HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-03-21, Page 8A •THE A ORT NE'VirS, HENSALL, I situation with Mr. E. F. jaciescet and • LMitit? Florence Welsh ef Loi spit the Week end at her home 1Mr. Geerge W., Wren WaS in ferth Mouttay looking up hereee fer his fart% 'Rev. Mt. Malroy wee in lime Moa. Iliaredd Aeeleton left on Mo for the Goshen line, Stanley, whe hae. taken a position for' the elm with Me Norman Stepheneen, lEdWard Little eas hired with Herb,' Hitcher for the summer. Mr. Colin Hudson bas taken agency, here for the elessey-H Co. end will Again sell machinery summer, IMs. A, Spencer was in Exete Friday. 'Mrs, Walter Moffett and daug Lois a Brueelfield were week end leers at the home of ,Mrs. Peter 1 er. The W.M.S. a the United Ch. are malcig plans for an annual b clay party which will be held in basement a the church on Thur .afterneon, March 21st. A good gramme is heing arranged and an teresting sPealcer hae. been, seeu Following the programme a so hour will be spent. Mrs. McD. Wilson was in W ham visiting relatives and 'friends. Mrs, j. H. Wilson of Stratford visitor at the home of her pare Mr. and .Mrs. George Brown. Mrs. Russell Hedden Of Ex spent Wednesday with Mrs. Ca rine liedden and family. Mr, G. W. Wren was in London several days during the past week tending a demonstratiqn of the In national Harvester Co. Re also v ecl friends while in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Bell are 1 ing this week for Detrioit where Bell has secured a good position. Mrs. Ed, Sheffer spent .Sunday v ing- with friends at Kippen. Mrs, Hugh McEsvanseepent Tues at Goclerich, Albert Wolfe has engaged with David Sherry for the summer. 'The roads are again being Put good condition by being dragged. Mr, Manley Bilks spent the w end with his family here. Mr. Geo, C. Petty is in Toronto week. 'The death occurred at London Feiday last of Mr. Frank Hawkins the London Road south'in his 7 year. Mr. 'Hawkins has been in p health. for some time and was taken a London hospital for treatment. T remains were brought to his I home on Saturday and the .fine took place from there 'on Monday ter000n to the Exeter cemetery. Mr. Alex. Hildebrandt left for Lo don on Monday, where he has secur a position with the Hunt Milling Mrs. Lee Hedeen spent the we end in London. • .Mr. James Smith of Windsor, son of Mrs, Wm. Consitt of town, who has been on the police force, Walkerville, has resigned his position and has ac- cepted a position as a detective on the Michigan Central Railroad and is to be stationed at Bridegburg, Ont. Death of Samuel Walker. -There passed away at Clinton hospital on Saturday afternoon, Mr. Samuel Wal- ker of the Parr line, Hay, aged 70 years. Mr. Walker had been in poor health for nearly a year and came first to Mrs. Patterson's hospital here and was afterwards taken to Clin- ton, where he passed away on Satur- day afternoon. Mr. Walker was born near Hamilton and spent his early life there and also epent quite a few years at Goderich and some 20 years ago moved to the Parr line, Hay, where he had since resided. He was a good neighbor and friend and will be great- ly missed. Besides his sorrowing wi- dow he leaves to mourn his loss, one son. Bruce Walker, Who resides at home. The funeral took place Tues- day afterneon from his late residence. ,to Hensel] Union cemetery. Rev. Mr. McIlroy officiated. The pallbearers were old neighbors and friends: Win. Coneitt, Wm. jarrott, James Love, John Forrest, James jarrott and Wil- liam Love, Ray Todd has accepted a position with Mr. William Consitt for the summer. Mr, Earl McQueen Of Wainwright, Alta., is spending a few days in the village this week visiting his brothers. Mr. Emerson Knipe has returned and is taking over the baking business recently conducted by Mr. Alf Smith. Mts. G. F. Youngblut of Waterloo he' -visiting relatives and friends in town, The Trail Rangers attended divine. service at St Paths' Church on Sun- day morning