HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-02-14, Page 5s. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1929" `. SEAFORTI NEWS CHAIN RED ATE STORES THE PRICES THAT SET 'TBE PACE LUX, 3 packages for „.,,,25c ��' t SHAVING CREAM, Palm Olive, per tube HEINZLNZ CREAM OFTOMATO SOUP,'3 Tuts29c ,. ,•,320 LENTEN SPECIALS WHITE BEANS, hand picked, 3'1be ,. ,: 29c LIMA BIEANIS, California, 2 lbs. .. , 29c HEINZ BAKED BEAiNS, without meat, tin , '.. .. .. 18e Fresh Frozen Salmo,whole fish, 15c lbn Fresh !Halibut, whole'lish„ 18c lb.; Fresh or nickled iHerrings, dloz,, 40c; k.dletts of Hasidic, Ib, 2201 Canned Pilchards, 1$o; 'Lobsters, 25c; Clams, 25c; Crabs, 40c; Shrimps, 25c; Fat'Herring, 24'c' Kipper Snacks, 4 tin's, 25e; ISlalydlnes, 4 tins, 25c; 'Chi'cken had'die,;23e, etc,..' What you don't see, ask for it —SEVEN DELIVERIES EVERY DAY Phone 77 art ew St W• , Ross J. Sproat Rhone 8 ltt>as'iher that, t ” ��� ua�it a Price'' eREIA We pay the highest prices for good cream. Our services to ourP atrons are the best that can be given. Do not send your- cream to other Creameries; we want it here. - To operate a Creamery weneed your co-operation. In In return for you co-operation we willgive you of our P best, in service and prices. We are agent for the Mellotte Cre m Separators. in .and see the new Models. 1? Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth,.• C. A. BARBER,Prop. p Come Ont. W J. Walker to Son UNDERTAKING and EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of iGo- - vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished.. Night or day phone 67. Di H. McInnes Chiropractor Of"Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated. Eleotricity used. Just Try It When you feel tired and drowsy, slip around the corner and get a massage at SID'S S0 ? You may come in with a grouch but will go out with a smile. Phone' 125. 046, Pianos Tuned ,Cleaned and Repaired Chas. A. Howey . Residence—James .St. :\ Foe to Asthma,.Give Asthma half it chance ao l it gains ground rap idly, But give it repeated treatment. • of Dr, J. D, Ktllog's'Asthma Remedy and it' will fall: back cten faster, There is no half -way measure about this remedy., It goes' right to work 'and' drives ast'lima out It reaches the inmost breathing passages and leaves i no place for the trouble 10 1t11'le, Have it byyou ready for use, Investor's Opportunity Municipal Bankers Corporation Montreal Debenture Corporation Canadian. Terminal System 6 per cent. Dollar for Dollar Gold Bonds $500 and '$1000 Interest Coupons payable half -year- ly without charge at either the 'C'an- adieu Bank of Comlherce or Domin- ion 'Sank. Price: 100 and accrued interest There has never been one dollar lost since Confederation on bonds se- cured as are these Dollar for Dollar Bonds. A D. SUTHERLAND GENERAL GENERAL INSURANCE AGEN(•Y Real Estate, Conveyancing, Bond. and Investments Phone 152 Removed to New Office, opposite Daly Ford Garage Seaforth, Ontario. LONDESB'ORO. •Miss Jennie Cowan of Blyth spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Townsend of (rhe village. Miss Belle Nott s'pen't the week end with ,Miss Dorothy Vod'den, 'Alias Irene Longman is visiting her 'friend. Miss Bessie Crawford for a few days. Mr, George Wenzel of Hespeler is visiting relatives here.. Mr. Charlie Lee lost one of his tear] last week. Mrs. T. Nott returned to her home in the village ; lest Thursday .after a two month visit with her daughter,. Mrs: Smith of Summerhill. :Miss 'Helen Yonngblut spent the week end with Miss' Gladys Moon- tain, Mr.,ante' Fairservice hadsuc- cessful a s cessful drawing bre drawing brick last week, Miss Evelyn Gibbings is visiting' her cousin :Miss Dora Vodden this week Misses Phallic Little and Rachel :Woodman spent last ''Friday