HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-03-28, Page 4T iE_SRA.#ORTN
Sndwd'en Bros., Publishers.
l4tAIICR 28, 1929,
Wed. Aril
Admission,$1.00 a couple
'Tlie regular monthly meeting of, the.
WeeLS. and 'Ladies' Aid met in the
school room of the church on', iWed-
nesday afternoon, March 20th.•Twen
•ty+five ladies'respouded to the "'Roll
Call •with an 'Easter',Me'ssage. 'Miss
Simpson presided and had, charge of
the devotional exerci'se's, 'Mrs. E, B.
Gardiner gave the topic From the
-study-book "•Drums in the Dark
nese." Miss Leila Lawson read' a
leaflet on Easter Thank -offering and
Mrs Kirkby rend a leaflet' on Bud-
geting. Meeting was closed. with
prayer by leers.:BcAr•thur..
Address and Presentation. On.
Thursday evening of last week the
members of Duffs church choir with
-their husbands and wives met in. the
-schoolroom Of the church to spend a
social evening' and also to say fare-
well to the members who are leaving.
• _After the usual practice hour, Rev,
.Mr, Maines presided and after a few
words called. on 11liss Ferne Lovefor
a speech which took the dorm.of an
,address to 'Mrs. A. McGavin who is
'moving to Kitchener: Mr. Geo. Mc-
Arthur presented her with an electric
-heater, . The address was as follows:
`Dear` Mrs. M'cGavin—lWe, your
-fellow members in the choir of Duff's
.church wish to take this opportunity
of expressing our regard for you be-
fore your departure for " your new
bonne in Kitchener. It is with regret
that we see so many of our members
leaving at one time. However, we
feel sure that you will soon earn for
yourself a place, in no matter what
.community you may enter. We have
always found you enthusiastic in any-
thing pertaining to the choir, and your.
,assistance as a soloist -has been very
:valuable to us. We ask you to accept
as a. token of our regard this electric
,heater, -in the hope that it may prove
-useful to you, and that it may remind
you of the deep interest the choir will
always take in your welfare."
Mrs. McGavin made a suitable re-
ply, after which Misses Annie and
Maude Ferguson were called to the
:front and
an addressa
w s read by
• aneb Ritchie while bliss. Bessie
ss e
Davidson presented Annie with a
toilet and manicure set, and George
Ramsay a boudoir lamp to Maude
Following was the address:
"We have gathered to -night to
spend our usual practice hour togeth-
er, but we want in addition to express
our appreciation of your services to
:the choir of Duff's church and our sor-
-row at
your intended
e removal
our midst. We want you, Annie, to
`:know that we realize how much tact
and patience you have shown as choir
leader• and organist of our church.
Your position is a difficult one and
yet ander your guidance the choir
has always known the greatest har-
stony and good -will.
"You, Maude, have always been a
faithful and interested member of our
group. Your places in this congrega-
tion will not be easily filled but we
kn ,w that such loyalty and devotion
as yours caunot fail to be an inspira-
tion to those who are left to carry on
your work. We have always been
sure of your sympathy and co-opera-
tion in any good cause and we shall
miss you greatly in all our activities.
As a slight tken :.f our regard we
ark you. Annie. to accept this toilet
and manicure set and Maude this
lamp. May they remind you of the
kindly thoughts and hest wishes of
the choir for you always and may
the blessing of God be with you in
your future home. Signed on behalf
of the choir, Ferne Love, Mrs. W.
Davidson, John R. Leeming,"
Following their replies and a so-
cial hour a dainty lunch was served.
'The evening was brought to a close
;.by the singing of 'Auld Lang Syne."
Mr. j ' H. McLaughlin, of .Dutton.
spent a few days here last week,
Marshall's Barn Saved.—Through a
ccll for help to Walton' and to the
:neighbors. in the forenoon of Tues
clay Mr. John Marshall's barn on the
9th concession of Morris was saved
from destruction by fire. The fire
,tartecl in the utow, cawed it is
rthought by spontaneous combustion
i daae•to the hay being wet by a leak in
the roof. Mr eiarehal1is home is
about a mile west of Walton. With a
.crowd of volunteers, the roaring pile
, of hay was pulled nut and away from
-the' barn without much damage to the
Mrs. , J. Humphries has returned
hone after spending the past week
visiting friends in Toronto.
