HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-03-21, Page 5TRURs
Y, MARCH 21, 1.929
20 lbs Redpath Sugar,,., ,...••.,.`•.••.,,$1,29
Red RoseTea, Black or Mixed 69c
Consfort Soap, 3 cakes
Fruits for Salad .,, 29c
Grapefruit Portions, ,Florida, ..., .. . , , • ..... • • ... 09c
Baker's Cocoa and Chocolate 24c
Green Gage Plums, heavysyrup 18c
- Old Dutch Cleanser ilc
W. M Stewart
Phone ??
oss J. Sproat
We pay the highest prices for good cream.
Our services to our patrons are the best that can be given.
Do .not send your cream to other Creameries; we want
it here.
To operate a Creamery we need your co-operation.
In return for ' you co-operation we will give you of our
best in service and prices.
We are agent for the Mellotte Cream . Separators. Come
in and see the new Models.
Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth,-Ont.
C. A. BARBER, Prop:
W. J. Walker 86 Son
Motor or Horse Equipment
J. WALKER, holder of Go-
,ernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
D. H1 Mclnnes
Of Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons
Diseases of all kinds success-
fully treated.
Electricity used.
Just Try It -
When you u fee1 tired and
drowsy, slip around the
corner and get a massage
You may come in. with
a grouch but will go out
with a smile.
• Phone 125.
Pianos Tuned
Cleaned ' and
Chas. A. Howey
Residence—James St.
Asthma Doesn't Wear Off Alone,
Do not make the mistake of waiting
for asthma to wear -away by itself,
While you are waiting the disease•is
surely gathering a stronger foothold
and ytou live in
,f strongerer
and yet stronger attacks, Dr. J. D.
Kellogg's Asthma Remedy taken ,ear-
ly, will prevent incipient condition
front becoming, chronic and saves
hours of suffering.
Municipal Bankers Corporation
Montreal Debenture Corporation
Canadian Terminal System
6 per cent.
Dollar for Dollar' Gold Bonds
$500 and $1000
Interest coupons payable half -year-
ly without charge at either the Can-
adian Bank of Commerce or Domin-
ion Bank
Price: 100 and accrued interest
There has never been one dollar
lost since Confederation on bonds se-
cured as are these Dollar for Dollar
Real Estate, Conveyancing, Bondi
and Investments
Phone 152
Removed to New Office, opposite
Daly Ford Garage
Seaforth. Ontario.
The regular meeting of the Y.P.S.
was held in the basement of the Un-
ited Church on Monday evening,
March 18th. 'Mr. Jesse Freeman ,pre-
sided, The meeting was opened by
a few moments of silent prayer. The
opening hymn was "ISo'wing in the
Morning." • The Scripture reading
Was Round in Matt, 13:31. The'hynn
"0 Master let me Walk with Thee'
was sung. Miss DorothyBroadfoot
g 5
and Mr. Jesse Freeman had sentence
prayers. The business period was
conducted, by Miss Jim -let 'Aikenhcad.
Mr. Jesse Freeman and Alex. Addi-
son gave a report of the training
school at .Stratford. The hymn "The
Son -of God Goes forth to War," was
sung; The meeting was closed by re-
peating the Mizpah benediction.
Mrs. J. Addison returned home last
week after spending a week with her
brothers and sisters hi Philadelphia.
She was accompanied from Orillia by
her daughter, Nurse Gladys Addison,
who recently underwent an operation
for appendicitis in Ot't,hia -hospital,
The many friends of Mrs. (Dr.) Da-
vid McIntosh will regret to hear that
sheds quite ill and under the doctor's
and nurse's care.
Mr. Harry Dalry'nnple's many
friends will be glad to hear that he is
imipiroviing after M.S.operation in the
Clinton hospital, and a ipects to be
home soon.
Easter Greetings. to B.C.
QFront Victoria Street)
A little Easter flower today carate into
And suddenly awakened glad mentor-
es of you,
There's gladness in remembrance.