last and a very appro- priate sermon was delivered by the rector, Rev. Mr. Jones, Mr. Harold Hedden is engaged with John Riley for the slimmer and left for his new position on Monday. Mrs. Hannah Taylor is visiting her sieter, Mrs. John Petty. The play entitled "Deacon Dubbs" put on by the Young People of the Carmel Presbyterian Church on Fri- day evening last was well attended. The play will be repeated in the town hall on Friday evening, April 2nd,Mr. George Pfaff of London and Miss Emma Pfaff of Ingersoll visited friends in the village on Friday. Mr. Walter Bezzo left Monday for Wingham where he has secured a position. Mr. J. A. Reiner of Toronto, re- presenting the Steele Briggs Co. is here making a start to get the onion sets. Mr. Fred Simmons went tO Toron- to' an Monday to consult a specialist and to receive treatinent. Mrs. Sim- mons accompanied him. Fred has many frienete here who he'pe for a speedyrecovery, Miss .Sarah Petty was taken to Lan- don hospitel on Monday to undergo ait operation for appendicitis. She was operated on immediately and is -doing as well as can be expected. The many friends of Mrs. John Carmichael,n who has been confined 10 her room through illness will be sor- ry to hear that she not improving, lOor council have this week got out main street all cleaned from end to end end it has now a very nice ap- pearatice. .The ice on the South side of the business Section on Kino street is about gone. Mr, Thonias Welsh has started his saw and will have a heavy sea- . son's cttt. Miss Ila Appleton of Exeter has a is startMg this week. The Yeeug People of the Limos(' Church held, their meeting elondifiy evening after the opeithig exercises, A well prepaeed programme WAS g,iv- en, consisting of readings, solos, vio- lin selections and it quartette. A 440- 6,4 hoar was spent after which lunch was epent. As this was in the form of a St. Patrick's Day entertainmeut, the school eoom was nicely decorated. idea ' here, See - 501150 er on ndee re he inter Mr. the erris this r on liter vis- tesh- urch irth- the sday pro - red: cial ing- is a nts, eter the - for at- ter- isit- eav- Mr. bit - day Mr. in eek this on of 1st Dor to he ate ral af- 11- ed Co. ek BAYFIELD. The play, "The Mistrees of St. Ives," presented by the 'St, Andrew's United, lOhurch choir on 'Tuesday ev- eainie last week, was well attended, The caste was as follows: Col. Se. Ives, a rich Southern planter, A. Erwin; Harold Jeffries, a young lawyer ;from the South, ear - old Seateinner, line Smalley. Har - ofd's friend, Brolwn IStewart; Jose De Plattner°, a creole renegade, Doo. McKenzie; 'Major 'Washingtoa Jef- ferson Lee, a Southerner of the old school, Jas. Stirling; lEphriam, the Colonere major tionto, Murray. Grain- ger; Mr. Ward, (solicitor for St, Ives, Win, G, Mae; Claire St. Ives Colonel's granddaughter,Gladys Gale, 'Cereese SIL Ives, Claire's cousin,' Do- rothy, Scoichmer; Mrs. Armadele, housekeeper at St. Ives; Mrs, Brown Stewart; Signora de 'Palmero, with an eye on the St. Ilves'plantation, 2,,f,rs. R. Scofehmer; Letty Lee, the ma- jor's daughter, Ethel Stirling. Each' part was taken exceedingly well. 'Those creating the most laughter were D. 'MeKenzie, J. Stirling. and Murray Grainger. The serious char- acters were well performed by A Erwin and Gladys Gale. Mrs Scotchmer also performed in excel- lent manner. The Lakeside Enter- tainers rendered a number of selec- tions between acts. :Miss ,MoKinney, of Kincardine, is the guest of Miss Maude Stirling this week, Mrs, J. Davison is visiting at Sagi- naw and 'London, 'Mrs, Violet Walters, who .has spent a week with her mother, Mrs. J. Thompson, returned to Grand Ra- pids this week. 