HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-04-04, Page 5aitaa THITRSDAY, APRIL 4, 1929, CHAIN RED &WHITE STORES Saturday, April 6th, finishes our big Cash Sale. However, we will continue big • values at all times. Buy your grub at the Red and White and thrive. Javel Water, bleaches snowwhite, bottle. lOc Coffee, Red and White, freshly ground 60c Asparagus Tips, about 60 tender spears, per tin. 36e iSptnach, ,Hunts, a peck in a can, • tilt 19c O'Keefe's Ginger Ale, add zest to• any party„ ; , . , , doz $1,80 Plus 3c Deposit on each bottle, Chipsq, large package , , ..... „ , , . , , , , , , 21c W. StewartPhone 77 ,M, Ross J Sproat p Phone el?EPt We pay the highest prices for good cream. Our services to ourpatrons are the best that can be given. Do not send d your cream to other. , Creameries • we ' w n it .here. a.t To operate a Creamery we need; your co-operation. P In'return for you co-operation • we will give P you of our best in. service and prices. We are' agent for the M`llo g e rte 'Cream Separa • m P Come in and see the new Models. Seaforth; Creamery Co Seaforth, Y o, th, t C, A. BARBER; Prop. p Qut; U DER A I N T NG A -and-- • EMBALMING Motor or; Horse Equipment W, J. WALKER, holder of"Go- vernment diploma and license. , Flowers Furnished. Night or:day phone 67. D. H. McInnes chiropractor Of Winghana, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated, Electricity : used. =Just Try ..It When you feel tired and drowsy, :.slip around the corner and get a massage' at SID'S S SHOP You may come in with a grouch but will go` out with a smile. Phone 125, Pianos Tuned Cleaned ' and Repaired. Chas. A. Noe. �ha w , Residerice ••; James St. A Bright School Boy. Teab7ier-IWhat as ;Bolton Joismity--IBoots and shoes: Teaehei--�Oorrect.• And Chicago? 5ahil ty--iShoots alai booze. J'• � , ,. tor• s Opportuniiy Municipal Bankers Corporation Montreal Debenture Corporation Canadian Terminal System 6 per cent. Dollar for Dollar Gold Bonds $500 and $1000 .' . Interest ooupons payable half -year- ly without charge at.either the Can- adian Bank of Commerce or Domin- ion Bank., Price: 100 and',acerued interest There, has never been one dollar lost since -Confederation on bonds se- cured- as are these Dollar for Dollar Bonds: A D. SUTHERLAND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY Real Estate, ' Conveyancing,. Bond., and Investments Phone 152 • Removed- to New Office, opposite Daly Ford Garage Seaforth, Ontario. Special Optical Offer.. Have your:` Ayes examined by our it'eIl known and painstaking special- .ist; Mr. Hug•lison, formerly optical ex- pert for Ken n is Toronto, and t Henry Morgan \io n ga & Co„ Montreal. You are assured of the best optical work to be obtained and at very - moderate, cost. Our 'frames and mountings are the best make of the best makers and our prices are from $4.00 up. Tuesday, \Wednesday. April 9th and ]0th;""Close Wednesday at 4 p.m. Come early. BtEJATTI�E'S RAIR, Seaforth, BROTHER DIES SUDDENLY The death occurred suddenly on Monday afternoon while at work, of. Mr. James Burdge, of Hamilton, bro- ther of Mrs. W. F. McMillan, of 'Eg-' inondville, 'Mr, Burdge was born in Zorra 54 •years ago, moving while_ a young lad to the London Road near Bru.cefield, He lived itt the West for 15' years, going, to