HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-04-11, Page 8PA NSALL. Mrs.' Lee Holden was In Hamilton visiting. I' cnis. ttz' h. t t . Mr. Garnet Call. has purgh'zaG 1 the bakeryand took possession Monday mornng of this week, As this 5s a splendid •business lr; Case will no doubt do well. • A' meeting of the Directors of the Ituron Weather Insurance Co, was held here on Friday last, Mr, and Mrs, Alf, Clark,lfrs, Fred Simmons, Mr. John Simmons and Mr, Will Simmons motored to Toronto on Sunday to spend the day with •Mr, cines treat- ment o is 'taking, F red Simmons ,� in the hospital there. Mrs, Sim- mons intends staying fora few days. Mr. and Mrs: N. Ogden of Exeter were visiting friends here on Friday. Mrs. Wan. 'Southcott, Miss - Stella Southcott and Mrs. Shears visited with Mrs. John Murdoch on Saturday. Mr. John Jarrott of Kippen visited wiwithwithMr. and Mrs, Joseph Hudson s n on Sunday, Mr, Clarence Johnson of London spent the week end visiting friends.in town; Mrs. Allen McDonnell is spending a couple of weeks at Mt, Clemens, Mrs. George Dick, Mr. Earl Dick and Miss Margaret Dicic left Tuesday, for Chicago where they wilt visit for a few weeks, Miss Margaret Dick in- tends remaining with her grandmo- ther. Mr, ,James Hodgson of Greaten, was here Saturday visiting his son. Mr. Cliff Hodgson, Mrs, Samuel Steacy and son John motored from Detroit on Satt1K•day evening. Mrs. Steacy intends staying here for some time, 'The schools re -opened on Monday morning after the Easter holidays with the same staff of teachers, Eight little ones started their first term at school in _Miss Buchanan's room. Mr. Geo, Sutherland has been laid up this last week with rheumatism and Mrs. L. Simpson has been reliev- ing in the post office, Mr. and . trs, Elligsen of Mitchell wire in Own Tuesday. Ve Mr. A Whitesides of Goderich was in town Tuesday, Miss Iia Appleton spent Wednesday with her aunt. in Exeter, Mrs. George Brock is spending this week visiting friends in Zurich. Mrs. J. Coxworth of Strathroy is here visiting her daughter, Mrs. Alf. Scrutnn. Mr. and Mrs. Alf, Hu akin and chil- dren of the Thames Road spent Tues- day visiting Mrs, Hunkin's; father, lyir. William McLaren. Dr. Bell of Harrisburg,. Penn;, is spending, a few days at his home here. Mrs• Hugh MCEwain anT \fisc Jes- sie. Bell spent last week'Yh Flint on business. Miss Jean Bell visited friends in Windsor a few days last week. Death of George Hill. -There died suddenly in Hensall .early Sunday morning, Mr. George Hill. aged 74 years. Mr,.Hill was around as usual on 'Saturday and was down town un- til] about 10 o'clock Saturday even- ing. His grandson, Harold • Munn. who lives with him, went home from his work about 12 o'clock and as the ,two slept together, they had quite a chat before going to sleep. Harold was awakened by the heavy breathing of his grandfather and before he could get assistance, the older min had passed away. Mr, Hill was a resident of Hills - green for a good many years where he conducted a blacksmith business and was very successful. Sine twen- ty years ago he and Mrs. Hill and their daughter moved to Hensel] but both of them predeceased him. Their one daughter Ethel became the wife of Robert Munn, but she died about a year after her marriage, leaving a little son Harold Munn who was taken and raised by Mr, and Mrs. Hill, Mr. Hill was a Liberal in politics and a Presbyterian in religion and took a delight in sports and games of all kinds. He was esteemed by everyone and his familiar figure will be missed from our streets. He leaves to mourn his loss his grandson Harold Munn. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon, interment in the Hensall Union Cemetery, with his pastor, the Rev. Mr, Mcliroy, having charge of the service. Hensall Public School Report. - Room 1, -Easter test. Sr. IV: Raye Patterson 72, Bella Smale 71, Harold Foster 70, Harold Sherritt 69, Mary Huisser 66, Eleanor Bell 65, Bill Drummond 65. Wilmer Topham 60, Mae Kennings 56, Vera Saunder- cock 55. Jr. IV. Emma Wurm 78, Helen Glenn 75, Mary Hemphill 74, Lorne Eider 7-4, Aldan Appleton 74, Mabel Fee 73, Bob Passmore 68, Edith Wolff 65, Rc.y Brock 65, John Far- quhar 64, Harvey Hudson 61, Lloyd Lindenfield 58. Viola Hildebrandt 55, Stewart Bell 51. Sr. III. --Norman Sinclair 86, Herb Redden 83, Dorothy Drummond 81, Minnie Sangster 81, Mildred' Fol[ick 77, Irene Smale 77, Harold Higgins 62 Isobel Saundercock 55, Olive Lem - mon 54. Nor on roll 33, av, att., 31. Claude H. Biowes, Teacher, - Mrs. Samuel Steacy is spending a few days this week with her sister. Mrs, Jarratt, of Hilisgreen. We have had several heavy rain- storms the past week but no damage was done. The Young People of the United Church held their meeting on Monday evening. The meeting opened by a hymn and after the devotional exer- cises Miss Grace 1; rock played an in- strumental, The topic was given by Miss Irene Douglass, after which Miss Pearl Elder sang a solo: Mr. Robert Higgins.has been con- fined to his home for the past week with an attack of tonsilitis. MANLE'Y. Miss Mary Ellen Dempsey and Miss Lizzie Murray left for Guelph and Windsor to resume their duties u es as teachers. , Mr. Thomas Purcell left lest Mon- dayfor Oakville,. Mr, C Eckart and his granddaugh- ter, Miss I -I, Desboura, paid us a fly- ing visit for the week end. .Mr. Jas. O'Loughlin made a busi- ness trip to our berg last week,. Mr, and Mrs, Fergus Horan, have moved to our burg- and are going to reside with her father, Mr, Fred Ec1t- ted We have an opening in this county for a man or company in close touch with farmers to sell the well-known and advertised Walsh No -Buckle Harness. This is an excellent opportunity for the right man or company to cash in on his connections and goad. Will 'with a product which already has the good -wall of 70,000 farmers. Sample models sup- . • ' plied and leads furnished. No outlay for stock, Write,giving details as to present contact with farmers in this county and references to--, R, L. SWENSON,'Gen. Mgr. James M. Walsh Co. limited ORILLIA, ONTARIO art, to work the farm as Fred is go- ing to take it easy now and deserves a rest. Mrs. Joe Eckart• and Mrs, H, Des, boura were visitors at the home of Mr Thomas McKay last Tuesday, STANLEY. • Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Manson and son, and Mrs. McDonald, of Dundas, called on Mr. and Mrs, Jas, Carnie, of the Bronson Line, on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Turner. of Ex- eter. are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell. Mr. Valentine Gerber has recently purchased the house south of Blake, formerly owned by the late Mr. Ken- nel, and intends moving it to his. faro on the Bronson Line, to use as a dwelling. Miss :Margaret Tough, who has been spending the Easter holidays with her parents, lir, and Mrs, W. J Tough, has returned to her school near Palmerston, Last Friday's winds'ormdid conn- - siderable damage locally; er things, stripping a large area of shingles off Messrs. J & D. Hohner's barn and completely blowing in the barn doors of Wm. Armstrong's