HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-03-28, Page 3-1 IT'S ONE-SIDED Any young miss would like to be one-sided this season, because all the grown-up fol4e are wearing clothes that slow title smart new treaument. Tb. neckline is V•shape in Style No, 878,with the scalloped collar extended' to side scalloping closing of bodice, The attached two-piece skirt has in- verted plaits et each side of front to permit freecloir for wanting and sports activities of little rnaids of 6, 8, 10 and 12 years; For the 8 -year size 2 yards of 40 -inch material with % yard of 32 -inch contrasting is suf- ficient to melte it. It combines pat- terned and plain wool jersey. Wool crepe in navy blue with watching vel- veteen collar, cuffs and suede belt, bright plaid woolen red tones with Blain woolen, featherweight tweed in soft green tones, linen in nile green with white liner and dark bhte.cotton broadcloth with tiny white polka -dots with white pique are snggested for practical wear, Pattern price 20c in stamps or coin (ruin is preferred). Wrap coin Carefully. HOW TO ORDER PA'PTE NS. 'ABOUT YOUR NERVES Write your name and address nlalr- ly. giving number and size of such patterns as you want, Enclose 20c in etalnps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 73 West Adelaide SL, Toronto, Patterns sent by anearly mail, rur Divorce in Ontario Toronto Telegram (Ind. Cons.) : Di- vorce isnot abolished in this province by the vote against divorce courts Those who can afford the luxury will still clutter the Senate with their ap- plications. Those who cannot afford it will not be restrained from breaking up their homes without the sanction of the law. To contend that the sanc- tity of the marriage tie is upheld by a vote ne'ainst a system of divorce courts such as exists in six other pro- vinces of the Dominion is to adopt. hn ostrich -like blindness to the activ- ities of the Senate Committee. If di- vorce is to be recognized at all, the law should be administered in the sameway and with the same regard to public convenience es all other taws. e L" -'-:y Mr. King .Ottawa Journel (Cons.): Mr. King, we have always said, is the luckiest man in the world. He is so lucky that if we ever heard of trim buying a stock we would go and Mortgage our home to get money to buy the same stock. This Hoover business is an illustration. Ordinarily, .the country would expect Mr. King to touch the tariff this year. With a Tariff Com- mission working away for two years, • and with Mr, King's tariff promises there before him, it would be the most natural thing in the world, But then, just as Mr. King is about to be cor- nered, ub bobs Mr. Hoover. Sheer, ab- solute luck, - Navigation and Power Toronto Star (Ind.): From a public Qi11t of air, the het 8Qlutiou of the problem of developing the all -Can- adian section of the St. Lawrence would be the building of the power and navigation works by the Domin- ion OOL rudiient, fandei'. ah aaranhge= went whereby the provinces of Que- bec and ue-bec'and Ontarit arc free tc purchase given quantities of electric energy at specified rates. In this way the Do- minion would be assured of a revenue Sufficient to meet the carryir-g charges of the entire project, while the pro- vinces would be assured of great sup- plies of energy at low cost without expenditure on their part. If that solution is not acceptable to Quebec, another will have to be found. ffeadaehes and Other Troubles Follow When the Nerves Give Way Nerves are delicate ilbree running from the brain to all Parte of the holly, Some of them .give ne the sante of tench and' feeling;. .others convey the will to our muscles and enable us to move: When: we have an "attack of Rervee" it 'Deans that the body is in some way cut cf order and the nerves have become oversen- sitive, so .that we get neuralgia, ner•. veus lieaclache, sciatica; or some other nerve trouble, Sometimes the nerves get too weak to do the will of the brain, and we get trembling bands or `limbs, or perhaps St. Vitus: dance. IThe whole nervous system is fed and kept healthy by your blood, If that is thin .and poor, nervous weakness follows. In that case a tonic is needed to build up the blood, so that