And this we'd like to say,
That old friends are the best friends;
However far away,
FOI]RCi7MTAIN..- L S,ts oseph',sg, IJos-
rpital Port .Arthut,'"'to Mr: alitt Ivfiti.
A. A. Foreman, of Port William, on
March 12th', 1929, a daughter.
R01R":--tln 1iuli¢tt, on 'Sinulay, Mar.
'117th, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Roe, a daughter,
'Mr, and, Mrs. Earl : Rmpey, of
Lltainesford,'Ont„visited at the homeof Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Dioksou, of
James street, over the week end; on
their return front a honeymoos spent
in eastern. cities, MTS. Empey is a
sister of Mrs, Dickson.
Miss -Jean J1ooat has returned from
spending three weeks in Toronto vis-
iting her sister, Miss Hazel Elcoat,,
Mr, Carman Swallow of Thesselon,
Algona;. was 0 visitor at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Joshua Pollard. -•
Mrs, George Munro of Vancouver
is visiting her cousin, 'Miss' Margaret
McLean, of Tuokersmith..
Mrs. R. E, Coates and Mr, W. H.
Coates spent'a few days this week:in
Miss Marjorie Fulton has accepted
it position in the Seaiforth post office.
Mrs: J, A. Munn has arrived hottte
from St. Oatherines where she has
.been for several weeks.
Miss Ethel Jackson, daughter of
Judge Jackson o'f Lethbridge, Alta.,
left for Toronto on Tuesday enfoute
to her hotne in Lethbridge.
M•r. J!ahn Stewart of London is
spending a ,few days with his brother,
Mr, D. H, Stewart.
Seaforth stores'' have always been
recognized as -the best in Western
Ontario and confirmation of this is
the fact that -some Stratford people
were in town shopping this week.
Mr,. and Airs. Cameron Tweedie
and children of Goderich were Sun-.
day 'visitors with Mrs. Wylie,
Misses Mabel and t-rett'a Thompson
attended the funeral of a relative :n
Ma nleton last week.
'-Mr. W. W. Crosier has purchased
Mr. Thomas Sharp's blacksmith shop
on iGoderich street west, and will take
possess'ion•the middle of April,
Mr. W. T. Beirnes of Vancouver is
at present visiting his niece, Mrs. G.
T. Turnbull.
lOn Sunday evening, March 3+lst,
the choir of North Side United
Church will render the cantata,
"Darkness and Dawn."
Mr, Joe Eckart has ben busy the
past few days pulling down the ca-
bins for the King Construction Co.
west of Sea'for`t'h.
(Mrs. C. IM..tfones, of 'Boston, is
visiting at the home of her father,
Mr, S. T. (Holmes..
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dale have
leased Mr, Joshua Dennison's house
on James Street, and will move at the
beginning of April. Mrs. Robert
Halbkirk and it(iss Minnie Hab'kirk
will also occupy the house.
Spring was ushered in Wednesday,
evening at precisely 9:05 o'clock,
On Wednesday morning some snow
fell, but the afternoon and evening
were warm and spring-like,
(Friends of Mrs. john Webster are
sorry to know she .is poorly at over the fence.
• Marc
cot n Mrs,Ret 'Katlic,
Mr.. )
\ir.. n :
t d Mrs
Wilson n H ki
a dialogue, Miss:Greta Ross. Mrs.
were in Exeter attending the funeral Reid, Mrs. Kaineand
Anna Edmunds,
of the former's uucle, Mr. Frank Those not present certainly missed a
Hawkins, who died in London on treat as tins one was a wonderful
Friday, March 15th. He was buried number.
from his home on the London Road, iJuly, Mrs. Sproat, convener. Violin
interment in Exeter cemetery, Two selection by Gerald Stewart.
brothers survive: George on the farm May, Mrs. Wigg, convener, The
and Thomas. in Detroit. Queen was Anna Edmonds and her
liar. \Vijham Elgie, 5eaforthi has attendants, two little girls, threw
purchased' Mr, W. j, McCulne's Flowers at her feets, and Anna sang
farm,'Kippen. "Springtime" in good voice,
Mr. \\Till Hays, of Egerton, Alta., August, Mrs. Charters, convener.
will be guest soloist at the Presbyteri- Mrs. McLean gave two wonderful
ian Church at the evening service on readings.
