HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-04-11, Page 5THURSDAY; APRIL ; 1929
Prunes Santa.Clara, 30's and 40's, , , ,., . 2 lbs. 29c
Prunes, Santa Clara. 40s and 50s 3 lbs 42e
tPr.uues,,Senta Clara, 60s and 70s . „ 2 lbs, 25c
'l'ark's Veal Loaf ,.,,.,. ,. 4lb. tins 22e
;1Olark's Chicken, Soup 2 tins 29c,
Fry's Balaitsg,Ohocolate, per tin 25c
Maxwell House Coffee", ,.., :..... ;•:.... ........ .•.lb. tin 73c
We use U -rite at the Redand White
Pone 77 1�I Stewart Phone ,
Sproat Phone
Ross J �
'quality Price"
unlit alwa �s gher tharr
We pay the highest prices for good cream.
Ourservices to`our patrons are the best that can be given,
'1:46 not send' your cream to other Creameries; we want
Tit here.
To operate a Creamery we need your co-operation.
In return for you co-operation eration we wi11�. give you of.our
1? g
best in service and prices.
areagent for the.Mellotte Cream Separators. �m
Wepa CoMe
, in and see the.new Models.
. h Creamery: o: Seat r
:Seatono th Ont,
C: A. BARBER, Prop.
...;.r• 8�=Son.
' k
W ,Wal e
•Motor or Horse Equipment
W.I. WALKER, holder of 1Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers . Furnished.
Night or day phone 67..,'
D. H. McInnes
Of Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, • Seaforth
Monday,; ;Wednesday, and
Friday Afternoons
15rseases\" of all kinds success-
' ' "fully treated '
'Elebtficity used.,
tigt Tru' :It.
, o
feel. tired,
and yu
d ccwey' ' ship 'around '` the
corner 'and get a massage
Yoµ may come in with
a'groueli but will go out
witha smile.
Phone ' 125.
Municipal Bankers Corporation'•
Montreal Debenture Corporation
Canadian Terminal System'
6 per cent;
Dollar for Dollar Gold Bonds '
$500 and $1000
Interest coupons pityable half-year-
alf- ear-ly without charge at either the Can,
adian Bank of. Commerce or Domin-
ion Bank,
Pricer 100 and accened interest,
There 'has never been -one • dollar
lost since Confederation .on bonds see.
cured as are these Dollar for, Dollar
Real Estate, Conveyancing, ' Bonds
and' • Investmenfs •' -
Phone 152 '
Removed to New -Office; oliposite
Daly Ford Garake ..•
Seaforth, Ontario,' •
'Pianos Tuned...
Cleaned and
Chas. A. Howey
Residence -James St.
Attacked by Asthma,_ 'The first
fearfui. sensation' is ' of suffocation
which hour ,by' hour becbmes more
desperate and hopeless. To such a
case the relief afforded by Or. J.. D•,
Kellogg's Asthma !Remedy seems to
thing less than miraculous, 'Its •help'
is quickly apparent and soon :the
dreadful attack is mastered. Theas-
thntatic who 'has' found .out the de-
pendability of this sterling remedy
will never be without' it, '+I4 is sold
BROAD'F2OOT -Ifs, Sea'forth, o'n
Tuesday, A�bh 1.929',. r
, AP to M .,
and Mrs. Wm. Broadfoot, a laugh-
' ler,
SI[ttUIVIB!LJItZY'✓lA'f. Exeter, Oht,'.Ap-
ril 7th,ane�•Eli a Stanbur Bay-
field, J .z Y BY-
field, Ont., in her 8,9th year. Fune
cal, Tuesday, April 9th, from the
residence of herso n
, 5,G.Sten-
bury, to Bayfield cemetery..
• The following are the results of the -
Easter examinations for S:S. No. 3,
Hellett. The pupils, whose • ,tame;'
are marked with an ieteriel.g.thlee,d
missed one or mole ex-Wrele 6'
Honours 75 per cent pd
Sr. IV.-4Helen Brtdtgu�
cetht, Girvin Anderson,ZBid' :Cl Qr@F
etahtiesto'n 07 ,8, Viola ClarJfe , 63.,
Fred Yuugblut 62,1;. Jack' Stender.
cock 57.5, Margaret VungbIut 47.3,
.Howard Mars'ha'll (adsettt for all ek-
online tions),. '
, Jr. I;V.-Isobel Jfsni,ieson 79, 'KHa-
zel McMichael 70:7, 'Doreen Clarke 63.'
