HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-02-14, Page 1When,',1 cat:ved your statue on the tree Y'c a said •you weehl always love me; Our heart, still :entwined, • On the twee • there I find, vThe same as yon said they would be; WHOLE SERIES VOL. 51, No, 7 DI,NNI3RS and SUPPERS -Regularly HOT LUNCHE at all hours OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable The O1ymp•ia Co fectio er' n t . , n y and Restaurant Buy Sets of Dishes Now. AND SAVE IVION'EY AT OUR L' Qps THIS MONTH 97 PIECCE SET, choice pattern,. reg. $30,00, for $22 .SQ 97 PIECE''S'ET, white with :'plain gold band, regular' $16.25;. for; $12.39. 97 PIECE SET, choice, pattern, regi - lar $20,00, for ..��ti1a7 rV0 CHI 96 PIECE JAPANESE NA, handPaintted, regular $48.00,nfer 32 00 These are from the best, pottery in Japan . ,and cannot be bought wholesale as low as $40.00, CORN, PEAS OR TOMATOES.- Choice quality. 2 cans 25c (These were quoted- last week • in error, 3.for 25c) • BROKEN. FANCY BISCUITS. — Special . , , 2 lbs, 15c P Z FRESH FRO ZEN SALMON TROUT.—Pink; whole fish, Ib. 15c Red, whole fish, lb. 17c FRESH FROZEN HERRINGS. - 40c doz. TOILET PAPER. "Verything Brand ...................7 for 25c CLASSIC CLEANER. -10c or a 3 for 25c' •Pronounced by one customer, "Best I ever used." EXTRACTS.— 10c or 3 for 2$c RICE, -4 lbs, for 25c, Blue Rose 3 for 25c HEAVY EMERY DAY CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS, regular' $2125 per :doz. fpr.....$1.69 per doz. Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, Feath- ers, Etc., taken in exchange for groceries. F.HUTCH.I D. S O N 'Phone Phor Phood 166. Want and For'Sale ads, CHURCH CARD.`'• North Church.—Pastor Si a United d Rev, W,P Lane, B.A. Sunday, I Feb. 17th,= -1'1 'axe—Pub- lic Worship.- Subject,. Misplaced Concern, , 2.30 p.ni,—S.S. and Bible Classes. 7 p,m.-=-Public 'Worship: Subject, "A Night in High Life," 2nd in 'series of messages from the Rook -of Dan- iel:. HEARTS " OF GOLD. — AND SILVER One nine-year-old. Seaforth school •boy believes his heart runs away ,with his pocket book. After spend - Mg ,five cents on material for making valentines, he volunteered: "T- tell'yon what, a fellow has to lay out a lot of Money for this here Valentine busi- ness—it's lots of fun anyway, though," • Y. P. S. Miss Annie 'Gbvenlotk, convener of the Missionary Department, had charge of the meeting of the Y P '5, in North Side United Churoh. Miss Edith Hoag read the Scripture les- son. A 'very interesting paper was given by Mrs Ross Sa atige from the Study - book, . \�Iissionar v "Drums s in Y Sd the Darkness A splendid vocal duet was given by Mrs. Lane and Miss Iia Johnston, Miss Mary Reid gave an interesting reading On "Friendship," Mr. Larne and Mr. Savauge were captains for a spelling match on pro: per navies ,from Mrs. Sarauge's paper. Mr.. Lane's side won,.• The meetings for the next two weeks are withdrawn_ on account of the play, "The Will 0'. the Wisp," to be pre- sented by the Y.P. on.March lst. ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Seaforth branch of Red Cross was held on February 1st at 3.30 pan. at the home of the president. No appeal hes been made to the public for funds for some time, but the Society wonld be pleas- ed to receive donations at any time. There were some local calls which were met and through a donation frons a kind friend the Society 'will be able to carry on for another year. The membership, fee is $1.00 a year. The following officers were elected: Mrs, H. J, Gibson, President; Mrs. (Dr,) Burrows, Secretary; Mrs. L. T. lDelLacey,-assistant secretary; Mrs, A. D. Sutherland,Treasurer. HOCKEY The second game of hockey' between the girls' teams, the Pats and the Bruins, was played