HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-04-04, Page 1The swallow, oft, beneath my thatehN
Shall twitter from,her clay -built nest;
Oft shall the pilgrim lift the latCh,
,And share my meal,welC0M1 guest
at all hours
Prices Reasonable
e Olympia
Confectionery and Restaurant
•GOV.ERNMBNT ••Certified Stock
from Prince F.,dward Island. Irish
Cdbblerslaad Green, Monntain per
Speeial advertieing offer.
A special 15d •pie plate with. 'each
Pound, of .Crisco .at 1.2eire
the tegtler. . price 'of laMerlio
'See this, new patentpie plate, and
get a sample pound at least of
Crisco., the best. shortening we
know ief.
• 35., for
IThis sa dual purpose syrup for
baking, or, table. We are offering
per cent. BELOW REGU-
A UMINUM WARE -- We have
"still left. sbme outstand-
ing values at
MkPI,E 'SYRUP.-Splendirl" quality.
Per wine gallon • $2.00
Per Ihiperial gallon $2.50
BAKING 'POWDER.-Hutchison's,
per pound an ....... 25c
BROOMS. -5 string red =0c
handles, .regular 65c for ilieD
; BAKING .MOLASSES in bulk -
Ib 6c
for best quality prorurable, lb 10c
SALMON, Red 'Sockeye
per large can ...,......... ..... 40c
SALMON, Red Cohoe
per large can 35c
'SALMON,- pink. .
per large can ... ........ ..,20c
Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, Feathers,
&c, taken in exchange for groceries
E. La Peti,i1E;
Want and For Sale ads, 1 time 25c
North Side United Church. -Pastor
Rev, W. P. Lane. B.A.
Sunday, Apr. 7th.. -11 a.m., Public
Worship. Subject, "A Post -Easter
230 and Bible Classes.
7 p.m. -Public Worship. Subject,
'The Best Wine, First or Last,
: The Seaforth
hold the Monthly\ medtin lire Carne-
gie Library Hall an Fridey, April
5th, 'at 3 p.m .Thd'.'address, "Thl
League of!'Nations," Will be given by
Rev." T. H. Etown .of ISeaforth. The
denforistration,'"Salads," will be given
by' Mrs. Conner of Kippen. Each
member is requested to answer the
roll call by giving an idea . for the
Mrs, J. H. Best and Miss Guerra
Brown went to Toronto On Wednes-
day to see the former's sister, who is
playing in "The Beggar's Opera,"
and who is a former popular young
resident of Sea:forth, being a daughter
of Mr, W. C. T, Morson, now of Tor-
onto. The following deseription of
the production is from Tuesday's Tor-
onto Globe:
"After a winter, season remarkably
rich in opera of various kinds, "The
.Beggars Opera" comes to Toronto in
the nature of a very excellent des-
sert, well compounded and attractive-
ly served. And the fair-sized. audience
at the Princess Theatre last evening
found this well-seasoneddish of John
Gay's iriuch to its liking, asking for
more repeatedly with applause worthy
of a capacity house, and '*even shouts.
"The Beggar's Opera," which is on a
bi-tentennial tour of America, is a far
cry from the musical comedy or
drama of 172s, but the audience had
a thorough appreciation of the prob-
lems and plays of the Polly Peach -
ams, Lucy Lockits and Captain Mac -
heaths in the days of George 11. This
presentation of "The Beggar's Op-
era," ,with all its boisterous' fun,
coarse jest and exquisite music, is no-
table chiefly for its excellent cast, its
splendid orchestra and clever ,staging..
While all the singling was well done,
the male chorus numbers were regret-
tably few, and there was too Tittle of
Beatrice Morson's rich. centrilto. One
of the most perfect things heard in
•Toronto this season-br for many a
season -was the trio in the final act -
Captain Mac/teeth% farewell to his
two loves, Polly Peacham and Lucy
Lockit. It was this that rous-ed the
audience to demands for "encore."
Sylvia Nelis made a perfect Polly
Peacha.rh and 'Beatrice Morgan, a Can-
adian girl, was Lucy Lockit, Lena
Maitland, as Mrs, Peacham, provided
excellent comedy, and Alfred Heather
was noteworthy. as Pfip. As a matter
of fact, each member of the cast de-
served especial mention."
