HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-03-07, Page 4THE SEAFQR.CH NEWS
Snowdon Bros., Publishers.
Drager-Snider.—A quiet wedding
'was selenwized on Saturday,Feb, 23,
at the 'United Church, Preston, when
Alma May, only daughter Of Mt'. A.
Snider and the late Mrs. Snider, was
:united in marriage to Ritchie C. Wa-
ger, eldest son of Mrs, and the late
'Charles H. Drager, Walton. The ca.
Tenuony was performed by the Rev.
A. 0. Foreman- The bride was char-
:mingly attired in a sleeveless gown
of white Satin and lace, with shoes
;and hose to match and carried a bon'
•quet of Opbefia roses- balls Winni-
fred Drager, sister of the groom, was
t'btlidesm'aid, wearing a frock of yel-
low taffeta, with bouquet a Fink car-
-nations. The groom was assisted by
"Mr, Edward Geilow of Preston. After
the ceremony, the wedlding party ;re -
:turned to the bride's home where a
,dainty buffet luncheon was served
and later the happy couple left for
Toronto and Detroit for a short hon-
Death of Mrs, Kinney.—The coni-
'munity of Leadbutty was saddened on
Monday last in the passingof one of
-the old esteemed residents: in the per-
son of Mrs. Kimsey beloved wife of
-the late Johnston Kinney, who pre -
.deceased her twen'tyafive years ago.
Mrs, Kinney was a woman of ster-
ling character and was capable and
.active up to a few short months be-
dore her death, This honored pioneer
.pf Huron county was born eighty-five
ye'a'rs ago Its Dundas county, near
Eentpville. Her maiden name was
Nancy Wallace and she was married
,April 9th, 1869 to the late Mr. Kimsey,
After her marriage they resided at
,Hallvflle, Mr. Kinney being employed
:at carpenter work for about 11 years,
conning from there to MoKillop town-
ship and settled on a farm near :Lead
"•bury where Mrs. Kinney has since re -
•sided, -The late Mrs, Kinney was a
Presbyterian in religion and her :pass-
aing is much regretted by a large circle
of friends. She :leaves to mourn ,her
"loss, three sons and one daughter:
?Henry -,of Gilbert Plains,Man., os-
, J
eph, of Salmon Arne, 'BC.; Thomas,
at house, and one daughter, Mrs. W.
H. Nesbitt, of'T.istowel, The funeral
took place on Thursday afternoon,
Rev. Mr. Maines, pastor of Duff's
Church, Walton, conducting an ap-
-propriate senvice. Interment was
-made in the family plot in Brussels
'cemetery. The pallbearers were Thos.
Archibald, John McGavin, Wm, Me -
Culla, john Balfour, Wm. Kinney and
Joseph Kinney.
Miss (Agnes Nesbitt returned to her
home near Listowel on (Saturday after
attending the funeral of her' grand-
mother on Thursday last.
John M'dArthur is having a clearing
auction sale on the farm north o8
rB lath.
Mr. Lorne Elliott of the 10th con-
cession of McKillop, h'as purchased
the farmf the late e WalEer Swallow.
Mrs. Lena McGavin has returned
home from Kitchener after combining
business with pleasure.
Miss Elizabeth Mills received word'
last week from the Conservatory of
Music that she had obtained
-ninety-eight marks out of the possible
.,one hundred on a theory examination
-she tried recently at the Institute of
Musical Art, London, Miss Mills
has returned home and will resume
-teaching piano and theory.
Presentation.—iOn Wednesday, Feb.
13th, the many friends of Harold and
Mrs. Sellers met at the home of Robt.
and Mrs, Warwick to enjoy a social
evening with the former before they
left for their home near \Walton. Dur-
ing the evening a presentation was
made to Mr. and Mrs. Sellers, and
Mildred. The following address was
read "Mr, and Mrs. Sellers and
daughter Mildred,—+\\'e your friends
and neighbors have gathered here this
evening to express regrets that you
are leaving our midst and also to you
our best wishes for your joy and hap-
piness and success in your new home.
