HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-02-21, Page 8EALL.
John,'''(Iptbers and Mrs. Ct,
W. Ween are viaitins,• relatiVee iu Lois
don this week,
Manley „rinks of Detroit spe
the week end visiting hie . wife
other relativee here,.
Mr, ,frilni Mogan, Station, agent
`Wyoming, accompanied by his w
and ba.by were week end visitors
the home of his father and motl
Mr. and Mrs, Henry Dougall, L
on Road, ,
* Mrs, Chas. Sparrow of PaisleY
visiting at the home of her dough
Mos, Ladd MeZwen, for a couple
Mr, !David IRobison has Porches
filmy r.Mr, David IGermOtte, his het
On Brock street, oceupied at pros
by Wen, Topham. Mr. Robinson
tends remodelling the Inattse,
Mr, Thos, Drummond intends .
hold en aoction sale of his real este
and household effects on 'Saturday
ternoon, March 2nclo Mr,,,Drummo
intends moving to Toronto to resi
Mrs, ' Ladd 'McEwen and ba
daughter arrived home from Seafor
hospital on .TuesdaY.
Mrs. Verne Ifiedden, who .has be
in Clinton lsos1piflal, WAS brougiht
her home here on- Sunday last.
Mr. Owen Geiger, isho has •had
attack of 'pneumonia, is recovering.,
Mr, Walter 113ezza was up for tn
before 'Magistrate Reid on Friday la
on a ;charge of (obtaining money 0
der false pretenses. He wished to
tried byjury so was remanded 'to G
erich ail till the assizes in June.
Mrs. Robert McLaren is spendi
a few days at Clinton visiting rel
Born. -]n 'Hensel', on Feb. 14th,
Mr. and, Mrs, Manley jinks, a son,
Mr, T. C.Joynt s in Toronto th
iveek on business.
Council Meeting. -.A special mee
ing of the village council seas held o
Friday eveaing laSt to consider th
plans and 'specifications of the Sou
West drain. After a general disco
sion, the plans were adopted and
court of revision .on the oy.sest h ;II w... h
held on Monday evening, March 1
The vida.ge auditors were preset
with their report which Was read ove
and accepted by the council. 200 co
pies of 'the report were ordered to b
printed amd be distributed throug
the village. A number of other mat
ter s were discussed after which th
council adjourned.
Miss 'Mary MaKaig left Tuesda
for Exeter where she has accepted
position in the office of the lBell Tel
ephone Co,
The annual AN'orld's 'Day of Praye
was observed in the lUnited Church ot
Friday afternoon, with a large erten
dance of WM.S. members (if the dif
ferent churches. Mrs, lIcDonell an
Mrs. Arnold, as presidents of the soc
ieties, both occupied tthe chair. Th
meeting opened with hymn 227 fol
towed by the Scripture lesson by Mr
Robert 'Cameron; general confession
was followed by 'the Lord's arayer it
unison. Mrs, Arnold gave an accoun
of the hivtory of the day of praye
and also an account of the Interne
tional Missionary council which me
at Jerusalem. A- trio was given by
• Mr, Drysdale, Mrs. Hess and Mrs,
Sinclair. A prayer by Mrs. [Dallas
for the King, Empire, our Country,
our Community, our C.littrches and
am Homes, A prayer by Mrs, Elder
• for missions abroad and prayers by
Mrs. McDonald, 1\frs. Workman and
Mrs -Lammie for missions at home,
for inissionaries, deaconesses, social
service, hospital and institutional
workers. A prayer of thanksgiving
and consecration was given by Mrs.
S. A. MdDonell.
The meeting closed by singing
hymn 451, followed by prayer.
Airs. J. Brown, who has been visit-
ing with her daughter and .son,in-law
Dr. and Mrs. Dougall, left for her
home at Eddy's Mills on Saturday,
accompanied by Mrs. Dougall and 'M
little daughter. rs. nougat] will vis-
• it at Eddy's Mills for a week or two.
Mrs, E. Gibbs, with has been spend-
ing the past month at the 'home of
Mr. and Mrs. :Robert Bonthron left
this week for Toronto where she will
visit her daughter, Mks Gibbs, before
leaning for California, where she will
visit her son.• M
'arion Dougall, little daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dougall, has re-
turned from Victoria hospital, Lon-
don, where she had an operation.
Last Sunday was Women's Day in
the United Church, the pastor, Rev.
Arthur. Sinclair, .preaohing to large
acongregations both morning and ev-
ening, A ladies' choir gave the muele,
the different parts being well render-
ed. For the next three or four Sun-
days a song service will be held in
the evening ,beginning at a quarter to
7 till 7. All that can attend are re-
quested to come.
