HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-02-07, Page 5THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1929.
SHELLED WALNUTS, not broken, but whole halves, lb 48c
GOIJDj?N WAX BEANS . , , , , fin 19c. , .3 tins 750
GREEN Gf•4!(rD PLUMS, UMS in heavy syrup, 2 tins 55c
RED PITTED CHERRIES, in heavy syrup , 2 tins 45c
TEA, Special blend, blk., mixed or green,lb. 58c, .3 lbs, $1.60
This is exceptional gnality at the price,
FLOOR WAX, Servos, one pound tin 39c
ERAZOR ,BLADES, ,per pkg of 5 , , .39e; 2' pkgs, 75c
Genuine Blades,, Get your supply now.
RECIKETT'S, BATH CUBIES, very refreshing and fragrant, 2 for 15c
W. M
w� !
J, . .
Ross e7. S
Phone 77
We pay the highest prices for good cream.
Our services to our patrons are the best that. can be given.
cream to ' other Creameries e. we want
Do not send your
it here.
Toro erate a Creamery need your co-operation.'
In return for you co-operation we will -give you of
best in service and, prices.
Ilotte Cream
are agent for the .Me Separators. Come
We g
in and see the new Models, •
Seaforth Creamery er Co. . Seatorth, Ont.
C. A.BARB Prop.
W. �1 Walker
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, hiolder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished,
Night or day phone67.
-� Tunes
D� H� Mc
Of Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and'
Friday Afternoons
Diseases of all. kinds success-
fully 11 treated.
Just- Try It
When you feel tired and
drowsy, slip around the
corner and get a massage
You may come in with
a grouch but will go . out
with a smile.
Phone 125.
On the Provincial Highway he
Comfortable frame dwelling, barn
and 3% acres of land.
Here is a real bargain for quick sale.
Real. Estate, Conveyancing, Bonds
and Investments
Phone 152
Removed to New Office, opposite
Daly Ford Garage
Seaforth, Ontario.
11ir, and Mrs, J. A. McLaren were
called to Cromarty.owing to the seri.
ous illness of their son, Mr, Alex,
M&T,aren, Hope is now held for his
Mrs, Brunner has returned home
after visiting in London, Thamesville
and Detroit,
The Seaforth Hoftiettltural Society
twill hold its annual meeting on Friday"
evening at Carnegie Library,
Mr, Gordon Carnoehan and bride,
who were :married recently in Eloise,
Mich., are spending their honeymoon
with their mother, Mrs. Myrtle' Cern-
()chat!, South Main Street.
Richard Patterson, it being alleged
that they sold 'AiB,IS. and' C. pills, as
plirin, calomel, ,without being 'qualified
druggists, On -their (behalf -comtsel
pot up a strong protest (against actions
being launched without -the merchants
receiving even a warning that'such
sales were illegal, for if they sinned,
they sinned -innocently, not knowing
it to be against the law. lThey''had
purchased the goods from travellers
of the Nazonal Drug
had no reason to suspect that resale
was illegal,' J. C. McGregor, for the
department, told qf making purchases,
wltila' F. S. Mearn, K C., stated that
ample wariting had ben given through
pu'bli•city,. Mr, Menzies was lined
$20 and costs, while a technical ob-
jection .was trade in the Patterson
case that the pr,osecut'ion had not
proved jurisdliction, and . the 'magis-
trate held the case over for a week to
consider it.'
Pianos Tuned
�,leaned and
Chas. A. Howey
Residence—James St.
Simple and Sure,—'Dr. Thomas'. Err
lectric Oil is so simple in application_
that a child -can understand the in-.
strttctions, Used as a liniment the
only,direetion'is to rub; and when
used es a dressingto apply. •The dir-
'eetions are so ,plant an
that they, are readily -understood by
young or bid.
'Bratltfotct,'Jan. 24, -The way of the
retail .inetchant tis a hard' one in tic
, days. Of oli'ain'.'store competition and
other things, Among other things is
the Pharmacy Act, as local merchants
found out this morning. Charges of
breach of that act were heard against
Walter Menzies and Lawrence and
11fr. and Mrs. Lyon's (nee Peary
Carnoehan) who have been visiting
here for some time, are at their grand
parents, Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Cole-
man, in Tuckersmith,
Miss Jeannette Finnigan was a Sun-,
day visitor with Miss Ethel Jackson.
