HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-03-28, Page 5URSDAY; MARCH 28, 1929,
20 lbs Redpath Sugar. $1,29
Red Rose Tea, Black or Mieced 69c
(Comfort Soap, 3 cakes.. , .... , . .17c
Fruits for Salad; 29c
Grapefruit Portions, Florida
'Baker's Cocoa and Chocolate
Green Gage rituals, heavy syrup
Old Dutch Cleanser
Phone 77
toss J. Sproat Phone
We pay the highest prices for good cream.
Out services to our patrons are the best that can be given.
Do not send your cream to other Creameries;. ;we want
it here.
To operate a Creamery we need your co-operation.
in return for you co-operation we will give you of our
best in service and prices.
We are agent - for the Mellotte Cream Separators. Come
in and see the new Models.
Seaforth Creamery Co. Seatorth, Ont.
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
W. J, .Walker & Son
' �nd•�
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma :and, license.
Flowers Furnished:
Night or day phone 67.
0, H1, McInnes
Of Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday'. Afternoons
Diseases of all kinds success-
fully treated.
Electricity used.
Just. Try It
When• you, feel tired and
drowsy; slip around the
corner and get' an massage
Ybu:may come in., with
au grouch: but will: go • out
with a• smile.
Phone 125;
Pianos, Tuned
Cleaned and
Cbbas.. A.. tlowey
Residence—James• St.
111r. Harman, of HensalI was re:•
unevving; acquaintances in out birrg on •
"Taiesday.' .
HrTom Cltuter has :'engaged for
1ehe with Mr. Garnet Taylor.
‘Mrs; L. Beatty spent last week
nail her daughters in London,
fss, Lpgan has returned home af-
ter matting friend§ in, Kincardine, •
11fr. and Mrs, Mel, Cldt''Ice'of.W-
Throp,'spent:Sunday with friends attd
treletives here. -
Miss• Marry Chutes has returned
Team London.
'Travelers report bad roads in cer-
tain localities.
Municipal Bankers Corporation
Montreal Debenture Corporation
Canadian. Terminal.System - ?
6 per cent.
Dollar for :Dollar Gold Bonds
$500 and $1000
Interest coupons .payable half -year-
ly without charge at either the 'Can-
adian Bank of Commerce' or Domin-
ion Bank
Price:` 100 and ,accrued. interest
There has never been one dollar
lost since Confederation on bonds se-
cured as are these Dollar. for Dollar
Real Estate, Conveyancing, . Bonds
and Investments
Phone 152 _
Removed to. New Office, opposite
Daly Ford Garage
Seaforth, Ontario.
Special Optical Offer.
"Have youreyes examined by our
well known and painstaking special-
ist, Mr. IHughson fortrterlyoptical ex-
pert for ICents, Toronto, and 'Henry
Morgan ga Co, Montreal. You are
assured of the bestoptical work to
be obtained .and at very moderate
cost. 'Our'frames and mountings are
the best make of the best makers and
our prices are .from $'4,00 up, Tuesday,
Wednesday. April 9th and 10th.' Close
Wednesday at 4 p.m. Come early.
A very pleasant evening was spent.
at the home of Me-. and 'Mrs. T. 5,
McMichael on Friday evening when
they entertained the Young People's
Club as well
as a number of invited
guests. Plenty Of good music was
furnished j, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Fowler, also Miss Shortreed and Mr.
Kirkly, of .Walton, furnishing, some
goodold-time music, ,which was mucn-
enjoyed, and music by the young peo-
ple of the community as well,'
Cards and dancing' was op the,' pro-
gram for the evening. Everyone went
home well pleased with the evening's
' C.G.I.T.
On Wednesday evening, March 27,
the -Marian Keith C.G.I.'T, held their
weeldy meeting. The meeting opened
with a hymns ;and the... Lord's prayer,
•folilow iiug which Margaret Cardno,
•secretary, react the roll call and the
minutes of the last meeting, The Year.
