HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-03-28, Page 8PA TH EAFORTH EWS. HENSW4. Mr, Alf rimithleft (or Oshawa on Pialey oveiling where he has aceepted o•altion. Mr, and Mrs., Elliott Bell it for Detroit oo Monday where they Intend making their home, M. John Solders left for London on Wesley morning where he ex- pects to sectire a situation on the rail - Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bezzo and family moved' to Goderieh last week where Mr.Bezzo has secured work it the harbor. Casey Hudson and Fred Fairbairn have opened a garage at Zurieh, As they are both capable men, they will no doubt to well. 13ert Johnson and- his com- pany of eutertainers are playing three nights this week in town and are having good crowds. They leave here Thursday for Exeter where .they will play three nights, • Miss Gerty Higgins of Exeter spent the week end et her home here. Mr. Devid Cantelon has built over his office, greatly adding to its ap- pearance. Mr, and. Mrs, William McKay and daughter Marion intend leaving short- ly for Hagersville where their son Russell is practising medicine. They will keep house for the doctor for a while. • Mrs. S. G. Peppier has returned home from Elora where she went to attend the funeral of a relative. Mrs, Cecil Cooper and little eon, of 'Clinton, *ere recent visitors at the home of her father, Mr. Wil•liam Stone, Mr. John McDonell continues to improve and is able to sit up awhile each day, The Hensall bakery is again open- ed and is doing its old time business, 'Miss Flo Cudenore of Toront•o. is visiting friends in town. 'Mrs. Roland Cudanore has returned to town after soendkig the winter with friends -at Montreal, Toronto and Kitchener. The services at the United Church were well attended last Sunday. The pastor, Rev. Arthur Sinclair preached at both services. Special services will he held in the Church every evening except Saturday this week. Next Sunday being Easter Sunday, appro- priate services will be held and special music by the choir. On Thursday last a very pleasant afternoon was spent by the Woman's Missionary Society of the United Church. The occasion was, the an- nual birthday party of the Society. The basement of the church was beau- tifully, decorated as also were the tables. A large number of ladieswere present and the meeting was presided over by the president, Mrs. Charles McDonnell. After the opening ex- ercises the following •program was given: a reading by Mrs.Horton, a trio by Mrs. Drysdale, Mrs. • Sinclair and Mrs. Hess, an instrumental by Miss Agar, a solo by Mrs. H. J. Mc- Donnell; solo by Mrs,. Hedden, read- ing. Mrs. McDonnell and an address on China by Mrs. Dougall and a read- ing by Mrs, Monroe. After the pro- gram a lunch was served by the la- dies, tea being poured by the follow- ing: Mrs. Wm. Buchanan, Mrs. Hen- ry, Mrs, John Johnson and Mrs. Thas Murdoch. Messrs. Claude Blowes and Ferris Cantelon were in London on Satur- day. Some farmers have commenced plowing and there is every indication of an early spring. Miss Ellis, Miss Buchanan and Miss Stuart attended a show in Lon- don on Friday last. The concert put on by the Sunimain Trio on Friday evening last was well attended and each artist gave a very pleasing rendering of their numbers. Mr. Roy Weber intends going into chicken raising extensively and is erecting colony houses. Mr. Thos. Shaddock is being visit- ed for a few &Lys by his brother from Londesboro. •Mr, Roy Todd underwent an ope- ration this week having a growth re- moved from his forehead, Dr. Milne of Blyth was in the vil- lage Tuesday. Me. Carl Passmore has opened a garage at Calgary' and his many fricnds wish him every success. People passing the hydro shop ad- mire the beautiful Easter