Mrs, John •Nott of Egsnondville is
recovering sotnewhat front her very
serious illness and is able• to be out.
Mr. Lorne M'Oartney, of Goderich,,
captain of the boat Mapleton, attend-
ed the wedding anniversary of Mr,
and Mrs, Will "Sproat on Monday,
Mrs,James Hughes atto
tde•d the
funeraf 'her nephew,
Mr, Fergus
Flannery, who died in Michigan, and
was buried in St. Colttntban on Men -
day -morning.
Mrs, Hugh Chesney, Egtnondvi1te,
had the misfortune to break her arm
at the wrist on the icy road's,
Mrs. Russell Sproat is visiting with
friends in London this week,
We are .pleased to see Mr, W. J.
Finnigan around again after a recent
,attack of the flu,
-Little Miss Margaret Warm, daugh-
ter of Mr, and Mrs. Wurhi, cel-
ebrated her 6th birthday on Saturday
last. Several little friends were there
and Margaret made a splendid little
hostess. !Little Miss Shirley sang and
recited 'from memory several pieces.
'Mr, and Mlrs, Harry Chesney 'of,
Winnipeg were here for a few days
visiting friends,
Miss Jessie Martin, of Tuckerdmith,
who has been quite ill has gone ' to
Hamilton to recuperate.
Mrs. W. F. McMillan was a week
end guest with her daughter, Mrs,: S.
Gray, in Stratford.
Mr. W. Patrick, Shakespeare, spent
the week end with his grandmother,
Mrs: McKenzie. "
Mrs. Willoughby, !Winnipeg; Mrs.
Howard ,Barker, Stratford; Mr. Hugh
Wright, Detroit, Mrs. 'Walter Cole.
and. Mrs.: Arthur Kramer, Carlii}g-
ford attended the funeral of Mrs.
Joh?i McPherson., - .
'Mr. George Murray'leaves Monday
for his home in !Brand'o'n' and will - bit
his son in Buffalo 'enroutc, Mr.
ray has been visiting his mother,
.Murray, Goderich Street, the past
weeks. .'
Mrs. W. 17." Blant was a week -end
visitor in Toronto; -
The Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary of
the Presbyterian Church are holding
a Valentine Social Friday evening.
Feb. 15. Further particulars hext
- A birthday p'artywas given on Mon-
day evening
oii-day:evenin+g by (Miss;D'orothy Golding,
at which a number of school' friends
were entertained.
Mrs. Dick Thompson returned Wed-
nesday alter spending a few days'in
Mrs. Albert -Edler and two children'
are spending a month in, -Detroit with
her sister, Mrs. A. Means. •
Miss Jean SCQtI is spending a week
or two in Toronto visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Artie Keys, of Stan-
ley, spent 'a few clays last week with
the latter's mother, Mrs, W. L. Keys.
'Mr, Will Stewart, of iS't. Paul, spent
several days with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. 'Stewart. Mr. Stewart left
Wednesday for New York. from
where he will be accompanied home
by his daughter.'
A lively genie of hockey took place
iii the. -rink Saturday, afternoon be-
'tween two teams of girls, the fats
straggle the Pathe ts ameAftroat ahead trentia by
5 to 2, Wisile stone of the players are
quite 'ready for the, big league, they
did not do so badly for their first
game. A. return game will be played
on Saturday afternoon. The, Bruins
are out 'for revenge and there insure
to he a ,hot time, The line up: ''Goal,
V, Hudson; defence, B, Stevenson, H
Rankin; centre, B. Dorrance; wings,
N. Habkirk, I, Crowell, Bruins-
Goal, M. Hildebrand; defence, E.
Grieve, S. Edgar; centre, P, Reeves;
wings, A, tdititonds, O. Nicholl.
Millionaires Tske Duncan Cup.
Ilteeehing a total of 10 points on
Saturday' in the Duncan Cup League
the Millionaires team won the 'much -
coveted cup and consequent honor.