barn. Mrs. Merano Steckle Jr. has return- ed frons Elmira where she has been spending a short time with her par- ents. Much sympathy is felt in the cerMc- Kinley. munity fax Mr. and Mrs Elgin Kinleyin the sudden loss of their son,.Harold, aged six years, who.died in Clinton hospital on Friday night, April 5th, after an operation to re- move his t•onsitls. He was taken to the hospital Friday morning. His sorrowing father and mother and tWo broterandsRo'bert,nsurvive. The and oe sisterntfuneMyr- tleal was held on Sunday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, interment being made in the Bayfield cemetery. Spare the children from suffering from worms by using Miller's Worm Powders, the most effective vermi- fuge that can be got with which ht combat these insidious foes o the that young exand cels helpless. preparationasnothing worn destroyer, and when its qual- ities 'become known in a household no other will be used. The medicine acts by itself, requiring no purgative to assist it, and so thoroughly that nothing more is desired. AUCTION SALE Of Household Goods, on Friday, April 19. at 2 p.m. at the residence of the late Mrs. Wm. Morrow. N. Main street, Seaforth: 2 rattan chairs -1 arm. and 1 rock- er; 1 settee, 1 hall rack. 2 rocking chairs, 1 centre table, 3 small tables, 6 dining root. chairs, 1 extension table, 1 sideboard, 1 small table. 1 cupboard. 1 armchair, kitchen chairs, 2 bedroom suites, 2 bedroom sets, 2 sets springs, 1 bureau and mirror, antique; 3 rugs -3/4 yd. 3x2 yd and 4x3% yd; 1 linoleum rug 3x4; 1 um- brella stand, oak (hand made). 1 trunk, .1 carpet sweeper, 1 Quebec range, nearly new, 2 heating stoves, 1 stove -pipe oven, 1 coal oil stove, 1 chemical closet with pipes, 1 step- ladder, 1 electric toaster and iron, pictures, screens, dishes, window blinds, coal scuttle, and other articles too numerous to mention. 'Terns s --Cash. Mrs. Robert Wright, Proprietress; Geo, IH. Elliott, Auctioneer. 16 AUCTION SALE Of Household Goods. -Corner of Helen and James Street, Seaforth, on Friday, April 26th, at 1.30 pmt.: Par- lor settee, upholstered rocker, 3 up- holstered arum chairs, wooden rocker, platform rocker, Morris chair, 3 chairs. upholstered seats, 2 cane bottomed chairs, book case and desk, music cabinet, piano stool, 3 small tables, mahogany sola, lounge, hall rack, Davis sewing machine, oak din- ing room table and 6 chairs, side- board, kitchen cupboard, 6 kitchen chairs, 1 arm chair, 2 kitchen tables, fireless cooker (rapid), 2 bedroom suites (1 oak), 1 bureau, 1 bedstead, 2 wash stands, mattresses and springs; set bedroom dishes,, pictures, gramophone records (in good condi- tion'), pair heavy curtains, jardinieres, books, paper holder (hanging), ladies fur -lined coat, electric washer, cop- per boiler, 2 galvanized tubs, carpet sweeper. 2 auto rugs, quantity of dishes, fruit jars Tdifferent sizes), crocks (different sizes), iron pots, Perfection oil stove (3 burner with large oven), 1 small oven, ironing stand,. lamps (oil and electric), lan- tern, 3 pails, hake board, hake -dish, bread pans, smoothing irons, electric iron, flower pots, coal scuttle water- ing can,, commode, 3 ladders, exten- sion 27', step 7', one 7', large oil tank, oil can's, lawn mower, garden hose 33', ash sifter, scythe, wooden rake, e, cliPperS (long and sort handled), wheelbarrow, 2 lengths rope 12' and, 25', woven wire 15', 2 feed bins, grain bags, feed basket, shovels, forks, Mick and hand saws crow bar, wire stretcher, brace and bits, square spir- it level, sickle, trowels, axe, 4 auto wheel jacks, 2 screen doors;. cedar .posts. Numerous other articles, Terms cash M'RIS, JO.H'N ROIBrB,'. Proprietress; George H. Elliott, Auc- tioneer. A„ Q g NEWS. Little drops of Varnish Little cans of Paint Turn to things of Beauty, ManY things that ain't, IF IT'S FLO,4 GLAZE 2 tins CAMPBELL'S SOUP 21,c 2 tins AYLMER TOMATOES 25c 2 tins PEAS 25c 10 bars of P. & G. SOAP 38c It Pays to Buy From .