Book;` was taken by ..Vera Mole and
El ni t' i'e n
ea o Hci c son. During the buss-
nese part of the meeting Grace Scott,
presidenit, distributed the Easter
Thankoffering' envelopes. The girls
accepted the Invitation or Mian Dor-
een Hudksan to spend a social, evening
at her home, 'Monday, April 8, It was
decided to hnlil the missionary play
the seventeenth of April, and the
election of officers•.tlte wecic follow-
ing, After a rehearssil of the play,
the meeting closed with the C:G,T,T,
Misses Hattie 'Dalton and Elizabeth
Charters have returned alter spending
a low clays In Toronto last week;
Mrs.J B. Tyumen, returned oli
1'rtday.�i.lFter spending a couple of
Neeks..,[n Leamington, .,
) 'F,. McMann, of Chicago,
and Bev J M. Eckart' of Hawthorne,
N.Y., were week end visitors with
their brother,` Mr, C. Eckart.
Mr, Joe F'ekart left on Tuesday, to
resume his work at Terra Cotta,
Mrs, Frank Evlans and Miss Lizzie
Hicknell of ,Dablbt called on friends
here -this .week. THURSDAY, MAR, 28
Mrs.,James Devereaux is visiting
friends in 'Toronto and Montreal this
Sprg Fair
;Mr. James Hays, of Egmondville,
has returned from Windsor )where he
spent several days with his son,
Mrs,' W. McCloy, North Main St.,.
is recoveritig from being seriously ill,
and is'Siieke able to be around,
Mrs, Peter Calder, of St. .Cathar—
ines, is.spending this week at the
home,of;her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs, A.
Hays ., Mrs. Calder will be here. for
Mi• Will Hays, who was attending
his fafheris funeral, left Tuesday for
Egerton, Alta.
Mr; W Patrick, pf Shakespeare,
was a week -end guest with his par-
•eatts, 'Mit:.•and Mrs. M,. Patrick
•MisseDorothse Broadfoot, Bruce -
field, spent the week -end with her
aunt, Mrs. Robert McKay.
Miss,,, Rena Mc`ICenzie,. Stratford,
was a week -end visitor with her
mother, ,Mrs D, McKenzie.
Mrs. George Sillery returned Mon-
day from Marquis, Seek., after spend-
ing the winter there with her son, Mr.
Morrison Sillery.
Mrs, E. Whittaker, of Ottawa, is
spending the Easter holidays in town
with Mrs, Whittaker; and Miss Som -
Having leased the farm of Mr, S.
Carron on Huron Road east, Mr. J.
E. Reyno'ld's is moving Sits dairy there,
Mr. David McPherson and Mr,
Wilbert ,.McPherson, of Monkton,
were week -end guests of Mr. John
The fire brigade was called out on
Wednesday afternoon by a false
Mis,s 'Gladys- Currie, of Brussels, is
visiting Mr, and Mrs. Alex, McNabb.
Miss Jennie MdBride was in Strat-
ford over the week -end visiting
Mr, Jack Wright, of ,Auburn, is the
guest of Mr. and' Mrs. J. Pollard.
Mrs. Janes G. Martin spent the
week -end in Hamilton.
Mr. Jake Sproat, of Timagami; is
visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs,
James Sproat.
Miss Nell McDotigall and niece,
Miss Helen
are spending
Easter in Toronto.,
• :McMillan J. Ilan . is improving
'atter his recent illness and is .able to
be up.
hlrs. Jack Scott is spending Easter
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bris-
tow, Stratford.
\h. and Mrs. Gordon Little are go-
ing to Detroit this week, where Mr,
Lrrtle has•. accepted a position.
Mr. :Dgii McKay, of , Stratford,
spent th&eeyeek-end with his parents,
'Mi and„lfrs. Adam McKay.