Hamilton 6 years ago. Four years ago he was married to Miss McKay, of"Hatnilton, who Survives, Besides his wife, there sur- vive his mother; Mrs. John Burdge, of Brucefield;.5 sisters and one brother,. Mrs. W. F. McMillan, Egmondville; Mrs. Thos. Chapman, Mrs. John Wat- son, Mrs, Robt, Watson. and Mrs., Douglas Fo'theritfgham; aft of Tuck- erstnith, and Mr. Fred Burdge, of the London Road. All the brothers and .sisters attended the' imam.' in Hamil- ton on Thusday. BORN. McKIENZiIIE;-On Thursday, March 21st, .2• t to1 a tnl tote t Mrs. R. D. 'l2 �_' ICei�i. I c F of ntoudv ill , c ason. g , .Engaging a ,Booster, ' \!di, n I Started iai life/'said the, successful fnau''`ptiui!pouslyy "I `resol- ved 'teat my niiottp' Should be Get thebr'beltltiel ttee'r S.'ttatie"` Dxrellaitt,' nt'urmured• a listener, "There's•r•nothnig, •tiite..,starting with a good backing,". Cuts acid 'Bruises '• Dihappear:- \Yhen suffering fa'oiu cuts, swatches, bruises, sprains, sore throat, or chest 'and .any similar ailment, use . Dr, Tliohtas' ] clectric Oil, lts.• hegli,pg;: power ts'vi'ell l.nown 10 every stae than !of tli.e c''dm�tnniity. 'A bottle of'Df, .Thomas l2clectric Oil should be,'lii. every mealtime chest ready. for the emergencies that may always be"an- ticipated. ., THS S`iAFOR'J'H NEWS TOWN TOPICS The tire brigade intend holding' _ a euchre oil i'ueeday, April'16th, Watch for particulars next week, Master Woodrow Mercer of Tor- onto, is spending his holidays with. his aunt, Mrs, W. N. Keechtel,, Mrs. J,' R• .Hillis and Mr, Arnold Turnbull, 13;0„ and Miss Mildred Ttirnbttll, of Tonott'to, spent the holi- days at tate home of their mother, Mrs, George T. Turnbull, M. and Mrs. Alex. Muir of Oshawa spent the Easter holiday with friends in town, Mr, Gordon Muir returned on Monday, with them, ' Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Legg and son, Willard, of Windsor, spent the week end with Mrs, Legg's brother, Mr, George MlGavin, and Mrs, Mc - Miss Miss A, M, Knechte1 of Burlington, and Miss Grace Knech'tel of Ancaster, are holidaying at their home in Eg mondvifle. Mr, and Mrs, A. P. Twidale of Niagara Falls, spent the week end with the latter's sister, Mrs, J. F. Snowdon, owdou, Mr, Leonard Brown of Toronto spent Easter with his parents, Rev. and: Mrs, T. H, Brown at the rectory, Miss Ria Hills, Oshawa, is spend- ing the vacation with her parents. Mrs. Harry ,Stewart and children of New Hamburg are holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Robert 'McKay. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stetvens and chil- dren, Kitchener, were Sunday visitors with Miss. Belle Jackson, Miss Mary as , ksou J of Toronto University, s enit 1 P the holiday with her parents Mr, and Mrs. L.C. Jackson. Miss Lillian Morley is spending the vacation at her home in Milverton. Mr, and Mrs, W. Firdayson, Mil- venton, are visitors with Mr. and Mrs.. Weiland, and M rs. •.H •Weiland, who have: spent the winter with friends.in' Oak- ville ,and Toronto, returned home last week. Ae very successful' euchre and•dance was' held by the .Seaforth Bowling Club in .the. G)W.V,,A. rooms on Monday' evening. The fitsi.;.prizes were won by:. -ladies, Mrs, ,William Devereaux and •gentlemen's, .by Mrs. F. G, B o�tltoins; of Woodstock; lone hands, Mr. Lorne Date, Miss Jennie McBride is 'speeding, the week with Mrs FtNarnitaim in'Clin-, tori, ' Miss •Jean- Cluff-of t,Loti on, ; d N"orinal spent the holidays, with::her parents," Mr. ,aitd'Mrs.,A; puff. i IL. John Archbald, .;oE, ,Toronto aphnt; the weekend W1th Iii; ,p -,»rents, Mr r atf4l Mrs: Arct h Bald Tuckersintth ,' .,;,. to Misses Doris and'Kathleen' Twain ley of Stratford visited their grand. mother, Mrs.