HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-03-07, Page 3The Red, Cross ail the Mice d941P' erganisattonn the Red Cross for the pant five yearn half and the Houle Ment of the nine previneee, expert women who, through devoted anal highly efficient efforts have perfoem- had provlaclal orgautzere at work fill' .ln Past Five Years Science of 1-lom6 Nursing Has Been Taught by Red Cross to Over Fifteen Thousand Canadian Women Ey ANNA ANDERSON PERRY ' ed great tasks. Suet what such eery- lee ham _leant in time, toll and earl - flee May'• be gathered trona the soda vidual reports of prgenizere, both West and east. In. Eastern Provinces DOWn In New Brunswick, in a re- cent year, Miss Sibella Barrington or- "Jot what we would have done 111 ganized ne lees than 77 hpmenursing .our village this year when the "flu". groups with a total of 1,200 women - prostrated hall our citizens; if a num- who completed the aurae. In the bei• of us had not taken the. -Red carrying out of this remarkable ea - Dose iest,uctien in Home nursing, I compltehment Miss Barrin0tou tra- de. not know," said a young married veiled 6,500 miles, 1,100 of which lay 'woman frgln a' northern Qatari() WWII ever country rode and on hese ardu •r'eooutly in writing to a friend, "The ons journeys eke addressed 99 Tali- -doctor wee run almost off his fent try- encs. Asa result of this energetic lug to cover the big district in which campaign Home Nursing instruction 'he was the only medical man, trained uuder Red Cross workers reached .nurses were scarce as they always are in that year every' county in New in the really rural parts, and some Of Brunswick, Further extension •of the. the folks were very.. ill indeed with a work waste only on the requisite funds bad type of influenza, But about and- the necessary expert volunteer• twenty of us,' of all ages; last year, had workers. taken this useful training and I tell Hardships In West you we had reason` to be thankful for In the prairie provinces, where dim• urn•knowledge, this winter. I think tances are great and cliinatie condi- that besides being able to help the tions often severe, the adventures of sink we wereeven more helpful in ad -: 'Horne Nursing organizers are euch ae vising against getting up too soon,' baing out the same heroic qualities For we all noticed that.tliose who did displayed by the nurses in the Out- ,suffered from relapse or some other post hospitals as may be gathered :serious sequel, and we knew from our from the report of Miss Taylor of Al iustructions that any bad infection berta, "The work is hard," she says, with high fever Was very weakening "but I haveneverenjoyed more antis - to the patient, I think I was able to Eying labor in my life," and thea makers Ana seemed to enjoy the save' my family from, dangers I would states that last year in the month of work. "As; Por the Chinese women, 'tot even have understood last year, April she had visited fourteen loan- WO have never dealt with a more in- ;an•dall the other women have hadthe ties "in the most terrible weather, teliigut group. There were twenty in .same experience,: for part of the time, with dust, snow all, so there was a good 'represents- Even so does the science of proven -and windstorm: taking turns, and tion of the sixty-five wives who have five medicine make -progress when a with roads almost impassable for ;'b0 11 brought to the city by husbands major epidemic 00 influenza has beenMaubeset or motor. We ]lave been paying the flee hundred dollar head raging for mouths in, all parts of the stuck several times in the Snow, have tax, They were of good class and •country. For while it is admitted thathPen lost on the roads and unable to were never allowed on the streets neither medical•or nursing science has reach our classes promptly, and alone so a volunteer brought them all' .yet boon able to forestall, or prevent through accidents to our buggy had, to the group in her motor car, also the spread of infl'ronza, yet is thereto walk Homs .miles in drifted snout their children whom we used for the no disease in which intelligent nursing on one occasion, leading the horse various demonstrations, These vvo- pla greater part in ensuring cont -and carrying our precious books, but men were also very keen and all pieetate recovery or in lightening at- we actually get theta and find the finished tbe course very creditably;" 'tacks, which, without it, often prove', eager women and girls, one hundred Other unique groups organized by 'fatal, per cent. strong, waiting Tor' our Miss Goodman incklded several con- Figures Interesting I in- struction." Miss Taylor also records sisting of Polish, Ruthenian, Russian Hence the figures and facts just Is-' that in the absence of a medical