Every one of the team turned out to
•be a crack Player, though in weight,
size and ekperience, they have no ob-
vious advantage over the other three
teams. The scoring ace for 'the Mil-
lionaires and also for the League was
Gordon ("Sam')
t without
a strong line-up behind him they could
not have made the record of five wins
and no losses. Two goals was the
most Bill 'Cucl:more let by him in any
gaane'an'd confirmed predictions of his
being a •reliable goalie. Another very
promising player of the . League is
found in flin'F'lanagan, who with the
other Millionaire wing, Russell Allen,
makes a fasts and effective forward
combination. 'The defense sten, Mer-
yl Dunlop and Charlie Cudnnore of
the winners were newcomers to the
prLeagueactice but with proved them
selves worthy of the place, Al four.
subs., Roydor Hawkins, George
Kruse, Frank ,Sills and Bob MoDon-
ald, were equally as good as the re-
gulars and played part time in all
games, especially George Kruse who
made uP foe lack, of weight and size
by his clever play. None of•the-team
were members of the winning Hor-
nets last i :year', Manager, George
Parke and: Assistant, Victor Jeffer-
son, desdri'e credit -for the successful
ntanagettrent. ,
The tl'Iillionair,es defeated the
Maple Leafs 3-1.' on - Saturday, Sana
Rennie • making the nets three .times
for the winners and Ginger Cardno
scoring the losers; only goal.
The,Maroons came out on the high
gide of a.4-1:score• against the Cana -
diens, Gordon Muir was referee for
Both games; '
1he•.lastriosi'ttd of;the schedule will
;1>. rayed tat 3s Saturday'�'�morning.•
o.e P h
aCxreat 'initares'h!' lias',.been:a'hown by
;size usuttral .Satlay:`jdo ming crowd at'
the ,rinds in tlu , years D-uncan Cup
galines. With keteam picleed,from the
'cream Of the players of.'ttie League
`Sea'forth •will no—CI—teed to'go far afield
no put a good team on ,the ice in the
The League standing:
Millionaires 5 0 10..
Maroons 3 2 . 6
Maple Leafs ' 1 4 - 2
Canadieus 1 4 ' 2
Seaforth 6, Mitchell 3
A team froth' town composed of
•Biii Cud -more, goal; Tont Cluff, Geo
Parke, defence;, Salm Rennie, L. For-
tune, wings; Gordon' Hildebrandt,
centre and Pat McLeod sub goal,
played Mitchell on Saturday inight.
The Seaforth goal .getters were. Cluff
1, Fortune 1,,.Rennie 2, Parke 2, The
Mitchell centre, Robinson, scored
twice and •wing man Wright, got the
third goal, as'sis'ted by Brown, de-
fense. The return game will be play-
ed this Saturday at Mitchell. Muir
was referee.
Mr: M. Elliott shipped live stock to
Mr. Will ,Logan•spent a few days in
Goderich with his cousin, Mr. Cox.
The young people of the commun-
ity held a dance on Tuesday evening
in the hall, A good time is reported,
The woodmen are quite busy these
days hauling wood and logs.
Mr. Richardson expects to start op-
eration with his mill at Mr. Webster's.
manyt c
ter will be friends £ Mrs, A.Fo -
orry to know she is con-
fined to herbedand we hope to see
her a ,bout again soon.
Note the Lakeside Entertainers of
Bayfield are putting, a concert on:`n'
the Varna Hall, Tuesday, Feb. 12th.
Colne and enjoy a real treat. This
concert is under the auspices of St.
John's Church.
(Don't forget the Valentine Social on
Feb. 14. The Happy 'Helpers are pre-
paring a snappy comedy, `The Rum-
mage Sale. Lunch will be served
after the program„
The many friends of Mr, and Mrs.
Roberti Rogerson are pleased to know
they have recovered .from their recent
illness and are able to be nut again.
Miss ]Edith Riley is spending a
week with her friend, Miss Mary
Cook of Goderich "township,
'Shooting jack rabbits is the order
of the day now, ae there are large
shooting parties ortt every fine !lay,
;Little Olive Grimoldby was badly
bitten about the ]lead last week by a
clog which she was playing with, but
is improving nicely,
Mr, arid Mrs, Tom Riley of Clinton
spent Sunday 1 the village. .