Sr, IIIIL-1Hattie • Armstrong 87,2,
Doris Lawson 77.7, Edith .'Britton
72;1 .Bernard Riley 08,9.
Jr, IPI.-IHlazett Jamieson 75.9,
Charlie Stuulercocld 68.2, Kelso
.Adams 67.4; Fired Riley 64, Ella Dex-
tee 56:4, Ethel Detster 48.5. Promot-
ed: John Thonapeon 77.6, Edna Arm-
strong 72.9.
,Sr,ISL-{lean Wa.kefiel<l 59,2, Alex,
McMichael, 55,6.
7te Ii. -,Jean Anderson 81, 'Elva
Sttndercock 80 Alvin Riley 76; Grace
McMichael 72, Olive. Grimoidby 69,.
Reggie Lawson 58, Kathleen Yun,g-
.binrt 51 Mary Th:onipson (absent for
aif'exaaiin'atea itsat -
Primdr -r= Stella Arnnstrong: Viola
Dexter, ; *Marian ;Lawssn, :*T<enneth
•Tito upston. Number 'on roll, 37; av-
erage attendance, 34.2, ''
Ida I, Medd, Teacher:
Miss Mabel Livingston, who has
been travelling for the Iroquois. Press
of .Toronto nae been promoted to or-
ganizing sales manager for the West-
ern Provinces,
The YoungPeople's Society is pre-
senting"The Mikado" and The Will
o' the Wisp" in Clinton town hail,
nest Thursday; evotttng, Aprit 18th.!
under auspices of Clinton tuteretedt'
ate hockey team. The presentation int
Seaforth a- few weeks ago was' a big
1Yltss Bertha Beattie 'spent the, letter
half of Easter week in Toronto..
ijaokson Bros, commenced' work on
the Goderich docks this week,
\r James Wallace is the guest
his brother,- Mr. Alex. 'Wallace, after'
spending part of the winter with his,
daughter, Mrs. Harrigan in Cha-thlam,
.Miss Bertha -Grieve spent the Eas-
ter holiday et the home of her par-
ents; Mr. and Mrs. J,' L. Grieve.
Miss Jean Snaith was a New Ham-
burg visitor on Stutday.
Miss Beatrice Seip, 'London, was a
weelc-end guest with her parent's, Mr,
and Mrs, George Setp, Market Street.
Mr. and Mrs. S, Gray. Stratford,
were week -end guests with Mr. ,and
Mrs. u
F. McMillan.
Mr. Ross .McGonigle, Kitchener,
was a Sunday visitor with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs, R. MoGonigte,
Mrs. Harry Stewart and children,
New Hamburg, were holiday visitors
with. Mr, and Mrs, Robert McKay.
Miss Margaret Jackson is visiting
friends in Toronto,
• Mrs, W. C. Govenlock is a h'ol'iday,
visitor witJo'sephf rEckertieeds t spent e
n Toronto.
end at his home here and has return-
ed to Terra Cotta with Mr, Ted Scott
11 . H. Fuller Ful
1 to resume their
duties with the King Construction Co,
Mrs, S. McAlpine and' Mrs. Lorne
Dade and family • were visitors in
Blyth ort' Friday with the latter's
father. W.•Ja's. Siris,
Mr. and Mrs. John Hartman visit-
ed in Zurich on Tuesday and sold his
100 -acre farm on the /Bronson Line to
Mr. Theo. McAdiams,' who gets
session -at once. ' • '
Mr. and Mrs, 'J; IHaptman and dau-
ghter . Agnes and son John visited in
Kitchener. on Sunday.