The Mollard ':\fission Circle met on
Friday evening with a fair attendance.
The president was in the chair. Miss
Mildred Wallace acted as secretary.
The scripture lesson on the ,chapter of
Rut.h was read by Miss Consitt. Miss
G Luker and Miss Scruton, a dialo-
gue entitled Bridget O'Flynn, was gi-
ven by Misses M. McKay, T,McDoess
alt and H. Hudson. An ineMtrumen-
tal was given by Miss ;Edera unro.
The topic, the 13tack Treasure, was.
then taken up by Miss 'Consitt. At
the close of the evening .Mrs. C. A.
MdDonell was presented with a life
• membership by the Motlard .Misaion
Girls and with a •beitutifully warded
address, read by Miss Mildred Seru-
ton, and the presentation was made
by Miss. Gladys !LukM
er. 'Mrs. c-
Donell expressed her appreciation in
few well cRosen words,
A number of the aid time curlers
ere having a big time on the rink. The
• ice is in splendid oondition and the
local grocers are selling lots of
- brooms.
on -
es -
a -
s -
The first meetiog of the public. li-
brary board for this year was' held in
the council chamber oh Tuesday ev-
• ening with all the members present.
IsT.ensall's public library is in a very
flotniishing condition, a Int of new
'books being added firom Hine to time.
'A Ivalentine social l'IMS held by the
young people of the United Church
on Monday evening with Miss Ethel
Murdoch presiding. A pnogramme of
• nratie, .readings and a .tiumber .of yes
lentine selections. were given. At the
, end of the programme a hinch svaa
TheY ttn People 1 L' el Pl'c'S-
liytrian Church held a very interests
L14 meeting on Monday evening. The
Scriptiire lesson wall
I:TOM:trill IA11(1an address SVZ1.$ given
by Ftty Pfaff. A number of contests
were run off and a nitteleal Program'
wall given,• '
Mr. A. J. 'Grigg of Clinton spent 4
ieAr dgy,,S last week visiting his daugh-
ter. Mrs. Elliott Bell, ,
Miss Lilly MeEweti ha e gone to
Torontia where ahe has accepted a po,
Miss Dolly Hagan -of HillSigreen
has been spending a few days visiting
at the home of Mrs, (Dr.) !Peck,
'Miss ''s\farY !Buchanan of Niagara
Palls sPent a few, days last week
ot the home of her parents, Mr,
and .Mrs, :Alex. BuChanati.
r.fits. A, 'Bell spent last week
visiling at the home of her daughter,
J. P. Campbell.
Mr, .Neebitt Woods returoed to To-
ronto on Monday ,,to 'resume his teach-
ing det•ies.
Mr, A, E. Erwin, 'who was in Gode
rich auditing books for several days
last week returned hot -fie Saturday.
Mrs. D. Dewar and son Jimmy
spent a few days last week withher
sister, Mrs. J. Mossop in Varna.
Women's .Day of Prayer was ob-
served ,by all the churches On Fri-
day last )Th e women of Trinity
Church attended the eervice at St.
Johns' Church, Varna,
Mrs, A. NewtonsBrady returned
home on Saturday after having spent
the week 'with her mother, Mrs. Mc-
Donald in Sarnia,
Mr. Harry Boker returned to Lon-
don on Saturday after having spent
the week with his parents, 'Mr. and
Mrs. F. W. Baker.
!Lenten servSce,s are being held in
Trinity Church on Thursday evenings,
The annual meeting of the Junior
Gelid .of Trnity 'Church was held at
the home of Mrs. N. W. Woods on
Wednesday afternoon of last week.
The election of officers for the coming
year resulted as ;follows:. President,
Miss Susie,Westlake; secretary, Miss
Mary ,Widcornbe; treasurer, Miss Ella
McKay. The treasurer's report show-
ed a fine balance, A m,otion to the ef-
fect that ten dollars be sent to the
British Miners' fund was carried.
The Girls Branch of the Women's
Auxiliary of Trinity Church met on
Wednesday afternoon of last week. It
decided to commence work on an-
other outfit for our Indian girl at St.
Paul's School 'Blood Reserve. A let-
ter of appreciation from Mrs. Middle-
ton, wife of the principal of the school
was read. Mrs, F. H. Paull took the
first chapter of the study book on In-
dia, The devotions evere lead by the
president and the meeting opened and
closed with a hymn.
-Miss Mary MacKenzie is spending
'the week with her daughter, Mrs. S.
Keys at Varna.
