HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-04-04, Page 7if L t�"+N� ,
�Qna1� �✓�lire I
By Cxranddau rte
.�, -.._
ittle f rh ess Elizabeth Eft_-
terrains King With
Bognor, Sussex—"Dr. l illybet," dis-
onser'of good cheer', is aiding the
Ding lar his .convalescence, Sale • is
1 .
CIO 4iib
' DOCTORS are buoy
diving March. lit•
nese ie rampant. Long
�+ !'+ 'transcontinental
Pin x l • .-r..a4Q5* iii
ry ys C, na a
How This Service
keel Aids
Industrial Develop..
A review of the work a the Geo.
detie Survey: ,Dfljaartlneut of the X.
National IlailwaY6 ab04
wort fit CDe7lranQ.
work line the broken
lairs Nipig4n �hergin
Iaake?lar Houses t s lac,
"" h
of the Canadian
Tltia brings the"iaVQtF'
country about
oc ear Seth
seui and Reil
rains z$ l' a
to.. Comprrolnla
With Britain
p 1p
Rupture Would Orin DTs•
aster to County Say
Pro-British Bagdad Ys
Blell�din - Red Rose' ea Is an art To obtain the fine
alt( fUi*hOc�ioS I`1C1><iSS x+rtjt#I &C�years v� E#cCPI
puce. ;very pail a e guiairaz �eedw at
a •
es little little Princess Elizabeth, daughter'
the Duke and Duties of 'York, .
His Ma'est has Leen cheered by
faits from his granddaughter, wlio
pelat a long time entertaining him
lively chattel: it is said that
to Princess had repeatedly demand•
/Onto uroliths .lower
vitalit blood becomes
� yr,
watery and the body
grows susceptible tocolas `
and illness.
tenor, fey the past few seasons 1n•
dicatea how tills branch of the Federal
Government aids industrial dev4iop•
menta by supplying ac0urate informs-
tion as to latitudes,.. longitudes, and.
elevations above sea lever of selected
pointsP eminion,
all alts of the D..
Mohs Always Dread: the
Bluster March Da • s
. y.. • e . •• •
No month Of the` ear' is a0 danger-
y -
ons to the weiPare of little ones as is
T4rusald311,-•A plea for eoliabora•
tion with Britain is made by the Ba •
dad Times, a British inspired news-
paper of Irak, which urgee the Irakis
to temper tUeh' impatience for the
attainment of bait's economic and
strategical position.
- •i ' _9*
A �T/r y-+
RED ROSE OR A.! GE PIEKOE is extlra good .
in the last law weeks why she
March can
t however,
With regard solely to the accurate
March-tike month of quickly Chang•
ing weather, Qne' day Is fine, the
There are L•akis," it says, "whose
mid not see her grandfather, Now
Lillybet;' it is her own name' 101'
be made a vigorous'
happymonth. Dr. Wil-
fixing oY position which Constitutes
the major portion. Of gegclefie surveyOry,
next &old ani! bhtst One day' drY'will
the next w
Wet and disagreeable. ie
object Is the estrangement of Britain
and Irak. Such people , , a
rrAn leSaxon'0 America
Classified Advertiseanenta
erseie, has suceesefuny
ea patient:
The recent mild heat wave in Eng-
i semi
proved altont lived; being
uceeeded by 'characteristic March
4 illfness..but the drought continues.
y Heine Pink Pills area
x., starnxna. Nlterosco is
tests show a rcmarlcabte
increase, in the blood
: ,
work, the.geodeeist suitable
points' and ascertains where they are
,, , ^
on the earths surface and their rola•
tod distance 1 on i
tion all cl S lice iron a another,
This gegitetic method of accurately as.
