HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-03-14, Page 41,1 T83R SRAzi'4RTII NEWS SnowdonBros., Publishers, Dance 1At7a1 LTQN Wed, April MUSIC BY BLYTH FIVE PIECE ORCH,l♦S'I RA Admission, $1.00 a couple WALTON; Mist Anna 'McTaggart returned home after apend'ing a few days in Stratford, Miss Althea Carter is visiting her parents, Mr and 'Mrs. 0".Carter of the village, Quilting ,bees are the order of the day. At ,the patterns of ancient days are in vogue now. Mr, 5. Bernie has been laid .up for the ,past few ,days with a bad cold. Many other are cottipheining of the same trouble, Quite a number frons the commun- ity' attended e, McArthur's sale on Tuesday, • The electricians are wiring the church this week. Looks like an up- to-date village when street lights and buildings are 'lighted by hydro, re,ers. McNab left for her home in the West ote Thursday, 'She has been here since the death of her sister and bro alter, Mary and Walter Swallow. Mr. Robert Young and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Young of Port Huron vis - Red on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Joseph 'Campbell, The trip was made by motor as far as ;Winthrop, .Miss Ellie Rowland has returned to her hone here after spending the past few months vtlith friends at Dublin. lllhere was a real blizzard on Thurs- day,Some damage was done by the wind. P. 5.ar ' G diner' s windmill was blown o down by theadn,is -. w kor Thursday, to on Mrs. W, Anderson is feeling some better after being confined •to 'the house for the past few weeks. • Cars will soon be able to get through from Seaforth tc. Beussels,;' Mr. and \fie. J.. Dennison and AM. ily hare moved on their, new, fartn' which they purchased front, Mr Gar- net Barron, •' • Mr. C. Swallow and" his'sistet filers, McNabb, have returned to their Mimes in elaoma. and.Manttoba:'--'1;Mr. \Villiain Elliott and family' have moved to the farm they purchase ` ed from Mr. Swallow. BLYTH. \tr. and Mrs. Wee. Kechnie and Mary were guests of Mr.'and Mrs. C. Rogerson on Sunday. lir, -J. B. Watson and son Jackie, who have- been very ill with pneumen- ia, are improving. • Mr. Cioyd Johnston and' Misses Margaret Jnhttston and Minnie leo visited at the home of Mr, C. Roger- son during the week end. Mr, and Mrs. H. Mason and daugh- rer, who have been living hi Detroit have moved here this week. The postponed meeting of the Wo- men's Institute on account of the in. clement weather, will be held out Thursday. March 14th, at 2.30 p.m. Devotional, Miss Mary Pate; topic, ,:Value of Eggs and Various \Nays of Coking them," Mrs. R. C. McGow- an; House Dress Demonstration by Mrs. B. Herrington. Members bring petterus; reading, Mies Gladys Faw- cett: roll call, an Irish story. Visit- ors are welcome. The officers and member's of Har- mony Loral True Blue Association will hold an old time public dance in Memorial Hall on the night of Friday March 15th. Messrs. john .Ferguson, Ed, Johns- ton, Ab, Taylor,. Jos. Hamilton and Joe E. Taman are in attendance at the Orange Grand Lodge at •Windsor this week. •Mr. Taylor will also visit his mother and daughter in Deteoit: Mrs, Norman ' Sanderson, we . a: e sorry to state, is on the sick list.. We wish her a speedy recovery. M-rs. Charles Burling visited her husband in the Clinton hospital on Tuesday. HARLOCK. The following is the uviol -winter report ,for S.S. No. 6, Hallett, The •highest marks obtained in each sub - feet were: Arithmetic 92, Jack Mc - Ewing; spelling, 49, Jean 'Wegg; eoneposition 83, Gladys 'Leiper and Jean Wegg; grammar 91; Jean Wegg; geography 100, Helen McGregor; his- tory 97, Helen McGregor; literature 81, Jean Wegg. Report V.=Olive Knox 75 per cent. Sr IV.-Gladye Leiper 74.6, Jean Wegg 73, John Rap- son 69, Alvin Stevens 67. [fI�Flelen: McGregor 85.3, Jack eefcEwing 80, Margaret 'Beattie 76, May Lyddiatt 60, 'Harry Rapson 48. Jr. II. -Ida Leip- er 87.6, Willie Taylor 64. 