• Willtarri"Westeott,• and Mr. and Mrs,ArnoldA Westco+ bt. Miss Gladys T shorn son of i Y P Niagara ora g Falls is spending P g the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B, Thomp- son. Miss Dorothy Kerslake and Mr nald Kerslake of Toronto, spent helidtay with the parents, Mr. d Mrs. W. E. Kerslake♦ iss Eliaaibeth Smith is visiting in OS and Toronto. essrs, John McNay, Thomas dds and John Cami be!l'are attend - the the Educational Association meet,. itt Toronto this week.' 2r. W. H. Little, of Norwood, is ndi•ng the week with his father, Mr. rem Little. • entember the play, "Twelve Old ids," presented by the C.G.IT. at st Presbyterian Church on Wed - day, April 10th, iisses Flossie Jlacobs and Violet e and Messrs. Harvey and Will t and Bob McQuarrie, all of Tor- o, were Easter guests of Mr, and . William Kruse, rs. Peckelder, of Lansing, Mich,. dsiting her parents on the Mill d. ' and Mrs. \\rill am Charles- th, of Toronto, are visiting with and Mrs, James Stewart. r. Thos. Grieve and Misses Bessie Margaret Grieve- nidtored' to dsor: over ;the week -end, ''Mrs •y Grieve and baby Tom,',t of dyor, who have been visiting here, ltd with `the'nt iss Bella. C. Siprbat received word Ohilliwack,'B.C„ of the death er sister-in-0aw, Sirs, George A. at, who t s iffier a stroke oke and cll away on the _...25th day of h, Do _the an OM Do ing ing spe And Ma Fir nes Tat Har onit Mrs 'M is Roa woe Mr. M and. Win Hart Win tetur M • froiti of h S ro P passe Marc• M ter, silent form I3otto were lit spend toile Mr. Mr, Kerr, the h Mrs. Mr. Toros hotite Mr. the ho smith. Mr, Miss Olive, of St. Marys; and Mr, Mr F. G. Bottoms and her'daugh- Miss: Frances, ` of Woodstock, bhe holiday at the "home of the er's sister, Mrs.' A. F. Cluff. Mr. its ,and Mr. Douglas •Moyer also here. Cliff Trott, of Schomberg, is ittg the Easter holidays at his here. Brenton Kerr, of Buffalo, and Howard Kerr and bit'. Leslie of Toronto, spent the holiday at owe of their parents, lir. and Tames I{err, and Mrs, James Gillespie, of to, spent th'e holiday at the of Mr. and Mrs, Neil Gillespie, Rianald Reinke, Toronto, spent liday at his home in Tucker - and < Mrs.Rohl, Elliott ' au i and Mrs, : -Bert Fell, of Chiselhtrst, Tailoring Ladies' and Gentlemen's TAILORS Give us a call OGHr�� LL TAilO'R1'INGtc 0. 10$ Downie St, STRA,TFORt PLAY ENTITLED `Twelve Old Maids" And -Program by Local Talent Presented by the C,G.I.T. at FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, SEAFORTH Wed O AT 8:15 P. NI. Admission 25 Cents EVERYBODY WELCOME were guests of 'itIr. and Mrs. John Love, Misses Ida and Eva Love, of To- ronto, are spen'ditig the week with their parents,' Mt. and Mrs, John Love, • and will return to the city on Saturday. IDr, Aubrey Crich and 12r. Fred Crich, of Toronto, spent the holiday t the a home of their Mrs, W, A. Crich, parents, Mr. and Miss Gertrude