HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-04-18, Page 10, the gentle dames of okll who,
quite free from fear or juin,
Could gaze on joust or tournament,
and see their champions slain
They riled nit -knoll beefsteaks and\
ale, which made them strong and
bold, -
0. more like ,nten than women were
those gentle dames of old 1
Frances Brown.
WHOLE SERIES,_Y,OI., 50. No. 16.
Phone 84
sections etc, are kept. Guess work
, la
basis o
eliminated—Facts ,are b s R
industry, Which has
The death occurred on Thursday
$„ t!
i ;�;
ai LI V I\ V L/
at{ all .'bolas
was received last week ;rpm
K ox call.hurgh Agincourt,b Rev. W.
D. McDonald, pastor of Egmondville
United, Church, Mr, McDonald has
ecce the call, subject to the rati-
ftbation of the Settlement Comma-
tee. Rev. and Mrs, 0McDonald and
family expect to leave at the• end. of
June.. Egntondville congregatidn .has
flourished during Mr, McDonald's
pastorate of over •six years, during
which time church union took place,
and news of the change has been re-
ceived throughout the whole corn-
'nullity with genuine regret, ' Agin-
court Charge has advantages accruing
Where do the chiol recent years.
go? Two
decks of chicks in Mr. Sego's brooder
were slated fora fanner in Tucker-
smith, another deck to a McKillop
'farmer, other chicks will go by nail
oto places all over West Ontario, and
so on, The day of the sitting lien is
passed, The day oil the individual
incubator on each farm us Hearty pass-,
ed --4 is more satisfactory to buy
chicks already hatched. Mass' pro-
deletion, on a scientific basis, is the
new order of things in the poultry
morning April 1'lth. of Agnes Mal-
colm, relict of the late George Mur-
die,• at the home of. her nephew, Mr,
James T, •Malcolin, on the Huron road
west of Mitchell Mrs. Murdie, who
had spent the past six months with
her niece, Mrs, ,G. Graham, ,in Mit-
chell, and her nephews. the Messrs.
Malcolm, of Hibbert, had been in
failing health for some time, but had
been around as usual until about 3
o'clock, Wednesday afternoon, when
she suffered a stroke and passed away
the following morning. The late Mrs•
Murdie was born•at Botvm'anville'75
years ago and came to Perth County
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, John
Through the, urehase of a large t uttlttit
of Cups and Saueers,we are
p (� �t p
Real China
Prices Reasonable
from its Proximity to Tgronto.
Ivialcolnt,.•as ayoung girl. She was,'
the last meanber of a fancily of ten,
and Saucers
The anodal meeting of the Catholic
Women's League was hold recently
For over twenty-ifive years she had
been .a resident of Seaforth, her ]sus-
in nnany different designs all new and very
The ...Olympia
Confect• ionery and Restaurant
The following officers were elected
by the lady bowlers on Monday evhad
ening in the G!W+V!A; hall: Captain,'
Neil; eecutiveP 14Ii&'sviCGreta Ross,
Mrs, Frank Sills and Mrs, Harry
Stewart; Instead of forming an in-
dependent club the officers will work
the. of
in the parish gall, with' unusually
rattendance.p' 'Meted)} re-.
1a a Mrs ti 1 d•
sided at the meeting: The.reading of
the various reports gave evidence of
the year's excellent work, A pleas-
ing feature of the evening was the
presence of Mrs. Kerrwan� of
Ingersoll,, the Diocesan •Press President,
who gave an inspiring address on the
.band passing away years ago
in June. 'For the vast ten years she
spent her winters m Mitchell, oc-
copying her house on Goderieh street
s srtiservlceuwas eheldiatstherhame
of her nephew, James T. Malcolm,
Hibbert, before proceeding to Sea-
forth, the ,palmearers being six neph-
ews• The funeral Seaforth
pretty at
in conjunction .with executive
the men's club, To date 53 member-
work of the Catholic Women's Lea-
service at
was held in .First Presbyterian Church
ships have been rceived for the new
with Rev. Irving B, Koine officiatiltg,.