-... • J.1�I 1'� I r1- �.. V IN MEMORIAM. STAPLES. --In loving. memory ,of Mars, Wm. Staples. who ' passed away four years ago to -day. April 10th, No one knows how much we miss you, No one knows the hitter pain We have suffered: Since we lost you Life has never been the same. In our• hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly, tender, fond and true, There is not a day. dear mother, That we do not think of you,, -IFondlyremembered by Husband and Family. TENDERS WANTED. Tenders will be received for the painting material and the painting of the ,Scott (Memorial Hospital as fol- lows: lst, Tenders for inside painting. A'pplieants to quote separate prices on a two and three coat j'olb, 2nd. Tenders for outside painting. 3rd. Tenders for material, All tenders to be addressed -to Dr. R. R. Ross, Secretary the Board. Tenders to 'be in the secretary's hands not later than 8 p.m. on April 19th: Any information regarding Material or amount of work to be done, may be obtained from Mr. John Finlayson. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. DR. R. R. (ROBS, Secretary, Scott Memorial Hospital Board, - 15 Seaforth. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the Council of the Municipality of Hib- bert up to and including the 22nd day of April, 1929, for operating the -tone crusher for the year 1929. Ten- der to state price per yard. Also tenders will be received for delivering approximately 4,000 yds, of gravel for the Township of Hib- bert. The lowest pr any tender not ne- cessarily accepted. MRS. KATHLEEN FEEN'EY, 16 Clerk. FERTILIZER FOR SALE. A stock of Ontario Fertilizer Co, fertilizer on hand for sale. SAM STOREY, phone 244 r 41. 17 t TEN'DERS WANTED. Tenders will be received by the Council of the Municipality of Hib- bert up ; to and including the 22nd day of. April, 1929, for the flooring of the Hannon Brid'ge,also the con- struction of a bridge 16 ft. span, at Lot 13, on •2nd Concession of Hib- bert. The lowest or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted, MRS. KIA'IIHiLEEN FEIEN'EY,• 16 Clerk. TENDERS. McKillop Stone Crusher Tenders will be received till Satur- day, April 13th, 1929, at 7.30 p,ni. for the operation of the iMoKillop stone crus'her, 'Man with power necessary, 15=30 gas tractor or 16 h.p,"steam, to supply drive belt, fuel and oil. Tender to be by the hour. Services of operator may be dis- pensed with, on one week's notice if not satisfactory. Lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. JOHN McNAY, Clerk • NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE is hereby given 'that all creditors and others having, claims' against the estate of Nancy Kinney, late of the 'Township of McKillop, in the County of. Huron, who died on, the 25th day of February, 1929, are requested to forward their claims against the estate of Nancy Kinney, late of the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, who died on the 25th day of February, 1929, are required to forward 4lieir claims duly proven to the undersigned, solicitor. far the administrator on or befdre the 13th day of April, 1929. AND NOTICE is further given that after the said date