Miss Muriel Farquharson ,was the
popular girl at the medicine show and
,received the cabinet of silverware,
Are Leaving—Mr, John McDonald
'has sold his fine residence in the vii-
:lege to Mr. Duncan Johnston, also of
the village. Mr. and Mrs, McDonald
rand family intend leaving Walton. be-
-lore June, though they have not de-
cided where they will make their fu-
tare home. The McDonald family
will indeed be missed in Walton. The
saw mill has not been sold as yet. No
loge were Nought this year, .but the
mill has been doing custom sawing.
"Mr, McDonald has also sold his faun
to lir. • Johnston, possession t`o be gi-
ven April lat, and lir, McDonald will
hold an auction sale seen,
erre Alden efcG•tt n aivi family
miveri t; Kitchener on :Wonder Her
mane friends wish her access,
.1n auction gale of farm stock, im-
plements, hay grain, etc., will 'be held
on Monday, epril lt't en lot 7, ons. 16
Grey to vns
ith Mende- Holland is the
, pr,orieter:
Three members of Slid,' Maude Fer-
guson's Sunday school class, Alvin
McDonald, - Steseas's Bryans and Ar -
We have a car of Manitoba Oats.
These are very nice oats testing stin about
, e g a out
forty pounds ' er bushel.
1. •
thur 'Bewley, , were presented with
diplomas by Rev. W. 7. Maines for
the intermediate memory course, at
the morning service on Sunday.
Mr, John McArthur, •Blyth, spent
the week end with his parents in the
Mr. Duncan Johnston has purchas-
ed the farm of Mr. John McDonald,
adjoining the village,
Cars have got started on the road
again. The road is now cleared of
snow between 'Walton and Blyth.
There will be a special service on
Good Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock
in the Anglican Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Forbes and Mr, and
Mrs. Smellie spent Sunday evening at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hoy.
The C,1PIR. extra gang have started
work for the spring,
Mrs, E. 'Clarke is spending a few
days with her friends around Blue -
There will be a dance in the W k-
mants hall, April 3'rd. Blyth orches-
Miss Isabel Eaton of Winthrop,
visited her aunt, Mrs. Snwalldon,, last
Mrs, Cardiff of Monk'ton spent a
few days last week with Mrs, R. H.
er uson.
'The, mortgage 12
$ eon the manse
of Duff's United: Church has been
cleared and a congregational meeting
is planned for the near future at
which the mortgage will be burned.
The congregation deserve credit for
the way in which the debt has been
withdrawn, especially the Ladies' Aid,
which has removed a large part as
well as the interest during the eighe
The Ladies' Aid of St.
George's will
meet on Wednesday, April 3rd at the
home of Mrs. Peter McTaggart.
Mr. Carman Swallow left on Friday
for his home in Thessalon.
Mr. John Balfour met -chased a
splendid driver the past week,
A meeting of the L eadbury Beef
Ring will be held this week. Nine of
the tickets arc still unsold and the
ring stay be discontinued. High
price of beef is said to be the cause.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb McElroy and
;n Jack Were in Stratford on Tues-
day where Mr. McElroy attended the
retail. coal men's convention.
Mr. Thos. Taylor has bought the
house formerly owned by Mrs. Lear
and will be moving into it.
Friends were pleased' to see Mr,
joint Watson and son Jack both able
to be out for the first time since their
severe illness.
Miss Newcombe is visiting her
brother, Mr, Robert Newcombe for a
Seed Potaloes
last year. Say, Mr. Farmer, last Fall
I could have shipped several carloads
of high quality Grade A potatoes.
And why didn't I ? Because the
farmer does not attend to his seed.
Wihy in the Spring, ask the ordinary
farmer if he wants some good seed,
lie just laughs at you and says, "Oh,
we have lois to do us in the cellar,"
and he just sows culls and all. Pos-
sibly some seed his uncle had 20 years
ago and was then a wonderful potato,
but today it is run out and is .full of
Now, fellows, take this tip; throw
those potatoes to the pigs and hens.