You will be greatly missed in our
community but we feel that what is
our loss will be another's gain. We
are confident that you will make many
valuable friends and trust, in your
new environment you will not forget
..your old friends. As a slight token
of our esteem we ask you, Hilda and
Harold, to accept these chairs and
you, Mildred, to accept this walnut
writing desk and fountain pen. We
' hope as you live in your new home
- these remembrances will recall pleas -
p] a -t ant memories of Morris. We - pray
'that God's richest blessing will rest
,on you all in the years to conic, Sign-
ed on behalf of your old neighbors
and friends, Jack Warwick, (Gordon
Em'bury, Charles Warwick. Charles
S'ouch." Although the presentation
was a complete surprise to Mr. and
Mrs. Sellers, Mr. Sellars replied very
aptly. There was a dainty lunch sere-
, ed and the remainder of the evening
was delightfully spent by all in music
, and dancing,
Mr, William Carter was in Toron-
to last week attending the Good
Road's convention.
Mrs. George Lawrence is confined
to her bed at present, We hope for a
speedy recovery.
A special meeting of the Council
will be held on Thursday, March the
14-thr to close up some unfinished
Mr. James Fairservice has had two
bees hauling gravel for the house he
intends building in Londesboro,
An Oil for All Men.—The sailor,
-the soldier, the fisherman, the lim-
'berman, the out -door taborer and all
who are exposed to injury and the el-
ements will filed in Dr, Thomas' Ec-
icotric Oil a true and faithful friend.
To ease pain, relieve colds, dress:
wounds, 'subdue lumbago and over-
come rheumatism, it is excellent.
Therefore, it should have a place in
all home medicines and he amongst
those taken on a journey.
There died at Stratford during the
• week, Henry McQuoid, in his nine-
tieth year. Mr. McQuoid resided here
for many years, After the death of
his wife be sold Isis farm to Mr. Peter
Dill and purchased ;t cottage lit the
village where he resided unttl two and
a half yearsago, aud when, feebleness
was overtaking him, he sad, the get-
tage and went to Stratford. Mr. Mc-
Quotd would be 90 years old next Au-
gest'and ' its his young drays was a
Partner with his brothor-iu»law' in' the
Dublin brick and tile Yard south pf
thevillage, During his' declining
years in the village' Mr, and Mrs.
Alex. Darling and Mr, and Mrs. Jas.
Redmond,, his near neighbors, were
very kind to hint and were loath to
part with a malt of his integrity and
staunch manhood, even :he was over
four score years. His memory' will
be cherished by his friends and rela-
tives in our burg. Rev. Mr, Snell 'of
the United Church, Staffa, officiated.
(Report 'from; St. Patrick''s School,
Dublin, for .month of February;
Sr. I'V,--,Honors,' Genevieve Mc-
Carthy, Frances Delaney,` Ursula
Krauskopf, Gordon 'Dill, Jack Moly
neaux. Pass—Isabel Jordan, Agnes
Coyne, Florence Brennan, Clare Gor-
mley, Irene Donnelly, Elizabeth Cum-
miregs, Joseph Delaney.
'Jr. IV.—Pass, Anther Looby, Ca-
therine Kenny, 'Bertha Dillon, Marg-
aret O1Conn'etl, Charlie Bent, Reta
ISr, TDI. --Honors, Norman O'Con-
nor, Edwin Stapleton, Mary Moly-
neaux. (Pass, Lloyd McCarthy, Ur-
sula Flanagan, Kathleen Burns, John
Krauskopf, Agnes O'Connor, Joseph
Mulligan, Margaret Mclvor.
111L—Pass, Agnes Rowland,
Jack Bean, James Dillon.
dII Olass—,flames Delaney, Kathleen
Cummings, Joseph Donnelly, Fergus
Stapleton, Charles Krauskopf, Fran-
ces 'Brennan,
ran-ces'Brennan, Joseph Dorsey, Fergus
Cummings, James Curtin, Albert
Donnelly, Dalton Burns, Marcella
!Part IQ, --(Joseph Evans, Camilla
Donnelly, John Maloney, John Flan-
agan, Andrew Maloney, Loreen Loo-
by, Teresa Krauskopf, Thomas Dor-
Primary B,—John Jordan, Louis
Looby,Rose Feeney,Joseph Beni
Lucile McGrath, James Krauskopf,
Mary Evans, Kathleen' Stapleton,
Marie Arnold I{a•tluleen Brennan,
Angela Donnelly, Harold Cummings.