the adminis- trator will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice. Dated at Seaforth this 27th day of March, 1929. JOHN J. HUGGARD, Seaforth, Ont: Solicitor for Administrator, 15. Plantin Time Spring is the Time for Roses No garden is quite' complete without Roses HYBRID TEAS. The kind that keeps on blooming all • the season, There is a very wide range of color. Good winter protection is needed. HYBRID PERPETUALS, A little more hardy than the Hybrid Teas and very charming. They do not bloom quite so freely, but are well worth growing. DWARF POLYANTHUS. The well known and pop- ular Baby Rambler varieties. They are fine for a show of bloom all the summer and very suitable for dwarf hedges. RAMBLERS. There is now a wide range of color in Ramb- ler Roses, the newer, as well as the best of the older varie- ties being specially adapta.ble for covering fences, arches and pergolas. Special Offer of Roses Our selection, f.o.b. our Nurseries 6 HYBRID' TEAS, in 6 varieties for $3.25 12 HYBRID TEAS, in 9 varieties , . . , . ,. , , , . for 6.00 6 HYBRID PERPETUALS, in 6 varieties for 3.00 12 HYBRID PERPETUALS, in 12 varieties........,for 5.50 6 RAMBLERS OR BABY RAMBLERS for 2.50 (In one to six varieties as desired) . SEND FOR OUR CATALOGUE John Connon Co., Limited Nurserymen and Florists Hamilton . Ontario QARD illi THANES, I wish to thank the neighbors who helped so mtteir :dn'ring tate fire. n uxbar d those who used their fire extinguishers and risked their lives in saving the other builclfngs, Yours gratefully, JACK MARSHALL, Walton, Ontario,' SEED. GRAIN FOR SALE For sale, a quantity of good seed oats, also some No, 21; 0.4.C, barley; six -rowed, Apply to WILLIAM GNAWERS, R.R. 3, Seaforth, or Phone 137r4. 16 ' HOUSE FOR SALE. 'l;rante dwelliing with two lots and barn sltitable for garage, on James st,, 'Seaforth, . Will be' sold cheap to wind up estate. Apply to WA'L'TER G. WIIiLII ITS, Executor, Seaforth, ' 16 FORLE ORRENT A 5 room (Brick 'Cottage in I3arpur- hey, hard and soft water. IBarn and 5 'acres land on highway. Apply at premises or .to Wm, H. MONT- GOMERY, Seaforth. 16 TIMOTHY SEED, Some pure timothy and some mixed with' alfalfa. , JOHN iSHO<LDLCE, Seaforth R.R. 4. 16 HATCHING EGGS FOR SALE. Pure bred Barred Rocks from a good laying strain, 3% cents . each, Apply,to ROY LAWISOIN, Clinton RR, 1. Phone 2411r311, Seaforth Central 16 FOR SALE Fur -wheeled trailer, 3'st class con- dition; Ford 'Touring, dist class con- dition, Apply to ,W, C. IGOV'EN- LO'CK, Egn ondville. 15 FARM TO: RENT. OR GRASS. ISI r lot 20, concession 4, Tucker- snvith, 'containing 50 acres of choice land, 14 acres plowed. For rent or grass. Apply to MISS. HENRY FOIRIS'Y1TH, Kippen, R,R, 2, Phone 134r24, ,, 10 FOR SALE. ' Choice O.A.C. No. 21, Seed :Barley, $11A0 per 'bushel. Apply AN'DIREW B. BELL, a.m.2; Kippen, Phone 9309, Henson. • 16 SEED OATS AND BARLEY (White Tartar Seed. Oats and 6 - rowed seed barley for sale, Phone '46,12, Dublin. V. J. ILAIN'E, 15 P032 SALE'.: t ' ' Nineteen "sheep and %*their -'Iambs. Phone 250r2, GEORGE' CARTER, L'ondesb'oro, , 1:4tf BARN:'ROR SALE " A frame. barn with, loft, galvanized roof, 40'x24', in Seaforth, for removal from premises, Apply News, Office: . 18 Try KRUSE BROS. • For cheap, groceries. Everything in the store brand new and marked down below regular selling price. Highest prices paid, cash or • trade, and good fair grading for eggs. Phone 163, 16. CLOVER SEED Yellow Sweet, Clover Seed for sale. Government tested. Apply to RAY CRAWFIO'RID, Lot 18, Con. '14, ' Mc- Killop, W'altbn R.R. 1. 