The play, "The Mistress of St.
TVes,' will be presented by the choir
,taf St, Andrew's United Church early
in Marc!,. Watch for further notice.
Over ten thousand suggestions for
a suitable slogan for the jewellery
trade -10136 to be exact-, were re-
ceived in the recent competition.
Practically every city, town and
village in the Dominion was repre-'
sented by an entry and the contest
must have created much attention.
The matt& of deciding a winner
was referred by the Canadian Jewel-
lers' Association directors to the
manufacturers and wholesalers on the
executive of the Canadian Jeweller's
Publicity Association, composed of
Messrs. Stuart Lees, and George Wal-
lace, Hamilton; E. H. Gunther,
Brartford, and j. S. Bliss, Niagara
Falls, with S. P. Westaway as ad-
vertising counsel. Two sessions were
regaired to complete the task of go-
ing through all the cards, which was
a task of very large propontions, al-
though the great majority of the slo-
gans could be thrown aside at a
glance. "The Gift Supreme" was the
most popular suggestion hundreds of
cards bearing this inscription.
The contest finally boiled down to
a very few and a vote was taken to
indicate She preference of the major-
ity. The outcome was the decision
Shat the prizes should be awarded as
First: "Let Jewellery Acid the Fin-
ishing Touch," sislimitted by Mrs. C.
D. Trnman, Fort Garry Hotel, Win-
nipeg. -
Second: "Give Jewellery -It en-
dears and emigres." submitted by
Miss Jean Wilson, Chesley, Ont.
' Third: "There's joy in jewellery,"
submitted by :Miss P. Laurin, 127
Clarens Ave... Toronto.
Fourth: "Jewellers' Treasures are
Cim,itant l'leasures," submitted by
Atrs. John Macleod, 7 Euston St.,
Charlottetown, P.E.I.
' The publicity committee . also re-
commended that there were several
other slogans worthy of some mea-
sure of recognitionand suggested
that • a gift of retail value of $10 be
awarded each of the following four,
"Jewellery Always Solves the Gift
PrObletn," submitted by J. B. Robin-
son, Toronto.
"Buy Good Jewellery, Wear it,
Share it." Stramitted by Miss Lillian
A. Grey, Toronto.
"Every Season is Jewellery Sea-
son." Submitted by Mise Georgina
Davies, Bridgetown, N. S,
"You can't do better than give jew-
ellery." Subtratted by Miss Marion
Blackburn, Ottawa.
The recommendationof the Com-
mittee were approved by the C.J.A.
executive at its December meetings.
• Quite a number of suggestions Wee
suggested' in the French language
and these were submitted to a Mon -
real comfnittee, whieh called in ex-
pert assistance but was. unable to re-
ornmend that any of the slogans wee
f sufficient meta to entitle its author
o a Prize.
,It was interesting to the Committee
o letten that the word "jewellery"
VAS A derivative of the old French
end "jou el,' a diminetive 'of "joie"
rem -ling "joy", or that which canaes
elight or gladness. This gave added
alue to the slogan awarded the third
prize, "There's joy in jewellery,"
Special Cas
• Prices
3 Pkgs. LUX .......... .... . .. . .. ... 23c
, 3 Pkgs. SNOWFLAKE AlYIMCINIA . . ..... . . -23c
3 Cakes PALf/I OLIVE SOAP 23c
8 Cakes CASTILE SOAP .., „ ....„„..„ .... .. 23c
4 Tins PEAS 23e
2 Tins CAMPBELL'S SOUPS ,.....„23c
2 Tins PORK AND BEANS .... ,,..,,.23n
It Will Pay Yon to Buy From
Mr. and Mrs, Beers, who spent the
winter month.S in Zurich. left last
,week for Buffalo to spend. a few
weeks, They will return to Zurich in
the spring.
Alex. Voisin vviho recisatly disposed
of his Dominion betel is holding an
auction sale on Saturday.
'Mr. Hilton Truemner has returned
to hisOliorne on the 14th concession
after his recent operation at St. Jo-
seph's 'hospital, London,
• 1Borii,--At Victoria Memorial Hos-
pital, Toronto, on Feb. 9th, 1919, to
Mr. and Mrs, Alvin .Surerus, 450 13rier
Hill Ave, 'Toronto, a daughter, Mar-
garet Attys.
At the anneal meeting of the Zurich
Hortictfltural Society the following of-
ficers were elected for the coming
year: President, Dr. A. 3. McKinnon;
vicespresident, Mrs. L W. Hoffman;
2nd vice-president, C. Fritz; secretary -
treasurer, 3. E. Gasdho. The follow-
ing new directors were appointed:
Misses A. Johnston, Jane 'Lamont, 0.