it may In turn teed the nerves, spine' and brain: The very best medicine for enriching the blood is Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, You cannot take them without feeling the uplift they give. Your appetite im•. proves, Your brain is clearer, you gain strength in every way, and you feel full of new life, One sufferer, Mise Margaret R, MacDonald, Oatalone Road, N,S., tells what this medicine did' •,for her, She says; -"1 suffered for a long time 1,1'om severe headache and nervous exhaustion, I tried sev- eral kinds of medicine but got no relief until i used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and these, before long, gave me complete relief. From my own expert- ence I feel that I can not praise Dr. Williams' Pink Pills toc highly, and would advise anyone who is suffering from headaches or nervous exhaus- tion to give them a fair trial, as I feel sure the results cannot be any- thing but satisfactory." Take these pills as a tonic 1f you are not 1" the best physical condition and cultivate a resistance that will keep you well and strong. You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, A. NEW RACE OF BEEF olNTMALS The yak, a native of the plateaux rf Thibet, is being used by the 1 x- cerimental Parris in hyhridizi le ex- periment to mingle the blood of the buffalo and ordinary _cattle. After many attempts to make direct crosses between cattle and the buffalo, failure oras the res'1lt owing to reproduction d'Iticulties. The yak has been intro- ducer' as an intermediary and hopes are eotertail ea that a hardy beef -pro - clueing animal will be evolved for grazing in northern territory, The re- port of the Dominion Animal Huse. bondman for 1927. published by the Dept. of Agrirullere at Ottawa, con- tains an account of the work sq, far accomplished. This hreeding work is being carried or at Wainwright. Al- brrta, in the foothills of the Rockies. The Dominion Animal Hucbandlnan state.e in his .report that the, experi- ment, in so far as it has One, has been remarkably successful as shown through the numerous excellent indi- vidnals combining the...blood of the yak and buffalo, the yak and domestic cattle and their offspring now coming combining the blood of buffalo, yak, and domestic cattle,. Woman Trips on Skirt and Falls.— Head-line. All we care to say about it is that she was some. high -stepper. Who says, there isn't political free- dom in Italy? You can vote for Mussolini at the coming election on any one of three tickets. In Winter Time Though winter conies into my heart To make of It a bleak domain. Though sto:'m and stress and sorow start To bind it with their bonds of pain, I am untouolied, because. I know Your heart is stirred, by signs of • spring, And flowers once hidden by the snow Within your life are blossoming. Elizabeth Soollard in The New York Site Giving the Ig' Boy* u • Chance SUBMARINE SAFETY DEVICE PROVES A SUCCESS ' he first man to escape unaided from a sunken submarine, Chief Torpedo - man Edward Karon, New York, comes to the surface from submerged S-4 in testing new "escape lock" and "lungs" expected to prevent loss of life attending `so many submarine tragedies,` Children and World Peace A Story of What the Junior Red Cross is Doing for Health Service and. Good Citizenship the World Over 11ILLION MEMBERS M M E By ANNE ANDERSON PERRY In a day when the attainment of peace among nations and the encour- agement .of international ncour-agenient,.of'international- understand- ing occupy the attention of masses of our people, the figures recently is- sued by the Canadian Red Cross Soc- iety, showing the amazing growth or the world league of Junior Red Cron school ohiidreu, name with added significance, The Junior Red Cross has extend- ed to forty-one countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, Australasia and the Americas, in which its members now number 11,017,358.. Organized under the triple slogans of "Health, Service and Good Citizenship" these eleven mil- lion 'school girls and boys are in truth very promising harbingers of peace among the nations, for they are In- tensely interested in the Juniors of all lands, with whom they continuous• ly exchange