North Side United Church.—Pastor
Rev, W. P. Lane,' BA.
;Sunday, April 21st.=11 a.m. Public
worship; •Subject: "SHearts." Second
in series Of messages from Ezel.iel
2'•:30 p.m. --S. S. and Bible Class.
7 -p.m. !Ptrhlic Worship. Subject,
Seaforth Bowling Club has this
year joined the group of neighboring
chubs, including Goderieh, 'Mitchell:
St. Marys, Atwood, (Stratford, New
Hamburg, Tavistock. Messrs, Ross
Sproat and Geo, D. Haigh, president
and secretor of the local club were
delegates to a group nneetin fn Mit-
The following are the officers for
the coming year:
Spiritual Advisor, •Rev, Father Goetz
President. Nlrs. T. Me]ady
fast Pres„ Airs. W. J, Duncan
ist Vice Pres„ Mrs. W .Devereaux,
till Vice Pres., Mrs. A. O'LearyMitchel]
•d Vice Pres., Mrs• J• F; Daly:rdill,
and the pallbearers ayere Messrs, W
Robert Ho 'William
•E Hinckley, ggg
Beattie, William Edmunds, Robert
McMillan, Finlay McKercher. Inter-
menu was made in Maitland'bank ce-
Besides many friends from
among those from a distance
who attended the funeral were: Mr,
of Toronto Air. and firs.
These are now on display in our lower south window
and are rare bargains at this price.
Fred S Savaug e
S. +.y
The third annual meeting of the
Huron Presbyterial Society of the
Woman's Missionary Society of the
United Mined] of Canada will be held
Tuesday. evening' tog arrange
dates For the tournaments, which axe
as follows: At Seaforth u ust 14th
the big tournament opening the new
greens, 100 rinks expected; Sept. 18th,
s.-- Frances
Recording Secretary,
Givlin •
Corresponding: Secretary. Mrs. C••
Treasurer,_ Miss Alice Daly
,Archie Hardin, of. Toronto; Airs. Ar-
chie Finch, London; Mrs. MdJ eod, of
Woodstock, Mr. and the Misses
Smith. Stanley.
Phones 194 Res. 10
in. James stye et`Un'ited• Church, .e-•
doub9eS Gdderich-June 12 .and -on
Att g• -•8, doubtesp one .n,.
ment certified stock, per. bag
ter, on•Tuesday; 1929..A11
leaders Y.W.-
. ,lfitrhell---t
and 'Aug.Sy.:J.uly; 5, twilight,
., = c
' ■ 5�
women ere invited;. of
Ask..•Ciucles,,,C•G.II,IT,. groups, Nits-
ford—July-17;, Aug., 2. twilight;
..The: Easter meeting of the W.�L,S�
• • - • ':
EE M - UNPAI•NS. - •
;Grown from certified stock, perand
bag , �.��
Sion, $ands and Baby, ; Sands, ,. The•
:moxn n eselo't.,be ins .at 9,30 o'clo;ek
e,s , a g
145''lock. Mi s'
the. afternoon ,at o c
Weir M'how India will ' ive
an address.
Aug. 21, d'ou'bles , .St. ,Marys June
19 and July 2.4; NawHamburg, June
y 6 .and ;Sept: 14; Tavistock, June 14,
twilight; July 10`and` An'g::9. '
The ladies will have the use of the
one night• a week and any af-
The 1:Ioine F" id" ,presented as .,a
dariost' call P:3 'the Young •People.
was"the'..adlltess"delivered , by Miss'
Jean Smith at the Northside 'Young'
People's meeting. This is the ad-
the :.United Church was' held. on
Thursday, Apri1'1Tth, with Mrs, Close,
vice,pres,ident, in the chair. The 'meet-
'.;n was Opened ,''b repeating the
g prayer . y, P g
Lord's'in, unison, After the
business part the meeting was given
' ade.a name for themselves, was un-
fortunatelysittingunder his unluckyMr,
number. well sea Art Routledge
,;provided a well -seasoned lunch. Bros-
sets—Messrs• Thomas Pearce, Peter
George Coleman''is° s endin
p g
the week end in Toronto: + P
Mr. and'Irs, Hyde of Hensall spent
Wednesday last- with Mrs. E. Troyer.