Sunday. September, Belle Campbell, con -
Miss Elizabeth Scott returned to vener, E. VattEgntond and Edith Mc -
her hone in Harpurhey on Friday af- Kay sang "School Dave" which was
ter visiting her nieceMrs. J. B. Rua- much enjoyed by all. -
sell, in Peoria, TIL. for smut tnnnths, November. Mrs. Stewart, convener.
Her sister, Mrs. Jack Wilson, who October, Mrs. McKellar. convener.
has been living at Kinclgrale} Sask.. A Gypsy Scene consisting of ,two
accompanied her from Chicago, and ghosts and two gipsies. Mrs. McKel
intends making her home here.' lar told fortunes to those who came
Mrs. Atnnstrong, of Toronto, is via- up front the audience. these being
iting her daughter. Mrs. W. C. Sproat, Davina Anderson, Fif McKay, Harry
Mr. Nelson Hays, of New York, McLeod and Car: Pinkney, which
attended the funeral of his father, Mr. .were very Runty indeed. The cos -
Thomas Hays, on Monday. tumes were very beautiful. Mrs. Mc -
'Mrs. 5, A. Storey was called to Kellar then sang in her usual good
Brussels last week owing to the death voice. "The Gipsy's Warning."
of her sister, the late Mrs, James 'December, Mrs. Dorrance conven
Parish. er. Of course Santa Claus was part
In Carnegie Library on Monday of this month, which was great fun
evening; March 25th, at 8 o'clock an for the kiddies.
open meeting will be held for -all in- The proceeds were $75.
teres'ted in the discussion of the ad-
visability, or otherwise, of earlier clos- MRS. WILLIu1M MORROW
ing of places of business on Saturday The death of Mrs. William Mor
evenings, row at, her home on North Main
Mrs. Harry Grieve and baby of Street early Wednesday morning,
Windsor are guests with Mr. and -Mrs. March 20th, was a severe blow• to the
Thomas Grieve. community though her passing was
Mr, and Mrs. S. Hanna were in Go- not wholly unexpected for some days.
derich on Tuesday visiting the lat- For six years Mrs. Morrow had been
ters neice, Mrs. Will Elwi'vnd Mr, an invalid brit not until eight weeks
Elwood, who is very ill 'with` puuc- ago was her condition serious. Since
monia, 1900 she had been a resident of Sea -
Mr. and Mrs. Jphit McAsh and son forth. Prior to her marriage she was
Willie and Floyd were Sunday visi- Miss MI'ary Alexander, and was born
tors with 'Mrs, W. L. Keys, 78 years ago in Berwickshire, Scot -
Mr. Will Hays of Egerton, Alta. land, at Dunse, a daughter of the late
who attended his father's funeral, ,s James Alexander, When site Was 8
spending the week 'visiting here. years of age, the fancily came to this
Miss Kathleen Storey has received country_ They settled on fhe 4th
word that she was successful in pass- concession of McKillop ands on tilts
ing the primary examinations of the farm she lived when married 51 years
Toronto Censervatory of Music held ago and afterwards up to the time or
at Stratford on Feb. 27. Miss Storey retiring to Seaforth -in March. 1900.
is'a pupil of Mrs. M. R. Rennie. In August of that year Mr. :Morrow
died. One sister, Mrs. Agnes Broad -
foot, of Tuclaersnvith. survives. Mrs.
Morrow was the youtrgest, of a fam-
ily.df nine, Two daughters and three
sons mourn the loss of a loving mo-
ther: Mfrs, Earl Ross, Seaforth; Mrs.