Primary A,—Margaret Tyers, Mary
Jordan, Louise Flanagan, Loretto
Feeney, Aileen Jordan, Gerald Burns,
Mary Dorsey. •
'Holy Name Society St, Patrick's
day social evening, March 18th, 1979,'
from 9 to 1 o'clock, St. Patrick's hall,
Dtfbtin. Orchestra, Adtmiesion 50c.
All welcome.
Colne and see the Plain People at
St. Patrick's Parish Hall, March 15th,
under. the auspices of ,the Holy frame.
Society. Orchestra in attendance.
-Mr. Dan. O'Connor has returned
from Detroit after attending the fu-
neral of his aunt.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stapleton
spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Jo-
seph Kale.
Miss Rose O',Con'nor visited her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Dan O'Con-
nor over the week end,
Mr, Joseph Nagle has returned from,
attending the Good ,Roads convention.
Dublin Continuation. School Report.—
eport:The following is the report of the
Dublin Continuation School for the
month of February. Students ob-
taining 75 per cent, plus are ranked
Class I.; 66.174, Class IL; 60-65, Class
IIT.; credit, 50-59; failed, below 50.
Christian Doctrine—Class I., Nora
\i'eGrath. Mary McCormick. John
McGrath, Marion Dill, Dorothy
Molyneaux, Donald Benninger, Rose
McConnell, Veronica Dill, Rose
Krauskopf, Kathryn Byrne, Agnes
McGrath, Patrick McConnell, 'Wm.
Dantzer, Wm.. Ryan: Class II., An-
nie Ryan, Clayton Looby, Albert
Gornsley, Class TTT., Viola Feeney,
Zach Rvah, Francis Stapleton, Jos-
eph O'Rourke. Credit, John McIver.
English Literature—Class I., Don-
ald Benninger. 'Class IL—Florence
Smith. Class III—Clayton• Looby,
Rase' McConnell, Agnes McGrath.
Credit. Albert Gormley, Zach, Ryan,
Kathryn Byrne, Wm. Dantzer, Marvis
Drake. Failed, Viola 'Feeney, John.
English Composition—Class I„
John MoGrath, Dorothy Molyneaux.
Class IS., Rose McConnell, Florence
Snaith.las III., n Benning-
C s I. Donald Bennin
er, Agnes McGrath. Credit, William
Dantzer, Marion Dill, Rose Kraus-
kopf, John McIver, Mary MoCorm-
ick, Joseph O'Rourke, Viola Feeney,
Nora MeGrath. Failed,Patrick Mc-
Connell, Aibeet Gorley, Marvis
Canadian History—Class I., Annie
Ryan, William Ryan, Florence Smith.
Class III., Francis Stapleton, Marion
Dill, Class I•I'I., Joseph . O'Rourke,
Kathryn Byrne. Credit, 'William
Dantzer; Dorothy Molyneaux. Fail-
ed, Veronica Dill, Agnes McGrath,
Ancient History—Class I., Veron-
ica. Dill, Rose McConnell. Annie Ry-
an, Florence Smith, Mary McCorm-
ick, Class IT., Marion Dill. Credit,
.alhert Gormley, Clayton Looby. Fail-
ed., Wm. Dantzer,
Algebra—Class I., Nora McGrath.
Zach Ryan, Kathryn Byrne, Mary
klcCoi'rnick, Patrick McConnell, Vin-
ne Feeney, Dorothy Molyneaux, Ag-
es McGrath, Class TT., Annie Ryan,
Veronica Dill, Marvis Drake, Rose
Krauskopf. Class ITI., Albert Gor-
mley, Donald Benninger. Credit,
Rose McConnell, John McIver, -
Geometry --(Class T, Zach Ryan,
Mary McCormick. Veronica. Dill,
john McGrath. Class II„ Marton
Dill, Viola Feeney. Class III., Rose
McConnell, Wnt. Dantzer, Rose'
Krauskopf, Credit, Albert Gormley,
Preach Grammar—Class 1„ Nora
McGrath, Mary vfcCormi'ck, Dorothy
Molyneaux. Class IT., John McGrath,
Class IIT., Patricia McConnell, Fran-
cis Stapleton, Zach Ryan. Credit,
Kathryn Byres, Agnes McGrath.