'On Tuesday evening the 'Ladies' Aid Of the St. Andrew's United Church held an Irish Social in the basement Of the church When a splendid program was given. Mr. WM, G. Rae acted as chairman. Solos were given by J. Stirling, A. Erwin, and 'Miss Ruth Evans; a duet by Miss G. Gale and Mr. Gale; violin selec- tions by Dr. A. Newton Beady and Mr. Gale; readings by W. G. Rae and Murray Grainger. and Mrs. Walters; harmonica selection by Jas, Rouatt. After the program several interest- ing games were played, then lunch was served, The ibaseinent was pret- tily decorated for the occasion. • There is no poisonous ingredient in Holloway's Corn Remover, and it can be used without danger or injury. APARTMENT TO RENT. Comfortable four -roomed apart- ment, near corner of highway. Low rent to desirable party. Apply at The News. 18 ArnnnsAlesTMENT TO RENT. Six grocery store. ApplyV.M toE. - 13 AUCTION SALE Of Household Goods. -At the rear of Dickson's Feed Store, oh John Street, on Thursday, March 28th, 1929, at 1:30 -sharp; Piano bench, wicker rocker, 2 fern stands, 2 small tables, dining room suite, bedroom suite, kitchen table, 3 kitchen chairs, Quebec cook stove, self -filling heater, 3 burner Perfection coal oil stove with large and small ovens, 1 couch, 1 Climax refrigerator, 8 window - shade, 2 congoleums rugs 7x9 feet; 1 child's rocker, table and chairs, stands, camp stretchers, coaster wag- gon and scooter, window screens and other articles. D. F. Buck, Proprietor; G. H. El- liott, Auctioneer. ( AUCTION SALE Of 'Household Effects. The follow- ing articles will be sold by public auction on Saturday, March 30, 1929, at Village of Walton: Two bedsteads, 2 bedsprings, I mattress, 1 exteosion table, 1 .failing leaf ta:ble, 2 smell tables, half dozen oak dining room chairs with leather seate, 6 other chairs, 1 small rocking chair, 1 music rack, 1 writing desk, 2 washstands, 1 kitchen sink, 1 kitchen cupboard, 1 Gurney-Oxforcl range, 1 flower stand, dishes, lamps, pictures, picture frames, I fire extinguisher, 1 two -quart ice cream freezer, 1 wash- ing machine, 1 wringer, I wheelbar- row, 1 scuffler, I draw knife, 1 pick. 1 crosscut saw, 15 cedar posts, scythe, grindstone, ice tongs, crowbar, buck- saw, brace and bit, chains, forks and other articles too numerous to men- tion, Terms caste MRS. R. H. FERiGUSON, Propriet- ress; Geo, H. Elliott, iAuctioneer. AUCTION SALE, Of Householc? Goods. -At resi- dence of MTS. R. E. Coates, john and Sperling street. Seaforth on Wednes- day, April 3rd at 1.30 rent, Parlour suite, bedroom suites, springs and mattress, stretcher, set- tee and chair, clocks, mirror, couch, large library table, extension dining table, sideboard (oak), folding leaf table, cellar table, small tables, mor- ris chair, piano stool, wicker rocking chair, plate rail, pictures, 4 kitchen chairs, hammock, 4 verandah chairs, 2 carpet sweepers, verandah rugs, I rug 3T/5x4 yds.; I rug 3x31e yds.; 1 rsg 3x4 yds.; smell rug gel% yds.; smell rug 1x2 yds.; strip of green carpet 7 ydse 2 electric table lamps, large oil lamp, 2 small oil lamps, 2 lanterns, 2 iron pumps, 36 ft, exten- sion ladder, grindstone, garden hose, lawn mower, gasoline stove, coal oil heater, email wood heater, step lad- der, wheelbarrow, ash shaker, chenille curtaine, curtain poles, invalid beak rest, bed pan, shaviug set, 3 hanging p -as. flower pots, fruit jars, dishes. was.hetb, wringer, clothes basket, gal- vanized ttib, kitchen utensils, copper miler, lunch box with thermos, and other miscellaneous items. Terms cash, . R, E, COATES, Proprietress Geo, FI, Elliott, Auctioneer, 1 Buy iij Eginoildvillie nee", 3", 4" and 5" Nails, per pound . . Cut Shingle Nails, per pound , 50 Fence Staples, per pound ...... ,,5c 2 -point 5 -barb Wire, per roll $3.50 4-p9int 6 -barb wire, per roll,. . $3.75 WE HAVE STRAINER PAILS, MILK PAILS, STABLE BROOMS AND MANURE FORKS AT LOWEST PRICES GET OUR PRICES ON FLO-GLAZE PAINT FINNIGAN EGMONDVILLE GARAGE The thriving village of Egmond- ville is opening up a garage on April let. Will handle 'all kinds gas, oil, ,also repair work; by GEORGE 'HilToeS, Phone 1'41602, SeaTorth, 14 HATCHING EGGS. If you want good eggs, good chicks and good pullets that Will lay next Fall and 'Winter, come and see our pens of bred-toelay Barred Plymouth Rocks, trap -nested recorde, and pedi- grees .of cockerels. 