Crich, of Toronto, arrived on Tuesday to spend the tveelc-end at her. home here. Mr, M. Patterson, of Toronto, was a visitor last week at the home o•f Mr. and Mrs. E, L. Box. Miss Eva Fee, of Gerson, is spend- ing the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wellington Fee, 1 YIr F. . S ,S avau Pontiac out g, tac teat l er Was Wa in Osl a tnaon Wednesday, ;Miss Louise Allen, of Ha'fnilton, is spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Allen. Mrs. John .Sproat and Miss Anona Dale are spending bhe week, in De- 'troit. Mr, Leslie \W'atsoit, of Toronto, was an Easter vistor with. his father;, Mr. James Watson • • •hiss Florence' Laidlaw, of Toron- to, was^•an Easter ••visitor at: her home,' Mrs. Constable and family, of Ha- milton, and Miss .Myrtle, Sharkey were holiday. visitors with Mr., and.. Mrs. Nixon: ' ' Mrs. James Armstrong, of Blyth, ,s visiting her brother,.' Mr. James Nix- on. ' • • Mr,'and'Mrs, W. E. Chaptnan.spent Easter:. with their sons in• Bridgeburg, tdgeburg,: Mr, Thos, •Gillespie,.. of Toronto, was _a.,holiday •yia!tor=here „Mr.. and Mrs W, •1+, McMillan• arid \Ii•. Jaehes Allen are attending:, the funeral of the, late Jtattres. Burdge„ Of Hamilton, ` which takes .place, o i Thursday, and' Mrs, s, M'dArtet and "faintly,' Guelph, and Mr. and' Mrs. Std Morton of Port:Nelson, spent Easter -with Mrs., J. H. Broad'foot, Mr, George Bethune g u e Left this week for Port McNichol. 1�ich 1 o. Mr. and Mrs. George Fitzgerald, „f Hamilton, Mr. Lance Norris, Toron- to' and Mr, and 'Mrs, Jack Norris, of Bruc'efield spent Easter with Mrs. Hugh Wright. aft, Jint. Smillie., ..oi Drumheller, Alta„ has been visiting his father Mr. W. R. Smillie. Mr, and Mrs. E. R. Crawford and son are spending the holidays do In- gersoll.. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Jones left on Wednesday morning for New :York and: sail on Friday for Liverpool, In- spector Black, of the Head Office, ToroFto, is Acting Manager at the Dominion Bank, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Scott, ]3rus'sels, spent the. week with the Misses Brine and leave on Friday to visit their sort in Hamilton. • Miss Dorothy Hutchison, of St. Catharines, and Mr. ‚George Hutchi, son of London, were Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs, F. D. Hutchison, IRev, and Mrs, W. P. Lane and Miss Helen Lane are holiday visitors in Toronto 'Mr, Gordon Rolph, of Toronto, was a holiday visitor et his home.. Miss McLeod, of Toronto, is visit- ing Miss Jessie Bethune, - ,Miiss Mary Reid is spending the week With her aunt, Mrs. Powell; itt Stratford, Mr. Frank Coates, Havelock, :s spending the holiday with his mother, Mrs, R. E. Coates.. Mr. Frank \icClinchey, who has been fetter in the Zurich Bank, has taken a osition in P the Seaforth Creamery.. Miss Janet Govenlock, of Weston, is spending the holiday With her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Govenlock, Messrs, Douglas and Louis Wilson, of Toronto, were •Easter guests of their uncle, Mr. J. A. Wilson, • •\lr. Thos, . Smith, Windsor, and Miss Midell, London, spent Easter with Mrs. A. 'E, Stark. 