Mr. and' Mrs, William Cudmore
were in New Dundee on Sunday at-
tending the funeral of their cousin,
Mr. Edwin Strutt, express messenger,
who was killed in the train collision
at Drocourt last week. He was or,
trait) No. 4, corning from the West.
Mr Ed,.Daley was in Toronto on
Tuesd iy,.
The mans; friends of Mr, S. Mc-
Geoch were- glad to see him able to
be out this week after his recent 111-
ness. Ise
;Mrs. George Weir, who has spent
the winter in Anderson, S. Carolina,
arrived here Thursday evening, on
her way to. Bayfield, to be with her
sister. Mi -ass Frank Keegan. Mrs,
Keegan has been ill two weeks and
liter condition is very serious.
Miss Grace Casentieri spent Wed-
nesday at die home of Mr. and Mrs.
William Charters.
Ret, Capt,. Edwards, of Tavistock,
was the guest of Mr, and 'Mrs. J. 13.
Thompson on Tuesday.
Walter j. Mccullie, They death oc-
curred et IC;ippenon Thursday, 'March
of Walter
J. McCulli
e a high!),
, hl
eeme '•
d tesident s dent of Tuckersnvth, in
his 50Ith ' year: Mr. McCuIlie was
bora in Glasgow, -Scotland, son of
Mr, and Mrs, Andrew McCul•lie. ,Most
of his boyhoodwas spent in Lincoln-
shire, England. Twenty-three years
ago he. camed'to Canada, settling in
Tudkersmith Mr, McCullie had been
in i11 health for some time and had
retired from his farm on the fourth
concession of Tuckersmith, to• Kip -
pen, only 'a few drays before his
death. He is survived by his wife,
formerly Mies Helen Stewart, of
Kippen. The funeral was held on
Monday afternoon
Y fo H• ensalli
Un on
Cemetery. The services
ducted ley Rev. R. R. Conner,rof ICip-
pen, and Rev, W. D. McDonald, of
Egniondville• The pallbearers were:
tlemen1i s
• t
,Give us a call
I{I 108 Downie St. STRATFORD
Music by
This dance will be properly neatiag.
ed, Disorderly conduct not allowed,
so bring your friends and have a good
Commencing 8.30 sharp
Admission $1.00 per couple. Extra
lady 5Oc (Tax included),
Messrs, William Sinclair, Alexander
Sinclair, Robert Hlgie, J W, McLean,
Robert MdGonigle, Robert "Dal-
(Several in this vicinity have had
severe colds lately.
Miss Helen Misdate, nurse -in -
training, of Stratford, spent a day
with her parents last week.
Many are' making maple syrup in
this locality but so far it has been a
poor year for syrup,
Manitoba Pioneer Passes — The
death occurred at the hone of his
brother-in-law, Mr. J, D, Stewart, of
John J. Moir, of Killarney, Manitoba.
He was born in Usborne, but forty-
nine years ago went to the Province
of Manitoba, being among the early
settlers there, . Mr, Moir had been in
the South for several months for his
health. Feelingvery much improved
he was returning home, and as it was
25 years since he had visited in this
district before, he stopped over to, vis-
it his sisters, Mrs, J. D. Stewart,' and
Miss Isabel Moir, also with his broth-
er, Mr. Peter Moir, of Exeter. While
at Exeter he stiddenly became ill and
was brought to Mrs. 'Stewart'e home
where two doctors and a trained nurse
were in constant attendance. He be-
came gradually worse and passed
peacefully away on Thursday evening,
His wife, formerly Miss Martha Cle-
ntents.of Montreal, and his daughter
Lulu arrived in time to be at his- bed-
side; and his son Gordon attended the
funeral. Mrs. Mair left on Saturday
afternoon with the remains for their
home in Killarney. A short service
was conducted, by Rev. R. R. Con-
ner, of Kippen. The pallbearers were
Mes r
a s. Ira
Orem Moir, Edgar
M 'i-
d t aw il4ety"i
eFit i'l
1 lame •uaack Tr -
gttaiC• .Albert 'Traquair. Much sym-
pathy is expressed for his sisters and
brother here and for the bereaved
The Easter 'services brill be held in
St. (Andrew's 'Church . next Sunday
morning. The choir are preparing
special music.