in Clin Mr,.Tom Oliver of Clinton spent the week end in the village, (Don't forget •the •chicken pie supper in community hall on Feb. 22nd, A splendid play will be put on by the young people of vicinity. • ' \'Cuch sympathy is extended to Mr. ,Richard Gro vier in the sudden death of his wifewhich oocuriied last, week, Mrs. Gorier will be Much missed by friends and neighbors and especially in church work where she was an ac- tive worker. The funeral was largely attended on 'Sattnday last to Bali's cemetery. The pallbearers were her three brother's and three brothers-in- law. Friends from a distance: =Mr. and Mrs, Fred Toungblet and Mrs, Cook of Cowanstow•n and Mr. 'Cleo. ,Wenzel of T3e'spele'r; Mr, 'and Mrs, Charlie :Gooier of Port Colborne, Mr, tGeo. Wcstbi'ooke and Mrs. West- brnoke of Goderich, Mr. George Heti- ry Youngiilud 'of 'Godecicli. Mr. and Mrs, Lou Crovier of Goderich. Mr. and :Mrs, Harold Adams spent 1lfoncla) with Goderich friends. 'The ease with which corns and worts, can be removed' by Holloway's Corn Remover is i�ta strongest re- comtiiendatioe • It seldom halls. OWN TOPICS Mt aiid'ftlts Harry 1'oles, of Cal"- berry, al*- tett Man, tre visiting their nephew, hew , Dr, 1?, Harburn ctrl. Mrs• Harburn, "F wno matt giving ^ their names as John Courtney of Perth, Ont., and Jwmes'L. 'McCartney, Of Toronto. were arrested by Constable .Fee- on Monday afternoon as vagrants. They .were kept it the cells till Tuesday 3 norutr when khhey were allowed to go after questioning, The men had been crewtin'g a diisttu•bance. 'Mr, Sam, Caruooh'an, of 4 gcknow, is visiting his mother, Mrs S. Carn- ochan, 'W.. William Street. ' Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Dennison in- tend 'moving at the end of the month to the 'farm o11 the 12th conecssion, MiICill'o'p, which they purchased re - °entity from Mr, Garnett Barron, They will probra'bly retrain there a year or two t'o' assist their son, . Mr,, John Denn'ieon, _ IMr, and Mrs. F. W. Darroch have rented Ate residence ' on Goderich Street, sof Mr, Louis +Eberhart, now of Stratford: Mrs.. flack McIgtosh .entertained at a 'tea .and social evening, ori Friday, when about 20 guests were present. Many friends were pleasedto see Mr; Joseph Gibson able to be 'out For the first time last week, since his re- cent illness. !Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Hersey , McGavin; of Tuckersnti'Nh, on the -65th anniversary Of their marriage on ,Friday last, the 8th inst. The Rev, A. C. McCullum, a mis- sionary from the Yukon who has worked a 1g the Indiana and Es- kimos skimas of the Far north, will be at St. Thomas' Church on Wed. evening, the 20tlt•at 8 o'clock—it is hoped that 'people from all the churches will Come and hear 'hits—cveryhorly wel- come. Miss Evelyn Wilson, Brucefield, was a week -end guest with her grand - Mother Mrs..,Rober't McKay. Mr. W. •P:atrick, Shakespeare. spent the week-endwith,, his parents, Mr, and Mrs, M. Patrick, 'Mr. • Edwin Chesney is a Toronto visitor this week. Mr, Leslie ItIc'I{ay, Guelph, spent several days with.' his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R,obent McKay. Mrs. Lonne Dale was a week -end visitor in Blyth at the home -of her father, W. James Sims. ' Mr, Waiter and Mr. Blewett, of Orono, are visiting their cousin, Mrs. C. A. Adams. Miss Dor tlhy Kerslake and Mr. Donald Kerslake returned this week to Toronto.. Mrs Gordon Hays and Mrs. John IendIwrck, Detoit, are spending g their h'ol'iad'y s alt the homes of -Mr. C. Eckert and Mr. R. S. Hays. ..1VIARRIAGES, SMT11HaCiRIIOH. — In Toronto, on !Sept. 3, 1928, by the Rev. Mr. Po•weli, Frances .E., daughter of .Mr. and 'Mrs, W. A 'Crich, of Seaforth;, to Mr. Etarl E. 'Smith. son of Mr, and Mrs. John A. Smith, 120 Wi bona Dr., Toronto, formerly of Sea'forth. CLASS ENTERTAINED. 