HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-03-14, Page 5THURSDAY; MARCII 14', 1929. CHAIN RED &WHITE STORES 1.16 CASII SAL now .on Did you get a Sale Bill? If not, ask for one Lots of other Goods at Reduced Prices W M, Stewart Phone 77 Ross J, Sproat Phone 8 :Quality always higher than Price" e,R 13A We pay the highest prices for good cream: Our services to our patrons are the .best that can be given. Do not send your cream to other Creameries; we want it here. To •operate a Creamery we need your co-operation. In return for you co-operation we will give you.. of our best in. service and prices. .. We are agent for the Mellotte Create Separators. Come in and see the new Models. Seaforth Creamery Co, ` Seaforth,:' O,nt, C. A. BARBER, Prop. W. J. Welker 8 Son UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W, J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license, Flowers . Furnished. Night or day phone 67. 0. IL Manes Chiropractor Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated; Electricity used. 1 Just Try When. you feel tired and. drowsy, slip around the. corner and get a massage at SID'S SHOP Buts, mazy come in with es grouch but will go out with a smile. Phone 125. Pianos Tune., Clleaned.. and. Repaired aired Chas. A. Howey Residence—James St. M'iller's Worm/Powders can do no injury to the racist delicate child, Arty, child, itt'faatt or In the state ..of adol- esence, who is lufes'ted with. worms, Without can take this'Prep'aration art tt a qualm of the,stotnach, and will ,And. it a sere relief and a fall protection from those d'estrucfive. pests, which are tresponsiMe for tnuch sickness and great suffering to legionsof little outs. nvestors Opportunity Municipal Bankers Corporation Montreal Debenture Corporation Canadian Terminal, System 6 per cent. Dollar for Dollar Gold Bonds $500 and $1000 Interest coupons payable half -year- ly without charge .at either the 'Can- adian Bank of Commerce. or Domin- 'ion Banka Price: 100 and .accrued interest There has never been one dollar lost since Confederation on bonds se- cured a are these Dollar kr Dollar. Bonds. A D. SUTHERLAND GENERAL INSURANCE, AGENCY , Real Estate, oConveyancinr Bond, and., Investment. - Phone 152 Removed to New Office, opposite Daly Ford Garage Seaforth, Ontario. TUCKERSMITH. ' The following is thae school report of S. S. No. 6, Tuckersmith, for Feb ruary based on examinations and the mouth's work. Those marked with an aslterisk were absent for one -or' more examination. . Sr: IV.—ISabel!Ashton8S Evelyn Nott 83. Jr. I°V., Fletcher Whitmore 86, Warren Whitmore 81, Raymond Townsend 74. Sr. III',=Sarah Whitmore 80, Pearl Hugill 75, Harold Hugill* 61, 'Jr. NIL—Hazel Ashton 70,: Leola Nott 69,' •Verna Hugil'l 69 (equal); Myrtle Ashton 68.. ' Sr. rI--Florence Whitmore 72, Vel- ma Ashton 66, Atnrold Hugill* 66 (equal). Sr. I, -'Iona Hugill 72, Wesley 'Ett- gfll 67. ,Primer•—Kenneth 'Terryberry, Mary Hugill, - No. on the rol'F, 1.9; average at- tendance 17. Edna M. Jamieson, Teacher. HiIBBERT 'Tete windstorm of Thursday last caused much damage in 'this district. [Sister Isadore of. St. Joseph's Con- vent, 'London, was home attending the"•'funeral'' of her father, Mr: Mat- thew Coyne, who dried very Suddenly 'on Saturday 'morning. iThe St. Collin -than Literary Society are hold'ing,'their regular meeting oil Friday evening,. The CJWIL. are hiolditig, their Eas- ter dance on Easter Monday, April 1. Good musk in attendance. 