WilidOw, ar- ranged by Miss Edna tlilf, assistant in the haairo office. It is a credit to her taste and skill. The auditors' report fer 1928 are out and WM be distributed as far ae possible though the village. On Tuesday evening of this week a pleasings event took place at the g, meetinot the Odrifellows, when Mr. WifliamlfacKav who is leaving for Hagersville, was presented with an easy chair. Mr: MacKay hap been identified with the Odd Fellows for a good many years and made a feel- ing reply, HOG SHIPMENTS For February, 1929: Seaforth—Total hogs, 437, select • bacon 176, thick smooth 228, heavies 20, extra heavies 0, shop hogs 7, lights and feeders 0. • Brocefield—Total hogs 146, select • bacon 64, thick smooth 75, heavies 4, extra heavies 0, shop hogs 2, lights and feeders 0. Walton --Total hogs 377, select ba- con 117, thick smooth 221, heavies 22, extra heavies 0, shop hogs 0, lights and feeders 11. Huron County—Total hogs 6358, select bacon 2229, thick smooth 3602, heavies 280, extra heavies 12, shop hogs 86, lights and feeders 46. Want and For Sale ads, 1 week 25c. Zurich, Mr, John Weida of Zurich has sold his 100 acre farm on the corner of Zurich road and Parr line to Mr, Sol Schroeder, immediate possession be - Mg given. John Douglas, town line, Stanley township, has rented his farm to Jos. Gelinas, a neighbor, Mr. Douglas will continue to live on the farm. The death took place at Dashwood on Mardi Ilith of Mali -rata Schumaker wife of H. M, Willert, aged 54 years and 9 months, She had suffered a paralytic aeroke about four weeks previous. She leaves to mourn het - lose her husband, four daughters and wo sone: Mrs, Fired 'Welber; V/ Mrs, A. Keller, Lillie, Rose, Per/SY 1 and garnet, at home, aleo her mothers and. a' stepePlettle• GRATEFUL THANES . I wish to thank the malty friends who so kindly helped roe in nass sore Med, during the long arionths of sick- ness. in making' the sale a success; in =wag ua to our new home; and for their sympathy and hells in my recent bereavement, MRS. WALTER COLPIE, Kippen, CARD OF THANKS, Kruse Bros. take this opportunity of thanking the Seaforth Fire Bri- gade and the neighbors who worked so hard in saving the house and near- by buildings during the fire Tuesday morning. Yours gratefully, KRUSE BROS, HOME MADE COOKING SALE The Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church are having a sale of home made cooking in the va- cant store opposite the "Commercial Hotel on Saturday, March 30th. Sale commences at 3 o'clock. 13 HATCHING EGGS Eggs for hatching, bred -to -lay, White Rocks, Apply to MRS. JULIA Mc MILLAN. Phone 266 r 24. 15• DAIRY COW WANTED. IGood dairy cow, fresh, Jersey pre- ferred. Phone McKillop 239r16. 13 GRASS SEED FOR SALE, Timothy a,nd Alsike mixture, about 27 per cent alsike, lac a pound; Pure Timothy, $4 a bus.; Yellow bloseom sweet Clover, $5 a bus.; White blos- som sweet clover, $4.50 a bus.; All government graded seed. RUSSELL D'OUGHERTY, Walton, Lot 13,, Con. 17, Grey twp. Telephone 37-19, Brussels'. 18 APARTMENT TO RENT. Comfortable four -roomed apart- ment, near corner of highway. Low rent to desirable party, Apply at The Neaess, • 18 APARTMENT TO RENT. Six rooms over W. M. Stewart's grocery store. Apply to E. L, BOX. 13 MAN WANTED. Good man, good with horses, to sign for six Months or year. Start 1st of • April. 'THOS. BROOME, Win- throp. 