'remaining Para on is, called. triangill•
spite of all recautiohe the little ones
i l 4
will take colds and these coils often
lead .to More • serious troll
Mothers, When the flrat a m tomo a
ea - z y p
P t s reoziug, refine ss of the eyes,
not only be0aase Britain is never
tamed lfgtitly' aside from the pursuit
of her definite aims, but also because
their schemes, if they wore success.
fu1, would spell irrett9evab10 discs-
ter to their
Enright Poeta in the Nation and
Atiiena0um (London):' (Ina' letter to
h n an esti.
the editor, the writer answers oat
ale in a •former issue, where L. B.
N mier that most Americana
a atateda
{.. I CCB �R161 P COM
pp ni It❑D ROCK c
i7 quauned Record oi'�hi'ci�roi+it,anco
and ileglstgred [begaers, Canada's s old•
est in h laylnn strain. Clupedigreed, $s,
$4: Pedigreed, $6. $0, 25 years a breeder.
Notching Ogg ''°highs. Claris, Cedar
Row Form, C,,insvllle, nut.
ngland has been without appreciable
tin for 19 dare. Oeld htds'prevent-
d the King from going in the grounds
const after treatment,should
;k this world-renowned
ation. What lies between the select-RA13y
ed points-rivers, lakes, arabic lands,
mineral lands, roadsteads, harbors,
funning nose-Baby's Own Tablets
be given at one. They will
ra rids break up the cold and prevent
l y p n
the more serious complications,
The British and Irak Governments
are at variance on about a dozen
points; but the chief (Lineally is 'eon-
ragardeci 17nglantl as thea Mother
Country,) How many Englishmen
think about what thou ATleeatet'L' of a
hundred and fifty years ago sail or,,.••
CHrC1iS. )y 11 ktn'rezx
A-'i' your rarletiea• price so up.
Write for free catalogue. A. H. Switzer,
(Ironton, Qatari°.
f Craigwell House:'
Two photographs of His Majesty re-
ntly published were taken respec-
vely by the King's sergeanbPogtmau
remedy, discovered; by a .
Canadian doctor, debit-
itely enriches the blood
and enures more oxygen
and the test-must be plotted in by
the topographical, geological, or
hydrographic surveyor;
One 4f the first duties of the Geo-
112others who keep a box of Bttbr'it
Own Tablets i the home aC feel
n 0 1waYa
safe-just like baying a doctor in
the house. The •Tablets are a gentle
cerueti with defense. The British
maintain that the higher command of
aUY troops in Irak, in the event of
operations being by tom-
wrote? How Many look with longing
to Normandy as he cid family home?.
N0 y t a y
After all, when you are past tbe first
hundred years or so a few more or
° aataghmonts,nrs any mare ae loa-
hlne, pAfie gC. AleirriT igna with Cril
nttachnlent. in,. KInread,' 31'Spruce
'(°art, Toronto.
Kul Sir Clive Wlgram's visit (Sir
live: beingHis Majesty's assistant
rivate secretary). MIs Majesty has
tathorized publication of the photo-
for the tissues,
Increase ,your resist-
once to disperse -ai"y.
� bring
detic Survey was the running OY a net -
work of points' across Canada an the
proximity of the International Bound-
In Oils it oo•opeiated with the
but thorough laxative that sweeten
the stomach and regulate the bowels,
(bus driving out constipation and in-
and relieving the baby of
bined British and Irak forcee, should
be vested in a British militarycoin-
mender. The Irakis insist that the
command of troops, including those
less do not matter much in the ques-
tion of separation from the old home.
-`^ ' o
Minard's Liniment for Coughs, Colds.
rr American Illustrated self-help
magazine you ever saw, send 10c for
4 months' trial, The Balance, 026 No.