Robert Wright, Rullett Wilfred,
Vancouver, B.C., Gilbert, Bengough,
Sask., and William, Hamilton. The
funeral will be held on Friday from
hers late residence at 2,39 p.m., the ser-
vices being conducted by Rev. Mr,
Maine, to the place of interment in
Maitlanclbank cemetery.
The following item from the Globe
refers to a sister of Mrs. Ernest GO
prang Fair
Music by
This dance will lie' properly manag-
ed. Disorderly conduct not allowed,
so bring your friends and have a good
Commencing 8.30 sharp
Admission $1.00 per couple. Extra
lady 50c ('Tax included),
The Marion Keith C.G,LT. -held
their weekly 'meeting Wednesday ev
ening, Maros 201th, with Grace Scott,
president, in the chair. The meeting
opened with a hymn and the Lord's
prayer in unison, followed by the
Scripture lesson, read by Laura Mole
and Margaret R:olph, Margaret Car-
dio then 'read the roll call and min-
utes of the last meeting, following
which collection was takes During
the business part of the meeting ar-
rangements wer trade for a mission-
ary play to be held some time in the
near ftture,
The Barbara Kirkman Birthday
Party held on Tuesday the 19th, was
a decided success, the school room of
the church being filled. The month
of January was taken by Mrs. M,
Reid and Mrs, E. Bell, and Mr. F,
\Willis sang a beautiful New Year
solo and also a solo by lisle Margaret
'Th.en came June, the convener be-
ing Mrs. Beattie, Goderich Street, it'
being a most beautiful mock wedding
with Merle Keating, bride; groom,
Jim Scott; minister, K._,Beattie; brides
maid, Marjorje Wigg_ best man, Tan
MaoTavish; flower girl, L. Wright;
Dick Box carried the bride's veil and
Van Bell gave the bride away; Mrs.
Keating played- the wedding march.
The April convener, Mrs, Keating;
Ruth Thompson •sang: a lovely April
!Miss Davidson,, convener of Febru-
ary, a love song :by Pearl Patterson,
and Edna and Stewart Plant• courting
a1 r
Give us a call
..�G L
108 Downie St. STRATFORD
Beuerman Orchestra in attendance
Admission $1,00 (Tax Included)
Do You buy Stocks
By the Map?
Of course you don't, arid nobody does,
because there is no geography in the in-
vestment of money. Like water, money
always flows to its easiest level.
When the Bell Telephone Company
needs new capital to extend its service
it must compete with American utility
companies which offer their new shares
to shareholders.
If the Canadian company is restricted
in this, Canadian investors cannot be
expected to refuse greater attraction
abroad and Canadian money will not
stay in Canada.
The monthly rates paid by telephone users in Ontario
and Quebec are the lowest rates in the wont:
for comparable service,
des of town: n. The
death e h occur
red in
Win ha
mon Monday, nda'
March y, 18, of
Helen Porteefield Geddes, widow of
the late j L. Geddes, formerly of Bel -
grave, She was the eldest daughter
of the late Peter and Mary Porter-
field,' pioneer residents of East Wa-
watio5h and was in her 61st year. She
1 'i
had been a resident of Wingham for
the last 15 years with the exception of
a short residence in Waterloo. She is
survived by two sons, G,\V., actuary
of the Ontario Equitable Life As-
surance Co„ of Waterloo, and J. Har-
dy, M;D„ of Landon. Two children
predeceased her. Surviving are two
sisters and three brothers, Mrs. Jas.
Ferguson, Bayfield, and Mrs. Ernest
Geddes, of Seaforth; James and Wil-
'iam. in Alberta and Ales, at the old
home in East Wawanosh.
The Harlock Alert -Club are putting
on a dance in Londesboro Commun-
ity Hall on rFiday evening, March 22.
Please look for notice in another
We are very sorry it was forgotten
to be mentioned in our items last
week that Mr, Noble Adams had cel-
ebrated his birthday on Sunday-,
March 10th. Mr. Adapts is 84 and is
quite smart in every way and we hope
he will be spared to celebrate many
more happy returns of the day, Mr.