This district has match to be thank-
ful for in escaping serious damage
from washouts and floods, ex,perience
ed in some parts of the Province, al-
though there were 'severe thunder-
storms accompanied by 'heavy rain at
the end of the week and ' on Sund'ai►
Roads: are drying up, in good condi-
• 'Rev. and, Mrs.,, T.H. Brown are in
Til'b'ury for a feFF"' days this week and
tin 'Stitrday Mr."Browtt will officiate
at the dedication of the pulpit of St.
ndr ' '„
ew s ch
A arch .Tri'
bttr •.
lr 131
is a
former rector of Etre 'chdreh',•his
first charge its Canada.. alai
Ven,.Arc hde'acon Jon es -Ba tem mi. cf
s.' Anglican an
yGneoNdIteich,Rwevi.l take .the services in .St.
Miller, l
er o•E
a ,
spent 'a few days 'last week with' her
sister; lulus, R. S: Evans,
•'Stratford •' is planning 'to erect a
bandstand -of the shell' type. Seaforth'
'has enjoyed a bandstand of this type
for a number of years and the sup-
erier, qualities are becoming recog-
Mr. Erpet Edge, of f e,,Dotninion
Bank:stair Brantford, is,. spending
two weeks' holicl'ays at liis home here:
'The ire brigade had a' call on. 'Priv
day,to;•Dr, • Mackay's office on• Grille.,'
licit street, fire having started, it the
roof around, the chimney. The blaze
was extinguished *before much dam
agMi e and Airs: A. Dti Armstrong and
1dr, and 'Mrs. Robert McKinley at
tended the funeral of their nepholy du'
unclay. Mister Harnita Mckinley,
s'on of Mr. and ..Mrs. Elgin, McKin-
ley, of ,,Stanley. ,
Zeiss' Eleanor Evans' speiut Easter
,geek with friends in Toronto,
Mr. Percy Hoag, returned to Hag-
ei•sville on Sunday after spending the
halid:ays,..with his paren;ts,.. Mr: and
Jonathan ,Hugill is drilling :a
welt On -his place,
2t[r Norman Carter H.tir8ii Road
i seredtitig-a new' kahage, •' '
The.many friend's 'of' Mrsn'John L.
Hudson ..ase. sorry .to, knew she has
been very i[ljthe:; past week with heart'
to ,tsble.
Mr, and $irs; Sid. Hanna visited
. and Mta 1lAgu;_tttderson in Gode-
rich Towi4s'a p tlt,is week,
Mrs.S; Bfbyd aitd Mrs. H, J. Gib-
son are. spendrngt:sevekal weeks in
Frtenc4,h5 Utiss' if. Robertson are
pleased to 1
P bw she •'
cn is somewhat bet-
ter- Otih:everri g lasteweek'M,iss Ro-
bee,tson felt •a'gamitst the, arm cif a
h tr' ' '
ia and as:a result has been suffer-
ing avith a• broken rib.
' The 'Missed Ferguson *ho'purchas-
ed tbe.fine Coates' residence on •Sparl
ing ,$treet, moved in last week.
Canadian B;orn,. '\
Tats popular sting written by Paul
ine , 0:KAson, :his been` set to iitirring
mnste "yvell beffi'tfing. such a patriotic
'• tt m•ber. by .Mr. 'Harry Livens, form-
etly al-Sea:forth. 'Copies of this ex-
ceptton'aJly.goo d number,, in, sheet mu-
stc feral are now. ollstainable at
forth on- wilt be mailed ata any ad-
dress oaf +r'e'ceipt of 60c, . .
Gentlemen's s
A ��
I •
Give 'us a calf
108 Downie St. STRATFORD
MISS HARRISON, of Steatfoi'4,
will be at
every Tuesday
to do It2at'celltng,
Phone 125 for appointment.
Miss Georgina Vivian, nurse of
Stratford, who has been visiting at
the home of her Miele and aunt, Mr,
and Mrs, W.W, Cowan, returned
home this week.
Mrs. Cleff was -called td the bedside
of her son 'J'ohn in Buffalo, who has
been in a very. critical condition dur-
ing the last week from an appendici-
tis operation, '
if -louse cleaning has had first inn -
lags with the fair sex these days,
Those men who are not beating the
streets are be'a'ting carpets,
'Mrs, Jones of Boston returned this
week after spending , the past few
weeks with her father. Mr, S. T.