They are worth 90c per bag for lieu
and get into the business right, and
if you have 10 or 100 bags to sell
next Fall I will be open to buy them
at a premium of 25c per bag over the
ordinary farm cull potatoes.
.And by every farmer growing
Grade A stock we can ship or sell
several carloads. But under, present.
conditions I would not fouch yottr
potatoes at all.
Phone me your order for potatoes
at once as my stock is limited
Prices per Bag $1.50 Cash
J. E. Hugill
and Sons
Phone 34-616
Orders left with 1Vnt. Sproat, Ti'e
Manufacturer, will be attended to.
couple of weeks,
Mr, and Mrs. Toni Lyon spent Fri-
day with' Mr. and Mrs, John Yeo,
,Miss A, Toll of Guelph spent the
week end at her home. •
Mr. and. Mrs. Thos. Laidlaw and
.family were guests at the home of
Mr, R. C, McGowan on Sunday, '
Miss Margaret Johnson visited at
the hone of Mr Clarence Johnston
Wednesday evening.
Mr. J. R. Bell and Mrs. L. Fear
were Brussels visitors oneday last
The United . congregations are hav-
ing a series of meetings during Pas-
sion week which began with a very
successful meeting of the Young
People. Rev. Mr. Craw of Lucknow
and Rev, Mr. Clarke of Goderich are
assisting the home ministers for the
remainder of the week.
The sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per will be observed in St. Andrew's
United Church on Easter Sunday at
the morning service,
The W.M.S. of St. Andrew's Unit-
ed Church are holding their Easter
Thankoffering on Wednesday the 3rd
of April, at which Rev, Mr. Alp of
Auburn will give the -address,
'Mrs. Win. C. Laidlaw attended the
o her friend,Mrs.• es Geddes of
ham during urin the week.
(Rev.) Weir has returned
from Toronto having spend a few
weeks with her daughlter, Mrs. Faris.
The Young Peop'le's Society took
charge Of bhe first evening of Passion
Week services with Dr. Ross 'in the
chair. There was an excellent atten-
dance and the meeting_ was held in
St. Andrew's United 'Church.
ingo coed withalYmsand sentence
prayers, followed by Scriptural read-
ing from St. John By Gladys Fawcett.
Miss Clara MoGo'wan gave a short
address on "i'e Would See Jesus,"
followed by a pleasing solo by Miss
Stewart. Dr, Ross save an address
on the anointment of Jesus and Stan-
ley Sibthorpe sang a solo which was
very much appreciated, Rev. Mr,
theirtion, closed the meeting with benedic-
The L.T.B. did not have very fav-
orable weather conditions for their
old-time dance on March 19th, but in
spite ref the rant. quite a goodly num-
ber availed themselves of the excel-
lent music put on by Myth String
Orchestra, and enjoyed a very pleas-
ant evening.
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
the Manse by the Rev: George Weir.
when Miss Edith Loree Patterson,
daughter of 'Mrs. Patterson and the
late George Patterson, became the
bride of William Antes Creighton,
youngest son of Mr. and Mrs, Sam-
uel Creighton, The happy couple
will make their home in Hullett.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Townsend
and Miss Lavinia Brigham, of Lon-
ciesboro, were the guests of Council-
lor and Mrs. Mills,
Mr. Earl Mills, of London. spent
the week -end with his parents, Coun-
cillor and Mrs. Mills.
.Hiss Elizabeth Mills, who spent the
week -end at the home of her uncle.
Councillor Mills, returned to London
on Monday,
Miss Stella Murphy, of Harlock,
was a visitor With her aunt, Mrs, Wil-
liam Mills. .
Miss Bessie Crawford spent the
week -end with her -sister, Miss Ross,
of Lonodn.
Mr, Jim..Roberton, of Elmira, spent
Sunday at his home here.
Mrs, Joe. Lyon returned to her
home on Monday after a pleasant
visit with her son Wilt, of Blyth.