1On Monday afternoon, Mrs. 'bV'fl- lianas and Mrs. Wilbert, Webster en- tertained their primary class -of North Side !Sunday School at .the home of -Mrs. Webster, where all spent a very enjoyable time. SISTER DIES. Reeve Roland Kennedy of Tucker - smith and the Misses Kennedy of :Seaforth, received word on Monday of the death' of their sister,' Mrs. John McKinnon, that morning in her home .near rWingham in Ttu•nberry town - ,ship. This -is the second death -in the Kennedy family since September, ashen their .brother, Alexander, died slffddenly in Seafortlie Mrs McKin- non was formerly 3 i Mary Ken- nedy and was born _`tyears ago in Tuckersmit:h. Her husband predec- eased her ,twentys ve • years. Two sons and six daughters survive Alex., John and Annie at home, Mrs. Robt. S Iroleand Mrs Geo. Skinn Turn - berry; urnherr) Mrs. John Lamb, Toronto; Mrs. T. Kilgain, 51. Mats; and Mrs. J. Connor of Ashfield; also four step children At,ges and Hugh, Turn bet's•) i Mrs. J. Cromc, Plain Lake. Sask., and Mrs. P. Austin, Ashfield. Two brothers, John, 'Regina, And Ro- land, Tuckersnnth, and three sisters, M.lerses,Annic and Margaret, Seaforth. and lire, J. Reynolds, Stratford, are the surviving members of the Ken- nedy family. Mrs, McKinuon's death was not unexpected as she had been in 'failing health for some time. (Reeve Kennedy and the :rises Kennedy left Tuesday •to attend the funeral which was hdd from hes late residence. Interment was made in 'Win ghare 'Roman Caelm llc .Cemetery, • DUBLIN. • Owing to the illness of 'Rev. Mr, Cap'pei• there was no service in St, Mary's Anglican Church on Sunday. We hope to hear of, his speedy a 1re- s T1 rin Ladies' and Gentlemen's TAILORS Give us a call CHILL TAILORING•CO. 108 Downie St. STRA'I'FORD col cry, • l'1r. 'at�il lI s; .laa^crit r$uiith were in Iondon cot' Monday' on business, ,lir. ':\Tech tel. ,Darling, .of 'the Batik of Commtree5 of Stevensville, •is half - d ty tttg.alt..his home in the village. Mr, E Bs Tyers is ,ere'otieg a new garage, ' Miss Maggie Bruxer has' returned to London after a' pleasant visit with her friend, Mrs• Jiarnes Redmond, Mfs. B Mulltgatt entertained a t her ,friends Friday i urmberof,ftn so�ttighk to a progressive euchre. Mrs, George iHoiland was the .lucky sviaaer of first prize and .;the getotiemtus's .prize was won•by Mr. James Redmond. Mi'..Jo'hn Flynn intends moving his butcher building to the farm which he pudcdhased from Mr, Frank MS - Cob n'etl. Mrs, T.Mol'neaux en'tetitained a nninber of her, friends 00 Friday' night to a progressive !euchre. All enjoyed :a good times and a dainty lunch was served 'by the hostess, Mrs. Gar, Sm,iitit was a Stratford visitor oil Monday. (Messrs: Ed, and P lex, iLitt of Strat- ford, were guests of Dublin friends .on turd;ay, , MEETLN'G OF W. M. S. EXECUTIVE. A meeting of. the W. M. S. Exec- tive of Huron Presbyterial was held in Ontario Street United Church, Clinton on Tuesday, February 5th, with Mrs. J. E, Hogg,' presiding, The meeting was opened with, prayer by Mrs. Lane, after which Mrs, Greer the' Secretary a read the minutes of the previous meeting. The members with few exceptions were present. The past year's wtork was reviewed. The splendid reports given by the secretaries showed how strenuously the individual organizations had worked the departments, that the _plaster's work ' might prosper While it was great satisfaction to learn that the 'budget was almost reached, we feel we must more aird- eutly:`sPut our hands to the plough," and go over the top this year. It was decided that the W. M. S. of Huron Presbyterial hold bheir Annual Conference in James St. United Church, Exeter, April 30th, 1929. EGMIONDVILLE. The regular -meeting of Egmond- ville Y. P. Si C. E. was'held Monday evening, -with Kenneth•, Jackson in 'charge. The meeting opened with "Now the Day is over," -and "(Stand 'uP, stand up for Jesus." ." TheScrip- ture Scr' - ture lesson was read by Gordon MdGoni le followed by prayer by Mr. M.dDonald. "0 Love that wit not let me go" was then sung. Miss 'Billie !Chesney 'then gave a piano solo which was heartily encored, The t o tc Eorthe evening, "The Ob - Slade sace Race" was ailbly'taicen by ,:Miss 'Bertha IBeaWty. 