HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-02-14, Page 7Russia's Leader Ignorant an Secretary of Stalin Tells Inti- mate Tale of the SQViet, Head Stalin, the strange, nlysterioue dom- inator of Soviet Russia,, whom nobodY seems to know, is pitilessly pictured by his former secretary as a man is whom :all banner. desire is reduced to a minimum, with the exception of his insatible,Ol.ivet for power, The seem- tary, Baz Raney, describes him ili'an article in an auti•Bolshevik daily„ Be' lives like an anchorite in two small rooms in the Kremlin, which under the ezazrist'regime evere occupied -by servants of the palace, and it 15 de- clared that he hardly ever indulges in any amusements, never dissipates and steals no money from the government,. Play or recreation of any sort does not exist for him, Itseems, and lie is sold to be a good husband in the sense that, with the exception' of his wife, women do not, exist for him. As to work, his former secretary. avers, that he is not iu the least ,enthusiastic' about it, except in so far as it relates to his inexhaustible greed for domina- tion. This informant goee on to say: '!The first impression he makes is that of a reserved, Self-possessed and simple man, and, one thinks, probably a very intelligent man, But ae one comes to know him a' little better one Is deeply astonished: .One finds that he is an absolutely uncultured man! And the more one 40e5 of him the k 'more tide astonishment increases, He is unable to grasp political problems. He is ignorant in economics and fi- na0ce. He not only does not know any foreign language, but does not know anything about Russian litera- ture and entirely lacks general educa- tion. His thought moves slowly and heavily. There is not a trace of humor in him. During a year and a half of daily contact with him. I only once heard him crack a joke. With a very solemn expression on his facd-he came up to one of Ws assistants, a certain Tovstukha, and • said: "Tovstuklia; my mother hada goat; well, that goat was exactly lake you, only it did not wear spectacles.` "The essence of Stalin's method is the appointment of, the right men— that is to say, of his supporters—to all the important posts in the country and especially to all the main posts in the party machinery. , , As a secre- tary-general of the Communist party it was easy for him to do this and he bas been bent on this work since 1823.1 "His guiding principle in the selec- tion is characteristic of him. Year after year he has been systematically eliminating from the powelt educated and cultured Communists, and has been replacing them in the most im- portant positions with uneducated, un- talented men from the lowest social strata. These men are his supporters only because they are personally bound to him and their very career depends upon him and upon the prog- ress of the Communist revolution, for finder' any normal regime they would be zeros, complete nonentities." Japan Renovating Cruisers, Adding Weight and Strength Tokyo,—Japan's four battle cruisers, swift, powerful capital ships of class not represented in the American Navy, are undergoing in turn a thorough renovation designed to :increase mate- rially their defensive strength. The detdils are kept secret, but it is known that anti -torpedo blisters are being added and the armor otherwise Improved. The Japanese press reports that the tonnage of each cruiser, rated now at 27,500, is being increased about 1,600 by the renovation, but this can- not be officially confirmed. It is merely stated that the alterations are within the terms of the Washington naval limitation treaty. The Haruna has been renovated, the I!;irlshinra has been in drydock more than a year, the Iiongo has just gone in and the Hiyei is next` • mbre las Big Ben is doubly attractive these days as, in addition to Chewing Tobacco of unusual richness and flavour, with a quality that satisfies every man who chews, a "Poker Hand" is now attached to every plug. For six sets of Poker Hands," you can obtain FREE a Man's Umbrella, with sensible handle and strong cover; for eight sets, a Lady's Umbrella, new style, and fancy handle, with choice of Blue, Red, Green, Purple, Brown, or Black cover. These are only two of many presents pro. curable in exchange for "Poker -Hands.; Chew BIG BE and Save the "Poker Hands' Answered. young Jamie, same day: ®VEL"Ain't heard yet, He's only been dead a week " 'LAFFSSalvation is free but the delivery charges have become almost prohibi- Q.W. (ON WITH LAUGHTER) DON'T FERGIT When a bit of sunshine hits ye, After passing of a cloud, When a 51 of laughter gits ye An' yer spine is feelin' proud, Don't forgit to up anis' fling it At a soul that's feelin' blue, For the intuit that ye sling ;t It's a Boomerang to you. A postal card _inquirer wants to know why good