1: Watson Reid and Jimmy 33fcEtving, good. Primer -Roy Holland and Gordon .McGregor, good. M. Bickel!, Teacher. Miss Florence Watson visited for a few Clays last week with friends near Blyth: We are sorry that Miss Helen Mc- Ewing had, the misfortune last week to fail.and break some ribs, besides hurting her hand, but we are glad'to know she is improving and hope she will soon be fully recovered. Mr. Isaac Rapson, Mr. Gray and Mr, Ro- bert Watson visited at the home, of Mr, and Mrs, A. W. Beacom Friday evening. - 'Quite a number of the youngpeople altendterl' Mr, Harold 'Tomlinson's. dative in Winthrop' hall on Friday' ev- ening. Me, Harold Wheatley, who has been visitittg friends east of laarloek, re- turned to Clinton on Tuestt:ry of last' week, Mr, Robert Ferris received a letter task wcok from his daughter, Mrs, ICneclttef of 'C:algarv, also :same next WO V L[MfT.T.+,Ll SER UaRTH, CINTARito ANIT013A Oats We are expecting a car of Manitoba Oats, These are - v • cry nice oats, ,testing about. forty poundsp er bushel. SILVERKING for Bread. KEYSTONE for Pastry. J PHONE 51 birthday gifts. Mrs. Knechtel says they are having lovely weather out at Calgary. Mr. Robert Ferris celebrated his birthday on Sunday. Rev. Mr..I-iolenes of !Clinton preach- ed in -Burns' Church on 'Sunday mor- r ing. e . We are sorry to 'hear that Mr. Si - Mon McVittie has not been well for a .few days, but are glad he is getting better, Mrs. Leo Watt and little Archie vis- ited at the home ofiMr, I, and Mrs. Ro- bert r es 'F 'Ferris on Sunday. Sc me of themembers of the Alert Club met at the home of Mr, A. W. ItcEwing on Monday night, A number of the men in this vicin- ity attended Mr. McArthur's sale on Tuesday, while others attended Mr. Ross' sale. ' • - • 'Miss Marie •Rapson, who was home from soht-toi'last week on account of 'cold, .returned to school on Monday afternoon,: \it Wm, Brown and Mrs. Wm Bell visited at the home of Mr, and \Its 1 orris on 'Monday, Mr. W. J. McCullie held a very- "' Marjorie McEwing'-spent the successful auction sale last week. Ev- u eek end in Clinton. erything sold at satisfactory prices, Miss Janet McVittie, who has been but all are sorry ,to learn Mir, McCul- in Toronto .for a few weeks, is expect- lie is continuing very low. cid home this Tuesday, - _ \Ir, J. ,Detweiler of Kitchener call- Messrs. Reece Ferris and Harold ed on some of his intimate friends re - Beacom visited at the home of Mr, cently, Isaac Rapson on Saturday night. bar. W. M. Doig held a very ,sue- mily visi ed Mrs, at theWilliam home cf11Mr,aand ening lwhichtl was ay as geaton Tsuccess.e A etr,. Thomas IZnox on Friday even- great many came from 'a distance, • ing. The many friend's of Master Eric \Ir. and Mrs. JosephLyon spent Switzer will be glad to know he is Sunday at the home of .lir. and Mrs, slowly improving from his long 111- A. W. Beacom. ness of the fin and rheumatic fever, The Alert Club are having a dance -Mr. and Mfrs. Cleve Cochrane en- in Community Hall, Londesboro, on tertained a number of friends ,and Friday evening, March 22nd, and have neighbors and all report'having a most the Allen orchestra engaged to furnish enjoyable evening. the music, . HILLSGREEN. Mir. and Mrs. Lorne Leker, of tay, spent Monday at the -home of her bro- ther, Mr, Hugh Love, Mrs. W. Carlile, who has .been laid tip with tonsilitis, is improving,, 'The young people of Hillsgreen are intending to 'hold a social evening on Monday, March 16th in the basement of the church.. Quite a number of the friends in. this neighborhood attended the fun- eral c fr M s.obi C t oi I ' J tsttt Sr. onSat- urda ' Y lest at her residence, Hensa1t. Mrs. Consitt was van well known n in these parts having lived an the firm for a number of years where her son Thomas is now living. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Campbell, of Hay Township, spent Monday with iter parents, Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Love. ,Mrs, Francis ,Coleman is spending a SW clays with her sister, Mrs, John lieNaughtnn, of Tuekersmith HIPPEN. . LONDESBORO. Mrs,' Mountain and Mrs, Robert Y oungbhu were called to Goderich wing to the serious illness of .Mfrs. 5. Pipe, who is in the hospital there. We hope to hear of Mrs. 'Pipe's speedy` re - c every. Miss Bessie Weymouth of Blyth is pending a few days with her aunt, hire Fred, Johnston, The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid of Knox Church was 'field at the (louse - of .Mfrs. John Nott, on Tuesday last with a' good attendance. Mr. Fear is a guest at -the parsonage t4tis week, Mr, Webster of Varna was a'calJer in the village recently. Mrs. 'Alex. Stewart and family spent a few days with Belgrave .friends last week. Miss cParrtrtt, teacher of S.S.INo. 5, spent the week end with her friend, Mrs. Mac M'dCool, -Mir. and Mrs. Bert Nott spent Tues- day, with ;Blyth ,friends. Mese Jack Fairservice -spent a few days with Mrs, J•am'es 'Fairservice last week. Miss Ida Stalker, teacher of S.S. No. 8. spent the week end the guest of Mrs. Charlie Watson, errs. Wood's of Leshburn, iSask., Mr-. Lawrence and Mrs. Russell At- cheson anil' ohildren of Windsor are visiting' this week with -firs, Charlie Redden. Mr. Jim Roberton returned' this week 'from a four,veek visit with his si;etee at •W-itlnipeg, and has now tak- en a position with GN.IR, at Elmira. The iI,nstitute ladies are 'busy get- ting things in shape for their pie so- cial which will be held in Common-' ity Hall Friday night, 'March ]'9th. A splendid time is to be looked' forwarde to, err. and Mrs. Jas, .Fairservice en- tertainecl' a number of their young friends to a dance at their home last Friday night„ -Mr. •and Mrs. Fair service are'splendid entertainers and the evening was much enjoyed' by the p ;twig people.' CONSTANCE. We. and Mrs. C'haricme Hoggartlt spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Riley, Miss Phoebe Wakefield visited with frieeds in 'Clinton last week, iMrs, Cd. Britton and Mfrs, William Britton spent :Monday of this week with friends in Walton. •\ir. and 'Mfrs. John 'Mann spent 4unraty with Mfr, and Mrs. Robert Grintold'hy,- Mr. Beej, Riley is improving' slow- ly after his attack of pleurisy. The Wom'eree Missionary Society met Friday of last week at the home ,f Mrs. Earl'I Praises this Asthma •Remedy, A grateful user of Dr. J. D: Kellogg's Asthma Remedy -find's it the only re- medy that will give relief, though for thirteen years he had sought other help. Years of needless suffering may be prevented by using this wonderful reined}, at the first warning of trouble. Its nse is sitnple, its cost slight, and it can be purchased alinps•t anywhere, CLEARING AUCTION SALE • Of Faint Stock and Implements at Lot 24, Concession 1, Tuckersnrith township, on Highway, 3 miles west of Seaforth, on Tuesday, March 19th, at 1 o'clock sharp, consisting of the following: Horses -Matched team of geldings weighing 3100 pounds, 7 and 99 years old; 1 heavy draft mare, black, -7 yrs. old, 1.650 lbs., 1 black gelding, 12 yrs., one filly rising three years, sired 'by Glengyre, well broken; 1 gelding ris- ing 2 years, well broken; 1 fully ris- ing one year: 1 black driver, extra good third horse, rising seven. These horses are all in good condition, Cattle -1 black 'Holstein cow 6 yrs, to freshen soon, real choice cow and heavy milker; 1 white Holstein, 8 yrs., milking, supposed to be in calf; 1 Durham grade cow 7 years old, milk- ing good', supposed to be in calf; 1 red cow 4 years old, to freshen in April; 1 black