'After la :tea; Minutes' intermission, the ,meeting closed Keith -the M•iz,padi (benediction. W. M.S.—'The regular meeting of the W. ,M. S. of Egmondville United Church was held at the home of Mrs. James ,Stewart on Friclay, Feb. 8. Mrs. W. D. MdDonalel presided. Meeting opened with hymn 457, fol- lowed by prayer by Mrs. McDonald. It was decided that Mrs. P. M. Ches- ney and,Mrs. W. F. McMillan would lead in prayer at the Day of Prayer in North Side United Church, Feb. 15th. •Hymon 480 was sung. The devotionla] leaflet, "Our Partnership with Christ," was read by Mrs, W. D. McDonald, on chapters, Matt. 25,• Luke 4, Matt, 11, . Mrs, Sherwood read the second parit of the leaflet. Messenger prayer was given by Mrs, J. ,Brown, The mission study was taken by Mrs. McMillan, Mrs. ide- Donalzl, Mis.s Charters and Mrs. 'Gov- eniacic. Hymn 582 was then sting. -Mrs. James Allen closed the .meeting with prayer] At the close ,ofthe , meet- ing lunch Was served by the Hostess, Mrs, Stewart. 'Owing to the flu prevalence last month the regular meeting was can- celled. Instead a •brief meeting was held at the Manse, with the President in- the char, Miss McTavish led in -the opening prayer. Mrs. Robert Mc `.Kenzie read the devotional leaflet. Th•e topic took the !form 0 0 p f aq ues- ti.onnaire read by Mrs. McDonald and ansiwe'red from the annual report by Mrs. Tames Allen, Miss -Thom and Mrs. McMillan.. Lunch was served. TUCKERSMI'TH. Farms $old,—.lir. Aiken of Clinton has purchased the farm known as the Tdenry farm from lolr. William Hen- ry of Kindersley, Sask. Mr. Aiken will continue keeping his harness shop in Clinton but will reside on the farm which is on the Intron road just outside of the town east. 1Ir. George Layton has sold his farm on the Lon- don Road to his brother +\Walter . of the 2nd concession. Mr, Layton is residing in London at present, Mrs, Robert Gemmell.—Mr. J, D. Gemmell and Mr: and Mrs, Sid. Gem- nteli left Wednesday to attend the fnneral..,of Mrs, Robert Gemmell at Thaniesville on Thursday, February 1-tth et 2 p.m. lir, 13ob Gemmell is the son of illi. and Are. J. D. Gem- mell ,and was" c imiassed i'it a Seaforth garage until 3 years :ago, at the _time of lir, .marriage. The London Free Press refects to her death as follows: 11e Feb.—E Thames.v i i. %i Bolt, W. wife of Robert 1\. Ccmmell, promi- tient young garage owner of this vil- lage, died ta't Toronto General iTospi- tal Moiulay morning following an op- eration after an illness of over, a year's d'ura'tion, Mrs. Gemmell was in her 24th year and came to the village front the vicinity of Brussels, where she was boon, about three years ago. She leas a daughter of 11r, and Mrs. .Howard Bolt, of Tliamesvillc, aril be- sides her husband and parents is sur- vived by a little son Douglas, two years of age; two sisters, Mors, Resn- ick. temick: England; Mfrs, Davidson, Miami, 'Florida, and three brothers. Nelson. Herbert and Mervin, of Thnnirsi•ilIe. Interment, was in Thanresville ceme- tery." • Mrs, Hazeltine, of Grand Rapids, Mich;, 'a niece of M'fr. and lire. J. 1). Gemmel!, atrcl who n well known lit rluelcersmith, attended the funeral. McKILLOP. '3`o Hold'Reunton4,•;At a small' but enthusiastic meeting of former stn - dents, and residents of School -Sec- tion No 2 IteKillop, held in the town hall on Saturday, Feb. 