correspondence; they work wherever organized toward the same ends in the same ways; they begin to make international under- standing something more than a dream. "The front door or any lit- tle school which has membership in the Junior Red Cross," says—Philip Gibbs in "The People of Destiny," "opens to the wide world, and the spirit of that school is directly in touch with the children of many coun- tries." Examination of the detailed figures reveals just what this means. It is shown that in 22 European countries there arss2,869,413 Juniors, of whom no less than a million and a half are in the schools of italy; -that Czechos- ov MAGNCF •Fo', ®cables duesto Acid I NplGe5T1ON Aero STOMACH . HEAni Ugg' s. GASCS•NAUSEA 10Ji What most people call indigestion is usually excess acid in the stomach. The food_ has soured. The instant remedy is an alkali which neutralizes fields, But don't use crude helps. Use what your doctor would advise, The best help Is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, For the 50 year 1 since its iuyention it has remained standard with physicians. You will find no - tiling' else so quick in its effect, so harmless, so efficient, esti One tasteless Spoonful in water neu- tralizes many times its volume in acid. The results are immediate, with no bad after effects Once you learn this fact, you will never deal with excess acid in the crude ways. Go learn-now—why this method is supreme. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians for 50 years in correcting excess acids. Each bottle contains full direc- tions—any drugstore. High School Boards. and Boards of Education. Are authorized by Jaw to establish INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS With the approval of the Minister of Education DAV AND EVENING CLASSES may be conducted in accordance' with the regulations issued by the Department of Education. • THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION • 1e given Invarious trades. the schools and (dame are under the direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Application for attendance should be made to the Principal el the school. COMMERCIAL. SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAINING, HOUSEHOLL SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are prat/wee for in the Coursee of Study In Public, Separate. Continuation and Hlgn Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Sohoolo and Departments. Copies of the Regulations issued by the Mlniettr of Education. may be obtained'from the Deputy Minister, Parliament fdulldinge,. Toronto. lovakia and the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes adds another half million; that Austria and Hun- gary have 140,000 and 116;000 respec- tively—while even Poland has 115,000 Juniors, Other European lands in which this cult has taken flail foot- ing are Belgium—where it is reoog• nized by government and put on the curricula of the national schools. Norway, Britain, France, Lithuania, Latvia, Roumania, Bulgaria,. Estonia, Germany and Spain, A remarkable feature of this development of the Junior Red Cross is the very strong hold the order has taken in those mid- dle European states where before the war lreaith knowledge was at its low- est ebb and.iuterneoine ..trife at the highest peals, Another is the amaz- ing growth in Italy where the dicta- torship Lias given the eult its blessing as a valuable means or bustling gond citizens; olid a third the small fig- ures for France .(20.0001, Germany (10.000) and Britain (8,100), where the conservatism of these great sta- bilizing nations has made progress slow, But in all three the Junior Red Crass iras shown its worth and is now being rapidly extended, througli the efforts of eduoationallsts themselves. In the two Americas the Tunior Red Cross has attained very impressive proportions, particulai'ly In North Arteries, where there are 157,155 chil- dren enrolled in Canada and a yearly increase of twenty Unmeant); 5,686,- 407 in the Dulled States and another million in the Phillipines. where the Juniors liave been organized, as In Middle Europe, in order to raise the standards of health and right living among a backward podple. In Latin countries In