HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-04-04, Page 4THE szAvoRTH NEW$
Seowdon Bros., Pebliehers, •
Address and presentation-Foqnds
.:and neighbors, nunebering one •hurte
fired end twenty-five gathered at the
'home of Me end Mre-eohn Staples
on the 1,7th concession, Grey on Wed-
nesday evening, March V, to sPend
-social evening and bid them farewell
before their dePerture to their new
:home in leloose jaw, Sack. The first
Pert of the evening was spent in dene-
;Mg and • med. playing. After hane,h
•,•wwe served, Mr. and. Mrs. S•teples
were prese.nted with an addrees, two
-travelling suit -eases and a perse of
smottey. ITho eddres's was read by
.lin Harry Bolger arid the present-
,ation Was snade by Mr. john Ritchie,
Mr. Staplee trta-de a eery fitting reply
• lie thanked their many friends for
the demonstration of the kindly feel-
ing towards them and extended ti
each and all a hearty invitation to
eislt,them in their future home should
any of them ever happen to be near
-enough to do so, ,AlEter Mr. .Seeptes
'had finished his reply. the assembled
guess joined heartily in singingerFor
They Are jolly Good Fellows" foll-
owed by three ringing cheers for the
-Staples' family, Atter this the guests
eagain resumed d,ancieg for esame time,
when, as some of the friends from a
,distanee were preparing to go 'home,
earder was called by the floor mem, weemeneerome,
ger, Wes. Somers, and all again join -
..ed in singing Auld Lang Syne, The
'remaining guests then continued the
eslance, all the new fanglete one, two,
• three, four steps, schottitchee and
,quadrilles until the wee snea' hours
had grown to be cleite a size'when
, all departed for their several homes,
tbanking Mr, and Mrs, Staples for
-their kind hospitality and wishing
etbem all success in their new home,
The music was furnished by R._ L.
Taylor, E. Somers, Jas. Rea, Robert
Patterson, with C. Lydiatt • on the
'banjo, Inuncanson Bros., Geoege
'IlVelsenberg, R. Dodds, J. Bruce, with
Jas. Hogg, Mrs. ,Leo Marray,
jobta Staples, Marie 1Neisenberg as
accompaniet on the piano.
Following is. the address: "Dem' Mr
.and Mrs. Staples, -We are very much
the creatures of circumstance, and
,.cbanging events have come aromed
and so you are -about to leave us. Now.
-we have come here tonight to ahow'
vtizir • appreciation of your ••sojourn
among Its. • \ere have aleveys ;found
:you ,pleasant, sociable, ki6,d. and aeill;
ing to give ahelping hand. We have'
'brought with tts a little present which'
you can look ttpon inthe days to come
-as sometbleg tangible :from. the
'friends 'a'nel, tieighbors' you , 'used, te
'know. While we regret losing .you,
we wish you.all seccess and ,happmeee
vela eree'er yen !nay rnak-e retie' }mire.
Signed on behalf cif the neighbors and
,friend-." Mr. Staples made a suit -
sable reply, thanking his friends and
-neighbors .for their kindness. Before
the party beoke up, they sang "He's
a jolly Good 'Fellow"' and, "Auld
Lang' Syne,"
Seine of the fanners of this locality
:have started their spring plowing but
owing to the backward weather have
. had to qttit again..
Mt. Arthur Balfour of, Leadbury is
. engaged on the C.P.R. extra gang at,
' Welton,
leee are sorry to hear that Mr. R.
Barrows lost a valuable mare last
Mr. .E. Constable of St. Marys vis-
ited old friends aeound here last week.
Ernie is sporting' a new Pontiac car
• this 'spring.
We have Manitoba Oats, Whole,
ehopped Or Rolled
Silverking,' Best Manitoba Patent $4,00 per bag
Keystone, Best Pasry Flour $3,75 per bag
Whole Wheat, (Stone Ground) $3.70 per bag
in bags $31.00 per to
$31,00 ,per ton
" ' 830,00 per ton
The following is report of 'Walton
-public school, Examined in all sub -
;Teem (*) Missed examination.
Senior 'Room. -Sr. We -Edith En-
nis 74. Isabel Farquharson 72, Berea
Steiss 65„
er. nee -Gladys Sinalldon 78, Rob-
inson Hamilton 76, jean 'Murray 69,
Grace Manning 63, Horace Rutledge
MIL -Helen Smaltdon 88, Ken-
-rieth Murray 77, Norma Steiss 73,
Margaret Murray* 72, Gordon Ryan
'74, Gordon Shortreed 69, Earl Hoy
64, Helen :Farquharson 61.
Chas. S. Sellers, Teacher.
jr. Rolm:IL-0'r. IE. -Anna Ennis
• 68, Allan McCall 67, Lena Drager 67,
'Freddie Rutledge 64, Willie Farqu-
'hereon 93, Mary Buchanan 47, 0**
Jack 'McGavin 38. •
Sr. I+1. - jack Murray 86, Mary
Humphries 76, Dorothy Murray 67,
Jack Drager 54.