O'Brien, Mrs. j. E. Gasoho, Mrs. S.
Zimmerman, Mrs. 'I'. L. Williams and
P. Haberer.
The death occurred in Detroit of
)Jr. Levi Hamacher atthe home of
his datighter, death being due to heart
failure. The funeral was held from
his residence at Dashamod on Mon-
day afternoon last, Mr. Hamacher
was 49 years, 4 months and 11 days
of age and is survived by his •widow,
one dangthter, Mrs, C. Wildfong, of
Detroit and one von Eddie at home;
one step -daughter, Mrs. Wm. Schroe-
der- of Detroit, and six step -sons,
Arthur, Simon, Elmore, • Reinhold, Ot-
to and Herb Willert' and five broth-
ers. Interment took place in the Lu-
theran cemetery on the .Bronson line.
Mr. N. W. Trewarthe of Clinton
has purchased the new -laid egg busi-
ness of Mr. C. Fs Hooper of Exeter
and gets poseession March 4th Mr.
Hooper has 'paid out to the farmer
on the average of $55,700 a year, or
during the period since 1908 he has
been in business he has paid over
$1,000,000. Mr. Trewartha will oper-
ate it in conjunction with his Clinton
Mr. R. IL, Pickard last week sold
both of Mrs, Louise Hoctons farms
on the Jourth concession of Usborne
twnship. The eighty acres n the north
side of the road was purchased by Ed-
gar Cudmore for $6,000 and the 100
acres on the south side of the road
was sold. to Hector Roweliffe for
, Clinton.
At a meeting held last week the
Clinton Board of Trade was reorgan-
ized for the coming year The officers
elected were: Hon. president, James
A. Ford; president, N. W. Trewar-
the; vice president F. A. Wiggins;
secretary -treasurer, H. B. Manning;
council, G. R. Patterson, W. S. R.
Holmes, Dr, Shaw, W. J. Stevenson,
Geo. Jenkins, J. Zaple, Bs J. Gib-
bing's, .A. T, Cooper, T. Hawkins, A.
j. Morrish.
Tlhe first banquet of the -Board of
Trade will be held on Feb. 25th.
Mrs. James McConnell had the
misfortune to fall the other day and
fracture her collar bone.
John V.odclen of Hullett has pur-
chased the residence of Mrs. W. Ship-
ley, Ontario street, and will get pos-
ession shortly.
Born. -At Ifessey, Ont., on Feb.
9th, to Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Blight,
formerly Amy liellyar, Clinton, a
son (William James).
Miss Edith Riley is visiting her sis-
ter, Mrs; Charles Hoggarth, at pre-
Mr. Duncan Tudor is able to be out
again after being confined to his bed
for a week.
IA large cro.wd:attended the play
glveu in, the church last Thursday
night by the young people of the com-
munity, called "The Rummage Sale."
The parts were well acted and evert -
body enjoyed 'a good hearty laugh.
Lunch was served at the end of the
programme and everybody left, claim-
ing that the young people of Kinburn
were very good entertainers.
Mr, Joseph Riley Jr. visited friends
in Brussels this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Riley, of
Clinton, spent Sunday with friends' in
the village.
Miler's Worm 'Powders destroy
worms without any inconvenience to
the child, and so effeetnally that they
pass from the „body unpercieved.
They are not ejectedoin their entirety,
but are grotind Ito And PASS away
through the bowels with the excreta.
'rhey thbrotighly cleanse the stomach
and bowels and leave them in a con-
dition not favorable to worms, and
there will be no revival of the pests,
• Scaveng r Wanted.
Applications fo tdie position of
Town Scavenger il e received at
She Clerk's 'Office'n t 6,o'elocic p.azi.,
Tuesday, Feb. 26th, 29. ,
By order.
• JINO, A. \WILSON,. Clerk.
Seaforth, Feb, 20th, 1929, 8
The many friends of .Mr. Howaid
Wright will be glad to know he is im-
proving nicely.
Mr, and '1,\Irs; George Dalrymple
spent the veeek-end with Mr. and Mrs,
2vfantgome6t Davis, of Staffa.
Mrs. ()Rev.) Hamilton, of Goderieh,
vieited.Rev. W. A. and Mrs. Bremner
at the Manse last week. •
Miss Helen Toogh is visiting
friends in Stratford this week.
Mr. Joseph 'MdCully and KM and
daughter arrived here last week from
Ohio They will reside et the home
of the former's aunt, Miss Mary j.