CRIS'0O.-1Special 'advertising offer.
A special 18e pie plate w h each'
" The Mitchell Advocate last week
ternoon, One night a week will be
devoted to mixed doubles.bronze
dress that won for Miss -Smith a
medal at the Public Speaking
Contest of Huron Presbytery. We
over to Circle No. 4. with Mrs. Laing
in charge. The program proved very
interesting. taking form
Stewart. Thomas McDonald, Sher-
wood, Alex. Brewer, Reuben Brew-
Miss Grace Coleman spent the past
week visiting with her sister, Mr. and
Elgin McKinley.. Goshen line.
Pound of Crisco at
the regular price of 30e
'Sae this new patent pie plate,' and
:'get a sample pound . at least of
accomplis'had itssixty-niAth year, It
holds, moreover,.,' a unique'poli-
tion; having been always owned
since its inception in, one 'family
only wonder how she missed the sil-
ver medal. Her presentation and bei`
paper were both worthy of praise:
Mr. James Scott the
the of a pre-
paratory meeting For the Thankoffer-
ing' service on the: following Sunday
evening. ,Easter Bible readings were
er, Sandy Yuill, Wesley Stevenson
and Duncan Brewer. Seaforth --Mr.
Messrs. Dan, SShannon, Melvin Mc-
Phee. F. D. Hutchison, 'George Scott,
and Mrs. Webster Turner at -
tended the graduation of their niece,
Nurse Louisa Turner, in Clinton on
11 Crisco, the best shortening we
know of,
FANCY BfsOUI1PS°=Specials. 'Co-
Fingers, Tarts;
through two generations. the present
editor, H,'I7, ,Davis, being the son of
the founder, -the ] to W. 'R „Davis.
The News xtends ` birthday greet-
In contrast to the warning clucks
of the old fashioned hen with her set-
ting of slightly more 'than a d•ozeup
presided at meet-
ing and the programme was of ex-
ceptronal merit After the,; opening
byinn Mr. CarT Pinkney led- 10 prayer.
The Scripture lesson was read
given by several of the Circle, follow-
ed by prayer. Interesting readings
were read by Miss 'Wallace on "Thank
Offering,' by Mrs. Thank on.
We Should Give Thank
Join Snider, Ed. Johnston, James
Cook. Thomas . McMichael and
Thomas Dale,
" "
Tuesday evening.
Miss Annie J'arrott spent Sunday'at
the home 'of Mr. and Mrs, John Mc -
wen. near
E ar'Iiensall.
Mr., Wesley Richardson,
coanut ,Raspberry
Vanilla Wafers, People's Mixed,
Daisy Fruit, per pound
FLOIOIR WIAX of superior quality,
,Baford s best for floors; furn'i-
iii s and best wishes •for its con-
tinned prosperity 'with the hope that
it may always be guided in the ex-
cellent manner which has been its
good fortune in the past. and at'
eggs, is the friendly -'perpetual
of the modern .4,1500 egg incubator
'which hatches out 1,000' lively chicks
every week at "Sunny Crest Poultry
Farm" operated by 'htr. James m,
Scott. In a. spotlessly clean, isolated
building, this incubator and the large
the secretary re'pori• was given. Air,
Cralwford wfas called on for the buss-
ness of the meeting. All young people
of our church who are interested •.n
tennis, we invite you to be present
next Tuesday evening. Miss Molly
a Offering."
and by Mrs. Laing on "rBe Ye Thank-
fol." Five members of the Circle
read short papers on "How Much
They Were Thankful." followed by
prayer by. Mrs. Lane. A Thanksgiv-
ing legend nvas given by Miss M.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Nicholson
spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Jo-
seph Nicholson of Walton:
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Riley and Mrs.
who has
been laid up wtih inflammatory rheu-
matism for the past few weeks is able
to be around again.