Failed, John McIver,
French Authors --(Class T., Nora
aTeGrath, John McGrath, Dorothy
Mclyneatrx, Zach Ryan, Patrick Mc-
Connell, Agnes McGrath, Class TT,.
Kathryn Pyrne, Francis Stapletnn..
Latin Grammar—Class I., Nora
JfcGrath, Mary McCormick,'Dorothy
11 h n. rniC Class TT„ Zach Ryan
Claaii ll1i.. Patrick McConnell. Credit.:
loth 'McGrath, Failed, Francis .Sta-
nreton, John McTvm,
'Latin Authnrs—Class T„ Nora Mc-
Grath, Mary McCoptnick, Dorothy,
Molyneaux, John McGrath, 3farion'
We have on hand the following;
KEYSTONE for Pastry
PHONE 51 ,
Dill, Patrick McConnell. ''Glass III
Joseph 01Rourke, Credit, Zaeh Ry
an. Failed, Francis .Stapleton,
Physics—Class III., 'Veronica Dil
Donald Benninger. Class ILL, Annie
Ryan„Patrick. McConnell, Zach Ryan
Marion Dill. Credit, Mary McCor
mick, Marvis Drake, Dorothy Moly
neaux, Agnes McGrath, William
Smith, Rose McConnell, Franci
Viola Feeney,
coley, Nora
M'eGrath, Failed, Kat
ryn Byrne, Clayton Looby, John Mc-
Rose Knausl.o
os , Ryan.
Cemistry-•Class I., -Marion" Dill,
Florence Smith, Nora McGrath, Wil-
liam Dantzer, Rose ,MdConnell. Class
II., Kathryn Byrne, Donald Benning-
er, Mary McCorrn•ick, Zach Ryan,
Rose Krauskopf. Class In, Albert
Gormley, William Ryan. Credit,' Ab-
nie Ryan, Viola Feeney, Patrick Mc-
Connell, Francis Stapleton, Joseph
O'Rourke, Marvis Drake.
'Class Standing—Nora McGrath
79 per cent„ Florence Smith 77 per
cebn., Mary McCormick 75 per cent.
'Form DI.—Christian Doctrine—
Class I., Mary ORReiily, Harry Feen-
ey. Class IIS., Teresa Connelly, Car-
rie Kranskopf, Louis Morris, Mary
Brennan, Dan O'Rourke, • Sarah
Coyne. Credit, Frank Ryan,' Elmer
Feeney, Franois Krauskopf
'English Literature—Glass I. Mary
O'Reilly, Louis Morris, Margaret
Drake. Class TII., Harry Feeney, El-
mer Feeney, Carrie Krauskopf, Har-
old Pethick.. Class ISS:; Francis
Krauskopf,.Frank Ryan. Credit, Ter-
eea Connelly, Failed, Wm. Smith.
Sarah Coyne.
'English Composition --Class I„ Ma-
ry O'Reilly, Margaret Drake. -Frank.
Y g
Ryan. Class III., Elmer Feeney.
Class LII., Win. Smith, !Harold Peth-
ick. 'Credit, Francis Krauskopf. Car-
rie Krauskopf, Harry Feeney, Teresa
Connelly, Louis Morris, Dan . O'-
Algebra—Class I., Margaret Drake.
Frank Ryan, Frank Stapieton. Class
II., Louts Morris. Glass III., Harold
Pethick, ivlary O'Reilly, Carrie Kraus-
kopf. Credit, Harry Feeney, Elmer
Feeney, Mary Brennan, Wm. Ryan,
v,rm. Smith, Francis Krauskopf.
Failed—Teresa Connelly.