Holmes, She was . accompanied to
Buffalo by her sister,
Mrs. Beattie
Miss Jackson was a week end vis-
itor in Toronto..
Mrs. William Robb of Detroit spent
a Pew days with her sister-in-law, Miss
Robb and brother -in law, Mr. James
Miss Gretta Ross and Miss Jessie
Scott were week end visitors in Tor-
Miss Elsie Dodds of Hampstead
was a visitor last week ,with Mr, and
Mrs, Adam Dodds,
Court :will u be held in
Sea -
forth on Friday. April l labh, before
Judge .Lewis,
The death' occurred in Ontario Hos-
pital. London on Monday, April 8th,
of William Fraukpibt, aged ,76 years.
Deceased was born in Devonhsire,
-Eng'l'and,' coating to Canada twenty-
four years ago and for four years liv-
ed•in this vicinity. He farmed alt his
life until he became employed with
the Massey -(Harris Company, at Brant-
ford. twenty years ago. He is sur-
vived by six daughters: Mrs. 'Robert
Coleman df Hibbert; Mrs, Priggs, cf
Saskatchewan, and..four daughters in
the Ofd Country; also one sister itt
Epgland. The funeral took p'lape, on
Titesd'ay afternoon frpm the Funeral
Parlors of, W. T. 'Box & Co., Seaforth'
to,Staffacemetery, Rev. T. H. Brawn
'tatting the service, at Seaforth 'and.
R'e?` Mr. Elder of Cromarty Presib}
ter.;an Chtireltoffl4iatingat the grovel
fTlie'pallbeare:swere Messrs. Matt-
Kerslake William .Patric! James
and Thomas Laing'.Th
e, synttpa'tliy of,
the community is extended to Airs,'
Coleman in her bereavetuent, . ,
•Miss Jean E"lcorier''of Paris spent
a pe
the week end' at the hone of her par-
ents Mr and 1Mra ' Wil2�iatn .Falconer,
'Mr. Walter Layton has moved to
the farny' he recently purchased from
his brother. Mr. George. Layton, and
Mr. Geo. Falconer is busy moving his
stock and implements to the farm
purchased front Mr. Chas. Manning.
Muss Edith Stanbury of' Strafford
Normal returned to • the city Monday
after holidaying .at.•the.-home of her
parents, Mr. and.l'lrs. Willitun Stan -
Mn. and Mrs, Howard- Snell and
Beatrice were in Stratford on Friday.
Mr. Pepper; and fancily of Lucknow•
have moved to 'the 2nd concession of
Stanley to the farm they purchased
from .Collins Bros,
:Mr, Earl Collins has moved to' Mr.
Walter Layton's farm,on the 2nd con
of Tuckersmith.
. 'Mr, Lionel Elkerton.of Medical Col;
lege, 'Toronto, spent his Easter vaca-
tion with Mr., Carman Haugh, Mill
Road: •'
Bliss -Emma, Morrison •and tier' *M-
aier, of H'ettsall,'ancf Mrs'."Tocld'of
Toronto visited' at the thouie of Mr:
and Mrs. 'Watson one. -day, lashtunek
_Mrs. E. MoKay, who -spent• ehe lett
few.luontlts at the home of h'er:niece,
Miss, ,Munrpe, returned to her. home
Int' E mond lite l
v as ec.
Mr: 'Willson •Atmstrong has' rented
AIese, Souter's Farm titthe iltiill
1 Mr, and Mrs; 'Gordon Manson and
son 'and Mrs. Al J..MdDonald of
Dundas. visited - their relatives at
B'rucefield last week.
Miss Bary .Gingerich ,spent the last
two weeks at her home,ntar Slake..
Copied from. the 'Saskatoon Daily
$tar; "Appointment of W. 'H. Mc-.