man and German women, many of whom 'sued by the Canadian Red Cross deal- in her district, the secretary of the could speak no English, but all of .lug with their country -wide Hama munic_pality frequently asked her to whom, with the able assistance of in- :Nursing n:Nursing classes have particular in- visa title or that sick old lady, to terpreters received the Lull benefit West. They show that in the past "ta l:s 'a look" at some cases of,from the instruction, five years in nearly a thousand groups oozastos or mumps, br to try to re-; A Splendid Work Red Cross instructors or curses and neve the sufferings of patients with Another group of women who are medical men who have generously co- asthma or other chronic disease, "80 pitifully anxious to receive Home -operated wth them, have gveu dome you see, there is never a time when Nursing knowledge are, the hard Nursng tranng to 15,683 women and I Rave not plenty to do," concluded ! worm-amothers wlio leave their .gris n many parts of the Domnon; her report. In that year Mise Taylor babies in the Nurseries. Although _ -that the demand for such .toting s organized forty-three home Nursing these women coma home tired from' .everywhere far greater than can be groups and nearly five hundred wo- heavy tasks they will'give,07 en ¢von• mot, and that home -makers and o- men were instructed, but here, too, ing a week cheerfully in order to get • .petally the young gris and young more funds and more helpers are ' mothers are exlrbtug an eagerness needed in order to met the demand they see in operation ]u the checi a real insight into the science which for. ths knowledge{Y11e11 demonstratesfor koowidge which makes so much where they leavetheir children for to all who ru nand read that they safer the lives sof those who pioneerday. And seeing is" believing. realze the lamentable lack of nstruc- in our Canadian hinterlathe nds• � the s shout too, that the large in- tottalong these Ines n all our educe- Classes In Cities ',I sur'ance companies have become so Anothe Case of the Higheir the Fertleir SITTING ON TOP OF THE WORLD Striking' view of hundreds of peaks in the Bernoso Oberland, Switzerland, with a mountain climber perahed on top of the famous mountain Jungfrau, Should he slip—well! tonal systems for gris n Canada."II But even in the cities, Home Nurs• persuaded of the usefulness to all wo- 'used to thnk," sad one young lass n ing organizers find the same "plenty men of Home Nursing teaching that _a group of office girls taking the to do," In the city of Toronto, which numbers .of them co-operate with the Home Nursing course in a big city, has carried through a much larger Red Cross by supplying a light sup - "that that nobody needed any special preparation to marry, take charge of program of Red Cross work along per and assembly rooms in order that home family. But I this line than any cattier centre, Miss their office girls may go into the .aaegis a 'aand a se, since takfag this course Goodman, the organizer, reports that classes immediately at the close of in the 'past four years 246 groups their day's work, A significant fact, that these are pretty hefty jobs and that I'm going to need all the brains have been handled by her or her f for it is apparent that these dom. 'I've got And all the specialized knowl- assistants, with a total of 4,210 girls panics which are so vitally concerned -edge I can acquire if I do decide to and women taking the course. So in- I with the conservation of life, see in 'marry John and become a competent sistant indeed has become the demand this instruction for women One of the. wife" for Home Nursing instruction that' most powerful agencies in that pro - Subjects Taught ` from 50 to 60 new classes are now i gress of preventive medicine whish A glance at the octs formed each year with an average ofi ` it is their chit business to encourage. 'the Hume Nursing course reveals gubtaught a thousand girls in attendance. Some Still other evidences of the !areas - why' students soon begin to take this of these classes present unique and ,ing demand lie in the fact that no less point of view as to the need of very surprising aspects, for in the past two than fifteen Home and School Clubs :special training for their highly spe- Years groups of the deaf, the dumb,: In Greater Toronto have asked for •cialized tasks as wives and mothers, the blind as well as of Chinese or ;Home Nursing °lasoes and that dozens The twelve lectures and demonstra- tions deal with personal and home hygiene; the bedroom in health and sickness; signs of illness! care, feed- ing and treatment of the sick; com- municable disea4ep; e'mergencie and 'slight ailments;, maternity and, 'Infant classes ever taught in Toronto", said care; feeding