13tf HATCHING EGGS Eggs for hatching, bred -to -lay, White Rocks. Apply to MRS. JULIA McMIILLAN, Phone 236 r 24. 15 HATCHING EGGS. From bred -to -lay Barred Plymouth Ro'c'ks, Every bird under trapnest and only high producers used for breeding. Sired by pedigreed cock- erels. We guarantee 85 p.c, fertility. Our last test proved 95 p.c. fertile, Eggs are all selected and candied $5.00 per hundred. OLIVER STE- GIRIIIST, Centre st., Seaforth. Phone 304. lltf GRASS SEED FOR SALE. Timothy and. Aliike mixture, about 27 per cent alsike, lUc a pound; Pure. Timothy, $4 a bus.; .Yellow- blossom. sweet Clover, $5 a bus.; White blos- som sweet clover, $4.50 a bus.; All government graded' seed. RUSSELL DOUGHERTY, Walton. Lot 13, Con, 17, Grey twp. Telephone 37-19, Brussels. ' 18 APARTMENT TO RENT. Comfortable tour -roomed apart= ment, near corner of highway, Low rent to desirable party. Apply at The News. 18 HOUSE FOR SALE. • Six -roomed house and % acre good garden land. All modern conveniences and good cellar, Near Seaforth Col- legiate Institute, s tune, Moderately priced for quick sale.. Apply, at The News 'Office. - • • ONTARIO BREEDING -'STATION Under supervision Poultry' Dept., O.A,C., Guelph. Every bird on our farm has been culled, banded and blood tested by government inspectors for bacillary white diarrhoea.,We are completely booked for • pril chicks and orders are being rapidly filled for May, •Make sure of getting your chicks when you want them by ordering early. New brooders stoves" agd chick feeds at bargain prices. Sunny Crest Farm, J. M. SCOTT Seaforth, Phone 251r32, lid FARMS FOR SALE,.: Two .fifty -acre farms for sale. Otte situated one mile east of Seaforth on the highway, good clay loam, well drained and fenced, seeded,nice ap- ple orchard, high sloping land. Barn newly -shingled, 34x50; goad 10 -room frame house, new- roof, an: ideal poul- try farm.' Also fifty acres of pasture on 2nd concession of Hibbert, two milts from Dublin. All with good woven fence and drained, never failing spring creels, Both these farms will be sold ata sacrifice. Apply to P, MILL, D'tablin, Ont. 18 DI5 LAVAL FRE SSR.Y'fi0E PAY April 24th, 1929 Any person wish lg their DeLaval separators repaired In do so by jarttl iisg their machines to W. L. MELL1b, Kippen, 16 I30TJSEWQRH NVANT4D. 'Flonsework or•housecee in or hos tel kitchen work wanted"bi experienc- ed xperience ed woman, MASS L. W'RIIG'I-IT, OJo Salvation Army, Clinton, Ont, 5 FENCE POSTS. Cedar fence; hosts for. sale, Corner, posts, brace posts,,.'line • posts and braces, NIk3LSOIN' NII'OH'OLSiON, RIR,. 2. Myth,` 0k 14 con. 8, Morris, Phone 31-11, Blyth. - SEED GRAIN FOR SALE. A quanitity of seed grain for sale, PERCY LITTLE, Phone 940r11, Sea - forth. • 17 FOR SALE. ' Quantity of No, 93 seed barley, grown from registered seed; also 10 York pigs. T. OHIAPM'AN & SON, Phone 141 r 6, 10. FARM TOI RENT ' 100 acres of grass land with good shade and- water. Apply to JAS. E. R'EYNiOIIJDIS, Seaforth. 101-1 HOUSE AND STABLE TO RENT. On Louisa Street, eight -roomed frame house with electric light and electric -range, and town water; also a goad stable with cement floors, and with lights and town water. Wilt rent with or without 10 acres of land. Ap- ply to J. E. REYNIOILJDS, 13tf SEED OATS FOR SALE Seed oats, Improved Banker , also Yellow blossom Sweet Clover. Apply to HENRY F. BIEIUIE,RI21A22N, Dub- lin, RIR', I. Phone 23416, Dublin .,15 N'OTI'CE Carload of 'Cedar Posts and Woad of Alberta Coalarrivedlast week. ;Car of B. C. 