The Best Shoes
Men, Women and Children
Lowest' Prices
. MOOTS AND .8110g8
I( Aromid my ivied pOrch shall blow
Each fragrantflower efhat drinks the
- dew; •
‘-11\i'llt!tli(s.ief 2,'-',Wint.'litirctril .‘i.'‘i'li)IrIcie:iviiltsi:ws
Phone 84
A pretty wedding took place in St.
Co/Wuhan .Church ori Wednesday
morning, April 3, at 830, when'Anna
Camilla, daughter , of. Mr, and Mrs.
Peter McGrath, of Ste Columban, be-
eame the bride of Angus LeWis ,Ken-
necly, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roland
Kennedy, of Teckersinith. Rev, Fr,
Dantzer performed the ceremony.
The bride, charming in •rase beige
georgette and flowered hat end carry-
ing a bouquet of Sunset roses, was
given away by her father, Miss Eve-
lyn McGrath, of Detroit,sister of the
bride, in blue chiffon with grey hat
and carrying a bouquet pf pink roses,
was bridesmaid. Mr. Albert Jordan',
cousin of the groom, was grooiffsmatl.,
The ushers were ,Mr„ him Murphy
and Mr. Sandy McMillaiT,' The wed-
ding .music was played by Miss Marie
Flannery, Following the ceremony
the wedding party repaired to the
home of the bride, wherethe Wedding
breakfast was served in the beautiful-
ly decorated dining rooM. The hap-
py couple then left .for points south,
the bride travelling in a dress of sand
crepe with navy tailored- coat, After
a brief honeymoon in American cities,
Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy will live on
the groom's farin in Tuckersmith.
Previous to the wedding, the bride
was the recipient of nvany handsome
gifts, testifying to her popularity..
Showers were given in her honour by
Miss Lucy Burke and Miss Loretta
Among those who attended, the
wedding from a distance were Misses
Elizabeth McGrath, Detroit; Marg-
aret Mc'Grath, Niagara Falls; Mary
McGrath, Toronto, and Emily Kenne-
dy, of Detroit.
The Growth 'of christ ,and,
'Amity," wad 'the` subject'viz ably
presentcl• by 'Aft. F. S. Savauge at
the negular Tuesday evening meeting
of the Y.P.S, of Norther& United
Church. Mr, A. Westeott, presided
the Meeting, calling on. 1VIrAlex. Mc-
avin,' e secrtary;fer, the report of
the last ineeting:` Mt.eCarl •Pinkti'e&
led inprayer and'read 'the Seriefttife'
lesson. Misses .Irene 'Wankel and
Anne Govenlock,pleased the audience
with a vocal duet, "The Old Rugged
.Cross," accompanied on the piano by
Miss 'Evelyn Harburn. A reading by
Miss Doreen Hudson was appreciat-
ed. 'The meeting was brought to a
close with the Mizpah benediction.
Miss Anne Govenlock, convenor of
the Missionary Department, .reports
having a splendid literary and musical
programme for next Tuesday even-
Pine • weathef greeted Seaforth
Spring Show on Thursday, afternoon
and there wasa good 'attendance.
There was a large eery lIs and the
standard of quality was eXCeptionally
high, enhancibg, the -feputation of
this district, which is already well
known for its good. horses.,
1Following is.a list of the prize wi
'Township Special -3, ,Hibbe
Township, R. J. Scott; 2,Hi:1113e
Township, Ken. McKellar. •."'"
.01Ydesdale Stallion, any 'age,1R. D
Murdoch, "Favourite Ag.ain,l';
McMichael, ."Carbrook . Flashlight;
Sweepstake, D. Murdoch. .• •
Percheron Stallion, any age`,.:'Win
Keeler, "Diarnant,";' ',Point' • Krie
"Greedwood Ike".
R . '
oadster Stallion in harness Stew
art & ElleringtOn "Salvage,V Agficol
tural Brood Mare in :foal, Rusgell J
Scott, Alex. Wright, s.