Claremont Ave„ Chicago. ,
raphe in postcard form and the pro=
back your, strength if run -
United States Coast and Geodetic
the many childhood ailments whi0h,
in which British .ground or air forces
ta of their sale will be devoted to
barity, at the request of both ser-tends
down- nay a box of Dr..,
Williams'Pink Pills to-
Survey ,and now a' geodetic net ex-
along the border from the At-
up It
are lire direct result of a clogged
Condition of the bowels or tt scar
take part, "should be in the hands of
The Irakis also ask that the pro
Employment in Canada on No. 1,
1929, was better than on that date in
yr' Stempa, Beat prices paid for Vi-
tenon lasues•on or off covers, collections
;and cad Igts bought. G. L. covers,,
Broadway Avenue, Toronto,
The.Br inch Navy
it 1�While
day. At all druggists and
dealers in medicine or
mail, postpaid,aWilljnts,
Columbia coast to the southern bound-
arY of Alaska.
this operation was in pro-
Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all
medicine dealers ,or by Mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
clamation of military law should be
reserved exclusively to the Irak Gov
any year on record. Reports from
0,391 firths showed a total of 938,943
employes as compared with 921,404 on
Jan. 1, 1929. Using the basis of the
� �°
List of 'Wanted inventions"
If any further proof of the pacific
from The Dr. Williams
gross industrial develop-
Ment was rapidly proceeding and rail-
Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont.
Anotherdemandis that the rail-
Year 1920 as 100; the index for stn-
and Full tnfor,.+ation sent Free
mentions of Great Britain Were need.
3, surely it has been supplied by the
Medicine Co.t $rgckville,
Ontario. s•te
way, mining and water power enter-
prises were entering new areas. Tilos
ways in Irak, although built and
maintained bythe British, should
to Irak free, that
ployment as at Feb. 1st last, stood at
110.5, while on Jan. 1st of this year,
on Request,
MID nnMSAY co„ aqui. W.
273' sant: fit.. Ottawa, out^
peel% of the Right Hon. W. C.
First, Lord of the Ad-
in urging the adoption of the
Estimates, Mr. Bridgeman,
increased the demand for importan'
data as to latitudes, longitudes, and
altitudos which it is the function of
the Geodetic Survey of Canada.. to
custom Or Co-operative hatch-
ing is.rapidly increasing in this corm-
tr , there are man poultry risers
3' Y p y a
11,Lo are so situated as to make it
necessary to continuo the use of the
pass ,the nation and
the land on which the Basrah port is
situated should bo transferred to the
Irak Government, Tbey object to' anY
part of the expense of the British
fit was 109,1 and on Feb, 1st, 1928, it
stood at 102,9. Unusually pronounced
activities ay0 shown in manufacturing,
logging ani mining.
4,, y „+,�'7001115,41104-.BY-
+ ' ^'t�tgABY:
y�/ T. IO$�0 3R D.
,��'P ��'' "`n " °rtias5
our, a e to r hits ,a
n rt sa."+=.• whir, amnr .w
Barred E«t,.
rho is about to retire after four
ears of devoted and arduous labors,
peaking with authority. He is' a
ayman, but Ile has. an expert knows-
furnish, In laying out the program
of work these developments were
fully considered and surveying W94
Clone in different parts of Canada to
brood hen. Circular No. 70 of the
Dtpattmetit of Agriculture at Ottawa
describes a useful nest which may be
made from.a twelve-foot board twelve
high Commission being charged to'
the Trait Exchequer. ,, Th ,submit
that the protection of the interests of
Irakis abroad should be tbeconcern228
Biologist sayswoman's sense of
humor is largely passive, Well, be
fug humored is the passive of humor.
a. n ,0^.A..rcw., E. a ',7“1•a
y s.rtom a a,, wnt",v,..a rt . iz<
' ,• t • j Na, wd.yo or'+yRIE QnC. 900K�
t , .�,' SeilWF.(al,,rxa'S PINERY.
dge of naval affairs. Moreover, he
I almost a fanatic on the question of
Canada Geese increase When
meet the most urgent demands. A
-bird's-eye view of the operations of
inches wide. By cutting the board
into three lengths, the top, the bottom,
of diplomatic ()dicers of the Irak Gov.'
eminent, and not of the British con-
Buffalo, N,v.
sos ntvs, a$za¢Eaa$a, o1QT. CAN:
Yet no malt has
een more extensively--and unjustly.