in the rink Satur- day afternoon .and was a humdinger.' Early in the,ganre''the Bruins slipped one past Goalie Hudson, and there- after the Pats 'worked like niggers to get it hack, hint the Bruins new goalie Pat Hart, who is a regular Ray War - Mrs, shopped everything. -They are all the same to Pat; high for low, fast or slow, Sn the game ended 1 to 0 forthe Bruins. Dorrance, Habkirk and Reeves were outsanding. As each have won one game, a third will be times 56c held oni Saturday if the rink is avail- 3able. The est Shoes- for hoesfor Men, Women and Children at Lowest Prices F. W166 BOOTS' AND SLOES. SEAFORTH SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FBRU4 RY 14, 1929 DARR:OCH-WILLARp. I SEAFORTH I.OSE,.Z`'' CUSTOMS. t klITCHPLL'S GRAND OLD Tine lnat [page took place, in St. Customs Offieer E, D. Reid ;receive -Marys on Saturday of Janet Florence ell word stem the Departmeut on, Willard, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Wednesday of this -week that the lo - 1 rank Willard, St. \larys, to ?rank cal Customs Office' will be diseontin- t\ of k n Darr,Seaforth, f ver o act oson f ued after March 1st We understgnd of Me. and Mrs. re F, 'Darroch of that Clinton and Mitchell offices,. will l'anoltd; The ceremony wAs Per- also be closed. It will be a severe formed by Rev, T. J, Roberson' blow to the towns to lose their•"Cus- PEPPER-HAY, toms offices which have been a great On 'Saturady, Feb. 9th at the home convenience to 'the public, Whether Gov - of the bride's father, James Hay, on err ti°ntisto iclosofr theelesrotns office the 8th 'concession of Tuckers'mith, Miss Helen Hay, eldestdaughter of here is final, remains to be seen, as the 1, tSeafonth Town Council' ie petitioning, Mr, and Mrs, 'James Flay, was punted 'through the local F:ederal.enen bey to in marrige to Mr. Lorne Pepper, of retain the office. the and, concession of Stanley: Promptly at 11 o'clock the young $700 Th 7Ohe a changew sentn meathouitat $of0thr couple took their places- beneath a- community'to"the clearing broker at beautifully decorated arch, to the the border or in some city, being $1 strains of the wedding march, play- sister of the bride. The ceremony for each ren tion. ed by Miss Margaret Hay, younger \fr. Reid received ani'offer of a Po - was conducted by 'Rev, W. D, 12dDonald, the bride's minisiter, The beide, who wasbeautifully' aliened in intik georgette with silver beading and satin trimming and car- 18 SUPERINTENDENT. red a beautiful t ut bouquet uq tot of Bradeliffe \-Ir. Ben Johnson, mentioned in the roses, entered on the arm of her following despatfch in [Monday's Mail father and was unattended, Only the and Ehapir6, is a former resident of Seaforth, Mr. ,and Mrs. Johnson' left here last July to take .charge of 'the ?National Children's T.-Ilome in Hamil- ton. "Hamilton, Feb 11, -Beit Jahnson, superintendent of the :National", Chil- dren's home, today ridiculed the sug- gestion of the ill-treatment advanced in explanation, of tlleeinurderoue at- tack of Afthur Gr irties upon Mrs; Jannas Stuart, Grassie.,, There_..;is a• very Simple answer to, the charge pf ill -;treatment," said Mr. Johnson; '?Our inspector called rtgulardy\at the;,Stuart home and law the boy at brief'ianter- vals. We operate tinder the supervi- sion of the department, df nisimgra tion, Ottawa, and •their , representa- tive also saw the lad. Grimes is na- turally a light, underdevel;opell young man, bet I think that in'Eneand he was 'probably undernourishedn''' as a child. Our experience si)owY that of they are not properly cared ,for,lin in fancy that it, is difficult) tv,; develop, such types in manhood, ,They:. never' recover fret .sueli a hanilieap:' .. Mrs, Stuart, the victim of !murder, was '1?uried at Grimsby oh Wednes- day. Young Grimes is said to ,have confessed tb the' crime,' giving ill-- tt-eatrent a's tile• reason., sition in the rCjs toms office at .Dunn- ville. , immediate relatives of the bride and groom were present. 