Jr. IL -Kenneth Saltier 63, Helen
Ferguson 36, Jack Snealldon 36.
Sr. I. -Kathleen Farquharson. Ste-
wart ieltunperies, Andrew Sloan, ,Mil-
dred Sellers,
Sr. Pr. -Barrie :Marshall **Leona
Mcgavin, 1Gamet Cummings.
ewe- . D, Holmes, Teacher.
Mrs. P. B. Gardiner is :spending the
'aster holidays at Rochester..
Custoan sawing is being done at the
saw mitt these days.
New Easter bonnets were not very
prominent as it was too cold to wear
light toggery.
:Vise Gereie Miiler is visiting frienda
tat Newton.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Sellers went to
Heidelberg for the holidays.
Mrs. Neil is confined to her room
for the past few days, We hope for
improvement 'in health before long.
-There was a „large crowd at the auc-
tion sale on Saturday. Mrs. R. H.
'Ferguson and Mines 'Ferguson intend
-moving to Seaforth this week.
C. Finland, is kept busy these day,
•He hes already got 1,700 chicks and
expects to have, 4,000 before the next
-two weeks,are over,
-eVedding bells will ringshortly
The groom hails front the vicinity of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Davidson spent
'Easter with Mr, and Mrs, 5, Bennett.
There was service in St. George's
Church en Good leri103- afternoon,
The weather took a very sudden
• change. The warm balmy day,; we -e
aided' when a, snow storm came ns
Monday, • It wes April fool, alright.
Thete has been e good rim of sap
this seaeon anti the syrup is a gao 1
, quality,
,George Kelly J•eceived a Message of
• the death of in8 beetklee jint, who has
5 lserie in the West feu-. a number of
years. • No particulars at time of
• welting.
Moody Holland is having a, sale an
Monday, April &th and intends to give
np faemmg as he is not enjoying good
Mr. and Mrs. 5, Finglanevisited
with Mr. and Mrs. C. Fingland on
Easter day.
Miss Winnifred Drager of Elmira
spent Easter with her =tiler, Mrs.
Charles Drager.
Mr. Ewart Young, of the Bank of
Commerce, spent the Easter holidays
with his parents at Adburn.
Miss Ruby Young, who is teaching
echool neer Tweed, is (home for the
Miss Dorothy Drager has accepted
a position in Clarence Bennett's store,
J. 5, MoGavin was in Toronto last
week with three cars .91 live etoelc.
!Ste. McGavin ships fortnightlY or of-
tener accotcling to the numbee of
stock teddy 'to ehip.
'etefre.*As Brnee'and son' Reg.- aerd
Ronald., ofa'Streetsvil(e, spent a few
days lest week with their Mende; 51 .1%
and Mrs..MclGavin,
'Gordon MeGavin is daying.a.new
made) 'Ford coach noav. •
-Miss Alberta 'Richmond 'of -St-rate
ford Normal is spending her holidaes
at her. home.
Miss Nellie Fear is visiting.at her
uncle's, Mr. Les, Fear.
The meeting held by the United
Churches, •St. •Andrews and Queen
Street during Passion Week were
s-ery instructive and impressive.
Mr, J. R. Bell, Mrs., L. Fear and
Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Laidlaw were
Bruesels visitors one day last week.
Miss Annie Maines of Toronto
spent the holiday with her parents,
11c. and -Mrs.. John Maines.
ler. Leslie Hilborn and Mr. and
Mrs. Robert 'Wallace were Stratford
visitors on Friday.
.eirs. R. C. McGowan 13 visiting her
daughter in Detroit.
:Vies Lily Carr of Calgary is spend-
ing a coupee of months with her par-
ents and sisters.
Blyth -Y.P.S.-The regular meeting
of the Young People's Society was
held in Queen Street United Church
on Monday evening. Mr. Geo, Leitch
occupied the cnair. The meeting open-
ed with hymn 192 and a 'Scriptural
reading from Psalm el and prayer
led by Mrs. •'Dr.) .Wilford. The
minutes of the previous meetings were
read and adopted. The topic of the
evening was "Easter" and the first
part was an address by -Mrs, Moody
on the Resurrection, followed .b'y a re-
citation, "ft is Finished," by, -Hazel.
Richards, Three sentence. ;prayers
were then given by members. "The
Origin of the Easter Bunny" was
taken by Pearl Williams and Rev.
Seed Potatoes
last year, Say, Mr. Farmer, last Fall
I could have shipped several carloads
of high quality Grade A potatoes.
And why didn't 7 ? Because the
farmer does not attend' to his seed,
Yeely in the Spring, ask the •ardinarY
farmer if he wants some good seed,
he jttst laughs at you and says, "Oh,
we have lots to do us in the cellar,"
and he just sows culls and all. Poe-
dbly some seed his uncle had 20 yea'rs
ago and was then a wonderful potato,
but today it is run out and 'is fttll of
Now, fellow's, take this tip; throw
those potatoes to the pigs and hens.