=blamed for warlike intentions,
Mr. Bridgeman was able to-tell the
Corse 01 Commons-and the world—
hat no other country ]las even tip-
coached Great Britain in practical
roof of a desire for Peace and a will-
Very rapid increase ryas taken
Place in the number of Canada geese
in the Vaseaux Lake bird sanctuary,
British Columbia, since this area was
set aside for this purpose in 1923, In
one part of the reserve; an island in
the' past few seasons and those im•
mediately in hand is instructive as
showingthat man names which oc-,
y -foot
cur in the Geodetic Survey program
aro those to which the eyes of the
country are directed by reason of de-.
velopmentsnow proceeding•
Muoh work has been done in thedoors
and the back of the range-are provid-
ed. Four pieces of similar board a"
square make the ends and pard-
tions for a three-nest section. When
these nests are used for incubation,
fronts should be provided. made of
slats and hinged at the bottom. These
when, open form an alighting
Objection is taken to the judiciary
agreements under which foreigners
would continue to enjoy privileges;
equal in some respects t ocapitula-
tory rights.
The Irakis ask for absolute Inde
pendence in uegotiatiiig with foreign
` a
g, YC
Clear Your Skin
or Disfiguring ate,"+"1,..
s $ •
1T ■�V, q e e as
RJB%' `V�4 ���H� (�
Sampie sone,' Ointment, Talcum (ice Add
'Caticura," Box 2616, Montreal, Canada.
agness to disarm. Since the warthe
he bas scrapped. 8,810,000 tons of
earships of all sorts, and the present
rnilding program is one of replace-
sent of: necessitous vessels only. Be.
ore the War Britain had 114 cruisers•
7 -day she has only 52. Before the
War the naval estimates amounted to
4 5 per cent, of the entire national
indict, To-day they are only 0.9
er cent.
lake where only three geese nest-
ed in 1919, thirty-five nests were
Counted in 1923. Throughout the
whole sancutazy the number of nests'
counted in the latter year was fifty-
five whereas in 1923 the number of
incubating birds was very small Ilk:
deed: During last summer oyes foul
hundred geese, were counted at one
--- •
You know a man by iia hautlwriting
Maritime Provinces. In tate past few
seasons this has been chiefly in south-
western 'Nova Scotia and , northern
New Brunswick;• from the latter area
the net enters Quebec by way of tate
Matairedia valley. The St. Laurence
valley Ilas been dotted with triangu-
lation stations from th strait of Belie
Isle to Montreal. A 'rtangitla'-'on net
has been run �ning the transcoutin-
ental fine Of •the Canadifn National'
Railways from the St. Lawt'ece to
board for the-hens when the nests Bowers, and demand the obalition of
are placed .one upon another. The British control ova financial policy
circular entitled "Natural Incubator;" in Irak,
published by the Dept. of Agriculture The most important of the centre-;
at Ottawa, recommends placing the verelal points; however ,is the tines-�®�
nests on an earth flora, but if this is tion of conscription which Irak na-
not practicable, it is important to place tionalists demand, and to which the
a moist sod in the bottom of the nest British object on the ground that its
and shape out. a shallow centre before enforcement would not be possible
covering with a layer• of cut straw or without the assistance of British
hay on which the eggs-are to rest; forces. The British decline to kelp
3 ` t `.
Y a
o eeeeinder
1�Yealth SaFi1n,
96 ° • �g
Until you get the
' ' ° a
These facts and figures speak for
and an artist by his technique.—'Sir
enforce military service by ]ending
a a
Milliard �� 1
helnselves. They cannot be denied.
Choy cannot be given any meaning
7osep}i Duveen:
the western boundary oe Qnebee, cul-
bracing n, the whole of the Rouyn dis•
////// :1 ',e'
their air force to the purpose, asps-
pially as It Would mean dragooning
f ?