0. F. SIEGRIST, Centre St., Seaforth, Phone 304. SEA FORTH ring Show hurs. March 28 Under auspices of the Seaforth Agricultural Society. At 1.30 p.m., a Grand Parade of all animals entered for competition, headed by Seaforth Highlanders Band. Judging commences at 2 o'clock HORSES Township Special Beet Three Horses from One Township, two or more entries to 611. hi (Class. 1st 2nd' Prizes donated by the di- rectors $12.00 0.110 Sweepstake Badge Clydesdale Stallion, any age Cup 10 6 1st prize donated by Bank of Commerce Stallion, under three yeans...8 5 3 Percheron Stallion Stallion, any age 8 4 Roadster Stallion Standard Bred Trotting or Pacing :Stallion in harness.5 4 3 2nd prize donated by E, H. Close. Agricultural Brood Mare in foal 8 6 4.50 3rd prize donated by R.ussel H. Sproat Mare, Filly or ,Gelding, any age 5 3 2 Filly or 'Gelding, foaled in 1926 5 3 2 1st prize donated by 'Geo. D Ferguson & 'Co. Filly or Gelding, foaled in 1927 5 3 2 1st prize donated by James J. Cleary. 3rd prize donated by Thos. Dickson. Filly or 'Gelding, foaled in 1928 5 3 lst prize donated by J. F Daly. 2n6 prize donated by R. E. Bright. Team in Harness 15 10 5 Its prize donated byStewart Bros. Sweepstake Badge IBoys' Judging Competition Open to boys, lei years eff and under,, .. ... . . .. 5 4 32 1 The competition will be under the direction of Mr. G.- R. Paterson, County Agricultural Representa- tive. Score Cards will be given each toy; .50 points will be given for placing by score card, and 50 points for reasons to be given oral- ly. Class to be judged will be Hea- vy Horses. No entrance fee will be required, but boys must have their entry in before 1.30 o'clock. EXHIBITORS PLEASE BEAR IN' MIND Parade at 1.30 sharp. Judging com- mences 2 o'clock, Gimes will be call- ed in the order on this bill. PRINCESS THEATRE -Show Day Special showing of the Wonderful Picture "THE BIG PARADE" Afternoon and Evening RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. Entrance Tee $L00, each addi- tional entry 50 tents. 2, All entries must be made with the Secretary .before 1.30 p.m. 3. Brood mares must show visibly in foal. 2 4. Ages of horses to date from January 1st Heavy Draft Brood Mare in Foal 8 6 4.50 3rd prize donated by Vin- cent j. Lane. 'Mare, 'Filly or Gelding, any age 5 3 2 Filly or Gelding, foaled in 1926 5 3 2 1st prize donated- by J. A Westcott. 2nd prize donat- ed by 'Geo. T. Cameron Filly or Gelding, foaled in 1927 _ 5 3 2 1st prize donated by N Cluff & Sons. 3rd prize donated by Roy S. Pinkney. Filly or Gelding, foaled in 1928 ... 5 3 2 let prize donated by R. j Gib.b. Team in Harness 15 10 5 1st prize donated by F. S. ,Savauge, Sweepstake .Badge General Purpose Team in .Harness 8 6 4 Roadsters Roadster Horse in Harness, 15-3 or under 10 7 3 Carriage Horse in Harness, over 15-3 10 7 3 Livingston Special -Grand Cham- pionship Best Heavy Draft or Agricul- tural Marc, Filly or ,Gelding any age .- ... .. . . 6 Prize donated by Thomas E Livingston Postmaster's Special. For Boys., 15 years andmnder displaying hest ability and horsemanship in exhibiteng a horse on the halter -.. .5 Prize donated by C. P. 'Sills, Postmaster. '5. The Judges will be particular to regard merit in alestock for competi- tion and withhold' any premium if they consider the animal undeserving, ansi a first or second prize will not be given to a third class animal, or in a sweepstake if they consider the com- petition not sufficient. 7. Every exhibitor must produce his entry ticket in every class, other- wise the animal will not be judged. 