Mr. William Jarrett and daughter
Annie, Misses Agnes and Anna Love
Mr. Frank Hagan attended the gra.
ture and 'woodwork, every tin
guaranteed satisfactory or money
back.. ... ... ........ .,....50c
The Easter 'Thank Offerin of the
h as g
W.M.S. was held in the United
battery -brooder are marvels •of ef-
dciency and a striking' example of
the Changes'- in the chicken raisin; in-
dustry which have taken
Helper in her excellent manner play-
ed a piano selection, followed by a
very pleasing solo by Mr. Alex. Me-
Gavin, SLead Me All the Way. ,
Hartry; a quartette by Misses Lane,
Crich, Cudmore and Cliff was very
much appreciated. The meeting
closed with the Mispah benediction.
George Cook of Clinton visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe ;Rileys on
'Mr. Robert Grimoldby shingled his
dilation of Louisa Turner, Nurse of
(Clinton hospital, in Clinton 'on Tues.
day evening.
MINCE MEIAIT :;. .... lbs. 25c
Church Sunday evening, April 14th,
with a large, appreciative audiencete
place, within•
the past. few years. Nothing is left
Misses Evelyn Harburn and Anne.
house last week,
VALENOhA RAnISII;N'S, reg. 18c.
2 for 25c
CHEESE. -June 1928, 30c; 1927, 39c.
IRoqueforte cheese 60c,
present. The speaker for the eon he
was Miss Clara Preston, home on herg
first furlough from China, Miss Pres-
ton is in the medical work there and
interesting incidents `of
automatic heatr ren ulatorsh everywhere, ro'
meter to register moisture -content of•
the air iu the incubator, are all part of
the systeuv.
Govenlocle deli hted the. audience
with a piano duet, Closingh
hymn and
- iz Pah benediction brought the meet-
ing tq a happy close,
The regular meeting of the Eg-,
mondville Y. P. S. C. E. was held on
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephenson of
Brussels spent Sundayp
with Mrs:
$tepheiison's parents here.
Mr• Frank Stalker of Brussels vis-
ited friends in the village on. Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. tMcAsh. of London.
spent 'Sunday with the ta'tter's moth.
er, Mrs. C. Weekes.
At •the time of writing we are sorry
to report Mrs. A. Robertson is under
GAI21D•E'N. SEEDS. --Good assort-
menta , of Ren'nie's and Steele
Btdggs Seeds in packages- and
Per ,pound 70c
SAILMO'hi.-Red Sockeye 40c.
gave many
her,work amongst the Chinese. AP
p,ropriate music -by the choir consisted
of an ant em, '"At Ev'en ' When- he
Sun Was ,Set," and a- quartette by
Mrs. IJane Mrs. T er•man Dir. Bur -
rows and • Mr: Howey, "Send the
Light: The offering amounted toCandling
Fresh eggs ane placed in inclined
trays at the top of the incubator each
week olid other trays of eggs"are
moved. down so when eggs have been
the incubator eighteen days,they
are at the bottom of the, machine and
the' tray is no' longer inclined.
at regular intervals elfin-
inates eggspresented
which will not hatch.
. '
The. Philathea Class spent a• very
enjoyable time when they were en- •
tertamed at the home of Mrs. {'Rev.)
W. P. lane on ;Friday evening last.
During the evening, Miss Nina Robb
was with a certificate of
Monday evening, April 1'5, under the
vice presidency of Miss Gerkie Web-
iter. The meeting was opened by
hymn 158 and.}vas followed by pray
ei by Mr, McDonald. Hyinn 120 was
then sung and the scripture lesson
was•read by Alice Thompson. The
took:, !Work," was very ably taken
by,eau' Smith, after which Bertha
Mr. Leo Stephenson started on his
cream and grocery routes this week.