Adapts has spent the winter months
at the home of his ctntgh'tep' Mrs.
Charles Parsons.
Miss Janet McVibtie, who spent a
few weeks in Toronto on account of.
sickness amongfriends,returned
home last Tuesuay. While in 'Toron-
to Janet had thepleasure of seeing
her grandtnuher, Mrs. Simon Mc-
Vittie Sr.,who•is at present wish 'her
daughter, Mrs,Thoma Cole.
We with to extend sympathy to the
friends of Mir. William Cade, whose
funeral took place on Tuesday. Al-
though for a number of years. Mr.
Cade has made his home with his
sister, Mrs.. Gras'by, in 'Morris. his
home hood.
was Igrmerly in this neighbor -
Miss Margaret Beattie entertained
a number .of her girl friends 'to a
birthday party on Saturday afternoon
of last week.
'Choir practice was held at tlji hone
of Miss Isabel Reid on Saturday ev-
Frierids and neighbors i'ere Rely
sorry to hear o:1 the death of Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Sanderson's infnnt
child. The funeral took place on
Monday. Sincere synnliathy is ex-
Mr. Stuart Beattie spent the week-
end at the home his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Robert 'j3eattie,
Mr. and Mrs; Jbseplt Bewley visit-
ed at the home of Mr and Mrs. Robt.
Ferris on Sunday
Quite a number attended the pie
social in the Community Hall, Lon=
desiboro on Friday night and enjttyed
a splendid evening.
nor. and Mrs. Ernest Adam's visited
at the hone of Mr, and A''ier, Charles
Parsons one afternoon last week,
'Soule of the members of the Alert
Club met at the hontte of 'Miss Mar-
jorie 'Colson on 'Thtfradey, evening of
last week, '
Useful in Camp;--tExplorers, sur-
veyors. prospectors, and hunters will
fincl Dr. Thomas Fclectric Oil very
useful in camp. \\ iten the feet, and
f are wet ani it is well torub
legsand. coldf
them freely with the Oil and 'the re-
sult will be the prevention of pains
in the muscles and should a tut, or
contusion, or sprain be sustained; no-
thing could be better as a dressing orr
I3t Ll•
L S. At h
OI E the St.
General Hospital, on Friday., March
15, 1929, Harold :Spencer, only son
of Rev. F: M. and Mrs. Holmes,
and brother of 'Mrs. 3. A, Munn, of
Seaforth, in his 32nd year.
Nation -{Wide Fame, _ There is
scarcely a corner of this great Domin-
ion where the merits of Dr, Thomas'
Eclectric Oil have not been tried and
proved. It is one of the world's most
efficient remedies for sore 'throat,
lance back, and many other ailments
arising from inflammation,
on theki
s. n its healing power is read-
ily absorbed, and it can also be taken
Timothy and Alsike mixture, abottt
27 per cent aisike, 1Oc a pound; Pure
Timothy, $4 a bus.; Yellow blossom
sweet Clover, $5 a bus.; White blos-
som sweet clover, $4,50 a buss, All
government graded seed. RUSSELL
DOUJGIHEHTY, Walton. Lot 13,
Con, 17, Grey twp. Telephone 37-19,
Brussels, 19
A Good Portion
of bast served to you for the evening
meas roasted about medium, with the
t1,cd gravy oozing through, gives
sue sfoundation. It just makes one's
manna water to think of it. How
was that last piece of meat we sent
ycuf Wasn't it fine.
Your Butcher.
Phone 58 Seaforth,
The business conducted by the
late Charles Gordon Thompson
will be conducted the same 'as
J. 11.
GoodyearliTirest•an.d Tubes.
Battery Sales and Service,
Charging and Repairing all makes of Batteries.
IA good line of new and used parts of different makes of cars,
11 year car is in need of repairs, give us a call.
Studebaker Sales and Service
Realer lie G