Don't forget the dance which is be-
ing held in the For renter's hall on Fri-
day night,of'this weer,..
Want and For Sale ads, 1 week 25c.
Mr. George Whitney, a -son of Mrs,
E. Whitney, died on Sunday in
Woodstock„ .Mrs, Whitney 'conduct-
ed a hardware store in the Whitney
block where J. F. Daly's garage now
is, for twenty years. A picture of
Mrs. Whitney's 'Tin and Stove Store"
Fs shown in the Atlas of Huron
County. Mrs,.Whi ney died 'five years
ago in Woodstock. The following
appeared in Tuesday's papers: ' "The
death dccurred in (Woodstock on Sun-
day, Feb. 3rd, ofold
an resident,
Whitney:. George 'Lewis t\\}who passed
away after an illness of three week's
duration, Deceased 'was born in Gen-
eva_WWis. in 785 min a
9, cp g to Gat ala
as an infant. He lived many years
in Grimsby, then moved to Seaforth,
from whioh place he went to Wood-
stock about twenty-five, years ago,
For many years he ran a hardware
store, but had been living retired for
some time. He was a member of the
vlasonic Order, and in 'his younger
days was' an ardent boryler and curler.
Surviving uow, are his w' i Melinda
Martin, three daughters, 'LJosie, of'
Brantford, Mrs Debrule of Pontiac,
Mich., and Mrs. A. Thnnipson, of-
Woodstock, and one sot. Charles, of
-New York, One Mother; James
Whitney, of Victoria, B.C., 'also sur-
, Sir, JohnllcPherson and family
wish to thank the many friends and
neighbors who so kindly assisted in
their recent sad bereavement.
Give ua.a.oali
108.Downie St. STRATFORD
The Happy Bunch stet at the home
of Mr. John Leonhlardt on Tuesday
evening, Jan. 2911, and again on Fri-
day evening, Feb. let at the home of
n McKay and on Tuesday
M ya
evening last at the hone of -Mr. W.
Manley. Alt all the entertainments
they -first indulged in progressivve,eu-
chre after which a dainty lunch was
served followed by the light fantastic
until the wee s'tna' hours of the mor-
ning, all leaving singilig "We are a
Jolly Happy "Bunch until We Meet
Again Next Week."
Mrs. John Zeigler and her son Fred
are going to reside in Waterloo coun-
Mtir. Thomas Purcell, who spent
Sunday at -home here, left again on
Monday for Milton but expects to fi-
nish- the job of lowering the hills
on the highway this week
when they 'expect to mcive to •George-
town. Mr, Joe Morgan- is engaged
with Mrs. Duffy For the winter.'
Aft', and Mrs, J m. ' Campbell of
Watton spent Sunday with Reeve and
Miss Sadie Ball spent the week end
with her friend, Miss Sprung.
Mr, Sam Appleby was .unfortunate
in losing a valuable horse last week,
Mr, Phil Ball and Mr, John Helyar
of Clinton spent the week end with
their friend, Mr. Jim McCrea,
Miss Esther Lyon is spending a few
clays with Clinton friends.
Mr, and Mrs, William Driver of
Goderich, who last week visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferris
is thus weelc visiting at the home of
Mr, and Mrs, William Bell.
Mr. and Mrs. Lydiatt treated their',
friends Nfr. and Mrs, James Watt, of
Blyth; Mr, and Mrs, Charles Par-
sons and M' Mrs, Geo. Watt to
Ir. and
a splendid• -oyster supper Monday of
last week. A very enjoyable evening
was spent by all,
Miss Florence Watson returned
home Thursday after spending a few
days with Mrs. Joseph Lyon of near
The people of this community were
very sorry to hear of the death of Mr.
Bender of Blyth. Sincere sympathy
extettde'd to the r iend
Mr.'and Mrs, A, W. ,Beacom and
family entertained friends Saturday
Miss -Marjorie Bickell spent the
week end with her friend, Miss Lydia
Miss Irene Swinbank of the Lon-
don Road visited with her friend,
Miss Marjorie bfcEwing over the
week end.