McCully. We welcome them to -our
IMrs. Arthur, McQueen and daugh-
ter Margaret were the guests Of Mr.
and Mrs, 13. Bawey last week. .
!Special evangelistic services will be
held ill ths United 'Church ,beginning
next Sunday, Feb. 24th, to be con-
ducted by IRev. Mr. Woods of Ottawa,
Special services will be held every
night at 8 p.m. except Saturday night.
A surprise reception was given at
the 'home ot Mr..and Mrs. Daa. Mun-
ro on Thursday, Feb. 14th, in honor
of. mt.. and !Mrs. Dale Nixon, by the
Sewing 'Circle, •
Miss Janet Aikenhead Spent the
week -end with friends in London,
Miss Olive !Harrison has gone to
Henson, where eha has a position.
'Miss Eva Boyes has returned home
after spending a few weeks at the
home‘of Mr. Ball, near Clinton.
'IL-. Wallace Haugh has returned
home after attending- • the Ontario
Horticulteral Conventiou in Toronto.
'liis aray to the convention he visit-
ed the Dale Nursery near Bra,mpton,
where they have ,forty-two acres under
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Broadfoot at-
tended the funeral of Mra. P. Plum -
steel in Clinton on Tuesday.
Twenty -sevens -of the scholars of the
Sunday school wrote the examina-
tions m Temperance, competition.
AVe are sorry to report that Miss
Gladys Ad,dison, nurse -in -training at
Orillia, was operated on foe appendi-
citis. Her mother left Wednesday for
Mrs. Wm. Hagan and .son and her
friend, Mrs. ,Levis DE Toronto are
spending a couple of weeks at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Day -
Mr. and 'Mrs, Warren Schelhlie and
family visited at the horde or Mr. and
Mrs. Orville. iMeClinchey, Stanley, on
Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs. James Dayman are
receiving congratulations and best
wishes from their many friends these
days, •
Mr. John Cochrane spent Tuesday
in Clinton with his mother and sis-
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Jarrott very
pleasantly entertained a nuifther of
their 'friends to an oyster slipper ot'i
Monday evening,
Mrs. Norman Jones returned home
on Tuesday, having been with her
mother, Mrs. since her father's
The South Branch of the Ladies'
Aid and w. M. S. of Duff's United
Churclr held their meeting recently at
the home of Mrs. John Gordon, The
early part of the afternoon was spent
in sewing, after which the regular
meeting was held. The ptesident,
Mrs, Barron, occupied the chair. The
meeting opened with hymn 816, after
which Mrs. H. Henderson offered
prayer, The roll call .was answered
by verses from the Bible. Readings
were given by Mrs. C. Henderson and
Mrs, Shannon. The meeting closed.
with hymn 607 and the Lord's prayer,
after which refreshments were served
and the usual social hour spent.
Thb North Branch of the W.U.S.
and LadSes' Aid of iDtiff'S 'Church 'met
at the home of Miss McAdams on
nesclay, Feb, 1-3th, with an at -
nee of 24 ladies. The aftethoon
was pleasantly ,spent in, quilting. At
the close a dainty lunch was served.
The W.,M,iS. and Ladies' Aid met bit
Duff's United. Church on Friday, Feb.
15.. Miss Mae Canepliell, the presid-
ent presided. The program in the
:Missionary magazine was followed.
The Scriptore reading was givenby
lvfiss Campbell, and prayers were- of-
fered by Mre, C. Heliderson, Mrs.
Shannon, Miss Esther Dorrance, Mrs,
I-Tenderenn, Mrs. Smith end Mrs,
Daley. ,
No one need endere the agony Of
corns with HollowaY's Corn Removtr
at hand to remove them.
. — -
I M I's, Aebraltam Hugill and • family
, desire to thank their friends and nci-
, ghbors for the many kind expressions
I of ,symmthy shown tthem daripg the
• 1
iiiillesS and d eth of their' beloved htte-.
band Add fa her; atsd for the beauti-
fill floral tril Kites.444 loan of cars for
, the funeral, .-
•in loving memory of W. P. Var-
'Sweetly tender, rhve .4rtsi true;
Biete is not a day, del/Bill,
That I do not th ilk OrYou.
'Tis sweet to thint1"e
will meat
• Where partings ere no more,
And that the one I loved so well
Has only gone before,
•e His wife, Annie.