Polled Angus cow, 4 ton cow d,5 With calf et foot; 1 Hols- tein 2'heifers ars2old, to freshen Mar. 2years old, 9 cwt., hail fat; 1 Hereford heifer, 7 cwt, half fat: also a number of. stockers, Sheep -6 well bred Leicester ewes, 2 and'3 years old, Pigs -Two brood sows, extra good ones; 11 store hogs 100 pounds. Implements -McCormick binder 7 foot cut, used three seasons; Massey - Harris mower 6 -It. cut, new; spring tootle cultivator, Massey Harris seed drill 14 -hoe; Massey Harris hay load- er, new; Quebec -riding plow, new, on- ly plowed 5 acres; single furrow walking plow, Anderson; 4 -section harrows complete; wide disc with truck, Bain wagon with box, conip- lete;-gravel box, hay rack, new stock rack; Massey Harris sleighs, new, us- ed one season, with 2 -inch rock elm wood rack and bunks separate; 1 steel roller, hay rake, wide; fanning mill, root pulper, set brass mounted team harness, set nickel mounted team har- ness, used one season, 5100 bushels of gond vats. Improved Banner; quant- ity of choice rock elm plank, neck yokes, whiffletrees,' forks, chains and numerous other articles, including some household effects, 'Terms -'All stuns of $10.00 and un- der, cash; . it, over that amount 8 months' credit will be given on furnishing bautkable paper. Four per cent. straight for cash. Flverythitig must be sold as I have tented my farm, 1). W. NIOTT, Proprietor; George H: 1illioth Auctioneer, TISE S.EAFQRTS NEWS NORTH MoI{ILLQ1?, Mr. and Mfrs. 13. Boyd were Stusday. visitors. S 0iS atthe ti e Wine 'of' Mrs:. Thongs Leenrieg St • ' Mr. 'Mrs: 1 : i rs os T e h ton n J p l rtonad son Kenneth were': visiting Mr. and Mrs Alex, Munn one night last week. Ma and. Mrs, James Mc•N ehel were visiting Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Smith Sunda} ,evening. 'Mr. and Mrs. Fdiwatd Regele 'were 'Stodgy visitor's , t the homeof 'Mr. and MreneDan Regele. s Mr, and Mrs. Er nestDrag Cell C called e on Mt and s..'R Mn Ra sen evening p Sunday The recent storm has blocked the road's again for cars, but the show is disappearing ppearing rapidly again. )Edward' .Davidson; held a successful wood bee on March. 3rd. MA'NLEY. Mn Jobe Deitz wears a smile since the •lath Inst when .his wife,preseitted hitt with. a, flab}, boy, Mrs, William. Hoegy, who hue • been convaleecin'g in the emarialul-lospi- tal the .past two'weeks after an oper- ation, hes returned! home much im- proved. •Mr, W. G, Sieutoe is leusy 'since the late wind etornt repairing .windmills. iMr. Thom'as McKay lttas ? engaged Mr, Feank'Welsh, an imtnfigrantt from the British Isles, to help fish do the farm work' The spring weather has spoiled the roads for sleighing. STANLEY: Mr, David',Stephensote and his bro- ther Ralph visited, with their mother in 'Clinton last Siuidey, Mrs. Steph- enson is not as w'el1 as usual. Requisite on the Farm. -livery far- mer and stock -raiser should' keep a supply of Dr, Thomas' Eclectric'Oil . -on hand not only as a ready remedy for'ilis iii the family, but because it is air horse an d cattle .remedy of great Poe tett c � Y Asa'substitute e for sweet oil for'' horses and• cattle affected by colic'. it far surpasses anything that can -be administered', ST, CQ.LU BA.N.e Mrs, John A. Eckert 11 eon5ned w 'Tate sympathy of the eoitlntuni,ty is 'her bed after the severe attack of the extended to Mrs. Matthew Coyneand,, flu: Her many friends swish for the fttitily;on liesadden deeth'Of her ,huS'^.best, band w 1� It G ¢cml e .. tedt. as week. e Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Malone spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, August Decltartne of Hibbert, Miss Florence McQuaid of >5 ford, spetek'the week end' with Mr, and Mrs, J', E. McQuaid, Miss ,_Mary O'Sullivan entertained her friends to. aiprogressive euchre on Sunda' evening. cunt. g