17r, dark. Miles and Mr, Frank Muti•ay speut'Monday in Stratford. Miss Sadie Queenan spent, Sunday with her friend, Miss 'Anna .McGrath, BORN; 'e• HUDSIO.N,-Id'Sea forth,"nil March 1,Oth, 1929, to ,Mr, and Mrs,.Leonar'd Iliud'spu, o'f Windsor, a son( Jack 'Bernard,) TOWN 'TOPIC." Lt very suaeessfitl •,gl iltiug bee was held at the home of 11'Irs, Hngh Mc. Kay on Tnesdra . Ira."Robert Porterfield is spending a month its Toronto with her dangle ter, Mrs. E. •C, Chamberlain. 'Mr, Wiliard Elliott was in London ott•Motiday attending a disttiet meet- ing of Firestone tire dealers, About 300 dealers were present,. NLre, Cecil Oke, of ,Lond'on, arid' Mrs, Witiisne Fear of'Blyth spent• the week end at the home of lairs, James G. tvtartin, A service in 'Memory of the late J, J. Merner, of Windsor, was held in ,St. Tlto.rhas Church, Seaforth, on.Sten- clay m'orninge Fta'vorite hymns of the deceased were sung.. The flowers on the altar were placed there by the fa- miry, Dr. W. C. Sproat has purchased ,Mrs. J'o'hn Rabb's fine home on the comer of James and Helen, streets, and will get possession on May 1st. :Mrs; Robb and Miss Nina Robb in- tend removing to British Columbia. The Hotete and School Association will Fold its regular monthly meet- ing in the Public School, on Monday, the 25th, at 4 pm, the, John Nott, of Egtnondville, who has just recovered from a seri- ons illness, had the misfortune to fall in her hone and break her hip. Mr, Cecil Oke, of London, spent the weekend at llis' Father's home on Goderich Street. IMr, Russell Hays, of Detroit, who has been holidaying with Mr, and Mrs. Reg. Reid, ;Stratford., is calling on friends in town this 'weelc.. Mrs, T. Reid, of Baylfield, is the guest of Mrs, James Nelson and' call- ing on several friends in town. Mr. Cecil Knight, of Kitchener, is holidaying at his home here for a couple of weeks. Mrs, Clarence 'Kestle was called to Exeter on aocount of the serious ill- ness of her father, Mr, Pullen, who we are glad to say, is slightly im- proved, Mr. and Mrs, James Hodson_ have taken apart'ment's over -Mr. Dickson's feed. store. , Miss l'i'ne Hudson has been seri- ously ill with tonsili'tis: Mr. E. D, Reid, lately Customs Of- ficer mere, left on Friday ,for Guelph, ?where he has takes a position in the .Ctistoin;g,Mr: -Reid has been Presi- dent of the. Seaforth. highlanders Bend during the past few years and Ike; Will be much missed from that or- ganizatio'is in. which he hit's:;always taken .a 'keen interest.. InlocaFfoot- hall ,he will also be,. greatly .missed. told his many frsiends are sorry he is leading town, Die'Frank I3berhart, of 1'leaford, here attending the funeral of his mother, er the late ae Mrs.Charles C arle s Eber- hart W. Mr. j � . Patrielr Shakespeare, spent the week -end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. Patrick. Miss Bernice Nott, Constance, is visiting with Miss Violet .Tyndall; -bliss Marguerite Black, Mitchell, was a week -end guest with - her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W, Black. lIr. Evans, who recently under- went an operation at the hospital, is reenpera'tinge at his home in Hamil- ton. Dr. William Aberhart. of Mitchell, has been remoi'ed to his home from the hospital. The three-story Sandford Building on South' Main Street has been bought from the Sandfords by a num- ber of interested business men at a reasonable figure. The syndicate is seeking local or outside industries co use the building, either in part or entire, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ha'bkirk of Grosse Isle, Mich., spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. Robert Hab- kirk. Mr, and _v1'rs. George Chesney, of Calgary, visited friends and relatives here for a few days, ,Rev, R C. McDermid, of Goderich, and Rev, I. B. Keine exchanged pul- pits on Sunday, Mrs, Ben Tyerman is spending a week'or two with Mr. and Mrs, John - Ainslie, at Leamington, owing