Geometry — Class I., Margaret
Drake, Frank Ryan. Class II., Dan
O'Rourke, Mary O'Reilly, Class IIT ,
Francis •Krauskopf, Credit, William
Smith, Failed, Harry Feeney, Har-
old Pethick, Louis Morris, Elmer
Feeney, Teresa 'Connelly, Carrie
Arithmebic—Class I„ Frank Ryan,
Wm, Smith, Harold Pethick, Class
II., Frank Doyle. Class HI. Carrie
Krauskopf, Sarah Coyne, Elmer Fee-
ney, Credit, Teresa Connelly, Mar-
garetDrake, rake Louis Morris,Harr
Feeney, Wm, Ryan, Mary O''Reilly.
Failed, Dan O'Rourke,
'French—'Class I, Viola- Feeney,
Mary O'Reilly. Class I'I.,, Margaret
Drake,Frank a k R n Louis Morris.
Class. ll., Marsis Drake, Albeit Gor-
mley, Donald Benninger. Credit,
Francis Krauskopf, Harry ' Feeney,
Etrner Feeney, Teersa Connelly. Fail-
ed, Carrie Krauskopf, Harold Peth-
Latitt-Class I., Mary O'Reilly,
Margaret Drake, Viola Feeney, Class
II„ Frank Ryan. Agnes McGrath.
Class In, Carrie Krawskopf..Credit,
Louis Morris. Mary Brennan, William
Ryan, Donald ' Benninger, Macvis
Drake, Francis ICrauskopf, Harold
Pethick, Elmer Feeney. Failed, Har-
ry Feeney. Teresa Connelly.
Zoology—Class I„ Francis Kraus-
kopf, Frank Ryan, Class II., Mary
O'Reilly, Harold Pethick, William
Smith, Louis Morris, Class- III„
Margaret Drake, Harry Feeney. Cre-
dit, Dan O'Rourke, Sarah Coyne,
Mary Brennan, Carrie Krauskopf.
Failed, Teresa Connelly, Elmer Feen-
Physiography --Class I,, William
Smith, Frank Ryan, Class IS.. Mary
O'Reilly, Margaret Drake, Harold
Pethick. Credit, Mary Brennan,
Louis Morris, Francis Krauskopf,
Harry Feeney, Dan O'Rourke. Failed
Ebner Feeney, ,Teresa Connelly, Car-
rie Krauskopf,
Art -Class II., Carrie Krauskopf,
Teresa Connelly. Class II'L, Marg-
aret Drake, Francis Krauskopf, Mary
Brennan, Mary O'Reilly, Frank Ryan,
Credit, Harry, Feeney. Dan O'Rourke
Harold Pethick, Louis Morris, Elmer
Feeney. Failed, Franlc Doyle.
Class Standing—Frank Ryan' 78
per cent., Margaret Drake 75 per
cent., Mary O'Reilly 70 per cent.
Form I.—Christian Doctrine -Class
1., Gertrude Mulligan, Class IL, Mary
Dorrestein, Class NIL, Monica
Roache, Mary Dillon. Credit, Doro-
h" Brennan, Mary McIver, Carrie
O'Connor, Franeis Doyle, Failed,
Dan McCarthy, Leota Ryan,
English Literature—Class T., Ger-
trude 'Multigau, Leota Ryan, Motile
Roache, Class I3 Mary Dorrestein,
- I Mary Dillon, Mary McIver. Class LII.
Carrie O'Connor, Dorothy Brennan,
1, Credit, Dan McCarthy. Failed, Fran-
cis Doyle.
English Composition—.Class I., Le-
- ota Ryan, Monica ;Roache, Mary Dor-
:, restein, Gertrude Mulligan, Mary
Dillon., Class I11., Mary ' Brennan,
s Mary McIver, Dorothy Brennan: Cre-
- dit,Dan
Frncis Doyle.
English Grammar—Class II., Mary
Dillon. . -1
II I. Dorothy
nan, Gertrude Mulligan, Mary Mc-
Iver, Leota Ryan, Credit, glary Bren-
nan, Mary Dorrestein, Francis Kraus-
kopf, Monica Roache, Failed, Carrie
O'Connor Dan McCarthy.
Algebra -Class I., Mary Dorres-
tein, Sarah Coyne, Dan O'Rourke,
Franois Doyle, Dorothy Brennan,
Mary McTver, Class II., Gertrude
Mulligan. Class IIIA., Mary Dillon.