Pt is rumored' that 0wed'diug bells will, soon be ringing in the Parish, Messrs. Fames' McQuaid' end, Vin- cent Lane held successful woodelbees onM and a and Y and da f Tuesday this The Literary Society wof hold their regular meeting oFriday evening. Rey. Father Egan pf Stratford will deliver a :lecture and there will also be a debate.. . Mr, and Mrs. Fergus Horan spent Saturday in Stratford, • WEST BRODHAGEN, The worst .storm this winter ,passed over ,this section last Wednesday night doing a 161 of damage, The wind took the whole top of Mr. Wm. Ben - navvies' windmill, and John Mut'ray's mill, .l'0'th concession. It doubled' tip Geo. M•ogk's windmill east , of the village and it took 'half of his straw - shed' roof and. carried it for a distance to the rem/side. On the 12th conces- sion itstripped all the fans fram Rueben Rapien'is ' windmill, Brick houses were shaking ,ansI it is reported that a',party in Logan who was sleep- ing .upstairs, said to his woman, "I antafraid. going downstairs,',. He had got ,Mrs, Fred Koe'leler is awa • nursing. Mrs. Jahn Dietz, since the tittle•boy - arrived on Thursday last, y We had very' cold, weather again after the Mild spell and the roads were heavy' for traffic, Mrs. Charlie Eggert and child'r n spent the other week with her mother and father in Morriston. The former \4 r. Charlie Regele assisted 'Mr. William \ \ am I{ oeitl r e to put t upt ta a ten' hay Y fork track ' in'i lis bairn. n Mrs. Wm.,Hoegy is recovering nice: ly after her recent operation in the Seafortit hospital. , HENSALL' (Continued from Page 8.):.,,• There passed away at her hotne fu. ,Stratford on 'Wed, itiarclt 6th after a s t' tl't hot. 1 e r 5s Ms er i?t o l , e Wo •ate le yr F o m r r os e r Iden o t f al en 1 H s T e - he d ceased had been suffering from pntte- ntania sinee 'Monday Mrs, WolleY was born 79 years ago in Alsfeidt, d ly Jtilianna BauerGermany andancamewas toformerthis eountryat the age of six years, with her parents,. The femily settled at New Hamburg where they lived for two years, then moving to Hay township, At the - tithe of her marriage to Peter Wool- ley they lived for some time' in 'Coln borne' township, later •moving to Zur- ich, then to Hensall, where, they re- sided until she years agd when they moved to Stratford, Mr. Woolley predeceased, her by two years, , Sur- viving her are one daughter, 'Mrs, S'iebold of Stratford and one brother, Edward Bauer of 'Tavistock: The fu- neral :was held, on Sunday afternoon, interment at Stratford _cemetery. 'Miss Iita IA'ppfeton of Exeter spent the week end visiting friends in town. :Miss Gertrude Higgins of Exeter. spent the week end at her home here. Miss Nettie 'Pepper is assisting in Hemtts'1eil1's drugstore- in 'the ees'enee of Muss Nellie Carmichael, who is at home with her Mother, who has been seriously ill, but is now improving, 1Serviees in the United Ohurchewere largely attended l e Ili morning and evening. on .;Sundey. Special dis- cottrses were very ably delivered by Rev, MTr. Sineiair, The choir reu'd'er- ed fee an'lheine at both evening aud Pl haneasidlinnglg-y 'setarvikcesen by, soloMrs, Apants; Jbeoynting and W. 0, Goodwin, ]hiss G. 'Lam-. mie rendered a violin selection at the close of theeveningservice. 