HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-04-11, Page 44OR 1"t Tou EAVOR'11-1 NEWS TUVE DAY, Av L 11 • tiWRfl IIUOSJUJLCI• . . T BAVORTH XZWS. „ . ing just a few weeks ago:, ".r0.),•brn- thers, Fred and Wilt Muteli; in Chia,. ton, and Antes Metcha Atihera,,`Sata One son, Freak, M GuelPh, end foar daagtherS aleo mama the loss . ' ., .1 . G • igeit;leindla mother, . Mrs,' mirles n China, who with her hasband are exPeated home in MMrs, Ro- bent Slean; - IVIrs. jenes, Tormao, end :Mrs, Herb. Thoinas, Guelph, The funeral will be held on Thursday from St, Ailitrew's United ..Churela Blyth„ Rev. George 'Weir condecting the servicee. Intel:Meat will be in Union Cenatery, B•lyth. ' , The marriage of Mona 'Magdalene Barr, daughter of Mrs. Potter. of Blyth, to George Emerson , Wileon, second son of Kr, 'and Mrs. , James Wilsotl, also of Blyith, took place at the United Church parsonage, Inner- icip„ Rev, G. T, Shields, BA., perfor- .ming the , ceremeny.The young oi.iple were attended bY Mr, and Mrs, VOilliain Go'w Jr.. of Rath°, The bride was becomingly ' gownad .in seed asilk crepe with hat and shoes to match, At 'the conettraion of the . , ceremony they accompanied llara and Mrs, ,Gow to ,RathO, • whei•e they sPent, a few days, later goiag to Ha- milton and Niagara , Falls.. Upon their' return they will reside , near Blyth, , Bolger-Richmond.--A ' Flnie't' wed- ding w.al-Solemnized on at Queen street ,United Church parson- age,. when Elva Pearl, ,only daug 'hter d of Mr, ,and Mrs. Rusael Rican -ton , . was married to Harry f.. Seller, son of Mr. and Mrs, •aohri Belzer, of Grey township, Rev. r, Barnbof- Da • .ficiated. The bride was charraing la lue silk ear, ette a menet 91 sistineeb g. g . d • 1 with touches of ern- an ra.d.atm ace wt b d . ' d ala' w shoe, hog °. .e1.3'Sr. aill'ail ,gt.oVe:nOf blo°ndeorteo 'iatcSh carried a bOuq•uet ef white carnatliotilias ' ., , , Or . with .inatden hair fern, Miss , Oliva Bolger. of the groOm attended 'sister d Mr. Mervin 'Riielittednd, the bride, an .. ,.. . brother of the bride, assisted the . Afterwards a - Suroptuoias gr°911,1 . ' d at, the . of wedding :dinner was serve, 1 the blade's par•entsa Later the young couple left an a short honeymoon to • Eastern peints, the bride travellin,g in a dress of green sillc crepe eoinaine with navy eharmelaine coat aad hat to match, On their return, Mr. and Mr,s. Bolger will reside on the Bride- groom's farm near Walton, . . . , , Melady 60? Jelln 'McQuaid 56, cherles allies 53, jnes Atkinson 52, ,,,. ' . :Senior IV.--iAliee Flanneer di, Kale Hoklitucl 6,3, catherine Flannery,• 50, AlPhollse Groan/ 43, John. Flan: b. ee a seat. a y , • _ 1 , 1 , SO ea. jewel IV, • Ag les Ea aeeY , , vvard. Hart 74,-Flarenee O'Sullivan 61, Mary iMoQuaid 66, Absent during, part•of examseLoretto Holland; Han- na Cron 4 james cliStIllivan, Miles, 'Senior II,I,-MarY 'MarPhY, Mary O'Sullivan, •Ferges Malady. ,aunior 'IN. -Mary, MeGreth, Irene McQuaid, Lillian Miles; Thomas Me. lady, Etta O'Sulliv,an„Margaret Mur- phy, Edward O'SulliVaii. jack Caen- ha. Alber t Hart, Benny Holland. Ed - Secoral, Class-Toseph O'Reilly, Ed- ward Roach, Isabel Roach, Louis 0% Reilly, Mary .11,aet. , Tart II.-aDents Nolan. , Junior L-112Vilfred McQuaid, 'Fran- cis O'jlaelliy, , Jack " Roach, ?attack. Cleary, 'R:altah Murphy, Con. Holland. Primer-tPattrick MoGrath, Patrick Roach, Joe 01Sullivano Elizabeth , Hatt. • -- ' nowdon Brea., Pnblishers, r , 1 • .' ultwritten 'Law . . "You have heard the WALTON. ' -Thersday, evimitig the eongrega- onal neting to bunt the mort tiiegage on the ause wee held in the audi., barium. of ,Dittf'a United •Church. Rey, Maines The burning . . • , • WOLVERTON FLOUR, MILLS,. CO' ' LIMITED , SEAPORT/1, ONTARIO w. I. presided. 4).f the mortgage was carried out with • ...f•tting ceremony, the audience stead,- ng and the following were asked ha tome forwerd: Mrs, H. B. Kirkby; Presideat, Ladies Aid Society; Mr. _John. Leeming, Chairman Board of . Sikaagers; Mr, William 11•101,1adzean.. 'Chairman Trustees' 113oard; Mr, John Smillie, Mr. ,Jiarnes Lawson, Mr. Jno. :Shortreed and Chairman 'Robert Reid of the Building Committee, Me. Lawson held the mortgage while Mrs, Kirkby struck -the match and lit the paper which rapidly eruMbled to ashes ,in a tray in the hands of Mr. :So:tithe. 'The mortgage amounting to some $7 000 on the modern. beautifully , . fitted 'manse. was incurred only eight ..ears ago this summer, The total past was in. -the neighbinhood al $12,- MO. a.In generous doqations, material iitd labor, about $5,00Q was cleated :at the time of building. Rey. D1', Barnby of Blyth, Presbyterial chair- =Ian, was present ,an,cl in a 'few re- immileamewammeta , a • CHOPPING , , , ' , , . s Usttal We , have Manitoba Oats, ittrhole, ehoppe& or Roiled , Silverking•, Best ittanitoba Patent , 4,00 per bag $ ' • , Keystone, Beat Pastry Flour $3.75 per bog 1 Whole Wheat, (Stone $3.70 per bag .... . . Bran in bags $31.00 Per ton 1; ii Shorts .