Of House$hold •Effects, -Thera will
be sold by publie auction on lot 32,
concession 12, Magi -lop, an TueSsleY,
February 266h, at 1..30 p.m.: 2 tables,
chairs, 3 be'ds, mattresses, springs, 1
bureau, stankl, kitchen cuphoard, 1
couch, pictures, organ, leath r covet-
ed Morris char, linoleum hanging
loots), cook stove crib bed goat robe,
Daisy churn, se lers crocks, stove
Pets, thb, wringe , kitdlAn cabinet, 2
screen doors, se s' les, • potatoes,
ntilk can, 20 hens, T rens cash. Mrs,
John Barron, Prop.„ T. Brown, Auct
Under and by virtue of the Powers
of Sale contained in .a mortgage and
chattel mortgage, which will be pro-
duced at time of sale, I- will offet for
sale at Lot 9, Concession 17, Twp.. of
Grey, County of Huron, on Wednes-
day the 271h day of February, 1929,
at the hour of 2 pm., the following.:
1 Massey -Harris binder, 1 McCor-
mick nrawet, 1 Massey4Harris rake,
1 John Deere' manure spreader; .. 1
wooden roller, 1 sef of harrows, 1
culitivator,. 1 drill nd cultivator aod
seeder conibined; talf share io Mas-
sey Harris hay I ader, 2 waggons, 1.
sleigh, open ug y, heavy bay horse,
of straw, 450 r. 300 bus. of barley,
years old, dri ii g borse, bay, 13 yrs.
12 years old:. -hfavy bay horse 14
old; about 8 t s of timothy, 1 mow
150 bus. of mixed- feed, 50 bushels of
All of which.Prcperty w311 be sotd
by Public Auction.. 'Terms, Cash.
T. Brown, Auctioneer. jasoF. Welsh,
113:2D91:ai.fftecl this '18th day of February,
... • •
• Of 'Farm, F.arin 'Stack and linpl
ntents at Lot 47, lCon. 4, Condon Rots
Survey, .Tuek:ersinith,- 2.Ss.ti miles eits
of Kippen, onsWednesday, March 6th
at 1 O'clock sharp, consisting of th
followings. a
.'1-Torses4 year old filly, sired b
Glengyre; gelding rising 11 yrs.; hea
vy draft mare, good worker. •
eattle--4Durharn • CON rising 3 yrs.,
eligible for registration, freshened
JalluarY 15th.. 'Dunham cow rising
4 yrs. eligible for registration, .fresfh-
ened in November. Registered Dur-
ham cow 8 yrs. old, freshened middle
df IFebruary• grade Durham cow ris-
ing 6 yrs., due to freshen May 6511;
grade Durham cow rising 6 years, clue
to 'freshen March .18th; 3 Durham
grade yearling calves, 2 young pure
breerDtinharn heifer' calves..
Pigs -Pure ,bred Yorles'hire sow due
time of sale; 9 store hogs ,about 175
lbs. each,
Implements- Massey -Harris bind-
er, 6 ft. cut; Coicksh utt manure
spreader, 'Fleury 'walking plow, Mas-
sey-Harile farmer's ,friend, single
furrow riding plow, no'ot scuffler,
spring tooth curtivaeor, II.nternational
mower 6 ft. cut, • International steel
rake, Fnost & Wood seed' ditbl, set
sleighs, set harrows 4 seCtion, land
roller, wagon, gravel box, stock rack,
hay rack, root pulper, hay fork,
Worthiest and W,ard car, 165 feet new
rope, set slings, steel tire buggy,
Portland cutter, set :breeching- har-
ness, set plow ‘harness; several col-
lars, set Single hlarness; quantity ;of
lumber, extension ladder, Bell City
incobator 140 egg capacity, 'Miller in-
cubator 600 egg capacity with auto-
matic turning trays, 4 poultry fatten"
ing crates, 'Chad -lain 'fanning mill with
bagger attachment, set of seales 2000
lbs. capacity, brooder stove 500 chick
capaeity, 2 brooder houses 125:12', 1
coliony house 6'x8'; .Anclearholt cream
separator almost new 500 lb. capacity,
quantity of hay, roots and grain,
forks, °chairts, shovels,, neckyokes,
tvhiffiletrees ancl other articles too nu-
merous to mention.' ,
At the same time and place; lot 17,
eonsisting of 100 acres more or less,
will be offered for sale, if not sold be-
fore clay of sale. On this farm there
are good buildings, 8 acres of timber.
6 acres of fall .wheat and 20 acres fall
plowing done.
Terms on .Farni Stock, Implements
-4Hay, grain, roots and all sums of
$10 and under, cash; over that amount.
8 months' cerklit will be given on for-
nishingsalproloived joint bankable notes
With a disconnt of 5 per cent, straight
allowed tor cash on credit amounts,
Terms on 'Farm :irtade known on
clay Of sale, ancl subject Ito reserve, bid.