the infant or child; and Miss Goodman, "consisted of eleven ;toad needs of the adult. deaf and dumb married women who - Scope of Work were keen to take tbe course. Of Canada, this great demand, is •Rlitng A course so obviously helpful' to necessity it was hard for the nurse not only an individual bit a national women of all classes everywhere that in oharge as all she said had to be heed, the value of which may be it is scarcely surprising to learn that translated into sign ,language but this reckoned only in terms of increasing the hundreds of groups already in wad so very quickly and cleverly health and !happiness to our people, strutted have been drawn from many' done by another .assistant, that the other foreign women speaking no of the churches, particularly in the l inguen, have been successfully taught down town sections, organize classes .by .some of -Miss Goodman's devoted !each year, Ending in this. day by day assistants: knowledge of how to be healthy, one The Blind and Dumb of the most useful allies for their "One of the most enthusiastic own teaching of right living. A Notional Need The Red Crosa Society in attempt- ing to meet in town and country in • departments of life, including private Whole course of instruction was satis- Avis: "have you heard the story homes in town 91 country, stores, foo- , factorily given, and as many of these about Alice?" Ailsa; "Beard it? tories, settlements, institutions for i women had children—yes, in some Why, dear, I started it" unfortunate or delinquent girls, offices, eases quite normal children—these s clubs, hostels for newly arrived girls, 1 young wives received great benefit Gladys: "Then we are engaged?" colleges, Home and School or Profes- li from knowledge lana Stets so useable harry: "Yes, my love." Gladys: atonal and Business Women's Assoc!- I every day. The blind students were "And am I the first girl you have ations, the Y.W.C,Als, the Canadian even more difficult but -requested the really loved?" Harry: "No, pet, but girls in training and day nurseries. I training and we gave 'them all that In order to provide this service with we could. They became expert bed - I am harder'to please than I used to SLENDER,—NEW A soft printed sheer velvet in smart wrap-around styling with skirt laid in plaits at left side and joined to the bodice under wide crushed girdle, incited at side, which holds th'e dress closely to the figure. The unusual sur- plice line of bodice gives a charming slender and flattering appearance with scalloped' shawl collar. Style No. 382 is designed in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 88, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches •bust, . The 36 -inch takes 8%% yards of 40 -inch ma- terial with % yard of 40 -inch con- trasting. Crepe satin, eilk crepe, wool crepe, sheer woolens and crepe Roma also appropriate. Pattern price 20c in stamps or coin (cath is preferred). Wrap coin carefully. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20e in stamps or coin (coin, preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number and address your order to Wilson Pattern liervice, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto Patterns sent by an early mail. The Question - Marl m de its mark,. all right, but there is no longer any question about it. • He: "We will live on love, darling. Won't that be wonderful?" She: "Yes, but can you love me in the style to be," which I have been accustomed?" Radio to Guide Ships Through Shallow Water Electrical Engineers Told of New Device—Work for Quiet 'Motors New York—Radio direction of ships pure cultures of lactic bacteria, which and elimination of unnecessary noises has been churned or stirred to break in electrical household apparatus up the curd. This, however, has all were among the subjects discussed the chemical properties of buttermilk at the seventh session oP the annual and the same appearance and flavor. meeting of tit American Instituto of Fermented milks have been, erten- Electrical Engineers here.lively used for many centuries by the The manner in which a narrow or people of southern Russia, Turkey, the shallow chaunel might be equipped Balkan countries and their neighbors, with radio call paratus, so as to make Kehr is made from the milk of sheep, it possible tor a pilot to : take his goats or cows, combined with a dried ship through it safetly under the most prepartion of grains which produce considerable amounts of alcohol and gas in the milk, giving it a character- istic effervescence. Kumiss, a favor- ite drink in the plains of Russia, is made there from mare's milk. When cow's milk is substituted in making it in this country the product is more correctly kefir. Yogurt, which is used under parlous