Mrs, Lewis Tebbutt left Friday to
spend a few days in Hamilton with
her, sister Jessie, and Mrs. Luff,
The many friends of Miss Bessie
Broadfoot are sorry to hear she • is
suffering with an attack of measles
but hope soon to hear of her recov•
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Johnson and
It chanced upon an Easter morn,
(•Though earth heard none of this,
For mortal ears are not attuned
To sounds of Heavenly bliss) 1
A song of adoration rose,
It made Heaven's arches ring;
The angels swept their quiv'riitg harps
Tb- hear the ransomed sing
A song of love, and joy, and Christ,
Heaven's resurrected King,
It chanced upon that selfsame morn,
E'en as the ransomed sing,
An angel laid hint down his harp
And- spread his glorious wings,
And girded up his garments white,
Then hied him down to earth;
For angels carry messages
O:f.life, and death, and birth,
The doings. of the sous of men,
Their sorrows and their mirth;
Swift as the lightning cleavesthe sky
He sped on his behest,
Noor closed his folded pinions
'Til he folded thein to gest
Beside a cot of suffering
Where on a child form lay,
As pure as Easter lilies fair
That bloomed to grace that day,
Yet a crushed and broken fiowerlet,
Or-ushed by a cruel storm's sway.
So noiselessly he entered in ._
The watchers heard him not,
Yet many anY times he hovered there
Beside the sufferer's cot,
And many times he carried home
Tidings sublimely sweet
Of patience and endurance,
And a trust its God complete,
True offerings that angels love,
To lay at Jesus' 'fefet,
Yet messenger from God is he,
And bending o'er he spoke,
"The Master conies, He ealls for thee,
Awake, oh child, awake,"
The fluttering soul would faits respond.
Sti1d held by bonds' of clay,
The l ang esmiling, kissed the lips,.
And kissed
the .soul away;
Kissed by angelic lips• to Christ,
For one long Easter Day
--Mary Wheatley Adams.
March 28
Beuerman Orchestra in attendance
Admission $Lo0 (Tax Included)
Does the Stock Marked
Shut Anyone Out?
Anyone can buy shares of the Bell
Telephone 'Company because they are
listed on the stock exchange,
Anyone thus can become a shareholder
and exercise whatever rights share-
holders may have in purchasing new
issues of stock.
Bell Telephone stock — old and new
has always been available to anyone
who wants it. And it is available to the
public now "on the open market".
The Bell Telephone Company is owned by 15,500
shareholders and no individual has as much as
one quarter of one per cent of the total shares.
see ;.Sr
Gordon o don o'f Varna spent Sunday at
home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cole-
Miss Nellie Taylor of Hillsgreen is
spending a few days the guest of Miss
Isabelle Martin.
Mr. Lewis Tebbutt delivered a fine
horse one day last .week to Me. ,Lobb
of Goderich township,
Syrup making is the order of the
Mr, Stanley Ford is working with
Mr. James Hay.
.Miss Margaret Forrest entertained
a number of her young friends to a
birthday party at the home of her
aunt. All report a fine time.
Quite a number around here are
laid up with the flu. •
Wedding bells will be ringing
around this locality in the near future.
Miss Janet McVittie was presented
with a kitchen shower from her girl
friends on Tuesday evening at the
home of Mrs, Albert Brigham.
The Misses, Amy and Ena Parsons
entertained • their friend, Miss Ethel
Ross over the week end.
Some of the members of the Alert
Club met at the hone of Miss Isabel
Reid on Monday night.