$31.00 per ,ton Middlings . " " $30.00 per ton __,.. Oei .ftso •*) .- a...;„,..oal lee.». BG CROP feeatilliers . old say - big', "You ge.t just as much - ' • ' 011tt ,of a thing as You put halo i t." No doubt, you have found it true in many ways. . . as,„ aaa.„, it that • lizer ' .tion important. ' Let's' needs. ea Make • . !Every Aere ''. Dolts . Best . 'r••• ' a• 4 el position thairever , ' for maijuium .. BIG-CROP.is made. We in 1929 will but also get together Stop in . • ,WM op . Tile Agent . ./ii; moui's • • Rave you ever thought of it ., in eon 'Y 11 neetion 'with o r ' ip fertilizer application? We are hiindling Armour's BIG CROP Fertilizer this , year and are ma. -a. better to tell you how to. apply • . results.. ,We are eonvin.eed , the highest quality ferti- . knew . :that a lib.eral.apPlipa- not.only eneourage,a bigger a better one, which is most . . now and deeole Your fertilizer you are in town. the next time y . • - • , . M SPROAT M. .. - , . 'Manufacturer Tele '',6 2 Telephone 12 . r BIG CROP. -/t drills - e , McKILLOP. „ . The following are the , results, of :the. t• f S.S.'N a Raerereexamenayosn NPoKiliell. PaP 1 whose name,s• are marked with an ,aatertsk were absent ,for one or.,inore examinations, Hon- ours 75' per cent; Pass, 60 per cent. • • Mack McFarlane 69.3, Sr. ,IV. -7.- . .' S-aniuelMcClure 67.7, Margaret Star- ey 64.2, James ecture 49.3. It/l Jr. . alf.---Robei't 'McMillan .7,51, . Verna McFarlane 70.8, James.. More 67R.' ' • .. III.-INelson 'McClure' 54.9. Jr. IH -Margaret MoClure 75. Ed - •th MelVtillan 72, *Orville Storey 63.5, 1 . *Ed,clit ,Storey 58,9. Jr, II.-Isehel Andereon. 771, Ar- thur Anderson 65a Bert MCCItire 64.. *Charlie .Storey 517.2, *Elmer Scott, , • ' , Primer-jahn 'Atider,ion. ' , , , Number eori roll, 118;, average at. tendance 16.4. „,. , .0live V. Medd, Teacher. . • The follovt•ing, is the report of S.S. N 6 M Ica for the months oF No, , ' e I oP.. . • February and March, Those marked ' with an asterisk have. been absent, for, . . . . one or more .examinations. 'Sr; IV.-4-larvie IHillen 78 per emit:, Mary Duffy 7,7, .Marion Littre 74. '' ' Jr. IV.--E,sther Duffy 77, 'Muriel' Finnigan . 76,, Evelyn Sgarling 63; Brenton .Godkin 61 . • 'S r. 'IL -Reggie ..Pryee .761 dOrd9n ,Elliott .70, Orval,. Beuemaaaa 03,, eator- Me.' Little 62; Iola Beuermann a8: •• . Seiarling 713, Alma '/III•M'arud-ie- Duffy 64, et.aal .' ,Finnigan 661 Vera. , . , 'd .,, 7.n . , , ., „ . Si. tr-el'Heleat" - Ellielte 77, • :Glen 3 ee '' . fald • O'Hara '68,‘ ' Leslie -Jr. IL-iGe Pr ce .65,•Rita Duffy:61. " • • ' raiMer-All promoted to fiest ,class t Easter. Mary Pryce, Marie Hoe- at H , a ,. ..-. - Pr ce 5..".. azela39'"Ig''ulea'rIge" `" Y I) Goe- and E -vett Reuerin.aneae•que . , . - . , - . , don 13euermane.. , ..., „ ' Number 'an ' roll' 27, 'average atteti-- A,c_ 7,%. • , , -.. • . . . • ) • n e a -.T. ., a .. Dale, eac ,er.Sweepstakes, Mr and 'Mrs. F: 'Brace Meddi and' family*, spent Sunday„Marcho-Ziaat with the. fortnees pareirti; , Mr, , an.d 'Mrs. Jahn H. M&dd Of.,:',A,Ieeiti h,setreat Exeter, vvha was celebrating t six- tietle annivereary. of 'o their.; Wedding. .H • ' .-VI de • do •El'. 'b th John enry, i e • an • me e Bruee were united inemarriageeat the brid.e'- I **a'' letel of e ionae i ,the• owns , .der. Cartwright .on. March,31.st..1869:. The , ...; . ....... d ' M- G F C ak .f .01, alesmai , eow is, • ,, , . rop, , o Windada was tiriabae to be.preseht at C e • . mania e silty.. 'sent a .1.0bY'el6y°•tailife; .y:„.a.;Iti'r a....,. She r 'd '''Clations. . ongra o „ •T•he young couple arnmediately•came west toeflurcin coun•fy• and. Settled o n .a partly. cleatedefarm -on. the. seventh .eo.n•cession of }lunette Undergoing in .soine, measure ehe ',difficulties , and privations, of Phideer liad ,and. sharing in the taski of the Church and ' eome munit they made a •worthy 'cointni- a .. 3', . , - ...., „ u•tion pr service, ..Par. a,.., years 1 . u 'theyvisitingt - lived and farmedain Aullett, There were born to. them seven children, five boys and fwo, girls; filve arersaill living. They'. retired 1 -ram. the tem ., ii1921 and moved ao .Exeter, .w. ere ' • . • -, . 4 d O. hr . r kap- they. live s'alee ''.es'' ° -' net lai occasion Mr. aad Mrs:Medd,Were , Y., .... • i ,, ea, ..,, d ”.. • ,,4 r. ,,•., , at .iotne,,to melt: neeigrara,,ana. anti Mate' frfiends of;Eit •te on Thareday and Friday Preceding theatinlyersari. - ... . .,. . . a „ .., , matey called- and prou,grit congiatuia- and good wishes,- On Suhday, 31st, annivensiany•day. immediate rl'• d 1' f• (I' ' ' - e atives an, case nen s were- erit for dinner. Gueets came • from H 11 14' K*11 CD' it G d i.