'Following the eeremiony and the signing of the register all sat clown to a snmp'tuous wedding luncheon, The many, beautiful and costly pres- ents !testiified to the high regard in which the young couple are held. Mr, and Mrs. Pepper left on, the ,afternoon traits; Isom Seaforth, for Niagara Falls where they will take up their residence, the bride travelling in blue ,velvet with tailored coat and hat to match. • LIONS LUNCHEON. The Lions regular 1un4cheon was held at the Commercial hotel, Mon- day evening, Feb, 111h. The meeting was largely of a. business nature as reports from the various activities Were heard, Lion R' \I.• 'Jones, chairman of the Carnival conmittee, gave details of that function and ask- ed for the co-operation of:°Very Lion.' Piano solos were, effectively rendered by Basil Duncen, and Eugene Dun, can delighted the cubs with his violin Bolos.. Lion:Hartry gave an interest- ing address on the manufacture of furniture. Lion I,Vm Dtiincan was chairman of the meeting. RALn i r;'. ni� K6 lP ersonIfor Humorous Entertainer and Cartoonist will present one of his varied and entertaining programmes atr No thsideU tnr edChurch Auspices of two senior S.S. classes Wednesday, Feb. 20 at 8 pan, Come and enjoy the funniest program of the season Adults 35c Collegiate Students 25c Children 15c • Lions Mammoth ICE CARNIVi:L Thurs. Feb. 21st 81in. ESPECIALLY FEATURING— Mr.. and _ Mrs. Uksila CANADA'S WORLD-RENOWNED FANCY AND FIGURE SKATERS See bilis for prize list Character and Comic Costumes Best National Costume , Graceful Skating Speed Skating Special Music by Rink Amplifier, BURLESQUE H041SEY MTTeH ,Stratford Lions vs: Seaforth . Lions At MISSION '50c, CHILDREN 25c (Tax included)• Phone 84 :A`nrj when hives s",1"e6" >k1r�,°' ,ts. here (Mar yeti 11 be. than yen first were to mc,. \Viten 1 crarved ,pen name ,[heti? tea $1 A YEAF:'. LADY CONVALESCING, 1 "Friends of Mrs. Richard Babb, as well as her fine sons and daughters and relatives, 1[^111 be pleased to learn that she is reeevering from her recent illness Mrs, Babb is one of Mit- chell's Grand Old Ladies, who is just approaching her 95th birthday and 'still retains all. her mental faculties. Those who leave had the pleasure of visiting the Babb home in lkfitchelI carry„ in their minds the friendly greeting they always received from this ,'dear old lady and her family, "The Mirror" sincerely hopes that the mother of our ,popular citizen, Mr. N. I Babb, will 'live to see the teat- tory [mark "--Stratford Mirror. 'Mrs. F. D. Hutchison is a daugh- ter of Mrs. Babb, and went to Mit- 'ellen on Saturday to help celebrate .her mother's 95th birthday and Was delighted to find her, after her recent illness, able to receive her many friends, Bitting before a grate fire of sparkling, s utt ying pine cones she had gathered herself the previous Fall and who was very grateful for kind wishes .and gifts that were many and varied from °neighbors, friends anri. relatives, , • ,DOING CREATIVE WORK. 'Saturday's Loudon !Free Press' con- tained the following, coicernieg a former Seaforth boy and 'former or- ganist of First Presbyterian, Church: LL Interesting creative .work is being drone in London at the present time 1by a local, musician, in the consposi- tion by Barry Livens of a number of ntost'ettractive songs •Mr. Livens is particularly interested in the work of Canadian poets, and with a view to perpetuating these and tof bringing them, through music, to 'the attention or a larger public=he has prepared settings, ,to , a number .of poenns , by leading 'Canadian writers, Outstand- ing, ing, perha s, is is sething for Paul- ine Johnson's poem, "Canadian Born.' This stirring patriotic chal- lenge; [Wade a distinct' appeal to Ma. 