to the latter's illness. • Misses Annie and Margaret 'Ken- nedy are in Stratford owing to the ill- ness of their sister, Mrs. s Reynolds, and will• remain there for sI ceveral weeks„ • Miss Annie' McTaggart, of Walton, spent the week -end with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Daynab are moving in a week or two to Exeter, where they will make their home. Mr. Robert 'Townsend, Conneaut, Ohio, spent several days last week with his mother here, Mrs, Jane Townsend, Miss Dorothy Broad'foot, Bruce= field, was a week -end guest, with Miss Alice Thompson. Mr. Joseph Eckert, who has been spending some time here, intends to resume his duties with the King Con- stru.ction Co., if the fine weather con- tinues. Mrs. H. Tyndall is visiting with friends in 'Con'neaut, Ohio. ' Mr. 4V. Black, Stratford, is spend- ing several days with his inother, Mrs: George Black, Tailori'ng Ladies and Gentlemen's TAILORS Give its a call COGHILL LL TAILORING CO. 108 Downie St. STRATFORD THE SEAFORTH NEWS .Barbara Kirkwall Auxiliary' Of First Presbyterian Church Are''' having a BIRTHDAY PARTY for you; 'Tis something novel, 'tis something new; , TUESDAY, the 19th IS THE DATE So bring your lady sharp at eight. Sandwiches, cakes, and coffee, too, And all that a party means to you. Admission:1 cent for each day in your birthday month.. :ruse Bros. SPECIALS FOR ONE WEEK COMMENCING TO -DAY Brunswick Sardines, 2,5 C 4 tins w7 Fresh Dates, 29:c 3 lbs, for Granulated Sugar, //��//�� 15 lbs. for; ■`%{ New Cheese, ,per lb. 27c Uncolored Jaan Tea _ 50c lb. Special Black Tea, per ib, 60c Oatmeal, 5 lbs. for ...... . 25c All our goods are fresh, Quality and service guaranteed, o Cash or Trade for Eggs Free delivery anywhere in tolyl PHONE 163 BAYFIELD. There passed ,to rest on Monday morning of last week, after an illness -extending. over several months, a re- spected citizen .of IBayfleld, in the per- son of Richard +Elliott, 'The deceased was 'born near Zurich seventy-two years ago, being a son of the late Mr, and 'Mrs. Moses Elliott and one of a family of fourteen. • After having re sided in Stephen 'fdr a. dumber of years he came to ;Bayfield where' he. li=ed for. the .past thirty-nine • years.. Twenty-six years ago he'was married to Mrs, Mary A, Castle, who survives himZito at forty.. years, he .was a mem- .bee 0. O.:L. 24, taking, for years the active, part of drtuniner in `the, fife'. and drum 'band. 'He was of •a cheer -- Bel disposition and always ready to lend a hand wherever Ile could. help; For a great many years -he was the- ca capable sexton e P o of the 'cemetery. Be- sides his widow he is survived 'b one ne brother., Robert obi t A'Elliott, of•t'Ite vil- lage. 'The funeral was held on Wed- nesday afternoon front Trinity Church; -interment being macre in Bayfield cemetery. The service was' conducted by Rev. F. H. Paull, as- sisted by Rev, I.. NI. 'Gale. The pall- bearers were: Messrs, Hugh McKay, John Cameron, .I-Iaro'ld'Stinson, 'Chris. Parker, W 5. McLeod and A. E. Er- win, The !Orangemen had charge of the services at the grave, Much sym- pathy, is felt for the widow and brother. Mrs, A. Currie spent a few days at Goderich last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Weston . Mr..Samuel Moore, Who has spent some time in Windsor, returned home last 'Friday. Miss Florence 'Sunt.mer of Strat ford, spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs, Wid'com'be. • .Mrs, A. Wigle of Toronto 'is visit- ing her parents, Mr, and Mrs. James Sturgeon. The Agricultural' Society are having a masked carnival .in the town hall on Wednesday, April 3rd'. Come and have a good time, Mrs. 