Agricultural Marc, Filly or Geld
ing, any age -Russell J. Scott, an
2nd; 3. Ken. McKellar. „
Agricultural Filly or Gelding; foal
ed in 1926, Wm. 'Chapman, Wm, Pat
rick and 3rd. • .
Agricultural Filly or Gelding; foal
ed in 1927, David Papplee Wm. J. Mc
Brien, Donald W. Da4e,
Agricultural Filly or Gelding, foal-
ed in 1928., Robert McMichael, Fer-
gus Horan. •
.Agricultural Team in Harness-
Rrissell J, Scott, Ken. McKellar, John
Sstake-Russell T. Scott.
.Heavy Draft Brood Mare in foal -
A, & J. Broadfoot, 'William Urqu-
hart and 3rd. • .
Heavy Draft Marc, Filly or Geld-
ing, any age, Ken McKellar, A. j.
Broadfoot Ken McKellar,
Heavy Draft Filly or Gelding, foal -
Cd. in 1926 Ken, McKellar,,,, Ross
Broadfoot. • , •
ilieavy, Draf.C. Filly' or Gelding,
ed in :1927--4,Win. T.ITqUllarty
IvreMichael, William • Patrick. ,
.11-reavydraft filly or. gelding tO.'aled.
in .1928 -IF, 'Bruce Medd,
Heavy Draft Team in_ harness ---Ken,
McKellar, Russell Scott, Wm. Ue-
•--irliart •
, „
Sweepstake-Ken...McKellar. '
IGeneral Purpose Team in'harne'ssl--,
Decker,, Elmer, Thiele_
Roadster Mime in harness• -•4R, Mc-
Laren; ;PO n Heir Jr.
.fCarriage Horse .in harness, :Victor
acl'csOn, " Levy, Leonard
Leernin.g, , • ,
Livingston Special, Grand'. 'Cham-
pion, Russell y, Scott,
Postmaster's ,. Special Arthur
!Boys' Judging Combetition=Frank
Reynolds •••95,. Donald ;Wallace' '94,
'William Archibald 93; John' MeYlari
83, 'rorii Ellerington &I, . •
:Jficlges, Light Horses, J. D, Brien,
Ridgetawn, Ont, e Heavy Horses, J,
M. Gardhatise, Weston, Oht,
rt rt
otal 750, honors 563, lieu 450.
tSr. 'Flt t 580, Arthur
Golding 579, 'Ken Beattie 537, Billie
Cudinore 526, Jack Stevens 517,
Even reennie 604, Iva Crowell 483,
Cotrine diotham 428, Charles Pinder
4270 ,Marion MeGregor 425, Edith
Ferguson 411,
Jr. IV. - *IWinnie Savange 639,
IcHlarry 'Sheffer 631, *Jim. Scott 628,
*Ian McTavish 592, *Leo Joynt 491,
*Jack Wright 489, Ross IRennie 449,
Grace Kreuter 406, Lulu Hart 404,
Max Hudson 368, Charles Chdrnore
346, Patsy Southgate 346, Eleanor
Hehderson 322e /Vera Mole 318.
'Those pupils marked (*) in Junior
Class will he eligible for Entrance
E, R. CRAIWiFORD, Principal.
"Room IL
Senior Third --Total 600, Honours
450, Pass 360.* jack Hotham 525
Royidon Hawkins 488, Stewart 'Plant
483, Helen Rolph 462, 'iRoss McNale
479, Dorothy Drover 456, Fred Bar-
low 444, Mildred Cudmore 413, 'Helen
MaoLean 412, Labelle Hawkins 407,
Mary Flett 416, Frank Grieve 399,
Conrad Crawford 369, Leona Box 378,
Jean Pearson 377, Jack Curry 352,
Douglas M. Stewart 343, Dorothy
Hudson 333, Douglas H. Stewart 332,
Lila Wiltse 300, Helen Peterson 292,
Stanley Dorrance 279, jack Dorrance
268) jack Dunlop 235, Florence
Knight 223, Gladys Holmes 214, Dor-
othY Parke 1797 *Howard Siegrist
161, (*)Absent from exams,
' Room III.