8, All animals entered for compe- tition must appear in the Parade at 1.30 p.m. DONATIONS RECEIVED FROM Directors 'Seaforth Agricultural - So- ciety, cash, $21,00; Thomas McMillan M.P., cash, $10,00; W. G. Medd, XL. A. cash, $10.00; Bank of Commerce, cup, $16,00; C. P. ,Sills, Pecesemaster, cash, $5,00; 'Dominion Bank, cash, $10.00; 'Province o'f Ontario Bank, cash, $5.00; 'Huron- Expositor, cash, $5.00; Seaforth ;News, cash, $5.00; Je Wesley IBeattie, cash, $5.00; Isaac Hudson, cash, $3.00; Henry Hoggarth cash, $1.00; John M. Govenlock, cash, $1.00; Thomas Staples, cash, $1,00; Harold Dale, cash, $1.00; Conrad 'Eckert, cash, $1.00; 'Commercial Ho- tel, calsile $2.00; W. R. Smith, cash, $2.00; W. A. Crich, „cash, $3.00; Prin- cess Theatre, ,cash, $2.00; las. E. Kea - tine, cash, $2.00; Olympia Restaurant, cash, $2.00; Walter 'G. Willis, cash, 2.00; Marshall Stewart, cash $2.00; Gallop & McAlpine, cash, $2.00; Sing Wong, restaurant, cash, $1.00; Dr. H. H. Ross, cash, $3.00; Joseph Doyle, ash, $2.00; Thomas Phillips, cash, 1.00; Thomas Bickel, cash, $2.00; Dr. . 'Mackay, cash, $3.00; Stewant Bros,. oods, $15.00; F. S. Savauge, gold etch, $15,00; R. E. Bright, goods, 3.00; V. J. Lane, whiffletrees, $4.50; . Cluff & Sons, 'shingles, $5.00; R. J. Billtmore Hat, $5,00; G. A. Sills Sons, lantern, $2.50; Jas, J. Cleary, oods, $5.00; J. F. Daly, can motor`oil, 5.00; Geo. D, Fergus'on & Co., goods, 5,00; R. II. Sproat, rubber boots, 4.50; Thomas Dickson, goods, $2,00; . H, 'Close, pipe, $4.00; j. A, West - It, good's, $5.00; Geo. T. Cameron, oods $5,00; Roy S, Pinkney, bread ckets $2.00. 111 Nn entrance fee required, but boys co must make their entries before g 1.30 o'clock, I ti Prize lists may be obtained from the Secretary, Spring Show Circuit - Mitchell, March 26th; Seaforth, March 28th, iHensall April 2, Clinton Apr 4 Thos, E. Livingston A. D. Sutherland President Secretory -Treasurer: CARD OF GRATITUDE, With Words I cennot exPress the deep gratitude I owe to the doetOre, nnrses and otherS Why lahotteed to, ember in harmony and unselfish in- terest, which was a comfort to me during this period of great uncertain- ty, as we kneW not What the next hour might bring forth. The result we ‚believe hes brimght my wife from her extremely eritical eendition to a successful recovery, I else feel they pee the baby every possible chance of life. We feel very giateful for the meny kind inquiries, dieeet or in- direct, from day to day, „concerning her conditioe. NORMAN S ANDERSON. FARMS FOR SALE. Two fiftyeacre farms .for sale. One situated one mile east Of Seaforth on the highway, goed clay lotont well drained and fenced, seeded, ince ap, gle orchard, high eloping- land, Barn newlYeshingled, 34x50'; good 10 -room frame house, new roof, an ideal poul- try farm, Also fffty acres .a pasture on 2n6 concession' of Hibbert, two miles front Duelin. All Mat good woven fence and draihed, never failing epring creek. Both these farms will be sold at a sacrifice, A:pply to P. DILL, Dublin, Ont, 18 BABY CHICKS AND CUSTOM HATCHING . --- Baby Chicks from 'beet bred -to -lay stack that have free range. 13arred Reeks, $16.00 .per hundred; S.C.W. Leghorns, $1.5,06 per hundred; after May 15111 all chicks $1.00 per hun- dred less. Cuetom hatching $4.00 per hundred in one hundred lots or more. E, J, 'flBJEWlAlflfl1HIA, Holmesville P,O., One hone 611e22, Clinton central, 12t1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements, at lot 8, con, 9,-Hullett township, 2 miles north west of Kinburn, on Wednes- day, March 27th, at 1 o'clock sharp, consisting of the 'following: Horses ---Gelding 3 years old. 'Cattlee-4 fresh cows, 2 fat heifers, dry cow, 12 grass steers, 5 year old steers; 5 calves. IPigs--Sow due to farrow April I, 9 store hogs. 