looking women, al- ways --marry ugly men. They ' -dont. A Scotchman got a pair of spats for Christmas. So he had them half - soled and heeled. ' A great ninny people expect, suc- cess, long life and a bappy marriage in return for stupidity, idleness and dishonesty. • Girls see little sense in the rule which penalizes a fellow for holding. "How's the grub here?" asked the netts boarder at the table. "Well, we have Chicken every morn- ing for breakfast," replied the old boarder. "Chicken every morning?" the new boarder beamed "How is it served?" "In the shell!" grunted the boarder. Leg shows decrease in patronage as men find the street corner s more popular and more revealing. Asked the kind old gentleman of young Jamie, one extremely hot day; "How is your dear grandpa -bearing the heat?" Arez, early ::Ted' says be loves the Telybrellud y, stand .on.'l "Why 'wouldn't he?„ Wasn't your dad offered $10.0 a front foot for It?". • r . Truth Search for truth 10 the noblest oc- cupation of man, its publication a duty.—Madame de Steel, 'pilo little office building, wherein Luther Burbank worked out 00 many Of his liorticultuh'ai plans, is to be set up in the Ford museum at Dearborn, Mich. Perhaps,' within its walls, the proper environment may be found for. planning how to make two Fords grow where milt rile gree . bar ere. When our Children Cry for It nm: Baby has little upsets at times. All your care cannot prevent them, But you .can be prepared. Then you can do what any experienced nurse tvoula do—give a few drops of plain Castoria, No sooner done than Baby is soothed; relief. is just a ,Matter of moments, Yet you have eased your child without use of a single doubtful drug; Gastoria is vegetable. so it's safe to use as often as an infant has any little pain you cannot pat away. And it's always ready for the crueler pangs of collo, or constipation, or diarrhea; 'effective, too, for older children. Twenty-five matron betties were bought last year. tive. 'It all depends. The sportsman who will sit for lioure all cramped up and chilled to the bone in a duck blind, cant see why any sensible per- son should want to, go out and chase a golf ball all around the pasture, Pawnbroker: "Don't your fadder have no more use for dot vetch?" Burglars son: "Naw! Where de jedge sent him all He'll need for de next ten years is a calendar!" GIVE HER TIME The greatest optimist I've ever met Is a sixty -year-old 'suffragette; When I asked her "Are you married?" My question she parried By the hopeful reply 0f "Not yet." Hounding a man after he's down is a dog mean trick. Say silky things, It you must, but don't do them. A woman may liot always keep her word but she seldom goes back on her compact. One of the Neighbors recently over- heard two of her small sons discuss- ing the story of Adam, Eve and the Fall. A little while later Bobby, not made God' so tight with his apples ?'' It was hard enough in the old days to make both ends meet. These times the modern floe per does not even attempt it. "Taste makes Waist," a portly mat- ron said as she opened the third box of chocolates. Witness—He had the best looking suite in the hotel. Prisouer—Tudge, he's a liar; I was alone atthat hotel." About the only non-stop endurance stunt yet to achieve is the Sunday paper. Odd Minutes It is astonishing what a lot of odd minutes one can catch during the day, if one really set about it.—Dinah Maria Mulock. The United States, paying half a million •dollars for the Mammoth Cave in Kentucky, has bought a hole in the ground from which will come much good to the people, in recreation and knowledge. • Do You Get Up Tired, Cross? Look out. It may be kidneys. Try Warners Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy "Yes," says the kindly doctor, "you need a stimulant diuretio ' And for afore than -GO years the best known remedy in this o1arp ban been Warner's Safe 007 aad Liver Remedy, originally 8 pu,y,,;, ,n a preaeriptione,• made of 1,Pa. turo!S.10108E1. Safe, of comae. But better than that, it helps to 'ramm,► your Most proclaim asset, your health. Gently it stimulates kidneys and liver to do hair work of cleaning out 13047 pois005, ..W,1t1f" 45ll' blood -stream ole�ppneotti"and an mans funotionin% MI ieay should, on awake !rein sound night's sleep refreshed, invigorated, Y Strong. Lite takes on new joy. our hyo oleafr. Your ekb rales a healthy color. 'Yea walk with prruranae. Yen display ne air of author - it and anooe1S, Every dramatist knows pleasant tasting Warner's ears Hiding and Liver Rem - ed At costs little. but•, it is worth un- told amounts to anions who needs the, hello it rives. Buy your bottles 'topay. Get bath to health. • Warner s Safe Rem-. CAMer CO, 0or'onio, Ontario. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy Solar and Lunar influence. on Births Not Astrology'.nor folk -lore, but a very, up-to-date statietleal and inane- tive study, reported et length in so serious a professioiail journal as La Presse Medicale (Paris), is respon- sible for the conclusion that the posi- tions a the sun and moon have, as our remote ancestors believed; an in- fluence on human births—at least ell the frequency with uhieh they occur. MVIoreover, these infiileneesare not the same when male and female infants are considered separately.,', Saye the Paris medical journal; Very extended data on this subjeet have been collected 'and published by Crochlert. They show the existence of a daily cycle haviag'a maximum nuhn- ber of births between midnight and 4 a.m. and a minimum in the course of the afternoon. Krafft has investigat- ed also .the daily variation of births for each sex, and finds the combined maximum between midnight and 3 a.m, and the minimum between neon and 3 pen: For the male sex alone, Krafft .finds three maxima—between midnight and 2 axe,, about 7 a.m. and about 6 ,m., with three minima at about 0 a.m„ 2 p.m., and '10 p.m. In the wee of female births the odd and unexpected fact appear, that the frequencies of birth are distributed much more regularly among the dif- ferent hours of the day, which would seem to imply that the sun has a greater influence On male than on fe- male births. More exact calculation, based on the actual position of the sun instead of the hour of the day, bring out these facts even more Clearly; we are told, Krafft has also investigated lunar in- fluence, with regard to which the author says: "Although the belief in lunar influ- ence on certain biological phenomena has been considered as a gross super- stition, recently the current of ideas has begun to change direction, and an impressive number of serious publica- tions have been appearing in which theses similar to those advanced here have been defended, especially con- cerning human births;" 1?roceeding in the same manner as for solar influ- ence, the author arrives at the fol- lowing conclusions. About forty minute; after the pas- sage of the moon across the inferior meridian, the number of births of both sexes diminishes by 20 to 50 per cent. below the hourly average; while when the -moon is at an angle of about 60 degrees with the horizon, their nunhber increases considerably.' The influence of lunar phases has also been subected to statistical analysis, and the author shows that "during full m000. tike number of male births lessens somewhat, and then in- creases rather suddenly by about ,80 per cent., finally reaching an excess of more than double the normal about two clays and a half after the full." The variations of frequency in male 'births are more noticeable than the female when solar positions are in question, while the contrary seems to be the case with the moon. - O MEDICINE LIKE BABY'S OWN TABLETS For Either the Newborn Babe or the Growing. Child There is no other medicine to equal Baby's Own Tablets for Iittle ones— whether 1t be for the newborn babe or the growing child the Tablets al- ways do good. They are absolutely free frons opiates or other harmful drugs and the mother can always feel a y safe in using them. Concerning the Tablets, bb's. John Armour, R.R. 1, South Monaghan, Ont., says:—"We have three fine, healthy children, to whom, when a medicine is needed, we have, given only Baby's Owu Tablets. The Tab- lets are the best medicine you can keep in any home where there are young Childrn." Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the stomach and bowels; banish consti- pation and indigestion; break up colds and simple 'fever and make teething easy. They are sold by medicine dealers or direct by mail at 26c a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Educational Progress London Times Education Supple- ment: The advances in education made in the United States and in Ger- many and other European countries show that the economic need for swift progress in national education in Great Britain was never more obvious than at the moment. Such progress is, indeed, a vital necessity from the eco- nomic normo and indust el side of national life. But the Board, though its ad- vlsers see this clearly enough, has per- haps never been so hampered .as it is today. Of course, the Board must ex- erdse economy, but the point is that economy is not spelt in terms of non - spending, hut of 'right spending. Much money is spent even now that Is not rightly spent. Courage If you wish to.. be brave, courageous hold peh'sisteutly the fearless thought the thought that you are afraid of nothing, that nothing can make you a coward. Ude Min.urd'r Liniment for the Fiw Just Think! Just think! It le only tvrenty'five years etnce Orville Wright startled the world, by' a sustained Might of twelve seconds. Question Mark's