16 HOUSE FOR SALE. Six400med house and .34. acre good garden land. All modern conveniences and good cellar. Near Seaforth Col- legiate Institute. Moderately priced for quick sale. Apply at The News Office, AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Farm Stock and Imple- ments. --Thomas Brown has been in- structed to sell by public auction on Lot 3, Concession 4, McKillop, on Wednesday, April 3rd, 1929, at 1 o'- clock sharp, the following: Farm—The 'farm consists oi the east three-quarters of lot 3, conces- sion 4, of the Township M McKil- lop, containing 75 acres of choice land. On the premises are a drilled well with windmill and large water trough, a small stable and about 6 acres of hardwood bush, 25 acres un- der cultivation, balance in hay and grass. Horses—Bay horse 1•0 years old, brown mare 11 years old. Cattle—Durham cow due April 20; Durham cow due May 1st; Durham calf rising one year old; Durham hei- fer rising one year old; 40 young hens, 2 geese and -1 gander. Implements—Massey Harris bind- er, 6 -'foot cut, with sheaf carrier and truck; McCormick mower, 6 -foot cut; Massey -Harris cultivator with seed box attached; Massey -Harris combin- ed drill; Bain wagon, set of sleighs nearly new: Chatham fanning mill: Quebec sulky riding plow, walking plow, set of 4 -section harrows, scuf- flea' land roller, cutter, buggy, Stan- dard cream separator, set of scales WO lbs. capacity., water trough, 160 feet of hay •fork rope, 6 pulleys, sugar kettle, sap pan, 65 sap buckets, 100 sap scales. a quantity of potatoes, ba- by carriage, new baby cradle, grind- stone, gravel box, set of double har- ness, nearly new, extra harness for third horse, fly net, dozen grain bags, cant hook, logging chain, scoop shov- el, se.. of 4 -horse eveners, 3 -horse ev- ener, set of doubletrees, neckyoke. pair of rack sills, aortae plank and scantling, stock rack, flat top for sleigh, wagon jack, flat top and slid- ing car Inc hay rack, horse clippers, kitchen chairs and table and several other articles too numerous to men- tion. No reserve a5 proprietor is giv- ing up farming. Terms ---On farm will be made knows, on day of sale or by applying to the proprietor. Terms on Chattels —All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that arnount, 8 months' credit will be given by furnishing approved joint notes with property owners as security, or a discount of 6 per cent. per annum allowed off for cash on credit amounts, JOSEPH GIVLIN, Prep.; T. Brown, Auct. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Nancy Kinney, late of the Township of laf ciaillop, in the County of Huron, who died 011 the 25th day of February, 1929, are requested to forward then- claims against the estate of'Nancy Kinney, late of the Township of McKillop, se the County of Huron, who died on the 25th day of February, 1929, are required to forward flreir claims duly proven to the undersigned, solicitor for the administrator on or before the lith day of April, 1929. AND NOTICE is further given that after the said date the adminis- trator will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice. Dated at Seaforth this 27th day of March, 1929. JOHN J. ,HUGGARD, Seaforth, Ont. Solicitor for Administrator. 15. •"‘ ASH PRIC —APRIL 1st, 2nd, and 3rd ONLY,- AYLMER TOMATOES, large tins .....................2 for 23tAc GOLDEN BANTAM CORN ...........................7 for 38%e FOREST CITY RAKING POWTSR, per quar29%c MAGIC BAKING POWDER, Per Pound . . .. ... . CLUB HOUSE BAKING rowDpE, per pound , ...... 3 Pkgs, KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES ......... . ..,....,„ „291/ac 3 Pkg, LUX SOAP. • ..... . .. ..... .23%c 2 Pounds SEEDLESS RAISINS., 23,/3c 1 Pound Salada Tea: - ...... ... . . . ... ....... -69%c 10 BARS P. dt G. SOAP , ........ ..... ..... „ .„,, „ 371/2c BUY HERE -- BUY NOW -- AT THESE PRICES Free Delivery anywhere in Seaforth IT WILL PAY YOU g0 BUY FROM W. J. FINNIGAN WORK WANTED. +Taking care of lawns and putting in gardens. Apply to 'The News Of- fice, 14 HELP WANTED. Capable girl or woneao for general housework All conveniences. Apply at 'TheeNews Office, • 16 CLOVER SEED Yellow Sweet Clover Seed for sale. Government tested. Apply to RAY. ORAWRORD, Lot 18, Oon, 14, Mc- Killop, Walton R.R. 1. 