'Shingles will arrive this week. Phone 123, R. J. MdMIIL'LAIN. 15 ROOMS, TO RENT. Over Mr. ,Wigg's" store, two bed- rooms, sun room, ; sitting room and kitchen with town' water. , Apply to W. G, WILLIS, Seaforth. 16. BABY CHICKS. Toni Barron single comb White Leghorn hens mated to ' cockerels frons trapnested hens of 275 and 300 eggs. S:C. White Leghorn chicks 12c each; after June lst 1 cent per chick less: Barred P. Rock hens, mated to co'ckere[s from .Eaglenest 'Hatchery. Co., Sandusky, Ohio: Chicks 1'4c'each, after June 1st. lc ,per ;chick' less. Hat- chi tg eggs• $3-,00 per hund'red., H'AR KIIEIHINIE i55..- ] ,Bornholm Ont. Phone 52-3, Dublin,.18 ' SWEET CLOVER SEED Yellow bl9ssom sweet clover seed for sale. $4.00 per bushel: Apply to Joseph L. . Maloney, Beechwood. Phone 4b-22, Dublin, 17 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. Goods' brick house with electric lights, good 'water, lots of good outer buildings, 4 to 5 acres of very -best land, suitable for ohicken farm. Some fruit trees.- Will sell reasonable. MRS. 11H'015, J. ADAMS, Seaforth RJR. 2, phone 170r14. 17. BABY CHICKS AND CUSTOM HATCHING Baby Chicks from best bred -to -lay stock that have free range. Barred Rocks, $16.00 per hundred; S.C.W. Leghorns, $15.00 per hundred; after May 15th all chicks $1.00 per hun-' dred less. ' Custom hatching $4.00 per hundred in one hundred lots or more. E. J. PRFJVI9AIRi'1HIA, Holmesvilie P.O., Ont. Phone 611022, Clinton central 12tf BABY CHICKS. If you want chicks that will mature to five and six pound hens and lay from 200 to 300 eggs a year getsome of our Tom Brawn single comb Leg- horn chicks. The hens • are mated to cockerels from pedigreed and trap-, nested hens of 304'and 316 eggs. S. C. White Leghorn chicks, 25 for 4.00; 50 for 7.50; 100 for $14.00; 0. A. C. Barred P. Rocks chicks, 25 for $5.00; 50 for, $9.25; 100 for $18.00. After. May 15th 1 cent per chick less; after June 15th, 1 cent per chick less; after. July 15th, 1 cent per chick less; hatching eggs 75c per setting of 13 eggs; $5.00 per hundred. Try some of our chicks and you will be a satisfied customer. Order early. JOIH'N A. ECKERT, R.32. 1, Dublin, Ont. Phone 23-23, Dublin, 16 THE SCREEN'S BREEZY SPARKLING SMART ALEX. WiHiam' Baines -in the - Smart Set WITH JACK HOLT, ALICE DAY . BIOBART BOSWORTH Haines wins a plaice an the Inter- national Polo .Team. But that's only the start of his troubles. With scenes from great polo .oto matches. p Mon. Tues. Wed. FAY WRAY and GARY COOPER In the Saturday . Evening Post • story , • FOUR BROTHERS Princess HURSD.AY, APRIL 11, 1929 • •.PRQPESSIONAI, • CARDS. Medical. - DR, JI..I'JUGTI ROSS, Physician and Surgeon, Late of Louden ,Nes- pita!, Londrn, England,. S 'e 1 attention to diseases of the eye, est nose and III Dat. Office .and re : eine behind'Dgminiin Bank, Office Phone No. $; Residence Phone 10h, DR, F. J. 'BURROWS, Seafortls,' Office and residence, Goderich street, east of the Methodist Church, 'Cot, oner for the County of Huron, Tele, phone No. 40. tIR. C. MACI';AY,-G. MeskeT. hohor graduate pf Trinity Unifei'a- ity, and gold- medallist of Trite Medical College; member of the ad - lege of Phyafcians and Surgeons of Ontario, DR. F. J. 'R, FORSTER- Eye, Ra• i Nose and 'Throat. Graduate in Medic, cine, University of Toronto 1897. 1.at • Assistant New .York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, Lei- don, England, At Commercial heti, Seaforth, 3rd Monday in each ;mortis from 11 a m to 3 p,m, DR. W. C. SFROAT.