• 'II u ett, a .c I op,. in oii, o e ic , London, Detroit and Pontiac. ,Con- gratillatory mesiages and gifts' were .es • ' received fro•ni. marry, helationt ,,and • , f • ' ' I -a• fri nds some '0 whom were unab - d • ,ers to be present. The tribute. of fl n waS s.pleralid. Rev. C. -3,. th •• • t • td teel a short. pro- _en Peator, col uc . • gramme and spoke in kindly refer- - t Mn, A spe- ence o .r, an Mrs, Medd, cial .guest was Rev. D. Rogefeof St.. minas, aa o line pae r an, TI ld t' to d friend, He gave a. short address -and read a e er w .a .l.trt hich he had written to • • them a eh.ort time previously. The closing paragraph. expresses the hpes • l e th ••'. pes an ens les o en many friend's. "Dear brather. j.•H. and Mrs. • " Med•cl. Living not very far from Cart- w,right, it is very Probable that sixty years ago this month, I read in the Bowmaaville 'Statesman that Jim. Ii. Medd and Miss Elizabeth B-ruce were Milted in the holy boads of matri- many by Rev. Wrn. McDonagh. The writer was. permitted and erivileged to be the plator of this -devout couple .. '• • and, to be associated• with them • ia Christian service over forty • years a ago. They have now reached new y, if not quite, four score and four years long time to live in this busy, '• bustlinge.oat-of' , age, but there are-. not w•anting ;eVidences that the hand of God has lett yotteduring all these decades.' And noW a diamond wedding . When We remember what it signifies; how mach time is includ- edein it, is a very notable event. Think of it, two. streams of existence run- sing theohe and the ahatmel . . . ff -: - ..1 • e for ovei ha a eettury You I av lived to know the 'blessedness of .age ' : and thank G•ori, the enjoyment O., ,t is pot marred by physical or 'mental incapacity. You are not invalids' lor in your dotage, The prophet's linage ' of a tree planted by the rivers of wit- =arks congratulated the congrega- lion on their successful and untiring efforts in removing the debt so soon, ' PHONE 51 . in fact building and paying for the zhurch and manse in sixteen years. eked on behalf of the Aleo aM & E . soemanittee that they would. be as gen- Qaptis toward that ever -necessary .fun d, A feeling, Easter message was delivered by Rev. E, F. .Chandler of Fordwich, at the 'beginning of wh,ose paktorate in Walton the manse was' built, The presentation of a tray' and /6 -piece silver set to Miss Annie Fer- egueon was an expression of heartfelt !good will of, the congregaticni to 'Miss Fergusou for all the years she was organist and choir leader. Mr. Silas 7ohnoon. Clerk of the Sas- sion, read the follotving address, while — . . braece• of those helpful and happy days we give you this Bible. God's Holy Word, The 'material value o the book ' tbut God'e Word as me great, . :. is precieue and it comes to you with ••t d 1 deri with. the love of gra.ti n e, a Friends,•• Friendstn• . 'makes us all 'more happy, ' ri nd 1 '1) ' es us 'all delight. F.' e •slIP grY Frien'dship consecrates this meeting, Friendship brings us here tonight. . he ' Signed on behalf of t • ' Womep .5 • Duff's -United . . i ' written ..by one of .the class:. "Dear Miss Ferguson„ --We . as a •class are sorry that you are leaving us. you have beer! kind and gentle with us es- • • • .• .• pecially in heariag our mernaey_ verses, We ask you to , accept this gift as a small token of our love, ALA as you may be tea.ching other boys, we hope you will not forget your Walton class. Signed, . Alvin .me_ Donald." • . - .. , _ ! . ter, whose leaf never withers, has . , been verified. : Yon are still younga if . f t • I .t. in sympathy and not in .ac in heari, . • 1 - Rer ' h presided at . in acme. , e igion as Yourata-ble, watched over ,by your. 'etumbers, .directed year business .an d sanotified your habits; Like .Abra- 'heena.'yott coinmanded your 'children after you, and I trust they are all with yon. iii the fellowship of the ehorch,..light , . .. , . . of 'duty 'faith' .an'd hope. 0 ..1et us . magnify' . the. Lord...and exalt -Has ieameatogether. I will close, hoping that the remaining • days may be a pathway,•slppiag, geetlY 4.;?.R41;d: th,,s.ee,tiim 1111, .ae:lidcerdiestfully.doch ' 1 haat- aag .baauty_of„ the delectab e . 'moorl- taina. Affecaonatelir, ..D.''Rogers. " ' , CLINTON SPRING SHOW. . • . 