1311 HARNESS FOR SALE Collars, sweatbands', etc., at reason- able prices. A, M. HILL,. Shoe Re- pairs. 13 AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects. The follow- ing articles will be sold by public auction on Saturday, March 30, 1929, at Village of Walton: Two bedsteads, 2 bedsprings, 1 mattress, 1 extension table, 1 falling leaf table, 2 small tables, half dozen oak dining room chairs with leather seats, 6 other chairs, 1 small rocking chair, 1 music rack, 1 writing desk, 2 washstands, 1 kitchen sink, it kitchen cupboard, 1 Gurney -Oxford range, 1 flower stand, dishes, lamps, pictures, picture frames, 1 fire extinguisher, 1 tivo-quart ice cream freezer, 1 wash- ing Machine, 1 wringer, 1 wheelbar- row, 1 scuffler, 1 draw knife, 1 pick, 1 crosscut saw, 15 cedar posts, scythe, grindstone, ice tongs, crowbar, buck- saw, brace and bit, chains, forks and other articles too numerous to men- tion. Terms cash. MRS. R. H. FERGUSON, Propriet- ress; Geo, 11. Elliott, ',Auctioneer. • HATCHING EGGS. I7T0111 bred -to -lay Barred Plymouth Rotles. Kvery' bird under trapnest end onlyhigh praducers used fer breeding. Sired by pedigreed cock- erels, We guarantee 85,p.c. fertility. Our, Last teat proved. 95 p.c. fertile, Eggs are all selected and eandled 15.00 per hundred. OLIVER. SIEs GRIST, Centre •st., Seaforth. Phone 304. •1.1 tf • AUCTION SALE. Of Household Goods.—At resi- dence of Mrs, R. E. Coates, John and Sperling street: Seaforth, on Wednes- day, April 3rd at 1.30 p.m. Parlour suite, bedroom suite, springs and mattress, stretcher, set- tee and chair, clocks, mirror, couch, large library table, extension dining table, 'sideboard (o'ak), folding leaf table, cellar table, small tables, mor- ris chair, piano stool, wicker rocking chair, plate rail, pictures, 4 kitchen chairs, hammock, 4 verandah chairs, 2 carpet sweepers, verandah rugs, 1 rug 3114x4 yds.; 1 nug 3x35 yds.; 1 rug 3x4 yds.; small rug esix1114 yds.; small rug 1x2 yds,; strip of green carpet 7 yds.; 2 electric table lamps, large oil lamp, 2 small oil lamps, 2 lanterns, 2 iron pumps, 36 ft. exten- sion ladder, grindstone, garden hose, lawn mower, gasoline stove, coal oil heater, small wood heater, step lad- der, wheelbarrow, ash shaker, chenille curtains, -curtain poles, invalid back rest, bed pan, shaving set, 3 hanging pots, flower potsa fruit jars,' dishes, Washtub, wringer, cloaltes basketegal- vanized tub, kitchen utensils, copper boiler, lunch. box with thermos, and other miscellaneous items. Terms cash. MRS. R. E. COATES, Proprietress; Geo, H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 15 DAYS Mar. 281h to Pipr. 13th OUT THEY GO — AT HALF PRICE Every pair of Ladies' arid Children's Rubbers. Bring the shoes intended to be fitted with rubbers, to insure a satisfactory fit. 20 PER CENT. OFF CHILDREN'S SHOES, Sizes 9 to 12 WINDOW PANELS AND CURTAIN MATERIAL by the yard. At Greatly Reduced Prices COMFORTER CHINTZ, 36" wide—ends--- At,per yard COTTON FLANNELS AND CRETONNES, 35c Reg. 45c. Per yard SILK AND WOOL DRESS GOODS 69c . Regular $1.25 per yard. At, per yard ALL -WOOL FLANNEL (Just the thing for little tots' coats) 20 Per cent. Off Marked Price, 20 Per Cent. off Regular Price will be given during Sale Days on the following: Ladies' Spring and Summer Vests, Ladies' and Children's Hose—a large assortment, Men's Work Smocks, made to fit and fit to wear—all sizes; Men's.and Boys' Sweat- ers and Windbreakers, just what you want for fine spring days 2 Only Dinner Sets, 97 pieces. =These sets are semisporcelain Eng- glish ware, and are neatly patterned mid gold traced. 