'Mrs. M. Woodley, of Preston, wits a visitor with lir. and Airs, C. Finkbeitter. BRUCEFIELD. The following is the report ' of S.S. No, 3, Tuckersmith, for the month of March, The percentage 'nark is stated after. each naive. A star before a name indicates that the pu- pil was absent for most of the exam - Mations. Sr, IV. -Janet Watson,• 78, Eliza- beth Beoadfoot 74, Billy : Calwill 72, Bab McCartney 62, Mildred Robins 60 Gordon 'Rrright 56, Evelyn Wil- son 54, ,Ti',; 'IV, -Jean Watson 70, Willie Popple 64, Bruce Armstrong 56, Nel- son !Forrest 20, *!Robert Papple, Jr. IDI. -'Bobby Dalrymple 69, Earl Popple 62 W, D. Wilson 5"3, Arthur Wright 44, James McCully 38, Mary McCully 35, 'Beatrice Armstrong 32, Howard: Walter 30. Sr. H. -+Gertrude Walter 80, Annie Popple 77, Alice Wright 75, Delbert Taylor 28, Jr, II.-bfaynte Watson $7, Flora McDougall 76, Mac Wilson 70, Don- ald MacDonald 42, Isabel Armstrong 30, *Annie 13. iicDougall, Priaiter• 4Elsie Robins 97, Grace Dalrymple 95, Ervin Sillery 90, Ivan Taylor 80, _Muriel Wright 80, Myrtle''apple 74; Ruth' Walter 67, itelton Taylor 66,. Morley Wright 44. Teacher L. Boyce, Mr. Wallace Ross, of Flint, Micit, and Mies Grace;Itoss, . of Windsor, are,spettdattg the Easter holidays with their parents, bit', and Mrs,. 4Villiattt A. Ross, Mr, :Laurie Hyde- and Miss Erna Hyde .are home Visiting their parents, Mr, and Mrs, Joint Hyde, Stanley, Mr, Alex, Hyde of Oshawa is hone visiting his parents, Mr,: and Mrs, Hyde, Stanley.. Mt•. and Mrs. Melvin Talbot visited friends in Seaforth on Sunday. Mr. Oscar Tebbutt and family of Clinton moved to Brncedeld last week and are now, occupying the rooms ov- er C. D. Siutpsoe''s store. Easter visitors, Mr. W. W. Me. Queen and daughter, Sheila, of Tor- onto, visited at the home of the for- tner's parents and other friends last Anna -Haughaoftan Haugh To onto spent the week end at the home of their par- ents, Mr. Lance Norris of Toronto visited at the' home of his parents. Mr, and Mrs. James Hill and fanc- ily of Stratford, spent Easter Sunday at the hone of Mr. A. Caldwell. Mr, Ball Caldwell spent Saturday in StnatEord, • Afr. Lorne Taylor and family spent Sunday at Grand Bend, Mr, 5, McEwen agent Easter Mon- day in Clinton, Mr, Bert Royce spent Sunday with Mr Brill e Cald wl I. 1 2r. Gordon Keeler is spending the holiday at his 'home in Mitchell, ,Miss Vera Pepper spent the holi- day at her home ht Stanley,' Miss Lillian Aikenhead of London s visiting at the home of her aunt, Its, T. B. Baird, Mr, Elwood Stackhouse of Guelph, vas a week end guest at his hone, Miss Ina Scott of London spent the week end at the home of her mother, iris, A,T. Scott. Mr. , Jim { t I tc 7 e hen has. returned to otonto aider visiting at his home Miss Dorothy Robins has taken a osition in Hensall, Mr, .and Mrs, Lindsay Eyre have eturned from visiting friends 'in Michigan • Miss Margaret Aikenhead of Lon on was a • week end guest at the otne bf her parents,. Mr, and Mrs. He ikenhead, Miss Laura Swan of Toronto ,rs siting at her; home. here, Mr: Clarence Aria strong, who ha;' sen visiting' at his home here, has turned to Toronto. Miss Thane •Snider of London wase oliday visitor at her -home here,.. a Mr R MoNaughton of Thamesford. visltitig at the home of his parents,.. r,' and. Mrs, John •McNaughton, . Miss Edna. Th'omps'on of C'olliti ood. is visiting g qg at; her • borne ,here, Mr, and' Mrs, 5, Cameron of Strat-' rd are visiting at the home, of i12eGregor, Stanley