,: iR
Y 0085
At the first sign of it, Its Healing
ither than that which they obviously
sear. The Anglophobes in the Uni-
ed ,States will probably find them a
- The HoldfastAdiustab12 window Lock
Met and connecting with the net
running up the Gatineau valley from
the Ottawa. ,
, If��e ?
//�/i, ty=
U / .i;
unwilling cultivators, mostly of the
Shish faith, into an army commanded
by Sunni Often from the cities.
qualities are Amazing. THE
Atter pill to swallow, fu: fair
open ori o &NNA, nuuwe gilts required i topw.•s
From the Quebec-Ontario boundary
ninded Americans will see in them
the rear guarantees of World
all rattles and draughts. Any lady Cin
1Hn a lr•e eetiialse tMores, uv send
the names that occur in the westward
extending net are Kirkland lake,
t cl= i
Man's Leadership
� #0111'
�ts Like a lFi
me of
nate. A nation that is building. for
ver, with an eye on imminent hoe-
fifties, would not-do as Britain has
25c (not stamps). Money baCk if not
satisfied. Goldsmith Co., 1Y Dundas St.
meat, Toronto."Why
Abitibi, Kamiskotia, Sudbury, and
Nakina. The last named is on the
LIKE HER OLD MAN Atlantic Monthly (Boston): We
don't you like the surgeon's generally recognize, if we are not
professional moralists, that modern
��llRRRR A666���
��� Cry
• in Relievingce dis
That's why so many people buy
•ranee fid to ens Couat, Ch, t and
hide mud all Throat, Chest and
Tone. Britain leads the world to-day
daughter," wromen s dress is healthy, comfort-
"Because to cutting
Lung troubles. It's instant, pleasant•
You'll iia
n the move for nayal -disarmament
Ie she has always done. It remains
she's given poo- able and becoming. It is, Indeed
pre like her cid man," probably the ' hest clothing devised
for H
guarante¢d. note unique
omens in thevery first dose—and
(here are 90 doses in a 76-cent bottle!
!or other countries which have made
said professions of a similar intent to�
mplement those professions by practi
sal deeds.-Montreal Star.
+ t
, U u P
s-• _
POOR POTATOES HARD TO SELL since classic Greek times Dither for
In potatoes as in other crops it js men or for women. But we do not
becoming more and more difficult to often realize that every improvement
dispose of the lower grades of stock. has been made by appropriating solpe-
ng already originated by men, not
Baby has littlo upsets at times. All
your care cannot prevent them. But
you can be prepared. Then you can
do what any experienced nurse would
do-what most physicians would tell
Ask your druggist for
tp, R. Buckler, Limited,
142 Mutual St., Toronto 2
�`r L :'KLEYS
t .
u natxrataE
Acts like a (lash-
�, .-,_ •:. -^--
The Bank Rate and Trade
Glasgow Herald (Cons.):, In con
' chest `r
children's bronehtal.atald a
In its report for 1927 issued by the by men dress designers, but originat-
Dept. of Agriculture at Ottawa, the
ed as a male fashion. Short hair, the
Dominion Botanist :makes the obser- open neck, short skirits, the loose
you to do-give a few drops of plain
Castoria, No sooner-done than Baby
is soothed; relief is just a matter
a single sip proves ii s2 ,
75c and 40c
tidering the question of bank rate andp
be kindred matters it is necessary to
:oke ion views and not allow the dis-
zdvantages of the moment to obscure
the ultimate good that may result
from a temporary dearer money
finer relief than
" 'r ailments' n ..