10 Per Cent. Off' All Paints and Hardware —A USEFUL PRIZE GIVEN WITH EVERY $10 ORDER— TERMS CASH — EGGS TAKEN AS CASH F. ell BEECHWOOD STORE LIN 1 "vimmteere.r.tr.,,itil.1111111P111W Spring Plantin Now is the time to plan Soon it will be time to plant A GOOD CATALOGUE IS OF REAL HELP IN ALL PLANNING A Copy of 041r 1929 issue will be gladly mailed free on request. It is, we believe, the best of its kind ever published in Canada. We also offer a Landscape Service specially ,designed to help in any planting problem. This is alwaya available. WE ARE LARGE GROWERS OF Trees, Shrubs, Evergreens, Vines and Perennials JOHN CONNON Co., Limited NURSERYMEN AND FLORISTS HAMILTON, ONT. • PASTVRE nrg. • 100 acreS of pasture land to -rent ni Hibbert on 3rd concession 13miles eaatit 01 St: Qolstinbau Well feoced and watered. • The property pf Richard Ilarry, For further particul- ars aPply al the residence of MRS, .L Crombie nt Seaforth. FARM TO RENT ao. 100 acres of grass" land withgood shade and water. Apply to MS, E. REYNOILDS, Sea for t 113 tf CLEARING AUCTION §AL4 ,Farin Stock and Implementstat Lot 8, 'Coneession 5, McEillop Ton - ship, 1 mile east of Beeehwood, 04 Friday, 'April 0th, at 1 O'clock sharp, the follOwingt Horses, -1 heavy draught mare ris- ing '10, years old, 1 agricultural,broOd mare 11 years old, in foal to. Vlash On"; matched general platP0a41 team rising six ard seven years; goOd single and. double; 1 agriculttualo'geld- ing 1 yr. aid, got by ',Flash Oit";. 1 driver 10 yrs. old, quiet.and Cattle -1 Hereford cow dae 27; 1 Durham co* ate Oct,‘ISt; 1 Holstein cow clue June 1st; 1;Durham cow due Sept. let; 1 farrow covel, two Hereford steers, 1 yr, old; two Here- ford heifers 1 yr, old; two Young calves. Illogs.--1 brood sow with litter of ten; 9 hogs about 180 lbs. 50 young hens, laspleanen.ts.-1 Massey -I -Farris bin- der 6 ft. cut; 1 Massey -Harris mower 6 ft. cut; 1 Massey-illarris disc drill; 1 Maesey-Harris manure spreader; 1 MasseyelHarris 2 furrow riding Plow; 1 Cocksbutt 1 ,furrow riding plow; 1 Paris walking plow; 1 International cultivator; I Keystone hay loader; 1 International horse rake, set of four section harrows, 1 land roller, 1 disc harrow, 1 scuffler, 1 Bain wagon, 1 truck wagon, I set of sloop sleighs, new; a ateel tire top buggy, 1 box cutter, 1; Clinton fanning mill with bagger, I set scales 2000,lb. capacity; 1 flat hayrack with- sliding car, new; 1 grant! box, • 1 stock rack, 1 root pulp'er, 1 grind stone, 1 sugar kettle, 1 wheel barrow, 1 standard cream separator, 2 sets of heavy team harn- ess, 1 set of single harness, I stall at St. Columban sheds, set of slings with block and chain, hay fork, 160' hay fork rope, NaPartman Re Ward hay car, crosscut sawo wire stretcher, darks, shovels, logging chains, neck - yokes, vahiffletrees, 25 grain begs and other articles too numerous to men- tion. Grain. -150 bus, mixed grain, .• wheat and barley. [Furhiture.-1 Moffat range, Belle Oak heater, 1; three burnee cnal stove, 2 oak extension tables,- 7' Small tables, 6 kitchen chairs, 1 rocking chair, 1 bedr0ont ,suite, 2 beds, ,l,cutsa boardel couch, 1.70aisy, churoseleeicce. linoleum 12' x 20'; 2 hanging elarnjase 2 lamps, 2 lanterns, pictures, bergels, etc. Terms.