They are worth 90c per bag for hett
and get into the business right, and
if you have 10 or 100 bags to sell
next Fall I will be open to buy them
at a premium of 2Se per bag over the
ordinary farm cull potatoes, •
And by every farmer growing
Grade A _stock we can ship or sell
aesseral carloads, But under, present
conditions I would not touch your
petatoes at all,
Phone ine your order for potatoes
at once as my stock is litniMd
Prices per Rag $1.60 Cash
J. E. Hugill
and Sons
Phone 34-616
Orders left with Wm, Speoat, 'rile.
Menufacturer, will be attended to,
Mr. Weir followed' this with the
"Origin of the Easter Festival," with
pagan races. The meeting, through-
out was extremely interesting end
educational. The .meeeing closed With
prayer by Dr, BarnifY and the Mize
pah benediction,
The monthly, meeting of Queen SI.
WeeLS. on Tuesday, April 2nd was
well attended and we were pleased to
have as guests mernbers of St. Arid-
rew's W.M.S. Mrs. Wightman pre-
sided. The opening was sung follow-
ed by prayer by Mee. Wightman and
Scripture lesson, Mrs, ,Coeclough led
in prayer. After a piano -duet the
devotional leaflet was takete by Mrs. S
White. An address was given by Miss
Mabel Bailey who is .e splendid speak -
e, which was followed bY a vote of
kiprediation tolliss Bailey; moved by
Mrs. ,Barnby and seconded by Mrs.
Oheliew. .A double duet Was, enjoyed
from Mrs. ,Floody, - Mrs. • liecEiroY,
Mrs. Wilford` end :Mrs. Tem -ling. Fol..
loskifigeBaesterlharitioffering Mes. A.
B: ,cafr gavb d'edicatIoey greyer The
delegates; 'Mrs Wight:Iran 'and Mrs.
Leslie, were ,appoineed to -the, Pres'bee-5
serial at...Ea:eater on, April .30te-ee-The.
meeting ,closed with a hymn .and etael
er by Mrs. .Baenty. The Queen St.
ladies attended the meeting
'chews W.M.S. on Wednesday. .
Tile Women's Institute areealepging
a concert fer April 19,th. Mies Mar-
garet McKay, elocutionist, of Owen
Sound,. has been secured as elocution-
The Horticultural Society are pre-
paring a concert for April 12th.
•Miss Carrie Sims of Toronto visit-
ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs, James
Mrs. R. A. King of Detroit is visit-
ing old friends here.
Miss Henry of Kincardine Vent
Easter with Mr. and Mrs. George
Easter Visitors at the personage
with Dr. and Mrs. Barnby were the
Misses Vera and Jean Barnby, of Tot-
tenham; Dorothy Barnby, of Fort
Williatne Mrs W. j. Cade and Master
.W. B. Cade of St. Marys; Miss Mar-
jorie Barber, Toronto,
Mrs, R. E. Sillib .and•Mr. Alvin Col-
linson of Brantford were holiday vis-
itors with Mrs, Collinson and Miss
The many friends of Miss Ella Hee.
fron are sorry to keoev she has not
been improving, haring been confined
to her bed since last October, the re-
sult of a fall,
Mr. j. M. Jerome of Weigher -1s was
an Easter guest of Mr. and 'Mrs. C.
,.Miss Gladys Fawcett holidayed
witheher sister in Tteronto .
:Mrs. Fawcett visited in Brussels at
She home Of her daughter, Mrs. Mil-
ton Lowe. '
Mr. Chas. Riehl has been Moving
his son-in-law's household goods te
Goderich this week wbere. Mr. Stby
has a position, . .
DietrictTelephone Superintendent
is making 'preparations to have all tel-
ephone lines itt the village replaced hy
Mr. Reg. Argent of Port Arthur
spent the wek with his parents, Mr,
and lire, Fred Argent,
A 25e tea was held at the home of
Mrs. F. Rogerson on Wednesday of
this week by the ladies of the Angli-
can Church.
Holy Communion was celebrated at
8 a.m. attd 7 p.m, in the Anglican
Mrs. Archie Bell and family are
moving on Friday to Sarnia,
Messrs, Adam Dodds and Jack
Bowes were Seaforth visitors Tuesday
•11r. Will Burling has taken a posi-
tion in Mr. Robe •McIetty's garage.
Mr, Jack Cole and family ate mov-
ing from their farm north of Blyth to
Goderich where Mr, Cole has a eosi-
eion at the Elevator. They are having
a sale on Friday,
• The evenieg service in Queen • St.
,Church on Sunday will be a Song
service, .
Miss Atinie Maines, of Toronto, was
a visitor with her parents, .Mr, and
Mrs. 'John Maines,
• Mise Bertha Brogden, of London,
visited her sisters, Mrs. D. Floody and
•Mrs. W. H Lyon
, Mrs. Colin Finglatid, of Walton,
visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J•oseph Johnston,
L. M. Carr, deaconess, of Cal-
'garY. will speed two month's' holidays
with her parents. Mr and Mrs, A. B.