'Harry Walm'sley returned to Niagara 'Falls having 'been here at, tending the funeral last weer: of Ri- chard Elliott. Mrs. IA Catling, Janes iCatling, 'Mr; and Mrs Taylor, of St. Thomas, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Stur- geon. • - Mr. 'J. W. Tippet, who 'has been at the Clinton hospital itaifor the past three weeks, returned home on Monday. An Oil that 'is. ,Famous.—Though Canada was not the btruhplace of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, it is the ho'n'e of that famous'compound. Front here its good naive was spread to Central -and'' South America, the West Indies, Australia and New Zealand. That is far afield enough to attest its excellence, for in all these countries it is on sale and in demand. BRUCEFIELD. • Announcement -r. and Mrs. Wil- liam Douglas, B•ruceftelcl, announce the engagement of their only daugh- ter, Margaret Aare Pearl; to Mr. Lind- say W. Eyre, sort, of iide,'and Mrs. George Eyre of Tucke'rsenith•, Ont, the marriage to take place the end of March. l'Ir. and Mrs.' •James McCartney, who have been spending the winter in Toronto visited at the home of the farmer's uncle, Mr Alex. Thompson, Sr., and other friends last week and have now returned to their Thorne in Mooseyaw •Nurse McTavish , of ,Clinton is - at present waiting on 3Iiss McCully, wleo is quite ill. Her many ,frieteds hope to hear of her speedy recovery. 1' is, DTon h and daughter have just dcreomn,° d pletea quilt with 975 pieces in it, The pattern Is called "The Lost l i eiy great interest has been mani- fested by the cdngregation of the Un- ited Church in the special services conducted by Rev. T. A, Woods, of Ottawa, for the past two weeks. Mr. u. 'Woods has been engaged in Evangel- istic :pork vangefiistic:work for 'the.pas.t 2a years, tra- velling from coast to coast and also in the Old' Latd, lFe;certainly is most interesting speaker and also a beautiful singer, • The song service :which was held' every' night was pAt "Mortgaged to the Hilt" Good Busi,ess -,a pr: • Of course it's not, and that is why all the new money needed for expansion of the telephone system cannot be raised by bond issues. Part of the money will; come from bond. issues — a new issue has just been an- nounced — but a large part must con- tinue to come from new issues of stock. If a handicap is placed on telephone ex- pansion the only ultimate sufferers will be those who use, or want, telephones in Ontario and Quebec. By 1934 Ontario artd Quebec will need a million telephones, They cannot be provided without new money to extend the system. THE BELL TELEPHONE '10e 4r. o , 1, COMPANY OF CANADA much.enjoyed' b> ! al especially }the children. Large congregations assembled ev- ery night he spite of the bad condition, of the roads. The services will close nest Friday night, March 15th, 'Miss M. Marks has returned to her home after spending a week with Mrs. Ca'rd'weill Miss Reta Taylor is visiting her 'mother at Forest, Mr. Pepper of Lucknow has purch- ased the Collins farm on the second of !Stanley. Mr, Bill Caldwell spent a few days 'last week with Mr. Ross 'Chapman of Tuckersmith: Mr. Walter Baird has been sick with. the flu but is recovering. Mr. Gordon Keeler spent the week end at his home .in Mitchell, Mr, and Mrs. 5. P. Cole have treat- ed themselves to a new car, Quite a number of barn doors and an -odd wbidmill ''were destroyed by the windstorm last Thursday. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Intplensents,— The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction at Lot 15, concession 14, McKillop, three , miles east of Walton on Friday. March 22nd, at one o'clock sharp, .the 7 timber 2 ,._ feet lour to square a 3s3 four good horse collars, logging chain, 150 feet ei" hay fork -rope, new; set of two rope'siings; two hay cars, pnbleys, hay fork and sling chain. Three pitch forks, 2 manure fork;, set of pea harvesters, teeth and shoe, hay knife, •neckyokes and other ar- ticles too numerous to mention. Hay --Between 20 and 30 tons of mixed timothy and alsike hay. Grain -100 bashers nixed seed grain, 15 bus. seed barley, 100 bushels following: Horses—Matched team of dappled ercheron geldings, 7 years old, weighing 3200. 1 heavy black geld- ing, '12 years old, weighing 1600; 1 good .black driving horse, 8 yrs. old. Cattle—On'e yearling heifer. Pigs—Twenty-seven pigs averaging 125 lbs; six chunks, 8 weeks old; one thoroughbred Yorkshire sow with litter at foot, 3 weeks old; one sow, bred Feb, 20th;. one thoroughbred Tamworth boar, 2 years old, (Hens --{Sixty White Leghorn hens bred from a good laying strain. Implements --'Massey Harris binder six foot cut, with truck; McCormick mower 6 -ft. cut, in good shape; Mas- sey Harris cylinder hay loader with truck; Deering horse rake, ten foot; Cockshutt 13 -disc seed drill; Massey Harris manure spreader. low down, three cylinder type, nearly new; Mas- sey Harris cultivator, nearly new; one set of three section diamond harrows, land roller, Massey Harris gasoline engine, two horsepower, nearly new: Massey Harris cutting box, nine -inch feed, nearly new, with•power pulley, Cockshutt single furrow riding plow with eveners; Frost & Wood walking plow; Tudh'ope & Anderson walking plow; nearly new; Frost & Wood scufflere Verity 2ehtrrow gang- Maxwell inthrow, disc harrow, three- quarter lumber wagon in good shape; set of bob sleighs as good snew, as ne v, with both narrow and log bunks; Coleman turnip seeder, nearly new; Chatham fanning mill_ with bagger; set of 2000 lbs. scales, hay rack, 16 ft. long with ladders; grain box with shelving and spring seat: gravel box 1% yds. capacity; stock rack, pig, crate flat bottom stone boat, flat sleighs rack, 12x6, nearly new; piano box cutter, steel tire top buggy, 2 grindstones, wheel barrow, hand made c road grader; 3 sets s of heavy team eveners, 80 sap buckets, pan and nese, 1 set of double back band har- ness, set of single harness, 1.new set of heavy team litres 1i4; 20 rods of hog fence, 16 wires; 50 grain bags, 1 bunch of cedar shingles, sugar kettle, some 3" pipe, also some 1" pipe; six-foot cross cut saw, s.et of chimes, wooden ladder 28 ft, long; 2 sticks of piles; three 50-gahlon wooden bar - .els; ,DeLaval cream separator No, 12, 1 good set of double breeching har- feed barley, 25 bus. seed buckwheat. 500 bush. inixed feed grain. Terms—Hay, ,grain, hens and all sums of ten dollars and under, cash; over that amount eight months' credit on furnishing approved joint notes, Sand owners for security. with a dis- count of 3% per cent. straight off for cash on credit amounts. Everything to be sold without• reserve as proprie- tors are giving up farming. STIMORE BROS., Props., Geo, H. Elliott, Auctioneer, A Good Portion of beef served to you fpr the eyening ureal roasted about medium, with the ciocd gravy oozing through, gives one a foundation. It just makes one's ursuth water to think of it. How was teat last piece of 'meat we sent you? `wasn't it fine. GEO. CAMERON Your Butcher. Phone .58 Seaforth. Notice The business conducted by the late t Charles Gordonh m T o pson will be conducted the same as usual by J-.11. H. THOMSON GRAIN DEALER PHONE 25 YOUR 7i3T0 NEEDS Goodyear, Tires;'and Tubes. Battery Sales and Service. Charging and Repairing all makes`of Batteries. A. good line of new and used parts of different makes of cars, If your car is in need of repairs, give us a call. Studebaker Sales and Service • Realer s Garage PHONE 167W