---1Grain, hens, and all sumo of $10 and under, cash; over that a- mount '12 months' credit will be 'given by furnishing approved joint teotes with property owners as security, or a discount of 5 p.c. off ,for cash on cre- dit amounts. F.EIRIGUS HORAN, Proprietor; Thos. Brown, auctioneer. AUCTION -SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements. Thos. Brown has been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 7, Con- cession 1, Huron Road, one mile east. of Seaforth, on Tuesday, April 2nd, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following: Horses -1 mare 6 years old, 1,300 lbs; 1 mare in foal, 1200 lbs.; 1 mare in foal, 1600 lbs.; I mare 12 years old 1250 lbs.; 1 two year old filly, 1 year- ling colt. * Cattle -4 Holstein cows 4 years old due to calve in December, 1 Holstein heifer due to calve in July, 1 Jersey heifer due to calve in !July; 2 Jersey calves, Hogs -4 brood sows, 29 hogs about 140 lbs, 10 hogs about 125 lbs., 10 hogs about 75 lbs. Implements -1 McCormick binder 6 -foot cut, complete, nearly new; 1 stiff tooth cultivator, 11 tooth; 13 dist drill, 1 9 -foot land roller; 1 9 -foot dump rake, 1 2 -furrow plow; 2 walk- ing plows; 1 -furrow riding plow; one -wagon and boy, also hay rack, timber Inc gravel box, I 16 -plate disc; 1 'set bobsleighs, I flat rack, 1 cutter, steel tire buggy, set scales, Chatham fan- ning mill, 1 Clipper fanning inill, 1 clover huller, 1 corn planter, 1 corn scuffler, 6 -foot mower, 4 oak barrels. set single harness, 2 sets double har- dens, collars, 14 -inch Bell cutting box w-ith carriers, circular saw, 300 bush- els seed oats, 200 bushels feed oats, 300 bushels barley and early oats suitable' for seed, set slings, quantity of yellow sweet clover hay, 400 Ideal in excellent cendition , 1 three horse power lfassey-lHarris engine nearly -new, 1 4 -burner Perfection oil- stove and oven and -numerous articles. Ev- • erything will be sold without reserve as -proprietor has rented 'the faem, In event -of rain, salewill heoheld!under Terms.L-Ali suMs of'1$1.0.a.nd under, cash; over " that amount '7- months' credit will be given on tuaishing an- prove4 bankable paper. Six per cent. Per annum off for cash: IS, F. CARe RON, Proprietor; Thos. Brown, auct. FARMS FOR SALE. Two fifty -acre farms for sale. One situated one mile east of Seatforth on the highway, good clay loain, well drained and fenced, seeded, nice ap- ple orchard, high sloping land. Barn newly -shingled, 34x50; good 10 -room frame house, new roof, an ideal poul- try farm. Also fffty acres of pasttre on 2nd concession, of Hibbert, two miles from Dublin. All with good woven fence and. draineCnever failing spring creek. Both these farms will be sold at a sacrifice. Apply to P. DNIL, Dublin, Ont. 18 BABY gilIcKs AND CUSTOM HATCHING Baby. Chicks from beet bred -to -lay stook ,that have • free range. Barred Rocks, $16.00 per hundred; S.C,W, .Leghorns, $15.00 per hundred; after May 1,5th all chicks' $1.00' per hun- dred less. Custom hatching $4,00 per hundred in one hundred lots or more. E. J, TREWAIRTHIA, Holmesville P.0„ OM, Phone 611r22, Clinton, central, 1211 HODSD. AND STABLD :ro DENT. On tmtisa, Street, tight -roomed franc house with electric light and electric -range, and tom water; also .a good stable with cement -6100554uid with lights and town watee, Wtit rent With or without 10 4Qrea of land. AP - ply to J. 11. REYNOLDS, , 10tf SEED OATS FOR SALE ' Seed oats, Improved Banner , also Yellow blossom Sweet Clover, Apply to HENRY F. BE"U'ERIMAINN, R.R. 1, Ph -one 23-0, Dublin', 15 FOR SALE Two York sows for sale, due to farrow about April 10. Phone 1313r12. HUGH ,•CHESNEY, Tucicersmith, . • 11,3 EGMONDVILLE GARAGE '• The thriving village of Egmond- ville is opening up a garage on April 1st" Will handle all, kinds gas, oil, also repair work, by GEORGE Phone 14602, Seaforth, 114 NOTICE Carload Of Cedar Posts and load of Alberta C-oal arrived last week. (Car of 13. C. Shingles will arrive this week, Phone 123, R. -J. MdMILILAIN. 15 ROOMS TO RENT. ,Over Mr. Wigg's store two bed- rooms, sun room, sitting room and kitehen with, town Water. Apply to W. G. WillIVEIS, Seaforth, 13 cLovErt SEED FOR SALE qoantity M White , Blossom Sweet °lover Seed. Apply to JOHN DEDANEY, St. Collimbats. 