Credit, Leota Ryan, Dan McCarthy,
Carrie O'Connor•, Failed, Monica
'British History—Class I.," Gertrude
Mulligan, Mary Dorrestein, Class II'„
Mary Dillon, Dorothy Brennan, Fran-
cis Doyle, Monica Roache, Mary Mc-
Iver., Class rhIlL, Dan McCarthy. ,Cre
lit, Leota Ryan,_' Carrie .O'Connor,
Mary Brennan, Sarah Coyne.
(Geography -Class I., Gertrude Mul-
ligan, Mary MclTver, Class II., Dan
McCarthy, Mary Dillon, Mary Dor-
restein. Class IIII., Leota Ryan, Cre-
dit, Monica Roache... 'Failed, Carrie
O'Connor, Dorothy Brennan,
IB,otany—Class I., Mary M'clver
Dorothy Brennan, Class IS., Mary
Dillon, Gertrude -Mulligan, Carrie O'-
Connor, Leota - Ryan, Class III,
Mary Dorresteul•. • Credit, Monica
Roache. Failed, Dan; McCarthy,
Latin—Class I„ Mary McIver, Dan
McCarthy, Gertrude Mulligan, Dor-
othy Brennan, Mary Dorrestein, Car-
rie O'Connor, Dan OjRout'ke, Olass
IL, Francis Doyle. Mary Dillon, Mon-
ica Roache. Class III., Sarah Coyne.
Failed, Leota Ryan,
French—Class S., Dorothy Bren-
nan, Mary Dillon, Mary McIver, Dan
O'Rourke, Monica Roache, Gertrude
Mulligan, Francis Doyle, Mary Dor-
restein, Carrie O'Connor. Class II.,
Leota Ryan, Dan McCarthy.
Class Standing—. Gertrude Mulli-
pgan 77 per cent„"Mary McIver. 75
er cent.; Mary Dorrestein, Mary
Dillon (equal) 70 per cent.
'Healthy condition o'f Ontario's fin-
ances was strikingly exemplified
through the medium of the budget
tabled in the Legisl'ature by Hon. Mr.
Monteith, J. t Provincial Dune;,; Treasurer.
As a result of careful administration
and watchful economy the Provincial
Treasurer was able to present to the
House a budget showing a surplus of
$2280the 00 for
October 31, 1928, and tending
ct. an-
other surplus of about $798 000.00 for
the fiscal year of 1929,
'Ordinary revenue for the fiscal
year of 1928 wars $58,426,982,00 and
ordinary expenditure $58;198,74'6,00.
To create the surplus estimated. for
1929 the• treasurer will make an esti-
mated expenditure of $58,608,000, and
will receivead estimated revenue of
Increasing the gasotine tax from
three to :five cents a ,gallon --to follow
tip the principle that those who use
the roads should pay for them—will
net the government considerably more
money to carry on the extension of
-the highway system of the province,
It is estimated that the revenue to the
Highways Department for the fiscal
year of 1929 will reach $15,500,000, or
some $3;70.0,000 more than 'last year:
Features of the budget were the
payment of $1,300,000 into the treas-
ury by the T. & N.O. Railway; the
Hydro's payments of some $8,000,000
in interest; and $8,000,000 worth of
revenue from the sale Of liquors under
the Liquor Control Act. Surplus as-
sets of the province were some $33,-
000,000 higher than its liabilities.
System of debt retirement instituted
by the Conservative government has
not been neglected. As a result, some.
$3,000,000 was applied in this direc-
tion. ,This make's a total of $6,000,000
since the plan was placed in opera-
Announcing the fact that the Gov-
ernment was snaking every effort to
reduce the debt of the province, the
Provincial Treasurer stated that the
government had lived tip to its under-
taking ' in this connection, 'In addi-
tion both short and long term finan-
cing had been carried out in splendid
fashion, interest charges being kept
well within control,
interesting sidelight in the budget
was the report that during the fiscal
year 2,760,000 motor cars had entered
Ohtario to swell the tourist: populae
tion, It was estimated that these
tet nets, in addition to the 11,144,000
estimated to have entered by ether
means, expended $103,000,000 during
the year with greet benefit to all
classes pf the community.