There was a good crowd attended
h dance which was nut on -b the
the 1 Y
Alert Club in community ay h
desboro, last Feiciay evening and re-
ported a first class time,
Mrs. A. 'W. Beacom visited Mrs.
Isaac Rapson on Monday.
Mr, Lorne Toll visited Mr. andel
Mrs. Isaac Rapson Friday evening.
Miss Marjorie Hunter of Clinton
spent the week end with her friend,
Miss Marie Rapson.
'Miss Ena ,Parsons took advantage of
the nice snow on Sunday and snow -
shoed to Burns United Church Sub
clay morning.
Misses Almy -and Ena Parsons en-
tertained Clinton and Londesboro
friends Saturday evening.
Ur, and Mrs. A. W. Beacom visit-
ed at the horse of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Knox on Sunday. "
Mrs. Thomas Knox visited her sis-
ter, Mrs. W. H. Knox on Monday.
'We are very sorry ko hear of the
.death of, Mrs, Woodcock, of Blyth;
and wish to extend our sincere 'sym-
,pithy to. her daughter, Miss Josie
iFriencls £roti near Summerhill, also
Messrs. Harold • and Bert Beacom
aped Miss Florence Watson were
guests at the hone of Mr, and Mrs,
Isaac Rapson on.Sunday.,
The Alert Club met at the home of
Miss Marjorie Colson ' on Monday
evening and -all had a real good'time.
Messrs: Harold and Bert Beacom
have finishdd their contract of cutting
wood with Mr. Robert Hamilton, als
with Mr. Thos, Beattie, and are now
helping Mr. Isaac Rapson.
There was a rabbit drive on
Mr. Alex. Wells spent last Tuesday
with Centralia friends. '
Mr. and Mrs, .Leslie ,:Ball spent Wed-
nesday m i
peso1 a Clinton,
Miss Afl rrta Nott isthe guest of
her aunt, Mrs, Archambault,
Mr. John Scott was in Clinton re
.11:.\ MIr, Cecil Griffiths spent the week
eGennd iis, 'London.
Miss Julia Brown spent- Saturday
with Clinton friends.
Rev. Mr. James of Ripley spent Fri-
day and Saturday the guest of ,lir,
and Mrs. D. D. Roberton.
Mrs, Robert 'Scott spent Thursday
at Wingham,
The Alert Club of IIiarloc1e put a
dance on in community hall on Friday
night, many young, people enjoying
Mfr. and Mrs. W. Ross entertained
a number of friends to tea nn Satur-
day evening last. .
Miss Belle Fairsersicc of Clinton
spent the week end with her parents,
Mfr. and Mrs. Will Fairservice.
A pleasant evening was spent at Mr
and Mfrs. ITnitzeur on Friday - last
When Miss Jean entertained a number
of her friends,
1fi. Jin Roberton s in Wingliam
on Saturday last, -
„Mr. Alex, Stewart of Stratford spent
the week end with his, family here.
Mir, and oft,, and Miss Pearl Crit -
'tin t n 'spent Sntda
t with Mr, and
MIls, S. ppleby,
\Ir. and Mors. Howard tirutisclnn"of
Blyth visited ,friends here recently.
Res',' James r\bery is spending a few
days in London this week,
Death of Joseph Fergus Flannery.—
On Thursday, Jan, 31st, the death of
Joseph Fergus Flannery occurred at
Battle Creek, Mich. The remains ar-
rived at Dublin on Saturday, accom-
panied by his father, Mr. Patric
Flannery and was brought to th
home of his parents at St. Columban
The funeral was held at 10 o'clock on
Monday, Feb. 4th at St. 'Columba!