names by the people on the eastern borders of the. Mediterranean—tills Turks, Balkans, Armenians, Egyptians —an dalso by East Indians, 1s quite different from kefir and kumiss. It is a very acid, quickly curdled milk, lacking alcohol. The essential or- ganism which occurs It is known to science as Lactobacillus bulgaricus: The choice of one or another of these fermented milks as a therapeu- tic agent dependson the results de- sired by the physician who prescribes it. In general it may be said that it is unwise to change the habitual diet greatest response will come from to include fermented milk in large the port and vice -versa, until the ship is brought back to where it should be " Elimination of Noise Efforts to reduce unnecessary noises in such household apparatus as vacu- um cleaners and refrigerator motors were discussed by Thomas Spooner and J. P. Foltz, research engineers of the Westinghouse Electric and Manu- facturing Company. They expressed the opinion that production of a quiet vacuum sweep- er is a problem of no little difficulty, due to the high rate of speed at which• the motors usually operate and because of other mechanical consid- erations. This expected, however, they said, that close study of the problem of noise reduction in electrical appara- tus will gradually result in the'elimin- ation of many of the noises now con- sidered unavoidable. Wayne S. Morrill, engineer of the General Electric Company, of Port Wayne, Ind., said that a quiet, electri- cally operated motor had been devel- oped which would be suitable for household refrigerators and oil -burn- ing heating systems, Fertnented Milk Speed Record Long Consumed in 1 , Sought On Russia and Balkans African Track i?ifferences in Preparation and Major' Campbell to Attempt Value Described by Agriculture Department Differevoes in the ladle -acid bac- teria present and in Methods act pre - aeration result in fermented or soured Keady for Run This Month milks of different flavor and varying therapeutic usefulness. All the fa- Car Built For Test is Con- structed of Special. Metal people very palatable and refreshing, Vernettk Pair, South Afiicar-A brand Metchnikoff and itis associates fo• new racetrack of sun -baked clay in cussed attention on the £act that ma fly the bed of a dried-up "lake ten miles intestinal disorders could be corrected wide ando twenty Mlles long has bees by the use of milk soured by the in- prepared here La Major Calcolal troduction of certain bacilli, but later Campbell's attempt to set anew 'aped investigators have concluded thatlrecprd this moth. The British an- other bacteria, especially Lactabaoilr torist sailed from England January 18th. With Major Campbell are his wife and two 'children, ' a dozen mechanics and the Royal Automobile Club offi- cials who ffi-cials.who will time hie catenates., His combat undesirable organisms, wliere luggage consists of his racing automo- as L. bulgaricus, formerly depended pilo, the Blue Bird, and. his Moth a1r- on, was much more difficult to intro- plane. duce and loss reliable in its effects. Chassis Is Modified The United States Department of The Blue Bird, which weighs levo Agriculture explains the difference The one-half 'tone; has had certain between the various fermented milks, Acidophilus milk is palatable, with Modifications as to chassis, since its an agreeably mild acid flavor, and is appearance on the Florida track. "It easily digested. While it is possible Is More efficient than ever," Major Campbell says, "It now embodies all to prepare this milk, as well as other I know about wind -cheating and coon• Fermented Milks, in ,the home, the omy o: power." product of the commercial laboratory is usually better. Small quantities The car is fitted with a 1,000 horse - of lactose, or milk sugar, are usually poaero engine, It has only two given with acidophilus milk, gwerer", Buttermilk, properly speaking, it; The British motorist expects to the milk remaining after the fat is register 220 miles an hour this time. removed by churning, A large part IL he does he says he will retire. of the so-called buttermilk sold In Special streamlining is a feature of cities is simply skim milk, soured with the Blue Bird, which is constructed of a special light metal. Two gears give a minimum racing speed of sixty miles an hour. The car is started by push- ing. It has a flexible steering wheel, unburstable oil and petrol tanks and a detachable fin for direction and stability. "I !tope to make the actual attempt in February," . Captain Campbell says, "and, of course, I hopo to be success- ful." Purposes of Trip There is more behind Captain Camppell's attempt than the breaking of a record. "I am hoping," he said, "that, what- ever the outcome of