Total -560, honours 420, pass 336.
Dorothy Golding 50111; Jack Cheoros
500, Claire 'Buck 493, Marjory Wigg,
487, Mary Jehnstone .465, Garnet Free
459, Jack Rankin 447, .Ted Southgate
447., Rojs A.11en, 435, Gordon McKel-
lar 422, Van' Bell 420, lied ,Cluff 418,
Blanche'‘Wltse• 409, Stewart Geddes
"408,1 Crig Bock 405, Billie Box -404;
Martha, Storey- 394, Gordon' 'Welsh
81, r'Glsn Pinkney 366, George Pind-
.ef 3139,, Helen Crich 300; •Lillian
ReeVes 283, Georg Welsh 224. Miss-
ed part of exam, George Welsh.
: •
Room IV. • ", •
Total 550, honours 420; pass 370.
(*) Indicates number of examinations
missed, Mary Holmes 515, Merle
Keating 486, Charlie PetersOn 465,
Mary Dolmage 462, Mac i4o t h gate
4'th Buck 444, Edna. Plant 439
459,• Dora Welch 451, Iluglire' Oke48, Kei
Alice Hudson 435, Fern Dunlop 429,
Barry Spencer 426, 'Howard Carroll
408, Jean Dale 407, Rollie Stewart
'391,, Muriel Hudson 390, Roy .0ke
390, 'Nellie Reeves 390 (eglial), Mary
Howes 369, Carl Knight 30, Jimmie
Elliott 385, Jack Drover 378, Janet
Baker 1522, Donna Mole 370, Leone
Hotham 349, Helen Euler t343, Otis
McGregor 278, 'Kenneth Adams 268,
Arthur Cameron 186*
. Room V.
TOtal 426„ honours 383, pass '.319.
Harold Free 4116,• Jean Dungey.,405,
•Alastair Wigg 397, Dorothy Fraiser
389, -Helen Cheoros 384, Donald Mc-
Tavish 3,7,9, Billie Warnsley 372, Da-
vid 'Grieve 359, Mae Hodgson 355,
Bobby Barlow 345, Jack Mcgab 343,,
Viola Dolmage 339, 'Oban MadTav-
ish 335, Allan Dolmage 325,, Gone-.
vieve Hawkins 312, May Siegrist 312,
David Stewart 278, Zetta Dunlop 258,
Floyd Pinkney 2514, Alex, Baker 243,,
Roy Kerr 231, Charlie Woods 2231
Jack Cameron 112, Jimmie Welch 1161
Missed examinations, Dorothy Peter-
Primary Room.
Marion Ihbotson, Anna Dennis,
Clete Dickson, Betty McLeticl, Clara
Dolmage Grace 'Gillespie, Bruce
Wright, Margaret Barlow and Leon -
ore Edler (ecnial), . Clayton Dennis,
Helen Sekan, Alfred Siegrist, Carolyn
Holmes, Tommy Wilbee, -Richard
130x, Alma Elliott, Helen Fraiser •
Margaret, Fletcher, Ruth Fraiser,1
ry Wood; June Siegrist, Mary
Geddes, Leo .Oke, Dorothy 'Howes,
Freddy ReeVes,
The Cantita, "Darkness alid
Dawn," by Peace, rendered by the
,choie, of twentY-eight voices tinder
the leadership of the organist, C. A,
,Howey, A.L.C.M., at the evening ser-'
,vice on Easter Sunday was a decided
success, and a credit to the courage
and perseverance and sacrifice of time
•and effort of the leader and .the vax.
ions menithers of the choir required
•in preparing a work of this charac-
ter. 'The varions solos were well ta-
ken :by Miss Helen' Lane, Miss Ruth
Thompson, 'Dr, Burrows; Mrs. Ivan
Hill, Mrs. Bechely and Mr, Samtiel
Scott, while the quartettes were taken
,by ;Mrs. Close,. Mrs, Millson ansi
Messrs, Close and ,.Savatige, While
.some of the ,soloists were rather inex-
perienced, they took their parts well,
.eslpecially Mr. Samuel Scott, who
comes from a race of gbod singers
and has a voice well worth training.