85 Ada Craig, of Listowel,
e'l. her parents, Mr, alit! M.re, Robt.
Russell Armstrong. of London, vie -
:tied hi-, parenta', Mr, and. Mrs, Mart.
. •
Mess Annie Wightrnan of 'Westfield
W1, = a vis!tor at the hone of Mr.
Robert Wightman. • .
Miss Hazel Leslie, of Clinton, spent
aV:lS414Lathrel°11ChelAle511/Ftte0f Villg1 e Blrtliday Part
dattaliter of Mn. and Mrs ,T,ohn leltts - e . y
of BI -3411, was ill'es°"ted with 3h41w;.' I The Ladies' Aid of Kiriburn United
er fotiqiiet of handkerchief from . the
Philathea class of the United Charon, Church have invited the Barbara
. iss Potts has aceepted a positiou in
London. We wish her suoeess.
Dorothy Robiason, of Listowel.
Stewart Robineoo, Fort Erie, were
visitors with their parents over the
Mr, R, IL liobinsen aaeinied the
sfu,“twiiiiedrra.ayl.Rotitfssieizlis Been4cdies,h0,:r. •0 f 1-1.Toaee:ersd,
and Mrs, John Joithstort were
Mrs, Jao. GraSher.
walker, n Toronto, an Thursday,
tawn, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Yabtlataall,ttellirstr•
of Clarence aml Mrs. Johnston on
jasl,Irp, h1:0:riis. Phelen •sPeat• the week-
end with, his mother and brother, Mr.
Mr, and Mrr. Harvey Robertson, .4
Bluevale, visited Mr, and Mrs, John
Brown on Sunday.
VESDAY., .WR7L 4 1929,
Mr. Arid Mrs. Smith, of Sarnia,
spent Gded Friday at the home ot
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Coleman.
,Martin Bros, sold a -fine horse to
Mr. Levis Tebbutt last week,
Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Oke, of London,
is spending the holidays with ,her
friends; Miss Landsboi•ough and Miss
Mr Sam Whitt -dose left Tuesday
morning for Toronto to s.perid a few
days -with his mother and sister and
as a delegate to the convention,
Miss Margaret and Allister Broad -
foot were operate& on at the Seaforth
Hospital last Saterday and had their
tonsils and adenoids removed, They
are ,recoveriag nicely siace coming
home on Sanday.
Mr, Aadrew Kirk has' purehised a
Pontiac car from Savauge, , the agent
. in Seaforth,
A number of th,e farmers here
commenged plowing last week. •
Mr. Neil Matheson, o 1 Toronto
Normal, is spending the holidays at
his home here.
Miss Collins- is spending the
days it her ho -me near.Lticknow.
Mr.. 'Ernie Crich spent the week-,
end in Toronto. •
• The 'fbIlowing is the school report
of S.S. Xo. 1, Mortis, for the Eeeter
examinations. Names appear he or-
der •of merit, • • '
See IV. --Gabriel. Lotizon..
Sr. MI. -Mary Fear 03.•peri cent.;
Rebenta -Traidlaw 69.
J:r• , Cunitinghain , 68,
Doris Regereeee. 64. .
HA-eennue i'Laidlaw 66.•
'11LB0e1301 Fear 81; " MiriaM Roe,
lgetleeri e9. •• 5e • '
• Printer--eiViary ledicalaw' '941 'Mare'
Phalen 37. •
Number oh roll 10. • Average attenl
dance -9,26. . •• '
. V. 5, 'Morrison, Teacher.
• Zurich.
Miss 'Lisette 'Relcheet died at her
home east Of 'the village on March 25,
She belay being discovered the follow-
ing morning, still- sitting in a rocking
chair, where she .had, passed away
from heart failure, The funeral was
held Thursday afternoon to the .Luth-
eran cemetery, •
Mn, John Bechler of Blake siffered
a paralytic stroke last week.
Mr. Ev. Heist is having a large
brick bake oven erected al his busi-
ness block recently purchased from
Gascho. '
and Mrs. 0. Koehler have.
moved to the farm they recently pur-
chased from Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Det-
ers, Mr...and Mr -s.. Deters moving to
the Koehler residence; in the north
end of Zurich,
Mr. Wm. Reid of Bayfield visited
Inc brother, J. C. Reid of Dashwood,
who recently underwent an operation.
Peevish, pale, •reitless and sickly
children owe -their condition to
worms. riVlother Graves' Worm Ex-
terminator will relieve them and re-
store health,
Miis Mary Daym'a:n • of Grantor',
who has been visiting among her °I'd
neighbors and friends•on the 2nd and
3rd of Tuokersmith for the past week
has returned home.
Mr. Robb. MeNaughton of Tha.mes-
ford, is spending the holidays at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John McNaughton.
Mr. Lance Norris of Toronto spent
„Sunday at his home in Tuckerstnith.
Mr. Herman -Moore of MacLennan,
Algoma, who has spent the winter
visiting among,. his friends, returned
home this week. He will spend a day
or tvvo in London on the way.