9th, 1929, the celebration, of a' big reunion of the former pupils of this school was launched. This event is .to take place 'July 4th, 1929', upon the grounds of the Seaforth IOolf Club, which have been kindly loaned for the occasion, The varios !eounittees heedful for such occasions have been appoleted with Janes (lays as president and A. A,tit' a C t th as secretary -treasurer, 'Will all :those having' relatives and hdends living at a distance who were teacheers and students of the school please furnish the secretary •with their names and addresses in order ebat their invitation may be forwarded 'in Sufficient time for 'them' to make their anrtn'geuients to attend, We are sure that every one of the past and present tesiden•ts of the section and the inn nnediate vicinity will gladly join in snaking this a pleasant .and happy foregathering of the ex -pupils and tea- chers of the school. KIPPEN. Mr. William Anderson, who has been confined to his .room for the past month, is now on' the job again draw- ing the mail. Mr, Jas, ,Dayman and Mrs Smith were happily united in marriage at Clinton on Tuesday last and are re- ceiving congratulations 'front their many friends, Mr. W L. Mellis spentent the week- end with friends en Wroxeter and en- joyed his outing very much. Mr. R. T. Dayntan has returned home after spending the past three weeks in Toronto visiting friends. Mr, William MdGregor has treated himself to a fine new radio which he enjoys very much, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chesney en tertainecl a few of their intimate friends to a fine fowl supper one night recently. ' Our lout sports are kept busy hunting jack na'bbies .and attending the many d'an'ces, Congregational Meetings—The , an- nual congregational meetings of St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, and Hillsgreen United Church were held on Thursday, February 7th, with a, very 'representatives attendance of members and adherents of the con- gregations, Very encouraging re- ports from all organiz'atious of the chtuch were received. The W.M,S. raised $51.7, The congregations sue- ce ded m reaching their ntssr onar Y objective of $1,-200, :.The amount raised for all purposes totalled $5,357.00 Avote, of thanks was tend- ered to the choir at .Kippen for .their excellent ser fces under the, leader- ship of Mrs. J. B l dLean apd to the choir at Hillsgreen under the leader- ship of M. W. Caine. Recomtiien- datioris weie brought in and adopted, looking to 'the. future welfare of -the -churches. The Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's Church, Kippen, sire having a concert on Tuesday, February 19, 1929, at 8,15 p.m.. presented by Mr. 'Ralph Gordon, reader,' singer and cartoon- ist of Toronto. Mr. Gordon conies highly recommended, Every num- ber he presents has.a moral. He will be well worth' hearing. The YTS. held their meeting on Friday night. Mr. William Thomson presided. Mr. `William Alexander gave an interesting account of the Life of Edison. The chapter from the missionary book, "Up to the Light," tvitii China, was most interesting: VARNA. ' The WM.'S, of Varna United Church (net on Thursday, Fe'hrtiary 7th at the home of Mrs. rStelck. The meeting opened with devotional ex- ercises, with the . president in the chair, The minutes were read and the moll called. Eighteen members responded. The 'business part of .the meeting followed. Before the close' of the meeting'Mrs. Penrose and,Mrs. Sparrow wtre called upon, :Mrs: Will Stephenson gave a short address of appreciation of bheir faithful work At the close, Mrs. Steick and Miss Sertha (Deihl presented them with life mem- bership certificates. Although taken 'by surprise, both ladies' re'pliecl. The meeting closed by singing and the benediction, after