Mr. Win. Britton sports a new se-
don car. P
Mr. R'oy Lawson went to De'trot
on Tuesday of last week and brought
home an Essex coach for Mr. Levis
of Clinton. He called at Chatham
and 'hada short visit with his sister,
the doctors care and her : many
friends wish her a speedy recovery.
House cleaning and babychicks arc
the to pies of the day.. ,
Miss 1Bessie'Watson, Sauble •Line, •i?
spending a few days with her sister
A little b!aiby girl has, arrived at the
home of Mr. and •Mrs. MCLarne,
Red Cohoe .`. , :... . ... . 35c DEBATE AT HOME AND
The" marked eggs of pedigreed hens
are placed in - cheesecloth bags after
eighteen days. so when the chicks
ILife Membership to the W! yf.S. in
recognition a;id appreciation of. her
services in- the Mission Band League,
Beattie, • Erma Broadfoot, Margaret
Patrick and Mildred Wallace. A very
pleasing solo was then rendered by
hIrs. J. Bisbee.
Mr, and hlrs. Ed. Bnttan and Mrs.
Willra.maBrreton were in London an
We are pleased to report that little
Clarence Taylor Ins much improves
'from his recent illness. Wilde on i
i. D. HUTCHISON he Home acrd School Association-
• T S o
hatch they are •kept separate until an
identifying•metal tag is placed on
•Airs. and Miss Robb, who are leaving
town shortly, will be' much missed in
Harold Jackson. :kfter singing hymn
144 a. few minutes of intermission
Wednesday of this week.
visit to his grandmother in McI�i11o1
he contracted pnuem�onia and •for a
Phone Pnor Phood is holding its next evening meeting,Mond
. ;166 Ca'mneay, April' 29th at 8 p.m. in the
Carnegie !Library room. There will
be a stirring debate, resolved, a
thein legs. When the chicks are three
'weeks old. these tags are sealed
through the wings where they remain
their connection with North 'Side Un-
lied Church,
was then held. After the reading, of
the minutes of the previous meeting,
the' meeting was closed with hymn
Adrs, A. W. Beacom and Miss Flor-
tm�e his life was despaired .of, but we
learn he is out of danger
gar and wi.I
soon be able to return to his home.
woman does a man's work better than
a man does a Woman's work" Miss"
Molly Helper will play an instrumen-
For life. The: incubator is heated h
hot water radiators. an :automatic•
valve control 'system maintaining an
even temperature. Twq electrically-
Tilbury: April 15.—The memory of
143 and the liiz ah benediction.
The regular irteetin of t'he W.M.S.the
of EgmondviJle United Church was
held on April 11th. Mrs. W. D. Mc-
hoWatsonf spent Wednesday last at
the home of the former's daughter,
Airs: Joseph Lyon.
;Ford, little son of W. H. Johnston,
narrowly escaped death when he was
thrown from the car caused b a
short turn when the door of the cal
r- tal solo. The members are'-holdin
abridge this" Wednesda afternoon
and, evening at the home of Mrs. A.
driven fans completely change the air
'in the incubator every four minutes•
Mr. has arranged device
the fallen heroes of St.
congregation and also of several of its
pioneer er members was fittingly honor-
Donald presided and opened the meet-
ing by singing hymn 366, followed by
prayer by Mrs. James Brown. The
Mr. Peter McDonald recently pur-
chased a`fine Pontiac car.