Mr, and Mrs,•Jlim Hill of Stratford e visiting; friends • hete. • Miss ' Heleu,lDavidson of, •Londoq. s a week end visitor at the horne her,ano�ther; Mrs.;A. Davidson. Mr. C. H. Haugh is attending the EA, e n �' o v cotton in Toronto tfr' is ek as a delegate ate .from' Si S. S S. 0 3 N c6erstnith. Y 1 T P t• i d A tai b re h is M ,aa fo Nr ar wa of :O.E .we Tu Misses' Leila -and Eva Stackhouse' and Mr, Elwood Stackhouse visited in Blyth at Sunday, • Mr, Clifford Broadfoot of Flint, was a .week end guest at his home. - Mrs, F. Todd of Toronto is visit-` ing•fnfend's here. Mr. and Mrs. J..B. Aikenhead and. daughter Jean of London visited with friends here on Friday, Miss Aldrige and Mr. Vine, of Lon- don, spent Easter with bliss lav Gipson and lir. Gibson. Mrs. Arthur McQueen and Miss Mary' Gibson are spending a •few dais at the end of the week with friends in Landon. Eyre -Douglas,- .The hone of Mr. and Mrs. William Douglas, Bruce - field, wa's the scene of one of the sea- son's prettiest weddings when their only daughter Margaret Ann Pearl, was united in marriage to Lindsay Eyre, son of lir. and Mrs. George Eyre of Tuckersmitlt, Rev, Mr. Mc- Elroy of Hensall, officiating, The pride entered ..the.. drawing roost on the arm of her father and took her place ,before. a beautiful arch of pink and white• banked with Boxwood •and ferns. She was gowned in pink satin trimmed with' gold' lace. Wearing a veil caught with orange •blossom's and carried• a bouquet of sunburst roses, maiden hair fern and sweet peas. Miss Irene Douglas of Hensall played the 'wedding march. The groom's gift to the bride was an anniversary.' clock and to the 'pianist a string of pearls, s. Immediate I after e r the cere- mony Y ce e mony the guests repaired to the dim- ing room. which was decorated in pink and white where dinner was served to about sixty guests. For trat•elling the bride donned a dress of independ- ent blue crepe navy coat, with coney fur beige haat and shoes. They left amid showers of confetti . and good wishes for Windsor, Detroit and oth- er points. When. they return they will reside at Brucefiel'd,' Guests were present from Marlette, Mich,: London, Seaforth; Hensel', Hills_ green, Zurich and .Chiselhurst. One of the guests was the bride's grand- mother, Mrs. Anti Hudson, of Hen - sail, who is eighty-nihe years of age, A feature of the event was the fact that it was the 29th anniversary of the bride's parents. BAYFIELD. 'Mrs. H, Miller and daughter, Rose Mary MMillet', of lit. ,Clemens,Mich.; Miss Lola Elliott and Mr. J. Miney, of Detroit, spent Easter with Mrs. W. Elliott. ' Miss Elva IDewat•, of Toronto, and Mt, 'David Detvar, of Chalk River„ are spending the Easter vacation at their Home. • • Misses Anna and Gwen Elliott, of Toronto, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. H 5, rosea Miss. Ethel Jowett, 'New Dundee, utcl Grace Jowett, of London, :are holidaying at their home,. Dr, E. P. Lewis and ,Mfrs, Lewis, If T'oronto, spent, the Itolitlay with Dr, and Mrs. N'• W. ,Woode. Miss Abut McKay returned to To- ronto on [Monday haring spent the Easter week -end at her 'home. Miss Ruth ldusetem returned to. Ionclem on Monday, having spent the holiday with her patents, Mt•, air! Mrs, S. 2Itteston, Rev. R. M. Gale, bits. Gale arid' Miss