'layette., Speaking..,of his'- work ' .to • The Free. Press ' yesterday, 'he noted. the splendid and, 'progressive tone of the poem. "It is like a great slogan, boned to 'catch and hold the attention of all 'loyal Canadians with its pride and optirnisin,'t he said, In writing this' work . \'Ir. Livens kept in mind ,l'lie fact that a patriotic song, to be Of national value, must appeal to the :mass of the people, He has endeav- ored to create a melody simple enough .of to be within reach ther f average ° a n singer yet' of intrinsic value, musically and with a heating, throbbing march tinge which will bring it to the atten- tion of 'military organizations. Mr, Livens, who is a member of a local theatre orchestra, has devoted a con- siderable part of his free time to his composing, and has produced 15 songs since last August, His musical 'experience has been varied; he has studied 'n Leipsig and taught in 'Can- ada and the United States and has won the interest of a number of well- known antidcians, Miss Merlyn P000cke. London soprano, is singing an extensive group of Mr. Livens' song, at a "drawing -room recital at her home in 'Ding street tomorrow evening." . HOME AND SCHOOL ASS'N. The Home and School Association have invited Mri. Littleproud, inspec- tor of the Penny Bank; Toronto, to speak at their next meeting, \+tonday evening, February 25th, at 8 p.m. in the public library. Mr- Littleproud is' an outstanding than on this work. His address will be "The Teaching of Thrift as a Factor in Citizenship Training." We expect all, our mem- bers and husbands to conie out and bring their friends. it is a privilege to hear Mr. Littleprond on this stub- iect, and should not fail to interest every man .and woman. Come •everv- baly. There will be solos by Mr; Ed. Bright. and Mr. Fred \Villis- COUNCIL MEETING: - The regular meeting ,,r the town council was held in the council cham- ber at 8.15 pen,, Monday. Feb. 11th. all the members present. Minutes of 'a't me t.ng rend and confirmed,. Beattie-Smith.—That the report of the finance committee be adopted ae read: W. G. Fee salary, 70; Jna: A. Wilson Salary, $75, John Knight. sal- ary $60 A. \V, Dunlop. acct. F.D. and Py., $8,30 Bell Tel, Co,„ $2,45: Wilson Hawkins acct. $46.50; John Rankin Agency, insurance, $10,50; :Municipal World, inv., $8.47; Can. Nat,. Rya, crossing prot., $0,81; Alex, Lamont police, $27; J P Daly. acct„ $1.50: GN:R., rent $15; J. V. Ryan, wages $85,50; Wilson.,Hawkins, acct.. $49; Horace Knight, wages, $9. [Bylaw No, 315 for the year 1929 was given its several readings and finally= passed. This is a bylaw am- ending the local amusement tax. Beattie-Bes,—That this council pe- tition through am Federal, member, the Dominion Government to retain the Customs Office in Seaforth, .Beattie-Smith—Thtat the Legisla- ture of the Province be petitioned to acquire a'site at Baden and' erect thereon a suitable memorial to Sir Adam Beck, Parke-Cardno—That the request of Fire Brigade for ,annual 'grant he ac- cepted 'and paid also the fire chief's salary for 1928 be paid,„ and that all, the assessed members: be,.given the usual rebate on taxes, ' 'Canino-Parke—That a grant of $50' he ,given the Women's Reccee' anri Children's Heine of. the Salvation Ar- my''in Lrndiim ' ' Clearing Sale China Dinner Sets We have just a few sets of this line left and 'to clear them out ;and make room Igor. new lines we are importing, we will clear the remaining sets at the ridiculously low price of $2L25 These sdts are Real China 100 piece Dinner -Sets the popular Bird pattern and Flower Basket 'pattern, and are sold regularly at - t $30.00 per. set Now reduced to $21 25 per set. • FOR 'QUICK CLEARANCE SALE Fred ed S. Ci Suarz JEWELER OPTOMETRIST THE GIFT SHOP Phones 194 SEA:FORTH, ONT. Res, 10 MISSION BAND. The monthly meeting _ y eel g of the Go- forth Mission :Band was' 'held, on Feb. 1'lth. The Mission 'Band opened• by singing, "Lord a little band and lowly." 