The writer is of the opinion, how-
ever, that' this Cantata, and in fact
most cantatas, would be much more,
interesting and instructive, if the
printed words were made available to
'the audience as it is very.difficult to
follow the words uhen so rnany are
'singing -One of the Congregation.
The Easter Thankoffering meeting
of the W.M,S, of Egniondville Unit-
ed Church, was held in the thincli on
Monday, April lst, Mrs, W. D, Mc-
Donald presided and opened the
meeting by singing hymn 187, after
which Mrs. McDonald led in prayer.
Miss Mae W'allace read the Scripture
lesson, Miss Frances Houston read a
paper eititled the Easter message.
Miss Charters led in the Messenger
Prayer, after which Miss Gladys Shil-
linglaw sang a fine solo. Miss Rena
McKenzie gave a splendid address on
world missionary work. Misses
Sadie Howatt and, Jeanette Finnigan
rendered a very pleasing duet, Miss
Louise Allen gave an inspirational
address on "Stewardship." The of-
fering which was a very liberal one,
was then taken. Mrs. James Brown
led in the dedicatory prayer,. Hymn
1516 was sung and the meeting was
closed by prayer by Mies McTavish,
after which the ladies enjoyed a social
cup of tea.
On Saturday, :March 30th, at 2.30
o'clock, the Canadian, Girls in Train-
ing 'held their regular meeting which
took the place of a dedication cere-
mony, under the leadership of Miss
Gladys Way. The girls, dressed in
C.G.I.T. uniform, arranged them-
selves in the form of e square Dur-
ing the meeting each girl dedicated
herself to the work of carrying out
the C.G,I.T. ideals and to the spread-
ing of His Kingdom, Mrs, T. J. Web-
ster, the girls' former leader, and
Mrs. W. D. McDonald were present
as guests. After the ceremony a dain-
ty lunch was served, The next meet-
ing will be held at home of Mrs, T. J.
Webster on Friday at 2.30 o'clock.
Easter was observed at St. Thom-
as' Church .by Holy Comnunion at 8
alit. and 11 a.rn, .and Evensong at 7
p.m. 'There were large congregations
at all services and Easter messages
were given by'the 'tectot, Rev. T. H,
larciwn,- Special Music was rendered
by the choir under the leadership of
Mrs 3-11: Best &id George B. Clarke
organist. In the morning the anthem
"Magdalene" was sung and in the
evening "Awake, Thou that .Sleepest''
also the Magnificat (Simper) and
Nunc Dimittis CSimper).
The Easter concert held in North
Side United Church Friday, ,evening
tinder the auspices of the Sunday
School was greeted 'by a large audi-
ence. Numbers by the primary class
end two other classes, a chorus by
Mrs. Dickson's class, and a number
by Mrs, Knight's class, and the Ofe-
sentaton of diplomas, seals and
alumni diplomas completed the first
part of the programme. The Superin-
tendent, Mr. F. S. Savauge, was
chairman. A particular treat this year
was the presence of Mr. J. H. Cam-
eron, of Toronto, entertainer, and
Miss McElroy, of London, elocution-
ist, both of whom are talented art-
ists. The rendering by a class of
girls of Paulne Johnson's "Canadian
Born," as arranged by Mr. Harry
Livens, was a stirring patriotic num-
"Mrs. Glew, widow of Matthias
IC -16v, died at the home of her son,
'Mr. Henry Glew of Hullett, on Sun-
day after an illness of about four
months, at the age of 71 years. Mrs.
.Glew, whose maiden name was May
Ann Jones, was born in Hullett and
spent practically all her life in the
township. She has left to mourn a
gaod mother, four daughters and
three sons: Mrs. W. J. Biggart, Clin-
ton; Mrs. E. Williams, Fordwich;
Mrs, R. W. IvIcKenzie, Detroit; Mrs,
W, Bentley, Toronto; Charles Glew,
.Seaforth, and Frank and Henry Glew
of Hullett Three brothers and one
;sister also survive: Edward and Geo,
'Jones and 'Mrs. George Cochrane of
Victoria, B.C„ and Robert Jones of
Clinton, Mrs. Glew was a quiet,
home -loving woman but in her earlier
life she was wont to gather about her
on Sunday afternoon, not only her
own children, but the children of the
neighborhood for a little Sunday
school, when she taught them the
'Scriptures, She was a member of
the Brethren and a woman of consis-
tent Christian character, The funeral
toolc place from the horne of Mr. H.