Mr. W. 31. Doig of Port Huron
spent the week end with his family at
the farm.
,Miss Margaret Elgie of London is
spending- her vacation with her par-
ents, Mc. and Mrs. R. T. Elgie.
Mr. James MOClymont, who so
faithfully carried the mail four tittles
a day between the office and the Sta-
tion for the past twelve years,,has re-
signed his contract and Mr, A Har-
vey is his successor, his duties com-
mencing April 1st.
Misses Margaret and Grace Cooper
of Londoii spent the week end at their
former home in the village.
Mr. Watson is having another Eas-
ter.dance on Thursday night, April 4,
Steeper's orchestra in attendance.
Miss Margaret Johinton spent Eas-
ter Sunday with her parents, Mr, and
efrs, James Johnston,
Lawrence Brighltmore of London is
spending the Easter holidays with hits The following are the results el
aunt, Mrs. 5, Cochrane. the Easter examinaticsns held at 59,
Mr, and Mrs. R Torrance of For- No. 7, Hibbert
ter's Hill, spent Saturday with' Mr. Sr. IV. Class-lOrval Cooper 79,
and aers, . •Bereice Harris 75„ Doris Sararas 72,
Miss 0, Finnigan. has left to spend 13catrice Drover 69 (jr.)
.the Raster holidaYs aA Nile ,Sr. III, Class -Ross Efoigarth 65.5.
Miss Etta Bell artd Miss Margaret Jr. Chatabers 60,
Elgie of London apent • Stmday 'at Meewood Nash 56.
.their respective hernes,• Se. Seddernari 81,4,
Me531'5, Gilbert Jarrott and Clar- Bari Drover 75.4, job.* Cha.ppel 61,
ence McLean of London inedical Lorne Cliembere.36,
school, are spending the holidays at First Class-Erla Treffry 75, Rae
their homes, •Chambers 63',
Mise *Mabel Whitemati has returned Sr, Pritter-jeati ...Veinier 88, Wil-
mer McDonald and Peter Wright, all'••
Corns disappear when treated with Number on rill'•16,•averige "attiat-
Holloway's Core ,Remover •without dance 12.4.
leaving. a scar, , Victoria Bolton, Teacher,
Kirkman Auxiliary of First Presby-
terian Church, Seaforth, to entertain
)7011 at
The Birthday Party they are havieg
for yoe,
'Tis someteltng !were!, 'tis something
Tuesday, the 9th, le the date,
So bring your lady sharp at eight.
Rey, I, B. Kaine, Chairman
Admission: lc for,each day of your
birthday month,
Mr. and MSrIAGN.145E.Y1-.Ioveard and
daughter Evelyn,- of "'Exeter, spent
Good Friday with Mr.,ancl Mrs 5, A.
'Cantle, of the Bronson Line,
Mrs, F. Keeganeof the Sauble Line,
who was stricken with paralysis some
time ago, is slowly improving, we are
pleased to report, and is able to speak
and take nomishment, At Present tier
-sister, Mr, George Campbell Sr., of
Zurich, is taking care of her.
'Miss Margaret Sparks,. who has
been spending the winter motehs with
relatives in Toronto, returned to her
dolatly hiaostnte oa the Bronson on Thurs.
Mr. and Mrs. Sane, Laurison and
Mr, and Mrs, aussel Heard, of Bay-
field, spent Easeer Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. John Rohner,
Messrs,' Geeber and W. Armstrong'
were at Stratford on business on
Thursday- last,
Mn.• John "Bechler,. of Blake, who re.
cently suffered. a paralytic stroke, -.is
slowly improving, •
•-Mr. Mena° Seeckle Jr. is attending
the con ventron 'of the' Ontario Educe -
Hertel Association,' being' field in To-
ronto this week, in the interests 6f 8.-
S. No. 4,• Stanley: • .
; Mr, Harold Stotehmer, of the Bron-
son Line,..who recently unciereeent' an
operation for appendicitis- at Clinton
Hospital,' is at present'. convalesciee-
ht Bayfield. '
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 'Manson and
infant• son, of Duredae, are it 'Present
visiting at the home of the feirmer's
father, Mr- .Manson, of the
Goshen Liae..... • • •
Mr. and Mrs, Milton Johnston, of
Thornlizze, New''Ititario, who have
beeft yisitiag,reletivea, eear..Blake, in
tenti.fo reetarri,h4te, uhis .
The l'011eivenik pee "tlie,eesiiits ohe-
•Eksifef eitatrilhA,d'itt S.18.
Stan'/8y. batnte 'h';papil's;
natue.aindicateal eelerieinatitini'MiTste'd,
cent, ,a'aAticirey ...Murdoch -65k'
.Se, Jae-a:Margaret, -McKenzie KO;
Laura e•lle„."Wriglit 73.3, Mabel Tal-
bot 71.2; MarY,,Aldrich 63.4.,.. .