'The Scripture reading by Mrs. !Stewart. The minutes and roil call of .the last meeting were then read, Gordon 'McKellar told the Bible story and Alister. Wigg the Missionary story, Recitation by Mar- tha Storey. The Mission Band' then sang "Dare to be a Daniel." Mrs. Reid then tolyl the "Mission Band the; lesson There were 24P resent at this meeting. The meeting closed -by repeating the Lord's prayer. The ladies then served refreshment's, ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting or ,.Egnaond- vibe United -Congregation was held ,n Tuesday afternoon. February 2, with the congregation well represent- ed. Devotional exercises were con- ducted by the pastor, Rev. W. D. Mc- Donald, who then asked that the. meeting should appoint a chairman and secretary for the business part of 'the session, Mr, John McNay was appointed chairman and •Mr. Wm.' 'Wallace, secretary, The printed report of the year 1928 had been .distributed and its order was followed in reviewing the year's business. In speaking to the Session report, the pastor tookthe opportun- ity of expre'ssin'g for -himself and fa- mily their deep appreciation of all the kindness and thoughttfulness and loy- alty shown then by the. whole con- gregation, He also pointed out that the congregation was evidently spec- ializing in 'surpluse's" as they were found in every department of the con- gregation's 'a'bttivity. A total of $6,10:6.00 was raised for all purposes,. with; $4,435 fol work within the con- gregation and $1,671 for missions and benevolences. Thefour stewards due to retire in 1929 were re-elected, viz.: 'Robert McKay, Robert McKenzie, David -McLean and John Elgie. The tris- 'toes. viz.: James Love, W. 5, Finni- gan and W. G. Wallace were also re- ' elected. The appointment of i'Ir , J_ C Routledge as S.S. Superintendent was heartily endorsed. Special men- tion was made of thelends work s d P done by 'the Cemetery Comm, anti two new members were added, viz.; Mr. E. Hinchiey ,and Mr. Donald Mc- Donald. The splendidadsan�ce in mission- ary gifts by the Y.P.S. was also high- ly commended and gratification was expressed for the loyalty and efficien- cy of the choir under the capable'::' leadership of Miss Eleanor Snider During the past .two years the choir - have raised $812,00. The . congrega- tion is debt free and is working most 'harmoniously. _and efficiently in all de-. '- pa-utments. CHOIR SOCIAL, On Thursday, February 7th, the • choir of Northside United Churcf;, spent a'most enjoyable evening at the nonce of Dr. and Mrs. Harburn, After a short rehearsal, a most happy hour was spent in games, following white' a delicious lunch was served. Pe. hearty vote of thanks was tendered Dr, and Mrs. Harburn and Miss Eve- lyn, and with a singsong the pleasant evening was brought to a close. FMM 2111AMW�J1 i'ZIliMMEWIE 3'1t 1 SELECTIONS FROM OPERETTAK A 661/1 E, Direction. of Miss Molly Helper THE PLAY "WILL O'THE Direction of Mrs. E. H. Close and tinder the auspices of YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE of Seaforth To be presented in; Cardno's Opera Hatt Friday, "larch 1st ADMISSION 50c RESERVED Mc Extra •Plan at r\her harOs; tifoniiny,' 1eb Z5'Eb,, r , MUSIC BY CLOSE's ORaCHESTRA, IllllkaettlEAMM??J11 rtSM