, Most of the young people around
here and some of the married folk at-
tended the dance ptlt on by the Alert
Club in Londesboro Community Hall
on Friday evening and enjoyed u real ak
good time, The Club intends putting •
on a play in the near future.
Mr. Harold and Miss Kathleen
Rev,.. M. Eckart and d :Ir
� s.J F.
McNIann are visiting their brothers.
and sisters the past few days before
they leave for their respective homes
in Hawthorne, N.Y., and Chicago.
We are pleased to learn that Mrs.
J. A. Eckart is improving •of her late
Mr. John A. Eckart had a success-
ful wood bee.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Shanahan and Mr.
and Mrs, Joe Carlin called on Mr. J.
F. Carlin on Sunday ,
Mr, and Mrs, 5. V. Flynn were
Beechwood visitors on Sunday last. •
Beacons visited at the hone of Mr
and Mrs. I. .Rapson Friday evening,
and Mrs, Leo Watt and chil-
dren visited i ed at the
Mrs, George Watt on Tuesday.
Deputy Grand Master A W. Bea-
com visited Londesboro Masonic
Lodge Tuesday night of last week
and Listowel Masonic Lodge Friday
1Mrs. I. Rapson visited at the home
of Mr. Robert and Miss Fioreece
Watson Wednesday afternoon,
We were sorry to hear that Mr,
Leo Wabt had the misfortune to run
a nail in his foot but glad it is getting
better and hope it will soon be all
right again,
Mr. Keliaad McVittie and his mos
Sher Mrs. Sinton McVittie visited at
the homes of Mr, and Mrs. George
Mc;Taggarth and Mr. Duncan John-
ston of Walton on Sunday.
Mrs. McVittie returned home Mon-
day after having a short visit with
Walton friends.
Choir practice will be held at the
home of Mr, and Mrs, Charles Par-
sons on Friday evening.
The regular meeting of the.Y.P:S.
C.E. of Egntonclville was held on
Monday evening. The meeting was
in charge of Miss Jeanette F'innigaa
and was opened' by hymn 352. The
Scripture lesson was read by Mar,tg-
aret Forrest and hymn 246 was fol-
lowed by ,prayer by Mr. McDonald.
The topic was very' ably taken by
Jeannette Finnigan, After art inte r-
estin social socal Ital'f hour .the minutes. of
the previous tweeting were read' by the
Secretary and the meeting was closed
by hymn 480 and the Mizpah -bene-
Mr, Thos, Purcell left last week
with several others for. St. Louis' to
bring eight trucks for the Ring Con-
struction Co. to Oakville,
Mrs, Thos. Purcell has. left for
Windsor to visit her sister, Mrs, Thos,
I --Tolland,
Miss Agnes h '
g Lynchas returned to
Detroit alter a .pleasant visit with her
nio!ther, Mrs. R. Lynch.
;Rev. J. M. Eckart, O.P. of New
York, and his siste'r.'Mrs. J. F. -Mc-
Mann of Chicago, were "visitors on
Monday at the home of Mr. J. F.
A large flock of wild geese passed
over this vicinity on Monday and
their honk! honk! could be heard as
they passed on their flight north.
No matter how deep-rooted the
corn may be, it must yield to Hollo-
way's Corn Remover if used as di-
A Good Portion
of beef served to yon for the evening
meal roasted about :medium, with the.
Clued gravy oozing through, gives
one a foundation. It just makes one's
mouth water to think of it. How
was that last piece of meat we sent
yeti? Wasn't it fine.
Your Butcher,
Phone 58 Seaforth.
The business conducted by ythe
late Charles Gordon Thompson
will be . conductedhe
t same as
usual by
J. H.
GoodyearifTires;;'and', Tubes.
Battery Sales and Service.
Charging and Repairing all makes of Batteries.
IA good line of new and used Darts of different makes of c)tt5..
11 your car i•s in need of repairs, give tie a call.
Studebaker Sales. an •
� ,Service.
9 r