Lellan, Saskatoon, as Provincial
Poultry Promoter, was announced by
aim C. M. H'amilton.• Minister of
Agriculture, Monday night, Mr: Ha-
Iniltot said the appointment of a
poultry inspector for Saskatchewan
was made on the teem -emendation of
the Saskaltchewan Poultry ,Breeders'
Association in recognition of the
growing importance • of the poultry
industry in the province. • The work
of the new poultry division will be
organized under the livestock. branch
of the department of Agricelture and.
will', be confined to poultry production
Problems. 'Mr. 2st' Lellau is taking,
over that part of poultry promotion
work that has hitherto been carried
ort by the market branch of tate de
pertinent, but the market branch ;will
continue t0 give its services in' pouf-
try piarfceffng;to the poultrybreeder's
of the pravitiee. The markets branch
will continue dehi,ons'trations iii cull
ing; pu7ltng and packing and the grad-
ing, for market: of dressed poultry
and wilt devote further- attention to
marketing problems. Mr. McLellan
will take up his new duties May lst
and will be attached' to the staff .of
the livestock branch dit'ected by J. G.
Robertson, . livestock commissioner.
In addition to general promotion
work in, connection with. the poul'tt;y
industry, Mr. McLellan's•duties will
involve the qupervisiorrof the culling d
of farm flocks, "turkey banding, etc.
Since the fall of 1926, -Mr, McLellan
has served as assistant to. Professor
IY. IC. Baker, head of the poultry bus- l
b:indry tlepat'ttneet'of tilt•. Llttiters:by
of Saskatel,,ewan; ;he is a native of
Hibbert township, Perth cnuttty, son
of Mr., and Mrs. Audr'ew McLellan
of. St ffa';'he graduated tked fr i theOn-
tario Agricultural College at Guelph
in the spring of 1923. While at Guelph
College he spepialized in poultry work
and on leaving he took up an appoint -
meat with the Dominion Experimen-
tal Farm at Rosthern. where he was
in charge of the poultry flock until
Sept. 1926. He resigned to- take up
tate position of assistant professor in
the poultry ,department of the Uaiver-
sity of ,Saskatchewan.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Hibbert Council was held at Staffa on
Monday, April 8th. All the members
were present, A bylaw No. 328, 1929,
providing for paying back surplus
funds on the Mo'd'ally Drain was read
and duly passed. The minutes of the
previous meeting were read and
adopted, and a number of communi-
cations satisfactorily, disposed of, The
clerk wasinstructed' stu�cted'to advertise for.
tenders for operating the stone crush-
er for the year 1929.'tender to state
priceper � Also arc. ender'
tenders or
f de-
livering approximately 4,000 yards of
gravel far the Township of Hiblbert.
Tenders also for flooring the Hannon
Bridge and the construction • of a
bridge 16 flat span at lot 13 of the
2nd concession of Hibbert. All ten-
ders will be opened at Staffa on Mon-
day, April 22nd, 1929. The treasurer
presented his monthly financial State-
ment. A number of orders were is-
sued, Mrs, Kathleen Feeney, Clerk.
Mr. Basil Lane of Toronto • is
spending a week w:itlt his mother,
Mrs, John 'Lane,
Miss Mary 'O'Reilly entertained a
number of her friends to a progressive
euchre on Sunday evening.
Mrs. Ruby L. McQuaid and family
of New York, spent the past week
with •Mr, and Mrs. Janes E. Mc-
Mr, James Shea Jr. went to Detroit
last week to seek employment in the
motor city.
Miss Camilla Meagher . of Dublin
spent the week end with her cousin.
Miss Marie Flannery.
The followingtea,chers•have return-
ed to their schools: Thomas McQuaid
and Charles Malone, to Windsor;
Mildred and .Gertrude MclGra'th; to
Guelph; Margaret McGrath, to Nia-
gars, Falls; Joseph 'Moylan.', to Toron:
to, antl'Ja.mes'Lane• to Teeswater,.
'Miss S:" Utieenan has•returrted after
spending the 'holi'days'in Detroit.
. Miss Alan McQuaid' of ,Stratford
spent a •fews.days with .Mr. and.11rs.