- .,• : Vends LiBhtniii . Coag h Syrup
,5, Children love it. v its
/, . viii
' •.;•..c
\ration that consumer's have become jumper, rolled stockings, are all good
keen students of goods of all kinds
features which long ago were worn
and are becoming more accustomed to
by men. A century ago the sailor
standardization and have defi• nite Bound it comfortable to loosen his
ideas as to what they wish 21na variety focollar and leave his neck free, and so
quality and price. The d n
to developed the sailor jumper with
better •table potatoes; he points out,
of moments. Yet you Have eased
your child without nae of a single
doubtful drug; Castoria is vegetable,
So it's safe to use as often as an !n-
font has any little pain you cannot
pat ruelY. And it's always ready for
Q pt �j{� R
f echo t� ;:
Over weak,0 women and gi
unable to do the
15 who
-r ,.
policy: It is less than a week sande
he bank rate was raised by 1 per
tont„ but in that short time the
value 'of the pound in terms of Uni•
, rce 4 se ' : fs `+
l�r y ; a: t : "": r S r . „
its broad, oast' collar'. Today fn
moans that Vetter seed must be plant- America this is o much a girls dress,
ed and the demand for better seed-is
though it has assumed commissioned
stimulating the growers, to still fur- rank and become a "middy," that
the crueler pangs of colic, or eonstipa-
tion, or diarsbfla; effective, tot, for
older children. Teentyflve. m]111on
bottles Were bought last year.
dwere own and work
proper}y, have improved their
health by taking Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound. By
ed States dollars has improved con-
P „ _
her effort in reducing the disease con- most boys would object to wearing it
accurate record, 98 out of ever 100
benefit, You Be almost
s]derably and:so made easier the pur-
- -
l kgEo STEM . , ,yes
f RUST :," Q,,
tent of their crop and in the selection
on the grounds that it :is girlish. The
of potatoes true. to type demanded
+ +
report can
certain+that it will help you too.
inose of the raw materials which
feed our manufacturing industries,
��yoa Ea �ONrk -
(� w I t
under the variety name under which roiled stocking and the short sidrt
ion ago.fnvented by the Scot-
Lydia E. °PinkDaa
which, according to the 'Board of
t _
• 16i � ,"a ��
Olin ��
were g
they are sold., Mr. • Gussoly reaches tisk Highlander, was certainly
��ll A
® �'
- ..
Prado returns, we are now prepared
these conclusions from hn contact with who
the not a "sissy" Person. Torday an
Le {•�
to buy in larger quantity.
the potato growing industry an
to disease A erican
r Ft
inspection swevice related ,
Eng them on the grounds that his sis-
The Art of Salesmanship
( --- - - ; Ok£gs _,._
-� „t .
problems carried on by the Botanical ter wears them
London Evening News (Ind Cons.):
rhe really difficult art (I salesman-
� a.,
Some nteyterious pull makes the Minard's •Liniment prevents flu.
of s tree rise. And this is
ihip is the art of selling something..,„,z......sap
for which there is no existing de-.
Piers Pe i3l•lton fails and his'
, g�.';'
especially true in the caseof a;family�
tree's gap. "My dear girl," exclaimed and el-
derly lady. "Do know that the
, ' 6cHd'Ns
!allure does him credit. Ills instinct
ellin his fellow
revolts against( selling(
men something they do not want, Just
as it' revolts-or used to revolt-
' HES"—
1 T f3 bulletins and pamphlets were pre re , anci prtnteii at your
use• The contain a rear deal o, very valuable information-heavily
w�vorfteet out kyalte staff et semat Cts employped by the . otnatton apart•
fli`e»t of Agriculture. If any or all of th wailer her oy
work, or inlet raving our home aurroun i»', ott,inq '49,11
Il] noir have been 'University
beard- man you are intending to marry drinks
and gambles?" "Yes. I ani
rowing contest. You simply Can't
g going' to marry him to reform him."