'Implements- 113 -hoe seed drill, spring tooth cultivator, land roller, souffler, set of harrows, 4 sections; set bob sleighs, wagon, wagon box, and stock rack; hay rack, root pulper, wheelbarrow, fanning null, top bug- gy, cutter, No. 12 DeLaval cream se- parator new, lee horsepower gasoline engine, forge, coal oil barrel, set double harness, set single harness, quantity of lumber and numerous other articles. INo reserve al farm is sold. Any person purchasing cattle can arrange to have them fed on premises ttntil grass. Terms -All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on furnishing ap- proved joint bankable paper, or a discount of 5 per cent, 'allowed for cash on credit amounts. W. L. JA - MISSION, Proprietor; Geo, H. El- liott, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE. At the livery barn, Dublin, on Fri- day, March 22nd, at one o'clock: Horses -2 driving horses 10 and 11 years old, sound and right, lady can drive them. Implements -2 rubber tired top buggies, nearly new; 3 good cutters, all in good shape, 1 light sleigh, 1 light wagon, 1 pole for cutter, 1 pole for buggy, double trees and neckyokes complete; 4 sets of single harness, good shape; 2 sets of light collars and harness, 2 strings of bells, 1 set of chimes, 3 good buffalo robes; 3 good rugs, 2 fly nets, 1 horse blanket, 1 kitchen stove, 1 zinc, many other ar- ticles too numerous to mention. Terms -Al] sums of $10 and over, 12 months' credit on approved joint notes. Three per cent. off for cash on credit amounts. Dan. Matthews, Auc- tioneer, JOHN REDM'OND, Prop, AUCTION SALE. 'Of 'Farm Stock and Implements. - At lot 24, Maitland con., Colborne Township, on Tues.clay, March 26th, at 1 o'clock sharp, consisting of the following: Horses-03ay filly, 3 years old, well broken, good' work horse. Cattle -Choice 'Hereford cow, 6 yrs. oid, freshened 2 weeks; choice Here- ford cow 7 years old, due to 'freshen at time of sale; black cow, 3 years old freshened in January.; black cow, 4 years old, due to freshen in April; 'Holstein cow, 8 years old, milking; Durham cow, 10 years old, due to freshen May 7th; Durham cow 4 yrs. °kf, due to freshen May 15th; e far- row cows, 7 good 2 -year-old steers in good condition, 2 steers rising 2 years old, 4 heifers rising 2 years old, six s pring calves 2 young calves. ,Pigs -Brood sow clue to farrow in April; 3 store hog e weighing about 180 lbs. cache 6 chunks weighing about 60 lbs. each. 'Implements--Messey-Harris binder 6 ft. cut; Massey -Harris 11 -hoe fertil- izer drill nearly new; 'illassey-T-Tarris 10 ft. hay, rake; Massey-Harrie spring tooth cultivator; Frost & 'Wow! mower 6 ft. cut, Deering corn binder, 2 horse Oliver corn cultivator, 2 furrow .Perrin riding plow, single furrow ICockseutt riding plow, 2 set iron barrows, !anti roller, heavy set sloop sleighs, Chatham fanning mill, basket- rack, 6 horse power Interna- tional gasoline engine, iron frame sawing machine; 2 sets disc harrows, potato plow, grain grind'er, set of scales, set Of power ,clippers, Stewart make, tank pump, force pump, 40 gal, oil drum, 2 out barrels, evaporator, ,paring machine, quantity of alfalfa hay, about 100 bus. seed. barley, about 100 bus, of buckwheat and numerous other artickel. Everything to be sold as proprietor has rented his farm. Terres-Hay,egrain and all sums of $10 and under, case; over that amount 7 treeiths' credit will be given on fur- nishing approved joint bankable pap- er. Or a discoent of 4 per cent, straight allowed for cash ant credit amounts, L. 13, SNYDER, Proprietor; Geo, H. Elliott, Auctioneer, Want and For Sale ads, 3 times 50e- ROQIVIS TO RT,. Over Me iWigtee store, two bed- reolne, sun eoone sittine rogue and- kitclien with towa water. Apply to, W, Seaforth. 13 , CLOVER SEED FOR SALE A quantity of White SlossOin Sweet Clover Seed, Apply to JOHN DELA'NEY, St, Cedurnban. Lot 10, Concession 4, MOKillop. 13 MAN WANTED. 