Mr, and Mrs. Glover, of Detroit,
is visiting at the home of Mr, Robert
dire. Crich, of Clinton, is a guest at
the home of Mr. Les, ,Beall,
eIrs. Willis Mountain spent a few
days with Stratford friends last week.
Mr. Will Lyon, of Blyth, called on
friends here Monday,
Mrs, Howard Shobbrooke was a
London visitor recently.
Miss .Parrott, teacher of S,S. No. 5,
spent the week -end at. Blyth.
Mr, Ab. Radford and family motor-
ed to Goderich on Sunday,
Miss Verda Watson spent a couple
of days with her friend, Miss G.
Yiountain, last week.
John Hutton commenced saw-
ing for this season on Wednesday.
\fisc Sarah Barr is • spending a
Creek' in Toronto,
A box social will be held in the
l 2
� under the
aItap.C S oftee Baseball
with boxes admitted fee. Conte I
aloug and help the boys,
Want and For Sale ads. 3 times 50ci
auc1:Mrs. Peter Krauslcop£ of
Dublin spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Joselaic Jordan of Dublin,
Plies Agnes Maloney spent Friday'
evening with her friend Miss Agnesnes
Mr. Laurence Maloney is visiting
his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs„Aa.
drew Kraits'kopf of McKillop, •
We are very glad to see Mrs. James
.Maloney is able to be around again,
1 Mr. Wm, Dillon of Toronto rs vise
icing wit! friends int town,
Me, John Curtin of Detroit visited
his nephew, Mr. Wnt, Curtin during
the past week.
Mies Margaret I4 Conuell. spent
Sa'turtlay in,. Sltratford,
Mr,',and Mrs. J, H, Bragg pf Staffa
are moving to Dublin. •M'r, Bragg•
intends to start a shoe repair on On-
tario Street .west,
Mr. William Stapleton has Purch-
ased a new Chevrolet truck.
County Engineer J, Empey is sur-
veying the zDublin street. Look as
th'on h it May be paved.
Teed very enthusiastic ruee'tittgs • re;
the, Dublin Canning,' Factory were
;held duringthe week. .-One at. St.
'Colum[ban and one at Brddhagen.
,Many names were added to the siib-
scription list and the objective . vdl
soon be reached. On Thursday
a meeting' will be held at' $taf-
'fa and finally wind up with a' monster
tweeting at Briodihagen. Tenders will
be called as to the supplying of gra-
vel, drawing of gravel and con'tr'act
,for the erection of a building.
Miss Evelyn Dillon spent Sunday
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jos-
eph Dillon,
Mrs, Joseph Stapleton entertained'
a member of friends Sunday evening.
Mrs. Harold Jeffery of Exeter is
visiting her, sister,. Mrs. Roland,
41r. and Mrs. August' Ducharme
spent. Tuesday with friends in Strat—
Mrs. L, Krausldop'f made a busieess
trip to Stratford on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Kleinfeldt
and family visited her sister in Exe-
ter, Mrs, Harold Jeffery, on Sunday
The Hibbert Council held their re-
gular monthly meeting at Staffa on
Monday, March 18th. , The minutes
of 'the last meeting were read and ad-
opted, 'A number of conlnwnicatiorts
were satisfactorily disposed of. By-
laws for providing for paying hack
surplus funds on the Downey Drain,
also for appointing patrolmen, fence
viewers ad poundkeepers ,for 1929
were duly,passed. The patrolmen ap-
pointed were: Thos. Mitchell John
Britton, Jatnes Feeney, Fred Vipond,
Chas. Tuffin Thos, Scott, John G.
Scott, Ed. Allen, Noah. Horton, John
Simmons.' Simon Sararas, Edgar But-
son, Miles McMillan, James Doyle,
Pat Maloney. . Fence Viewers: Leslie
e w
Moore,"os,Linton, John G. Mi
1 Walker,ordan
Oswald Frank
J .Jencs
l 1 rri ohn > . Mil-
O'Reilly, James 20 s, J K
ler, Wm. Kay, Geo. F. Wren, Pound
Keepers: Johnson Balfour, Alma
Gray, Geo. Docking, John Hamilton,
Lorne Pethick, Patrick Williams Bert
Peart, Walter Kerslake, Dave Bruce,
Arnold Westlake,
The following resolutions were
1Thtnoaton e taken n re-
action bie
gard to sending a delegate to the On-
tario Educational Association.