Gladys Gale motored to Kitch- ener on Monday to visit the Forster% sister for a few days, Mewls L4W euce and ,Fred F,owlie. spent .Easter at their home, Mr. and Mrs, G. M. Fisher, Ruth, Jean and Jint;Fisher spent Good Fri- day as the guests of Mr. and Mrs, F. A. Edwards. Mr, Pirie spent the Easter week- end at his home at Listowel. Pub- lic W. Rae, principal of the Pttb- School, is.. spending the Easter va- cation at Itis home at Wroxeter, Miss Thelma Ritz, of Toronto;,and Mr,'S. Castle, of Clinton, are holiday- ing at the former's home, Mr. G, Elliott motored to London last week. Mrs, J. Fraser, who Inas spent the wetter gat-°Goderich, returned to her home last: week, Miss •Mary Wild of 'Toronto spent Good Friday et her home, Mr, and Mrs.' G. Knight of Toronto spent the week end with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, F. 'Gemein- hardt, Mr.. and Mrs. 'Percy Weston of 1 t- chener" spent the holiday and nveelc end with Mr. and Mrs, H. Westort, Mr. Clayton Weston., who has spent, some time in Detroit, returned home last 'Friday, Mr, .R Rich, J ch who spent the' i p t a week n 'village e re +- 4 returned to ,Detroit t on'Sak- urday, ; The Young' PeoP1e of Brucefiteld church will Present" the play "TUE PA'T'H OVER THE HILLS" r -in-- Winthrop (''lurch Friday, April 5th At Eight O'Clock Admission: Adults 35c, Children 20c ' WINTHROP Air, and Mrs, Ferg. - Bullard and children, Ur..Jno, Bullard and Miss Jean Holland motored to London on Saturday, Mrs. Bullard intends stay ing a week with her parents, lir. and Mrs, Jam. Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Clarke and Miss Margaret Johnston spent Sun- day friends ein tndsVarna, Quite t a number S2 t u tube r Ero nt here attended ended the Spring Show in Seaforth last Thursday afternoon, Mr, Archie Campbell of Toronto, Miss Jean Woods of Galt is spend- spentrs,aures wCatm is parents, rents, Mr. and ing the Easter vacation at her home, • J M Jack Campbell returned to Toronto with Death of Robert S. Blair, -It, was his brother to attend the Trustee Con- e great shock to the community when'veution in Toronto this week,. it was learned of the sudden passing o, and Mrs Melvin Clarke at his home about 11.30 aan. on Thursday hursda last, March , y 2.8h h. He had been ' t dra wing gravel all m'orning,, had put 'his team away and gone to the house, was sitting in the dining room and when Mrs. Blair' entered in a few minutes found he had passed away, liior,sottte time he:has had heart attacks,at;d. had, remarked that morn- ing to, -,the hien with .whom he was tvorkmgarliat •he had pains aroupd his heart' 'tut thgttgbt it wop1d pass away as'efore,' Bob; as he was known, had 1 wide circle 'Of' friends who will re- gret to':Itear of. his sodden' passing. Fie'-was,,•born• in -Goderich township. March- 5th .1370; son aria Samuel and Elizabeth 1B1a r,-_w.ho, with their; fam- ily, ,•,carte -.k •d3ayfield, forty-seven years ago.; lie. was married to Miss bfunie.I V'.t' smolt daughter of Mr. attcl Irs, Rlahard Weston of 'Goderich Towhsitifil,' nbti' of "'Bayfield, tIe. is, survived'b3' his ivido'w, three sans and one daugghter:Wilmer and Robert, at aye m Totgnto,, hone•r..Qeagge:.of Detroit, and. Harold,,$tandon„.of -:B eld �:Mrs, Mr. John MdGsatI 'shipped` ta ape titt'g tiro.blters