Glew on Tuesday afternoon, the ser-
vice being in charge of Mr. Sykes of
Toronto, assisted by the Rev. Mr.
Doan. The pallbearers' were Messrs.
E. Cle Williams, R. W. McKenzie arid
W., J. Biggart, sons-in-law, and W.
Cochrane, Guy Jones and W. Pinning,
nephews. 1Clinton News -Record,
Mr. and Mrs, George Hoegy and
son Clifford, were visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Regele on Good Friday.
Jack Frost made its appearaece 00
Monday night. Some fields of fall
wheat are quite patchy.
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Thornton and
son Kenneth were visiting the latter's
parents on"Feiday last.
Mr. and Mrs, Edw. C Regele call-
ed on Mr, and Mrs. James Howe, of
Cromarty, on Friday last,
Mr. Ed. Davidson called 011 Mr.
and Mrs, Joseph Thornton Sunday
Messrs. John and Raymond an d
Miss Clarissa Jepson, of Fergus, are
holidaying with. Mr, and. Mrs. Alex.
Munn. .
Mie John Menn Jr. who had been
working in Paris dnring the winter
months, has returned home. •
Mr. S. Ross is under the doctor's
1 Wedding Gifts of
• Silver
When buying a wedding gift you naturally wish to select
something that the bride will keep -something that in later
years she will be able to proudly show you, and say, "Re-
member the lovely gift you gave me; here it is just as nice
as ever 1" If you make yam wedding gift a gift of good
silverware, it will last for years, retaining all its beauty and
graceful design, in fact, will look as nice as When it was
purchased. And good silverware is not really expensive -a
butter dish, coMplete with knife, $1.50; sligar and cream set,
$3.50; pie plate, $4.00; flower basket, $6.00; bread tray, $4.00;
serving tray, $10.00; 3 -piece tea set, $16.00, and many other
pieces at reasonable prices. It will bel. pleasure to show you
our large and varied selection of wedding gifts of silver.
.Fred S.. Scivatige
- Themes 194 ' Ree 10
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Purcell have
returned home from a visit with
friends in Windsor and Detroit.
Ws. Elizabeth Murray of Wind-
sor is spending her Easter holidays
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John
Mr. Martin Murray has purchased
the residence of the late Mr. McCoy
in Dublin and intends moving there
in the near future.
The windstorm on Monday has
done considerable damage to buil-
dings and windmills and it will make
it a busy time to have the repairing
done before seeding starts.
Wedding bells are ringing in • this
Mlex. Milier, ,a former resident
of this place, is visiting his brother,
Mr. S. A, Miller.
Miss Mary McKellar has returned
from Detroit where she was visiting
her brother, Mr. Dan, McKellar,
Mrs. W. Batten of Winchelsea,
spent the week end with her aunt,
Mrs. S. A. Miller. .
Mn. George Lamond of Kitchener
itshel.P.ending the holidays with his mo-
Mrs. A. Allen of Exeter is visiting
her relatives here.
The W.M.S, of the Presbyterian
Church will meet in the basement of
the church on Thursday. afternoon,
April 4th. at 2.30 p.m.
litorn--On Wednesda-y 'March 27,
to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kinsman, a
Mr. and Mrs. James Fairservice en-
tertained a few of the older people
last Thursday evening. All report a
real aced time as they are royal en-
mr. George Moon is nursing e, very
sore arm at present. ,
Miss 011ie Moon of Stratford Nor-
mal is speeding her holidays, at the
home of her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. William Fairservice
attended the funeral of Mr. Edwin
Strint of New Dundee, who lost ,his
life in the train wreck at Drocourf.
The late 'Mt'. Strutt was a brother -in -
lad' of Mr, and Mrs. Fairservice
Ur. Willinrn Jainieson's sale last
week was well attended and good
prices realized:
Mrs, George Lawrence, who has
been ailing for some time, is some-
what improved.