Church. Solemn High Mass wa
sung by the pastor, Rev. Fr. Dantzer
assisted by Rev. Fr, Goetz, of Sea
forth, as deacon and Rec. Fr, Sulli
van, of Clinton, as sub -deacon. Th
funeral Mass was played' by Mrs
Francis Devereaux, of Seaforth. A
the offertory, Mrs,' - Leo D. Fortun
render"Face t
`E o a
ed a beautiful ul so1
Face." The choir was assisted by Mr
Michael Downey and others, Th
deceased leaves to mourn his loss
his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Patriel
Flannery, four sisters, Marie at home
Helena, -of Kitchener, Margaret o
Stratford, Catherine and one broths
John, both at home. The pall -bearer
were his former school -mates an
friends, James McQuaid, John L. Ma
lone, Peter Maloney,neY, Gerald
Maurice Dalton and Albert Jordan
The news of his death was receive
with deep regret by his many friend
and acquaintances as he had enders
himself to all by his bright and
amiable disposition. He was a gen
eral favorite with all who knew hiu
and the•deepest sympathy of the en
tire community is extended to th
grief-stricken "family. I•Iis educatio
was received at the local school an
for ten' years he served as aSanetu
ary boy in. the parish - church. 1)e
r f
year and inhis 6th •eat
the past six years had been employe:
in the city of Detroit, Ile.contracte
the flu last summer, which developed
into pleura -pneumonia, from which h
never recovered. The numerous spir
itual bouquets showed the high es
teem in which he was held. Rev. Fr
Dantzer officiated at the grave. In
terment was made in St. Columhar
Mr. and Mrs. J. Burgard, of Strat
ford, attended the funeral of the!
nephew, Fergus Flannery,
Miss Camilla -Meagher .of Dublin
,pending a,few days in St, Columba'
Mrs. Andrew Kelly of Stratfor
spent tile week end with her brothel
Mr, Jchn Walsh of McKillop.
Mr. Owens 'elan wishes to than
his many friends and neighbors fo
their acts of kindness and spiritus
bouquets tit his recent bereavement.
Miss Lucy Burke. spent Sunda
with her friend Miss Queenan,
Mrs, James -Flannery of Detroit at
tended the funeral of Mir. Fermis�
Flannery this week.
r1 � �r
Na 6Western 'fi n -and
� t
AmericanC orn on hand forFeed
We are wanting BEANS and GRAIN
deo.4 7". Mickle& Sons
Nensall. Ont.
Miss Edna Scotchmer, of Stanley ,Sinclair.
Township, is visiting with Miss Mar-
garet Campbell.
Misses Maud and Josephine Stirling
returned home on. Thursday last and
left the following day -to be wifh
their sister, Mrs, 'Hugh isteLaren, in
Port Elgin.
Mr. William G. Rae, who ,spent the
week-ettd at his home in Wroxeter,
returned to the ,village on Monday
afternoota, ,
Miss Floy Edwards left on Setur-
day to visit friends in Waterloo and
Mr.William-C. Johnston returned
home on Saturday after having visited
his daughters in tt Sault Ste, Mane,
1r. Clayton Weston left on Wed-
nesday: for Detroit where he has se-
cured employment.
Mr..Samuel Eagleson,°who has been
visiting friends; and relatives in the '
vicinity left eaely lest week for his
home in ,,Milton, N. Dale,
Mr. Herh, McGregor lust the mis-
fortune to ,have his -foot and ankle
crushed last week. 'While working
its the gravel pit a large lump- of
frozen gravel became .dislodged and
rolled onto his foot. -
The Maly friends of .Mrs. Robert
Delgaty will be glad to hear that she
is recovering from the injuries re-
calved when she fell on` the icy street
a couple of weeks ago.
•A large number enjoyed the At
Home" given in the Town Hall on
Frid.ay • last for the ,benefit of the
Public Library. The first part of. the
evening was spent in progressive.
euchre. Mrs. Malcolm Tams won
the ladies' prize and'Fred Heard
captured the prize for gents. Lunch
was served, after which a couple of
hours was spent in tdeiceing, the music
being supplied by the popular Lake=
side Entertainers. Over twenty -,five
dollars was cleared, which is to be de-
voted to the purchaseof new 'books
and general expenses of the Library.
Miss McTavish of Clinton, visited
at the hone of Miss McCullie and.
other friends in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex, McKenzie are
visiting their daughter, Mrs. Moore,
of Egmonclville at present.