keep college athletics down. Listen to me, my girl! Try an ex-
For e AcidC
the A
against, making them do anything epee
witfidut coat--s mply by marking with an t'7#" the Ohio you %Aul iite;
perinient before you do that," "What
they do not want to de. lie sets
about puffing a newfangled gadget
lisare lessl , knowing,that all gadgetsweek's
the. Ameri•
' fillingin the coupon below, and:marlmg this advertisement to us. No
inatage ie requited,Amo
Y j, ��jj9t GHcti"' Not 62
• ,'irzecfdgziean 411feequito. Control in Renede't--•
y' • ! " -
FAR E. -
Requiring Brklah help-81nAle men,
le the experiment?" "Take in a
washing to do, and see Il-
you like it!"
e i yBut
can ivhoso whole outlook on fife d
iteehanistiC ,leaps o fttlly'to the task,e
j Y
. h•hdul. lefetmafiop for every yga$ow-fo neat the brei es. fare.
t f these peete so they sennet mu duly.
Bottom e.9ahad,
„ +.- Duflgda No. tle
Manures end F•rdlirere' 6�
womenfarm , or families, to assist' with,
Rev, Alex.
NaCG Eaor, 48 Victoria rk, should t$t. Tdronto•
These people will. be arriving alloy
makegy Mayor of �a French town
in accordance with, the regulations, to
a passport for a rich and
_ -
the.smell town 18
qq „ „ r{ d-
eq of is ,s about barnyard( manure, " , ,Annus(. Flowers +f{ a .fid_., s•
p7m'au»Ury ind edmoserdpl fefdax• Serlptlontl dt En the *anthill) thee will
March 15, �Yi�
hi hl tespeeted of his acquaint-
Sick stomachs ,sour stcamehs and
Take a spoonful water and you
unhappy condition will probably en
IE .rho sin of
ere—fenl9zerraommshdadons forirn' .: °row in Cansdn•--varigtlee reoom-...
r�� .. ante, who, in spite of a slight dis•
indigestion usually: mean excess acid.
in ftve Tlseu wib] arnil
over-familiarity, which results In petty
>iossiping,. the sin of the big city ?b
apt to be an ander-familiarity, whtOh
e in 3gtiifFcrenee.-
Wilt; ftnally• result
Bishop' Edwin Bolt 'Ilughes.:
rtrnaud ctoys Yscnded !or diHrrene.e¢Nede.
Pablicatione ranch
f pamphlets)
Pluses send me, frim bf chargee the bailable or. amphfeta which
I have•marked with an "X",'
Sora .� ery vain In her per.
izi 8011al appearance`the
His native Pato-
jCY,(�,T; f $ uess prompted him to gloss over a de-
- beat, aitt r a moment's reftedtfou
iii I ! Tir¢s, Coaster Srekes, he wrote among the items of personal
The :Ammon nerves are over•stimu-
rated. Too much acid malted
stomach; and intestines sour,
Alkali kills acid instant] .The
y best
form is Phillips' Mille of Magnesia,
nriuutea, yotl
know what to do. Crude and harmft
methods will never appeal to you- G
prove this for gout Own oke,
may save a great many disagreeabl
011e-thil'ti of the acc111anta In bknlll•
o Yellin
tug eonsttuction aro duet g .
objects, says a statistician ' .. The
R. R: No
,;; (Clip 051 and null the •whole Adr ... eel *
uhe¢sl)3innerTubeb,Lamps; cteacriptiwi - "eyes ,dark, beautiful, Because one harmigss, tasteless dose
Begs tya10Cr1eCere, 'Saddles' i -
-Vh°.., (Uh ', icquipMerttand pe' f ge tender, expressive; but one of them neutralizes many times its volume in
os Icon" cycles. You cdnbuy your sup- missing," Iacid, Since its invention, 50:years
lilies from us at wholesale
it has the standard
Be sure to get the gomtiue Phillip
Milk of Alagnesia preassibed by Phys
clans for 50 years IP correcting exce0
Bach bottip contains full dire
sale applies 100 .per cent,,,hokee vel, in
price b. Catalogue free. ago, retnalned
T W hflV11 E CAti1 3lSNotre,Dhunest.W. IASI IV. Mc, 1 2_'2') with physicians everywhere,
tions-any drugstore,