-Graduate qt Faculty of 'Medicine, University Western Ontario, London: Me 'Yeess of College of Physicians and geons of Ontario. Office in Alberbia-tra; .Drug Store, (Main St., Seifonfi,' Phone 90. - Dental. DR. J. A. MMUNN Successor to Dr. R,R. grail-: ate of Northwestern University, Chi cago, I11. Licentiate Royal 'College M Dental Surgeons, 'T'oronto, Office cv.ar Sills' hardware, Main street, Seaforth, Phone 1'5'1, DR. F. J. BEOHELY, gradtittil Royal College of Dental. Surgeons, Toronto, Office over W. R. Smith's' Grocery, Main street, Seafoatit. Phones, office 185W, -residence' 185J, Auctioneer. GEORGE. ELLIOTT, : Licensed .r, Auctioneer `for_the -County, ,of .Huron„ • Arrangements , can : be made for ,Sala Date at The Seaforth News. rCharged' moderate -and satisfaction ;• guaranteed: 'i' WATSON : AND REID'S ' REAL ESTATE' ' AND INSURANCE AUENCY (Successors to James 'Watson) MAIN ST., SEA'FORalH, ONT. #111 kinds: of Insurance risks effect- . ed > 'at lowest rates in ' First -Clams Companies. . • THE - McKILLOP Mutual Fire Insu rapce Co. FARM AND LSOLATED TOWN PROPERTY O N Y, INSURED Officers -James Connolly, Goder- ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood, Vice President; D. F. McGregor, - Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. .Directors -Wm. Rinn, No. 2 Sea - forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagent James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc- Ewen, Clinton;James Connolly, God- erich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea - forth; J M. Sholdice, No. 4, Walton; ' Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefeld.:. Agents -Alex. Leitch :r.r..1, +Clio- '' tong - E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A: Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. ' Yeo, Holntesville; R G.• Jarmouth, Bornholm. James Kerr and Jolla Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties •' desirous to effect insurance or trees- ' act other business will be promptly attended to by application to, any, of the above named officers ,addressed to their respective postoffices. . FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS Do you want it? By buying this eighty acres of rich and productive ' loam with. good .natural and artificial drainage, also picturesque location - one of the best in the vicinity, you will be profiting this amount. Said farm is about two .miles from. Clinton ' on Base line. Buildings consist of good house, large barn, driving shed, also windmill and reservoir. ° Oonsid- - erable bush. Residence in. States res-, •' son for sacrifice. For terms: W. Bry done, Clinton. Owner, 322 - South Main Street, Romeo; Michigan. 20 BARRED' ROCKS. O.A.C. Barred Plymouth Rocks and Pure Tom Barron White Leghorns Our Rocks are from blood 'tested" stock mated with males from pedi- greed Rock. Leghorns are large birds of heavy laying strain mated with cockerels front H• L..•Roberts, winner of 1928 Ontario ;Contest. 85c per set - 'ling of fifteen or $5.00 per hundred. ANIDIREW A. M'OORE, "Sunnyvale Poultry. Farm," Phone. 137r3, Sea- forth.'- 7t1 PIGS FOR SALE. 18 little pigs for 'safe, Apply to • PERCY• M.cM'ICIHAEIL, phone 233 r 23, Seaforth. 15' SEAFORTH MARKETS. Wednesday, April 10. Chickens, live, per 11, 22c Chickens, dressed, sed, oer lb 28c Hens, live, per lb. 1$c Hens, dressed, per lb..... 2,4c Roosters, live, per lb. 12c 19c 17c 25c 18c 35c Eggs, per doz,. , . , ...... 19c -21e -24c 40c per cwt $01.50$12.00 Potatoes, per bag 75c -80e Roosters, dressed per lb Ducks, live,' per lb Ducks, dressed, per Ib. Geese, dressed, per lb• Turkeys, dressed Butter, per 1b