which the hostess served a delightful lunch and a social half hour was spent. STANLEY. Miss Mary Johnston and her 1s -ra- ther, Gordon, 'of the town line,, spent Wednesday afternoon and evening vi- siting at the homes of Mcser:. J. A. and Will Carnie, -1•fr. and Mrs. Pete Gingerich and .lir, and Mrs. Meuno Steckle and daughter Elizabeth pent last \\'ed• nesday with Mr, and Sirs. William Sparks of the Bronson. line. and Mrs William Cattne visit- ed role formers sisterlirs .J. M, Tough of Bayfield last Thursday, lir. and Mrs, J. A. Cartrc liner„i friends in 13—lake on Tlutrsday after - items. On Saturday afternoon fast the lo- ess! sportsmen of the -Bronson and Sauble lines and of Bsyfield engaged in a' ver)' successful jacl'rabbit hunt --sone of the participants haggiegas. high as four rabbits • Miss 'Gladys Douglas of Blalce is at present visiting at T-Teasall. Mr, epd :Mrs, Edgar Schnell. from Regina, Sash,, tmi loll e lintmi lole- Bricle, Goshen lin r. spurt Sunday at the homes of .lir. and Mrs, Charles Stephenson and lir. and Mrs. John Love. The Oil ,ior .lite Farmer.—.S bottle of Dr. Thomas' Eclectr•ic Oil in the farm house will sive many a journey for the cloctltr. 'd4 is not only gond for the children when taken with colds and croup, and for the mature tvho soffer from pains and aches hot there are directions for its use ou sick cattle, There shouicl always be a bottle of it in the hoose. Bl UOEFI,k'3'LD,' Mr. Aiex. Chesney, of Tuckersnsitlt, has been visiting liis•atutt,'Mrs. James t .•. Tho nps+st1, of taranlcy, 'Mrs, Joiitt Graham spent a few days last week with her sister, Ross, of Seafoods. Meant! Mrs, T. 13. Sarni en'tertain- e'd the Euchre Club ,of •the Second of Stanley last' 1Jlturs',day evening,.' Pro - gre slue euchre was playeduntil 11.30 when lunch was se'ved rte • • i d t which dancing was enjoyed .by all until the wee snide' hours of the morning +A well attended Farther and Son. banquet was held in the school -room of Brticelield United Church' on the evening o'f Friday l'as't, Covers were laid 'for 75 and the splendid supper .provided by the "Mothers” was a groat credit totheir ability as enter- tainers. Rev, t .W, A. [Bremner acted as Toastmaster calling for the follow- ing toast list: Toast to the Boys, pro- posed by Jarvis IHohton and respond- ed to by Bill Scott. To the Fathers, proposed by Geo, ICnilghts and res- ponded to by Thos. iChapmau. To the Church, proposed 'by R. P. Watson and responded to 'by Rev. \W, A, :Bremner. Toast to title ladies, propos- ed by J. •13: Mustard and responded 'to by Mrs. Bremner. Toast to the King, proposed by Chas, Holsetad and responded to by singing the Na- tional .Anthem. The chi'e'f addresses were given by Mr. Lane of 'Seaforth and 'Mr. McDonald of Egmondville and Alex. Addison, 'member of the ;Boys' !Parliament, All present pro- nounced it the best banquet yet. Y,P.S,—The regular meeting of the Y.P.S.1S leUnited ,was he d m i`Church t on Ronda evening,Feb, llth. r , Jesse Freeman presided. The open- ing hymn w•as 209. The Scripture reading was taken by Mr, Jesse Freeman, After singing hymn 68, :h•. Wallace Haugh led in prayer. The topic, -A Great People in a Great Land, was very well taken by our missionary convener. Mr. George Knight moved that we hold an intel- ligence test next meeting using the examination questions in the North- ern Messenger. Arrangements - were made for taking a concert to the House_ df, Refuge in the fear future. Atter a 'ten-minute social} hymn 347 was sung. The meeting was closed by repeating the Miipah 'Benediction, .Annual Meeting.One of the most stecessf l meetings in the history of this important rural charge was held last Wednesday evening, Feb. 6th. The statement of the treasurer showed that, froill the 'financial