South America, where the Junior Red Cross is of very recent growth. there is a total membership of 62,483, in Brazil, Argentine, Ecuador, Panama and Par- aguay; all of whom are kept In close toucb with the 15,000 Juniors in Spain and with other European lands, In Asia' Japan leads with the amazing total of 1,333,640 boys and girls or- ganized as Juniors, while a good be- ` ginning has been made in Slam and the Indian Punjab, with 50.000 more in the government schools. [n South Africa the Transvaal has been enter' prising enough, to introdude the Junior Red Cross and some 10,000 oildren follow the cult in their class- rooms, while in Australis proper there are no. less than 94,953 Juniors with an. additional 12,500 in New Zealand, Amongstall these millions of Jun- iors in so many lands there goes -on every with always' increasing yyera, w y volume, a continuous correspondence. The tabes the form of bulky port- folios prepared in classrooms by the children and then forwarded to other classrooms, mayhap ,across the world. These fascinating compendiums are like nothing no math as glorified scrap books, They contain many de- lightful letters written by childen, say in , Czechoslovakia, to those ' !at Canada, or by Japanese Juniors to their brothers and sisters in South America, all of the c:lildren concern- ed being not more than eight to twelve years of age, , There is ex- cellent craftsmanship in composition, writing, illustration and explanation. Frequently the fauna and flora, with resources and products Ofthe coun- try of origin ,are exhibited in attrac- tive manner, while the habits, schools, sports and 'feelings of the little writ- ers are realistically presented. The arrival or departure of one of these Portfolios is an affair of moment in any "Junior" classroom where all the children take the keenest interest in both preparation and reception of these treasures, During the past year 152 such port- folios From Japan, Britain, Middle Europe, Australia ,tire Phillipines or United States were received in many parts of Canada and 191 -carefully prepared volumes were despatched to: tte ends of the earth for Juniors abroad,' .38 that on personal touch' and ever increasingly knowledge among the children of many countries there is being laid a foundation for butter lnilel?standini; and,,,ltnernation al relationehipo drain those 91. Slid ignorance, duspieloil, and preindlae which'havotoo erten pertained In the past, It la ono of the tolled of the world that there liaists such it league of ali[ldren allied in the cause of health, sersroe, good Citizenship and international goodwiu. It Is indeed board to over•estlinale Its Inlportauoe for as Ph11io Gibbs says, "tile pos- sibilities or better Wrings to come aro ((bowl) by the work of the Junior °rose and it is in sly opinion so in,. spirins a lesson to the worldthat it ought to fire the imagination of every civilized people so that there would be a neven greater world-wide lea- gue of children 00 this model, Such a leaguewould be a greater promise to use than any League Of Nations which may now be formulated." BABY'S .OVIN TABLETS WIN GREAT L PR4A S tw Many Mothers Always Keep ' Them in the Rouse. Thousands of mothers state that they know of no other medicine for little thea to equal Baby's Own Tab- lets—that they always keep the 'lab' lets in the home as a prerentive of childhood ailments, or if sickness does suddenly grip taeir little ones they feel safe with such a remedy at band. Concerning the -use of the Tablets Mrs, Donut Ploudre, Tingwick, Que., writes,—"1 have nothing but praise for Baby's Own Tablets. They are the only medicine 1 have ever given my two •little ones and 1 am glad to! state that the Tablets have always kept them in perfect health. 