.Duping the year the Department' of
Eduedtfon, under the direction pf
Prenner Ferguson, expended spine-'
thing aver $10,000,000. Chief items of
expenditure were grants to publte and
separate -schools as well as Provincial
Universities which amounted to more
than $7,000,000, lIn addition over
$1,0002000 was expended in advancing
technical ,education.
Ordinary expenditure last year in
the Department of Public Highways,
was'upward of $4,500,000. Outstand-
ing' items of expenditures were;
County roads, $1,190000; township
roads, $859,000; ,Provincial highways
$1,867,000, Revenue from the delpart-
went was substantial, being approxi-
mately $0;500,000 from the sale of
automobile licenses; $44600,000 from
the gasoline tax and $500,000- in re-
funds from counties and townships.
Presenting his budget Hon. Dr.
Monteith pointed out that loans to'
faniners.at the end of the •fiscal year
1928 amounted to $19,500,000. ,Since
the beginning of the service loans:,' to
bhe extent : of $27,090,000" have been
passed on, Number of loans passed
in 1928 was 1,567 as compared with
7,254 during the existence of •the'law.
In 1928 loans amounting to $5,670,000
were approved on property valued at
$113,000,000. '
Position of 'the Ontarid 'Hydro
Electric 'Commission is reported as
being ex'ce'ptionallly strong. Total in-
debtedness of the Coniinission is
placed rat $200,000,000. Of this amount
the'•lComnalasion is ind'eb'ted directly
to the province on bond issues, In
ad•dibion to paying $8,000,000 to the
government on interest the Commis-
sion 'hes a reserve of $35,000,000 •
(During•a period of years; there - has
been a'reduction of $3,000,000 in taxes
which represents, practically, one per
cent, on the capital indebtedness of
the province,
Gross debt of the Province at the
end- of the. fiscal year is $393,747,000.
After deducting asseis
of aniincome-
producing nature the net debt is rated
at $173,793,000.
ISupple'menitary estimates for the
fiscal year ending !October 31, 1929,
tabled in the 'Legislature during ,the
week amount to '$15,071,001. O'fthis
amount $10;337,175 is estimated as the
expenditure of the Prime Minister's
Depatitmenit. , This vote takes in the
estimates of the ;Ontario Hydro Elec
tric 'Ccmnriss:ion for the period. Some.
of the other votes requested of the',
House are 'Educa'ti'on department, $1,-
296,752; Ptubeie Works, $1,934,747, and
$157,010 for the 'Department .of Agri-
Estimates of the Ontario Hydro El-
ectric.,Commission provide for the ex-
penditure of $2,700,000 for the
of securing .an adequate supply
of power for Nprthern 'Ontario. O tatio.
P The
vote is to care for the expenditure
made necessary in the taking over of
the 'Wahnapitae ;Power ,Company and
for the extension of the service now
given by this company. 'It is the in-
tention taf the government to link np
s'elveral power companies in the pub'1'fc
ownership system in order that the
settlers of the north may have the
same advantages as the more densely
settled sections of the Province.
Estimates expenditure in connection
with the Niagara System of the 'Com-
mision is placed at $5,566,407 for the
year ending 1929, This expenditure
is necessary as the result of the •con-
stanlily increasing demand for power.
Some $300,000 will 'be expended on
the Georgian ,Bay system; $518,950 on
the. 'St. Lawrence and Ottawa sys-
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. Spreading lime with the -New :Idea
Lime and Marl Sower is a one-man
job --the driver 'can do it all. No
'shoveling from wagon to hopper; no
loss of lime between conveyor and
cylinder; no working in a cloud of
irritating dust. °
Handles ,Lime, Marl, Rock-
hos p hate, etc.
This new attachment'handies lime
in all forms, marl, compost, ashes,
fertilizer, finely pulverized,dry ma-
nure, rock phosphate,etc., applying
Let us demonstrate'this
it evenly over a surface" from 15 to
20 feet or more in width. The
amount may be regulated to apply
from 11/2 to' 51/2 tons per acre.