2. That •the Clerk be instructed to
prepare two bylaws to provide for
paying back surplus funds standing
to the credit of the 'McDougall Mu-
nicipal Drain, also the Mahaffy Mu-
nicipal Drain, pro rata to the original
3. That a cheque for $60 be for-
warded to R H. Pomeroy due to Ful-
lerton for road bridges on the Hock-
ing Drain.
4. That Hibbert's assessment on
the Gardiner . Drain for $1,600.68 be
forwarded to the treasurer of Us
5, That the tender of Ernest Ro-
binson for $11,355 for tile required far
the Peart Drain, and the tender of
Edward Gormley for $795 for exeav-
ating, laying and covering in tile ac-
cording to Engineer's Plans and Spe-
cifications be accepted and that the
contract be coritpleted on or before
July 15, 1929:.
6. :That a number of orders" be is-
sued,—Mrs. ICathleen Feeney, Clerk
The March meeting of the W.M.S.
of the United Church, Brucefieldwas
in charge of Mrs. A. McQueen, lead-
er of group No. 1. The first vice-pres-
ident, Mrs. Jas. Thomson, 'presided.
Mrs. Thos. Chapman read the devo-
tional leaflet, "Budget Making" and
Mrs. Jas. McQueen led in prayer. The
topic, Oriental Work in Canada, was
ably taken by Miss Jean Murdock,
Mrs. H. Zapfe and Mies Mary Gib-
son. Mrs. A. _MoQueen•read a paper
on Easter Preparation and it was de
cited to have our Thankoffertng on
Easter Sunday morning. The meet-
ing,was closed with the Lord's prayer.
The Young. People of Brucefield
United Church held their regular
weekly meeting 'on Monday evening,
March 25'th. Miss Dorothy Broad -
foot presided. While the meeting
was coming to, order Miss ' Leila
Stackhouse opened the worship per-
iod with quiet music. Messrs, Dave
McIntosh, Leonard Boyce and Fred
Boyce led in prayer. Hymn "Stand
Up, Stand Up for Jesus," was then
sung. Mr. Wallace Haugh read the
Scripture lesson and led in its discus-
sion. Miss Edna Bremner led in
prayer. The hymn "Fight the Good
Fight," was sung., Miss Janet Aiken -
head conducted bhe business period
Messrs. George Knights and Leonard.
Boyce favored tis with a very pleas-,
ing duet. "Have Thine Own Way
Lord," Mr. Aiex.. Addison took the
topic which was in the fortis of a few
suggestions for our meetings from
Stratford Training School, After the
topic a ten minute game period was
enjoyed by all. After' the hymn "Just
as I Am Thine O.wn to Be" was sung,
the meetingwee closed by repeating
the Mizpah benediction,
Marion Qlivee Mission Circle held
its regular monthly, meeting on Tues-
day evening; A apectal Easter ser-
vice was carrier! i a rrred out and members
present answered the roll call with an
Easter verse, The topic "Black
Treasure"e chapter two was talteit by
Jauet .,kenhead, At the next: meet -
mg delegates will he appointed to go
10 1,xetet'.
Mr, A, Jeffrey of London is visiting
Needs here.
Mrs. G. Douglas, of Alake,"is'visit- 1
Mg the It ill 110111of
R E Mr, and Mrs, top
Douglas. Mme.
Mies R 'Haugh is visiting friends
Mr. Jas, Hill of Stratford spent the
week end visitiu'g friends in .the vil-
Mrs, G. Hill returned to her home
in the village after spending three
months visaing friends le Stratford'
and For
eS . t
Mrs. A. McQueen. and her daugh-
h -
ter Margaret visited friends in, Clin-
ton fast week. •
The Sacram'ent of the Lords Sup-
per will be observed next Standar
March 31st at the'. morning service.