'Good mon, good with horses, 10 sign, for Six months or year. Start 1et of 4priJ. THOS, BROOME, Win- throp, 12 BABY CHICKS. Tom Barron &Male coin's White Leghorn hens matesi to cockerels from trapneeted .hens of 275 and 300 eggs, S.C, White Leghorn chicks 12e each; after' June let 1 cent per chick less. Barred P, Rock hens, mated to cockerels feoin Eaglenest Hatchery Co„ Sandusky, Ohio. Chicks 14e each, after June Ise lc per chick less, Hat- ching eggs $3,00 per hundred. ,HIAR- RIP KflIEHINIE, It.R. L Bornholm, Out Plmne 52-23, Dublin. SWEET CLOVER SEED Yellow blossom sweet clover seed for sale. iApply to Joseph' L. Malon- ey, Beechwood, Phone 40-22,- '14 FOR SALE. 200 bushels of Empire Seed Oats and a quantity, of barley for sale. J1N10. ICOUTTIS, Welton. .12 LOST. On Sunday, Manch 10Ith, on Gode- rich street, Seaforth, a navy blue plush bele plea'se leaee at the News Office, 12 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. ,Goocll brick house with electric. lightscgood Water, lots of good outer buildings, 4 to 5 acres of very best land, 9uitatble for chicken farm. 'Some fruit trees, Will . eel/ reasonable. MRS. THOS, 3. ADAMS, Seaforth RR, 2, phone 170r14. 17 . HATCHING EGGS. Barron Strain large S.C.' White Leghorns. For a number of years we have followed the practice ef sending out eggs from hen matings (no pullets used' as breeders). Our males 'leave 17 generations of trap - nested 250 .to 300 egg ancestry back of them. Selected eggs $5 per 100. T. j. WEBLSTER, R.R. 3, Seaforth. 12 PURE MAPLE SYRUP Leave your orcler for Pure Maple Syrup for this season with James S. Brown, ,RaitNvay street, ISeaforth, from Huron County's largest syrup maker. George Faust, Gerrie. 12 . CLOVER SEED. Yellow Sweet Clover Seed, for sale: Governinent tested. Apply to Ray Crawford, Lot 18, Con. 14, McKillop. Walton, RJR. 1. 12 ONTARIO BREEDING STATION Under supervision Poultry Dept., 0.A.C., Guelph. Every bird on our Lan m has been culled, banded and bleod tested by government inspector. Day old chicks $18.00 per hundred for April; 3 weeks old chicks, 15c plus day old price. Brooder stoves and chick feeds at bargain prices. No deposit required on local orders. Sun- ny Crest Farm, J. M. SICOT.T, Sea - forth, Phone 2,51r32. lltf FARM FOR SALE, 100 acres on lot 7, concession 7, Tuckersmith. Practically all under cultivation. Bank barn and hay shed. Also driving 'barn. Good frame house. Good, never -failing well. A:bout ,ee acre of orchard. For further particulars apply on the premises. WILLIAM WRIGHT, Seaforth R. R. 4. 13 BABY CHICKS. If you wane chicks, that will mature to five and six pound hens and lay from 200 to 300 eggs 4 year get some of our Tom Brown sifigle comb Leg- horn chicks. The hens are mated to cockerels from pedigree'd and trap - nested hens of 304 and 316 eggs. S. C. White Leghorn chtcks, 25 for 4.00; 50 for 7.50e. 100 for $14.00; 0. A. C. 13arred P'. ,Rocks chicks, 25 for $5,00; 50 for $9.25; 100 for $18.00. After May 15th 1 cent per chick less; after June 15th, 1 cent per chick less; after July 15th, 1 cent per chick less; hatching eggs 75c per setting of 13 eggs; $5.00 per hundred. Try some of our chicks and you vvill be a satisfied customer. Order early, JOHN A. ECKERT, RR. 1, Dublin, Ont. Phone 23-23, Dublin, 16 THURS., FRI. & SAT. None But the Brave ,With CHARLES NORTON , ‘, SALLY PHIPPS J. FARREL MacDONALD The laughter rotil4fnce of a Col- lege Hero who 'finds :his athletic trophies done make a' ripple on the sea 'of finance, IA story 'of grit and sandewith a Beauty Pageant filmed in georgeous Technicolor. Mon., Tues. & Wed. MARJORIE BEEBE DORIS HILL GEORGE MEEKER in "A THIEF IN THE DARK" A melodramatic comedy of fake, spiritualists, spooks and crooks In a haunted house. Princess IIRSDAY, MARCH 4, 1929 " PROFESSIONAL DARDS. gedleal, DR, H. 'ffIYGI-I 33057, 3?hys. and Surgeoll, Late a Lo450n 146+ Altai, London, England, Specta 00Phone :5 o,ttohsr ld; olas teti eR.s es isdoeci:eefecth Pea hneodYneer, rel04d.IIQSO ence behind Dominion Bank, Offki j. BURROWS, Se0-7;t7a. Office and residenCe, Goderich street east of the Methodist 'Church. Cor oiler for the County of Huron. Tele- phene No, 40. Mecinty, honor graduate of Trinity Umvers ity and gold medallist of Triniti Medical College; member of the 0.. lege of Physicians and Surgeons ei °lliptaiRri°. ,F. 3. R, FORSTER-EYe, Eii Nose and Throat, Graduate in Medi. eine, Univeraity of Toronto 1897, Lets Assistant Naw York Ophthalmic end Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, ace Golden Square throat hospitals, Len. don, England. M Commercial hotel Seaforth, 3rd `Monday in each montk from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. DR. W. -C SPROAT.