Jr MoKenZie 05.3,
Wilmer Jones' 6p,:3; Alex" ..McBeath
62.1, Elmer' Hayter 62,- Wesley Jones.
• 49, *Margaret Jiones '37,61 "
.Jr. III,A.-4prortroted • to.' this -cIase
at Christmas) Audrey Cochrane 76.7,
Harvey Hefter 74.8,, • Harold. Jones
60.5, Aubrey Farquhar 43.6. .
Sr. I.--.4eorge'Clifton 62.. •
Jr.. L'•-"Al•a:ry•Faequ'hali 88, Kathleen
itzer (alaSent) 'Ken-
neth McKenzie. The fest spellers for
month of February werse"- Sr. 'W. -
Audrey Murdoch; Sr. I11.-1VIabel
Talbot; Jr. II11.63.--Margaret ,Jones;
"Jr. Jones. Best spell,
ers for March were: Sr. IV. --Audrey
Murdoch, " Sr. III.-Afahei Talbot;
Jr. 'Mae -Andrew' McKenzie; Jr,1(77
A. -Harold Jones. Best speller in
school for both -months, Mabel Talbot.
Number on rail 21, average attend'ance
16.5. '
' Jean MoKenzie; 'readier;
,Mr. and Mrs. Wilson MeAsh, •of
London, spent Good Friday in our
burg, also Mrs. E.,McAsh, of London,
spent the day, with her son, Mr.
Mr. ancl Mre. Jones; of Stratford,
were hoHday gueits at the home jif
Mr. and' Mrs. Harry Deihl. ' '
- Mr, Wm Beatty, of Mounf Brerdges
called on friends and • in company
with Mr. and Mrs. F. Weekes.•motor-
ed to Listower on 'Sunday, returning
on Monday. , , • , •
Mr. Harold Elliott, of London,
speat Sunday at the parental home.
Mrs. C. Weekes has returned to her,
home here after spending' the winter,
months with her daughter, Mrs. Mc
Mb, 'of London. • ; •
A meeting of the W.A. met at. the
home. of Mrs. L. Beatty • on Friday.
There was a good attendance.
Mr. MI Elliott shipped live stocic
on Sattuday to Toronto. •
'Mrs. Austin has returned frotn De-
troiCafter spending a few e-eeks with
her daughter, Mrs. Schnell.
Commeticing on Sunday, April the
7111, services in St. John's Church will
be held at 7 p.m, instead 01 11 a.m. ,
Me, I-Iarold Maloney, of Detroit, is
at present visiting his mother, Mrs,
Margaret IVIaloney,
Mrs, John Shea spent a couple of
days with her mother, Mrs. Atkinson,
in Hibbert,
Miss Lucy Eckert Sunday -ed with
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Maloney. •
Mt and Mrs, J. F. Carlin and fam-
ily' were"Dublin visitors on Sunday..
. .
Messrs Thos. McQuaid, Joe l‘foy-
tan and Charlie Malone are holidaying
al their Parents' homes here.
Wedding bells are ringing all a-
round its,
Address, and Presentatioa, Oa
ThuredaY evening of last week •the
members of Zion Ceurce •end aehoel
met at- the home of Mrs. -Wellington
Brock to Say farewell' to Miss Nora
•Godlein, wholeaving their 00111-
ler zddyet.,,IsAfwte4rs .fttekdsitobryt ,mprisosgrryrntaiea,
Earl, and the ,guest of honour was
presented with nChesterfiekl table,
a floor' lame), eaeserole, and several
other gilts. The 'address was s fel-
lows; "Dear Miss Godkin,--We, the
members of Zion .comenunity, have
learned with regeet that you are about
to leave rue. We have taken this 0P-
portuttity to meet with You, and ex-
press our 'appreciation of your work
in our midst, "As inernbOrs • of the
grate -
to Your pupils, We 'feel thatycotst
really took your work to heart, and
pat yeur best ability ,into it. We coil-
gratelate yeu also on your success in
your work, As pupils we thank you
for your kindness a,nct patience with
SIS. We. tealize that we did often
what wae wrong but We always fowl&
you just and willing to forgive Vnd
forget. We hope that you will think
well of vs, as ledeed we will of you,
As members of 1siae church and its
verious orgailizations, we thank you
heartily for your support and ,help.
We found you a very capable and
willing helper at all times. We wielt
you to know that the very best wishes
from all go with you to your new
ho -me and vvork. We sincerely hope
that the feture may bring joy and
prosperity 'to your and find you al-
ways the sante cheery, kind and cap-
able person that we have found yon.
We ask ,you to kindly accept these
gifte as slight tokens Of ottr apprecia-
ticiii"of your life and work among us,
Signed on behalf of the school and
church," Niter a fitting reply by the
recipient, the remainder of the even-
ing WaS Spent. in games, after which
lunch.was served. •
, Announcement.- The eagageraent
is announced of Nora Elgin, daugh-
ter Of •Mrs. Gotikire and the late A.