Preparatory, service• will be, held on
Friday evening at' 8 pant Rev,' 3, E. -
Hogg of Clinton will conduct the ser -
The, Easter Thanlaot>;ering meeting
:of the ferucefield 'W Mas will be held
ansa Sunday.
jMea W J. Stevens returned on
L Tettaiesday after- spending`two! mon-
ths visiting her dattghter in : M'ount
Forest and also in Listowel. •
'Miss Agnes Love, whohas spent
the past six months in London,' has
returned` home.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Fuss of, Hay
were visitors at the home of M•r. Ro-
bin MoAllisters on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jlarrott and
daughter Gladys visited at Mr. Hugh
Love's on Sunday.
,Mr, and Mrs. I-llarvey Turner at-,
tended the funeral de Mr. Walter Mc-
Cullie of Kippen on Monday of this
Miss Mildred -Johnston o'f' Kippen,
who 'spent a few days at the home o
Mr. Carlile, has returned' home.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Campbell of
Hay township spent Sunday at Mr.
Hugh Love's..
Mr. Stuart Beabtie spent the week
end with his parents in Londesboro,
• 'Mr. and Mrs. Carlile and daughter•.
Muriel spent a day recently in Sea -
forth at the home of her sister, Mrs.'
John Consitt.
Mr,, and' Mrs. Clarence .Park of
Blake spent Sunday at the home of
Mr, Thomas Consitt:
int Toronto,
BROOiMAE-In Sea'torth hospital, on,
Tuesday, March 26th, 1929 to Mrr..
and ''Mrs. Bert Broome, a daugh-
ter (Doris Doreen).
MICKLE.—in Sea'forth Hospital, on
[Wednesday, March 2:7,` 1929, to Mr.
and Mrs. Laird Mickle, 'of Hensail,
a son (still born).
,General downward revision of hy-
dro rates is, expected to take place
throughout Ontario this summer.
Hon.)R. Hydro Cooke Commis-
sioner, made this announcement on
the floor. of the house during the week
when the estimates of the. Hydro
Commission were under' considera
FIrO' Commission," he said, "has
adopted a poliey of dowuward revi-
sion.:of fates, This has gradually
brought rates down on the rural lines.
We think we can make such
atntt ly as we s e
e our way Dicer. I
othmnk bydownttnid'ward suturno
rervisionthere." will be an -
Hydro estinnites to the extent of
$10,325,357 were Passed by the Leg-
islature during the week. These to-
i o theex coil[ tr'
tt .e of 5 Sb.�y107
A tl,
on `the Niagara system; $300000 on
the Ge iai Ba 18
at t s ^stem 5 950
Y y
g $
on the Ottawa and St. Lawrence sys-
tem, $2,700,000 on the proposed nor-
thet'n Onbario developnten't and $400,-
000 to provide for extensions' of the
A'dnuinistration. Building in Toronto.
iBlill providing for the' expenditure
of $5,000,000 in Northern • Ontario.
which conies as an amendment to the
Nohthern Development Aot, has been
passed by the :Legislature. The mon-
ey is used by the government in dev-
eloping and openutg up the new sec-
tion of the province,
'Further protection to the investing
Public of Ontario is ensured through
airadditional, amendment to the Se-
chitty Frauds Prevention Act ,pres-
ented to the Legislature by Attorney
General Pelee.
r ce,
The amendment provides fpr 'the
appointment of what are to be known
as "broker's auditors" who will have
power to step, in and audit the books
of any firm operating on the Toronto
or Standard 'exchanges. The bili also
provides that the auditor shall make
a survey, of the books of the company
at least 'twice a year and that the
cam'paey must throw open ' ail its
Weeks at 1115 request.
The bill will put an end to the re-
cent failures that have taken place ,nt
the -brokerage business in Ontario.
'While lie informed the Liberal
leader that he would be glad to fur-
nish ' him with any information he
might require privately, Premier Fer-
guson, in ,the Legislature, informed
the Opposition parties; that the Gov-
ernment would not order thereturn•
of all contracts made by the Ontario
Hydro Electric Commission. Refus-
ing the information to the 'House the
Premier pointed out that Hydro must
be treated as a private company in
the natter of its business and that it
should not be forced to disclose all its
business affairs for the benefit of oth-
er private power organizations.