'Lot 10, Concession 4, McKillop. 13 BABY mums. Tom Barron single comb White Leghorn hens mated to cockerels from trapnested hens of 275 and 300 eggs. S.C. White Leghorn chicks 12o each; after June lstel cent per chick less. Barred P. Rock hens, mated to cockerels from Eaglenest liatchery Co„ Sandusky, Ohio. Chieks.14t each, after June Ist le per chick less. Hat- ching eggs $3.00 per hund'red. HAR- RY ICSIEIHNE, RJR. 1, Bornholm, Ont. Phone 512-23, Dublin. SWEET CLOVER SEED Yellow blossom Sweet clover seed for sale,!Apply to Joseph L. Malon- ey, Beechwood. Phone 40-22, Dublin, 14 THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1929,, PRODDSRONAD CAEN, adedicel, DR. I-1-, HUGH ROSS, I)Itysicaao and Surgeon. -Late of London Mk pita!, London, gnoland, Spo$ra, attention to dise,ases of the aYe, eala nose and throat. Offige and res.*, ence behind Dominion Bank, Ofika Phone No, 0; Residenee Phone DR,...s.F. Jo -BUR/ROWS, Scalar*, Office and residence, Goderich street, east, of the Methodiat,10hurah. Otter for the 'County of Huron. Tali* phone No. 40. HOUSE AND LOT FOR • SALE. .Good brick house with electric lights, good water, lots of good outer buildings, 4 to 5 acres of very hest land-, suitable for chicken farm. Some frbit trees. . Will seg reasonable. MRS. MHOS. J. ADAMS, Seaforth Ri112,2, phone 170r14. 17 'ONTARIO BREEDING STATION 'Under supervision Poultry Dept., 0.A.C., Guelph. Every bird on our farm has been cullied, banded and blood tested, by government inspector. Day old Chicks $18.00 per hundred for April; 3 weeks old chicks, 15c plus dhy old price. Brooder stoves and chick feeds at bargain prices. No deposit required on local orders. Sian- ny Crest Farm, J. M. SCOTT, Sea - forth, ,Phone 2511r32. lltf ...FARM FOR SALE. 100 acres on lot 7, concession 7, Tuckersmith. Practically all under cultivation. Bank 'barn and hay shed. Also driving 'barn. Good frame house. Good, never -failing well. About ;ea acre of orchard. For further particulars apply on the premises. WM LIAM WRIGHT, Seaforth R. R. 4. 13 • BABY tHICKS. If you want chieks that will mature to five and six pound hens and lay from 200 to 300 eggs a year get some - of our Tom Brown single comb Leg- horn chicks. The hens are mated to cockereJs from pedigreed and trap - nested hens of 304 and 316 eggs: S. C. White Leghorn chicks, 25 for 4.00; 50 for 7.50; 100. for $14.00s 0. A. C Barred P. Rocks chicks, 25 for $5,00; 50 for $9.25; 100 for $18.00. After May 15th 1 cent per chick less; after June 15th, 1 cent per chick less; after July 15th, 1 cent per chick less; hatching eggs 75c per setting of 13 eggs; $5,00 per hundred. Try some of our chicks and you add' be a satisfied customer. Order early. JOHN A. ECKERT, R R. 3, Dublin, Ont, Phone 23-23, Dublin. • 16 SPRING FAIR AFTERNOON First Showing Of The flg Parade The picture that smashed all' -at- tendance reaords including "The Birth of a Nation" -72 weeks contin- uously at the Astor Theatre, New York. John iGlbert • —with— RENEE.A.DOREE. KARL PANE TOM O'BRIEN Here at last is the picture that has captured the heart of the world. Not drama only—mther Life—splendid, mean, funny, horrible, ugly, beatitiful, heroic, rapturous, Ten million people have already marched, to see it, Here THURS, FRI, SAT. a P.M. MATINEES Each Day First Sat, Eve, Show 7.15 p.m. sharp. Come early—in the afternoons if Con- venient, • "THE BIG PARADE" willl be presented at the same prices as our usual Monthly Specials, Princess DR. C. MACKAY,—:C. Madam, ' honor graduate • of Trinity. Unifita ay and gold medallist of Trill* Medical College; member of the Osre lege Of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. ' ,DR. F. J. R. FORSTER—Rye,ER Nose and Throat. GradUate in Malk-' cine, Uniyeusity of Toronto 1897. Lak Assistant New York Ophthalmic alia Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye,404 Golden Square throat hoaPiterls, JAW don, England, At Commercial &eat Seaforth, 3rd Monday in esqh mese& from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m, DR. W. C. ISPROAT.