ile. and Vtrs. A. T McEada
Sew open, throwing him to the
ground. He escaped with a few
Sutherland. The 'proceeds will :go to-
.Scott a of
ed at a special ceremony on Sunday
while in Clinton ]oat Friday had a
E. Lr®X °- 43
wards .helping pay Professor Ander-
salary.. who has been engaged to
music at the public school. 'Weg
also keepin toubhwith the schools
of the community and give assistance
where it is required from time to
time. Kindly keep in • mind the paper
and magazine collection, 'Sa•turday,
April 27,th, Have them tied in
bundles if possible, they are much
easier handled. The truck will call
his awn to keep sufficient moisture
m the air ii the incubator—an impart -
ant factor in ettin P
g `good results: fa
.large pan' of water on an electric
]teeter is.ke t steaming 234 hours a
P g
day. The' •hygrometer always shows
an increase in moisture when chicks
are hatching.
areNhramovedChito sthe re 'Jjatched .
big battery -East,
brooder, an addition to Mr. 'Scott's
•iiior Ting in which the present: rector,
Rev. T. Dobson, and T. H,
:Brown, of Seaforth, apastor of the
congregation 40 years •o,jointlyof-
g g
ficiated. At the conclusion of the
morning service Mr. Brown dedicated
a handsoiite oak pulpit, erected in
memory of the late Mr. and Mrs.
John •I3rotmcl., of Rosedale, Tilbury
by the members of their family,g
of whom Mrs. Brown is one, T
Scripture lesson, John 14, was read
by Airs. W. D. McDonald. The de-
votional leaflet Money Talks, Whaty
Dtes it Say to Your was given by
_hiss MacTavish, and she also follow-
ed by leading in prayer, De.egates
were appointed to attend the Presby-
feria! at 'Exeter. They were Mrs.
law and Mrs. Allen. Missstrong,
Ton Shillinglaw
the Hessen er ra er,
, g P Y
The. mission study their followed en-
short vi e, at the home of their aunt
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferris Mr.
Reece and Miss Irene, Ferris visited
on Sunday at the home of Mr. and
18 s. Joseph Bewley near Walton.
Mr, and Mrs, Leo Watt and family
visited at Air. and Airs. George Mc -
TMrs. enniet`IKnoxr on
Mr, and Mrs. Pere '
Little and Mr,
Ferg, Bullard spent Saturday and
$ nday in London. Mrs. Bullard and
children returned with thein. after
spending the past two weeks with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs, Jbhn Arm-
Mr. and Mrs: Melvin •Clarke and
Nl], an, Mfrs, Nelson Govenlock en.
A ^
for them l Leave them on the veran-:
dah,,or steps,
plant this year which has been .. iris-
mensely successfful There are six
decks, each holding from 125 to 150
rector dedicated alt 'oak Iectern,eagle
design, in memory of the seven young
the gave
titled Women of Africa," by
Miss Charters. Mrs. McDonald and
Mrs. Sherwood., Hymn 225 followed
•and Olive 'Knox; and Mr, Ward, Knox
visited at the home of the former's
brother family, Mr. John Mc-
tect•a ned the Glee Club last Thursday
evening at the hcme of the latter. The
night was spent m progressive euchre.
chicks,' A steel frame work is covered
by heavy tvirenettfng,
men of congregation who
•their lives •in the Great Wbr: ,.This
and Mrs. MciCeiitie. Sr. closed the.
meeting with
Gregor, of Walkerton, on Sunday.
Hiss Mar carrying
garet Eaton carr in of
ladies' first breae
through Which
the :chicks can reach • 'their .heads into
memorial is the gift of the Ladies
Guild of. the church, aided by
g P ythe
Mr. Groves. of Clinton, has skirted
around again with bread, etc„ Mon-
prize, a silver
tray; men's first prize went to Mr. A
Thees� 'Shoes
. 0
MenWomenand{� /gyp
laVll`n (agld Children
feed troughs extending, along
sides and water troughs t the other
two sides. Day and might the chicks
are `able to ,feed, drink`or�sleep at will,
,F eding. is by far the most, popular
oc upatioii of the ,fa'st developing
youngsters. Each deck is' warmed
by electricity and temperature is auto-
rriatically maintained. BY' means of
rheostats• various temperatures can be
gifts. He also dedicated a• handsome`
brass cross, the gifts of .the Shaw
family in memory o•f'their•'parent,•
2,Ir, anc1. Mrs. iFrittgla SI "Th con-
gregatioii sf th'is'service entirely fill-
ed the church ,auditorium. One Fund`-
red and elle members of the Hornick
family. desccneants Of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Dior riot, were present.
