND 6 i -
may be conducted in accordance with the regulations Issued by
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Is; given In various trades. The schools and claesee are udder the
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Schools, Collegiate institutes, Vocational Schools and,Departmeute. _
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Rates $4 and $7 and up
tion, it world appear particularly com-
mon among those who have to handle
paper of any kind, that is paper which:
A piled in stacks or Imola la boles.
But it is by nd means confined to
those engaged in such activities, -With
many persons it seems simply to be a
farm of nervousness, or a nervous bad
A while ago some sanitarium, 3m -
pressed with the undue pr'evalenee of
Customs and habits involving an ex-
change of saliva among persons in
their daily' contacts, cleverly suggest-
ed, in order to visualize what was
really going on, that we should 111105-
inel salivary secretions nolored blue.
He then, in imagination, followed a
few individuals through a day of ac-
tive existence. At the end of 'the
day he tried to evaluate them chro-.
maticelly. He concluded that most of
them in the color scale would be
tound well spotted to an indigo blue.
What s' oulcl we do about it? Cer-
tainly in matters of thia kind educa-
tion is f more effective than law.
If pec:'0 generally disapprove un-
hygenic habits, then public c;iinion
will correct them speedily.
Why condemn promiscous, spatting,
unguarded coughing and sneezing and
common drinking cups, if we con-
tinue to p emit people to contaminate
objects by saliva-m-':;tened fingers?
It is all of a piece and all should be
oonciemaed together.
The emance of good manners is,
after all, consideration for others.
This is applicable egeally to social or
hygenic geod'forni.In this golden age
our culture should keep pace with
other progress.
When someone writes . that book
that has been mens: a -ad on "The
Hygiene of Etiquette," then, let us
hope, we shall all learn more about
prophylar''• planner- and practice
hygenic as well as social courtesy,
Trust To Be Trusted
"Some years -ago," said J. J. Kelso,
the Ontario Superintendent of Chil-
dren's Aid Societies, "a fourteen year
old boy gave the police a lot of trou-
ble and after several warnings he
was arrested for theft and committed
to the reform school, .4 telephone
message was sent to the police that
if he were brought to the railway sta-
tion an official would look after him
the rest of the ,ray. Two officers ea-
companied him and to their great sur-
prise a young lady stepped up to
claim the lad. "But" they remon-
strated, 'he will get away from you
within five minutes after we leave.'
'No,' she said, 'if he will give me his
word of honor I will trust him fully.'
The boy readily assented' and the of-
feers departed, but only to go to an-
other end' of the building where they
could watch proceedings without be-
ing themselves observed. The lady
talked pleasantly with the boy, sent
him to buy her ticket, gave him her
valise and parcel to carry, and by
her evident sincerity in trusting him
completely won his regard. When
they were comfortably seated in the
train' the boy said, 'You know I would
have run away from tbose cops in a
minute, but I would go anywhere for
"This young lady had learned that
there is a certain amount of chivalry
inherent even in the worst boys, and
if that can be successfully appealed
to then the task of reformation is
made easy."
Glasgow Herald (Cons,). The anci-
ent charge that we are an iii -manner-
ed people has been publicly repeated
by Colonel Applin, 11,P, , , . To what
nations may we turn for instruction?
There is that tribe inhabiting a quar-
ter of the East Indies where polite-
ness is so highly esteemed that rather
than embarrass themselves and the
stranger by refusing his request they
with i club.
beat out his brains th
a cln
There are the French whose easy
manners were commended by Lord
Chesterfield, but their men embrace
each Other on Meeting and parting.
There are the Spanish whose grace
and poise are the envy ;of the •world,
but they dual'rel Iike sparrows, Evi-
dently there are beams in other eyes
then ours, and we may, well hesitate
before changing our rugged manners
for the slightly exotic affability of the
lMinarfl'e Llnbn n for Aleppo, and Flu.