4IClinton'e annual spring show, held on Thut•selay 'under auspices of Hu- ron Central Agricultural Society was very saceessful, thete , b ing a r . large entry list of good quality and a ' t . tl large crowd. There were wice ie usual nuirilbea of ,cattle: Judges: Hee- vy• horses, W. J. Dotitgla.si Caledonia; . ,aorses and can e, . .. ,. nen, Ridgetown,- . , - . . , .Heavy, .Horses-JClydesdale stale lion, 3 years and. over -R. D. mMtir- doch, T. J. ,McMIchael, R. D. ur- ' P.erelierdit stallion, 3 years add' •Ca4r,' Thdmae MCMithael Sr., Gus•Bisiblaehe 'Heavy drau•geht, brood mare, 3 years .and oyea-4Bro.adfoot Bros.. Filly or geadirigna years and the presentation was made by . Mr. Oliver Turabollt ' °Tg Miss' Annie Ferguson bear Miss 'Ferguson,--iBeneath the •flow 'ef thie evening's enjoyment there has. been an.undercurrent of sadness. We, • • es a congregiatiom are very happy 'in having one of our hopes become a • reality; but we are also sad, knowing that you, who for so many years have helped ois in all our enterprises, are on the eve of your departureefrom.our• inidste :While you have been of great assistance to us in the. yarious depart-- talents of mir church avorle your sae- cial office has .been that of Organist and- Choir, Leader, • This position., IA. we all lcnow. 'One •oa .very great im- portance aince• so aaimeh. of •the church's success depends apon it. The happy results of our services ha.va been due, largely to the atmosphe • -re of reverence. created and to the mes- sage given through worshipful music and song. Through this vre have all zonte into closer fellowship with our Lord and Master; many we believeI have beemled to .cledicate their. lives to Him- and man “ • - • . , y °theta we knon have reseiyed comfort -and enemeregement, or this grear • ' " V a eiear ctedit te sine to 3-ou 0.110. to'. the department of which ,yini casee- beep. the •teader. aeDitring. the - •', . • . . . . ...... e•eaes in which- 3 ou haaeaserved thii congregation. you hat; -e not pnly ehow„ ed yoar ability as an organist, but yoe have ex •-s - area edes..pur owe. deseation to Mal and. 'yo/fi- afrederseanding of_ the. .. people's need through your selectimi caf„such euitable material• .... . • for •eNery oc- "!a op. . Good avillaefficipacy. and bay- llt-5. whichThart-e ati'‘'aYs:heeli tharcc.' . . , _ _ensues .ot our choir, :have •been. due' ' ' • • •. i.o. a great est -tent, we feel, to' the wis- Urn • and alieceetiait %of: the leader. Ta Chese 'engtities :you. 'hate'-dd II .h • a e t, e marl ty. •of• falahfirtness 10 • a' . niea sure whith .bas.. se ' • ' q . . „Idom beget e ualled. We Id ask. eu toaacee th• • ' . ."1":"" • .3! . PC Is glq as, to expression of olie apareetatiop oe :be spirit w,hich sem 'Nave shown and. :lie w.orla Which you have done in the 'nterest of 'thi- congregation We 1, . • . ' • • al sa•aasor.e. yo'n a our sgood avisheS, and. we' gray thatGod's- richest .61 i -•esa•ni, ,nay rest upen•y-ou.evherever you may go. Signed on behalf of the congre-. gation of Duffs -United Church. We' -1 . r " • aen, la . J. Maines., Paster; •Silasip rohnston, Clerk of Session and Son-. lay School Superin•tendept;• J6lin •R., Leeming Chairman' , of the Board all \renegers; Wm. McFadzean, Ch '•• ahn nen of the Board of Trustees; Janet' iimosone 'President eol the W.M.S.• af re e .. H. B. Kirkby. President of the feadie • • • a B. • • . _ s Add, Edn •L. • ena. President grille' Young Peogle'e •Sdclety" - . at delightful .I •. , - .........eprogramme -that ler- mOnazed with the occasion was given- ..1 , beachoir and others. The program• i eotoriatell el several. 'anthems by. the '1 • ding by Mi -s E 'd r,ioir; .a rea - v. Mary n-, ais. a duet by Mrs F'ngl .1 .. i : and and Miss cTa art acc 11 gg , onmanied by Mh Mrs.' Radford. violin -olo • Kirkby,• ' , s . Mr. ac- aompanied by Miss Grace Shortreed;:Miss' aitaiao a -umber by Mrs, Radford; soloi Oa, Mrs. C. Fingland; two encore lumbers 3, a. re . ir ar an e 15s b M K• kh d al' ,aliortreed;: •closing with singingr 'Blest be the Tie that Binds." The Ladies' Aid „served lunch in the ba. 4e-. : al s One evening last -week the al.-, . . ar Duff's Church held a special meet- ing at which ...Mrs. R. Ef... Ferguson, was giVen, by Miss Simpson, a Bible as a remembrance of her association with the Society in which there will ha always a gap left unfilled by her absence. The address -read as fol, ' • "Dear, Mrs. Fergustm-This w,:arld is a world of chaage. There is 110- tfeing here abidin It is s place oF meetinvand of • g'` -t ` parting an( once again vve are 'called ti n t -rand at 'the dividing 'P° ° t b - g or the ways. al e al ehought and hoped` that you would • 'end the evening of your life ' -1 - al your eh{ home, areongst the friends af your early 'days. But. you • have willed it Otherwise and our Women's Ifissinary Society- cannet let you go -without a parting word. We think of ail the years that you have labored ••vith us, our Senior member. Your viever-failing interest, eighteen years am tots/tett Treasurer. . In our So- aiefy and in all church work you gave I t' AV VI ' • your, ice . e t on c again ot your kindly greetiog and word of • SYm- pathy and friendship, Wha can 'nee., aura the va,,e, ,, 1 a all? A-:,1 a remem. Missionary Society of , t Church., Walton, President, jane • secretary, Mrs. Inc. lalc- Simpson,. D.onald," M . Will Gillespie o•f Seifertb i rs. •spent a few days Iasi week virith-he r '-• re het Mr. A. J. Carter. • ' 't. '' dal R G P k • d Dor •Mr. an a., rs. R. a ar e an - othy of Seaforth spent Sunday .even- in with Walton friends.. Sir W. Ho , of Ethel spent Sunday with'''Mr . and3'Mrs: W. lar.