.'Geo. H. Elliott, Anctioneer; Walter
McCultie, proprietor. • 9 .
-Dry basswood w ad 'for sale, 16 in.
long. 'Alsd wood titevetro wan tcd to
cut wood. JAMES R. 5iPROA•T, Sea -
forth. Phone160r34., ,- '8
Will buy logs delivered at saw mill
or in the bush. Whitt ash tongues
for sale 12' and 14' bong \ Also a mien-,
tity of dry hardwood 121' 16eg. WILs
LIAM DOIG. jr., R.R. 3, KipPen,
Phone 138r2, Seaforth, • 11
0.A.C. Berred PlymouthsAocks. and
Pure Tom Parrott White Legherns
Our Rocks are frons blood teeted
stock mated with males from petite
greed flock, Leg•horns are large biAlsa
of hev•ivY lAYing S ram
in ated with
cockerels from H, L. Robertsp Winner
of 198 ()Mali° ontest, Vc Per sits
ting of fifteen or $5.00 gfer hundred,
6 per lent, discou t pri all orders re-
ceived before ;Ma eol5th. ANDREW
•A, IVIOGRE., "Sennyvale Poultry
Pare, Phone 137r3, R.R. 3, Seaforth,
Take libelee that at the next meet-
ing of the council of the Town of
Seaforth, I intend t apply for per-
mission to inst. 11 a ry cleaning plant
in the northea t ing of the Com-
mercial Hotel.
• Under supervision Of PoultrY .De -
pertinent, OJA.C, Guelph, g specializ-
Inin Barred Plynlouth Rocks. EV-
ery bird on our far 1 has been culled,
handed nnd blood, este. by Govern -
;neat Invpectors, ..ehave for Sale,
Matching eggs, baby chicks,three
weeks old chicks. Circular on re-
quest, °Sunny Crest rearm,t' --J. M.
SCOTT, SektloriVh, Phone 32-251. 8
The laundry business formerly,own-
ed by Pong VVting has been sold to
Charlie Wong. All •accounts against
Bong Wing lbei
ust e'rendered on or
before 12.00 la clook, Saturday, Feb,
23, 1929. Afte asclate the neas owner
will not be liable for such accounts.
1 team 4 yea \Old. Clyde geldings;
1 good work as cl riving horse; •,1
six year old geld r .I.See these by cfills.
ing on JONAT N E. HUGILL &
SONS, Huron Road. 10
Small second hand Quebec heater.
Phone 173, Sea,forth. 81,1
In the Estate of Walter Matthew
Swallow, Deceased.
1,10ITIICE is hereby given that all
persons having claims against the es-
tate of Walter Afatthew Swallow, late
of the Township of McKillop in the
aunty of Huron, Yeoman, 'deceased,
who died on or about the ninth day
of January, ,AID. 1929, are required
to deliver tot Carman H. G. Swallow,
the administrator of the said estate,
or W. 13rydone, solicitor, on or be-
fore theg26th day of February, A.D.
1929, a full statement of their claims
together with partictilars thereof, and
the,nature of the securities, if any, held
by them all duly x rifled py affidavit,
said last mentioned date/the said ad-
inietrator will proceedo distribute
AND TAKE NOT CE that after the
the estate of the • said deceased
amongst the persons eiilitfed thereto
having regard only to such claims as
he shall have received due notice and
in accordance therewith.
Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this fifth
day of February, A.D. 1929.
W. BRY1DON'E, Clinton, Ont.
Solicitor for the said Estate.
A New Inter ali6nal Webster's
Dictionary for e. 1926 edition. Ap-
ply to E. D. R ID, at the Customs.
Office. . •7itf
100 acres on lot 7, concession. 7,
Tuckersmith. Practically all under
cultivation. ]3attl, barn/and hay
shed. Also d ilsing 'tram. Good
frame house. .Good,/ never -failing
well.. About 1 ac 6 of orchard.
For further part cu rs apply on the
premises. WI! 'AM WRIGHT
Seaforth R. R. 4. . 13
$35.00, cash, will,, buy one 'square
piano in good condition, cheap. FIRED
STATTON, located on No. 8 Pro-
vincial Highway, in the West Ward,
Ward, Mitchell.
Mitchell. . 09
Purebred Scotch hopthorn bull for
sale. PETER 14.,IcK! NZIE, Kippen,
Phone 141r13, Seafo fh central, 09
Lionel in
arrvoi e
With Jacqueline Gadson
e t3th
• Hour
•A King of Crooks, a young detec-
five and an almost human dog as liis
aid and a girl trapped itt a house of
a thousand terrors.