Loud ' Tinme Trade S •'.hent;
to some respects It is fortunate that
the report of the Conference on Indue-
inial Reorganization and Industrial
Relations between the group of em-
ployers associated with k'loyd Ilei-
Obett and the General Counoil of the
Trades Union Cougr;ess were publish+
etd Hard on the heels of the Balfour
Report. After reading both deem
ments it becomes cotivinciugly mani-
fest that there is no single remedy for
unemployment and that failure to re-
store prosperity to British industry Is
not duo to.ineptitute or inertia, but to
the complexity of the problem, The
Conference recommends certain speci-
Sc' measures to "alleviate" the present
Position,but of the application of.
basis remedies it can only suggest fu -
tare consideration. Evidently the
optimise] of bright spirits who in
speech and print declare that they
have a panacea is not shared by seri-
ous men in close touch with realities,
whether they be drawn from indus-
triallsts, labour leaders, or the Tanks
of distinguished economists.
Every mother wishes her child or
children to be, well and happy: to be
bright-eyed, rosy'•oheeked boys and
girls, No mother, though, can expect
her children to escape all the ills of
babyhood and childhood, bat she can
do much to help them fight the battle
for health.
All prudent mother constantly
keep at hand the means 01 aiding
their little ones when sickness comes
Suddenly—as it generally does in the
case of children, In every home where
there are infants and young children
Baby's Own Tablets should be found,
Read what Mrs, glary Hill, Centre
bummer, Ont., says concerning these
Tablets:—"I am the mother of six
children and would not .be without
Baby's Own Tablets. They are a won-
derful medicine for little ones."
Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but
thorough laxative which regulate the
bowels and sweeten the stomach and
thus break up colds and simple fever,
banish constipation and indigestion
and allay the irritation accompanying
the outing of teeth, They are abso-'
lutely safe and are pleasant to tape,
The Tablets are sold by all medicine
dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box
from The Dr. Williarns' Medicine Co„
Brockville, Ont,
Women in Politics
Manchester Guardian (Lib.): at
the annual meeting of the National
Union of Societies for 'Equal Citizen-
ship a woman speaker urged that only
able women should be allowed to get
into Parliament. As it was, she said,
some "silly women' got in just as
"silly men" did. Did she remember
Mlrs, Poyser's remark, "I am not deny-
enying that woolen are foolish: God Al-
mighty made them to match the
men"? That is the truth of the mat-
ter. But foolishness is a relative
term ,and if the Council has .its way
it is clear that they will force an im-
provement in the standard of intelli-
gence in the House of Commons.
Debtor at Westminster County
Court, ity bank is the county court.
I pay it all there.
Kingston Man --"I am a gentleman
by occupation,"
Constant daily testing and blending of the world's choicest
;teas give irked Rose Tea .its inimitable iiavor aid never -varying
goodness.' Jiavery package guai'aiteed. ea
RED ROSE, ORANGE PEKOE is ext a goad'.
Choking Art .Industry
London Evening Standard (Ind,
Comm); (The oil combine have in-
creased the price of gasoline two•
peuce-halfpenny a gallon, which, fol.
lowing the fourpence a gallon tax im-
posed by last year's budget, is a seri-
ous blow to the motor industry). The
thriving of the motor industry in the
United States is, sometimes held up
to us as a warning example of the
supremacy of American enterprise
and mechanical ingenuity, In .the
United States the very gipeies drive
car's, and the life of small towns and
farmhouses has been galvanized by
motoring into aometa. ig livelier, hap-
pier and more pros erous, But in
America gipsies need pay only ten -
pence a gallon for petrol, and their
eguivalee+ to our crushing and unfair-
ly borne horsepower tax is but a sort
of registration fee which averages as
12s, per ear. The sudden growth of
the motor industry did not inspire' the
American authorities with the idea of
instantly bleeding it almost to death.
Minard's Liniment prevents Flu.
"How Long had you known your
husband before you were married?"
"I didn't know him at all. I only
thought I die."
come to • the surface, gentlemen."
"Yes," said one of his hearers, "you
come to the surface to blow."
Arany a man fails to become a think•
er for the sole reason that his mem-
ory is too good,—Nietzche.
'Classified Advertisements
11 S A'rt;H
pp A y l,) fes it'll. !�
1'A'�. POU( varieties, prEca pa up
IV rile for free catalogue, A. El. Switzer:
Branton, Ontat'lo.
BEST EQu1PMOIN'r, i.ATenT aim'ia-
UDs, uniform return load emcee.
art goods Insured. we clove you when
.YOu want to mOve, Mahn your. enquiries
now, 1400eer distance movers. Agents
in prieclpal citlou of Iaatern States and
Canada. 13111 The. Hover, Hamilton and
to treat them. Send Tor pamphlet,
Western Laboraawrixt, 241A ' Victoria
Ave., Westmoant, Que.