•I-loy, a'nd 0 . •• ••,1 . tiler friedds arOuad: here:, Mr a G. Sholdice .visit,ed with his father, Mr. W:' ShOldite - befOre' he lef for the. west, He goes ' to 'near '3 .t' d • . . .ra'n on,. Mac, • . a ' Mr, T. Con.stable.,of St •Marysavisit- is, r, K. • edwith h• friend,M K Jackson on 'Sunda - aIrsy'P B. Gardiner returned. from ' - P. ' • Rochester Saturday. - Miss Ruby Young returned Mon- dav aftet spending the Easter holt- - • ' (lays with her parents. where she Is 1 ar Tweed: • ' teaching se leo ne . . v - There nell..be a dance an. Walton in A.O,U.W. hall Friday, April 19th. Mr. Herb Kirkby has leaeed the aleDoitald farm from Mr, Dtincln • fel-moon: air, .and Mrs. Kirkby ei d f• may' Will inoae 'to 'the McDonald, d - • r, - ' " '1 " 'th ' honee in aa allon; sometinte taring e summer. • Mr.' Kirkby wilt ' still run his farm •onetheeliath" derteession; Mor- -He. wilt also. use. the flax build- ..- ing on -the 'McDonald •place for his, .ax. busin,ess.. . .• • .• • "f1 a ' ' ' ',Mr. C,harlie •MoGavin ie taking over hie 'father's 'ferm et .I.eedb•ury. M7. and Mrs. 'Williani ,areGavin are re-. • ' 1 the 50 acres at 'Cloverdale"' tiring o „ , per'east•ot Leadbary, which was oc- ••• d 1 • h 1 W•Iliam.'and :Mrs. cupie a3 t e ate 1 . McGavia a few -years, ago. - It appears there is ...to . be • one 'less benedict in Walton ais•trict and. it 's . ie rfed we will have a lady froth re'.° - Brussels in ape community soon. ` Miss Loitise Mills spent last week with' her tousins 'Mr. • and' Mrs. Cecil' j.atme. - L. tido • '' '. • .ft Oke Ina o .n. : ii The saw .m111 fines. ed custom sasa- nee cm a., ur sa. .. ... i S . t d - Mc.. George Clarke ,sold his house••firet-Part ;oh Saturday to Mia David \Watson df H 11 tt As Mr. and Airs Clarke ' u e ' • ' '• .. • • • ''' • , have ante' June lit 'to 'give 'possessiah they have i rat decided where they will .' -"Mr.' Clarke is seeking''• a -bu ea. move. . .. • . , Y.. for .his. blacksmith shop.- -,' " ' :' • \al. -and MrS Lloyd Fergusoti atilt .. ' . ' family loomed, last week to Auburn.' Jr. • Ferguson has. laeen On the set- tion gang tere. 1 ' • . ' 11-- Pete"aicTa art'has hought.lhe -• r. . gg . • . • , •.1.? . -Mr. t h -e neat the hotel and as Fry a ore ous . . ,. ... fitting -it up for a barber shop • and ,. narness shop. • He intends als,o hand- • a • - ling watch repairs-. - • . Mrs R. . H. Ferguson and the ' ''• • on Friday to Misses Ferguson move h . their new home in Seafort . . • Mr, Cowan of the Fire Marshall's affice Toronto, spent several days • last week investigating the cause of. thewhich 1M J.k.h".' fire es royec - r. ac Marshall's barn 'on' Wednesday; 'Ma'. • 27.th. The only con•chasion that he would give was that spontaneous cembostion caused the fire. Mn,Mabout 'Marshall has not yet Made up his mind to rebuild. but if he is unable to sell the farm by summer, will either . • hed or remodel his large driving s , $/000 i erect a steel barn. A•bout „ -, 11- The fire broke eurance was carried. , • out. in wet .haya. Tuesday morning • s•erlous damage was averted by the quick action of removing the hay. Mr. Marshall remained in the barn all that night watching it. The next morning the insurance inspector, 01 Wroteter, was there and after making bis ine • hay- epection, the insurance mate was ing dinner with Mr. Marshall, when the barn was diseei,•ered in flames, too late to save it, Teddy 'Hughes. ' •I h - heti with Mn.arshall all 'v '" ae''•' `a, ' , • . winter was returnee to tne immi- gration office a.t Guelph on SaturdaY, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Reid and Mr. Nelson Reid. Misses Edna and Mar- ierie Reid, Mr. and Mrs..Elmer Hack- well and family and Mr, Ins. Hack- well and clIPirell attended the funerli •'.f oe_year_old Harold kfcKioley a.t the .home of the lad's parents, Mr. .. arid Mrs. Elgin. McKailey, Stanley ' rawitshio. on Stinday. 'Miss ,klaud Fergusori was present- e( w 1 ith an add:tele and a box of handkerchiefs from '' her. Sunday s a • • . -a ' • .(I n taw- te See- '....4 1 ,i, e 1.,S . net e ae • - . forth. The .following, is the address, f • BLYTH. . • Mr. and Mrs. Tbs. Readinan spent erica), test mg a . . S a "t• - friendst Blyth.• Mrs. 7. T. McCaughey • returned honie after spending a *eek in De- troit visiting her . - -.ea . • - niece, tears. vviraain Bryant. • Misi •Lorretto Healy has returnee' to Teesevate, to ' sitte•her teaclain - mai- - a -r re • ' . fai Miss Viola Morrison has returne. to her teaehing at No.. a school •,,' Miss Nora Kelly s'penit the EaSter holidavs with Mr. and, Mrs, . Joseph Fe - D a a. • -. i• ,Hoeg3'.62. . eney, le lira .,.„. - . ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Peter Healy and Mist• Lorretto and Mr. Earl Healy spent" Thursday hi London.' • i • Mr. and Mrs. jas.Dersey are visite mgfriends at. • yt • --.-: ' BI ' h ' ' - ' A very enjioyable- tiime is reported having been spent by the friends Who were entertained at the home aif Mr: and Mrs. Jas. H. Richmond last Fri- day eyening. • • • ' McLean Mission B•and will meet •Anona next atur ay a temoon in the aSee ment 'of St. Andrew's Church at • 3 p.m. .A.n. intereeting .programme '1;S being prepared. • A maibe.' of friends and neighbOrs ' la 1 of Mr, arid ,Mrs.. Russel ...R,ichenond were' ,enterta,ined at , their- home, on. Wednesday afternoon and evening in honor of their daughter, Miss. Elira, who, On' Saturday •inerhing " became teh baide' of Mr. Harry 'Bolger. ' : • Mr. Ivan Wightnaan has' ' been spending the.Easter holiday with his aunt Mrs Tames•.Brighain: • :. ' . ae: ' ' A 1 1 lar 1 . h' . iss Irene • ,I ea p . tavern -w 0 ' is :teaching near Windsor this term, ' al . ' ''.• he renewe . acquaintances during t . holiday. ' Mr."antl. Mrs) Chris. Rogerson swim Thursday at •Wingivam. The YRS, held its regular meet- ing on Monday evening in Queen at, United Church with. a good aetenid. • Th t* d bpray- e mee mg omene y er ' by Rev, Weir and ,S:criatural teaele ing from Proverbs bY Dr. Ro-s-s. The, minutes were read and adopted. The. of the batik, A RevolutiOn in, China..Was given by Mrs, Wilford d the d hal f ' ' . • ,t . an e e i s o a missionar3 s life, through trying eircumatances wasis n'a ' -)nvi ' u e ey• rs. . de, ' 'd A (I. et b ka ' Mar- shall and Clara IVI G .wan. was we 1 'I- rendered. Several members then gave daily• the l'I f the; : episodes in. , e oe o ei iniasionariei (hiring the rebelliora Ma.. McKay gave a vocal 'solo that wasthe lush ap reCiated. Dr. Barrib mo,;.f ndvoleP i thankst -all taking3'Miss e a -0 o. .1.1 e ala • ti - t• ' TI • t' l d in ie mea'ting. oe mee ing c ose with sentence prayers and, the Lord's' •prayer in unison. • • • ' ' Miss Vivian McElroy returried to London .on Wednesday.. - . • , •Mn,k number of friends of' Mand Mrs. George Wilson paid them a visit :in their new house' on the Potter &ran , . Tuesday evening.o Mr. W. H. McElroy received word kfd h le' t is wee o She eat cif is. aunt, lairs. Ben Evans at Zuton, N. Dakota . Mrs. Evans, formerly Sarah Jane McElroy. lived in this vicinity until twenty- years ago. going to the- West a•fter her husband's death. SheBrose was 98 years Of. age and was beim near Sturimerhill and lived a greatbull . • • , , paet of het life iti Blyth, S.he Ras the • last survivor of her ' family. .Her th occur ecl at e ham • of her elea r the . e : dee hter, mea: avallace, . . rs. Bennett Passes. --d of the death Di Mrs. John Betmettrin Clin- ton hospital iVionday morning was. a severe elioCk to thd community . 4•1'. Mrs. Bennett was a beloved ,and wide- le known resident ,of Blyth for years, Mrs. Bennett was head' operator itr the telephope office for quite a few years after .system was Metalled here.. Even in the performance of her dutie§ he brig•lit, . sympathetic nature • brought about her a great many staunch friends who now mourn her loss, Mrs. Bennett had been. visiting friendnd s in Clinton recently alast week was ill and was removed ta the hospital, An oneeation was thought necesaary, but It was later thought inarlvisable. Formerly. Miss ivietch, she wa.s .horn near Toronto. but was brought up near Auburn. Shortly eftcr her marriage.s'he Caine to Blyth and lived here until the death of Mr. Bennett five years ago. Since sheP• had made her home with her (laugh- t e Th t ' 1 e.s. e pas winter s ie and :VIrs. Robert Sloan speat in Guelph, return-. The 'Oil for 'the Athlete. -Th rub- bing down, the athlete will find Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil an excellent article. It renders the in.uscles and sineWs pliable takes •the soreness out of tient an .s rettg fens pi 1 - cl, • t tl • them f • strains that may be put upon them.- lit stands pre-eminent ...for this pur ,Deoen.,aynsditiaatliileea'tsw.o for., yearS, have 13' se ' . .t. c i testify to its value aa a labriaant------------ • . .. ' ' '' ' '. -a ' • ., .1. '..• ',BRUCEFIELD; ' ' ' ' ' • • h -d.f ' Mr. arid Mrs. John .Kite en an mily •moved to Clinto r„. q.- n last week: . ' ' d f - ' .-Mr. •and .Mrs.. James Hill an a'M- ily ofeStratiord who have been spend. •ug.eheir holidays with frliende in the 1.;d • ' • eh • • village an vicinity, returned. to . eir hoine last week. ... : • Mrs. 'Todd, (neealV,Largaret ,Ress),.of Tofonto and Mrs' and. Miss Morri- son of Hensall were She•gaests o Mrs Janet Ross last week. . - ' Mr: and Mrs, Remelt! McKenzie 'and Mr.. and, Mrs. John :Kaiser .of Detroit spent tbe week end with friends in the village, . • .., ,• - , „ . ' - . .CROMARTY. • . - - ' A play entied. .. in , Y. ., ars" will be preserit.e'dCranktearffr a 'TC•c:)4l'in- Hall on Friday eVeninga• Apra . -12th, at -8 o'clock, under the auspice§ of,. Y ' Peo le's Society. Cremarty oung P . 