E. McQuaid. J Q
The following is the third term re-
port of Union, S.S. No. 3, Hibbert and
o Those obtaining 75 r
P e
cent. and over are creditedwith nth first
class honours; those with o5e , tl 65 per cent.
to 75 per cent. obtain second-class
honours; those with 60 to 65 per cent
receive third crass honours; those
with 50 to 60 per cent. receive a ere-
di.t. For the, continuation. pupils a
pass is 50 per cent. The pupil ob-
taining the highest percentage in
Form FL, Frank Moylan; the pupil.'
obraining the highest percenitage • in
Foram I., Elizabeth Carlin, •
Art -Mary Delaney 70, John Shea
68, Lucy Eckert 65, Bridget Delaney
65, Frank ,Moylan 60, Rose Melody 59,
Vincent Eckert 58, Elizabeth Carlin
56. ,Charles Miles 53; Mary O'Connor'
52, James Atkinson 50. Failures, Jno.
Holland 45. John McQuaid 40,
Zoology -John Shea 70 per cent,
Bridget Delaney 70, Mary O'Connor
68, Lucy Eckert 6S, Elizabeth Carlin.
63, Frank Moylan 62, Vincent Eckert
58, John McQuaid 56, John Holland.
53, Jame's Atkinson 50, Mary Delaney
50, Rose Melady 50. Failure, Charles
Miles 45,
Grammar -.Frank '2'lpylan 75, :\fart'
O'Connor 70, Bridget 'Delaney 691
Elizabeth Carlin 67, 'Vincent Eckert
65, Rose Melady 62,'Ltfcy'Eckert'60;
Jahn Shea 50, Mary Delaney 56,
Charles Miles 53, John Holland ••50,
James Atkinson 31, ; :
Geography - Frank. Moylan
Mary O'Connor, 75, Elizabeth •Carlin
75, John Shea 70, Vincent Eckpct•70j
Bridget. Delaney 73, Luce Eckert, 6S;
Mary Delaney 68, Rose Melady 653
John Holland 60, James Atkicison 58,,,
John McQuaid d 56,'Charles Miles -Fbr
French�Form IS, -(Frank Mayhem
72, Mary O'Connor 69. Form I. -E1-1
izabeth Carlin 90, J:o•hn.•Hoidand 79,
CharlesMiles es 78, John. McQuaid 75,
Rose Melady 75, Bridget Delaney 74.,
Jahn Shea69,. Vincent Vn cel t Eckart 68,
Lucy Eckert 06, Mary Delaney 65,.
James Altkinson 64:
Latin -.Frank Moylan y an 89,Mary
01Connor 85, Elizabeth Carlin 80,
Bridget Delalte} 70, John vtcQuaid
0. Vincent Eckert 65, Lucy Eckert.
0, Rose Melody 59, Mary Delaney,
3, Jame's Atkinson 53, John Holland
0, John Shea. 50. - Fhilure, Charles',
Miles,. 47,
Composition and- Spelling -Frank
Moylan 70, Mary O'Connor 70, Eliza-
eth Oarl'in 70, Bridget Delaney 70,
ohn Shea 69, John Holland 58, •Lucy
nicest 68, Vin.tent Eckert 60, Mary
elaney, 60. Rose Melady 59, John
McQuaid 53, Charier Miles 51, Janice
tkinson 50,
.Catechism•-�Johtt Holland 78, Frank
Moylan 75, Mary O'Connor 75, Lucy
ckert 75, Elizabeth Carlin 74, Brid-
et Delaney 76, Rose, Melody 73, John
hea 70, Mary Delaney 70, Vincent
ckert 60, Charles J'liles 56, Jadies
tkinson 55, John McQuaid 53,
Geoanetny--tf'tank Moylah 90, Mary
'Connor '81, Elizabeth Carlin 80
ridget Delaney 76, John Holland 75,
.incettt Eckert 68, _ John Shea 65,
arty Delaney 60, James Atkinson 59.
o•ce. Melady 55 John' McQuaid 53,
ticy Eckert 52, Faihtre, Charles
Miles, ,
Literature -Frank Moylan 71, Mary
'Connor 70, Elizabeth Carlin 70,
t'idget Delaney 70, John Holland 69,
oho Shoe 67; Latey. Eckert 65, 'Mary
elaney 62, Vincent Eckert 61, Rose
Miss Eileen Coyne spent a few
aye with iter aunt and tutcle, Mr,
and Mrs, James Doyle, Ttlbbert:
Me. Michael Feeney has returttea
o Detroit after spending a week• with
is friends here,
'Miss Eva Verner•ef .Stratford is vi-! artily,: a sumptuous dinner was' re
siting with Mr. aid 'Mrs,, Archie Mil-
, ,
Mr. Gordon Rowland is visitin
with ikl Mrs,iii e � v t
C t a Rot la td of Dublin
Miss Annie McGrath -returned to
her school int Cltabluim on Saturday
attd Miss Marie Betiuinger to Mild
Mr. Joe Maloney and Mr. Pat
Jordan are helping R. itellnedy build•.
ing his new house.