endurance sight; Just finished, laster 160 hours, 40 min- utes sad 15 seemeds, Just think! It ie less than twenty-five years since Santos -Dumont broke all aerial speed records with 261iz miles au hour. To-tlay the speed record stands of• flcially at 318 miles an hour. Just think! The altitude record for airplanes. twenty-five years ago was negligible. To -day it is more than 26,400 feet, Just think, and marvel. WAS ALWAYS AILING NEVER FELT WELL Health Restored Through the Use of Dr. Williams' "I am one of the many who have found new health through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills," says Mrs. Everitt Dowe, South Nelson, N.B. "For some years I never felt well, and at times was so weak that I would beon e fined to bed. At the very best I was in an ailing condition and found it difficult at all times to do my housework. I was subject to head- aches, poor appetite, breathless at the least exertion, and very pale. Before Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were recom- mended to me 3 had tried several medicines, but without any good re- sults. 3 had become completely dis- couraged and felt that I would always, be an invalid. A friend strongly urged me to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and finally I consented to do so, but without much hope that they would help, .where other medicines had: failed. But in this, to my joy, I was mistaken. I had not been taking the pills very, long when I knew they were helping me. As I continued their use I found my appetite improving, I slept better at night, and my strength was gradually returning. I continued tak- ing the pills for several months, when I again found myself a well woman, and. I believe that had it not been for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I would to -day be a helpless invalid, The pills have since been taken by others in our family, with the same beneficial re- sults. I strongly urge every weak woman to try this grand health - building medicine." If yon will .send. your name and address to The Dr. Williams' Medicine Coe Brockville, Ont., a little hook, "Building Up the Blood," will be mailed you postpaid. You can eat these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at hoe a box from Tie Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Railways and Airways 'Edinburgh Weekly Scotsman (Cons) : Railway companies have given many definite indications of late of a revival of•enterprise which promises to make Itself felt by all classes of the conh- munity.. . . The latest development of enterprise reaches the air. The railway' companies are promoting Air Transport Bills which will give them wide powers, and any lack of muni- cipal enterprise in this respect may be taken advantage of by the railway promoters whose aim is obviously to control all the available means of' transport. Their powers will evident- ly be confined to the bounds of the United Kingdom, but the development of overseas routes seemso b a nat- uralt e sequence if other agencies remain inactive. England to France London Daily Express (Ind. Cons.): The obstacle (to the Channel Tunnel) hitherto has come from military and naval mandarins of the type that will never believe Britain to be safe until we have annexed Saturn and fortified 1t against .au' attack from Mars. The Channel Tunnel has nothing to do with any problem of defence. It must be considered and judged purely as a commercial undertaking. As such, the verdict has already gone in its favor and should now be put into force. I The finest tea you can buy—Rea Rose Ora zge tPb its„ bd,,gym pacage guaranteed, afrom kflavor Ailed av leaves --three 4aYs . es RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good'. •.+ A Plea for the Child Classified Advertisements The Superintendent of Chil- dren's Aid Suggests Trade For Idle , Hands in a report to the Legislature over twenty years ago Mr. J. J. Kelso made the following prediction: "Tihetime willcome when the State will insist that every child on reaching a ser- Iain age shall be apprenticed to some useful avocation so that he may be- come a happy, because a contributing member of society. Among the most hurtful influences against which grow- ing boys and girls have to contend, ad companionship. aro idleness and b These two evils invariably go together and are every day leading boys into criminal acts and thus into a settled criminal career. Many parents, sloth ful and ,improvident themselves, make no effort to provide useful occupa- tion far their children and encourage them in laziness and self-indulgence. There being no compulsion to learn a trade the children, when they earn money at all, do so by chance methods, with the result that in later years they are of very little use in the industrial world." ri Life's Little Mysteries Sydney Dark in