—Gradiate Faculty of Medicine, Universby si Western Ontario, London. Meade of College of Physicians and Sol- geons of Ontario. Office in Abatises Drug Store, Main St, Segos* Phone 90. DR. J. A, IMUNN Successor to Dr. R. R.Ross,-itrzast- ate of Northwestern University, CU- cago, Ill. Licentiate Royal Collett of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office c vac Sills' hardware, Main siren Ssaforth. Phone 151. DR. F. J. BECHELY, gradsatt Royal College of Dental Surgeona Toronto. Office over W. R. &lege Grocery, Main street,Soden& Phones, office 189W, residence ISSJ AUctioneer. GEORGE RULIOTT, Liaison) Auctioneer for the County Of Herm - Arrangements can be made for Sed. Date et The -Seaforth News. Charges moderate and satisfaction -guaranteed WATSON AND' R MIPS REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEATORITH, cwt.. All kinds of Insurance risks, effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Clan Companies. THE McKILLOP Mutual IFirelosorance Cos FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY, -INSURED Officers—James --Connolly, Gorier- ich; Alex. James Evans, Beeckwund, Vice President; D. F. McGteima Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors—Wm, Rinn, No. 2 Sea- ford], John liennewies, Brociltagerts James Evans, Beechwood; M. MC - Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, Gad- erich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea - forth; J. M. Sholdice, No. .4, Waken Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray - Gibson, Brucefield. , Agents—Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1; Can- ton; E. Hinclaley, Seaforth; J A. Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; V. Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. jarmetstfa Bornholm. James Kerr and Alm Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insmance or tram, - act other business will be pronmtly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective postoffices. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS Do you want itf By bUyidgethia ewhty acres of rich and productive loam with good natural and artificial drainage, also pictaresque location.— one of the best in the vicinity, yeas will be profiting this amount. Said faern is about two miles from Clinton on Base line. Buildings cone -1st .of good houses large barn, driving shed, also windmill and reservoir. Consid- erable bush. Residence in States rea- son for sacrifice. For terms: W. Bry- done, 'Clinton. Owner, 322 •South Main Street, Romeo, Michigan. 251 • • ` BARRED ROCKS. 0.A.C. Barred Plymouth Rocks auk Pure Tom Barron White Leghorns Our Rocks are front blood tented stock mated with males from pedi- greed flock. Leghorns are large lairds of heavy laying strain mated with cockerels from H. L. Roberts, winner of 1928 Ontario 'Contest 85c per set- ting of fifteen or $5.00 per hundred. ANDREW A. vaora, "Sunnyvain Poultry Farm," Phone I37r3, Sea - forth. SEAFQRTH MARKETR . . !Wednesday, March 27the Chickens, live, per lb.... ..... ..4.22O Chickens, .dressed, per M 28c ens, live, per lb . 1Lic , Hens, dressed, per lb 24e. Roosters, -live, per lb 12's Roosters, dressed, per lb. Min Ducks, live, per lb - E7c Ducks, dressed, per lb 25e Geese, deessed, per lb. Ific Turkeys, dressed $40 Butter, per lb, 40C Eggs, per cloz 18c -21a-240 Hogs, per cwt 8111,00-$11A Potatoes, per bag.... „...75c -80a Want and For Sale ads, 1 time 266 •E