1 feel so safe with the Tablets that 1 al- ways keep a box in the house." Baby's Own Tablets aro a mild but thoroughly laxative. They regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach and thus banish constipation and indi- gestion; break up colds and simple fever and make the cutting of teeth painless, The Tablets are absolutely safe, being guaran eed free Prom all injurious drugs, They gs soldby all niedeine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co, Brockville, Out. Living Costs Victoria 'lames iLib,) r igures just published by the Canadian Depart- ment of Labor show that what one dollar would buw in the way of neces- sities of life in 1913 now remands from $1.55 to x1.68, Canadians .need. not be unduly alarmed about this condition. The year 1928, compared with the years since 1922, ihows very little difference. In comparison with other sountries, our advance of 58 per cent .over pre-war living costs com- pares favorably with the 0 per cent. increase in the United totes and the 65 per cent. in the United Kingdom. DRINKS WITH EASE "Is he a hard drinker?" "No; he drinks with the greatest ease." " Sherbrooke Tribune (Lib.): Though the maple sugar industry is barely developed in certain parts of Canada, it Is very important in Quebec's wide territory, as in certain districts of *the Provinces of Ontario, New Bruns- wick and Nova Scotia. The number of those who now manufacture maple sugar in Canada is estimated at more than 50,000, Use Mirard's Liniment for the Flu. PARENTS UNDERSTOOD THIS BABY'S LANGUAGE "We thought we were going tt lose our baby,teething," says a • Kentucky mother, "He couldn't digest any• thing and was getting thinner every day, After one of his fretful, erring nights. I thought of Castoria and got some. A few drops made him. com- fortable, and. after a few doses, he seemed like a different baby." Doc- tors .everywhere recommend purely vegetable, harmless, Fletcher's Cas- toria for colds, constipation, cello and other ills of babies and children, and millions of mothersknow its gentle. influence is best, Avoid imitations. The Fletcher signature is We mark .of genuine Castoria. Red Rose Tea enures direct to us from the finest tea, gardens, then straight to your grocer—brimful of flavor and freshness. Every; package guaranteed. do T RED. ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good ..Gingham Shoes Because of the fashionable lmpor• tante of gingham tile coming season, slide manufacturers are showing ging- ham latterned footwear in t1secks and stripes, featuring the colorings must in vogue for tbls popular cot- ton fabric, 'These novel shoes it is expected will be in great demand to complete the smart gingham eosem- bre, Rea and Parchment, blue anti tan, gray and black are popular corn- Meatier's in checks, the manut'actur- ere taking pride In the exact (Moneat- ing of ce,tain staple gingham pat- terns. Minard's Liniment prevents Flu.• ,. Solace I have known heartache and weeping, Terror, and pain, and regret. I have known sowing, and reaping, Through all the trials I have net. I have learned this, and this only, Though I plod wearily on, Though I be downcast and lonely, After: the darkness comes down. Oh, it is worth all the sorrow, To know when the night is past,. There will becoming tomorrow1 There will be light at last) —Marjorie F. W. in the Chicago Tribune. A mule can't kick while it is pull- ing,, . Success is the Hick your Iriends think you have, Those in the skirt business just na- turally have to sell short. eware! Flu May Affect Kidneys! Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy, old herbal remedy tones system How ofte-• peo1le say, '•1 never had kidney trouble 'tr1 after the 'flu'l" Wise Nature, trying to get rid of Poisons, sends them to kidneys and liver. But these organs, weakened by nlneec, can't stand the strain. The poisons are retained in the system. Then some. 0 e. pains, aches, eallownese, loss of appetite, debility, lassitude. What a pity, when a stimulant diuretic, takenintime, might have helped. For over 50 ,years thousan,1 hive de- pended on Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver. Remedy, a physioian'4 prescrip- Bon. made of Nature's Herbs. A gentle stimulant for kidneys and liver, it urges perapiratory glands to notion, and thus heirs shift the enters load from the kidneys. Warner's Safe ltidnev and Liver Rem- edy contains no harmful drugs) Coats lit- tle. Thousands have written, tellfna how it helped tiseni, Get your bottle today. Warner's Safe Remedies Co., Toronto, Ontario. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy Flashing Eyes Laughing Eyes Downcast Eyes Eyes tell Your Chur,i.'I.rr Brown eyes for strength -Slue for generosity --Gray eyes for jealousy --Sparkling eyes in. dicate beauty, yes, sod good health. too 1 Do you eyes. sparkle? Are the white. clear or are they tinged with yellow indicating an out of -sorts condition --• due co constipa- tion? If so, you need 9 Pry a regular deify course for n short period. Youreyoswill" `Ap'agetabic tell the story. Product 0)i Read oboist Character front the .Eye: al future Beacham Advertisements. Sales Agents: Harold F. Ritchie 81 Co., Limited, Toronto APPLICATIONS Are Ft:led As Far As Possible in the. Order In Which They Ara Received ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE APPLICATIONS Offering Annus. Work Are Invariably Given the aaot,-,ence Farm Help Supplied The Colonization and immigration Branch of the Department of Agriculture for Ontario will have available a number'of-Experienced Married Men With Their Wives and FamIllee--Married Couples Without Children-- AIMS hildren—AIso Bingle Men. rawness requiring help wul be .well adv1. '. 10 Make esrly application to Geo. A. Elliot filreetor of eolonhstioa Parllemenl Blase., 'roam., Ors. ,( au Your eppllcetion et Once All Men Placed Subject to Trial Period HON. JOHN S. MARTIN, Minister of Agriculture Classified Adverti;,etnents ,11111120 1111010 00)0(00) 111214 2" lull h.w 13081188(1 Record 02 .Ferrera ince alio [teglstered iil'ee,lcla Canada's el d. est high -laying Strain lltlpedtgleed, 08, 04l+eutgreed, 05, 80. 26 Fears a breeder, i 1115(1iug Tagg Ubicits Ware Cefllu" How Palen, Ualneville int,. ni ii11'- 0131008. WU 11,ATUii tour Fariettee 51'100 Oo up. wrlt0 for rree catalogue. A. 11. Swllzer, 111 aim, Ontario,. 11t1111U AND regIste'ed cockerels ut inductors ,,,nes, tiatehing eggs [10111 i)ens head. .ad by, registered cockerels, 01805 per 100,. 0. Alderdlce, Beanusyi1)e: Such a Lovely Day Church bells ringing, ringing, ringing, "Go to church," they seem to say, Everyone should go to church. Such a lovely day; Church bells ringing, ringing, ringing, How can people stay away? Everywhere you go Is church, Such a lovely day. —.Faith Hollister, .(xtt([r, 1v v'r���lt•Y ��ai.,fp4,i�1$ ewn br,8,,, ore bred Ili, lith ,aa Dua L.al ,a. Ohl 0, end a red d \5l a ah 141 Rd Moms, el.k MAI( kW n„,r i nuwhl w> a lz and up. las¢ 1ht d 11 ,y Wthe ioday 1e,1,000 CHICK 0005. SOIIWESL5n'S �t(O.TCI{EaY eluctl,aluptuv Bulfnlu, N.Y. Sou H7b, `41UG::-.Uitiit Urva'.. FEN_ 25cIn -stamps or coins, will bring you Five HIgh-Clara Toilet Preparations. (trial sires)' oy. return mail. Dept. W. Chamberlain Laborrtor::es TORONTO (3) Free t'doois h.buai Cancer 1'(10 111U11111a ,vll_ 1 -„bee) 11, e511u1 - l„ U1a11U5011a, 1,1118,18, bus: M111.1101 14,41 u I•ouklel 011,01 111050 1un.r5,)111„ 1)1.,10 about the e8e of Uuneef, pleb 1r11, who. to do for pairs bleeding, 1011, 1n, A ,valuable guide In the nuuuu 1n vU of ease. 1VI'ite 'nr L 1n 11)11 ulwrtnn Im thic ❑nunr eah..r's Dread Noises EO EAR OIC RUB IT IN EACH OF EARS,. /NSERT IN NOSTR/LS"PR/ PR/Ce 0.25 -.•IT AU ORI/C l.P$ Tu Cold n.3be`irlet4' or money li'ia1nIIt. Everywhere men, womenand children ora finding ifetaxt relief from Coughs and Colds of all kinds by taking Buck- ley's Mixture. Everywhere druggists are selling "Buckley's" under•positive guar- antee. The iirat dose proves how dif- ferent it is—and there are 40 doses in n 70 -cent bottle l Never be without thio proven conqueror of colds. W, 3I. Beckley, Limited. 142 Mutual St., �Toronttto 22•� MIXIIR-u i1 520 Acts like shoves1 ��GG�M.35 II ]Itlall• Gip proves 1t-•.;�.,1 • 75c itnd 40c Keep Your Health To -NIGHT TRY r e ,? Lenomerit for that cold and tired feeling. Get Well—Keep Well. KILL FLU by using the OLD RELIABLEi Minard'e Liniment-o.L'td, 1'armouth,N'-S. COULD O WORK FOR MONTHS Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound Port Engin, tV. B.—"For three months, t was nervous and weak with tired 'Feelings and could not do thy work. A Friend ad- vised me to take Lydia N. Pink. ham's Vegetable Compound and. 7 have'.got good re- sults from it and rccolnrnend it to others.".'-- LILA '1'Ai'L0a Port El- gin, N. ii, This dependable. medicine is sold h' druggists every. e`I1et0 ISSUE No 1 1—'2