my attempt, is willgive a fillip to British cars abroad. I cannot help but feel that ittwill do much to popularize British cams in Africa. I have never Been the course, but I am assured . is highly suitable. It is true there :are, occasional mirages, which make a blade of grass look like a forest, but I suppose there is al- ways something." If Major Campbell establishes a new world record ho will win back the Wakefield Cup from the United States, worth $5,000, and income of $6,000 a year for so long as he Is un- beaten, up to the and of 1980. Flandin Seeks Lnmitati,a n of Feat Over Sun -Baked Clay in Bed of Dried - Up Lake miller fermented milks are high in food value, w];olesome and to many las acidophilus, glee more satisfactory results than those used by Metchini- Icon, because L, aoidpphilus is a nor- mal inhabitant of the intestinal tract. It can be successfully implanted to unfacorable visibility conditions was, described by Robert H. Marriott, con- sulting engineer to the Federal Radio Commission, Mr. Marriott said the device had already been tested by the Navy Department and approved. Cable Laid in Channel The transmitter used in the process, Mr. Marriott said, consists of a single conductor cable laid in the bottom of the 'channel, through which an altern- ating current is 'conducted to Ra outer edge, which is grounded. The re- ceiver includes two coils of wire hung on the` port and starboard sides of the ship, parallel to its sides and con- nected to two headphones or other in- dicators. "When the keel of the ship is steer- ed directly over the cable," he oou- tinited, "The responses from the two coils will be equal. When the ship gets off on the starboard. side, the the lig ht goesgout, "Mother, when t where does it go?" "I don't know. You might just as well ask me where your tether goes when he goes out!" quantities without consulting a doctor, as he may consider it desirable to modify the entire diet and to epeoify a particular milk. MAGIC REQUIRED "I'm going to learn• how to be beautiful out of this book," "Is it a book of magic, dear?" America now leads the world in the production 'of chemicals, the present annual output being valued at more than $2,275,000,000. S'MATTER POP rr p I'M G E7TIN Too 151671, 5'PEI.L CP&a 11 t MEOW K(Tlea4 r---1 • CW COME. I 44AFF Tv Gat Is'/04+E't7c Yi7 SPELL A C A' -r r r SEer45 YI�E 6MA1-1-ER. "!••illi ANIMA! -S, `NB '13164e'fi "lou -I•{AVn Yo 13E Ta 6•Pe1.4 1+1 -EM 4EePo You ARE 50.1316, 13 al' You OH S`PE LL 50ME. '(Ik' ONES? They Don't Come Much Smaller Than That, W41 AT 114A I iSE'r Vtleii'-ou UNFOL'b `IOU Alt a sc'FUM9t1Jbei= r�¢ M 1341 o$ i* H `1f "\ Aircraft Use Former Minister Says Now Is Most Appropriate Time to Establish Control Paris—The aircraft is the only arm of the service on which no restriction to expansion or use is placed, and the time to establish some limitation Is now, declared Etienne Flandin, Dep- uty and former Cabinet Waisted, and. also president of tbe Aero Club et France, speaking at a luncheon o- the American Club of Paris. He contrast- ed the dangerous potentialities of un- controlled ncontrolled aviation with its possibili- ties ossibilities for increasing international colla boratioa. For this reason he called for world agreement on limiting the employment of aircraft in time fo war. M. Flandin foresaw aviation ex- penditure spenditure eventually far exceeding, for example, the sums devoted to -day to navies, if it grew unchecked as a fighting arm. He strongly favored naval disarmament in the hope that it would include agreement on curb- ing aerial and chemical warfare. Germany has led the world until recently in commercial aviation, he pointed out, and this was due' to the fact that the Treaty of Versailles prohibited that country from building up a fighting air fleet, It was the commercial 'side of aviation which must be encouraged, and not the other. When the day comes of rem - tar 40 -hour service between America and Europe, relations will be found to be developing much more rapidly. Tho United States nova takes first place as a' commercial aviation pow- er and is bound to take the lead in developing aviation to -day. D. Llandin spoke also of what Prance was doing and brought out the fact that the passenger traffic of France by kilometers was greater than that of any country in 1927, that its network of air lines new Covera more than 10,000 miles, and that nearly 40,000 passengers were regal - tend at the main Paris airdrome, Le Bourget, Iasi year. A new mail route to South America wee opened last year These things have h.e 'naecomplished despite its small trr,itory ae compared will the 'United States and. -despite' the 110,f 08. SitY cr'e- sity OE' establishing 'a strong aerial defense.