and, Ave sisters,. Also car'tload of horses to ' • ' 'con Sat - sisters, • John urday, " •Blair „Shtjit Ste:" 'M ria,• Thomas of Robert S. Blair, which took lace Tuesda. a rtn ar c spent P Y 'aa London. Misses Edna Campbell and Minnie Wheat W le are Y spending tt P their r East er v coli' a on with their parenMs,• Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Doltnage en- tertained a few . of their friends last Friday evening, , everyone ..enjoying themselves, Miss Lydia Reid `is`s;pending her Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reid of Harlock, DUBLIN.. Miss Anna • ltolyneaux, of Kitch- ever, spent the week -end with her parents here. Miss \clary Beale visited friends ,n Stratford on Saturday. Mr, and 'Mrs: T. Oihlyner, of Tay- istoek; were Sunday visitors• at the home of Mr, and. Mrs,-James•Shea. Me, and Mrs. Michael Feeney, ' of Detroit,: are visiting their; many friends:anopod here. . +Mr.. John .Arnold i J w} is spenili g a few days 4 yr West Superior; for Pot h Hait,ii ' p Blair; iS Baie.: b t Jennie' Blair `�Sau]'t � Ste. Marie; ;Mr's Atlex McKenzie,'Saskat- chewatr; Mrs: Thomas Ward, "Strath.. cons, Alta,; Mrs. 'Robert Harris, Port. Hurn •.. Mrs ' n Peter McGee, eeStanley .ton ts' i th. The, te, T funeral was held' on Satur da a t� the ' y` ,fternoon:front his late home 13a3slteld cemetery, Rev. R, 'M Gale coeductin a o . g' most ,impressive' service: It was one of tlie largest fu- nerals ever -seen in'B'aylfield. The pall- bearers 'werti, George Lindsay, John 'Lindsay: Wm.- Higgins, Robert Pen - hale. 'Jahn- Cameron and Chris, Park- er. Relatives present from a distance were Georg . Blair, ,,Detroit; John Blair„ Salt Ste, Marie; ,Mrs:Harris, Port Huron. The bereaved have the sympathy..oi. many friends in 'their loss, The`'following teachers 'tire/holiday ingat home; Misses Annie McGrath, Marie'.Bemmnge',Evelyn:: Delaney. iMrs. Jas. Maloney returned to St. Joseph's hospital on Sunday. for treat- ment. Herat an f nen ds , wish to - see' her around• soon. Mis Thm l ' Miss es Henn ick, t k, of Stratford is visiting at, the home of Mrs, Alex, Darling, Miss Mary McDaid, of Galt i spending her Easter holidays With hes sister, Mrs, Gar, Smith. • Miss Mary Hills of London, and Miss Ruth Hills, of. Exeter; are holi- daying at their home in the village. Mrs,. Thos. Burns has retorned home after a pleasant visit with her dau- ghter, Mrs. Strnb'b, in Kitchener. htr, and Mrs. Charles Henttisk, .of Stratford, were guests of Mr, and Mrs Alex Darling on Goad Friday, A Good Portion of beet served toyod fdr the evening meal roasted about, medium, with the blood gravy : oozing through, gives ane a foundation. It just,makes one's mouthwater to.think of it. How was that last piece o1. meat .we sent your Wasn't it fine , t " GLO., :-CAMERON Your Butcher' - Phone 58 ...Seaforth. • Notice The business conducted by the late Charles Gordon Thompson will be conducted the same. as usual by J. 11.. TIIOMSON • GRAIN DEALER PHONE 25 MINNINE=r YOUR AUTO NEEDS Goodyear,Tiresr.and Tubes. Battery Sales and Service. • Charging and Repairing ng all makes alt ' Bat sties. 1,A good line of new and used parts at different rnakes of care, if your car is in need of repairs, give us'a Call. Studebaker Sales and Service, w 9 .h1 Realer e PHONE 1'67W