..Ther,e was a fairly,; good attendance
at the Frreinai ;,,euchre Tuesday
evening in ,the wi : Hall, The prize
winners were First;,'Thomas Beattie;
'lone hands, Andrew• Oke; consolation,
Jos, Aolmag• -
days and Thursdays. '
The Misses Am. and Eno Parsons,
by Amy
Marjorie Mc-
Erving, have started motoring to
school in Clinton again.
Nur, and Mrs. Ed, Far uhar and
children. 'of near • Clin'ton attended
morning service •in B'uriss Ghur:ch and
also visited in the afternoon at. the
ilrs., Norman lShep-
a set of military hair brushes
Consolation• prizes went to Mrs. Jno
Mont•gomery and Mr. George Eaton
A dainty ]urrch was Hien served by thl
Quite a number from here attender
the dance in L'ondesboro last Frida;
Ur. and Mrs. Jack Pryce, Mr, am
Mrs. George Prylce-and Mr. and A.11.
secured. For the first week the
home of Mr, and
Tom _Pryce attended the funeral
i o Crest Prices
jr �t�t J (e (
are :kept at 90 degrees, the second
week al 85 degrees and the third at 80
degrees. A -wire screen 'of about /-
inch mesh is the floor on which ,the
chicks stand, and cleaning is accomp-
Seaforth •and Brussels 'h ad a tussle
of int ht and coon over "week
g nine checker
les in Carnegie Library Hall onJohnston,
g' Y
i :r, Edw. Reid J$ sporting a fine
�f E
new car.
t(r. and Vlrs. 4; W. McEwing visit-
bell, at the home of Mr. James Camp-
of Winthrop, on Sunday.
• o
aaf ernoon of`Wal
toner lasts Saturd y t
Miss Margaret .
g Johnston spent th
end with her parents, M;, ani
Mrs. of Varna.
W a W1GG
listed daily by removing farge flat
trays which rest beneath the screen,
Sanitary conditions are perfect in the
(Pedigreed clucks and hens involve
considerable bookkeeping, Records
are kept of •the eggs laid by each ben
by •trapnesting; a num'be'r is assigned
each the records showing its his-
tory. hirhen the egg is lratded, its
number is 'transferred to a chick re-
cord sheet, 'where details of tesfs in-
Until further n otice,; I will
conduct my'blacksmith.busi-
riess in the bufidirig• oppositehis48
Win, Cudmore s sales
stables, Crombie, St., Seaforth
Jze • Va
Monday evening, The .Seaforth
modestly say the score was
owas the •first game ofi in favor f the seasn�l5,
A return game:Is coining soon and
Luckriow may give us a chance at
them also, Three or Four of the
Brussal5. players excelled themselves
.i»'several arises- but it would have
been Ill t to pick a champion
from sueh.a fine lot of players. One'
of two Seaforth stars who have
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parsons vis*,
ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
R Thef def ca� which was held in Lon-
daeboeo Coiltmtlnity Hall hy the
Alert Ciub was well attended `and a
very enlanniee evening was ,pent.
Mrs. Tennie Knoa and Tamil while
;n 'Clinton one da last week,ywisited
at «hr, hnnie : o__ their isnot, Mrs,
Magg'e- Watt and family,
Mr. Theodore `Holland attended th
funeral of his, brother, Mr, Mood;
Holland, of Walton. The funera
Ethej, lace on Aionday afternoon frog
Mr. Neil Montgomery and Mi
Mcady Holland spent Sunday evenin;
with friends to Bspentvu,
A9r. and Mrs Trank -Johnston at
tended the reception of Mr, and Mia
y Bol, of Wal
eon geritis Friday ei