"The government does not desire
to give out any information that will
aid thof.' that seek to undermine this
public enterprise," stated the Prem--
Attorney General Price's bill to
amend The Constables Act has been
introduced in the Legislature. The
bill will provide for the policing of the
counties of the province by the On-
tario Provincial Police where the
counties prefer to
E eo
rying their own police service. se vice. The
bill does n not iterifere with High Con-
stables now in the service of the
counties and provides that he shall
hold office during. the pleasure of the
council. Provision is made in the bill
however that any vacancies ivay h,.
filled by the government. These va-
caneies will be filled from tneenbers
of the provincial police if, p-ovlucial
pollee service is desired b"
the court-,
10s' e
[Premier •Ferguson has informed tate
Legislature that tine government hag.
under eonslderation at ' t'he .present
113310 spate I{ew policy in connection
with liquor consumption in hotel
roosts, The Premier, intimated that .
some acnt'ouncenrent'• Would.. probably
be made in this connection before the
end of the session. Itis expected, al-
though the Premier has yet to make
any definite announcement, that pow-,.
et will be given the Liquor Control
Board to .regulate drinking in hotel,..
rognas.'H,otels which desire' to ayp; --
the'practiee• will :likely be pia
woarithod. ut the scope, of the act by a,,,,,
Tire announcement followed second
reading being given to slight amend-
ments to the Ligtior ControlAct, The
amendments merely increase penalties
in sAlne cases .and allow for slight re-
ductions in others. There was little
or no discussion on the bill', L.
impire -& Srnith's
M. S M
Or. Representative Agent
Smith's 16 per cent, Superphosphate
0-12-6 ... ,................... $31,00
Manufactured by
Canadian Fertilizers, Chatham,
One of our largest Canadian Factories
2-12-2 $35.00
2-12-6 $38.00
0-12-15 $38.00
We also handle Armour's Fertilizer,
second to none on the continent
Prices given next week.
Five tons of Niagiara Lime, one ton
of 14 per cent. -$65.00. We will pot .
this against any nixed Fertilizer, dol-
lar for dollar, for a three-year period.
Use this on 10 acres you are seeding.
Delivery $1.00 per ton extra anywhere,
within. 15 miles of Seaforth. Terms
M.S r
Phone 136x2.Seaforth, ..
u//motorom accepts the chez
in -tens of thousands comingto rile
The reception to Essex the Challenger has been
so spontaneous and sweeping as to have the
character of universal acknowledgment. Its at-
tractions are the subjectof motor talk every-
Its good size and. impressive appearance appeal
to those who want distinction and good looks.
Its• completeness in the things which contribute
to costlier car advantages is outstanding. Radi-
ator shutters -side lamps—chromium-plated
bright work—four hydraulic shock absorbers-
-adult size roominess and adjustable seats, etc.,
are details that only costlier cars have provided.
But Essex—always outstandingin
challenges anything motordom has to offer in
fast get -away, on hills and in speed above
p 70
Miles in hour. It: challenges any in ease of steer-
ing and ease of riding. In price its advantage is
To prove this to your own satisfactiono examine
the seven body types. -note the 76,advantages
Essex offersand pit itsas a million Super -Six
'owners have been invited to do, against any car
you know.
,A '111b FINE SUPER $.1X
F. 0. B. Windsor
Tates Extra
Coach - $ 840
2 -Pass. Coupe- 848
Phaeton - 840
Coupe (withrumbleseae)875
Standard Sedan 960
Town Sedan 1025
Roadster 1025.
ConvertibleCoupe 1080
Standard Equipment In-
cludes: 4 hydraulic shock
absorbers—electric gas
and oil, gauge—radiator
shutters—saddle lamps—
winds hieldwiper—rear
view mirror—electrolock--
controls on steering wheel
—starter on dash—all
bright parts Chromium
Seaforth, Ontario