S. S. No. 4, Hullett.-The results of
the Easter examinations of the pupils
of. 8,S, No. 4, Hullett, are given 'lie -
low. The naines appear in order"6#
Sr, TV. Fairservice 72:9, p.c.,
M, Stewart 63.9, P. 14tedr1 61.5, E.
Cartwright 59, V. tRiley 44.1.
Jr. IV -L, Stewart 66.4,
Sr. Fairservice 68.9.•
Jr. 911.-E. /Lith 67.9, K. Ilessel-
wood 59.8, G. Hoggart 51,3, 'T3obby
Riley 91, Beatrice Riley 34.2. • • •
Second. - a, Carter 70, T. Law-
rence 56,9, W. Hoggart 55.4.
First, -,C. Medd 76, A, Riley 65,
Primer -E, Riley
Noon fon, 18, percentage of at-
tend nce 97/ p.c.
12 Gilkinson, Teacher,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Parsons and"
family visited Mr, and Mrs. Leo Watt'
for dinner on Sunday.
Shower. -Over thirty friends as--
sembled at the home of Mr, and Mrs,
Albert Brigham, and honoured the
'bride -to -he, Miss Janet McVittie, With
a kitchen shower an Tuesday even-
ing. The house was prettily decorat-
ed with pink and white crepe paper
and bells. A pleasant evening was
spent in playing crokinole and cards,
after which a dainty lunch was serv-
ed. The hostesses were Mrs. A.,Bric--
ham and Miss Bertha Hoggart.
Miss McVittie's marriage to Mi•: -
James Scott of Toronto will take ••
place shortly. Their many friends.
wish them a happy and prosperous-•
future, ,
Mrs. A. W. 13eacom is at present'
visiting at the home of her mother,
Mrs. Pearson, also other friends in
Grey township.
Quite a number fr.= here attended.
the Seaforth Fair last week.
Mr. James. Leiper held an auction'
sale of horses in Blyth on Saturday
The Ladies' Aid will hold their
monthly meeting at the home of Mrs..
Thomas Neilans on Friday afternoon,
April 5th.
Miss Mary Reid is spending leer -
Easter holidays with Harlock and
Sunshine friends. •
'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin of Sun-
shine visited. at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. D. Reid, also Mr. and, Mrs. A.
Reid on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Hackwell, also
Miss Marjorie Reid of Walton visite&
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George.
Watt Sunday afternoon.
The Harlock Alert Club are haying
a dance in the Community Hall, Lon-
desboro, on Friday evening, April 12,
he Blyth five -piece orchestra supPlY-
ing music.
Mr. Keith Hare fon, who is teach-
ing at Walke, spent his Easter
holidays at his ine here,
Mr. Stewart Beattie, who is teach,-
ing near Vara, spent the holidays at
the home of his parents.
. Mr. and IVIrs. William Ross of Lon-
desboro spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Parsons,
Mr. Martin Melady of Detroit spent
Easter at thehorne of his father here.
Mr. ThomaS lvteQuaid of Windsor
is spell ing the holidays at the home
of his p•avents, Mr. and Mrs...Jose Ts
Quai . .
'The Misses Mildred and Gertrnde
MoGrath of near Gttelph are holme
for the holidays.
Mr. Charles Malone of Windsor is
spending the holidays at the home of
his father, Mr. John Malone,
• The Misses •IVIargaret, Mary and'
Evelyn MeGrath are spending the'
holidays wjth their parents, Mt. and'
itIrs. P. H. McGrath.
'Miss Anne Dalton has refurnee to
Detroit after spending Easter with .
her parents, Mr •end Mrs.
Messrs. lames' ',nee, of TeesWater,
an tl Thos. 'Lan e, o f Toronto, spent
the holidays with iheir mother. Mrs
John Lane Sr.
Mrs. Frank O'Reilly has engaged
Afr, Luke Nigh to woik her farm this
Ci..W,L: held their Easter dance
on Monday evening, A large crovre,
.was in, attendance and all report
good time.