'The Trai Rangers an e is of the �'i u la - €'eat g tett ded't tI o Presbyteriantees arChurch i t a body on Sunday addressed by Rev..tMr, M Iltoy, were Miss Mabel Workman of the vil- THURSDAY, MARCH 34, 1929. contest held' in Stratford on. Friday evening. Miss Workman, 41thou0 olY thirteen teet- years ofa Se, took t ' rd r t Place and c eat ed a vet'}, favorable • impression. " id sit✓e'je�k- Sims "The Peoples of Canada ^"b'l s, Workntaq accompanied - her deitgitter to Strati ford and they rretttrned to Hensel/ . again on Saturday evening, Empire&'Swith's Fertlizer YB SOLD ....,SOLD. ' Wifliamn,M. Sproat p at Or Representative Agent Snait[a's 16 per cent, Superphosphate 0-12-0 $21:,00 $31,00 EMPIRE FERTILIZERS Manu'factured by Canadian Fertilizers, Chathann One of our largest Canadian Factories 222-2 .,. $35.00` 5.12.6 ,$38.00 0-12-I5 , .. ,.. •$38,00 We also handle Armour's Fertilizer, second tic, ,none on the continent. Prices given next week. Five tons of Niagara Lime, one ton of 16 per cent. -$65.00. We wilt put this, against any mixed Fertilizer, dol- lar for dollar, for a three-year period, Use this on 10 acres you are, seeding. LIME AND FEER'TI•LTZER -ALWAYS ON HAND Delivery $1,00' per ton extra an w t within 15 miles oe 'Seatortti, y 1 ere cash Terms Wm _m SproatTILE MANUFACTURER lage, won third place in the oratorical Phone 136r2. Seaforth,. Dornjiijon of: Canad :. Income Tam Information n Reams ire u-', arc31, 1.9,.E .. -for Trustees This advertisement is ' directed • to : Trustes loyea s Corporations d • toilworn 9, w"'DA ttvcoant'rex '1926 • r Do not incur the penalties which the law imposes for delay. What is Required of Persons Acting as Trustees All trustees, executors, adrninistra- tors, assignees, receivers or persons acting in a fiduciary capacity are re- quired to make a detailed return of the income of the estate or trust which they represent. This return should be made on Form T3. . What is Required.. of Employers Each ernployer in Canada must make a return giving particulars of salaries, wages, commissions, fees, bonuses and other remuneration of all dit'ec- :Locations' of Income Tax Offices Inspectors of Dominion Income Tait are located in convenient places throughout Canada. They will comply promptly with written requests for information. They will supply you with the proper forms upon which to make returns. Consult the Income Tax Office nearest to you. Address Inspector of Dominion Income Tax." The offices are at: Halifax Nova Scotia Saint John New Brunswick Quebec City • Montreal OttawaOntarb Ontario ' Kingston Ontario, Belleville Ontario Toronto Ontario Hamilton Ontario London Ontario' Fort Wintam - Ontario Winnipeg...... .:Manitoba Regina - Saskatchewan Prince Albert Saskatchewan Saskatoon, .,........:.Saskatchewan Calgary Alberta Edmonton Alberta Vancouver British Columbia Dawson - Yukon Territory tors, officials, agents, employees, pro- fessional men or other persons who received $1,000' or more during the calendar year 1928, and Who were paid at a rate of wage orsalary (in- cluding bonus) equal to $1,500 or more per annum during the same period. /Employersshould ask. for Form T4. What is Required of Corporations , Every corporation in Canada is -re-. gdired to file a return of its dividends or shareholders' bonuses paid or credited928, during. the, calendar yeah:_. 1 This return, should be made on Form Get Your Forms. at Once! Blank fozxnsma be obtained Y by writing your nearest Inspector of ,bominionIncome' Tax, or postmaster, or the Income Tax Division, Departinent,of. National. Revenue, ,;, �'f Ottawa. The addresses of inspectors are' given herewith. Full instructions appear rh each form. on ;' Do not delay because of the absence of officials ' responsible member of a firmwho generally sign such dreports. e -t to or corporation, tation, or any person•acting as agent fi' hestrusteC may sign these returns' and so avoid the penalty. March 31 is the last day for making- m War Tax Act..- information reports required; under the Income The hirable Tax Division r • espectfully asks for the fullest co. operation of taxpayers required by law to make these returns. THE DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL' REVENUE E Income Tax Division Honourable W. D. EULER, EOri I Minister of C. S. WAITERS, ' National Revenue. " "' ` Commissioner of T ncoede Tam , • 6,