Mrs. Allan Douglas, sister of Mrs.
William Scott of Benefield, and Mr,
John Beattie of Seaforth, ,passed away
last Sunday, Feb. 3rd, at the home of
her niece, Mrs. J. D. M`rClary, West -
minster, near London, in her 85th
year, Mrs. Douglas was a resident of
Brucefield for a number of years,
She was a consistent member of
Union Church and a member of the
Women's Missionary Society and a s
respected and loved by a large circle
of friends, The funeral oras held in
Westminster on Tuesday afternoon
and interment was made in Bayfield
cemetery on Wednesday, Feb. 6th,
Y. P. S. -- The regular meeting of
the Brucefield Y. P. S. was held in
the basement of the church on Mon -
day evening, Feb, 4, with Mr. Charlie
Holstead,' Devotional Con-vener, pet-
siding. The opening-ltymtpwas.num-
ber 225, Mr, Bremner ledin prayer,
Mr. Fred Boyce read the Scripture
Lesson found in 2 Corinthians 5, be-
ginning at the eleventh verse. The
hymn, "'What a Friend we have in
Jesus," was sung: The topic, Con -
version, horizontal and vertical, was
very well taken by Mr. Gliarlie Hol -
'stead. A short discussion period :fol-
lowed. The minutes of the last meet -
ing were -read and approved of, 101 -
lowed by the Boll Call. After the of -
fering, hymn S61 was sung. The
meeting was closed by the Mizpatt
" Hoc'key. - On Saturday last the
Kippers and Brucenfield Trail Ranger
camps played a fast game of hockey
on the Brucefield skating arena. Bill
Mack, the referee, said it was the fast
est gauze he had ever seen. In fact,
he had to admit he 'didn't see. half the
plays. Next Saturday, health and
weather permitting, the Kipperpuck-
wielders will be back to change the
score, whirl! was 8-7 in favor of
Father and Son Banquet—Arrange-
naents for a Father and Son Banquet
to be held Friday evening, Feb. S, are
being made, Supper is to begin at
seven. A special speaker is being ob-
tained. All boys twelve and over
who are accompanied by fathers,
(borrowed for the occasion if neces-
sary) will be admitted. No age limit
is being made. The fathers are ask-
ed to pay a small fee to cover ex-
penses. Let's go, folks 1
\essrs. Clifford Broadfoot, of Tuck-
ersmfih, Wallace Ross andWilliam
Collins, of .Stanley, have secured good
positions 'wi'th the Chevrolet Motor
Company, of 'Flint, Mich.
Miss IReta Taylor spent a few days
last week with Miss Mildred Taylor.
Mr. Hugh and Miss Mary 'Gilmore
entertained a number of their neigh-
bore and friends last Thursday even-
i:ng, All spent a very enjoyable even-
ing and are looking forward to many
good times together,
Mrs. A. Caldwell spent a couple of
days last wee_e with her sister. Mrs.
0 e, t,
A Good Portion
of beef served to you for the evening
meal, roasted about medium, with the
blood gravy oozing through,g ivies
one a foundation. It just makes one's
mouth water to think of it. Row
wets that last piece of meat w esent
you? wasn't it fine.
Phone 58 Seaforth.
r;t I, _
_te ` I
". •
\_ !)
fv r
S -
c yp
The Snecial Milverton
We have it—Give it a Trial, Also
• Grain Screenings Chop of All Kinds
1 Cil TllO:LSON
_ .._
i r
k Charging
aA good line
Goodyear/ Tires and Tubes.
$ills"'` Battery' Sales and Service. -
and Repairing all makes 'of Batteries.
nf now and used parts of different makes of cars
Mr, D. L, 1\'unties, of Detroit, spell. ,
the week -end with, his parents. Mn,
and Mfrs, J. D., Woods, Mr,. Woods'
hear that;
will tea,se.ed to ht
friends b e
she is improved ,in health.
Mrs, Allan Pye and two children„
accompanied by her brother Samur'1 k\fiidcombe, left onSaturday,to join
her husband in Windsor. •
If your ear is in need of repairs, give us a roll.
Studebaker Sales and Service
ale s Cara
7w.. A