A large crowd' of friends and neigh-
bors gathered at :the house of John
Jordan on Tuesda evening and pre-
sented Mr, and Mn,sSadler with a
handsome library set and their son
with a beautiful gold watch chain and
a pair of cuff links. The address was
read by Mr, Jos, Nagle. The even-
ing was spent in cards .and cat citig,
Mr. and Mrs, Sadler are going to
reside in London,
Lizzie Ryan spent Sunday with h;er
!tether, Mrs, Ryan,
Mr, Fred Sadler made a business
trip to London Monday,
Mr. ,Pat Jordan has rented Mn.'
Thomas Stapl,e.ton•s farm west of the
Mrs. Joseph h MdGr t
h has returned
home after pending Easier with
daughter, Bennice, at Detroit.
Luoille McGrath is in Toronto visit-
ing her sister g s Mary for f
Mr. Joseph } few weeks.
1 Jordan and Mr. Basil
Byrne spent 'Easter at their homes
in th
Mrs. Simpson and two children of
Toronto are visiting his sister, Mn,
Michael Nagle. for a few days.
Mr, Joe Carbert of Detroit spent
Easter with his sister„ Mrs. Geordie
Miss ,4tary Beale spent Saturday :n
'Miss Angela Shea was in Stratford
the guest of friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Parsons of Bayfield
spent Good Friday with her sister,
Mrs. John Darling,
Mr. and Mrs, Wolff spen't the week
end with Mr. and Mrs, J. Darling,
Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy of Hib-
bent were the guests of his mother,
Mrs. Murphy of the village.
Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Cronin spent
Sunday the guest of her mother, Mrs.
Roach of town.
Mr. and Mrs, Carl Stapleton of
Guelph spent Easter at the home of
her mother. Mrs, Meagher,
Mr. Joseph Carpenter returned to
London alter spending the Easter ho-
iday'wieh 'his parents. •
Mr, Gid;' Miirray is very busy with
a gang of men shingling the Tonne of
his father, which h he. has bneg'ht from
Mn, Will'tatti ,Dillon; . We welcome
Mr, and Mrs: Murray to our town_
Murray -Flanagan. -St,. Patrick's
Church, 'Dublin, at 9 a.m. 'April 2nd,
was the
of a v
pretty. Pr ty wed-,
ding when Inose (Teresa, daughter of'
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Flanagan, of
Logan. was united d to -marriage age to
G best Murray,r
raY son of Yr.
and \
Martin Murray, McKillop. The
bride, who was given away by her
father, twee charmingly gowned in
white silk 'fiat crepe, trimmed with
metallic lace. and 'carried white car-
nations and maiden hair fern, and
wore a bridal 'veil caught up with
orange blossoms. Miss Katie Flan-
agan, the !bridesmaid, wore a mauve
canton crepe, a rose -pink hat, carry-
ing rose -pink carnations, Mr. Michael
Murray .was hest man. Rev. Father •
Bricklin officiated.. After- the cere- c
ed to 'one • hundred wriests atttting.