E, 'Godeen, of .31c1'Cillop, to John
Wesley 'Litt, only on of Mr, and
Mrs,. J. M. Litt of 'Mitchell. The'
marriage .to take place quietly in
school section, we are' indeed
but to you Tor your untiriag se
.The,.fallOwing 10 the,,,report of S.S.
No; 7_ MelKillese for the Easeer. ee-
V..=-1Georrge Taylor' 83e grace Per-
': yr,,, I'V.:eleirille."SliaithOn 72, reel-
en,Tornlinsori,:oal, •
tSr e 118D.--qE;verett (Perdue 77,,Wa1e
,,ter,,Sornerville 65: •
, Jr.;•Driscoll 74;
'111).B-4imirtia il3 tfoizr76, .
' Ve:"I,EaLltathreeffLeetning ,79, H
bidet-IC.1'6're 70:
• Teacher
• .The loglowing,is report of S.S. '
4, McKillop; for the month of Ma:
..QEaster examinations): ' •
.Beth ,Shaintem, Scott Kerr ,and 13
trey ,Lamont, had. perfect ,spelling
sone- each 4153 during the mon
Beth Shaprion had. Perfect aftenclat
and Alai She table' since 5e•Pr.
1928. One perfect mark was obtain
by Rath .Gordott
-1V..--"-03'deb ra. A1hcelart a
Fieeda .Websterf 81 :per scent, "(equa
.Davice. Shannon 69 percent.:
jr. Gordon '88 .,ne'r 00
Pauline Hiiffnean ancl •Lin -nes :Kro
man 76, Alec. Kerr 73, Lloyd Ya
zie 63, Peter Watson 42, 'Lula We
.9ter 51,, Atchie Smi5li."48,aporrald L
moat 43. '
Lamoht..60e '"
Sr..- Iff-lBeth ShannonyVI.;,, Ro
'Gordon. 65, George MeCinie''.'62. ".
Jr, le ,Mildred I-Iendetion 7
Hector Laznont 63. "
Priffier-Alma Lawrence (arid).
" • deIontthly report cards .haib., be
eentheime with each pupil.
'britzerber on the roll is 21, averag
.attendance 17.94..• •
' 'Gladys R. Way, Teache
S.S. No. 8.--The15fo'lldwing is th
school ;report of S.S. No. 8, McKilfop
kora .01iristmas to -Easter. Name
are.pikeed, 111 nrcler of merit. 75 pe
-Cent., honours; 60 per cant. pass.; •
IV. -Carl 13ennewies 82,, „.
Jr. -IV.--Pearl johdeon 80; 'Vern'
Bennewies 70, Mary:Murray 70, Lau
ra Bennewies 70, Loretto Repien 52
Class -Marr Eckert 89, Olive
Fischer 86, Ruby Beenewies 85, Ed-
gar Elligeon 84, Fergus .1VfelCay, 83,
Ebner Kdehler 82, Austin Kappler 80,
Geode Siernon' 78, James Eckaot 77,
J.oseph Manley 75, Annie Siemori 72,
Velma •Scherbarth 72, Raymond-Mur-
ray...71, Marie Koehler 50.
Second Class--iliarry •rRegele 90,
Edna Leonhardt 87, Adeline Siemon
86, Clement McKay 81, Oscar Ellig-
son' 80, Mervin Medley 77, HarveY
Koehler 74, Vincent Merray 72 iLorn
Siemon 69.
Fins(' Class --Mildred Bennewies,
Dan;Manley, Iris Kleber,,Harry Ben-
newies, Joseph Ecteart.
,Primer-Clesfia Johnson and 13er-
nice 'Manley (equal), Gerald McKay
and Mervin Dietz (equal) Vera .Leon -
bark, Morley Koelilme Aaron Kist -
nee Dominic ,Murray, Carl . S,iemon,
Annie Eckert, Joseph 'Johnson, Ray-
mond Kleber (absent). ". Ne. on' roll,
.46. Average attendance 40.
• Teacher,. Helen M. Delaney.
sEdeeer report of SIS.
MeSpadden . 85; Mary
Dodds 7,3.
rv.-211an05 ,CamPleell 81, Jack
Hul 1 eY 71, .Jiohp:A:darns '
Jr. IV,-,Gret• Milky •88, ...Agnes
Fri., Apr, -12
Music by Blyth Five -Piece Orchestra
Admission $1,00 a couple,
Mr, •and Mrs. William Pullman
spent a few days last week in Mit-
; heeMl 0 01-'5.°,111's° vPiseiPtiPriegr" of hi\Teriag'aparrt,-
elite, Mr. and Mrs, Jaynes Hay.
Mr, Roland Keneedy is busy get-
itdeonituglistfisoprAbb,iilusnilledioinmug7,0::e weather being'
of London, is
spending Easter Wibil'her Parents, Mr.
and Mrs, I, Moore.
iMr. and Mrs. John Pepper,. of
afj3nriMda spent Stinny whilhad Nfh
tonsils removed ia Seakorth Hospital
on. Saturday.