standpoint, the congregation had done remarkab- ly well during the year 1928. All cur- rent expenses were met, besides pay- ingffi s'1 -o tst t - 0' h 1 which s F ..a 1d. $900w n^a s.l ,11 ing on the church shed, thus leaving the church hproperty centirel Free from Y debt: The allocation of $1,400 for the Missionary and Maintenance Fund was full met and addition, 615 Y ind a $ was raised b' the tlW.M S the Mar -1 -ion Oliver Circlen b i i' a d the I ss on Band,bringingng the total g( vii s of the ongregation for the year tip to the sum of $6;205:' Among other things the congregation decided tto wire the manse for Hydro, which is now available; place more insurance on the church property and ask the ladies to meet and consider the ad - PA' The Barbara ° a � �_� x �a e A .u�x rlis r Y of First Fresbyterian Church Fare holding a Vaionhino SociaI FriFeb.h I th __.• at 8 pan. This our •uvi a ' u tobe Tltsisy� a tuo Everyone welcome. Silver collection. visability of the forming of a' Ladies' Association. The new managers el- ected were Messrs. J. B. Mustard, Al- ton Johnston and Jlanies Thompson. Mr, J. A. McEwen was elected a trus- tee. A unanimous vote of appre.9ia- tiotl was tendered to the minister, Rev, W. A, .Bremner, and his wife for their efIo'nts in the interests of the c'ongrega'tion, The tnon'tlhy meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Society will be held on Friday, Feb. 1'5th at. 1,30. p.m. At the close of the ineetin.g the Interde- nominational Day of Prayer will be observed at 2,45. A cordial invitation is extended to all the women of the community, Mr. Stan Reid of London was a week guest at his home here. end Hazel Hugurn Miss a c a gh has returned ed home after spending a week with friends in Dahswood, Miss Margaret Aikenhead' of Lott - tion spent the week end at her home e'h re. Mss Doreen Farquhar of. IJondon is visiting at the home of her parents here. - 'Mr. 'Wallace 'Haugh is attending the Ontario Horticultural Convention- in onventionin Toronto this week; Mrs, J. F. Aikenhead has returnegl home afters spending few days with P g a J friends in Detroit. Hockey. --On Thursday evening of last week, the Brucefield Trail Rang- ers defeated the Egmondville boys in • a fast game Of hockey.' The score was3 2. On Saturday afternoon the J h Brucefield Rangersdefeated the Kip- pen Trail . Rangers, Score was '9-2. Next Thursday evening; health and weather permitting, the' fellows will play a return game 'with Eginondville a't the Seaforth skating rink, On Sa- 16 r i r a h yet Tall h dE e t ._t r Feb,e., , t t, la at. . Rangers are planning o p o Brucefield in an attempt No overcome our stonewall defence, elastic Forward line, not to mention the tough goal tender. The Boor Man's Friend—'Put up in small bottles that are easily port- able and sold for a very small sum, Dr. Thomas' Ectectri,c 011 posseses pctwer in concentrated. form. Its cheapness and ' the varied uses to which it can be put make it the poor man's 'friend, Na'dealer's stock is, complete without it. A Good Portion of beef served to you for the evening mq1,, r tasted about medium, with the Mood gravy oozing through, gives ti.e rti f undation. It just makes one's 191e4lh 'vater to think of it. Flow pith ik last piece of meat we sent yea? Wasn't it fine.' GEO. CAMERON Your Butcher. Phone 58 Seaforth. BBN=14UR The Sneeldl Milverton Flour We have it --Give it a Trial, Also Grain Screenings C T GRAIN DEALER Chop of All Kinds MSON PHONE 25 YOUR AUTO NEEDS Goodyear! Tires and Tithes .• '$t' '„:'i Battery. Sales and Service. Charging and Repairing all makes of Batteries. _ 1 t , good line of new and used parts of different ruches of cars If your car is in need of repairs, give us a call. Studebaker Sales and Service Ren A e ' G ' �� e PHONE i67LV