whom was Ret, Father 11,uuzer of
g St. Colttm'ban, who ,proposed the
toast to the bride and gat„tut. A re -
oeptihenottdantoalcincg platewas inindulged int the eveaeitollatg
the wee hours of the morning. The
:bride' and groom left in the -horning
OR a short honeymoon trip to Tia -
gena, Buffalo, Detroit and other
points, In the 'future, Mr, and Mrs,
Murray wilt reside: on the groom's
iitte farm. in 'McKillop. Hosts of
good wishes are extended to the
young couple,
Mr. Lawrence Beale and :sots of
Stratford spent Thursday the retest
of his !nether, 'Mrs, C. Beale and 'kliss
Mary 1
Mr, and' (Mrs, William` Wolff of Lo-
gau'spetit tate week end at the hon'te
of Mr, and Mrs, John Darling.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo, Kenny of Tor-
onto were holiday visitors at his home
north of the village
Mr, Joseph h Car elttor of London
vCarpeisitednterhis, parents, Mr. end firs. Jos,
Miss Rnse 'n''Coneor of Clinton
datighter of Mr, and Mrs. Dalt. O'-
Connor, spent her 'E'aster vacation
with her parents here.
Mr. and Mrs, Eddie Jordan, of
jordan, spent Easter with friends in
Mr. .Pete McIver is wearing a
broad smile this week. It's 'a girl,
St, Patrick's Schaal Report. -The
following is the report from St, Pat-
rick's School, Dublin, for the month
of March:
Sr, IV.• --Honours, Frances Delat-
ev Ursula Krau
ski F !Tack
neaux, 'Gordon Dill Joseph Delaney.
Pass --Irene Donnell} Elizabeth
Cunrntings Isabel Jordan, Genevieve
McCanth}, 'Clare• Gormley, Florence
Brennan, 'Agnes Coyne,
Jr. IV, -.-Arthur Looby, Catherine
Kenny, Charles Benn; Rita Stapleton,
Cecilia Feeney, Bertha Dillon, 'Matil-
da Dnrrestyn, Margaret OConnell,
.Sr. 'PI'L-Honours, Agnes O'Con-
nor, Ursula Flanagan, Edwin Staple -
tat, Lloyd McCarthy, Norman O'-
Connor."' 'Pass---lj'oseph Mulligan,
Kathleen ,Burns, Gerald Donnelly,
Rose Arnold, Mary Molyneaux, Ag-
nes Maloney, John Krauskopf, Rose
Dillon, Edward 'Cummings, Margaret
Dorrestyn ..
Jr, I'I4,-Muriel Looby, Jean ,Mc-
Iver, ;Leonard
g . r ;Benn, i\a 'ick .B n Gen-
evieve Feeney, Agnes Rowland, Law-
rence 'Dillon:
Second • Class IKathleen Cum-
mings, lattice
um-mings,'latice Delaney, Fergus Staple-
ton, ;Charles .I0rau;.J
skopfioseph Don-
nelly, Joseph Dorsey, :Albert Donnel-
ly, Jatn s Curtin, Eer u- Cummings,
Frances BrennanDalt n
o Burns
Marcella Dillon.
Part 'Second e. Ii',E
fos p vans,.' Cam-
illa Donnelly, ,Andrew 'Maloney, John
Flanagan, Joein -Maloney, Teresa_
Looby,Thoma Dorsey.
s orse}?
Primary B. --:John Jordan, Mary
Evans,, James, . Krauskopf, Louis
Looby. 'Rose Feeney, 'Joseph Benn.
Lucille McGrath, Angela Donnell -3e
Kathleen Brennan. Marie Arnold,
Kathleen Stapleton, Harry Cum-
riiitary A. -.Mary Jordan. Louise
Margaret • Tyers, Aileen
Jordan, Mary Dorsey, Joseph Kip-
ping,. Gerald Burns, :Loretto Feeney,
Earl Nagle, William .Maloney, Fran -
is Dillon, Edward Rowland,
A Good ,Portion
of beef served to yoe for the evening
meal, roasted about medium, with the
blood grivy `oozing through, gives
ane a foundation, It just makes one's
mouth water to think of it. How
was that last piece of meat we sent
ycu? Wasp'E it fine,
?hoot 58 :• Sea -forth,
by the i
us conducted Theb Hess coal e .
late Charles Gordon Thompson
will be conducted e
ct d theam as
s e
usual by
J. H
Goodyear ;Tirea wand Tubes.
Battery Sales and Service.
Olial•gi'ng anti Repairing all makes of Bttterles.
C I A good' line of. new and used'parta :of clifferent makes of oars.
If your ear is in need of repairs, give ,us a Call,
!'Studebaker Sales and Service.
Realer S