For Ml Model 8 New Idea
It may be used on any Model 8
New -Idea Spreader and can, be
attached in less than thirty minutes.
It provides an inexpensive means of
converting the spreader into ,a full
capacity lime' sower, unequalled for
efficient work. Something that every
progressive farmer needs.
attachment for you
ea orth
tems; $800;000 on the Thunder Bay
systems; $40,000 on bhe Central •On-
tario system.; and $400,000 for general
Of parti'cular interest to the farmers
of Ontario is an estimate o'f $3,000,
brought; down by the 'Department of.
Agriculture for the purpose of carry-
ing on of ;the wiork in grossing, ex-
hib'iting and advertising the fruit
grown in Ontario. In addition ,to this
sum $1,200 is to be set aside to 'en
courage the use of (better seed.
Buffalo Live Stock.
East Buffalo, Marsh 4--,Hogs—tRe-
cei.pts, 7,300; holdovers, 700; market
fairly active, mostly to shippers, 15z
to 20c lower; bulk 160 to 250 lbs.,
$11:65 to $$11.75; 250 to 300 lbs., $10.50
to11., 130 lbs and down,$10 to 10,50
Packing sows, �9.75 to $2
10 5.
Cattle ---Receipts, 1,250; light steers
yearlings and heifers, 25c to 50u high-
er; heavy steers slow, strong to 25c
higher; 1,100 to 1,250 lbs., $11.75 to'
12. rlin ° 1225 t 1 ; hei-
50 ea s o 3
$ , Y g,
Pers, $12 to $12,50; plain mixed steers
and heifers, $10,50 to $11; cutter
cows, $5,25 to $7; medium bulls, $8.75
to $9.50:' -
Calves -Receipts 1,500; vealers ac-
tive, fully. steady; good to choice, $18
to $18!50; cull and common, $10.50 to
;Sheep—Receipts 4,000; Iambs active
fully: 25c higher; good to choice, $16.-
16:75 to $17,25, etc.
Toronto Live Stock.
Receipts -Cattle, 3,1000; Calves,
420; Sheep and Lamb's, 230; • Hogs,
Q292•uatutions—'Hea'y beef steers,
$9.50 to 10; butcher steers,' choice,
$ lair good,$8.50
9.50 bo 9..75• Ea r toto 8.-
_$ $
75; comlmon, $7.50 to . $8.00; butcher
heifers choice, $9:50 to $9175; fair to .
ood, SS,50 to $9,00; comlmon, $7.50 to
8,00; butcher cows, good to :choice,_
7.50 to .00; common and medium
,5 m
$8 ,
5.50 to$6.50;- canners and cutters,
.75 to 5.00butcher bulls good to
choice, $7:50 to $8.00; common to me-
dium 5.00 to 5; bolo na , 4. 0
,$ 5.m
s 0
g $
to $6.00;:ba'by beef,'$11.50 to' $12.00;
feeders, choice, $8.50 to $8.75; fair to
good, $8.00 to $8.50; stockers,' choice,
58:25" to $8.50; fair to good, $7.50 to
8.55; calves, choice, $15.00 to $16.50;
medium, $10:00 to $14.00; grassers,
$7.50 to $8.00; choice milkers aid
springers, each, $100.00 to $110.00;
lambs, per cwt., $15.00 to $15.50;
culls, per cwt„ $9.00 to $14.00; buck
lambs $11.00 to $11.50; sheep, choice,
"$7.00 to $7.50; medium, $5.25 to $6.00;
culls, $3.00 to $4.00; hogs, selects, w,
o.c. $11:50 to $11.75; hogs, fed, $11:25
to $11.45 hogs, f.o.b., $10.50 to $10.75;
road hogs, $1125 to $11.50.
How Many Millionaires
Can You Name?
There are 252 millionaires in Canada
today, but not one of them is a tele-
phone millionaire.
In forty-eight "years of growth the
Bell Telephone Company has never ex-
ploited the public nor has it itself been
Its shareholders have never >received
over eight'per cent in dividends and its
subsceibers today have the lowest rates
in the world for comparable service.
The Bell Telephone Company is owned by 15,300
shareholders and no individual has as much ae
one quarter of one per cent of the total shares.