'The. -admission is adults 35c,, ,children' 15c..• - • • • -.; 1st 'e, ' ' .'that M ' " e a,e sorry to report ..i. r. Alex. McLarafie is not. improving .as would lake we wou ., , . , • d '' ' Mr. Lloyd Miller, of Strafford , spent Sunday ,aridata.theparental roof. „ '1 ' d "Mr....Ritehard Hoggazt a is undr 'the docabes•care . ' ' . o" . • .• - . • with kat..John Aldington has hired wi meT, Are.w McLachlan for seeding,- ,- e a •, Mi'.- .eill. Howe; of Toronto. 1a, ing'. .Mr. and M. Jas. HoW.e.':.:'. , ' . PliCariany fr•ietids of Mrs. Roy Mc- Dahald, of..eStaffa, are gilled to i 'hear th 't•••-1 ••'''' • noroVing after .her'oper- aoas le is it . • • • ' -Won in 'St. aoseph's 111•ospital, ! Lon- . , . . dee. i .„ • - ...... • • ' - ' a . • ' over, Kenneth lalciKellar. and 2nd, R. J. Seott 30, Gray' Bros. 4th, Filly or getding, 2 .years and under 3, K, .1vIaiXdrir; 'Ross Broadfoot, , , Harold Morrell: Filly or gelding I year and. ay 2, Gm IB ose T...J.'MaMidhiel, on . : -s'Y r• '1 ' W Horse colt or filly under ' year, .m..„ •MeMillan. Team in harneaS, Reek McKellar Jahn •Vedden - R. J. Scot!! , , , Broadfoot +Bros. . . Agricultural-4Brodd. mare, t3 years and oVer, R. j. Scott, ,Gharles Stew- Ab ` R df d art, Alex, Wright, _ ' .. a ,eor . Filly or gelding 3 Years and aYer. R. j. a . . . 2 d'2 •(1. ' ' h le K II 3 d .acott an .. n , Kennet a. c e_ ar Srd, 'Charles -Stewart .4th;'1‹.•M•oKellar 5. Fill ' or aelding, 2 years -and iinder 3, .3"' a Will ,Chanmam Thomes. Butt. -Gray Bros ' ,Filly ot gelding 1. year and • , , _, . 2, W, J. 3./dBrien. •Horse colt owrifilly, ander I year, -.T. j. McMichael, Team in harness, R. 3. .Scott, J. R. K I IvIcKell r General Scott, ., enneti . • a , purpose --Filly or, geklmg; 3 years oreo.veraWilliam Dether, arid 2n.d and 3rd J B. Mustard 4th. Te'am in hare , , • , ,, , _ _ ness William Deeher, J. B. Mustard. , Elmer Thiel; Joe Riley. Ontario Horse Breeders' .. - • • • ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • " • • ••• •,. ... • HILLSOREEN. ' - •• . • • • t ' - ' '''-- - • ''' "Mrs. E., Troyer: whg hasespent the wittier montha avath „her.. daughter, Mrs. Wm. jarafatt, aa,l3,alidel, .ha s returned 'home. , , . ' Mr; S. Beatty,- who. -agenk 'hie Eas:' ter holidays' at his 'None In' 'Iaciaide'si• d = h. • da. bore. liesereturne Ea resume es - ties •in S S N - 7 St nry '' • - , : . Mrs. Janies Webster, of- Lucknow, spent a few days visiting.Mra George Coleman. . . .. _ , , , Quite a number from around here, attended the Tun,erat of Harold Mc- Kinley of the Gos-hen i ' • • • . a eracmi., , „ . . . ,. .Mr. arid Mrs, jas, Jarrott vette ,o d' n StindaY with lien rthather,, -Mrs. Ann Hudsam`and 'sister, .Mrs. -A.'Hart'eeY. The funeral. of' • the:au- Mr. N. Hill was Z•held on 'Tues'day,.- • Of this week- . • residentei in, Hensall. Mr, at h • . •township fail] is a. b rotherelh-law • of 'Mrs. • Day, ial -4tIal.elle9,1a Pare Line. ., • „, .• ,_ . There was no chtireh serviee hi ', • • • - - • • a e • . Hillsgi•een on .Suildgy. en ,aocauut. ' of. • . , . • • - 4-.1 : f the funeral eHarol.ea.c.a.in ----------tions o GOalleti',Line.. ., - Eileen Tinnet: has refuLed to Lond.on Norrnal. ' . . • , , , . . and Mrs. Charles. Stephenson and daughter -Gladys -visited,. at Mr. b M B 'd ' S de •., • Ro ert ,. c. re e s. on un, y.. • a . . , . . special far three animals a years old and tin - • ' ' a.. NORTH' MCKILLOP.• , ' der, sired by a draft stallion in ahe . .' - . , , • ' Canadian National live stock records -Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koehler' were' . . , Mr. and. Mrs • George • Gray Bros; T. J.' McMichael. a i . . a . . : • , • • , Special townshiP prize for best Hot.g.y's on Sunday. • . three heavy'draft ,a ricultural or .The many friend,srof •Mre, latilliam . , g . .11 Hcregy are pleased to hear that ahe is gerwra' ' purpose horses, any .age, i . improving as nicely:as can be eXpect--halter,. need:not be, the property of ed. . a .-- • • - ..... . . , one ,m,an. but must be. owned in the If -. d M ' IY R,e le •er'e visa townehip,,. Keq. ,MeKeller, Hibbert r. an Mrs an, ge n . Reat matChed team ,n iting Mr. 