A riot of laughs with Berryanore
in a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde eofe.
Biliie 'Move
in the George Fitzmaurice production
:The ,Slave -Mart
story . of Old New Orleans awl
of ' a proud aristocratic girl declared
All 'octoroon Auld sold into slavery.
From the novel !The Code of Victor
DR, IL HT.IGH ROSS, Physici44,
and Surgeon. Late of London Hee
NMI,' London, England. Specie
attention to diseases of the eye,
nose and throat. Of0ce and read-
eoce behind Dominion Bank. Office
Phone ,No. 5; Residenee Phone 104
• DR, F. J., BURROWS, Seatortfa.
Office and residence, Goderich atoms
east of the Methodist Church, Cots,
oner for the CoentY of Huron. Tele
phone No. 40.
DR. C. MACKAY,-C. Mackay,
honor graduate of Trinity Univers-
ity and gold medallist of TriaitY
Medical College; number of the Cal.
lege of Physicians and Surgeons et •
'DE. F. J. R. FORSTER-Eye, Kat
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medd.
eine, University of Toronto 1897. Lets
Assistant New York Ophthalmic aid
Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, 1a4
Golden Square throat hospitals, Lon-
don, England, At Commercial hotel.
Seaforth, 3rd Monday in each mon*
from-lil a.m. to 3 p.m,
• DR. W, C. SPROAT,-Graduate ot
Faculty of 'Medicine, University el
Western Ontario, London. Member
of College of Physicians and Sur-
geons of Ontario. Office in Aberharee
Drug Store, attain St., Seaford'.
Phone 90.
DR. 5. A. !MUNN
Successor to Dr. R. R. R0311, grades
ate of Northwestern University, Cht
eago III. Licentiate Royal ;College el
Dedal Surgeons, Toronto. Office
ores: Sills' hardware, Main street
Seaforth. Phone 151,
DR, F. J. BECHELY, grading*
Royal College of Dental Surgeon's
Toronto. Office over W. R. ,Smittles
Grocery, Main street, Seder*
Phones, office 189W, residence ISSJ
Auctioneer for the County of Huron
Arnangements can be made for Sale
Date at The Seaforth News. Charges •
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed
(Successors to Jame i 'Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect.
ed at lowest rates -in First-Clars
Companies. .
Midual Fire Insurage Got
Officers -James Connolly, Goder-
ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; D. F. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
Directors -Wm. Rinn, No, 2 Sea=
forth, John ;Bennewies, Brodhagent
James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc-
Ewen, Clinton; James 'Connolly, God -
crick; Alex, Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea -
forth; J. M. Sholdice, No. 4, Waltou
Robert Ferris, Harloek; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, Brucefield,
Agents -Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Clic-
ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A.
Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; j.
Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth,
Bornholm. James Kerr and Jobs
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Partici:
desirous to effect insunance or trans-
act other business will be promptly
attended to by application to any of
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postoffices.
Choice 52, -acre farm'in good condi-
tion, NrA lot 16, con, 5, MoKillop, all
cleared and allseeded down. Two
storey cement house, frame kitchen,
all in good repair. Barn 50'x46' on a
cement • wall; cement stabling and
water in the barn. Cement driving
house 24x36'. -Frame hog pen 16',a4'.
Never failing well of choice water.
Well fenced and underdrained with
tile drain.- Will be sold on easy terms
to suit purchaser, with or without
crop. Failure of health is reason for
selling. For further particulars apply
on the premises or write to Seaforth,
House, with two acres of land. Six
rooms, phone, electric lights, soft
water inside.' TWO; barns. •
JAMES HUDSON, Egmondvine, ,
phone 146r2, Seaforth;
Any person or persons found hunt-
ing or trapping or following a dog on
Lots 12 and 13, Con, 9, Hullett, wiB
be submitted to law.
Wednesday, Feb. 20.
Chickens, live, per lb 22e
Chickens, dressed, per lb 28e
Hens, live, per lb., .. . lee
Hens, dressed, per lb.,.... ... . ,24c
Roosters, live per lb 1Zc
Roosters, dressed, per lb 19a
Ducks, live, pet lb 17e
Geese, dressed, per lb 18c
Turkeys, dressed .. . . . ... . . 35e •
Potatoes, per bag ....,,..... . . .. . 90c
Butter, per lb, .. . ... . ... . .40c
Eggs, per doz. ....... . .2.5e. -32e
. .
Hogs, per cwt. $10,00410.56
Ducks, dressed, per lb.