The London Morn- ing Post (Cons,) : Why are the Ger mag -Swiss the best barbers in the world? Why are the French the hest cooks? Why is the Russian Ballet Russian, and not Swedish or Spanish? These things puzzle lie, and, incideutaily, they add to the interest of lite. The scientist can explain. much. He would reduce all mysteries to a formula, but, though he may be able to trace the ascent of man and to draw in detail a genealogical tree that starts with a jelly -fish and finishes with a poet, the nature of man eludes him. Humanity remains freakish. As a natter of fact, humanity revolts against being explained away. Minard's Liniment prevents Flu. The "Question' Mark" brought many an exclamation over the period of its dash on a record-breaking flight. The one point on which Bolivia and Paraguay are agreed is that it would be a defensive war. Those Languid Eyes They 'quickly reflect your health and physical condition—restless eyes indicate the temperament of the stomach. Watch the eye's . see that the whites are clear babealt h bluish tinge. The minute a yel- low el low tinge appears it betrays con- stipation, sluggish liver or bil- iousness, you need a laxative. Bring back your 1 Vigour, Vim, Vitality with Beecham's Pills—the sure Way to constant. joyous, bounding health. Try a regular daily CCU! BS for a shoes A Ve egtable period. Youreyeawill g tell the story. Produce) Read about Character from the Eyes in ftdure Beecham A veriisemenss. Sates Agents* Harold- P. Ritchie & Co., e Limited, Toronto 8220 When Food Sours i rd:7'n 4.5'd4Niti About two hours after eating many. People suffer from sour stomachs. They call it indigestion. It means that the stomach nerves have been over -stimulated. There is excess acid. The way to correct it is with an alkali, which neutralizes many times its volume in acid. The right way is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia -just a tasteless dose in water. It is pleasant, efficient and harmless. It has remained the stand- ard with physicians in the 60 years Mime its invention. It is the quick method. Results come almost instantly. It is the approved method, You will never use another when you know. Be sure to get the gennine Phillips'' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by pyhsi• clans for 60 years in correcting excess acids. Each -.itle contains full direc- tions—any drugstore. • 1;51 WOOL BnARING ENCGLISH • Angora and Chinchilla -Rabbits,' peolgreed. 'Write for prices and''informa tion. Solomon's ear Farm, Alliston, Ontario. Standing in one's own light often foreshadows failure to accomplish the task at hand. ATENTS List or "Wanted Inventions" and Full Information Sent hies on Request, THE SAM&AY CO..' Dept, W. 873 Sank St.; Ottawa, Ont. �� u 8 8Y' HOR 0 R CD A C W� �l'S T R LIVn AY LA - csl5xs (Y1� V OUR Imam me e,ed (or Wen eta noALeghorn, r..,ueden,WWp'a white Bock )40 R d,, n Mak Minimae, adR O,pdnr n,, Whim wy.odaae , lip d 1, lep511, d.B ,yeur.m„d,) W e, ,od.y (m FRSE Oa1C0 50011 $CRWESIS3'$ PATCRERY .YuVJ 8ufla39.iP,Y. Has, H75, BBIDGEBIIRG, ONT„ C11•17. For Tender ,4Dciliea Citic nra Shaving Stick Freely Lathering' Medicinal & Failoiiient AneasarttSip-Iristantildiel There is an eaeetive way to pleas- antly relieve that distressing Cough. Buckley's Mixture is delightful and "friendly". Yet 1t nets likea finish in clearing the throat and chest. One dose stops coughing—and there are 40 doses in a 75 -cent' bottle! All druggists' sell it under a money -back guarantee, W. 0. Buckley. Limited. - 142 Mutual St., Toronto 2 nes UCL_' M 1 X'1I'uIYE Acts like a flask— a.tingle sip emacs 1!..,/, 75c and 40c Free Book About Cancer The Indianapolis o'aners. lit si l.al. In- dianapolis. Indiana. has puettshe,' a booklet which gin es in ter Lsin,g Iaeta about the cause of Can. el t !no tells what to do for pain, 1,1..eng. ,„or. etc. A valuable guide In the u, mega meat of any ease, Write 101' it tO u,y• nt1t bon— ing this turner. of FNESS d E.6 n �E� PI-!CP'¢I.25 pontis- ,gitAu s 'Isms Ilimaw seouTDIAfefil CN REQUEST. Aa. 1.EONAno. INC. 70 -SLAVE. NEW YON{ For Influenza The Liniment that Reli-vas All Ailments. ereeereeeetme FARMER'S dFE GETS STRENGTH By Taking Lydia E. Pink_0 ham's Vegetable • Compound Wilton, Ont.—"1 am taking Lydi 1 D. Pinkham'e 'Vegetable Compoun ,-` throughtheCChang@@ of Life. It helps m ' -d and I cannot prais .. v it too highly.I w +7 troubled with, Ilea 1` - flashes and my; limbs were heavy so T could hardly; walk to do my' . farm work. 3 saw: "4 in the newspapers 'r your ad about the vegetable Com- te pound and thought '1 to give it a trial. The first bottle gave ;x.. me relief and I have told others what .1 it does for me. I and willing for you to: v use my letter' if you choose."—MiW., ': D. B. PETERS, Wilton, Ontario. ) Ask Your Neighbor ISSUE No, Es,_.• �'°