'and. IVII-5. Edw. Regele Sam: .... a ... e • . . . . , D li dayeeevae,ning. .. , "barites's, ana, coMr, V.Valaiane Decher. h Tha ' • -1' Team. coming gi•eatest -cligtanee, Ken. Mar.. tal 'Mrs. Joseg . rntort apt IvicIaellar, Crotnanty: Best .dutn sired theformer's .mother were Sunday vis- . ' .. . . • ... .,.. - , by Percheron stallion. -or W. aors at a .e arpe 0 a rean Ms.'H. h h f M d 'Mr 'H ' D • I II ht -horse stallion sten:- 13rodhagen, of Duhlie. . , • .ec ler.. lg. s, . . . - Mr and Mrs. John Goons and fam- dard bred trotter, Ellenagton and ' ' '" M dal' A aly were „visiting r..an a rs. A. Stewart. Carriage horse in, harness, James Forster Henry Daer, Harold Clark on Sunaay. • -- . • . . • ' . M' M Ell D . r 'turn -Morrell. Roadster in harness, W. T. .1. !las Mary en em.psey e MdLean "Robert 'McLaren, Jack Cud- ed on S•aturdav to resume her duties . more, oe osti . est gent emen s teacher. near Guelph. J' 'P '11 B 1 ' , outfit, ' James Forster, W. T. Me- Mr. and Mrs. Leonard . Learning _ . _ Robert MdLaren. a weeps . , . visiting latter's parents, Mr. ' a ' talces Jag were . d . •.,• • r ,the IC' II. f near Carl- • and Mrs. Vt . M t he .ao . F arster. Lady , •rivers, mess Cole - men Mrs -George Dale: Miss Jean ingford. one day last Week.. ' ' ' ' Ra - 1 d CI • ., i. e Molawan, Miss Cox. anion( an .arissa Jepson lay !Shorthorns -- Bull two years returned home to Fergus after spenu- t - Bull . I • Raster h 1.'cr - with or over, Eph, Snell, Roy Pepper. ing, t leir el leaye el Mrs. Alex. mann. .. , 2 years, Ostreither Bros, and Crich 3rd, Cows, 3 years and al. ' J h R la• ' "I 1 2nd, M. ' • a a 0 u ca in•son lac a success - • over M. Crich and 2nd and 3rd. Hei- ful wood sawing bee on lIonday. • . We are.; e,oery to say that Mr. S. ler-,2 years, Ray Pepper, M. Crich. . Heifer, 1 year, Epha Snell, 'Ostreicher Ross is not improving as rapidly as , ,, his inany friends would like to see. • Aff. Crich, Herefords, bull un - 113ethe tes 1 inon- der, 2 years, Bert Labia Sweepstakes, i Lad" Aid heldtheir thly meeting at the home of Mrs. S. Shorthorn, . Aberdeen. Angus oe Hereford, E. Snell. Baby beef steer McPherson,. The proceede were over , • . • . or heifer,. horn op. or .affer, Jan. dat, five dollars. 1 t , , 1928,-10.streither Bros,.. E, Snell, M. Crich, Roy Pepper. Dairy • , . „ -,- . • ' ' , , . • ' BEECH OOD • • , • - •.r. • . Me. yanTes Shea left ain -,teday for Dat„aa • . • • • . • . a : -' •e ' d MnMr. Harold 1Vla oney, has returne to Detroit. ••-• • • k ". d - Lacy Ec art visite her cote• ,under Miss Elizabeth Carlin on Sunday. ' n' - • • ' • ' h'' Mr. John 'Reid is busy getting t e dredge in ehape tm commente. work, F • ha • - ergus Horan a a very sue f *1Friday. cess Li sale on • • Always Ready and. Reliable-Prac- ca y a pains wising ern . ti II 11 ' •• • f o inflam- •• • illation can be reinoved. with Dr Thomas' Eciectrie 041. 'sanely rub • ' a -on the sore spot .and it is auickly absorbed by ,the skin. Its 'healing dower is conveyed to the •inflamed tis- sue which is quickly soothed T.his . , . , . fine old remedy is als•o a specific • for, all manner of cuts, scratches, bruises d ' la 1 ttl handy1 an sprains. . eep a aci. e a - waas, ' caw, any • . age,. any breed, S. E. Rozell and. 2nd , TIICKERSMITI-L; ' and 3rd. Dairy heifer,' under 2 years S,S No. 9 Tuckerstnith . for March. S. 17 Rozell and 2hd -Roy Pepp 3r • , , . ' .aa - e. • , .. Sr IV -Margaret airvitheomeo. mc. ',.,'Sr,, . Alex. Irvine Bl, He en a 6' • f U ' h 11 77 6' ,. psi .. Helen Broatlfaca 72:1. Margaret I-Ia3, ••: • 71 7 Matgaret ,B.roadfoot 70.8. 1VIar- . .a • . , , a , tory Ha' 64 2 Dorethy Elgie 61.e. • - • , , , .J,r, IV -Ray' Hodgert. 613. Mack • .„, a „ - 1 1 OilealleY .".a. . • . Sr. ItaL-1 , ,on . • Irene Mackay 76.6 Lorne Hay 68.4, - Russell Ho ert 8,1. Bill , dg 6 , 3 I 56 DalaYlnO e • .i T III -Anne Love 69 6 lack Con- Ji'. -'- , ' . • 1 sat 69.a, jean Irvine 68 , , . - , • -Robert McLachlan 81,3 Class II. , . „ Tielen ,Dnig 61,5, ,Glen Houston 46,6. alass T -Kate Dalrymple, 87 3 Rs- a L e• •• • - . a" ' bert Gemmel' 81.6, Stewart .Love 79a, , Primary Cla . -• eck Macc y Wit- ...prim es j :la •, he H•odgert . 'Pass 60 p.c., honers 75 Jac, ' e ea Illton)e 0 POP ' I r• f Ile on tl ,le ron 4J, average' •a tMnd.a.nce 24. - V./antler ef contest - Irene Mackay and Roy deert He - - Margaret E. Grie.ve, Teacher. . Exeter. .. la I R ' • • .1 r. Carting and two sisters, . - • . , R. 'masses . Elizabeth and Mary ,Carling, -were ' tl • the emong ie passengers . Walt .1 eg t • a h s wrecked I P I a'" " lic n at Drocoutt recently. ' They were un - a .. au". 'Exeter has made applicatian foe era. try in the Western °Mario Baseball 'League, comprising I;ondon Strath- , s , •, d. E t , ' 1 t I le l 03r• 'Ionia. an xetet, a so ia cl e 1 I b proposed s i (me eing. Dr. at G Gr. li ii ho for the • ., . • a a i , a t 1 d pas• ten years las con .ucted a sue- . ce.ssful mod'ica r ctice in, Exeter, • I.pa. has disposed of his oractice to Dr. . - . ID T. G. Dunloo of Wallacebure VI% - • • ' - ' -. r. •Grahaln nas accepted the appointment of hospital surgeon In the' Pres.bylter- anChurch Hospital at Formosa thus r, . ' I,..”, •V .... “ , . • • d Lon es L COMMUNITY 1 ' • . ri e.a . "7 •. BY THE ALERT m . a Blyth ao ueic 3riye, Ad ssion $1.00 NCH SERVED , boro _ • I - iece a • HALL , . ' • CLUB Or c couple. . ' • - h st e ra ' tiWRfl IIUOSJUJLCI•