Mr. William Strong, of 'Ottawa, is
spending Easter with his parents, Mr.
aed Mrs, George Strong.
Mr, James Hay had a very • suc-
cessful wood bee last Wednesday.
Miss Ella Papple,eof Seaforth, spent
the week -end at her honie on the Mill
R°SacL.S. No. 2. -The following is :the re-
port for the winter term of the pupils
in SS. No, 2, Tuckersinith,
Jr. Ilee-lJeine &Melt • 72 per cent.,
EWA McGregor 04, Beatrice Dayrnan
,Jr. Hevenor 63, Bruce
MacGregor 51. •
• Sr. II:--iCelladys McKenzie 77; Dor-
een Cooper 70, Iteith Watson 70; Mona
Thula Wats.on. 72,- Edna
Mae Dayman 67, Ronald MacGregor
64, Olive Smith 63, Bernard MeLean
57,•Arthur Field 39...'
MoLean,a75, Dorothy
Dietz 75, Mildred Deitz 56,
-, ' • -- .C6NSTANCEi ,iicel'e . .
,,.../efre. 'Win., MelArthue cif ladderich
spent. a ..eouple ofedays ,wiithetier sis-
ter....Mes., AdataiNicholsaii:. e•ei '
.,Little Ectaa :Deyinen oe IciPlaen is
vieltiug. iher,I.aunei •Mrsi ''Tliont_as Pol-
lard, at present'. .- • ; .,
'Master Mac: -Stephenson of Brus-
sels, is spending .his EasteriholidaYs
with his grandparents, Mr.. and Mrs.
George Riley. - - --..
,Mr. Frank:Stalker Of .13rosse3s yds.ited, frienclisein the village on Sunday,
- Mr. William Jamieson. had, a Sue- •
eeseful sale fast week -
Miss Edith Riley of; Clinton, spent --
the. weekend at her, bonze heee. . •
Mrs. William Britton is at„preient
vielting.herdatighter, Mildred; of Tor-
Mr. and MrS, Geo,. Stenhenson and
son of Walkerton are, spending their
Easter holid,ays, with -their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stephenson.
• Miss Annie Coehrane....,of Clinton
is spending a few days with her sis-
ter,-/VIrs. Harry Fuss*, of Hay.
Mr. and Mrs. ratnes Yarrott and fa-
mily, also Mr. and. Mrs.,1; W. Carlile
and !faMily.'attended ‘.the.weading of
their:fteice, Miss Anna:Wart Douglas
of Brudelfield, on Tharsday of; last
Miss Eileen Turn* iS' spenditig her
Easter holidays at the' home of her
pauenks, Mr. Webster Ttfrner.
'Miss Hazel Webster of ,Lucknow is
visiting erelong her•friends here'for a
few days. • • • '
Mr. and Mrt. Webster Tuiter spent
Saturday visiting friend's in Clihlon,
"Mall:at-lane 82,1
Agtiee Case 82, s'•
Jr. 18a.. -03e1 -t: Meseeadeteeel0-.Titltd
1-Itilley 85. • ee:: •
Sr, IL-eitargat•et Habkitk 90, Geo,
Habkirk 82, Aeflier' MeClure 66,
• Primer -Gordon. Hulley. good, '
Ntunher on roll 1,5, average attele-
Rance 14,7, '
Annie E, Strong, Teecher.
Miller's Worni''Phsvdere are Par exa
cellence the medicine ' for children
who eh foittld sufeeting 'frier the re-
eages of wortits, • They immedlatele
alter- the'-, stoinaohic ,0onclitielt8 nitclee,
which the woems subsist and (irked'
them frees e thee. system, and, lt the,
same time, „theee are Jonical aheir
effect upon eteedigeeeive .nrgatiaa res-
toilieg them'to healthful operAtion
and ensuring immunity from further
disorders from such a cause,
It Will Relieve a Cold,-Coltlls are
the commonest aihnents of Mankind -
and if neglected. may lead to serious
conditions.- Dr. Thomas' Ectectric
Oil will relieve the brbnchial pas-
sages ofiftilantrivation speedily • and
thoroughly and wilt strengthen them
against subsequent attack And as
.it eases the inflammation it will usual-
ly stop the cough because It allays
the irritation in • the throat. Try it
and prove it,
Empire & Smith's
William M. Sproat
Or Representative Agent
Smith's 16 per cent. Superphosphate
0-12-6 $31.00 •
Manufactured by
Canadian Fertilizers, .Chathain,
One of our largest Canadian Factories
2-12-2 $33.00
2-12-6 ..... $38.00
We also ,handle Arenonrs,Fertilizer, -
second 'tle none on the continent. ,
Prices given next week,'
rive tons of Niagara Lime, one ton
of 16 pet cent. -$65.00. • "We will' put
this against any, mixed Fertilizer, -dol-
lar for dollar, for a three-year period.
,Use this on 10,acres 'yOu are seeding.
Delivery el 00'pete tot otra anywhere
within 15 , miles 'OE e bIthI Ternie
Phone 136r2. ; Sealorth,