---Greduate tr; Faculty of 'Medicine, Univereity tr1 Western Ontario, London, 3lesslatt of College of Physicians and Sur, geons of Ontario. Office in Aberharet Drug Store, Main St, Seeforek, Phone 90. Dental. DR. 5. A. 3,1UNN Successor to Dr. R. R.,Ross, grade ate of Northwestern University, Chi- cago, Ill, Licentiate Royal 'College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office (vs: Sills' hardware, Main West, Seaforth, Phone 151. J. BECHELY, gradate!. Royal College of Dental Surgeons Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's Grocery, Main street, Sesforth Phones, office 185W, residence 1855 Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Hero& Arrangements can be made for Sale Date at The Seafonth News. Charged moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. WATSON AND: REID'S REAL ESTATE AND DISURANCE AGENCY s (Successors to James 'Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Tnsurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies, THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance Cel FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY '0 L Y, INSURED Officers --,James Connolly, „Goder- ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood, Vice President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec.-Treasuret Directors --Wm. Rinn, No. 2 Sea - forth, John IBennewies, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc- Ewen, Clinton; James 'Connolly, God- grich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. .3, Sea - forth; 5. M. Sh,oldice, No, 4, Waltonl Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield, Agents --Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1,' Clin- ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; 5. V. Yeo, Hohnesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Bornholm James Kerr and Iohn Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or teens - act other business will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective postoffices. F/VE HUNDRED DOLLARS Do you want it? ,By buying this eighty acres of rich and productive loam with good natural and artificial drainage'also picturesque location:- one of the best in the 'vicinity, you will he profiting this amount. Said farm is about two miles -from Clinton on Bale line. Buildings consist of good house,. large barn, driving shed, also wind'null and reservoir. Consid- erable bush. Residence in States rea- son for sacrifice. For terms: W. Bry- done, 'Clinton. Owner 322 South Main Street, Romeo,- Michigan. 20 NOTICE. Any person or persons found hunt- ing or trapping or following a dog on Lots 12 and 13, Co, 9, Hullett, will be submitted to law. 12 HESSELWOOD BROS. BARRED ROCKS, O.A.C. Barred Plymouth Rocks and Pure Tom Barron White Leghorns Our Rocks are from blood tested stock malted with males from pedi- greed flock. Leghorns are large birds of heavy laying strain mated with cockerels from 11. L. Roberts, winner of 1928 Ontario 'Conitest 85c per set- ting of fifteen or $5.00 per hundred. AINIDIREIW A. MOIOR1E, "SunnYvale Poultry, Farm," Pilione 137r3, Sea - 7 11 SEAFORTH MARKETS. Wednesday, March 206, ChiCkens, live, per lb ... - .. . ..... 22c Chickens, dressed, per lb..........28c Hens, live, per !b.., , ... . .. , . ...18c Hens, dressed, per lb.. .... .. . . .. , . 24c Roosters, live, per lb. . . ....... ..12c Roosters, dressed, per lb..... ..... 19c Ducks, live, per lb ... .. . ........ I7c Ducks, dressed, per lb.. . . . . .. . . ..25c TGeese, dressed, per lb.. ..... . ... ..18c Burkeys, dressed .. ... . .... .. . . .. 35c „ Eutter, per tb. . , ,, ....... .... - . 40c . ggs, per dbz. .......... .20c -24c -27c Po tato es, per bag, . , . . , . , , . Hogs, per cw.t.„ . , .. .. . . 710,9,5411.25 ..„ ,