SIVE territories open for repro-
sentativas to sell the securities and
manufactured products of a Canadian
industrial corporation. Personal -assist-
ance given by representative from head
office, la:cperience not necessary. Lib-
eral commission and permanency to
producers, Apply Mr, James Merrick,
Secretary, 1011 Kent Building, Toronto,
"Do you tali: in your deep?" "No;
my wife says I'm perfectly exasperat-
ing—1 only smiler"
He: "Oh, yon musn't blame me nor
my ancestors," She: "I don't, l blame
them for you."
Pretty Waitress: "Are you the fried
haddock?" Susceptible Uin':r: "No,
the lonely sole."
0d aGIch ine Knive,
1/ANCO050R, ST JOHN, 5,n,
List of "Wanted Inventions"
and Full Information Sent Free
on Request,
TRE EAMSAY CO., 'Dept. Nr.
273 Bank St., Ottawa, Oat.
Easyrttntting Mowers
that cut with razor -like
ASnini tb ltfower skill keep
your lawn trim and neat
Thoreagherre/iob/e. a6so/u/e/y
quave/feed, At your hard-,
ware dealers.
1"`y430 MAO/Q.4,,y
For Troubles
due to Acid
en Pain
What many people call indigestion less alkali in water will neutralize in-
stantly many times as much acid, and
the symptoms disappear at once, You
will never use crude mithods when
once you learn the efficiency of this.
Go get a small bottle to try.
Be sure to get the genuine Phillips'
Mille of Magnesia prescribed by physi-
cians for 60 years in correcting excess
acids. Each bottle contains fult direc
very often means excess acid in the
stomach. The stomach nerves have
been over -stimulated, and food sours.
The corrective is an alkali, which
neutralizes acids instantly, And the
best alkali known to medical science
is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It has
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One spoonful of this harmless, taste- tions—any drugstore.
Are Filled As Far
As Possible In the
Order in Which
They Are
Offering Annual
DEPARTMENT invariably
OF A%dRtCULTURE Given, the
HCl u lied Preference,
Tle Colonization and Immigration Branch of the
f Agriculture g for 0 r
uta iofl
w i have available
uf er
number of. Experienced x er
and ramllles—MarrriedaOouplesyWithout Children--
Also Single Men.
Farmers requiring help will be well
advised d d to'ak
su a ear
application email, PP n to
Geo. A. Elliott
aireetor of Colonization
Parliament Bldgs.,
Toronto, Ont.
File i
at Once
Ail Men
Placed subject
to Triai Period
HON, JOHN S. MARTIN, Minieter of Agriculture
J00 burden o,, bred fat Ilea 'L¢
praduninn. SAAR, Drown and
Zuers,iro",. Dan,d and While nock.,
A 1. t1,A Aman,, slack M',n„m,
Dduuff �N100S Ii Wilke
uea',n ru onset
U'dn ea, for FREE CHICK nook.
226 Northampton
Buffalo, N.Y.
13o.: 7175. 212eII)GEBtYE4, 0157., CAN.
Sha 11>taglloe,s
Cleanse the scalp and hair of dandruff and dust
and assist in thehcalthygrowth of hair:You will
be delighted vith the" fragrance and efficiency.
Send for and outfit Soap and Ointment to
"Cuticura," Bos 2616, Montreal, Canada.
A Health Saving Reminder
Don't Wait
until you get the
At the first sign of it. Its Healing
Qualtiies are Amazing. THE
Praises Lydia E. ?inkhorn's
Vegetable Compound
Asbestos Mines, Quebec.—"After
the birth of my second child, 1: was
nervous and weak
and had headaches;
backaches and ter-
rible pains every,
month. suffered
two years before i,
tried Lydia h
Pin/than-1'8 Vega.'
table C om out8
i got'fourpbottles
at first and it did
me a world of good.
i would 101 be
without it in the house now, and have
o ties in, 2 recommend it
anbtlrer six h t mm
to every woman 1 know."—Mas. T.'
BAIIO5T r, Box 114, : Asbestos Mines,/
ISSUE No. 16—'29